Oventrop Filtre Toc-Duo 3 en
Oventrop Filtre Toc-Duo 3 en
Oventrop Filtre Toc-Duo 3 en
Tender specification:
Oventrop heating oil filter with deaerator “Toc-Duo-3” for use in
one pipe systems with return flow feed (suction system), for
filtering and automatic deaeration of heating oil. A return pipe to
the tank is not required.
Deaerator body made of metal, with wall bracket and integrated
isolation. Filter cup and deaerator cap made of transparent plastic,
for item no. 2152754 made of metal.
Connections for the suction pipe to the tank G 3⁄8 female thread for
connection of compression fittings 6, 8, 10, or 12 mm (sets of
compression fittings to be ordered separately). To the burner G 1⁄4
female thread or G 3⁄8 male thread with inner taper for hose
“Toc-Duo-3” metal model, with vacuum gauge, burner side G 3⁄8 “Toc-Duo-3”
male thread
“opticlean” 5 – 20 µm 2152754
103 **
165 *
2016 Oventrop 1
Combination heating oil filter/heating oil deaerator
Technical data: supply pipe via the pressure relief valve. As a result, only the used
Connections: quantity is drawn from the tank via the suction pipe and filter. At
Tank side: G 3⁄8 female thread the same time, the working temperature of the oil pump is used
Burner side: G 3⁄8 male thread with taper for burner for pre-warming the oil.
hoses or G 1⁄4 female thread
Fluid: EL type of heating oil according to DIN
51603-1, heating oils with “alternative
additives” or with a bio proportion up to Cap
20%, e.g. heating oil EL A Bio 20 Security
according to DIN SPEC 51603-6. float
The metal model “Toc-Duo-B” is Float
recommended for heating oils with
Isolating Pressure
higher “alternative additives”, thin
valve relief valve
vegetable oils as well as FAME.
Max. nozzle capacity: 110 l/h
Max flow of returned from
heating oil: 120 l/h tank
Min. deaeration
capacity: 6 l/h air or gaseous vapours Supply
Installation position: vertical, deaerator cap pointing upwards Non-return ball
Max. ambient check valve
temperature: 60 °C*
Max. operating Filter insert
temperature: 60 °C* (metal model up to 70 °C)
Max. operating Filter cup Pressure
pressure: 0.7 bar corresponding to a static column gauge
of oil of 8 m for tanks located at a higher
Max. suction pressure: -0.5 bar
Max. test pressure: 6 bar Functional scheme
Dimensions [mm]: (L x D x H)
165 x 97 x 203 - 337 (depending on the
During operation, a relatively constant filling height will be present
filter cup)
in the lower part of the deaerator cap. Depending on the working
TÜV tested: TÜV Rhineland, No.: S138 2014 E5 conditions, this part may even fill up completely.
* according to DIN 4755, the max. permissible temperature of
If heating oil enters the upper part with the security float, the “Toc-
heating oil in heating oil installations is 40 °C
Duo-3” has to be replaced.
Pressure loss Δp [mbar]
The heating oil filter with deaerator is to be installed at a suitable
location with the help of the enclosed fixing plate. To mount the
“Toc-Duo-3” on the burner wall, metal screws are included in the
delivery. Care must be taken that the max. ambient temperature
does not exceed 60 °C, i.e. do not mount the “Toc-Duo-3” near
an un-insulated part of the boiler or the exhaust pipe or above
flaps of the heating which can be opened.
The heating oil filter with deaerator is to be installed vertically.
It can be installed above or below the oil level.
For maintenance and monitoring, the “Toc-Duo-3” is to be installed
in a prominent position which is easily accessible.
When converting two pipe systems to one pipe operation, the pipe
dimension has to be reduced if required, see “Sizing of the suction
The supply and return connection must not be mixed up as this
may cause damage to the “Toc-Duo-3” and the burner pump.
For technical reasons, deaerators filled with oil must not be
inclined too heavily or be laid down. Please drain off the oil first.
· If constructional conditions allow, the pipe should be installed in
Flow rate V [l/s]
such a way that it acts as “self-monitoring suction pipe”. It has to
Flow chart (for EL type of heating oil): Pressure loss during suction be installed with an even decline towards the tank and all check
valves in front of the “Toc-Duo-3” have to be removed. If a leakage
Function: occurs, the column of liquid in the declining pipe breaks off.
Oventrop heating oil filter with deaerator “Toc-Duo-3” for filtering
and automatic deaeration of heating oil.
Pressure test:
The burner pump draws oil through the suction pipe via the
isolating valve, the filter and the check valve. The filter retains dirt When carrying out a pressure test of the suction pipe, the pressure
particles. Normally, a small portion of oil is pumped to the nozzle test device must not be connected to the “Toc-Duo-3” as the
by the burner pump and is burnt (per 10 kW of heat output about integrated check valve will prevent the pressure transmission on
1 litre of oil per hour). The excess is fed into the deaerator via the the tank side.
return pipe. Air and gaseous vapours rise and are expelled into the Moreover, the float valves of a new, unfilled “Toc-Duo-3” are open
atmosphere via the float valve. The deaerated oil is fed into the so that it should not be included in the pressure test.
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Combination heating oil filter/heating oil deaerator
Do not use detergents containing alcohol or solvents as these may
damage the plastic parts.
Sizing of the suction pipe:
The suction pipe towards the tank should be sized in such a way
that the velocity of the heating oil during burner operation is
between 0.2 and 0.5 m/s (DIN 4755). This is especially valid for
pipe sections leading downwards. If the suction pipes are
oversized, velocity is reduced in such a way that the gas
emissions are not transported constantly and gather as big air Burner
bubbles in upper pipe sections. If a big air bubble reaches the “Toc-Duo-3”
burner pump, it may cause a malfunction.
For small burner units in detached and semi-detached houses,
the inner pipe dimension of 4 mm (e.g. pipe 6 x 1) is often
sufficient. Apart from the velocity, the flow resistance and the
suction height have to be taken into consideration.
System illustration
Installation of the ”Toc-Duo-3“ above the oil level
Velocity of the heating oil during operation Formation of oil froth and possible malfunctions:
according to DIN 4755: Oil froth may develop if large quantities of air are delivered via the
0.2 up to 0.5 m/s burner pump together with the heating oil. These may lead to
malfunctions of the burner.
* Avoid pipe diameters of less than 4 mm Possible reasons are:
– Leakage in the suction pipe
Nomogram (seal, re-tighten fittings)
– Initial operation of the suction
Examples: (if required, fill pipe before)
a) For a pump output of 30 l/h (about 300 kW), with a medium – Oversized suction pipe
suction speed of 0.3 m/s, a pipe of 8 x 1 with an inner diameter (install smaller pipe, see “Sizing of the suction pipe”)
of 6 mm is required. – Storage tank empty
b) A small installation with a heat output of 30 kW, corresponding (refill heating oil)
to a flow rate of 3 l/h, is equipped with a pipe 6 x 1 with an inner Pressure operation:
diameter of 4 mm. The velocity is very low then (about 0.07
The “Toc-Duo-3” must not be used under pressure, i.e. behind a
m/s), but possible airlocks are very small and do not cause
feed pump in the supply pipe. This is not sensible as air is only
emitted in suction operated systems .
Vacuum gauge (optional):
According to DIN 4755 is must be ensured that in closed pipe
The optimum depression range is between 0 and -0.3 bar. With sections a rise in pressure due to an increase in temperature of the
the depression lying between -0.3 and -0.5 bar, a replacement of heating oil must be balanced off (for instance by installing a
the filter is recommended; with an even higher depression, pressure compensation device, e.g. Oventrop pressure
malfunctions as well as a high pump erosion are to be expected. compensation device “Olex”, item no. 2107003). Alternatively,
If the tank is located at a higher level, a positive pressure will be closed pipe sections can be avoided by renouncing check valves.
given. The vacuum gauge is not suitable for use behind a feed
Increased pressure may lead to damage to deaerators and other
pump (pressurised system). If the pressure rises in case of a burner
installed equipment.
stop, pressure compensation has to be provided to avoid damage
to the vacuum gauge (install pressure compensation device or
remove non-return check valves).
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Combination heating oil filter/heating oil deaerator
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