Centric Jaw Relation
Centric Jaw Relation
Centric Jaw Relation
Review Article
For correspondence
Dr. Sanjay Bansal, H. No. 30, Sector 7, HUDA, Karnal, India. E-mail: drsanjaybansal@yahoo.co.in
The rationale of recording Centric Relation records is to establish guidelines as starting point to develop occlusion with artificial
teeth in harmony with the various structures of masticatory apparatus including TMJ. It aids to maintain physiologic as well
as anatomic health of tissues. When maximum intercuspation is coinciding with centric position, it provides stability to the
prosthesis thereby preserving the health of remaining tissues (edentulous foundation, remaining natural teeth, musculature
and TMJ) is accomplished.
Key words: Centric relation, direct recording, functional recording, gothic arch tracing
DOI: 10.4103/0972-4052.49180
together. He then made lines in the rims to orient
them after removal from the mouth.
• Gradually, these procedures evolved into
interocclusal records as they are usually done
today. Small amounts of wax, compound, plaster,
EXTRAORAL PLASTER EXTRAORAL GRAPHIC EXTRAORAL GRAPHIC and zinc-oxide eugenol impression paste were
(AFTER STANSBERY) (AFTER GYSI) (AFTER PHILIPS) placed between the occluding rims, and the
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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