Occlusion in Implant Prosthodontics: Radhika B Parekh, Omkar Shetty, Rubina Tabassum
Occlusion in Implant Prosthodontics: Radhika B Parekh, Omkar Shetty, Rubina Tabassum
Occlusion in Implant Prosthodontics: Radhika B Parekh, Omkar Shetty, Rubina Tabassum
Implant prosthodontics is a vast and varied field. The most crucial stage in the replacement of
a missing tooth using an implant supported prosthesis is the occlusal loading of the fixture. The
longevity and the success of the restoration are primarily determined by the direction and amount
forces in occlusion. The quality of bone, type of implant, type of prosthesis and patient factors all
play important roles in the selection of an occlusal scheme. Each patient must be treated with an
individualistic approach. The guidelines for the choice of restoration or type of occlusal scheme must
be customized to allow for longevity of the restoration in harmony with the health of the surrounding
dentoalveolar structures. This review article encapsulates the different factors to be considered while
planning implant restorations and establishing occlusal and prosthetic schemes to protect and preserve
the associated oral structures.
Conversely the rigid fixation between the implant and RELATION OF SURFACE AREA TO STRESS
the surrounding bone does not allow for dissipation of DISTRIBUTION
the occlusal forces that it receives, thus often translating
into problems with the prosthesis, the screws that The forces that are delivered to the implant must be
holding the implants and abutments or the frameworks able to be capably sustained with minimum effect on
together often fracture, and in cases of cement retained the surrounding crestal bone. Studies have shown that
restoration shear stresses at the cement interface cause when implants of decreased surface area are subjected
de‑cementation. The precursor signs of premature to angled loads, the magnified stress and strain
contact or occlusal overload on natural teeth are usually magnitudes in the interfacial tissues can be minimized
hyperemia, sensitivity or in severe cases, mobility by placing an additional implant in the region of
whereas implants rarely show any clinical signs other concern.[16‑19] In cases where forces are increased in
than fatigue fracture. magnitude, direction, or duration (parafunction)
ridge augmentation, reduction in crown height or
PREMATURE OCCLUSAL CONTACTS increase in implant width or number may be useful in
compensating for the increased stresses. The type of
Initial tooth movement ranges from 8 µ to 28 µ in a prosthesis may also be modified from a fixed prosthesis
vertical direction under a 3 lb‑5 lb load depending on to a removable prosthesis while incorporation of
factors such as tooth shape, position, geometry of roots, modifications such as increased soft tissue support to
and time elapsed since last load application.[11,12] The relieve undue stresses.
secondary tooth movement is similar to the movement
seen in implants (3 µ‑5 µ)[12] and is reflective of the OCCLUSAL SCHEME FOR IMPLANT
property of the surrounding bone. When teeth come RESTORATIONS
in contact, the combined intrusive movement is about
56 µ (28 µ +28 µ) but when an implant opposes a natural The most ideal occlusal concept advocated for implant
tooth, only 28 µ of movement occurs, hence though the supported restorations is that of mutually protected
occlusal design may be ideal, premature occlusal contacts articulation. The posterior and anterior groups of teeth
on the implant may still occur due to the difference in mutually protect each other. In protrusion, only the
the vertical movement of the teeth and the implants anterior teeth are controlled by the incisal guidance[20] and
in the same arch. The implant prosthesis should just there is uniform disocclusion seen in the posterior region
barely contact and the surrounding teeth in the arch whereas in centric occlusion there is intercuspation of
should exhibit greater initial contacts. Hence, in cases the posterior teeth and the anterior teeth are free of any
of implants restorations opposed by natural teeth, the contact. In cases where a healthy canine is present, only
dentist should use a heavy bite force followed by a light the canine disoccludes the rest of the posterior teeth in
bite force to differentiate between the occlusal contacts. lateral excursions.[21‑23]
Heavy bite forces causes depression of the natural
teeth and positions them closer to the implant and thus In implant prosthodontics, the incisal guidance should
permits equal sharing of the load.[13] In situations where be as shallow as possible, Weinberg and Kruger[24]
implant restorations oppose each other in two posterior noted that for every 10‑degree change in the angle
quadrants the heavy bite force must account for the of disocclusion, there was a 30% difference in the
56‑µ difference in vertical movement of the teeth in the load. Hence all lateral excursions opposing fixed
contra‑lateral quadrants. Anteriorly teeth exhibit greater prostheses or natural teeth must disocclude all posterior
apical and lateral movement then the implants hence in components.
clinical situations of anterior implants, first a light biting
force with a thin articulating paper is used (20 µm) to DIRECTION OF OCCLUSAL LOADING
ensure that no implant crown comes in contact during
the initial movement, followed by a heavy biting force in The primary component of the occlusal force should
centric occlusion so as to develop simultaneous contacts be directed along the long axis of the implant, not
on the implants and crowns. Isidor et al.,[14,15] reported at an angle. Angled abutments should only be used
that excessive occlusal overloading can cause severe to improve esthetics or allow for a favorable path of
crestal bone resorption and loss of osseointegration. withdrawal.
less than 15 mm.[25] The shorter the length minimizes PROGRESSIVE BONE LOADING
the torque to the posterior implant abutment thereby
reducing crestal bone loss on the distal implant. Duyck The concept of progressive loading considers the role of
et al.,[26] reported that when a biting force was applied to Wolffs law[29] where bone mass increases in response to
a distal cantilever, the highest axial forces and bending controlled stresses. Gradually increasing the load applied
movements recorded on the distal implants were more to implants in poor quality bone to increase the mass
pronounced in prostheses with only three implants and density by gradually increasing the function. The
compared those with five or six implants. Eliminating elements of progressive loading include the time interval,
prematurities in RCP and IP, reduction in the occlusal diet, occlusal material, occlusal contacts, and prosthesis
table and reducing the occlusal contacts also aid in the design.[13] The time interval between the two surgical
reduction in the occlusal contacts, no lateral loads are appointments depends on the type of bone (D1‑D4)
applied to the cantilever portion of the restoration.[27] in which the implant is placed. The diet of the patient
is controlled from soft to semi‑soft to hard in order to
CROWN MODIFICATIONS be able to control the amount of force being delivered
to the implant. The occlusal material is initially acrylic
The greater the crown height, the greater the resulting or composite resin which is later replaced by metal
crestal moment with any lateral component of force or ceramometal. The prosthesis is initially kept out of
including those forces that develop because of an function and slowly occlusal contacts are increased
angled load.[28] The central fossa of an implant crown though cantilevers are always kept of occlusion.
should be 2-3‑mm wide in the posterior teeth and
parallel to the occlusal plane. Secondary contacts CONCLUSIONS
should remain within 1 mm of the periphery of the
implant to decrease the moment loads and marginal The success of an implant is based on its long‑term
ridge contacts should be avoided. Splinted crowns also prosthetic efficiency, careful treatment planning and
decrease occlusal forces to the crestal bone and reduce sound decision play a vital role in its success. Careful
abutment screw loosening; hence adjacent implant consideration should be made in identifying the weakest
crowns should be splinted. The center of the implant link in the overall restoration and establishing occlusal
most often is placed in the center of the edentulous and prosthetic schemes to protect that component of
ridge, as the ridge shifts lingually with resorption, the the structure. Each patient must be treated with an
implant body is most often not under the buccal cusp individualistic approach. The guidelines for the choice
tips but rather near the central fossa or sometimes of restoration or type of occlusal scheme [Table 1] must
under the lingual cusp of the natural tooth. A buccal be customized to allow for longevity of the restoration
or lingual cantilever is called an offset load, which in harmony with the health of the surrounding
acts as a class 1 lever. Greater the offset, greater the dentoalveolar structures.
compressive tensile and shear forces at the implant
crest. Hence, reduction in buccolingual dimension of REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Parekh RB, Shetty O, Tabassum R. Occlusion in
A prospective 5 year multicenter study. Int J Oral Maxillofac implant prosthodontics. J Dent Implant 2013;3:153-6.
Implants 1994;9:627‑35.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None.
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