Motor Cummins QSK19
Motor Cummins QSK19
Motor Cummins QSK19
EPA Tier 2
Description Features
The QSK19 is an in-line 6 cylinder engine High pressure fuel pump, Modular
with a 19 litre displacement. This Quantum Common Rail fuel System (MCRS) and
series utilizes sophisticated electronics and state of the art integrated electronic control
premium engineering to provide system provide superior performance,
outstanding performance levels, reliability efficiency and diagnostics. The electronic
and versatility for Standby, Prime and fuel pumps deliver up to 1600 bar injection
Continuous Power applications. pressure and eliminate mechanical linkage
adjustments. The new MCRS utilizes an
electric priming pump which is integrated
with the off-engine stage-1 fuel filter head
and is controlled and powered by the engine
ECM. The stage-2 fuel filters are mounted
This equipment has been built on-engine.
to comply with CE certification
requirement subject to EU CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies)
RoHS exclusion per EU
2011/65. HX83 turbo-charging utilizes exhaust
This engine has been
energy with greater efficiency for improved
designed in facilities certified emissions and fuel consumption.
to ISO9001 and manufactured
in facilities certified to Charge Air Cooling – QSK19 engine
ISO9001 or ISO9002. requires the use of an Air-to-Air heat
exchanger or Charge-Air-Cooler (CAC) to
reduce intake manifold temperature and to
meet the lower emissions requirements.
Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons -
High strength design delivers superior
G-Drive Integrated Design - Each
component has been specifically developed
and rigorously tested for G-Drive products,
ensuring high performance, durability and
Service and Support - G-Drive products
are backed by an uncompromising level of
technical support and after sales service,
delivered through a world class service
©2019 Cummins Inc. | QSK19-G4 (4/19)
1500 rpm (50 Hz ratings)
Gross engine output Net engine output Typical generator set output
Standby Prime Base Standby Prime Base Standby (ESP) Prime (PRP) Base (COP)
kWm/BHP kWm/BHP kWe kVA kWe kVA kWe kVA
634/850 574/770 500/670 609/817 555/744 481/645 572 715 520 650 451 564
Fuel consumption 1500 (50 Hz) Fuel consumption 1800 (60 Hz)
% kWm BHP L/ph g/kWh % kWm BHP L/ph g/kWh
Standby Power Standby Power
100 634 850 161 42.6 100 634 850 165 43.5
Prime Power Prime Power
100 574 770 147 38.8 100 559 750 143 37.8
75 431 578 111 29.3 75 420 563 109 28.7
50 287 385 78 20.6 50 280 375 77 20.3
25 144 193 40 10.6 25 140 188 43 11.3
Continuous Power Continuous Power
100 500 670 128 33.9 100 459 615 118 31.2
©2019 Cummins Inc. | QSK19-G4 (4/19)
Weights and dimensions (engine only)
Length Width Height Weight (dry)
mm mm mm kg
1695 985 1723 1900
Ratings definitions
Emergency Standby Limited-Time Running Prime Power (PRP): Base Load (Continuous)
Power (ESP): Power (LTP): Power (COP):
Applicable for supplying Applicable for supplying Applicable for supplying Applicable for supplying
power to varying electrical power to a constant power to varying electrical power continuously to a
load for the duration of electrical load for limited load for unlimited hours. constant electrical load for
power interruption of a hours. Limited-Time Prime Power (PRP) is in unlimited hours. Continuous
reliable utility source. Running Power (LTP) is in accordance with ISO 8528. Power (COP) in accordance
Emergency Standby Power accordance with ISO 8528. Ten percent overload with ISO 8528, ISO 3046,
(ESP) is in accordance with capability is available in AS 2789, DIN6271 and
ISO 8528. Fuel Stop power accordance with ISO 3046, BS 5514.
in accordance with AS 2789, DIN 6271 and
ISO 3046, AS 2789, BS 5514.
DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
©2019 Cummins Inc. All rights reserved. Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Inc. PowerCommand, AmpSentry, InPower and “Our energy working for you.” are trademarks of
Cummins Inc. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
QSK19-G4 (4/19)