EECS 1015: Introduction To Computer Science and Programming Topic 4
EECS 1015: Introduction To Computer Science and Programming Topic 4
EECS 1015: Introduction To Computer Science and Programming Topic 4
Topic 4
Control Structures
(if-statements and loops)
Fall 2021
Michael S. Brown
EECS Department
York University
Statement 3
Statement N
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Flow control and conditional statements
• We will now look at statements that control how the program flows
• This will allow us to make decisions based on some true/false
"condition" There are two main types of conditional statements.
(1) if statements and (2) loop-statements (or iteration) statements
Statement 1 loop-flow
if-flow-control Statement
Statement 2
is 5 > 3? True
is 10 < 0? False
x = 5
is x == 4? False why the ==?
Notice that the Since = is already used to mean
condition doesn't "1234".isnumeric() True assignment or binding, we will use ==
have to be to ask the question if something is equal.
mathematical. "hello".isupper() False
Here are Booleans from
the lecture on "Strings"
Before the program even runs, the interpreter knows the following:
a = 5
b = -1 List of variables Data/Objects stored in memory
result1 = a * b a 5 (integer)
result2 = (a <= b)
b -1 (integer)
print( result1 )
print( result2 )
line 3: result1 = a * b
a = 5
result1 = a * b
b = -1 step1: realize an expression to handle
step2: replace a with bound data result1 = 5 * b
result1 = a * b
step3: replace b with bounda data result1 = 5 * -1
result2 = (a <= b)
step4: perform * operator (results in new object -5) result1 = 5 * -1
print( result1 )
step5: bound variable result to new object result1 = -5
print( result2 )
This simple example is to help you see that relational operators are treated similar
to math operators; however, the result is not an integer or float, but a Boolean.
Additional comment:
result2 = (a <= b) --- the () are not needed.
result2 = a <= b --- this is also acceptable and gives the exact same result.
However, because this statement has two = symbols, my personal preference is to place the relational expression in () to
make the
EECS1015 – York
code easier-- to
University read.
Prof. Michael S. Brown 13
Mixing relational with other operators
x = input("Enter a number x: ")
y = input("Enter a number y: ")
Enter a number x: 10
Enter a number y: 2 result = (float(x.strip()) >= 2 * float(y.strip()))
Is x twice as big as y? : True
This expression mixes math operators, methods,
and functions. Let's see how Python will handle this.
Assume: x = 3
and or
a b a and b a b a or b
False False False False False False
False True False False True True
True False False True False True
True True True True True True
a not a
True False
False True
' 9' < '00' True since ' ' is less than '0'
'99' > '00' True since 9 is greater than 0, "99" is larger than "00"
'2A' < '2z' True '2'=='2', but 'A' is smaller than 'z'
'ABC' < 'abc' True uppercase are "smaller" than lower case
'abc' < 'abcd' True less symbols are smaller than more symbols
'abC' < 'abc' True "ab"="ab", but the 'C' is smaller than 'c'
• if
• if-else
• if-elif
• if-elif-else
If condition is True
Program Flow
Condition Statement
if (x % 2) == 0:
print("{} is even!".format(x))
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Indenting your if-statement
IndentationError (error happens at initial IndentationError (error happens at initial
check of the program by the interpreter) check of the program by the interpreter)
print("Please pay: %.2f" % (ticket_price)) Note: the () are not needed. However,
I personally find it easier to read the
condition when () are used.
What is your age? 5
You qualify for a reduced fare.
Please pay: 0.50
Statement Statement
Statement Statement
if (x % 2) == 0:
print("{} is even!".format(x))
print("{} is odd!".format(x))
print("x % 2 == {}".format(x % 2))
if-else example
ticket_price = 1.50
ans = input("What is your age? ")
age = int(ans)
if (age < 18):
print("You qualify for a reduced fare.")
ticket_price = 0.50 Condition here checks to see if age is
else: less than 18. If true, run the
print("You need to pay the full fare.") statements in the if-block. If false, run
the statements in the else-block.
print("Please pay: %.2f" % (ticket_price))
if (die1==1) and (die2==1): If the dice are both 1s, print you win 1000 points.
print("SNAKE EYES! WIN 1000 POINTS!") (We call two 1's snake eyes because it looks like
else: two eyes")
print("YOU LOSE! LOSE 10 POINTS!")
print("Run program to try again...")
Why is it called Nested? It’s called “nested” because you are putting an IF Statement
inside another IF Statement.
else-block If condition is True
Statement Statement
Statement Statement
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Nested ifs and the if-elif-else
• Nested if statements are very common
• elif is short for else if Statement
die1 = random.randint(1,6)
die2 = random.randint(1,6)
If first first condition1 is
print("die1 [%d] die2 [%d] " % (die1, die2)) True, the perform if block.
die1 = random.randint(1,6)
die2 = random.randint(1,6)
ticket_price = 1.50
ans = input("What is your age? ")
age = int(ans)
if (age < 18):
print("You qualify for a reduced fare.")
ticket_price = 0.50 One common error, we leave out
a block. This will cause an indentation error
for the code on the next line.
print("Please pay: %.2f" % (ticket_price))
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Recap: if statements
• This is a power flow-control mechanism to perform a different set of
statements depending on if a condition is true
• The programmer must ensure the conditions are correct (and don't
contain logical errors)
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While-loop syntax
statement Important: There must be a colon
after the Boolean expression.
Important: The while Boolean-expression:
statements inside statement One or more statements go here.
the block must all statement This is known part is referred to as a
be indented by the … "block" or the "body" of the while-statment
same amount. statement These statements are performed over
statement and over until the Boolean-expression
is no longer true.
x = input("Enter number: ")
x = int(x)
while x > 0:
print("Count down %d" % (x))
x = x - 1
die1 = random.randint(1,6)
die2 = random.randint(1,6)
While loop keeps getting random
while (die1 != die2): numbers for die1 and die2 until
print("die1 [%d] die2 [%d] " % (die1, die2)) the two numbers are the same.
die1 = random.randint(1,6)
die2 = random.randint(1,6) What would happen if I forgot these
two lines of code?
# Note that I have to repeat a line of coe - The dreaded infinite loop!
print("die1 [%d] die2 [%d] " % (die1, die2))
Note that I have to repeat this
die1 [3] die2 [2] line of code from the loop. Why?
die1 [1] die2 [3]
die1 [3] die2 [3]
while (num % 2 != 0): This condition acts like a "Guard" (i.e., a sentinel).
num = input("Enter an even number: ") This condition will run as long as this guard is true.
num = int(num) We do not know how long this loop will run.
print("Thank you!")
print("num = %d " % (num) )
Statement 2
advance to next item in the list
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …., 9]
for x in items: iterates through each item in the list (or range).
print("Count up %d" % (x)) We have access to the current item using
the x variable.
range() function
• Use the range() function to creates a sequence of numbers from start
(inclusive) to stop (exclusive).
• Step size can be used to advance by a different value (or step) than 1.
• If only one parameter is passed to range (e.g., range(10)), start is
assumed to be 0.
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Previous example with for-loop
num = input("Enter number of students: ") Computing average of a fixed number of numbers.
num = int(num)
gradeTotal = 0 First ask for a number. Very
important to convert this to an
for i in range(1, num+1): integer.
prompt = "Enter student %d grade " % (i)
grade = float(input(prompt)) Create one variables, something to ut
gradeTotal = gradeTotal + grade the gradeTotal (sum) in.
Here we break at item 5, even though Here we break when ans=='-1' even
our range sequence still has items. though the while condition is still True
(e.g., '-1' != 'Q' is True)
i = 0 i = 0
while i < 6: while i < 6:
i = i + 1 if i == 3:
if i == 3: continue
continue i = i + 1
print(i) print(i)