Paper Hokkaido University
Paper Hokkaido University
Paper Hokkaido University
Abstract— Energy’s problem is an important in developing In fulfilment of an electrified the world had been working
countries. Therefore, there are big problem with Suramadu on a variety of power plants as hydroelectric power, water
Bridge, such as a high operational costs and the fossil fuels used electrical power station geothermal power, the sun, water
for generator, but the potential of nature that exist around electrical power station a wave of, water electrical power
Suramadu, offered a solution to create independence in
Suramadu lighting with a vortex energy. Vortex power plant is a
station electric power, wind power, and water electrical power
new technology, how it works in contrast to the vibrations that station ocean currents. The development of water electrical
are usually avoided in structural design. In this system, the power station ocean currents increasingly thinks is very
vibration amplitude increased to produce a high. An important important if reck the earth and what on the surface now
component in the conversion of electric power is oscillating parts. subjected to various disorders by pollution issued by
In this study, oscillating parts of the model by varying the ratio generation of electric power using fossil fuels
of cylinder diameter and length, and its configuration with the From the premise the researchers in the United States
arrangement of two cylinders, all work on fluid flow models 0.6, started conducting a system turbine below water surface that
0.7 and 0.8 m/s. By using CFD software to determine the can produce electricity of the current sea. Meanwhile,
excitation velocity and the lift force generated and manual
researchers in Florida Atlantic University are developing
calculations to calculate the amplitude, so it found the largest
amplitude for single-cylinder model in Model III (D/L =12.57/120) technology to be used to convert energy ocean current that
with a maximum amplitude of 513 mm at a speed of 0.8 m/s and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Researchers in Canada also
a minimum amplitude of 107.4 mm at a speed of 0.6 m/s. For stressed that the ocean currents that have only speed around 2
two-cylinder configuration, has vertical distance (v = 2.5 D) with or 3 knots be enough to twist propeller that is connected to
maximum amplitude of 617 mm on the flow velocity 0.8 m/s and turbine (Fraser, 2007). Even companies keys hydro power
a minimum amplitude of 81 mm at a speed flow of 0.6 m/s. plans to build a farm turbine ocean currents in Florida Keys.
To reach the goal, keys hydro power would show authorities
Keywords— amplitude, energy conversion, oscillating part, secure about the project for ecology of the tourist destinations.
suramadu bridge, vortex The turbine designed have bearing foam rubber on any part
end components that moves, for security beasts in ecosystems.
I. INTRODUCTION Japan, by using program MEC-model, run a feasibility
Energy issues is one problem that be vital for all study mounting turbine in Kanmon strait between Honshu and
developing countries and had gone up. A source of energy that Kyushu. Even, team of researchers from Oxford University
still has dependence on energy source fossil, dependence the tried to make a turbine shaped horizontal along its axis. The
resulting in some problems, namely depleted oil deposit, turbine is going to rotate if there were tidal currents. Turbine
instability price due to the rate demand greater of production called its horizontal transverse axis water turbine, having the
and air pollution which contribute pollution greenhouse gases. diameter 10 feet long and 60 meters. By using a turbine and
Because this issue very important, then formed Kyoto one generator that laid in the middle, can deliver electricity of
protocol in 2005 who agree on reduce emissions of 12MW. Turbine that is also not too complex from side
greenhouse gases up into the atmosphere (the Kyoto protocol, technology. It means that production costs and maintenance
2005). Actually there is many renewable energy which has are low. According to the investigators, if turbine that planted
developed, one is energy current that many developed in location along 20 km is estimated to generate electricity
countries forward. Following are comparisons eternal energy until Gigawatt. McCulloch said economic analysis that
flow to other energy on a table 1. planted with scale of the only took £ 1.7 million per MW.
Lower if compared to the current marine turbine technologies II. LITERATURE SURVEY
that revolve around £3 million per MW and £ 2 million per
The era of renewable energy has arrived, this is closely
MW for wind turbines. For the behaviour of the seas current
related to global warming being becoming issue at all
in the reduction of the energy generated has been done with a
countries (Sims, 2004). One of renewable energy with the
numerical model (Batten, 2007).
approach of the concept of innovative that were discovered by
One concept of energy ocean currents is VIVACE (Vortex
Bernitsas and Raghavan of the Department of Naval
Induced Vibrations for Aquatic Clean Energy) that has been
Architecture and Marine Engineering the University of
developed in Naval Architecture and Engineering Marine
Michigan. The concept that has been patented was named
University of Michigan, principle ex-co-worker equal with
VIVACE (vortex-induced vibrations for aquatic clean energy)
energy flow other namely harness speed traffic converted into
(Bernitsas and Raghavan, 2006).
electrical energy through a generator. However, on this
In research physically also have been done by Bernitsas
harness vortex happened to cylindrical affected by ocean
by the use of a cylinder that buttressed with elastic support,
currents that move the rotor and will produce electrical energy.
then were connected with system PTO (power take off).
Basically performance from VIVACE totally backward
From the above physical test Bernitsas get some notation
with drag force that are common to avoid due to VIV ( vortex
value, maximum peak efficiency = 0.308 and efficiency
induced vibration ) on cylindrical, vortex happened would
power 22, the values obtained by using a flow speed of 0,840
affect the power structures in general, but in this concept VIV
m/s. other studies have also linked to VIVACE has been
that happened at a cylinder is the primary source in moving
carried out by Tae Jin Kim, Nikhil Bolar, Dimitrios E.
the rotor. Movement cylindrical move up and down because
Maroulis. The researchers are still holding on to the previous
of vortex flow of the ocean currents that flow perpendicular
studies to be able to optimize the output that will be retrieved
passing cylindrical, movement heaving will be connected to a
from the VIVACE especially from the side of budget planning.
generator; so mechanical energy arising can be changed to
The first Parameter is the current speed of 0.5 and 1 m/s, 0.5
electrical energy. VIVACE is very according to waters having
m diameter, length 5 m, the horizontal distance between
a current does too heavy allowing installation in a river or on
cylinders 3 m, the distance between the vertical cylinder 2, 5
the ocean waters with the current low, speed current to vivace
m, Plant% u2019s length 50 m, Plant% u2019s width 50 m,
is around 0,5-5 knots (0,257-2,57 m/s) (Bernitsas and
Plant% u2019s height 50 m. The PTO system on designing,
Raghavan 2005) the speed this fits perfectly with Bali’s
obtained the best criteria for linear induction generator using
watering who have a speed of about 2,5 m/s (Nugraha, 2009).
the generator. The validation process to ensure product this
Figure 1 show how Vortex can be working. In this paper we
test has been done, especially on the research about the PTO
limited the problem on analysis dimensional of cylinder. We
system so from prototype so that from the prototype can
do not explain till the electricity can be generated.
produces 0.04 W and the Resistance 1600 ohms.
One whose behaviour occur because VIV is the
Current Cylinder Oscillating establishment of vortex behind objects affected flow, these
particular movement rotating on an axis, its center vibration
caused by objects, while vortex shedding is discharge of a
Perpendicular stream vortex.
with Basically structure that vibrates will experience (2) kinds
Transform GGL of vibration the first one is the vibration of natural and the
to DC AC next one is involuntary vibration, vibrates experience is
unsteadiness where a structure or objects experienced
vibration without any influence it, the outward force while
Fig. 1 Flowchart of Vortex involuntary vibration experienced unsteadiness due to a style
of forcibly concerning system, so that the response total can be
expressed in the equation of as follows (Craig jr., 1981).
To achieve the aim of this research was used method of
research as follows:
A. The determination of the variation dimensions: the
determination of the variation dimension to an oscillating
part in the form of a cylinder with the diameter of different
instructions that is, and long - long 91,44 cm and D of
12.57 cm -- long 91,44 cm and D of 30 cm -- long 91.44
cm and D of 9.6 cm -- long 38,1 cm and D of 12.57 cm --
long 120 cm and D of 12.57 cm regarding the next one is
variation configuration ( a distance two vertical cylindrical
Fig. 2 Vortex Prototype (left), The cylinder (right)
) as follows. -- v is 2.5xD -- v is 5xD -- v is 7xD
B. Making model and domain fluid: making model with these
variations direct made on ANSYS item 11.0 considering IV. RESULTS
the existing form is cylinder with variations configuration Figure 2 is our prototype, which had been shown in many
and different speeds need space disk big enough. To event in Indonesia. Having a data, continued to analyze
domain fluid used is shaped beam with distance 3d of fore different model with speed according to current data field.
and 5d from behind. Model I use as a model validation but at the current 0.2 m/s as
in the figure 3. These research used 4 models, it is different
C. Meshing: at this stage the meshing is performed on objects, each other. First Model use L = 91.44 cm and D = 12.57 cm.
with the growing seriousness of the meshing used then the Second Model use L =91.44 cm and D = 30 cm. Third Model
results obtained the following image details, xx; xx where use L = 38.1 cm and D 12.57 cm. And the last Model use L =
meshing is done on solid cylinders include fluids domain. 120 cm and D = 12.57 cm. All of Models experimented in
It is important to understand that this process can ANSYS CFD, after that we got the results from that
experience errors when inadequate computer facilities do experiments. Like figures below, after the data inputted in
meshing solution in detail, that can be taken in this case is ANSYS we will got ANSYS figures and after that the data
to enlarge the meshing process of pre and sol (running): counted and produced figure that showed amplitude.
from the process of running it will get the data that will be
Having performed modelling in ANSYS CFD then done
needed in the calculation and discussion, the data that is calculations to seek amplitude like computational on the
used in the process of running is the pressure and speed model validation as before. Here is the result obtained from
data. model I at 0.2 m/s. of these results and continued calculation
D. Process of pre and solver (running): from the process of mathematical to seek amplitude produced.
running it will get the data that will be needed in the Appropriate to a figure 3 we can see the value of the
calculation and discussion, the data that is used in the amplitude inflicted by the maximum value 0,008 m and
process of running is the pressure and speed data. minimum value 0,003 m. the currents generated can be seen
from figure 3, a stream that have high speed shown a red color
E. Validation of the Model 1. Model 1 is the model of that is turbulence has of a fluid after passing a cylinder.
reference in accordance with the review of the literature Here's the analysis and discussion to model II (long 91.44
used to simplify analysis of the data, the value of the centimeters and diameter of 38.1 cm) with a step same as a
dynamic response for model 1 should be equal to the model I.
reference, it is necessary in the event of repetition of the Having performed modelling in ANSYS CFD then done
error is too great
calculations to seek amplitude like computational on the model
F. After the analysis and discussion after validation model 1 validation as before. Here is the result obtained from model II
met with reference value error not is too high the all at 0.2 m/s. of these results and continued calculation
models that another may ran. Last analysis to get a mathematical to seek amplitude produced.
response dynamics that are then compared. Response Appropriate to a figure 4 we can see the value of the
dynamic the highest with condition system which same amplitude inflicted by the maximum value 0.015 m and
cylindrical is good used on power stations vortex. minimum value 0.0125 m. The generated currents can be seen
G. Conclusion result obtained from variation dimensions and from figure 5, a stream that have high speed shown a red color
variation distance vertical synchronization used need that is turbulence has of a fluid after passing a cylinder.
collected to sync with its previous then explained in terms
descriptive the result obtained.
Amplitude (m)
No Model
Lowest Maximum Average
1 L/D= 91,44 / 12,57 cm 0,003 0,008 0,0055
2 L/D= 91,44 / 30 cm 0,0125 0,015 0,01375
3 L/D= 38,1 / 12,57 cm 0,0002 0,0097 0,00495
4 L/D= 120 / 12,57 cm 0,0021 0,042 0,02205
1. From the analysis has been done on the point 2 as input
on the analysis CFD and analysis of the structure and
dynamics can be inferred good grades in building the
structure this energy is the previous dimensions model
one with long 120 centimeters and diameter of is 12.57
cm. The value of the acquired is the lowest value having
value most optimum 0.0021 m, maximum 0.042 m and
the average 0.02205 m. there are some things which
affect the amplitude are mass structure, a mass as a result
of the velocity of fluid added dimension as well as
concerning cylindrical.
2. When The value of D Increased, we will get the bigger
Amplitude, but the Fact, When The value of L increase wi
will get Lower Amplitude.
Fig. 4 Model II
3. Of the value of obtained used in viewing the current and
potential speed in research is obtainable that waters java
less well as the target. In a generator linear at least needed
for the performance of optimum amplitude of 30 cm
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