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Shortcut To Shred

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Shortcut to Shred

I've spent my life in pursuit of the perfect program. I've devoted my career to the science
of cold iron and calculated change. I know the best ways to help you burn fat, build
mass, and radically transform your body. I've combined mind and muscle to create the
ultimate fat-loss program, expressly designed to help you get shredded, get stronger,
and get in the best shape of your life: Shortcut to Shred.

Jim Stoppani's 6-Week Shortcut To Shred!

Shortcut to Shred is a fast-paced fitness attack guaranteed to torch body fat, build
muscle, and boost your strength. It's an intense, six-week plan built on six workouts per
week, linear and reverse linear periodization, cardio acceleration, a precise three-phase
nutrition plan, and a cutting-edge supplement program. 
Shortcut to Shred isn't easy, but you don't want easy. You want results. Beginner or
advanced, male or female, Shortcut to Shred will get you results. The program includes
comprehensive training, nutrition, and supplement overviews. It features a detailed
workout video on day one, complete with my personal training tips, plus six weeks of
daily workouts. It has extra recipes, a diverse list of approved foods, and useful
information on every rest day.

In short, Shortcut to Shred has everything you need to succeed. Watch the overview
videos to get a complete understanding of the science behind the shred. Prepare
yourself for six weeks of intense workouts and great results. Get ready for the ultimate
combination of build and burn.

Training Overview

Shortcut to Shred will help you torch fat, drop excess weight, and get lean faster than
ever. The key is a training technique called cardio acceleration. In addition, the Shortcut
to Shred workouts, built on microcyles in a periodized scheme, will help you build
muscle and gain strength. Shortcut to Shred will help you hit all three goals in six short
weeks. Let's dig into the science behind the shred!

What Is Cardio Acceleration?

Cardio acceleration is critical to Shortcut to Shred. It will fire up your fat-burning furnace
like nothing else. Cardio acceleration is a technique that combines high-intensity cardio
and resistance training into one fast-paced workout. Instead of resting between your
lifts, you will do cardio between every single set. Simply put, you'll lift one set of a
prescribed exercise, such as bench press, and then immediately follow it with one
minute of cardio.

Cardio effectively replaces your rest periods. Now, I don't mean you have to rack the
barbell, run across the gym, and jump on a treadmill or stationary bike. Your cardio
acceleration exercises can be as simple as running in place next to the bench. You can
also do jump rope, dumbbell cleans, step-ups, or any combination of full-body
exercises. The only requirement is that you move for an entire minute.

"Instead of resting between your lifts, you will do cardio between every single set."
If you're new to fitness and find that one minute is too long, reduce the time to 30
seconds or go slower. The goal is to gradually increase the time you spend doing high-
intensity cardio. You want to keep each cardio acceleration minute as intense and
demanding as possible.

It might seem strange to do short bursts of cardio, but if you think about it, those one-
minute bursts will add up to 20-30 minutes of high-intensity intervals per workout.
Twenty minutes of high-intensity training burns much more fat than 20-30 minutes spent
walking on a treadmill.

The additional intense movement during your workouts will keep your heart rate
elevated for the entire training session. You'll burn more calories during the actual
workouts, but more important, you'll burn more calories after the workouts. Cardio
acceleration keeps your metabolic rate higher, longer, even when you're resting. In
other words, you burn more calories during the workouts, but you'll keep burning
calories long after you're done training.

The Science Behind The Shred

If you're worried about getting too tired from cardio acceleration to lift intensely, don't be.
A University of California, Santa Cruz, study found that when subjects did cardio
between weightlifting sets, they were able to recover better because of increased blood
flow. Cardio acceleration elevates your heart rate, which means more blood pumps to
your working muscles throughout your workout.

Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients, which enhance your body's ability to generate and
maintain energy. In addition, better blood flow delivers a bigger muscle pump, which
can lead to greater growth because of the stretch it places on muscle cells and fascia.
Bottom line: Cardio acceleration will boost your muscle strength and endurance, not
hinder it.

"Cardio acceleration will boost your muscle strength and endurance, not hinder it."

Many who are new to cardio acceleration wonder if it's better than high-intensity interval
training (HIIT). These people don't realize that cardio acceleration is HIIT. Instead of a
typical HIIT session, which alternates intervals of high-intensity exercise with intervals of
rest, or low-intensity exercise, cardio acceleration mixes high-intensity, cardio-based
exercise with intervals of intense resistance exercise. This mix helps you burn
fat and build muscle.

You don't have to do the same cardio acceleration exercises for an entire workout. You
can vary your cardio acceleration choices as much as you'd like. In general, the more
variety you have, the better. Variety will help you stick to the program, place new
demands on your body to spur adaptations, and keep you from growing bored.

Cardio Acceleration Options

 KB Swing
 Goblet Squat
 Squat Jump
 Box Jump
 DB Step-up
 BB Step-up
 Sprints
 Running in place
 Medicine Ball Slam
 Dumbbell Lunge
 Lunge Jumps
 Side-to-Side Box Shuffle
 Sledgehammer Swing
 Battling Ropes
 Rocket Jump
 Lateral Bound
 Lateral Box Jump
 Side Standing Long Jump
 Mountain Climber
 Jump Rope
 Knee Tuck Jump
 Diagonal Bound
 Tire Flip
 Skipping (in place)
 Elliptical
 DB Clean
 Smith machine clean
 Step-up with knee raise

Weights Matter

Cardio acceleration is one key to Shortcut to Shred, but the lifting program is equally
critical. The right resistance program will not only enhance your fat loss, but will allow
you to burn body fat while building strength and muscle. Shortcut to Shred is
scientifically designed to help you achieve all three goals.

Shortcut to Shred is built on periodization, which calls for systematic changes in the
amount of weight you lift and number of reps you perform. Research consistently shows
that periodization is one of the best techniques for increasing muscle strength and size.
During Shortcut to Shred, reps and weights will change each week. These changes will
optimize your gains in muscle strength, size, endurance, and fat loss.

Shortcut to Shred combines linear periodization and reverse linear periodization for

maximum results. Linear periodization calls for you to lift heavier weight and fewer reps
each week. Reverse linear periodization involves decreasing the weight and increasing
the rep range each week. How can you follow these two forms of periodization
simultaneously? You will train each muscle group twice per week.

Work It Out

The program splits each muscle group into two different workouts per week. During the
first half of the week-Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday-you train with multi-joint,
compound exercises. For example, during your first chest session each week, you will
only do compound exercises like barbell and dumbbell presses.

During the second half of the week-Thursday, Friday, and Saturday-when you train
each muscle group for the second time, you will use single-joint, isolation exercises
wherever possible. For example, on your second chest day, you will perform dumbbell
and cable flyes.

The compound workouts in the first half of the week follow linear periodization. Each
week, these multi-joint workouts will call for heavier weight and fewer reps. However,
the single-joint workouts in the second half of the week follow reverse linear
periodization, so the weight will drop and the reps will increase each week.

This combination of exercises, weights, and rep ranges will maximize your ability to
burn fat. Research suggests that if you lift fewer reps of heavier weight, you burn fewer
calories during a workout, but you maintain a higher metabolic rate after the workout is
over. If you lift a lighter weight for more reps, you will burn more calories during the
workout itself.

Shortcut To Shred Free Program Calendar!

Download the complete shorcut to shred calendar.


Phase 2

In phase two, you repeat the cycle above, but you'll be a lot stronger. To keep the
program demanding and continue your gains, strive to increase the weight on each lift
by 5-10 pounds. You'll also notice slight changes in the exercise selection. These
changes allow you to target slightly different muscle fibers for the best overall gains in
muscle size.

Your ability to handle cardio acceleration will improve. To maintain the difficulty and
continue burning fat, boost the intensity of your cardio acceleration exercises or
increase the time.

Shortcut To Shred Free E-Book!

Download the complete Shortcut to Shred workout, nutrition, and supplement plan.

Don't Fear Overtraining

I'm not a firm believer in overtraining. Yes, overtraining happens, but most of us sit all
day at work, at school, or at home. So, spending an hour or so in the gym six days per
week is not going to lead to overtraining. Plus, with the Shortcut to Shred diet and
supplements on your side, you'll get maximum recovery so you can handle each and
every workout.

"Research shows that when you train a sore muscle, muscles don't incur any more damage than
what you've already done to them."
Training Sore

If you're unaccustomed to training, your Monday chest workout might leave you sore all
the way to your Thursday chest workout. Don't worry. Research shows that when you
train a sore muscle, muscles don't incur any more damage than what you've already
done to them. In fact, that second workout may actually help recovery. If you want real
results in six weeks, you need the intensity and frequency this program provides.

Final Tips For Success

1. Keep a training journal. By recording your weights and reps, you'll be able to see
improvements in your strength and stamina.
2. Get an accurate body fat measurement and take "before" photos before you begin the
trainer. You may not be able to see day-to-day changes, but when you look back after three and
six weeks, the difference will amaze you.
3. Create a BodySpace and use the available tools to manage your progress.

Day 1 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Shortcut to Shred starts with a bang. There is no "easy" day. There's no tutorial. It's Day
1, and you've got a high-intensity chest, triceps, and abs workout on tap. You'll be
hitting multi-joint exercises for 9-to-11 reps per set. You'll smoke all three areas of your
chest, completely destroy your triceps, and give your abs the challenge they've been
looking for. On top of that, you've got cardio acceleration between each exercise. Let's
get shredded.

Get Warm

Begin every Shortcut to Shred workout with a few minutes of fast-paced cardio. A quick
cardio warm-up will get the blood pumping in your body and prep your nervous system,
muscles, and joints for heavy weight and hard work. You never want to start a workout
cold, so choose a movement like bench step-ups to get things started.

Warm-up sets of your first resistance exercise are also important. When you lift in a
relatively high rep range, like today, one warm-up set is fine. As you progress through
Shortcut to Shred and the weight gets heavier, you may need more than one warm-up

Be careful not to fatigue the working muscle while warming up. Your warm-up set
should be light and explosive. You want to activate and engage your fast-twitch muscle
fibers before you hit them with a lot of weight.

Weight It Out

When it comes to your working sets, pick a challenging weight that you can lift for
roughly 10 reps. If you can't get the last few reps on your third and fourth sets, don't go
lighter. Keep the weight the same and do as many reps as you possibly can. The
intensity and pace of the workout are sometimes more important than the number of

For the cardio acceleration movements, always use a light weight. These movements
aren't meant to stress your muscle; they're meant to challenge your cardiovascular
fitness. To keep the stress on your energy systems and not your muscular system,
choose a weight that you can move for a full minute.

If you need to adjust the weight you're lifting at any time, make sure you do it after your
cardio acceleration exercise.


There is no prescribed rest in Shortcut to Shred. Only take what you absolutely need.
Cardio acceleration is all about replacing your rest periods with high-intensity activity.
You move directly from cardio acceleration movements to resistance exercises.

Training Tips


Each chest exercise in this workout targets a specific area of the pecs. By emphasizing
different areas of the muscle, we recruit as many muscle fibers as possible and
maximize muscle growth.


To hit your triceps effectively while doing dips, focus on keeping your elbows close to
your body and your torso upright. Don't flare your elbows; that places stress on your

Although you don't have to perform the close-grip bench press on the Smith machine, I
recommend it because you can overload your triceps after your chest is already fried.
Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip to keep stress off your wrists and on your
triceps. If you use a Smith machine, you can opt for an open grip, meaning your fingers
aren't wrapped around the bar. This grip helps you press with your palms and contract
your triceps instead of using your chest and shoulders.
"Although you don't have to perform the close-grip bench press on the smith machine, I recommend
it because you can overload your triceps after your chest is already fried."

Hip thrusts target and build your lower abs because you can use resistance, not just the
weight of your own body. The movement might be awkward at first, but once you get the
hang of it, you'll never look back.

Track Your Progress

This program contains many variables: two different periodization methods, three
different microcycles, and two different phases. You have to keep track of your weights,
sets, and the length and intensity of your cardio acceleration movements.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 2 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Yesterday was your introduction to Shortcut to Shred. You got to know the movements and you
learned how to incorporate cardio acceleration. Today is your chance to push through the pain
and get to know these workouts on a more personal basis.

Use how you felt yesterday and how you feel today to gauge your intensity. If you feel like you
didn't even train yesterday, then you know it's time turn up the energy. Try to do more reps
during your cardio acceleration, or increase the time. On the other hand, if you feel like you can
barely summon the energy to take a deep breath, you know that yesterday may have been too
intense. Slow down the cardio acceleration, but don't give it up.

Today's leg workout will push you. The heavy, compound lifts and cardio acceleration exercises
will challenge your muscle strength and endurance far beyond what you're accustomed to.
Welcome the pain. Yesterday, you made the commitment to start the Shortcut. Today, you make
the commitment to see it through. Don't let a little heavy breathing scare you from becoming
your best.
Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 3 - Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 3 of Microcycle 1 is about putting some mass on your back, traps, and biceps. Of
course, this is Shortcut to Shred, so it's also about burning blubber and challenging your
cardiovascular system. It's time to build and burn.

Get mentally focused before you walk into the gym. If your head isn't in the game, your
body won't follow. Visualize your workout, put on your headphones, queue up your
favorite music, and see the person you want to be. It's time to make the new you.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 4 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Ready to do some reps? You'd better be. Today, we're revisiting the workout we did on
Day 1, but the exercises and reps per set change completely. Today's chest, triceps,
and abs workout focuses on single-joint, isolation exercises. It will give your endurance
muscle fibers a solid kick.

These training changes don't mean you get to slow down or decrease the intensity of
your workout. Instead, choose a weight that causes you to fail near the top of the 12-15
rep range. Don't go so heavy that you fail on the fifth rep of the first set, and don't go so
light that you could easily knock out 30 reps per set.

If you do need to change the weight, make sure you do it after the cardio acceleration
movement. Use the time it takes to change the weight to take a quick rest, but no more
than you absolutely need. Remember, cardio acceleration between every set will really
help you burn blubber!

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 5 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Think you won't get a great workout performing high-rep, single-joint exercises? Think
again. Altogether, this workout includes 23 working sets, with 1 minute of cardio
acceleration between every set. If that doesn't get you sweating, I don't know what will.
Get ready to build and burn.

As you get to the end of today's session, you will start to fatigue. Don't allow your
exhaustion to affect your form. Maintain focus and remember to be intelligent about your
weight selection. Keep your tunes heavy and push to the limit.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 6 - Back, Traps, Biceps

This trainer is called Shortcut to Shred for a reason. It's intense, fast-moving, and
efficient. You won't see results if you're stopping every five minutes to chat with your
bud or answer a text message. For this hour, concentrate on yourself. Don't let your
surroundings or your busy life distract you from the work you need to do.

You've got an intense back attack on tap, so make sure you're fueled with good nutrition
and smart supplementation. Revisit the overview pages often to keep yourself on track,
and print off the supplement schedule. Training is an important part of the battle, but
recovery is key to great results.

This is your last workout of Microcycle 1. I know you're tired, but summon everything
you can for this final hour of the first week. You get a full day of rest tomorrow, so make
the weights sing today. It's time to rattle some plates.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 7 - Rest

I'm sure you've read this advice before, but it bears repeating: It's important to drink
plenty of water when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, you should drink two cups of
cold water before every meal to maximize fat loss. Skeptical? Let's dive into the science
behind water and weight loss.

Water And Weight

Drinking water has been shown to aid fat loss through two different mechanisms. The
first is the more obvious: Water can make you fuller before meals and help you eat less.
Virginia Tech researchers had two groups of 24 subjects follow a low-calorie diet for 12
weeks. One group drank 500 mL (about 2 cups) of water prior to their meals, and the
other group did not drink before meals. Those who drank the water before meals not
only ate less food, but they dropped almost 50% more weight than the group not
drinking before meals!

Water can also help you shed more fat by boosting your metabolic rate. German
researchers reported that subjects drinking 500 mL of cold water on an empty stomach
boosted metabolic rate by 30%. The researchers repeated the experiment in a later
study and found similar results. They also looked into the mechanism involved. Cold
water on an empty stomach appears to boost norepinephrine levels, which is a
neurotransmitter that raises metabolic rate.

"German researchers reported that subjects drinking 500 mL of cold water on an empty stomach
boosted metabolic rate by 30%."
The researchers theorized that if a person drank 2 cups of cold water before breakfast,
lunch, and dinner every day for a year, they'd burn 17,400 extra calories. This translates
into a little more than 5 pounds of body fat lost, and that's without dieting! Imagine the
fat-loss benefits of this strategy when combined with a fat-loss diet, especially one of
mine, where you eat multiple meals per day.

Drink Up

When it comes to getting lean, remember to drink 2 cups of cold water between meals
to eat less food and boost your metabolic rate in an effort to burn more calories at rest.
And be sure to get in a total of 1-1.5 gallons of water every day. Staying hydrated is
important for overall health, and research shows hydration helps athletes maintain
better strength and endurance, as well as brain function.

Day 8 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Fewer reps means heavier weight. We're working on improving our strength today, so
get ready to add some pounds to your workload. Because we're using the periodization
method, it's important that you keep track of the weight you lift and the number of reps
you complete. You can't expect to improve if you're just guessing.
The lifting exercises are the same as last week's first session, but the reps are in the 6-8
range, so pick a weight that causes you to fail right around 8 reps. Remember that you
can change the cardio acceleration exercises at any time. Pick from the list of exercises
on the training overview page, or choose one of your personal favorites.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 9 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

If you want strong, impressive wheels—and you should—then you need to lift to your
limit today. Squats, deadlifts, and lunges are going to help you build mass, while the
cardio acceleration movements help you get rid of the fat that blankets your burgeoning

It's important that you keep the cardio acceleration movements intense. As you get
better at doing them, it's okay to increase the time or speed. The point is to keep your
heart hammering. Don't go easy on yourself; go hard to chisel a hard body.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 10 - Back, Traps, Biceps

A great chest looks silly without a big back to balance it out. Don't focus entirely on your
"vanity" muscles. Build a strong posterior chain! Complete all the sets of these back-building
compound movements and you'll soon see added size. As a bonus, this workout features plenty
of biceps work. Carve your peaks and attack your traps!

As you start to feel more comfortable with cardio between your resistance exercises, make sure
you don't get complacent and let the program get too easy. If you're not continually being
challenged, you won't see the change you want. Keep mixing up the cardio acceleration
exercises, and keep pushing yourself through every minute and every set.
Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 11 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

It's time for another isolation-focused chest day, but this sessions ramps the reps up
even higher. Your muscles will experience a totally different burn when you're lifting up
to 20 reps per set, but if you embrace the pain and push your endurance, you'll torch
every muscle fiber you've got and burn calories along the way. Keep the shred strong.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 12 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

The quest for shredded shoulders, unbelievable wheels, and killer calves never ends.
Today's workout will test the limits of your lungs and muscles. You're still lifting roughly
20 reps per set, so steel yourself for a difficult battle. You will win, and you will get the
results you deserve.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 13 - Back, Traps, Biceps

After you make it through today's back, traps, and biceps attack, you'll be done with
your second week of Shortcut to Shred. You'll only have four more weeks of intense
training to carve the physique you crave, so you have to make every session count.

Switch up your cardio acceleration exercises. Make every minute count. Increase the
speed, reps, or both. Keep your form strict and your focus clear. You go to the gym to
get results, not to rest. Rattle the plates and end Week 2 with a bang.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 14 - Rest

During all three nutrition phases of Shortcut to Shred, I recommend eating three whole
eggs and three egg whites every morning. Whole eggs are a great breakfast food
because they are packed with protein and have been shown to enhance muscle
strength and mass, but clinical research also supports the notion that those who start
their day with eggs have an easier time dropping body fat. Research from the University
of St. Louis has shown that subjects who consume eggs for breakfast not only eat fewer
calories throughout the day, but also lose significantly more body fat.

Day 15 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Get ready to go heavy. I hope you enjoyed your rest yesterday, because you're going to
need it to handle today's workout. You've got 2-5 reps on most sets, which means you'll
be hoisting heavy weight. Don't lower the intensity of your cardio acceleration, but keep
extra focus on your form during these heavy sessions.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 16 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

It's time for another session of heavy lifting and hardcore shredding. For those of you
who love to lift heavy, these early workouts in Microcycle 3 might be the best in the
program. Have fun, but be careful—especially on overhead exercises like the barbell
press. Engage your glutes and keep your core tight.

To fail in 5-6 reps on calf raises, you'll have to load up quite a few plates. Don't be afraid
to stack on the iron; your calves can take the abuse. Whatever you lift, make sure you
record it. You'll be back in this rep range three weeks from now, and you want to beat
the numbers you write today.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 17 - Back, Traps, Biceps

By now, the combination of fast-paced cardio acceleration and heavy lifting is probably
catching up to you. Stay strong. Today is the last day of low reps for the week. That
said, slow down your cardio acceleration slightly if it's impacting your form or focus on
the resistance exercises.

When you're dealing with heavy compound movements, especially an exercise like the
bent-over barbell row, form is critical. Don't round your upper back, engage your core to
protect your lower back, and pull through the lats. Keep your body tense so you can lift,
rack the weight, and jump straight into cardio acceleration.
Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 18 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Get your head in the game before today's workout, because the rep range flips
completely. You've lifted hard and heavy for the last three days; for the next three days,
you'll feel the burn of 21-30 reps per set. The exercises will still be intense, but your
muscles will experience a different sort of fatigue. The high-rep, isolation exercises
should also deliver an extreme pump.

As always, keep your cardio acceleration going strong. You're almost halfway done with
Shortcut to Shred, so make every minute count. Switch the exercises if you haven't
already. Introduce new challenges to garner new results. Build and burn with everything
you've got.
Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 19 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Here comes the burn. High reps and hardcore cardio acceleration will tax your body like
nothing else. Remember that you need to repair and recover from your intense effort
with sound nutrition and smart supplementation. You do work in the gym to get results
outside the gym.

Stick to every facet of the Shortcut to Shred plan. Training is important, but hitting your
macros and taking the right supplements is equally important. Make sure you're eating
enough, getting enough rest, and supplementing throughout the day.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 20 - Back, Traps, Biceps

This is your final training day of the first half of Shortcut to Shred. Pat yourself on the
back before you fry it with a high-rep combination of pulldowns, cardio acceleration,
curls, and more. Celebrate tomorrow's rest day with a killer workout today. Earn your
rest, and you'll earn great results. Time to attack your back.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 21 - Rest

One of the hardest things about dieting is controlling your cravings. I am a firm believer
in scheduled cheat days, but cravings strike whenever they like. Whether it's a cold ice
cream sundae or a hot slice of pizza, when cravings attack, they are tough to fight.
Cravings can be even stronger when you are stressed out over work, finances, or your

Science now shows why stress increases your likelihood to binge, and I know how
science can help you prevent binging! Learn how to control your cravings in today's
mental training session.
Binge Control

Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center placed mice in
stressful situations. They put mice in a cage with more dominant males that "bullied" the
smaller mice. When the mice were exposed to this stressful situation, they had higher
levels of ghrelin, the hormone that increases hunger. This caused the mice to
preferentially eat more fatty food.

What does this mean for you? After all, you're not a mouse being bullied. However,
you're probably in a variety of daily stressful situations, and that stress can increase
your ghrelin levels, just like it did to the poor mice. When you're stressed, the increase
in grehlin can cause you to crave fattier, unhealthy foods.

Beat The Binge

If stress strikes and you want to reach for a donut, make a whey protein shake or eggs
instead. Research suggests that both whey and eggs can lower ghrelin levels, and
decrease hunger and food intake. Keep these go-to snacks readily available to curb
cravings and beat a binge before it starts.

Day 22 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Welcome to Microcycle 1 of Phase 2 of Shortcut to Shred! You're back to 9-11 reps per
set, but you should be able to lift heavier on every exercise. Push yourself by at least 5-
10 pounds on the major lifts, and even more when you get to legs. Kick your cardio
acceleration up a notch, too. The intensity of each minute is entirely up to you. Record
your numbers and shred hard.

If you're feeling really good and want to make the Shortcut to Shred sessions even more
intense, you can try a "cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset" on the last set of each
major exercise. The technique is as brutal as it sounds, believe me. Learn how to
perform a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset by referring to the box below.
Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set and ready to move to the next

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 23 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Just like you did yesterday, test your strength in today's shoulder, legs, and calves
workout by increasing the weight on each lift by 5-10 pounds. Remember to record your
numbers to ensure continued progress, and keep the intensity high across your cardio
acceleration exercises. Try cardio accelerated rest-pause dropsets, detailed below, to
really make your body fat cry.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 24 - Back, Traps, Biceps

Attack today with everything you've got, and you'll get amazing results. Don't back
down. If your energy is low, imagine how you'll feel after you finish today's workout, and
visualize what you'll look like on the other side of Shortcut to Shred. Get after it.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.
Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 25 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

There's no rest for the best. You're back to chest today, but you'll be moving lighter
weight in the 12-15 rep range. High-rep training creates an entirely different kind of burn
than low-rep work, so get ready to push your muscular endurance to the edge. Your
heart will pound, your muscles will scream, and you will completely transform your
physique. Let's hit it.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.
Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 26 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

You're nearly through another week. Push through today's isolation-focused shoulders,
calves, and abs workout, and you'll be one step closer to your goal physique. Record
your weight as usual, track your workouts, and continue to mix up your cardio
acceleration exercises so every day feels fresh.

Reminder: Your nutrition, supplementation, and rest outside the gym are crucial to
recovery, growth, and continued fat loss. Don't skip any of the details. Eat well, train
hard, supplement your results, and you'll keep making progress.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 27 - Back, Traps, Biceps

This is your last workout of the week. There's no turning back. Today is about you
against the weights. It's you versus cardio acceleration. It's you pitted against your
previous body and personal bests. Finish the week strong by pouring your every ounce
of energy into today's back attack. Start the shred.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 28 - Rest

Spicy foods and condiments like chili pepper flakes and hot sauce do more than heat up
your meals. They also provide some pretty incredible fat-loss benefits! These benefits
all come down to a natural plant chemical called capsaicin.

Capsaicin is the natural chemical in hot peppers, such as cayenne, that gives them
such spicy heat. The heat is a product of how capsaicin reacts with receptors in the
mouth. Researchers have even developed a unit to designate how hot specific peppers
are, which really indicates how much capsaicin they contain. This unit is called the
Scoville heat unit (SHU).

While a peperoncini is only a few hundred Scoville heat units, a Jalapeno pepper can be
as high as 8,000. Habanero chili peppers can rate as high as 350,000 SHUs, with some
of the world's hottest peppers coming in at close to 1,500,000! Law-enforcement-grade
pepper spray is around 5 million SHUs.

Burn Blubber

Capsaicin has been studied extensively in the lab for its ability to aid fat loss. Capsaicin
can disrupt energy production, causing the body to produce less energy and more heat.
This means the body has to burn more calories to produce an equivalent amount of
energy. Several studies confirm that capsaicin can enhance fat burning by raising
metabolic rate, reducing hunger, and reducing food intake.

A recent study from Purdue University confirms this effect, even in people who are not
overweight. The Purdue researchers gave subjects a meal containing about 1/2
teaspoon of crushed red pepper, or a meal with no added pepper. They reported in a
2011 issue of Physiology & Behavior that when subjects ate the meal with red pepper,
they experienced a boost in the number of calories they burned, but they also burned
more calories from fat and experienced less hunger than when they ate the meal
without added red pepper.

Consider adding 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper or chili pepper, or even fresh chili peppers,
to your meals for a kick in the taste buds and the fat cells.

Day 29 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

It's time to move some heavy weight and kick-start week five with a serious bang.
Today's workout calls for 6-8 reps for most sets, which means you'll be able to load the
bar and push some iron. Keep your cardio acceleration fast, furious, and challenging.
After all, you're getting closer to the finish line every day. Sprint hard.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 30 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Lock, load, and get ready to smash your shoulders, legs, and calves. Visualize today's
workout before you hit the gym. Since your calories are fairly low, you may need to rely
on mental energy to destroy your workouts and maintain your training intensity. Keep
your music playlist fresh for extra motivation, and remember that your best body is
getting closer. It's time to move.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 31 - Back, Traps, Biceps

You've got a big, fast-paced back attack on tap today. Take a deep gulp of air before
you dive into the cardio acceleration and heavy weight. If your body fat isn't dropping as
quickly as you'd like, remember to review the nutrition program and stick to the plan.
Keep your carbs low until the proper time, ramp up your cardio acceleration to burn
more calories, and train with everything you've got.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 32 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Today brings another chance to chisel your chest and torch your triceps. Visualize your
workout before you work out. Set yourself up for success by picturing how much you'll
lift, how hard you'll work, and how fast you'll crush today's session. Keep your nutrition
in check, remember your peri-workout supplements, and keep the Shortcut strong.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.
Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 33 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

There's nothing quite like a high-rep leg workout combined with the non-stop action of
cardio acceleration. Stockpile your energy throughout the day so you've got plenty of
gas in the tank for this brutal Shortcut session. You're nearly through the fifth week of
Shortcut to Shred, so the finish line is in sight. Keep training hard and heavy, stick to the
nutrition plan, and you will transform.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 34 - Back, Traps, Biceps

Get pumped! This is your last workout of the fifth week of Shortcut to Shred. You've only
got one week left. Review today's workout, visualize your success, get your head in the
ideal performance zone, put in your headphones, and attack your back with everything
you've got. Tomorrow is a rest day; make sure you earn it.

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 35 - Rest

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines "organic" as foods that are
produced without antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, irradiation, or bioengineering.
Organic farmers are required to adhere to certain soil and water conservation methods,
and to rules about the humane treatment of animals.

While eating organic foods can be expensive, I suggest you spend the money on two
main categories: dairy and beef. Scientists from the UK found that organic milk had
about 70% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. Another study published in
the Journal of Dairy Science found that grass-fed cows (organically raised cows)
produced milk that contained 500% more CLA than cows who ate industrially raised,
grain-fed cows.
Meat from organically raised cattle also contains higher levels of CLA and omega-3 fats.
Since omega-3s and CLA can help you drop fat and gain muscle, it makes sense to
shell out the extra cash for organic milk, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheeses, and
grass-fed beef.

Day 36 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 37 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 38 - Back, Traps, Biceps

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 39 - Chest, Triceps, Abs

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

You're almost done! Start looking ahead.

This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the
finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin
again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture,
some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But
what then?

Here are some popular options:

 You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people
find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar
with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time
through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond
where you started.
 If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you
could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or
performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle.
Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to
choose from on our Browse All Plans page.
 Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time
to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing
while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back
from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it.

Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away!
Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot
of it. Now go finish strong!

Workout Plan

Chest, Triceps, Abs

Day 40 - Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

You're almost done! Start looking ahead.

This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the
finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin
again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture,
some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But
what then?

Here are some popular options:

 You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people
find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar
with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time
through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond
where you started.
 If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you
could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or
performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle.
Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to
choose from on our Browse All Plans page.
 Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time
to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing
while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back
from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it.

Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away!
Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot
of it. Now go finish strong!

Workout Plan

Shoulders, Legs, Calves

Day 41 - Back, Traps, Biceps

Optional Advanced Technique

Cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: Take the last set of each exercise to muscle
failure. Then, rack the weight and perform cardio acceleration by running in place for
15-20 seconds. Pick up the weight and continue doing reps until you reach muscle
failure again. Immediately decrease the weight by 20-30 percent and lift until you reach
muscle failure again. You are now done with the set.

You're almost done! Start looking ahead.

This is it: the home stretch. You only have a few days left in this fitness plan, and the
finish line is in sight. But once you cross it, you’re not really done; you’re ready to begin
again! It's time to start considering your options for what comes next. An "after" picture,
some well-earned rest, and a hearty meal or two are probably part of your plan. But
what then?

Here are some popular options:

 You could turn right around and perform this same plan again. No, really! Many people
find they experience even better results the second time through a plan since they’re familiar
with the exercise protocol, the diet, and other factors that may be hard to master the first time
through. If you hammer the plan again, just set some new goals and push yourself beyond
where you started.
 If you’ve been moving in the same direction for a while and need a change of pace, you
could do a 180 and change your goal. If you've been chasing gains, try a fat-loss or
performance plan. If you've been losing fat, it could be time to build strength or add muscle.
Believe it or not, each program can feed perfectly into the next! There are over 45 plans to
choose from on our Browse All Plans page.
 Take a brief break from structured training. If you need a little variety in your life and time
to decide where to go next, just repeat your favorite workouts from the program you're finishing
while you make up your mind, or string together workouts from a few different programs—back
from one, legs from another, and so on. This can help you try a plan out before you commit to it.

Whatever you do, don't let the momentum you've been building up fade away!
Consistency is the key to a fit lifestyle, and over the last few weeks, you've built up a lot
of it. Now go finish strong!

Workout Plan

Back, Traps, Biceps

Day 42 - Rest

If you've ever wondered how much water to use in your protein shakes, science may
now have a solid answer. When you make your protein shakes, consider making them
thicker by adding less water. This may help you feel less hungry while following any sort
of fat-loss diet!

One study from Purdue University reported that, when subjects drank two shakes with
identical nutrient profiles, they experienced significantly greater and more prolonged
reductions in hunger after the thicker shake. Thick shakes could make getting through a
diet easier and help you prevent a cheat.
What's Next?

Your first trip through Shortcut to Shred is over, but your journey isn't at an end. If you
have more body fat to lose, you can cycle through Shortcut to Shred again. Base the
nutrition plan off your new bodyweight and dive back into the program.

If you're peeled to the bone and ready to build more mass, you can attack Shortcut to
Size for the next 12 weeks. Whatever you choose, you can build your best self and
become the person you want to be. We're here to help.

Nutrition Overview

Six weeks is plenty of time to drop significant body fat, build muscle, and even gain
strength if you combine a well-designed training program with a smart nutrition and
supplement plan. It doesn't get much smarter than the Shortcut to Shred. The workout,
diet, and supplement regimens are based on real science and made for real-world

I rely heavily on published nutrition research. To ensure the research is effective outside
the lab, I test it on my own physique before delivering it to my clients. With all that data,
I am able to create science-backed nutrition plans that deliver stellar results. Shortcut to
Shred may be my best program yet.

The Shortcut to Shred nutrition program is built on three distinct phases. Each phase
has unique macronutrient nutrient requirements to help you build maximum muscle and
torch as much body fat as possible. As Shortcut to Shred progresses, the nutrition plan
changes to ensure you recover from your workouts and shred for six solid weeks
without a plateau.
Mighty Macronutrients

The three macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Before we break into the
Shortcut to Shred nutrition plan specifics, let me explain what each macronutrient does
and why it's important.

All-Powerful Protein

Protein is the most critical macronutrient on the Shortcut to Shred program. Muscle is
made out of protein, which is essential for muscle growth, repair, and recovery. It's also
a critical fuel source. Your body can break protein down and use amino acids as a
muscular energy source.

Research suggests that high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets work well for fat loss. This
is particularly true for those trying to maintain or build lean muscle at the same time.

It is difficult for the body to take protein and convert it into body fat. It's not impossible,
but out of the three macronutrients, the body has to work hardest to convert protein into
body fat. It's either going to use protein to synthesize tissue, or break it down for energy.
Protein is a home run when it comes to dropping body fat, building muscle, and gaining

How Protein Makes Muscle

The body breaks apart the bonds that bind ingested amino acids together into single
amino acids, or short amino acid chains called peptides. These digested amino acids
and peptides are then absorbed by the intestines, where they eventually enter the blood
stream to travel to your muscles and other cells. In the muscle cells, these amino acids
are reassembled to form the protein that makes up muscle fibers. In the end, your
muscles grow bigger and becomes stronger.

Protein Sources

 Lean cuts of meat: top sirloin, flank steak, lean ground beef

 Poultry: chicken and turkey, white and dark meat
 Fish: halibut, sole, salmon
 Eggs
 Dairy: whey, casein, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese
 Plants: soy, beans, nuts, grains, etc.

"Anyone who is training intensely needs at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight.
Research suggests that eating as much as 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight is very effective
at promoting muscle growth and strength gains."
Anyone who is training intensely needs at least one gram of protein per pound of body
weight. Research suggests that eating as much as 1.5 g of protein per pound of body
weight is very effective at promoting muscle growth and strength gains. You will eat 1.5
g of protein per pound of body weight throughout Shortcut to Shred. Research supports
this quantity of protein, as do the results of my own clients.

Fat And Happy

Fat is not the enemy. Eating fat doesn't necessarily make you fat, but certain fats are
better than others. Fat is the second-most critical macronutrient in Shortcut to Shred for
several reasons.

As you progress through Shortcut to Shred and your carb intake decreases, you'll eat
more fats. Let's dig into some fat facts.

Types Of Fat

 Monounsaturated 
 Polyunsaturated, such as 
 omega-3 fats 
 Saturated 
 Trans-fatty acids
Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential polyunsaturated fat. They're called "essential"

because your body can't produce them on its own. They also offer a wide range of
health benefits. For example, they've been shown to enhance fat loss by turning on
genes that increase fat burning. They also help decrease fat storage.

Omega-3 fats produce beneficial prostaglandins that decrease inflammation. They've

been found to increase muscle recovery and growth, and they support skin, vision, and
brain health.

Omega-3s are found in fatty fish, like salmon and tuna. If you eat canned tuna, choose
white albacore over chunk light. Even sardines fit the profile.

"Saturated fat is not the enemy. It is critical when you're training intensely as you will during shortcut
to shred."
Saturated Fats

Saturated fat is not the enemy. It is critical when you're training intensely as you will
during Shortcut to Shred. Saturated fat promotes healthy testosterone levels and is
especially important to men. You want to maintain your test levels to build muscle and
strength, train harder, recover better, and lose more fat.

Whole eggs are a great source of saturated fat. One study revealed that people who ate
three egg yolks per day gained twice as much muscle as subjects who only ate egg
whites. Egg yolks contain protein, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol, which you need
to help maintain the integrity of muscle cell membranes.

Monounsaturated Fats

When combined with saturated fats, monounsaturated fats have been found to promote
healthy testosterone levels.
They also function as an energy source during hardcore workout sessions. Peanut
butter is a terrific source of monounsaturated fat.

Trans-Fatty Acids

Trans fats are the only fats you should absolutely avoid. Trans fats have been altered in
the lab to give products a longer shelf life. The body doesn't recognize this altered fat
molecule or know how to process it, so the trans fat molecule gets into your cells and
causes havoc. Trans fats may even increase the risk of heart disease and certain

Good Fat Sources

 Nuts
 Olive oil
 Natural peanut butter
 Fatty fish
 Egg yolks

Fat Calories

People fear and monitor fats because fat is calorically dense. There are more than twice
as many calories in a gram of fat than in a gram of protein or carbohydrates.

Calories per Gram:

 Protein = 4
 Carbs = 4
 Fats = 9

Because they're calorie-dense, fats can push you over your calorie limit. You will eat
roughly 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight during Shortcut to Shred. You have
to be cautious of how much fat you eat, but if you stick to the nutrition plan, your
calories will stay in check.
Calories are an important factor when you're trying to burn body fat, but calories aren't
the only factor. Your macro choices are more critical.


Carbohydrates provide few benefits other than energy. Few people realize that, out of
the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the only ones that are not essential. There
are essential amino acids and essential fats, which your body can't produce on its own,
but there are no essential carbohydrates.

Your body can produce enough carbohydrates, mainly in your liver, from the protein and
fat you consume. This doesn't mean that carbs are a demon, but if you're trying to lose
body fat while building muscle and strength, you want to focus on eating protein and fat.

When you eat high-glycemic carbs, your body processes them rapidly, absorbs them in
the intestines, and shoves them right into your bloodstream. This increases your blood
glucose levels, which spikes insulin. An insulin spike can be useful after a workout, but
it's not great at any other time of day.

You don't digest low-glycemic carbs as rapidly. They don't create the same sharp spike
in blood glucose, so they offer a steadier supply of energy. Only eat high-glycemic carbs
after training. Eat low-glycemic carbs at any other time of day.

Types Of Carbohydrates

High-Glycemic Carbs: Fast-Digesting

 Sources: Table sugar, white potatoes

 Effect: Spike blood glucose and insulin levels

Low-Glycemic Carbs: Slow-Digesting

 Sources: Most fruits, whole grains, sweet potatoes

 Effect: Less dramatic impact on blood glucose and insulin levels
Workout Fuel

During a workout, you burn carbohydrates as your primary fuel source. You store carbs
in your muscles in the form of glycogen. As the workout proceeds, the muscles you use
burn more and more glycogen.

On this program, after a workout you need to supplement with high-glycemic carbs to
replenish glycogen. That way you'll have enough energy for your next workout. I
recommend gummy bears and Wonka Pixy Stix because they are mainly made of
glucose, which your body easily turns into glycogen.

"After a workout you need to supplement with high-glycemic carbs to replenish glycogen."
These carbs will also quickly spike your insulin levels and drive nutrients into your
hungry muscles. This helps with recovery, repair, and muscle growth. Another great and
easy option is pure dextrose powder.

Start The Shred

As mentioned, Shortcut to Shred is built on three distinct nutrition phases. Each phase
calls for different amounts of carbohydrates and calories. Your protein and fat intake
remains the same throughout Shortcut to Shred, but your carb intake gradually drops,
which also drops your overall calories.

In Phases 1 and 2, your caloric intake is different on workout days and rest days,
because on rest days you will not ingest a pre- or post-workout meal.

In Phase 3, you will have more calories on your rest days than on workout days. Why?
When you drop your carb intake down to 0.5 grams per pound of body weight, your
leptin levels may drop if you don't have enough calories. Leptin is a critical hormone for
maintaining your metabolic rate. If leptin levels drop too low, your metabolic rate drops,
By giving your body a high-carb day, you can keep your leptin levels even, which helps
you continue burning fat and get through the diet. A high-carb rest day will do wonders
for your mind.

Shortcut To Shred Nutrition Plan


 Phase 1-3: 1.5 g per pound of body weight


 Phase 1-3: 0.5 g per pound of body weight


 Phase 1, Week 1: 1.5 g per pound of body weight

 Phase 2, Week 2-3: 1 g per pound of body weight
 Phase 3, Week 4-6: 0.5 g per pound of body weight

Diet Diversity

The foods listed below are merely examples. You don't have to eat the same thing
every day during each phase of Shortcut to Shred. Refer to the alternative foods list for
myriad foods you can use to replace the following sample choices so the diet doesn't
become boring or bereft of nutrient diversity.

Sample Meal Plan

This meal plan is based on a 180-pound male, but will still work well for those between
160-200 pounds. If you weigh more or less than this range, adjust your calories and
macros accordingly to the relative numbers I've provided.
Phase I: Week 1

 Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of body weight

 Fats: 0.5 grams per pound
 Carbs: 1.5 grams per pound

Wake-Up Supplements

200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine


Breakfast 30-60 min after wake-up supplements

Protein Shake(Sip while prepping breakfast.)

1 serving


Egg Whites


1 cup


1 tbsp


Late-Morning Snack

Greek Yogurt(reduced-fat)

8 oz.


1 tbsp


1/2 oz. (7 halves)

Late-Morning Supplements


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine




5 oz.

Whole Wheat Bread

2 slices

1 tbsp



Midday Snack

String Cheese(light)

3 sticks


Mixed Nuts

1 oz.

Pre-Workout Supplements


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine



1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g



1.5-2 g

Intra-Workout Sip immediately before and throughout workout.

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Post-Workout Meal Within 30 minutes after workout.

Protein Powder

2 scoops

Wonka Pixy Stix

14 small or 1 giant




1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g




1.5-2 g

3-5 g



8 oz.

Sweet Potato(large)

Mixed Greens

2 cups

Olive Oil

1 tbsp


1 tbsp

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Nighttime Snack

Cottage Cheese

8 oz.


1 cup

Fish Oil
2-3 g


2-3 g

Shortcut To Shred Free E-Book!

Download the complete Shortcut to Shred workout, nutrition, and supplement plan.


Phase II: Weeks 2-3

 Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of body weight

 Fats: 0.5 grams per pound
 Carbs: 1 gram per pound

Like in Phase 1, on the one day of the week that you don't train, these numbers will be
slightly lower since you skip the pre- and post-workout meals. Feel free to have
your pre-workout shake as an extra snack on that rest day if you get hungry.

The sample meals are similar to Phase 1, but this does not mean you need to eat these
exact foods and only these foods for all 3 weeks of the first 2 phases of this program.
The foods are similar so you can see what I removed and changed to bring the carbs
down without affecting protein and fat much.
Remember to refer to the alternative foods list for more food choices to keep the
Shortcut to Shred diet diverse and interesting!

Wake-Up Supplements


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine


Breakfast 30-60 min after wake-up supplements

Protein Shake(Sip while prepping breakfast.)

1 serving


Egg Whites


1 cup


1 tbsp


Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Late-Morning Snack

Greek Yogurt(reduced-fat)

8 oz.


1 tbsp


1/2 oz. (7 halves)

Late-Morning Supplements


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine




5 oz.

Mixed Greens
2 cups

Olive Oil

1 tbsp


1 tbsp



Midday Snack

String Cheese(light)

3 sticks

Mixed Nuts

1 oz.

Pre-Workout Supplements 30-54 minutes before workout


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine



1.5-5 g

1.5-2 g




1.5-2 g

Intra-Workout Sip immediately before and throughout workout.

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Post-Workout Meal Within 30 minutes after workout.

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Wonka Pixy Stix

14 small or 1 giant




1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g

Acetyl L-Carnitine


1.5-2 g


3-5 g



8 oz.

Sweet Potato(large)


1 cup

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Nighttime Snack

Cottage Cheese

1 cup

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g
Phase III: Weeks 4-6

 Protein: 1.5 grams per pound

 Fats: 0.5 grams per pound
 Carbs: 0.5 grams per pound

Dropping calories and carbs again will cause your body to continue burning fat. Unlike
in Phases 1 and 2, where you eat fewer calories and carbs on your rest day, the
opposite holds true in Phase 3. You will eat more carbs and calories on your rest days.

On your rest days throughout Phase 3, you get to enjoy a high-carb, pig-out day. Since
you go so low in carbs six days of the week, you will need this one high-carb day to
prevent your metabolism from sputtering and slowing down to spare energy reserves
(body fat). The high-carb day will help kickstart your metabolism again, keeping you in a
fat-burning mode for the final phase.

High-Carb, Rest Day Macros

 Protein: 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight

 Carbs: At least 2 grams of carbs per pound of body weight
 Fat: 0.5 grams per pound of body weight

A high-carb pig-out day does not mean you'll eat pizza and drink beer all day. Sure, a
couple beers or a glass of wine won't derail your progress, but your high-carb day isn't a
full 24-hour chest session.

Shoot for low-fat carb sources. High-glycemic or fast-digesting carbs are fine during the
first half of the day, as is fruit, but to prevent any of those carbs from being stored as
body fat, focus on slow-digesting or low-glycemic carbs later in the day.

Workout Days

Wake-Up Supplements

200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine


Breakfast 30-60 min after wake-up supplements

Protein Shake(Sip while prepping breakfast.)

1 serving


Egg Whites

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Late-Morning Snack

Turkey, Swiss, and Avocado Rolls

1 serving

Late-Morning Supplements

200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine




5 oz.

Mixed Greens

2 cups

Olive Oil

1 tbsp


1 tbsp

Midday Snack

String Cheese(light)

3 sticks

Mixed Nuts

1 oz.

Pre-Workout Supplements 30-54 minutes before workout


200-300 mg
Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine



1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g




1.5-2 g

Intra-Workout Sip immediately before and throughout workout.

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Post-Workout Meal Within 30 minutes after workout.

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Wonka Pixy Stix

14 small or 1 giant



1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g

Acetyl L-Carnitine



1.5-2 g


3-5 g



8 oz.


1 cup

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Nighttime Snack

Cottage Cheese

1 cup
Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

High-Carb Rest Days

Wake-Up Supplements


200-300 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine


Breakfast 30-60 min after wake-up supplements

Protein Shake(Sip while prepping breakfast.)

1 serving




1.5-5 g


1.5-2 g
Acetyl L-Carnitine



Egg Whites



2 tbsp

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Late-Morning Snack

Protein Powder

1 scoop

Pizza(personal size, whole-wheat)

1 serving

Late-Morning Supplements


200-300 mg
Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine



Submarine Sandwich(Turkey and ham (double meat) on wheat)


Chips(Baked Lays)

1 oz. bag


1 large

Midday Snack

String Cheese(light)

3 sticks

Popcorn(air-popped or 1 low-fat bag)

6 cups





8 oz.

Brown Rice(cooked)
1 cup

Black Beans(cooked)

1 cup


1 cup

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Nighttime Snack

Greek Yogurt(reduced-fat)

1 cup


1 tbsp


1/2 oz. (7 halves)

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

Supplement Overview
Smart nutrition and intense training are the most crucial parts of Shortcut to Shred.
Supplements are important for great results, but they'll never replace diet and exercise.
My science-backed supplement plan will help you shed fat and maximize your results,
but supplements won't do the work for you. If you put in the effort, supplements will
enhance the shred.

The Shortcut to Shred supplement schedule is practiced and precise. Everything I do is

researched, tested in the lab, and tried on my own physique. My body is a product of my
brain. If you want the best results from this program, you need to follow this regimen.
Every capsule, every shake, and every dose is intended to help you achieve your best

Before we dive into when you should take each supplement, I'll explain why you should
take each supplement. I've chosen synergistic ingredients that work in concert to help
you burn fat, build muscle, and develop strength.

I've broken the Shortcut to Shred supplement lineup into a combination of my favorite
products and various single ingredients so you can get effective supplement doses at
awesome prices.

Supplement Science


A good pre-workout supplement will cover your bases with quality nitric oxide (NO)
boosters, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), creatine, beta-alanine, and betaine, not
to mention stimulants like caffeine to amp up your focus and training intensity, boost
muscle strength and endurance, enhance muscle pumps, and promote muscle growth.
Look for products that provide science-backed NO boosters, such as citrulline malate
and nitrates from beet extract, at least 5 grams of BCAAs, 1.5 grams of creatine
hydrochloride or 5 grams of other forms of creatine (i.e., creatine monohydrate), at least
1.5 grams of beta-alanine, and about 1.5 grams of betaine.
For stimulants, your best and safest bet is caffeine. It's one of the most studied sports
nutrition supplements on the market and frequently shown to improve athletic
performance. Not only does clinical research show that caffeine is very safe, but that it
even may enhance overall health. For performance benefits, you need a minimum of
200 mg of caffeine before workouts to be effective. A pre-workout product that also
provides other ingredients such as taurine, tyrosine, alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline,
and huperzine A adds to the benefits.


Pre-Workout Powder Powerhouse Packed with 13-Hand Picked Ingredients to Support

Improved Workouts*


Protein Powder

If you still think that drinking a whey protein shake before and after workouts is the best
way to ensure proper muscle growth, you're only half right. Yes, whey is critical to take
both before and after workouts. But using whey alone will shortchange your results.

Research suggests that a combination of fast-digesting whey protein along with both a
medium-digesting protein, like egg-white protein, and a very slow-digesting protein,
such as micellar casein, is superior to a single protein source. Based on the research
and real-world data, your protein shake should be about 25-40% whey, 50% casein,
and 10-25% medium-digesting protein like egg-white protein.
Pro JYM, 4 Lbs - New



A solid post-workout product will provide you with proper doses

of BCAAs, creatine, beta-alanine, betaine, carnitine, glutamine, and fast-digesting
carbs. Look for products that deliver at least 5 grams of BCAAs, at least 1.5 grams of
creatine hydrochloride (or, alternatively, 5 grams of creatine monohydrate), at least 1.5
grams of beta-alanine, at least 1-2 grams of carnitine, 3-5 grams of glutamine, and
about 1.5 grams of betaine.

A good post-workout blend should also provide about 20-60 grams of fast-digesting
carbs to help replenish muscle glycogen and shuttle nutrients to your muscles. Ideally,
the carbohydrates should be separate from the other ingredients so that you can adjust
your carb intake as needed for your body size and goals.

Post JYM Active Matrix, 30 Servings - New

Powerful Cocktail Designed to Help Boost Repair, Maximize Recovery, and Build Muscle

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are a great source of essential omega-3 fats, especially EPA and
DHA. Omega-3 fats may help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, as well as
support healthy brain and joint function. But for those who train, nothing is more exciting
than current research suggesting fish oil may help with muscle growth and recovery as
well as support fat loss. If you're not already taking a fish oil supplement, reel one in

Omega JYM, 120 Softgels

The Alpha of OMEGA 3's


Fat Burner

The addition of a fat burner to your supplement stack is especially important when doing
a shred trainer. It's important not to overuse fat-burning products, though; your body will
eventually become accustomed to them, at which point you'll stop seeing benefits. Save
the fat burners for when you're shredding.
I recommend acetyl L-carnitine, caffeine, and green tea extract. You can take them
separately, or find a product such as Shred Jym that combines them all into one
convenient dose.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine (ALCAR) is L-carnitine with an acetyl group attached. This attachment
increases carnitine's uptake by the body, making it more effective. ALCAR is able to
enter the brain, where it may aid in brain function, boost alertness, and support positive

In other areas of the body, such as muscle cells, carnitine aids fat loss transporting fatty
acids into the power centers of cells, called mitochondria. These power centers work to
generate energy by burning up nutrients such as fat for fuel.

Acetyl L-Carnitine, 60 Vcaps

Supports Alertness And Mental Focus!



This potent central nervous system stimulant increases alertness, mental focus, and
your pain threshold during workouts. It also functions as a powerful fat burner. Since it's
a stimulant, caffeine naturally increases the number of calories your body burns.
Caffeine also attaches to receptors on fat cells to blunt fat storage and increase fatty
acid release.

Note: If the pre-workout product you choose contains my recommended dose of

caffeine, like Pre JYM, you do not need additional caffeine before your workouts.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea enhances fat loss and offers a host of additional health and physique
benefits, including joint support and muscle recovery. Green tea aids fat loss by
boosting daily calorie burn. The ingredients in green tea responsible for this effect are
called catechins. The most important catechin is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

EGCG inhibits an enzyme that normally breaks down norepinephrine, a

neurotransmitter and hormone that boosts metabolic rate and fat burning.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring group of omega-6 fats that aids
fat loss and supports lean mass. CLA burns body fat by boosting your metabolic rate
and inhibiting the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL allows fat cells to pull fat from
the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By inhibiting LPL, CLA encourages the body to
burn fat instead of store it.

By helping the body use fat for fuel, CLA also spares your muscle mass. When your
body is fueling itself with fats, it doesn't need to break down muscle tissue for additional
fuel. In this way, CLA can help you burn unwanted blubber and preserve your hard-
earned muscle.
Shortcut To Shred Supplement Schedule

Download, Print, And Follow Jim Stoppani's Customized Shortcut To Shred Supp Schedule!



Protein Powder

1 scoop

Fish Oil

2-3 g


200 mg

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine

1.5-2 g


2-3 g

Late Morning/Early Afternoon


200-300 g
Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine

1.5-2 g

30-45 Minutes Pre-Workout


200-300 g

Green Tea Extract

500-1000 mg

Acetyl L-Carnitine

1.5-2 g




1 serving


1.5-3 g


1.5-2 g

Immediately Pre-Workout

Protein Powder

1 scoop
Immediately Post-Workout

Protein Powder

2 scoops




1 serving


1.5-3 g




1.5-2 g


3-5 g

With Dinner

Fish Oil

2-3 g


2-3 g

With Final Meal

Fish Oil
2-3 g


2-3 g

Before Bed

Protein Powder

1 scoop

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