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For Claim Registration, Please Call On Toll Free Number 1800 2 666

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Nibhaye Vaade
Claim Form for Motor Vehicle
answer quesuons fully)
(Issuance Ofthis fo罒 is notto be taken as an admissionOfliability•Please

· 2· 666
For Claim registration, please call on Toll Free Number 1800


(Mobile n EmaillD is essentialforthe e 0 keep the customer informed about claim process)

E Mail

AadharCard 0.

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Average 囗 lac 口 31actoSlac 口
囗Slact0101ac 加la 02 ac口 > 20h0
08 on 口 Semce 囗Marketing 囗 NonMarketing
口 Business 口 0 e「

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山sth Family 口 <2 囗4 •8 口> 8

Howa nyof ema 0318 口 <2 O 27 0 4•8

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Howmanyvehicle 口2 囗> 2
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囗 > 20000
囗 2 30「
Howmanytmes none

口 Personal 口 Business 心 •ncity) Business(Outslde


A心 De c 口 None 囗 GearLock 口 Tracking



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Relative/ friend Ⅱpaidd how longhas he been yourem 0 ?

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Me Ⅱnottake credit e Ⅵc " pa心 C| Lombard
Input Gen ,, Ltd. men $" ~」1 , , e〔m.

Direct Fund Transfer/EFT Mandate FO

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A) Would you like to opt fo「Electronic Fund Transfer as mode Ofpayment ? A) Yes

B)Ifyes, kindly provide the below mentioned details :

Type OfAccount:

Branch Name :

cheque signedby
1) Please attach an Original Blank cance"ed
Please attach a PAN card copy OfPavee

d 0 for payments ro h
Terms and C
, Ⅱ 00", ,· d“ final, Ltd•
G- " 0 "“,“00Company
Lombard 、 ,0 0” 0
I. Thedetails ~ edby 0c 00, , , in 0
cross verification any the details providedtherein•
be · "0 , ,“p,, ec",、"0「
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3. TheC" 、,· 「 · de, 0 RTGS/NEFTf00
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Page 4 of 4

7. The that transaction(s) through RIGS/ NEFT faciEty may attract inward RTGS/ NEFT charges, which if levied by the Customers bank. shall be
borne by the Custome

S. ICICI Loa±ard has the absoute discretion to amend or suppkment any Terms and Conditions stated herein at any time and will endeavor to give prior notice of Ten
days changes whereve feasile for the terms and conditions to be appbcable. By using the new services. or at the completion of such period. whichever is
eufet. the Customer shal be deemed to have accepted the changed terms and conditions.

9. of docurnents or bank de-tansor any other informationdoes not in any way. shape or form, imply or express or suggest admission of liability by the

10. Notices these terns and corditions may be given in writing by deEvering them by hand or e-rnad or on ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. website
by selding them by post to the last address of the Customer.

These terms ard conditions wd be govemed by the laws Of India and any legal action or proceedings arising out of these Terms and Conditions shall be initiated in the
cmgts tricnals at Mumbai ln&a.
12- J/W€furtherundertaketorefundanyexcessamountw•hetherdemandedbylClCl Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. or not. which has been credited in
excess to my accwnt at any 7 days of such receipt of such communicationfrom ICICI Lombard of such excess credit or such
due to anv reason w•vttun
•nfcrrnatim of excess credit com•ng to the knowledge of the Customer through any other source.

13. VV%aveethatmy/ourciaimpayrnentwiUbecreditedfrornthedatelClClLombardGenerallnsuranceCompanyLtd. getsconfirrnationfromitsbankers.Thisfacility

contiue uriess it is revoked by any party and any issuance of relevant credit instruction from ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. to its bankers will
be vaEd til such Instruction is complete irrespective of the fact that the notice period has expired provided such a credit request has been made by ICICI Lombard
General Insurance Cornpany Ltd. before the expiry of the notice period of the Customer.

(Bease attach a blank canceJed cheque or photocopy of a cheque for verification of the particulars provided in this regard)

Signature of the Account Holder (Insured)

For any future claim or insurance related query please call on Toll Free Number 1800-2-666

Nibhaye Vaade
Aurus: Lanbud GM" Insumce CunpanyL"rited InterfaceBuiung No.11.401/4024th Neo RoadMalad MIAai - 4Ü64.
W •s: Wed, 'CICI Hwse 414.Vee Near Sevi Prihadevt. Mumba 025.
Visit •t Now Org Numbe for al Insurance needs 1800 2666 (Toa Froe also •ccessile tram
is matterOf BOA REG. 115.

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