Chapter - 1 Crystal Field Theory in Octahedral Complexes Notes
Chapter - 1 Crystal Field Theory in Octahedral Complexes Notes
Chapter - 1 Crystal Field Theory in Octahedral Complexes Notes
Crystal Field Theory in Octahedral Complexes
CFT was given by Hans Bethe in 1929 and was further developed by Van Vlech in 1932. It
explained the bonding in complex compounds.
1. Postulates of CFT:
1. The bonding between metal and ligand is purely electrostatic between metal ion and donor
2. The central Metal cation is surrounded by ligand which contains one or more lone
pair of electrons.
3. The ionic ligand (F-, Cl- etc.) is regarded as point of negative charges and neutral
molecules (H2O, NH3 etc.) as point dipoles.
4. The electrons of ligand does not enter metal orbital. Thus there is no orbital overlap takes
5. The magnetic properties depend upon the splitting of d- orbitals of the central cation in
different crystal.
6. The color of complexes are explained in terms of electronic transitions between the various
d- orbitals of different energies.
7. It also explains why certain geometries are more favored than others by certain metals in
terms of crystal field stabilization energies.
Thus, the crystal field splitting depends on the field produced by the ligand and the charge on
the metal ion. An experimentally determined series based on the absorption of light
by coordination compound with different ligands known as spectrochemical series has been
Spectrochemical series arranges ligands in order of their field strength as:
I– < Br– < Cl– < SCN– < F– < OH– < C2O42- < H2O < NCS– < EDTA4- < NH3 < en < CN–<
Filling of d-orbitals takes place in the following manner; the first three electrons are arranged
in t2g level as per the Hund’s rule. The fourth electron can either enter into t2g level giving a
configuration of t2g4eg0 or can enter the eg orbital giving a configuration of t2g3eg1. This
depends on two parameters magnitude of crystal field splitting, Δo and pairing energy, P. The
possibilities of two cases can better be explained as:
• Δo > P – Electron enters in the t2g level giving a configuration of t2g4eg0. Ligands
producing this configuration are known as strong field ligands and form low spin
• Δo < P – Electron enters in the eg level giving a configuration of t2g3eg1. Ligands
producing this configuration are known as weak field ligands and form high spin
2)Nature of ligand
a) When the ligands are strong the energy gap between t2g and eg is more the distribution of
electron does not takes place according to Hund’s rule.
These are Low spin Complexes.
b) When ligands are weak CFSE is relatively small hence five d- orbitals are suppose to be
degenerate and therefore distribution of electrons takes place according to Hund’s rule. These
are High spin Complexes.
Weak field
Ligands (red, high spin)
2) Magnetic Properties :
a) in d1, d2, d3, d8, d9 complexes have same spin state and all are paramagnetic.
b) The low spin d6 and d10 complexes are diamagnetic.
c) In d4, d5, d6 and d7 the number of unpaired electron are different in high spin and
Thus, Crystal Field Theory provides a basis for explaining many features of transition-metal
complexes. Examples include why transition metal complexes are highly colored, and why
some are paramagnetic while others are diamagnetic. The spectrochemical series for ligands
explains nicely the origin of color and magnetism for these compounds. There is evidence to
suggest that the metal-ligand bond has covalent character which explains why these
complexes are very stable. Molecular Orbital Theory can also be used to describe the bonding
scheme in these complexes.
Crystal Field Splitting in an Octahedral Field
3/5 o
2/5 o t2g
2/5 t
3/5 t
The crystal field splitting in the tetrahedral field is intrinsically smaller than in the octahedral
field For most purposes the relationship may be represented as Δt = 4/9 Δo
Octahedral Vs Tetrahedral
[Ti(H2O)6]3+ – a d1 system
The single electron in the t2g orbitals absorb energy in the form of light and gets excited to the eg
orbitals. In case of [Ti(H2O)6]3+, this corresponds to 520 nm (20,300 cm-1).
520 nm
(243 kJ/mol)
Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Δ
1. Higher oxidation states of the metal atom correspond to larger Δ.
Δ =10,200 cm-1 for [CoII(NH3)6]2+ and 22,870 cm-1 for [CoIII(NH3)6]3+
Δ =32,200 cm-1 for [FeII(CN)6]4- and 35,000 cm-1 for [FeIII(CN)6]3-
An arrangement of ligands according to their ability to increase Δ for a given metal center
Weak – I-, Br-, SCN-, Cl-, N3-, F-, H2NC(O)NH2, OH-, ox2-, O2-, H2O, NCS-, py, NH3, en , bpy,
phen, NO2-, CH3-, C6H5-, CN-, CO – Strong
Field (Ligand)
Distribution of Electrons in an Octahedral Complex
Strong field Weak field Strong field Weak field Strong field Weak field
d1 d2 d3
d8 d9 d10
High-spin Low-spin
d1 t2g1eg0 0.4 Δo t2g1eg0 0.4 Δo
d2 t2g2eg0 0.8 Δo t2g2eg0 0.8 Δo
d3 t2g3eg0 1.2 Δo t2g3eg0 1.2 Δo
d4 t2g3eg1 0.6 Δo t2g4eg0 1.6 Δo
d5 t2g3eg2 0.0 Δo t2g5eg0 2.0 Δo
d6 t2g4eg2 0.4 Δo t2g6eg0 2.4 Δo
d7 t2g5eg2 0.8 Δo t2g6eg1 1.8 Δo
d8 t2g6eg2 1.2 Δo t2g6eg2 1.2 Δo
d9 t2g6eg3 0.6
0 6 Δo t2g6eg3 0.6
0 6 Δo
d10 t2g6eg4 0.0 Δo t2g6eg4 0.0 Δo
Distribution of Electrons in a Tetrahedral Complex
T t h d l splitting
litti is
i seldom
ld large
l enoughh to
t result
lt in
i pairing
i i off the
th electrons.
l t
As a result, low-spin tetrahedral complexes are not common.
A rare example is Cr[N(SiMe3)2]3[NO]
d1 e1 t20 0.6 Δt
d2 e2 t20 1.2 Δt
d3 e2 t21 0.8 Δt
d4 e2 t22 0.4 Δt
d5 e2 t23 0 0 Δt
d6 e3 t23 0.6 Δt
d7 e4 t23 1.2 Δt
d8 e4 t24 0.8 Δt
d9 e4 t25 0.4 Δt
d10 e4 t26 0.0 Δt
When to Expect Tetrahedral Geometry
2nd and 3rd row d8 metals form square planar geometry irrespective of the nature of the
With Pd2+ (which already generates a strong field) even a weak field ligand such as Cl-
l d to
leads t the
th formation
f ti off a square planar
l complex,
l for l [PdCl4]2-
f example, 2.