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Steam Turbine
• Condenser refers here to the shell and tube heat exchanger installed
at the outlet of every steam turbine in Propulsion/Thermal power
stations generally. These condensers are heat exchangers which
convert steam from its gaseous to its liquid state, also known as
phase transition. In so doing, the latent heat of steam is given out
inside the condenser.
Why is it required?
• The steam turbine itself is a devise to convert the heat in steam to
mechanical power.
• The difference between the heat of steam per unit weight at the inlet to
turbine and the heat of steam per unit weight at the outlet to turbine
represents the heat given out (or heat drop) in the steam turbine which is
converted to mechanical power.
• The heat drop per unit weight of steam is also measured by the word
enthalpy drop.
• Therefore the more the conversion of heat per Kg of steam to mechanical
power in the turbine, the better is its performance or otherwise known as
Why is it required?
• By condensing the exhaust steam of turbine, the exhaust pressure is
brought down below atmospheric pressure from above atmospheric
pressure, increasing the steam pressure drop between inlet and
exhaust of steam turbine.
• This further reduction in exhaust pressure gives out more heat per
unit weight of steam input to the steam turbine, for conversion to
mechanical power.
• Most of the heat liberated due to condensing, i.e., latent heat of
steam, is carried away by circulating water inside the tubes.
Why is it required?
• For example, steam at 60.0 bar, 500.0°C has specific enthalpy 3422.2 kj/kg.
• If this steam were expanded to atmospheric pressure, 923.1 kj/kg would become
available for doing work, and 3422.2-923.1 = 2499.1 kj/kg would be thrown out in
the exhaust steam.
• If instead, the steam were expanded to the lowest practicable pressure, say 0.03
bar, 1381.2 kj/kg would become available for doing work, and 3422.2-1381.2 =
2041.0 kj/kg would be thrown out in the exhaust.
• we increase the work obtainable from each 1.0 kg of steam by 49.6 per cent, and
reduce the heat thrown out by 18.33 per cent.
Types of Condensers
• The steam condensers are broadly classified into two types:

• Surface condensers (or non-mixing type condensers). In surface

condensers, there is no direct contact between the exhaust steam
and the cooling water.
• Jet condensers (or mixing type condensers). In jet condensers there is
direct contact between the exhaust steam and cooling water.
Advantages and Disadvantages Of Surface
• Advantages Of Surface Condenser:- • Disadvantages Of Surface Condenser:-

• 1. Pure condensation is possible by the • 1. Large floor area is required.

surface condenser.
• 2. Large amount of water is required.
• 2. Low quality cooling water can be used
for condensation.
• 3. Construction is not simple.
• 3. High vacuum eficiency.
• 4. It's need to be operate by the skilled

• 5. Maintenance cost is high.

Types of Condenser- as per flow
Surface Condenser
Surface Condenser
• The shell is the condenser's outermost body and contains the heat exchanger
• The shell is fabricated from carbon steel plates and is stiffened as needed to
provide rigidity for the shell.
• When required by the selected design, intermediate plates are installed to serve
as baffle plates that provide the desired flow path of the condensing steam. The
plates also provide support that help prevent sagging of long tube lengths.
• At the bottom of the shell, where the condensate collects, an outlet is installed.
In some designs, a sump (often referred to as the hotwell) is provided.
Condensate is pumped from the outlet or the hotwell for reuse as boiler
• For most water-cooled surface condensers, the shell is under [partial] vacuum
during normal operating conditions.
Vacuum system
The shell's internal vacuum is most
commonly supplied by and
maintained by an external steam jet
ejector system.
Such an ejector system uses steam as
the motive fluid to remove any non-
condensible gases that may be
present in the surface condenser.
The Venturi effect, which is a
particular case of Bernoulli's
principle, applies to the operation of
steam jet ejectors.
Motor driven mechanical vacuum
pumps, such as the liquid ring type,
are also popular for this service.
• Generally the tubes are made of stainless steel, copper alloys such as
brass or bronze, cupro nickel, or titanium depending on several
selection criteria. The use of copper bearing alloys such as brass or
cupro nickel is rare in new plants, due to environmental concerns of
toxic copper alloys. Also depending on the steam cycle water
treatment for the boiler, it may be desirable to avoid tube materials
containing copper. Titanium condenser tubes are usually the best
technical choice, however the use of titanium condenser tubes has
been virtually eliminated by the sharp increases in the costs for this
Tube sheets
• At each end of the shell, a sheet of sufficient thickness usually made of
stainless steel is provided, with holes for the tubes to be inserted and
• The inlet end of each tube is also bell mouthed for streamlined entry of
• This is to avoid eddies at the inlet of each tube giving rise to erosion, and to
reduce flow friction.
• Some makers also recommend plastic inserts at the entry of tubes to avoid
eddies eroding the inlet end.
• In smaller units some manufacturers use ferrules to seal the tube ends
instead of rolling.
Stream line flow
Vibration due to steam flow
condenser tubes wear through or fracture at
the ends or at the division plate due to
vibration caused by the high velocity of the
exhaust steam.
These are always possible sources of leakage.
Trouble is sometimes experienced with
erosion of the first few inches at the inlet
ends of the tubes.
This was formerly attributed to excessive
water velocity, but more recent
investigations have shown that bad entry
conditions are a more likely cause.
In particular, pronounced water flow across
the tube plate can cause breakaway of the
flow at the inlet to the tube, and the
resulting impingement erodes the tube
• Brass is a mixture of copper and zinc (70:30), and under the conditions of
working, an electrolytic or galvanic action is set up between the particles of
copper and zinc comprising the metal.
• The action resembles that in a primary electric cell, with a rod of copper
and a rod of zinc immersed in a weak solution of sulphuric acid.
• When the rods are joined externally, an electric current flows and the zinc
rod is gradually eaten away.
• In much the same way, the zinc particles in the brass tube were eaten away
(called de-zincification) until a hole was formed which allowed sea water to
enter the steam space and mix with the pure condensate.
• Zinc plates, fitted to the tube plate or to the nuts of stays, helped to
reduce the effects of galvanic action.
• Some firms used soft-iron plates attached to the end covers
( sacrificial Anode)
Tube/Tube plate Fitting for expansion

The tubes are fitted with screwed glands or

ferrules where they pass through the tube
plates or, at the water-inlet ends, they may be
expanded and bell-mouthed to streamline the
water flow at entry, thus reducing water-
friction loss and pumping power (Figure 6.2).
Tube/Tube plate Fitting for expansion
• The ferruled tube ends are sealed with cotton-cord packing saturated with boiled
oil, or by patent zinc metallic packing.
• The packing is inserted in a small stuffing-box and secured in place by the
screwed ferrule.
• Some means must be provided to allow for the relative expansion and
contraction of the tubes and shell.
• In the method described the tube is free to expand and contract. When required,
a projection on the inside of the ferrule prevents the tube from working out of
the tube plate.
Shell Expansion Joint
Alternatively, the tubes may be roller-expanded into the tube-plates at both
ends, with the inlet ends bell-mouthed. In such cases means is incorporated
in the condenser design to accommodate differential expansion between the
steel shell and the non-ferrous tubes
The outside casing is given flexibility by the insertion of an expansion piece,
allowing all the tubes to be expanded into the tube plates and so reducing
the probability of leakage
contraction and expansion

In such cases, of course, the tube-plate stays cannot pass

between the tube plates, since this would prevent the shell
expansion piece from functioning correctly. The tube-plate
stays then pass through the water box

During manufacture, transport and installation the expansion

piece is rendered inoperative by welded-on clips. Once the
condenser is finally erected in the ship and all pipe
connections made, these clips are cut through.
Water boxes
• The tube sheet at each end with tube ends rolled, for each end of the
condenser is closed by a fabricated box cover known as a waterbox,
with flanged connection to the tube sheet or condenser shell. The
waterbox is usually provided with man holes on hinged covers to
allow inspection and cleaning.
Deflection and Vibration
• To prevent undue deflection at the centre of their length, it is usual to fit
one or more support plates between the tube plates. These plates are
drilled with clearing holes in line with the tube-plate holes, the tubes
passing through the holes and being supported there. The support-plate
positions and pitches are chosen to discourage transverse tube vibration.
• Tube vibration can occur if the natural frequency of the tube coincides with
the running speed of the turbines, and can be aggravated by "steam
buffeting". The tube vibration characteristics depend on the pitching of the
support plates, on the clearance between the tube and the support plate
hole, on the tube diameter, thickness and material and is of course also
influenced by the fact that when in operation, the tubes are full of sea
Shape and location of condenser
Condenser shells are not always
made circular, but sometimes
rectangular or nearly square and
sometimes pear-shaped
On reciprocating engines, the
condenser is carried on brackets on
the back columns, but in turbines it
is usually underslung, i.e. below the
L.P. turbine

While the majority of marine turbine

condensers are underslung, there
were some installations made quite
a number of years ago with wing
condensers mounted separately
from, and on roughly the same level
as, the turbines
Leak test
The method of testing for individual leaky tubes or stays is to blank off the
condensate branch in the bottom of the condenser, fill the steam space with
fresh water and remove the end covers to note the tube ends which are
passing water.
If an independent air-pump is fitted, start the air-pump, creating a partial
vacuum in the steam space which draws air in through the tubes which are
leaking. These are found by testing the tube ends with a lighted candle, the
flame being drawn in with the air
Alternatively, a sheet of thin plastic material is placed over the water side of
each tube plate and the air pump started. The suction effect passes through
the holed tube or tubes, drawing the plastic into the appropriate tube ends.
Instead of the plastic sheets, a special foam has been sprayed over the water
side of the tube plate to perform the same function.
Fluorescent -Leak test
A more recently adopted method of test makes use of
fluorescent dye.
Fluorescent dyes such as eosin and fluorescein have the
property of changing the short waves of ultraviolet light,
which are invisible, into long waves which can be seen.
Roughly, about 0.25 kg of the dyestuff is mixed with 20.0
tonnes of water, which mixture when introduced to the
steam side of a condenser will flow out through any crack
or hole in a tube.
Without this aid small leaks are difficult to detect, since
tubes and tube-plates are usually wet, but when
introduced its presence is easily detected.
This is done by directing the invisible rays from an ultra-
violet lamp on to the tube plate when, if there is any
leakage, the water in the vicinity will appear greenish in
Double –Tube plates
Very high-pressure boilers cannot tolerate impurities in
the feed water, and in such cases double-tube plates
have been used to positively eliminate leakage of sea-
water past the tube fixings.
The tubes pass through the inner steel tube plate and
the outer brass tube plate as shown in Figure 6.6.
The space between the two plates being sealed with
pure condensate at a pressure higher than the
maximum circulating-water pressure.
The sealing pressure is usually obtained by a constant
head tank. Any leakage past tube fixings is then always
pure condensate from the interspace.
Instead of condensate sealing, the interspace is
sometimes connected to a sub-atmospheric pressure,
which quickly removes any circulating-water leakage.
• A holed tube should be plugged from both
Steps to rectify the the sides. The plugs can be of cork, wood,
leaks of tube : rubber, brass, or copper as supplied by the
manufacturer. Care should be taken when
plugging with the metal plugs, not to
damage the tube plate.
• If the leaks are from the gaps between the
tube plate and the tubes, slight flaring of the
tube may help preventing the leaks however
this flaring, if excessive will damage the tube
plate and also the tube itself.
• Note: In the above process, if the plugging
of the tubes is about 10% the tubes have to
be renewed.
Tube removal procedure
• Cut off both end of faulty tube by the drill 1.0 mm smaller than the
outside diameter of the tube.Drilling length should be about 5.0 mm
shorter than tube sheet thickness
• Collapse the tube end by chisel tool
• Knock out the tube by punch and tube push out tool
Scoop System
Small axial flow circulating pumps (Figure 2) have
been installed in conjunction with some scoop
arrangements, with the idea that at speed, the pump
impeller would idle and provide very little resistance
to the scoop flow. The axial flow pump, intended for
slow speed and manoeuvring, suffered from thrust
problems when idling in a number of installations.
Re -Generative Condenser
As it expands through a turbine, as much as possible of the available useful
work is extracted from the steam by maintaining vacuum conditions in the
condenser. Part of the function of the condenser is to condense the steam
from the low pressure end of the turbine at as low a pressure as possible. The
effective operation of a condenser requires that the sea water is colder than
the saturation temperature of the exhaust steam and this means that
undercooling will occur.
Any undercooling must be made good during the cycle which turns the feed
water back to steam, and undercooling increases the temperature range
through which the condensate, returning to the boiler, must be raised again
before it boils off. To avoid this thermal loss, condensers are built with
regenerative ability in that paths (Figure 3) are arranged between and below
the tube banks for direct flow of part of the steam to the lower part of the

This steam then flows up between the tubes and meets the condensate from
the main part of the exhaust, dripping from the tubes. The undercooled
condensate falls through this steam atmosphere and heat transfer occurs,
resulting in negligible undercooling in the final condensate.

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