I.Abstract: R - (LN KT 2 LN KT 1) T1 T2
I.Abstract: R - (LN KT 2 LN KT 1) T1 T2
I.Abstract: R - (LN KT 2 LN KT 1) T1 T2
Hydrolysis reaction of ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 in a solution catalyzed by
HCl is a reversible reaction, to investigate this reaction kinetics we will
determine the reaction rate constant K and the activation energy E. We have :
R . (ln KT 2−ln KT 1)
E= ¿
T 1− 1
¿ T2
Thus, to determine the activation energy, E must accurately determine the
reaction rate constant K at two temperatures T1 and T2. This experiment has
shown that as the temperature increases, the reaction rate constant K increases
(considering at the same time t). Because the reaction rate at high temperature is
greater than that at low temperature, KT1 is greater than KT2. After finding
KT1 and KT2, instead of the above equation, we will find activation energy E,
which is the dynamics of this reaction.
II. Introduction
First, we will have to determine the formula of the relationship between the
activation energy E and the rate constant K, then combine and deduce the last
formula to calculate E, from which the kinetics of the reaction can be
investigated. The hydrolysis reaction of ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 in a
solution catalyzed by HCl occurs according to the following reaction equation:
CH3COOC2H5 + H20 => CH3COOH + C2H5OH
The above reaction is the second order reaction, the reaction rate is calculated
by the equation:V= K2.CH2O.Ceste .When facilitating the concentration of H2O
much greater than that of the ester, it can be considered that the water
concentration remains constant during the reaction, set: K2.CH2O=K1 we have:
V=K1.Ceste . Thus, by creating the right conditions for the dilute solution, with a
very large concentration of H2O, it is possible to change the reaction order
(from order 2 to level 1). We have:
1 Co
K1= m ln Co−xm
Where: Co is the concentration of esters at the beginning of the reaction at m =
0, xm is the concentration of the reacted ester in time m. The reaction rate
constant K depends on the temperature T according to the Arrhenius equation:
d lnK E E
= . To find out: d lnK= dT . Integrating the two sides according to
dT RT 2 RT 2
the temperature from T1 to T2, we derive the activation energy formula E:
R . ( lnKT 2−KT 1 )
E= 1
T1 T 2
In which KT1 and KT2 are the reaction rate constants at the temperatures T1
and T2. Thus, in order to calculate the activation energy E, it is necessary to
accurately determine the reaction rate constant K at the two temperatures T1
and T2. To determine the rate constant K, the acid concentration must be
monitored after each reaction time. The acid concentration determines either the
conductivity measurement or the titration with a NaOH solution of known
concentration, in this article we use the second method.
We have the formula:
1 Ca , x
K= m . ln Ca, x−Ca , m (*)
Where Ca, x is the concentration of acetic acid generated at the end of the
reaction, Ca,m is the concentration of acetic acid generated after that time.
At the time of the initial mo:
The volume of NaOH concentration N used to titrate V (ml) of the mixture has
a volume of Vo (ml). The calculated acid concentration at this point is equal to
that of the catalytic hydrochloric acid because then CH3COOH has not been
generated yet: V. Cxt = Vo. N (according to the law of equivalence) implies Cxt
(1) .
At time m:
The volume of NaOH used to titrate V (ml) of the mixture is Vm (ml). Now the
acid concentration is calculated by the total concentration of the catalytic
hydrochloric acid and the generated concentration of CH3COOH acid.
Analogous: V.(Cxt+Ca,x) = N. Vx to find out Cxt+ Ca,x (2)
From (1) and (2) deduced: Ca,m = V . ( Vm−Vo )
If we let thereaction happen ¿ the end : Ca,x =
V .(Vx−Vo)
Instead of the equation (*), we have an expression for calculating the rate
constant K of the ethyl acetate hydrolysis reaction in the HCl catalytic medium:
1 Vx−Vo
K= m . ln Vx−Vm
At the time values m, we will calculate the mean values of KT1 and
KT2. From there, instead of the relation between the activation energy
E and the rate constant, we will determine the value E to find.
First, the experiment determines Vx.
Because the reaction is slow, it is necessary to determine Vx at 70-80 ℃ within
two and a half hours. Place in a 100 ml flask with exactly 50 ml of 0. 1 N
hydrochloric acid, then use a small pipette to take 2 ml of ethyl. the acetate is
placed in the above flask, shake well, followed by a reflux condenser and the
thermostat set at the above temperature for two and a half hours. At the end of
the experiment, pipette 5 ml of reaction solution into a conical flask,
standardized with NaOH concentration N, the indicator is phenolphthalein. The
reaction vessel remains in the thermostat. After 10 minutes take 5ml of solution
again and operate as above. If the volume of NaOH twice standard is still much
different, leave for 10 minutes and titrate again. If the NaOH volume at two
successive titrations is approximately the same (difference 0. 1 ml), proceed as
the titration is complete, record the volume Vx.
After determining Vx, we will practice the experiment of determining the rate
constant K at the temperatures T1 and T2. Determination of KT1 and KT2 were
carried out alternately and performed very similarly. Determination of KT2 by
pipette 50 ml of 0,1N hydrochloric acid into a 100 ml conical flask with a rough
stopper. Numbered 2. Then put the conical flask into a thermostat, set to 10
degrees higher than room temperature. For about 5-10 minutes of temperature
stabilization, use a dry pipette to take 2 ml of atylacetate into a conical flask.
After the ethylacetate has run out, then immediately record the mo. After the 2
ml of ethylacetate has been completely removed, gently shake it, then use
another pipette to take 5 ml of the solution in the reaction into another conical
flask containing 20 ml of distilled water (to slow the reaction). Titrate 5 ml of
solution with N concentration NaOH, phenolphthalein indicator. Record the
volume of NaOH consumed Vo. In the same manner, determine the acid
concentration in flask 2 at m = 20,40,60 (min) at the time of mo. The volume
used to standardize 5ml taken at this time is Vm.
Determination test KT1 interspersed with determination test KT2 and done at
room temperature. Number 1 on the sand stopper, the experiment is exactly the
same as determining KT2. Both experiments used the same results Vx
III. Result
After doing the experiment, we have the results shown in the table below, along
with the permissible temperature conditions.
After the practice: test temperature = 80 ℃, determined Vx = 41. 4 (ml)
Average 1: t1 = 24C
Average 2: t2 = 34C
VI. References
1.Bộ môn Hoá lý, tài liệu thí nghiệm Hoá lý 2. Viện Kĩ thuật hoá học, trường
Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội, 2020
2. https://tailieu.vn/doc/hoa-ly-2-phan-dong-hoc-xuc-tac-1571561.html