Examen Willy
Examen Willy
Examen Willy
1. Read Petra’s postcard, Write the missing words. Use the words from the box
3. What type of poetry is represented here, what poetry elements can you identify in this ?
Picture 1 Initial Picture 2 Primary
The Type of poem is …ch…………… and the poetry elements I have found
4. Answer to these questions about Fairy Tales
A: For primary
Fairy Tales Quiz
Fairy tales are fun to read and most have a moral or lesson that teaches us
something about life. See how much you know about these fairy tales by trying this little quiz.
Select the correct answer for each quiz question. When you are done, click on the Check
Answers button to check your answers and Squigly will tell you how you did answering his trivia
A. In "North Wind and the Sun" which F. What is the moral of the story in "The
persuades the man to take off his Grasshopper and the Ants"?
coat? In times of plenty, set aside
North Wind something for a time of need.
Sun The weak cannot demand justice
Neither from the strong.
B. In "The Shoemaker and the Elves" Persuasion is better than force.
what gift do the Shoemaker and his G. What happens to "The Ugly Duckling"?
wife give the elves? He remains ugly.
Money He becomes a swan.
New Clothes He goes off to live by himself.
Shoes H. Who discovers Rumpelstilskin's name?
C. Who gets Grandma out of the wolf's Guards
stomache in "Little Red Riding Hood"? Princess
Grandpa Prince
Little Red Riding Hood I. Which of these is not one of the
The Woodcutter seven dwarfs?
D. How does the princess first meet the Doc
"Frog Prince"? Sleepy
While looking for her gold ball Silly
Swimming J. In the story "The Goose That Laid the
In her room Golden Eggs", what happens?
E. Which little pig is the smartest? The owner kills the goose.
First The owner becomes rich.
Second The goose flys away.
INITIAL :Answer these questions about Cinderella fairy Tale:
Cinderella’s father was widower
a)He married b) His wife died c)He lived a wooden cottage d) He carved wooden animals
Where did Cinderella and her father live?
a)Ina giant castle b)In a simple cottage c)In a shack in the woods d) In an apartment in the city
How would you describe Cinderella’s stepmother?
a) Pretty and generous b) strange and quiet c)helpful and caring d) Horrid and mean
Why did her stepmother and stepsisters called her Cinderella
a)That was her name b)It was her mother’s name c) Her father asked them to d)She
slept among the ashes and cinders.
Who decided to have a ball?
a) Cinderella’s stepmother b) Cinderella C) the prince d) The king
What did Cinderella’s stepsisters do when she told them she wanted to go to the ball?
a)They laughed at her b)They helped her get ready c)They asked their mother if she could
come with them d) They locked her in her room so she couldn’t go.
Cinderella wep while she did her chores, wept means
a) To sweep the floors b) the wash the dishes c) to sleep d) to cry
What did Cinderella have to do first for her fairy godmother?
a) Fetch her a big pumpkin b) gather six white mice c) get two lizards d) Bring her a slipper
What did the godmother turn the rat into?
a) A horse b) a coachman c) A golden coach d) A prince
Why did the fairy godmother move in with the prince and cinderella?
a) To make sure they lived happily ever after. b) She didn’t have a home of her
own c) Cinderella asked her to live with them d) She didn’t move in with them.
5. Go on the link and take the quiz about education at early childhood: Take a photo or
screen capture of your results.