ML Ysz121 2022
ML Ysz121 2022
ML Ysz121 2022
Design Thinking tools to help you create real value for your
customers and users.
[(Empathize: Typeform, Zoom, Creatlr), (Define: Smaply,
Userforge, MakeMyPersona), (Ideate: SessionLab, Stormboard,
IdeaFlip), (Prototype: Boords, Mockingbird, POP), (Test:
UserTesting, HotJar, PingPong), (For the complete process:
Sprintbase, InVision, Mural, Miro),
• [t,X] = loadData(): loads data from ’’ data file. t is the target
output and X is the input features.
• X n = normalizeData( X, ref ): Normalizes the data in X using the mean
and variance of the data in ref. If ref=X, then X n is a linear transformation of
X with zero mean and unit variance.
For the following, use these normalized features X n and targets for learning the model.
Have a look at the source code for all provided files. You may be able to use the
structures as hint.
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Some of the tools can be useful in more than one stage. When the tool is used outside
of its commonly considered stage, the tool remains fairly consistent in terms of how it is
executed, but the objectives for the tool align with the intention of the stage in which it
is being utilized. You will
notice none of the tool sequences shown introduce repetition at the ends of the process
model. Repetition within the What is stage would require a reset or delay of the
subsequent stage outcomes in order to be consistent with a revised outlook of the
current state. This implies the original
problem is being abandoned or has undergone major revision. Starting an independent
design- thinking project to explore the new problem may be a better choice than to start
over from within an existing project. The learning launch is a tool that is rarely
repeated within a design-thinking project. Subsequent revision and additional market
delivery would occur in either future design thinking projects or by business units who
have taken on the task of scaling up marketing, manufacturing and delivery of the
innovative solution.
Design Thinking tools to help you create real value for your
customers and users.
Put this ploton your report, and note which regularizing constant λ
youTypeform, Zoom,
would choose fromCreatlr), (Define: Smaply, Userforge,
the cross-validation.
MakeMyPersona), (Ideate:
or reportSessionLab, Stormboard, IdeaFlip),
The unregularized result (λ = 0) will not appear on this scale. You can either add it as a separate
horizontal line as a baseline, this number separately.
2 Z x −t2
erf (x) = √ e dt. (1)
π 0
(d): Write down the solution of the last two sections in terms of the Fisher
criteria. Explain why this relation between the Fisher criteria and distribution of
the random variable c = a − b makes sense.
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