Poetry DLL
Poetry DLL
Poetry DLL
School: Level: 10
Dynette Jade S. Learning
Student Teacher: Galindez Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: Second
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types
serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use
strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing communication public
speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive
and intensive pronouns.
Performance The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of
Standards: persuasive techniques and devices.
Please get one colored paper. (The students will pick one colored paper each)
(After 7 minutes)
Times up! Let’s start by reading the
question of the color red, all those who RED: Describe your ideal man/ girl.
got color red, please read the question.
Now, who would like to read their
answers to us? Student 1 and 2: (tell their answer)
Now, all those who got green, please read Green: What characteristics do you think you
your question. had in the past that are already gone now in the
Yes, please share your answers.
Student 3 and 4: (tell their answer)
And Yellow, please read your question.
I think you would like to share your Yellow: What characteristics do you have in the
answers students 5 and 6. past that you still carry until today?
Student 5 and 6: (tell their answer)
But first, can somebody tell me what a Student 3: Sonnet is a poem with 14 lines
sonnet means?
Correct! (shows the meaning of the word) Students read the meaning of sonnet.
Please read.
(The motive questions will be presented to
the class.)
As we go through the story, I want you to
think over these questions.
1. How does Laura seem to have
2. What is the tone of the poem
and why?
Examples/Instances of
the Lesson The poem will be read by the students
first as individuals then as a class.
No/Yes Ma’am.
Are there other unfamiliar words for you?
What are the unfamiliar words for you?
Student 4: What is molest ma’am?
Who wants to share their ideas on what
Student 5: I think that molest here means that
these words mean?
she lets the air just touch her hair or lets the air
Good answer! Yes! Molest is usually used move her hair to any direction.
as a negative verb which means to annoys
or to meddle with something.
No ma’am.
Are there other questions?
Student 1: Ma’am I think that the story is a bit
What can you say about the poem?
difficult to understand because it uses a lot of
That is right. So can somebody tell me the Student 2: Figurative language is the use of
meaning of figurative language? words, phrases or sentences in our writings to
make them more creative and lively.
Great job! That is right!
(Shows meaning of figurative language
and let’s students read.)
As you can see, the poem uses a lot of
figurative language. Still, with your
groupings, take down all the figurative
language that you see on the poem and
write its meaning or what you think it
symbolizes. Put them on a 1 whole sheet
of paper.
I will only give you 10 minutes to work
on this and after, you will share your
answers to the class.
(After 10 minutes.)
Let’s share the figurative language we
have found on the poem. Each group will
state one figurative language after
another, be sure to listen because no
group shall repeat what has been said by
the others.
Let’s start will yellow this time.
Yellow: For the wind to toy and tangle and
Great! For the figurative language “For molest which means that Laura is a carefree kind
the wind to toy and tangle and molest” it of girl.
actually states how he remembers Laura,
it makes us create an image of Laura.
Next, green.
Yes, good! In addition to that in the Green: Golden hair fly free which means Laura
phrase “fly free”, he is actually stating the may have a blond hair and her hair is very
years that have passed. That they have beautiful.
both grown old.
How about red.
Red: Pity look out of those deep eyes on me
You are right! The line “Pity look out of which tells that Laura does not have the same
those deep eyes on me” states the
feelings with the speaker.
unrequited (unreturned) love or the one
sided love from the part of the speaker.
Another yellow.
Good job! And what struck him in the Yellow: I had love’s tinder heaped within my
heart? It’s love. In the line “I had love’s breast means that he has been struck something
tinder heaped within my breast”, he wants
in his heart.
to say that he is in love.
Now green.
Great! “What wonder that the flame Green: What wonder that the flame burned
burned furiously” states that nobody furiously means that the author wants to show
would question his love for her because it his love for Laura.
Are there more, red?
Red: Though the bow’s unbent, the wound
Very true! The bow unbent he is talking bleeds on wants to say that even if Laura did not
about here is Cupid’s arrow that only hit love him, the author still loved her.
hi but has not hit her to love him back.
Are there more? You can add to this
figurative language? Group yellow? None ma’am.
How about group green? No more, ma’am.
And group red? Nothing more ma’am.
Well there is actually one more, before
the last line, the author included the irony
of praising Laura of her beauty but says it
has already been dampened by old age by
saying “She seemed divine among the
dreary folk of earth. You say she is not so
No ma’am.
Do you have any questions?
D. Discussion of the Story Now that we are fully aware of the hidden (The students read the story aloud.)
meanings of the lines used in the
sentences. Let us try to dig deeper into the LAURA
meaning of the poem. But first, let’s read Translated by Morris Bishop
the poem one more time.
She used to let her golden hair fly free
For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter that the radiant west.
(Seldom they shine so now.) I used to see
Pity look on those deep eyes on me.
(“It was false pity”, you would now protest)
I had love’s tinder heaped within my breast;
What wonder that the flame burned furiously?
She did not walk in any mortal way,
But with angelic progress; when she spoke,
Unearthly voices sang in unison.
She seemed divine among the dreary folk
Of earth. You say she is not so today?
Well, though the bow’s unbent, the wound
bleeds on.
Great job in reading!
Activity 4. Dig deeper to know.
This time, choose a partner. As a pair pick
out again a colored paper inside the box,
and exchange ideas with your partner.
After 3 minutes, briefly share your
answers to the class.
The questions in the papers will be:
Red: Who do you think is Laura?
Yellow: How does Laura seem to have
Green: Why did Laura change?
Pink: In Laura’s past and present, what
are the common details the author
remembers about Laura?
Blue: What is the tone of the poem?
Orange: What is the effect of the poem to
the readers?
Purple: Why does Laura look at the author
with pity with her deep eyes?
G. Making Class, is the poem clear and understood Yes, Ma’ am.
Generalizations and by all?
Abstractions about the
Lesson If then, what is the main idea of the The story is all about…, Ma’ am.
What part of the lesson helped you in Through the identification of the figures of
understanding the poem better? speech and knowing its meaning ma’am.
A. Beg
B. Regard
C. Object
D. Pause
_____6. And yes indeed that tinder
reinforces the fire.
A. A piece of wood used to ignite
B. A piece of wood used to poke
C. A piece of wood used to hold
D. A piece of wood used to
_____7. He furiously demanded for B
her to love him back when he knows
that it would never happen.
A. Happily
B. Angrily
C. Sorrowfully
D. Gently
_____8. They clapped in unison and D
congratulated her.
A. Great awe
B. A loudly manner
C. Complete disarray
D. Complete agreement
_____9. She was such a charming
lady, a divine one.
A. Relating to gods
B. Very pretty
C. Unique
D. Religious
_____10. There seemed to be dreary
atmosphere after the strong storm.
A. Scary and depressing
B. Gloomy and depressing
C. Bitter and depressing
D. Resentful and depressing
A. The author’s deeply in love
B. Cupid’s arrow that struck only
the author
C. Irony
D. Laura is very beautiful beyond
mortal people
E. The time that passed by as they
grew old
F. But her beauty had been faded
by age
G. The unreturned love of the
H. Laura really don’t have any
feelings for the author
I. Everybody else can see the
love the author shows for
J. The author continued to love
Laura one-sidedly
K. The carefree attitude of Laura
that reminds the author of her
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?