Grade 9 Bow
Grade 9 Bow
Grade 9 Bow
Quarter 2
Compare and contrast similar information presented in different texts
RC 6
Relate text content to particular issues, concerns or dispositions in life
RC 5 10
Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
L 5
environment or other factors
Analyze literature as means of valuing other people and other various
L 5
circumstances in life
Analyze literature as means of understanding unchanging values in the
L 6 VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world E 10
Quarter 3
LC Reflect on the ideas of the speaker 2
Share on the personal opinions on the ideas listened to
LC 2
LC Form decisions based on the ideas mentioned 2
LC 7 Differentiate biases from prejudices E 5
Interpret the message conveyed in the material viewed
VC 3
Analyze the information contained in the material viewed
VC 3
Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
VC 8 5
material viewed E
LC Interpret the information listened to 3
Recognize unfaulty logic, unsupported facts and emotional appeal
LC 3
Judge the relevance and worth of information/ideas
LC 3
LC 9 Judge the validity of the evidence listened to 5
Quarter 4
Judge the relevance of the truthfulness of the ideas listened to
LC 4
LC Judge the validity of the evidence listened to 4
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s
RC 10 reasoning and the effectiveness of the presentation 8
Get the different sides of social, moral and economic issues affecting the
LC 4
Relate text content to particular issues, concerns and dispositions in real
RC 4
Take a stand on critical issues brought up in the material viewed
VC 4
React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis
LC 11 and call for prompt actions B 8
A - An enabling competency developed to bridge the MELC B - The MELC is a refinement/restatement of the available K to 12 LC.
C - The MELC was developed by merging/fusing a set of related LCs.
D - The MELC originally appeared in other grade level/s based from the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. E - The MELC originally appeared in other quarter/s based from the K to 12
Curriculum Guide.