I. Objectives
I. Objectives
I. Objectives
The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the
B. Performance Standards following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
Enabling Objectives: Enabling Objectives: Enabling Objectives: Enabling Objectives: Enabling Objectives:
>Define first conditional >Define second >Define third >Recall Zero > Create an
conditional conditional conditional, First Argumentative Essay
>use the first Conditional, Second using conditional
conditional to talk >use the second >use the third Conditional, and Third sentences
about possible future conditional to talk conditional to deal Conditional
events about unlikely or with the past event >Use appropriate
impossible future that would lead to a verbs in writing
C. Learning Competencies /
>use unless to form a events positive result conditional
first conditional sentences
Write the LC code for
statement >use the second >use the third
conditional to give conditional to talk >Share the
advice about unreal past importance of using
>Use appropriate verb
to complete the first appropriate verbs in
>Use appropriate verb >Use appropriate writing
conditional statement
to complete the verb to complete the argumentative essay
second conditional third conditional using conditional
statement statement sentences
School Gordon Heights National High School Grade Level Grade 9
DAILY Teacher Chello Ann P. Asuncion Learning Area English
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and October 10-14, 2022 | 12:45-1:45; 4:00- Quarter
Time 500; 5:00-6:00
School Gordon Heights National High School Grade Level Grade 9
DAILY Teacher Chello Ann P. Asuncion Learning Area English
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and October 10-14, 2022 | 12:45-1:45; 4:00- Quarter
Time 500; 5:00-6:00
F. Developing mastery Use simple present Use simple past tense use the third The students create
(Leads to Formative tense of the verb in if of the verb in if clause conditional to talk their argumentative
Assessment 3) clause and future tense and would + present about unreal past essay
of the verb in the result form of the verb in the
clause result clause
G. Finding practical Use the first conditional Use the second Use third conditional Identify the The students are
applications of concepts to talk about possible conditional in asking showing past actions statements whether reminded to use
and skills in daily living future event hypothetical questions and past results zero, first, second or appropriate verb in
third conditional their conditional
H. Making Using first conditional Using second Use appropriate verb Use appropriate The students use
generalizations and sentence when having conditional sentence to complete the third verb to complete appropriate
abstractions about the conversation. when having conditional statement the conditional language and follow
lesson conversation. statement the proper format in
writing an essay
I. Evaluating learning Checking of quiz. Checking of quiz. Checking of quiz Checking of quiz Presentation of the
Argumentative Essay
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works?
VI. REFLECTION What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for
you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who 9 – Pearl 9- Amethyst 9 – Pearl 9 – Pearl 9 – Pearl
earned 80% on the formative 9 – Amethyst 9 – Beryl 9 – Beryl 9 - Amethyst 9 – Amethyst
School Gordon Heights National High School Grade Level Grade 9
DAILY Teacher Chello Ann P. Asuncion Learning Area English
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and October 10-14, 2022 | 12:45-1:45; 4:00- Quarter
Time 500; 5:00-6:00