PR3197 - DiseasePredictionUsingMachineLearning - Report - MAYUR SHIVAKU
PR3197 - DiseasePredictionUsingMachineLearning - Report - MAYUR SHIVAKU
PR3197 - DiseasePredictionUsingMachineLearning - Report - MAYUR SHIVAKU
Certified that the project work entitled “DISEASE PREDICTION USING MACHINE
ARIF, USN 1CR16CS079, Ms. MEGHANA MENON, USN 1CR16CS088 , bonafide students of
CMR Institute of Technology, in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science and Engineering of the Visveswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum during
the year 2019-2020. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment
have been incorporated in the Report deposited in the departmental library.
The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Project
work prescribed for the said Degree.
External Viva
Name of the examiners Signature with date
1. ________________
2. ________________
We, the students of Computer Science and Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology,
Bangalore declare that the work entitled "DISEASE PREDICTION USING MACHINE
LEARNING" has been successfully completed under the guidance of Prof. Shivraj V.B,
Computer Science and Engineering Department, CMR Institute of technology, Bangalore. This
dissertation work is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree
of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering during the academic year 2019
- 2020. Further the matter embodied in the project report has not been submitted previously by
anybody for the award of any degree or diploma to any university.
Place: Bangalore
Date: 06/06/2020
Team members:
The project implements 3 linear models and one deep learning model: Naïve Bayes, Support
Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors network to investigate their performance on diabetes and
heart disease datasets obtained from the UCI data repository. In addition to the comparison of the
algorithms, each algorithm has been integrated into a prediction engine and exposed over an API.
The project also includes a web platform to facilitate collaboration among researchers and
doctors. As the results show, our prediction engine is capable of recognizing the presence of the
disease and also predict it accurately. Performance improvements could also be achieved by
using complex deep learning methods.
We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and respect to CMR Institute
of Technology, Bengaluru for providing us a platform to pursue our studies and carry out our
final year project
We have a great pleasure in expressing our deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Sanjay Jain,
Principal, CMRIT, Bangalore, for his constant encouragement.
We would like to thank Dr. Prem Kumar Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, CMRIT, Bangalore, who has been a constant support and
encouragement throughout the course of this project.
We consider it a privilege and honor to express our sincere gratitude to our guide
Mr.Shivraj V.B, Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering, for
the valuable guidance throughout the tenure of this review.
We also extend our thanks to all the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering who
directly or indirectly encouraged us.
Finally, we would like to thank our parents and friends for all their moral support they
have given us during the completion of this work.
Page No.
Certificate ii
Declaration iii
Abstract iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of contents vi
List of Figures viii
1.1 Relevance of the Project 2
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 4
1.4 Scope of the Project 4
1.5 Project Methodology 5
3.1 Functional Requirements 15
3.2 Non-Functional Requirements 21
3.3 Hardware Requirements 22
3.4 Software Requirements 22
4.1 Initial Engine Design 24
4.2 Use Cases 25
5.1 Dataset Formulation 27
6.1 Naïve Bayes 30
6.2 Support Vector Machine 30
6.3 K Nearest Neighbors 31
6.4 Proposed System 33
9.1 Conclusion 41
9.2 Future Scope 41
Page No.
Fig 1.1 Agile Methodology 5
Fig 1.2 Scrum 6
Fig 3.1 Data Visualization 15
Fig 3.2 Data Splitting 19
Fig 4.1 Training Model Process 24
Fig 4.2 Use Case 25
Fig 5.1 Diabetes Dataset 28
Fig 5.2 Heart Disease Dataset 29
Fig 6.1 SVM 31
Fig 6.2 KNN 32
Fig 6.3 Prediction Engine Proposed Model 33
Fig 6.4 Trained KNN, SVM and Naïve Bayes Models 34
Fig 6.5 Pre-processed Diabetes Dataset 34
Fig 6.6 Pre-processed Heart Disease Dataset 35
Fig 6.7 Returning trained models to the API’s on function calls 35
Fig 6.8 API to predict Diabetes 36
Fig 6.9 API to predict Heart Disease 36
Fig 7.1 Prediction Engine Result Page 37
Fig 7.2 Diabetes Form to collect User Data for Prediction 38
Fig 7.3 Heart Disease Form to collect User Data for Prediction 38
Fig 8.1 Form Validation and API Testing 39
Fig 8.2 Trained Models tested for Diabetes Prediction 40
Fig 8.3 Trained Models tested for Heart Disease Prediction 40
Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning
Use of computing in the field of medicine can be seen from the early 1950s. However,
the first applications of AI in medicine can only be seen during the 1970s through expert
systems such as INTERNIST-I, MYCIN, ONCOSIN.
“Knowledge Engineering” was the major research theme during the 1980s, but after
1990 the research shifted to various topics. After 2000, “Machine Learning and Data
Mining” has been the major research theme.
Types of Diabetes
1) Type one diabetes outcomes due to the failure of the pancreas to supply enough
hypoglycaemic agent. This type was spoken as "insulin-dependent polygenic disease
mellitus" (IDDM) or "juvenile diabetes". The reason is unidentified. The type one
polygenic disease found in children beneath twenty years old. People suffer throughout
their life because of the type one diabetic and rest on insulin vaccinations. The diabetic
patients must often follow workouts and fit regime which are recommended by doctors.
2) The type two diabetes starts with hypoglycaemic agent resistance, a situation in
which cells fail to respond the hypoglycaemic agents efficiently. The sickness develops
due to the absence of hypoglycaemic agent that additionally built. This type was spoken
as "non-insulin-dependent polygenic disease mellitus". The usual cause is extreme
weight. The quantity of people affected by type two will be enlarged by 2025. The
existence of diabetes mellitus is condensed by 3% in rural zone as compared to the
urban zone. The prehypertension is joined with bulkiness, obesity and diabetes
mellitus. The study found that an individual United Nations agency has traditional vital
In many countries’ health records are being digitized. The adoption of EMR is also
increasing. According to a data brief by The Office of National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC), 3 out of 4 private or not-for-profit hospitals adopted
at least a Basic EHR system in the US. In many other countries, different EHR systems
exist. The Stockholm EPR corpus is a great example of such systems which consists of
data from 512 clinical units with over 2 million patient records. India is thinking about
setting up a National eHealth Authority (NeHA) during the Digital India program.
These types of electronic health documents provide a huge amount of data for
intelligence data analysis. Many research have been conducted on predicting various
diseases like Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Diabetes etc., detecting tumours, leukaemia
etc. using computer vision, assisting doctors in making efficient decisions.
various machine learning algorithms to help identify such patterns in (i) and to create
a platform for easier data sharing and collaboration.
1.3 Objectives
The primary aim of this project is to analyze the “Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset” and
“Cleveland Heart Disease Dataset” and use Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, and
K-Nearest Neighbors for prediction.
The secondary aim is to develop a web application that allows users to predict heart
disease and diabetes utilizing the prediction engine.
Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest topics today. The revenue for cognitive and
artificial intelligence systems is expected to hit $12.5 billion.
Other than disease diagnosis, artificial intelligence can be used to streamline and
optimize the clinical process. There is only one doctor for over 1600 patients in India
.AI health assistants can help in covering large part of clinical and outpatient services
freeing up doctor’s time to attend more critical cases. Chatbots like “Your.MD” can
assist patients by understanding patients’ symptoms and suggest easy-to-understand
medical information about their condition. Other assistants like “Ada” integrated with
“Amazon Alexa” provides a detailed symptom assessment report and also provides an
option to contact a real doctor. Such assistants make use of Natural Language
Processing and Deep Learning to understand the user and generate suggestions.
Agile is a process by which a team can manage a project by breaking it up into several
stages and involving constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous
improvement and iteration at every stage. It promotes continuous iteration of
development and testing throughout the software development life cycle of the project.
Both development and testing activities are concurrent.
● Product Backlog is the master list of work that needs to get done maintained by
the product owner or product manager.
● Sprint Backlog is the list of items, user stories, or bug fixes, selected by the
development team for implementation in the current sprint cycle.
● Increment (or Sprint Goal) is the usable end-product from a sprint.
The following chapters give an overview of the various methodologies used by various
authors for disease prediction using machine learning methodologies. We can observe
that there is fine comparison made between 5 major machine learning algorithms
whether they are able to predict the presence of the disease with a greater accuracy,
achieving optimal performance. The research efforts presented by the authors in the
following papers are focused in developing and evaluating a web-based tool for disease
The authors have used Machine Learning approaches to predict diabetes [1]
from a large quantity of diabetes associated information. The aim of this analysis is to
develop a system which might predict the diabetic risk level of a patient with a better
accuracy. Model development is based on categorization methods as Decision Tree,
ANN, I Bayes and SVM algorithms. For Decision Tree, the models give precisions of
85%, for I Bayes 77% and 77.3% for Support Vector Machine. Outcomes show a
significant accuracy of the methods.
Conclusion: SVM is very good when we have no idea on the data. Even with
unstructured and semi structured data like text, images, and trees SVM algorithm works
well. The drawback of the SVM algorithm is that to achieve the best classification
results for any given problem, several key parameters are needed to be set correctly.
Decision tree: It is easy to understand and rule decision tree. Instability is there in
decision tree, that is bulky change can be seen by minor modification in the data
structure of the optimal decision tree. They are often relatively inaccurate. I Bayes: It
is robust, handles the missing values by ignoring probability estimation calculation.
Sensitive to how inputs are prepared. Prone bias when increase the number of training
dataset. ANN: Gives good prediction and easy to implement. Difficult with dealing with
big data with complex models. Require huge processing time.
The authors design and develop a web application to predict diabetes [2]
Diabetes is caused due to the excessive amount of sugar condensed into the blood.
Currently, it is considered as one of the lethal diseases in the world. People all around
the globe are affected by this severe disease knowingly or unknowingly. Other diseases
like heart attack, paralyzed, kidney disease, blindness etc. are also caused by diabetes.
Numerous computer-based detection systems were designed and outlined for
anticipating and analysing diabetes. Usual identifying process for diabetic patients
needs more time and money. But with the rise of machine learning, we have that ability
to develop a solution to this intense issue. Therefore, we have developed an architecture
which has the capability to predict where the patient has diabetes or not. Our main aim
of this exploration is to build a web application based on the higher prediction accuracy
of some powerful machine learning algorithm. We have used a benchmark dataset
namely Pima Indian which can predict the onset of diabetes based on diagnostics
manner. With an accuracy of 82.35% prediction rate Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
shows a significant improvement of accuracy which drives us to develop an Interactive
Web Application for Diabetes Prediction.
Conclusion: In this paper, authors proposed a web-based application for the successful
prediction of Diabetes Diseases. From different machine learning algorithms Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) provides highest accuracy with Min Max Scaling Method on
Indian Pima Dataset. As they have proposed and developed an approach for diabetes
disease prediction using machine learning algorithm, it has significant potential in the
field of medical science for the detection of various medical data accurately. In the near
future, focus is to use a deep learning model and prepare a Location based Dataset from
real medical data for the successful prediction of diabetes disease
Expected Result: The goal of our project is to know whether the patient is diabetic or
not, patient will be diagnosed and it will be depending on the attributes that we are
going to take, such as age, pregnancy, pg concentration, tri fold thick, serum ins, body
mass index (bmi), dp function, diastolic bp i.e. the factors which are majorly responsible
for diabetes. So, to reduce the correctly know whether the patient is diabetic or not, we
are developing a system which will be a prediction system for diabetes patients. Another
best thing about the system is it is will give accurate results whether the patient is
diabetic or not with the help of the knowledge base of the larger dataset that we are
going to use added the recommendations we are going to provide based on the diabetic
levels of the patients. Also, the prediction of the disease will be done with the help of
Bayesian algorithm and K-NN algorithm.
patients and furthermore to give suggestions on the premise of the nearness of levels of
diabetes patients. Prediction will be done with the help of two algorithms Naïve Bayes
and K-Nearest Neighbour and also compare which algorithm gives better accuracy on
the basis of their performance factors. This system which will be developed can be used
in HealthCare Industry for Medical Check of diabetes patients.
With the emerging increase of diabetes, that recently affects around 346 million people,
of which more than one-third go undetected in early stage, a strong need for supporting
the medical decision-making process is generated. A number of research have focused
either in using one of the algorithms or in the comparisons of the performances of
algorithms on a given, usually predefined and static datasets that are accessible through
the Internet. This paper focuses on the joint implementation of the support vector
machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes statistical analysing, in the dataset acquired from the
medical examinations of 402 patients, to improve the computer-supported diagnosis
reliability. The dataset contains some attributes that have not been previously used in
computer-based evaluations. The results show that the joint implementation of two
algorithms significantly improves the overall reliability of the system outcome, which
is crucial in the computer-supported diabetes diagnostic process.
Conclusions and Future Work: The research efforts presented in this paper are focused
in developing and the evaluation of a computer-based support tool for the diabetes
detection. The presented approach is based on the joint implementation of two
algorithms in Matlab that have been executed on the newly acquired dataset with the
different attributes as compared to the previous work in this field. The algorithms are
executed and evaluated independently but the decision making is based on the joint
outcomes from both algorithms. The aim of this approach is to make the decision more
reliable. As shown in the paper, both SVM and naïve Bayes algorithm have individually
shown high overall classifier performances of 95, 52% and 94, 52%, respectively. The
joint implementation on the same, newly added record leads to one of the three answers:
a) the patient is diagnosed with diabetes (or pre-diabetic condition), b) the patient is not
diagnosed as having the mentioned condition, and c) the patient is further directed to
the additional clinical examinations. If two algorithms show different results, the
answer is classified as condition c). Otherwise, the accuracy of the answers a) or b), as
shown in the paper, is improved up to the value of 97,6%. The presented methodology
minimizes the false negative answers, which is a crucial issue in medical diagnoses.
Finally, the construction approach, the architecture, and the evaluation of a diabetes
classification tool presented in this paper, should provide an important guideline to
further construction of the similar applications on improving and helping the decision
making process in disease detection. The development of a user-friendly and widely
accessible application would enable the personal self-screening on diabetic or pre-
diabetic condition which is crucial to the disease treatment performance. The future
work will focus on further quantitative evaluations of the developed tool regarding the
extensive clinical examinations and results. Also, other methods should be involved in
finding the best fit in the sense of accuracy, processing time, etc. The influence of
cultural-related biases (such as those related to the nutrition structure and habits) should
also be minimized for the results to get more generalized.
Trees. The authors recommend building a desktop web application using SVM to
predict heart disease.
After analysing multiple studies in the area of heart disease prediction Darne et al.
(2016) suggests the following:
In 2016, Purushottam et al. proposed an efficient heart disease prediction system using
decision trees. They presented the rules generated through the experiment which were
further pruned and duplicates were removed and class wise rule sets were prepared. The
results were tested using 10-fold cross validation. This system outperformed SVM,
MLP and various other algorithms with an accuracy of 86.7%.
In 2016, El-Baz et al. proposed a classification system using combined MLP and
combined CFBN. They used the Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset. At first, they used MLP
and CFBN individually and obtained an accuracy of 80.21% and 81.77% respectively.
Later, when they used combined techniques, the accuracy was higher than both the
individual classifiers – 95.31% and 96.88% respectively.
Supervised machine learning, which we’ll talk about below, entails training a predictive
model on historical data with predefined target answers. An algorithm must be shown
which target answers or attributes to look for. Mapping these target attributes in a
dataset is called labelling. Data labelling takes much time and effort as datasets
sufficient for machine learning may require thousands of records to be labelled. For
instance, if your image recognition algorithm must classify types of bicycles, these
types should be clearly defined and labelled in a dataset.
Data selection is defined as the process of determining the appropriate data type and
source, as well as suitable instruments to collect data. Data selection precedes the actual
practice of data collection. This definition distinguishes data selection from selective
data reporting (selectively excluding data that is not supportive of a research
hypothesis) and interactive/active data selection (using collected data for monitoring
activities/events, or conducting secondary data analyses). The process of selecting
suitable data for a research project can impact data integrity. After having collected all
information, a data analyst chooses a subgroup of data to solve the defined problem.
For instance, if you save your customers’ geographical location, you don’t need to add
their cell phones and bank card numbers to a dataset. But purchase history would be
necessary. The selected data includes attributes that need to be considered when
building a predictive model.
Data pre-processing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into
an understandable format. Real-world data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and/or
lacking in certain behaviours or trends, and is likely to contain many errors. Data pre-
processing is a proven method of resolving such issues. The purpose of pre-processing
is to convert raw data into a form that fits machine learning. Structured and clean data
allows a data scientist to get more precise results from an applied machine learning
model. The technique includes data formatting, cleaning, and sampling.
Data formatting. The importance of data formatting grows when data is acquired from
various sources by different people. The first task for a data scientist is to standardize
record formats. A specialist checks whether variables representing each attribute are
recorded in the same way. Titles of products and services, prices, date formats, and
addresses are examples of variables. The principle of data consistency also applies to
attributes represented by numeric ranges.
Data cleaning. This set of procedures allows for removing noise and fixing
inconsistencies in data. A data scientist can fill in missing data using imputation
techniques, e.g. substituting missing values with mean attributes. A specialist also
detects outliers — observations that deviate significantly from the rest of distribution.
If an outlier indicates erroneous data, a data scientist deletes or corrects them if possible.
This stage also includes removing incomplete and useless data objects.
Data sampling. Big datasets require more time and computational power for analysis.
If a dataset is too large, applying data sampling is the way to go. A data scientist uses
this technique to select a smaller but representative data sample to build and run models
much faster, and at the same time to produce accurate outcomes.
Data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or structure into
another format or structure. Data transformation is critical to activities such as data
integration and data management. Data transformation can include a range of activities:
you might convert data types, cleanse data by removing nulls or duplicate data, enrich
the data, or perform aggregations, depending on the needs of your project.
Scaling. Data may have numeric attributes (features) that span different ranges, for
example, millimetres, meters, and kilometres. Scaling is about converting these
attributes so that they will have the same scale, such as between 0 and 1, or 1 and 10
for the smallest and biggest value for an attribute.
A dataset used for machine learning should be partitioned into three subsets — training,
test, and validation sets.
Training set. A data scientist uses a training set to train a model and define its optimal
parameters — parameters it must learn from data.
Test set. A test set is needed for an evaluation of the trained model and its capability
for generalization. The latter means a model’s ability to identify patterns in new unseen
data after having been trained over a training data. It is crucial to use different subsets
for training and testing to avoid model overfitting, which is the incapacity for
generalization we mentioned above.
The more training data a data scientist uses, the better the potential model will perform.
Consequently, more results of model testing data lead to better model performance and
generalization capability.
3.1.8 Modelling
After pre-processing the collected data and split it into three subsets, we can proceed
with a model training. This process entails “feeding” the algorithm with training data.
An algorithm will process data and output a model that is able to find a target value
(attribute) in new data — an answer you want to get with predictive analysis. The
purpose of model training is to develop a model.
Two model training styles are most common — supervised and unsupervised learning.
The choice of each style depends on whether you must forecast specific attributes or
group data objects by similarities.
Model evaluation and testing: The goal of this step is to develop the simplest model
able to formulate a target value fast and well enough. A data scientist can achieve this
goal through model tuning. That is the optimization of model parameters to achieve an
algorithm’s best performance. One of the more efficient methods for model evaluation
and tuning is cross-validation.
Deployment is the method by which you integrate a machine learning model into an
existing production environment to make practical business decisions based on data. It
is one of the last stages in the machine learning life cycle and can be one of the most
cumbersome. Often, an organization’s IT systems are incompatible with traditional
model-building languages, forcing data scientists and programmers to spend valuable
time and brainpower rewriting them.
3.2.1 Usability
The system should be easy to use. The system also should be user friendly for users
because anyone can use it instead of programmers.
3.2.2 Reliability
This software will be developed with machine learning, feature engineering and deep
learning techniques. So, in this step there is no certain reliable percentage that is
measurable. Also, user provided data will be used to compare with results and measure
reliability. With recent machine learning techniques, user gained data should be enough
for reliability if enough data is obtained.
3.2.3 Performance
Processing time and response time should be as little as possible providing the result at
a faster rate when compared to other methods.
3.2.4 Supportability
The system should require Python knowledge to maintenance. If any problem acquire
in user side and deep learning methods, it requires code knowledge and deep learning
background to solve.
There are two major libraries for machine learning in python: TensorFlow, ScikitLearn.
The main differences are discussed below.
Scikit-learn was chosen for the project for the following reasons:
• Off-the-shelf algorithms
• Shallow learning curve compared to TensorFlow
The below algorithm is repeated for all classification algorithms. Furthermore, the
accuracy score is calculated using 10-fold cross validation.
Though use cases are not recommended by agile development or feature driven
development, use cases were created to better understand the requirements of the
system. The use cases are packaged according to domain areas. Detailed description of
only some of the use cases is present in this section
The description of use cases for predicting diseases shown in Figure 4.2 is given below.
Description: The user submits the form with the values obtained after performing
various medical tests. Upon submission, the user receives message indicating whether
they have a risk of developing heart disease.
Actors: User
Priority: Essential
1. The user performs all the tests and enters valid test results
2. The system performs prediction using the prediction engine API.
3. The user receives the prediction results.
Description: The user submits the form with the values obtained after performing
various medical tests. Upon submission, the user receives a message indicating whether
they have a risk of developing diabetes.
Actors: User
Priority: Essential
1. The user performs all the tests and enters valid test results.
If the system is unable to communicate with the prediction engine API: the system
will display an error message.
The primary goal is to develop a prediction engine which will allow the users to
check whether they have diabetes or heart disease sitting at home. The user need not
visit the doctor unless he has diabetes or heart disease, for further treatment. The
prediction engine requires a large dataset and efficient machine learning algorithms to
predict the presence of the disease. Pre-processing the dataset to train the machine
learning models, removing redundant, null or invalid data for optimal performance of
the prediction engine.
The secondary aim is to develop a web application that allows users to predict
heart disease and diabetes utilizing the prediction engine
Since the project involves identifying whether there is risk of diabetes or heart diseases,
it is obviously a classification problem. The “Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset” and
“Cleveland Heart Disease Dataset” datasets used for this project already have the
outcome hence supervised learning.
The Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset has been taken from the UCI machine-learning
repository (Lichman, 2013). The dataset contains 768 records of female patients among
which 500 are non-diabetic and 268 are diabetic.
The Cleveland Heart Disease Dataset has been taken from the UCI machine-learning
repository (Lichman, 2013). The dataset contains 303 records. The dataset contains 76
attributes, but all the studies have only considered a subset of 14 attributes:
If there are input variables x and output variable y, Bayes’ theorem states the following
In this project, Gaussian Naïve Bayes algorithm has been implemented. In case of
Gaussian Naïve Bayes, the likelihood of the features us assumed to be Gaussian i.e. all
continuous values x associated with class y are distributed according to Gaussian
Given a continuous attribute x in training data, the data is first segmented by the class
y. Then, the mean and variance of x in each class is computed. If μ be the mean of the
values in x associated with class y, then let d2 be the variance of the values in x
associated with class y. Suppose there is some observation value v then, the probability
distribution of v given by class y, p(x=v | y), can be computed by plugging into the
equation for a normal distribution
attributes is greater than the number of samples but when that number increases
significantly, this method is likely to give poor performance.
For given labelled training data, SVM outputs an optimal hyper plane to categorize new
examples. The optimal hyper plane maximizes the margin of the training data as shown
below in Figure
Weights can also be given for classifying a new point. In scikit-learn, each neighbour
can either be given uniform weight or can be given weights proportional to the inverse
of the distance from the query point or a user defined weight.
• The user input is received by the web application using HTML forms.
• The Web application makes use of HTTP modules to send and receive the data
to the API’s.
• The API’s will receive the user input in the form of a JSON object (key-value
• Trained KNN, SVM and Naïve Bayes Models in the form of pickle files are
consumed by the flask file housing at the local system
• The trained models are called by passing the user input JSON object
• Prediction result is sent as a response to the API calls
Trained KNN, SVM and Naïve Bayes Models were used to predict the presence of
diabetes or heart disease. Pre-processed standard datasets were used to train the models
post normalizing the dataset using Standard Scalar.
Post training the models, these models where extracted as pickle files and are stored at
a local location which is used by the flask framework to call the trained model by
passing in the user input.
Two API’s were developed one to predict diabetes and the other to predict heart disease,
using flask framework these API’s were hosted locally which will be consumed by the
Front-End of the Prediction Engine.
The Prediction Engine provides an optimal performance with the right dataset and
efficient training of the classifier models considering all aspects and a lot of learning
from the previous experiences. The implemented Prediction Engine is capable of
predicting the presence of Diabetes with an accuracy of,
The Front-End of the prediction engine was developed by making use of the Angular
Framework (HTML, CSS and Typescript). The API calls and results were handled by
importing the HTTP Module of the Angular Framework.
Fig 7.3 - Heart Disease Form to collect User Data for Prediction
The KNN, SVM and Naïve Bayes Models were trained using 80% of the dataset and
were tested using the other 20% of the dataset. Overall, the models gave an average efficiency
of 75% and 85% for diabetes and heart disease prediction respectively.
In concern with testing of API’s and Front-End, postman and Angular HTTP Modules
were used. Every time the user submits an input form, the input form object with the input
values is logged on the console to validate whether the user has entered valid data. The user
input form has validation checks enforced on each input field of the form to validate whether
the user has entered correct data.
Before making an API call with the form input object of heart or diabetes form data,
the data will be logged in the console to validate the information that goes in the POST Method
of the API call, providing the developer information of what goes into the POST Method and
is the User Input.
Every time an API call is made, the body of the GET Request returned by the API is
parsed using JSON Module of Angular Framework and will be stored in an object which is
again logged on the console to verify the expected behaviour.
The KNN, SVM and Naïve Bayes trained models where tested out by replicating user
input data in the form of JSON objects in the python scripts and calling the trained models by
providing these objects post processing. The models gave promising results and displayed the
expecting behaviour.
• Automate the process of training the model and extracting pickle files of the
trained models which will be consumed by the API’s to predict the disease.
• Mail the detailed report of the prediction engine results along with the
information of 5 nearest medical facilities details having location and contact
[1] Priyanka Sonar, Prof. K. JayaMalini, “Diabetes Prediction Using Different
Machine Learning Approaches”, Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19K25-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-7808-4
[2] Samrat Kumar Dey, Ashraf Hossain, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, “Implementation
of a Web Application to Predict Diabetes Disease: An Approach Using Machine
Learning Algorithm”, 2018 21st International Conference of Computer and
Information Technology (ICCIT)
[3] Deeraj Shetty, Kishor Rit, Sohail Shaikh, Nikita Patil, “Diabetes Disease
Prediction Using Data Mining”, 2017 International Conference on Innovations
in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS)
[4] Zhilbert Tafa, Nerxhivane Pervetica, Bertran Karahoda, “An Intelligent System
for Diabetes Prediction”, 4thMediterranean Conference on Embedded
Computing MECO – 2015 Budva, Montenegro