Blood Group Determination Using Fingerprint
Blood Group Determination Using Fingerprint
Blood Group Determination Using Fingerprint
ICMED 2024
Abstract. The fingerprint pattern stands out as the most authentic and
unique characteristic defining human identity. This unique pattern is
immutable and persists unaltered until an individual's demise. In various
circumstances, particularly in legal proceedings, fingerprint evidence is
highly regarded. The distinctive minutiae pattern of each person is
unparalleled, with the probability of resemblance being exceedingly low,
nearly one in sixty-four thousand million. This distinctiveness holds true
even for identical duplet. The individualistic ridge pattern persists
unchanged from birth, serving as a constant aspect of personal identity. This
paper presents a method involving the comparison of specific feature
patterns derived from fingerprints for personal identification systems.
Fingerprint data is employed in the investigation of blood group
determination as well. In the process of fingerprint matching, ridge
frequency is assessed, and spatial features are extracted using a Gabor filter
for this specific purpose. Consequently, blood group determination can be
performed using fingerprint analysis.
Keywords. Blood group determination, fingerprint pattern, ridge frequency, Gabor filter,
Convolutional neural networks
1 Introduction
Detecting blood groups using fingerprints is an innovative and non-invasive approach that
combines biometric technology with medical information. This method leverages the unique
patterns found in an individual's fingerprint to determine their blood type, which is an
important piece of medical information for healthcare professionals. The concept is based on
the idea that specific proteins or antigens associated with different blood groups can be
detected in the sweat found in the ridges and grooves of a person's fingerprint. The traditional
method of determining blood groups involves a blood test, which can be uncomfortable and
may involve needles. However, with fingerprint-based blood group detection, the process
becomes more convenient and less invasive [1]. This technology has the potential to
streamline medical procedures, improve patient care, and facilitate emergency medical
responses, especially in situations where access to a person's blood type is critical.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 392, 01069 (2024)
ICMED 2024
Fingerprint-based blood group detection may also find applications in forensic science and
disaster management, where quickly identifying a person's blood type can be essential for
providing appropriate medical care. As this technology continues to evolve, it holds promise
for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare systems and emergency services [2].
This can be particularly beneficial for children, the elderly, and individuals with a fear of
needles[4].Fingerprint blood group detection can be used in forensic science to help identify
victims in mass casualty incidents, or in cases where traditional identification methods may
not be feasible in emergency situations, such as accidents, natural disasters, or during surgery
when a patient's medical history is not available, fingerprint-based blood group detection can
quickly provide essential information for appropriate medical treatment. Integrating blood
group information into an individual's medical record using fingerprints can improve the
accuracy and accessibility of this critical medical information. It can aid healthcare
professionals in emergency situations, surgery, and blood transfusions [5]. Research in this
field continues to evolve, and advancements in sensor technology and data analysis
techniques are likely to improve the accuracy and practicality of fingerprint- based blood
group detection. This has the capability to transform the way we handle and leverage medical
information. In summary, fingerprint-based blood group detection is a promising and non-
invasive approach to quickly and accurately find out people’s blood type. It has applications
in healthcare, emergency response, and forensics, and ongoing research aims to further refine
and expand its capabilities [6].
The process begins by collecting the fingerprint of the individual. This can be done using
standard fingerprint scanners or more specialized biometric devices designed for medical
purposes. It possesses the potential to revolutionize the management and utilization of
medical information. This sweat contains proteins or antigens that are associated with the
person's blood type. The collected fingerprint is then analyzed to determine the composition
of antigens present in the sweat. The system specifically targets antigens related to the ABO
and Rh blood group systems, the predominant classifications in blood grouping
By examining the antigen composition, the system can make an educated inference about the
individual's blood type. For example, if the analysis reveals the presence of A antigens and
Rh antigens, the person is likely to have blood type A positive (A+) [7]. Once the analysis is
complete, the determined blood type is presented as the result. This information can be
displayed on a computer screen, printed as a report, or integrated into electronic medical
records for healthcare professionals to access. Ensuring the accuracy of this method is crucial.
Extensive research and validation are carried out to establish a reliable correlation between
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sweat antigen composition and blood type. This involves comparing the results obtained
through fingerprint analysis with traditional blood tests to confirm the method's accuracy.
Continuous research and technological progress are directed towards improving the precision
and dependability of blood group identification through fingerprint analysis. Improvements
in sensor technology, data analysis techniques, and data standardization may contribute to its
broader adoption in the medical field [8].
2 Literature Review
[2] Fingerprints hold significant promise as a robust method of identification. This study
delves into the challenge of identifying blood groups and analyzing age- or lifestyle-related
diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and arthritis through fingerprint analysis. The
research examines the correlation between fingerprint patterns and both blood group and
individual age to gain insights into potential connections with these health conditions that
emerge with aging or lifestyle factors.
[3] This study provides an effective method for fingerprint recognition and identification
based on detail features. The whole process develops systematically, starting with the first
stage of pre-processing to remove excess material and improve the clarity of fingerprints.
After this, in the second stage, the extraction process is carried out using the content extractor
algorithm, focusing especially on endings and forks. Our work concludes with the matching
phase, comprising two segments: the verification process, employing (1:N) matching, and
the verification process, known as (1:1) matching. Here, a detailed matching algorithm
utilizing the Euclidean distance measure is applied to assess the similarity score between two
fingerprint images.
[4] The unique properties of the finger are derived from various types of sensors, such as
pattern bumps and dots. The scheme is based on three types of annotations: routing, BGP and
GaborHoG. Directional identifiers define the instruction projection in the foreground of the
finger. Meanwhile, BGP and GaborHoG descriptors provide a representation of fingerprints
by encoding many local ridge patterns and local directions around points.
[5] The findings showed a positive correlation between finger patterns and ABO blood
groups. With the continuous advancement of fingerprint technology and the development of
accurate and fast matching fingerprint algorithm, automatic identification has become a
powerful contribution to the identification process. always check.
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[6] Type II lip lines and ulnar ring (UL) finger patterns are common ectodermal features in
both genders. B+ type blood is more common in both men and women. More importantly, a
population study of Indo-Aryan (Northwestern India) ethnicity found significant correlations
between lip lines, fingers, and ABO blood in both sexes. The results of our regional study,
which included various samples, clearly show that additional physical evidence such as lip
prints, fingerprints and ABO blood group obtained through simple and cost-effective
methods can be used as additional tools in criminal investigations. Residents of Srinagar were
used for the investigation.
[7] This study concluded that blood grouping can be done efficiently and effectively by using
simple testing methods based on the plate test method and measuring optical density (OD).
This approach facilitates the creation of an automated, cost-effective, miniaturized, and
portable device. In the future, we aim to design and implement a specialized light source
system using Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to advance the accuracy and efficiency of the
blood typing process.
[8] Research shows that the equipment can perform ABO, Rh phenotyping, reversal and
matching of human blood quickly and accurately near the patient without the need for a
specialized laboratory. Results are obtained in just 5 minutes, making it advantageous for
emergency situations compared to traditional systems with a 30-minute response time. The
methodology is simple, requiring no sample dilutions or incubations.
The following table lists some reference papers used for the current paper. It lists the
approaches and findings of the respective papers. The limitations do not imply the direct
limitations of paper per se, but in the context of the current application. The limitations imply
how the approach of a given paper falls short for blood group determination using fingerprints
and not the original intended purposes of those respective papers.
Table 1. Related Works Summary
Author , Title of the Paper , Methods Findings Limitations
Journal , Used
Year of
1 Patil N., and Computer Relation between Machine learning
D. R. Ingle. Vision, Fingerprints and blood approaches used,
[1]. Multiple group extremely limited
Linear datasets, and an
Regression accuracy of 62%.
2 Vijaykumar, Literature Literature review that A literature survey
and D. R. review. shows relation between and analysis
Ingle. [2] fingerprints, lifestyle without any
diseases, and gender. experimental
Ali, Mouad
3 MH, et al. [3] Computer Provides an effective Preprocessing and
Vision, machine learning machine learning
algorithm for finger print approach may not
MATEC Web of Conferences 392, 01069 (2024)
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3 Research Methodology
The fundamental motive of the research is to use the relationship among details and blood
type to create an accurate fingerprint-based blood group test and evaluate the feasibility of
the concept. First the model is evaluated using existing CNN architectures and upon
observing the performance a custom model can be constructed for better performance.
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ICMED 2024
The data for the analysis is mainly collected from medical surveys carried out, which contain
details about fingerprints and associated blood groups of people belonging to various age
groups, demographics, and gender. A fingerprint sensor will also enable a manual survey that
can be conducted to gather data. Then image processing and feature extraction techniques are
used to find the feature vector. We require fingerprints and the associated blood groups of
individuals. Such a specific dataset is not available in internet platforms and requires physical
survey to gather finger prints and map them to their blood groups. Either fingerprint sensor
devices can be used or, we can use ink- based methods although this will lead to an inaccurate
model. In the paper titled ‘Blood Group Identification Based on Fingerprint by Using 2D
Discrete Wavelet and Binary Transform’, the authors conducted a survey and found the
fingerprints and associated blood groups and tabulated.
Essential preprocessing techniques are applied to the fingerprint data prior to its submission
for classification.
Ridge Segment : It involves the separation of ridge patterns from the background and non-
ridge areas in a fingerprint image. This process aims to isolate the ridges (raised lines) from
the valleys and any other extraneous details present in the fingerprint image.
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values: usually 0 (black) or 1 (white). The process involves setting a threshold that separates
the pixels into these two categories based on their intensity or colour values. We obtain a
black and white image of the fingerprint that highlights the features of the fingerprint.
Feature extraction techniques are used to obtain a feature vector which is a reduced
representation of the input data which contains information about the most important features
of data. This feature vector is sent to a Convolutional Neural Network for classification.
Thinning Image: It refers to the technique of reducing the thickness of lines or edges in a
binary image to a single-pixel width while preserving the structural information and
connectivity of the shapes. Thinning is often employed to simplify the representation of
shapes, making them more suitable for further analysis or pattern recognition tasks. In the
current context we can obtain minimal representation of fingerprints that retains the shape
and vital information of the fingerprint.
Minutiae Detection: Minutiae points are specific locations where ridge patterns in a
fingerprint exhibit unique characteristics. The most common types of minutiae are
bifurcations and ridge endings. Bifurcations take place when a ridge divides into two, while
ridge endings occur at points where a ridge concludes. Minutiae detection is the process of
identifying and locating these minutiae points in a fingerprint image. This process is typically
part of the feature extraction phase in fingerprint recognition systems.
Real Minutiae: The term real minutiae refers to the actual minutiae points that exist on a
person's fingertip. These are the biometrically relevant features that contribute to the
uniqueness of a fingerprint. Real minutiae are the points used in fingerprint matching
algorithms to distinguish one fingerprint from another.
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3.4 Classification
The feature vector obtained after feature extraction is sent as input to a Convolutional Neural
Network for classification. Convolutional Neural Networks are primarily used for tasks
involving visual data such as images and videos. CNNs can also capture patterns present in
the images using the right pooling layer.
We start with LeNet or AlexNet CNN architecture initially. These architectures provide a
good starting point since we have limited data sets and they have a relatively simple
architecture. Depending on the performance, more advanced architectures such as ResNet,
Inception, or EfficientNet can be used.
Fig. 3. Evaluation metrics for blood group classification using OMLS regression.
AlexNet marked the advent of GPU utilization for enhanced performance in convolutional
networks. The architecture of AlexNet contains 5 convolutional layers, 3 max-pooling layers,
2 normalization layers, 2 fully connected layers, and 1 softmax layer. Non-linear activation
functions, specifically ReLU, are applied to all convolutional layers and filters. Maximum
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pooling is done in the pooling layer. Due to the full linking process the text size remains
constant, always set to 224x224x3, but sometimes it can be 227x227x3 when padding is taken
into account. AlexNet boasts a total of 60 million parameters, featuring notable
characteristics like overlapping and ReLU non-linearity. Leveraging the simplicity of
AlexNet, we have chosen it as one of the fundamental CNN architectures for implementation
in our application.
4 Conclusion
The correlation of blood group to blood group has been observed from the literature review
of relevant works. Further the presence of recurring patterns common to certain blood groups
has been studied from various sources. Fingerprint matching algorithms help extract feature
necessary for building a deep learning model. Deep learning methods are used in the field of
dactylography for reconstruction of fingerprints, latent fingerprint matching and fingerprint
classification. Such implementations further the case of utilizing deep learning approaches to
associate finger prints with blood groups. Convolutional neural networks can give flattened
representations of images that can be used as input for fully connected neural networks that
classify the input images. Since the concept of mapping fingerprints is novel and has no
standardized approaches, preconfigured CNN architectures like AlexNet, and LeNet-5 are
used to initially classify the input fingerprint data. The performance of each of these models
are evaluated to understand the optimal features and based on evaluations a specific CNN is
built for the application.
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