Hatsun Report
Hatsun Report
Hatsun Report
Milk is nutrient rich food that provides a large number of nutrients relative to the
calories consumed Milk is delicious as a beverage and can be used as a base for other drink such as
hot chocolate.
The Milk of domesticated animals is also an important food source for humans. Most Milk
consumed in Western countries is from cows; other important sources include sheep, goats, water
buffalo, and camels. Milk is essentially an emulsion of fat and protein in water, along with
dissolved sugar, minerals (including calcium and phosphorus), and vitamins, particularly vitamin B
complex. Commercially processed cow's Milk is commonly enriched with vitamins A and D.
Many countries require pasteurization to protect against naturally occurring and artificially
introduced microorganisms. Cooling further prevents spoilage (souring and curdling). Fat from
whole Milk (about 3.5% fat content) can be removed in a separator to produce cream and leave
low-fat Milk (1–2% fat) or skim Milk (0.5% fat). Milk is usually homogenized, forced under high
pressure through small openings to distribute the fat evenly. It may also be condensed, evaporated,
or dehydrated for preservation and ease of transport. Other dairy products include butter, cheese,
and yogurt.
June 1 is the world Milk day as announced by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
Milk helps to children to promote the growth of their muscles, bones, teeth, and brain.
Pediatricians and nutrientionist agree that the balanced diet with a proportion of the necessary
carbohydrate, and proteins, moreover , the high content of vitamin D in Milk is key component to
Milk bone structure, bone recovery and bone health. In addition help to maintain the health of the
1. Assure a remunerative price for the Milk produced by the member of the Milk
producers’ co-operative societies through a stable, steady and well
organized market support.
Keeping these objectives in mind, a number of activities are undertaken by the dairy development
department. Provision of free veterinary health cover to all animals owned by the members of Milk
cooperatives, implementation of artificial insemination program, supply of balanced cattle feed and
inculcation of farmers with modern animal husbandry methods and practices.
All activities, which are essential for the up gradation of the mitch animals and improving
their productivity in the long run, have been undertaken.
Tirunelveli is the main branch of Milk production for preparing dairy products.
Under tirunelveli, there are four small branches which are located as follows
1. Attur
2. Karumapuram
3. Narasingapuram
4. Thagarai.
These are also called as “Chilling centers”
Effective appraisal is at the heart of successful management understand how the appraisal process
works, and recognize how a well-managed system benefits employees and organizations.
Regular feedback develops staff and helps them to achieve their objectives. Create an
environment in which people welcome continuous feedback, and use the appraisal interview as a
Providing Feedback:
All employees want to know how their performance is viewed by their manager. It is important
to provide this feedback continuously, whether it is positive or negative. Proper feedback helps team
members identify where they need to improve their skills Knowledge and attitudes. Even highly
successful achievers needs feedback to help them sustain their performance. On-going feedback
improves morale, since people know exactly where they stand, and enables managers to express
Effective appraisal relies on the provision of regular feedback. This feedback is then
Think carefully about how you will give feedback both formally and informally. In order to
build for the future, it is important to be constructive in what you say and to focus on the future in the
way that you say it. Make sure that all feedback is two-way, and that discussions are honest and across,
since people will react to the manner in which you provide feedback. Bear in mind that criticism can be
There are three distinct types of appraisal, each involving a different approach to purpose of top-
down, peer, and 360-degree appraisals, and why self-assessment must feature in them all.
Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or investigation with an open mind
“According to the advanced learners dictionary of current English lays down the meaning as “A careful
investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.
Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner
that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure, to know the
performance appraisal of the employees in Hatsun. The research design is the basic frame work or plan
for a study that guides the collection of data and analysis of data. In this survey the design used is
Descriptive Research type. The main purpose of the descriptive research is description of state of
The total element of the universe from which sample is selected for the purpose of study is known
as population. The population of my research is the employees of company (around 350 employees).
A sample is a smaller representation of a larger whole. When some of the elements are selected
with the intention of finding out some things about the population from which they are taken, that
group of elements is referred as a sample and the process of selection is called “sampling”.
Sample Size
The sample size is used for the study is 120 respondents
Sampling Unit
The sample unit is employees of the hatsun agro product ltd salem
Sampling Method
The two major methods are probability and non-probability sampling technique. The
study requires probability sampling method. The sampling method adopted is simple Random
Simple random sampling refers to the sampling technique in which each and every item or each
possible sample combination in the whole population has an equal and independent chance of being
Primary data
Secondary data
Primary Data:
Primary data was collected through questionnaire. The data those, which are collected as
fresh for the first time and happen to be original in character. Questionnaire method and interview
Secondary Data:
The secondary data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else, secondary data
Company profile
Previous records
SURVEY METHOD: The most widely used technique of gathering primary data is the survey method.
The sources interviewed personally at the place of work and also with questionnaires. It is a direct and
more flexible form of investigation involving face- to- face communication and through recorded
Having evaluated performance, the next stage of preparation is to pinpoint areas for improvement
and set objectives to achieve strategic business goals. Identify current levels of performance, and look
Challenging yet achievable targets are essential if people are to feel motivated to improve
performance and sustain high standards. Prepare for effective for each. Phrase objectives carefully,
using specific, active language, such as “sell” and “produce”. Avoid vague or ambiguous terms such as
“liaise” or “improve”.
It is important to set standards, covering both the job and personal behaviour, by which
competency can be measured. To help you do this, imagine what ideal performance would look like. In
a customer service environment, for example, you may wish to see that staff has developed an efficient
process for following up with customers as promised. Next, think how a high performer would
typically behave-perhaps he or she would have the ability to listen activity and empathetically. Avoid
focusing on the people who are currently doing the job and concentrate on the job itself and the desired
results. Assess whether the appraisee is meeting the standards so that you can discuss development or
Make sure you know what you will be able to agree on your own authority, and what needs
authorization. If you are unsure about this when you come to conduct the appraisal, you risk reducing
your credibility as a manager by dashing them later. You may also lose the appraisee’s trust if you are
Estimate the duration, and start and finishing times, of the tasks necessary to achieve the
objectives you have prepared for the appraisee. This will help you to ensure that what the appraise
suggests is realistically attainable. Estimate how much time is needed for development activities and
assess whether you will need cover while the appraisee is away. Plan the resources needed both to
achieve objectives and undertake development activities. Consider equipment, materials, and facilities
such as working space. This well-prepared “project” plan will provide a starting point for your
appraisal discussion.
Consider in advance who will be responsible for carrying out proposed actions after the meeting.
For example, who will monitor any milestones how agreed on the way to the objectives? Consider how
exceptions or shortfalls could be reported. This task may be taking responsibility yourself, who should
be responsible for researching and organizing development work, such as training? Finally, bear in
mind that if the appraisee is to take ownership of the objectives, achieving them must be within their
direct control.
your credibility, create an atmosphere of trust, and pay attention to the layout of the meeting room to
Trust grows over time, and the stronger the relationship between appraiser and appraisee, the more
effective appraisals will become. earn your team’s trust by putting into action decisions made during
the appraisal. The reputation of an appraisal system can be ruined if what is said in the appraisal room
turns out to be a series of good intentions that are never followed through. You will need to be assertive
as a manager, but you should always be seen as honest, consistent, and fair.
A manager’s personal approach to an appraisal meeting is critical to its success prepare
yourself for the discussion by considering how you will encourage ideas, avoid bias, and focus on the
Remember that you are aiming to encourage people to come up with their own ideas and
opinions. You will learn little about your team members, or their ideas, by simply telling them what to
do. Frame question that will prompt appraisees to voice their ideas and take ownership of what is
agreed. For example, you could ask what difficulties they have faced and how they might overcome
them next time. Your staff are likely to be far more knowledgeable about their jobs than you are. You
also want to hear their opinions, not simply a reflection of your views.
The dairy development was established in 1958 in Tamilnadu. The administrative and
statuary controls over all the Milk cooperatives in the state were transferred to the dairy
development department on 1.8.1965. The commissioner for Milk production and dairy
development was made as the functional registrar under the Tamilnadu Cooperative Societies Act.
With the adoption of “anand pattern” in the state of Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu Co-operative Milk
Producers’ Federation Limited was registered in the state as on 1st February 1981.
The commercial activities of the department such as Milk procurement, chilling, processing,
packing and sale of Milk to the consumer etc., hitherto dealt with by the Tamilnadu Dairy
Development Cooperation Limited, were transferred to the newly registered Tamilnadu Co-
operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited, popularly known as “Hatsun”.
Keeping these objectives in mind, a number of activities are undertaken by the dairy development
department. Provision of free veterinary health cover to all animals owned by the members of Milk
cooperatives, implementation of artificial insemination program, supply of balanced cattle feed and
inculcation of farmers with modern animal husbandry methods and practices.
All activities, which are essential for the up gradation of the mitch animals and improving
their productivity in the long run, have been undertaken.
Tirunelveli is the main branch of Milk production for preparing dairy products.
Under tirunelveli, there are four small branches which are located as follows
Collection of Milk:
Raw Milk:
The Milk is collected from many villages. The Milkers give their Milk through dairy form
situated in their villages. Therefore both societies and Milk givers can earn
money through some profits. The collection of Milk which directly gets from the Milk giver is
known as the “Raw Milk”. The Milk can be collected at morning and in the evening.
Processing faciLitery: The Milk received at the chilling centers are brought to the dairy and
along with the Milk received at the dairy, Milk is processed for keeping the quality. Types of Milk
such as standardized Milk, high fat, high protein Milk, are being prepared to the requirements of the
consumers; the surplus fat is converted into ghee.
The whole Milk surplus is dispatched to metro dairies and feeder balancing dairies viz
Madurai, Erode, and Trivandrum. The high fat and high protein Milk are packed in 250ml and
500ml sachets. In the dairy Milk ghee, ice-cream flavoured Milk, rose Milk, butter Milk etc are
being manufacturing and marketed. The processing capacity of main dairy, kovilpatti Chilling
Center, valliyure Chilling Center, sakarankoil Chilling Center ,and sathankulam Chilling Center are
1,00,000; 10,000; 20,000; 50,000; 10,000 Literer Per Day respectively.
The collected raw Milk from the above branches dairy forms is chilled at about 4 0 C and
then, the chilled Milk is transported to tirunelveli main depot securely. Transporting vehicle may
have the double layered freezer attach with them. Therefore the Milk securely comes to the depot
without any air pollution.
Process of Milk:
Processing Hall
In Tirunelveli depot, processing the Milk is of two types as described below The process of
pasteurization is carried out. Then, transported Milk is streamed at about 71 OC and then
chilling at 4OC to kill harmful bacteria. Then the bacteria free Milk is stored in silo (Large
Milk Storage Tank) at 6OC. These Milk is then packed in ¼, ½, 1 Literer pockets and then
stored of about 7OC to 8OC. Finally these pocket Milk are distributed to various market
places for sale.
Homogenization is a process that reduces the size of fat globules by forcing pressurized hot Milk
through small whole causing turbulence,to break up the larger fact globules so that they remain
suspended rather than separating in a cream layer at the top. Homogenization effects the development
of atherosclerosis, coronary, heart disease, Milk allergy, and Diabetes.
It is a process by which the disease causing bacteria in the Milk are destroyed
without losing its nutritive values. The Milk is boiled at 600c for thirty minutes and cooled quickly.
Whatever the method is used for preservations of food, cleanliness and general sanitary
conditions are imported.
To Access the Quality of Milk
1. Reduction Test
It access whether the bacteria are present or not in the Milk. If bacteria are present it
kills the bacteria in that Milk.
2. MBR Test (methylene blue dye)
Lactase test
It is used to determine the lactic acid concentration in Milk and Milk product since its
value has to be kept under fixed low limits.
Chloride test
It is used to measure the quality of salt in different dairy products.
It is used to measure the ammonia concentration and will determine the quality the Milk.
According to the fat and SNF content the type of Milk explained in the above table are
packed in the blue, green and red color pockets respectively.
Develop & Implement a world class OSHE framework by leveraging leadership commitment and
stakeholder engagement and create a safe and productive non polluting workplace.
Positive environmen
Across India, there are millions of backyard dairy farmers like Marayal. Each owning just one or two
cows, these farmers supply millions more families and hundreds of thousands of informal milk parlours
and tea stalls across India. These small unregistered operations prefer to buy milk directly from
backyard dairy farmers, who supply fresh milk at the lowest price.
India’s dairy sector employs around 90 million people, of which 75 million are women. It is a
significant source of income for small and marginal farmers, the landless poor and millions of rural
families. And it is still India’s biggest agricultural sector, contributing 22 per cent of total agricultural
GDP. The country is the world’s largest milk producer, accounting for over 15 per cent of the total
global dairy output. Milk is an essential part of Indians’ diets. Almost all 108 million tonnes of dairy
produced annually is consumed domestically.
Much is made of the significance of India’s dairy co-operatives in the ‘white revolution’ which saw a
tripling of milk production between 1980 and 2006. But the real story lies with the people’s milk
sector, which still accounts for 85 per cent of the national milk market. It was India’s small-scale
farmers and domestic markets who were the real basis for the massive expansion in the country’s dairy
production over those years, and, as a result, the benefits of this boom in production have been
widely distributed.
Hatsun manufacture and market ISI quaLitery Skimmed Milk Powder in 500
gms carton and 1 kg polypack. It is manufactured in all the product dairies viz Erode,
Salem, Krishnagiri and Madurai and marketed throughout the State..
Hatsun Ice creams are very popular in the metro city Chennai and sub urban.
There are 25 flavours moderately priced available in all Milk parlours and Franchise
Retail outlets which are more than 150 in number.
Hatsun introducing in cups for health conscious consumers. It is calorie
conscious product. Hatsun ice cream is very well accepted by all segment people due
to its high quality. The calorific value of Hatsun ice cream is 116 Kcal per 100 ml and
it contains 5g Fat, 3.1g Protein, 5.4 gm Carbohydrate, 0.6 g minerals and 8 g added
sugar. Due to high content of sugar, diabetic and calorie conscious people are
deprived of taking ice cream and hence it is highly essential to develop alternate
product to cater the need of all the people.Hence Hatsun has proposed to introduce
Sugar- free ice cream. It contains unique Sucralose at 320 ppm level which is an
artificial sweetner, derived from cane sugar. It does not affect the blood sugar level.
Karnataka produces a total of five million litres of milk annually, easily exceeding the state’s
consumption of three million litres. The surplus is processed into powdered milk (skim milk powder
and whole milk powder) by SKA Dairy Foods, a private company contracted by the government
through a tender process. The co-operatives pay SKA 2.5 paese per kilogram of milk powder (100
paese = 1Rs). The co-operative in Chamrajanagar has huge storage with capacity of 85,000kg of milk
powder. As the selling price of milk powder is 10 times the price of fresh milk, milk powder is an
important product of the co-operative along with ghee. Part of the milk powder production is used by
the Government of Karnataka for its school children food subsidies programme, which provides skim
milk powder for children in grades 1-6 and whole milk powder to class 7-10. The remaining surplus is
then sold to other states like Tamil Nadu, and even to Delhi. It is a major source of income for the state.
With its extensive coverage of villages in Karnataka, KMF is able to sustain income for small milk
producers throughout the state. The co-operative system is not flawless. One of the most common
problems is late payment to farmers. Producers are supposed to be paid each week, but one farmer near
Rajarajeswar Nagar village said payments can be held up for more than a month. Financial
transparency between various levels of the co-operatives and among members is also an issue. Only
one representative from the lower levels of a co-operative participates at the level above.
The Karnataka co-operative and others have huge capacity to collect milk directly from farmers and
bring it to market. Mega dairy farms, in contrast, have little interest in doing this. Instead, many big
dairy companies seek to import powdered milk from Europe or New Zealand/Aotearoa to
meet demand.
“Look at your own situation and your own bank balance,” he says.balance today as a starting
point.“Farmers should be able to put a reasonable stab at the (upcoming) milk price and should then
add in stock sales during the month and, if no money is out going, that would be the current account
without bills.”
O’Dwyer said dairy farmers should be in surplus at this time of the year, but need to plan the remainder
of the year.“If your accounts for last year are not finalised, do it now and do preliminary accounts for
2015,” he says.
“Farmers need to figure out what the total milk cheque could be for the end of the year, and then look
at the expenses for the year and figure out if your profit will be down at the end of the year.”If profit
will be down this year, then the tax bill will probably also be down, but get your head around it now, he
advised.“Don’t wait until October.”
“Dairy farmers talk a lot about not having a substantial milk cheque till March. But they need to
recognise that and make sure they have a reserve.“Dairy farmers make a lot of money with May to
October milk cheques, so you have to put some of that aside for when milk prices fall.“In a good year
on dairy farms, the repairs and maintenance are done in the second six months of the year, as farmers
are too busy in the first six months. But, this year, that won’t happen in a lot of cases and that’s how
they will can back some of the drop in milk price.”
The Milk sales mainly depend on the Milk production. The following are the
sales of report for the Milk sales for three years.
Year Sales (LPD) Increase/decrease
2008-2009 585567 -
2009-2010 660034 +74467
2010-2011 688063 +28029
The above table shows that Milk sales increased rapidly between the different
years. The increase of turnover Per Day of Milk in 74467 Liters in 2009-2010.
When compared to that of during 2008 – 2009. But the same has decreased by
28029 Liters during 2010 – 2011 the administration has to analysis the reasons for the
reduction of turnover, ass the adversely affects the profitability and the efficiency.
Stringent efforts are required to improve the turnover and to ensure a steady
progress in their performance. This leads to get more profit of the sales department of
Tone Milk 3 8.5 8.90 10.25 13.50
500 ml
Standardized 4.5 8.5 11.00 13.00 15.50
Milk 500 ml
Standardized Milk 50 4.5 8.5 10.75 10.75 15.50
0 ml
Mask-helmet-combinations offer the advantage that your full face mask can be put on and
taken off without removing your helmet.
Always wear lab coats when working with hazardous materials. The Work King Safety 5-in-1
jacket is highly versatile and employs a unique design that adapts to the weather, your work and your
Nitrile gloves protect against most chemicals and infectious agents.Rubber gloves protect
against mild corrosive material.
Approximately one-half of home fire deaths occur in homes without smoke alarms. Most
residential fires occur during the winter months. Alcohol use contributes to an estimated 40%
of residential fires.
Hand hygiene is an easy, affordable, and effective way to prevent the spread of germs and keep
employees healthy.Promoting clean hands within your workforce—whether your employees
work in a classroom, in a retail store, in an office, at home, or any other setting—can improve the
health of your employees, customers, workplace, and even your community.
Germs can spread quickly. Hand hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent employees from
getting sick and spreading germs to others in the workplace. Sick employees are less productive
even when they come to work, and they can spread their illness to others. Promoting clean hands
in the workplace can also result in employees using fewer sick days.
Employees who make hand hygiene part of their routine also prevent spreading illness to their
families at home and set an example for their loved ones to follow. Employees with healthy
family members spend less time away from work taking care of their sick loved ones.
Improved transportation facilities for movement of milk and milk products.Increased availability
of indigenously manufactured equipment.Large number of dairy plants in the country.Vast pool
of highly trained and qualified manpower available to the industry.
Lack of appropriate technologies for tropical climate conditions.
Erratic power supply.
Lack of awareness for clean milk production.
Underdeveloped raw milk collection systems in certain parts of the country.
Seasonal fluctuations in milk production pattern.
Dairy entrepreneurs can effectively contribute to the society in the areas mentioned
Ration Balancing Advisory Services:
Field Artificial Insemination Services:
Important human food:
Milk, a nearly perfect food:
Milk as a protective and balanced food:
Increasing chemical contaminants and residual antibiotics in milk.
Poor microbiological quality of milk.
Export of quality feed ingredients particularly cakes under the liberalization policy.
Deficiency of molasses, a rich source of energy and binding agent in feed industry and
constituent of urea molasses mineral lick.
emotional independent.
to attain uniqueness.
to the employees.
It is evident that half of the respondent perceives a moderate level of solution oriented
strategies. So it is recommended that the strategies like collaboration and compromise should be
enhanced through more opens of discussion regarding the appraising topics. The problems
should be discussed by allowing all the members to collaborate and to reach a solution that is
acceptable. The members should be ready to reach a compromise by giving others a equal
chance. Suggestions from the relevant departments and individuals should be allowed to get a
clear view of the actual problem. So that, a good solution could be made.
The members should not follow the avoidance strategy because it causes more problems
due to lack in communication of the actual problem. So at the time of decision-making it makes
its more difficult to reach a better solution, also it causes ego problems among the employees.
Hence, the employees should not follow this avoidance strategy is followed mostly it should be
control over the appraising topics by making them to work towards efficient and effective
achievements. So that all the employees exactly know the organization’s goal and to control
By discussing with the employees it is found that most of them perceive that the
management is not performing upto the task. So, proper planning should be done for the
New Delhi.
Ghosh.P.K, 2000, Strategic Planning and Management, Sulthan Chand and sons, New
Luthans Fred, 2002, Organisational Behaviour, TATA McGraw Hill publichers Ltd,
New Delhi.
Roy Johnson [2002] journal of
successful Manager’s Handbook.