Smart Home Security System Using Iot, Face Recognition and Raspberry Pi
Smart Home Security System Using Iot, Face Recognition and Raspberry Pi
Smart Home Security System Using Iot, Face Recognition and Raspberry Pi
Smart Home Security System using Iot, Face Recognition and Raspberry Pi
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4 authors, including:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rekha Yashwantrao Biradar on 11 July 2020.
Sharad A. Awatade
Dept. of Computer Engineering
V.V.P. Polytechnic, Solapur,
Maharashtra, India
General Terms
Home Security System
Home Security System, Face Recognition, Raspberry Pi
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 13, April 2020
3.3 Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a very cheap computer that runs Linux,
but it also provides a set of GPIO (general purpose
input/output) pins that allow you to control electronic
components for physical computing and explore the Internet
of Things (IoT). Raspberry Pi GPIO is shown in figure 3.All
over the world, people use Raspberry Pi to learn programming
skills,build hardware projects, do home automation, and even
Fig.2 The block diagram of the proposed system: use them in industrial applications. In proposed system, GPIO
pins are controlled using python programming. Any of the
The Raspberry pi consists of a face recognition algorithm, GPIO pin is designed as input or output using available
web application and an Android system. In our proposed software [10]. Raspberry pi operates in the open source
system we have used the cloud to send the data to the remote ecosystem. Its main supported operating system is Raspbian
Smartphone which is at the user side. This is the IoT based and it is open source.
system and can be made automated as and when required. It
has very low power requirement which makes it most
affordable. It requires minimum 5V to work. We can easily
replace any part of this system without disturbing the other
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 176 – No. 13, April 2020
In this paper we have proposed and demonstrated smart home
security approach which requires less cost and provide the
security to our home. We have the system withthe help IoT
and face recognition. The real time face recognition allows us
to detect the stranger atthe door and give notification to the
owner on his Gmail regarding this.
Fig. 4 Unknown person identified at the door [8] Jiakailin Wang, Jinjin Zheng, Shiwu Zhang, Jijun He,
Xiao Liang and Sui Feng, “A Face Recognition System
5. FUTURE SCOPE Based on Local Binary Patterns and Support Vector
In the future a more accurate and exact face recognition Machine for Home Security Service Robot”, 2016 9th
algorithm can be presented. We can control the access to the International Symposium on Computational Intelligence
door using our Smartphone remotely by sending the signals to and Design
the system. We can build an Android application to control [9] LocalBinaryPattern:
our system more easily and efficiently. We can even provide recognition-how-lbph-works-90ec258c3d6b
live streaming of the video to the owner on his Smartphone.
[10] Raspberry Pi: