Objectives of Training and Development
Objectives of Training and Development
Objectives of Training and Development
I Introduction 2
VIII Conclusion 9
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Human Resource Management (HRM), a relatively new term, that emerged during the
1930s. Many people used to refer it before by its traditional titles, such as personnel
administration or personnel management. But now, the trend is changing. It is now termed as
Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resource Management is a management
function that helps an organization select, recruit, train, and develops.
Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It
comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing,
and compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-business
organization, such as education, healthcare, etc Human Resource Management is defined as
the set of activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both
organizational as well as employee effectiveness.
Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his
entry into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM. The divisions
included in HRM are recruitment, payroll, performance management, training and
development, retention, industrial relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such important
division is training and development.
The modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organization have realized
the importance of corporate training, Training is now considered as more of retention tool
than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter
workforce and yield the best results.
We can make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinction
enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. Training, as was
stated earlier, refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand,
is confined to theoretical learning in classrooms.
Training Education
Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills.
Though training and education differ in nature and orientation, they are complementary. An
employee, for example, who undergoes training, is presumed to have had some formal
education. Furthermore, no training programmed is complete without an element of
education. In fact, the distinction between training and education is getting increasingly
blurred nowadays. As more and more employees are called upon to exercise judgments and
to choose alternative solutions to the job problems, training programmers seek to broaden
and develop the individual through education. For instance, employees in well-paid jobs
and/or employees in the service industry may be required to make independent decision
regarding there work and their relationship with clients. Hence, organization must consider
elements of both education and training while planning there training programmes.
To bring the distinction among training, education and development into sharp focus,
it may be stated that ³training is offered to operatives´, whereas ³developmental programmes
are meant for employees in higher positions´. Education however is common to all the
employees, there grades notwithstanding.
1.c Individual Objectives- Help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn,
enhance the individual contribution to an organization.
2.c Organization Objectives- Assist the organization with its primary objectives by bringing
individual effectiveness.
3.c Functional Objectives- Maintain the development¶s contribution at a level suitable to the
organization¶s needs.
ù.c Societal Objectives- Ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to
the needs and challenges of the society.
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Optimum Utilization of Human Resources ±Training and Development helps in optimizing
the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the
organizational goals as well as their individual goals.
ù.c Organization Culture ± Training and Development helps to develop and improve the
organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning
culture within the organization.
5.c Organization Climate ± Training and Development helps building the positive
perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from
leaders, subordinates, and peers.
6.c Quality ± Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work
and work-life.
7.c Healthy work-environment ± Training and Development helps in creating the healthy
working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual
goals aligns with organizational goal.
8.c Health and Safety ± Training and Development helps in improving the health and
safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.
2.c DEMONSTRATIONS: This method is a visual display of how something works or
how to do something. Example, trainer shows the trainees how to perform or how to
do the tasks of the job. Helps the focusing their attention on critical aspects of the task
3.c DISCUSSIONS: This method uses a lecturer to provide the learners with context that
is supported, elaborated, explains, or expanded on through interactions both among
the trainees and between the trainer and the trainees. Discussion method is a two-way
flow of communication
c knowledge in the form of lecture is communicated to trainees
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Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the participants
to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into distant future. In
addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation, emphasize on attitudinal
changes and stress upon decision-making and problem-solving abilities.
Training, as was stated earlier, is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills to
operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage or scrap. This is a ¦ skill
without which the operator will not be able to function. There is also the need for
skills. Motor skills refer to performance of specific physical activities. These skills involve
training to move various parts of one¶s body in response to certain external and internal
stimuli. Common motor skills include walking, riding a bicycle, tying a shoelace, throwing a
ball and driving a car. Motor skills are needed for all employees ± from the clerk to the
general manager.
The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning
and judgment. That any training and development programme must contain an element of
education is well understood by HR specialist. Any such programme has university
professors as resource persons to enlighten participants about theoretical knowledge of the
topic proposed to be discussed. In fact organizations depute or encourage employees to do
courses on a part time basis.
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Another component of a training and development is development which is less skill oriented
but stressed on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles
and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better
management of the company.
There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development
programme. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses.
Unethical practices abound in marketing, finance and production function in an organization.
They are less see and talked about in the personnel function.
A business' most important asset is often its people. Training and developing them
can be one of the most important investments a business can make. The right training can
ensure that your business has the right skills to tackle the future. It can also help attract and
retain good quality staff, as well as increasing the job satisfaction of those presently with you
increasing the chances that they will satisfy your customers. Training and development refer
to the imparting to specific skills ability and knowledge to an employee.