A Better Life Astrology Course: Introduction and Lesson 1
A Better Life Astrology Course: Introduction and Lesson 1
A Better Life Astrology Course: Introduction and Lesson 1
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© R. Legrand - ABLAS astrology 1983/2020
ABLAS Astrology Course by Roland Legrand
I have often been asked, during private consultations or social meetings, why I had chosen astrology
out of all the sciences, and how I had gone about getting the books and other information needed
for its ‘difficult study’…
Before I go on any further, I would like to emphasise the fact that the study of astrology is NOT
difficult! Anyone, anywhere and for any reason at all can decide to learn astrology. The only
important thing is to proceed in an orderly way and NOT try to absorb it all in one big gulp like
some medicine or magic potion…
If you have decided to take this course, it is evidence that you are already interested in the subject.
If I have decided to teach astrology it is to guide those who might find it difficult to organise a self-
taught course of study.
I know how hard and frustrating it can be to look for material to work from. The first choice is vital
because it is the reaction to such a choice that is going to motivate progress and success in this
fascinating science.
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The present work is, therefore, dedicated to everyone. That is why I want it to be clear and simple
but still intellectually stimulating and rewarding to all. Whatever your educational background, I
think that the subject of each lesson can be absorbed and comprehended by you in an easy and
entertaining manner. Because the study of astrology IS entertaining!
Astrologers are not ‘hermits’ wearing beautiful white beards and living in some hidden and secret
cave somewhere in far-off Tibet. NOT AT ALL! It is because Astrology is a lively subject that those
who study it can take full advantage of their lives.
Instead of worrying over absurd or frustrating problems, you will be able to live up to your
expectations, in full control of your everyday actions and thoughts.
When I turned to astrology, I could have just as well consulted a clairvoyant, a numerologist, a
psychoanalyst, or an astrologer. Psychologically I felt that something was missing in my life. To
the eyes of those around me it all seemed very trivial but, deep inside I knew the volcano was
beginning to awaken.
To be just a number or a ghost is the same in our society. If you do not have something that makes
you special, nobody knows you even exist. You are alone, lost in the crowd… Tomorrow you may
disappear and only very few people will take notice of it. And yet, you ARE somebody… There is
a whole universe within yourself; a universe just as rich and interesting as that of the ‘greatest’
That is how I felt when I met astrology by pure coincidence. But was it really a coincidence? The
mysterious power of the planets became an understandable influence that I could almost control.
It helped me solve many personal problems and made me feel I could move mountains…
I became a professional astrologer, but you do not need such an objective to learn astrology. It
should be taught in schools, just like history, geography, or mathematics. Everyone has learned
mathematics to some extent, but how many have become mathematicians?
Some people are passionate lovers of art, history, or geography. They have extensive knowledge
and possess a fabulous collection of wonderful books and fascinating stories to tell. They are
considered amateurs, but they often know more than the so-called professionals because they
have learned only for their wellbeing, for their own pleasure and personal enrichment.
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How many amateur astronomers study the skies every night, using all sorts of sophisticated
instruments? The information they collect often helps the professionals themselves.
Even if you do not want to become a master mind, The Queen’s or President’s private Astrologer,
or the secret adviser of some head of government, you can learn astrology for many good reasons.
And yet, your personal studies and approach will contribute in some way to the progress of this
science. And, why not, you may even one day, decide to become a professional astrologer!
Putting aside the idea of becoming a professional astrologer, you will find there are a thousand
good reasons to learn astrology and each one of your reasons is one of the good reasons that
made me decide to teach you.
On completing the present course, you will derive enormous profit from your acquired
knowledge. Be it for others or for yourself, Astrology can give an answer to all your
You will become the centre of attraction at social gatherings or family reunions. You will be
able to converse with people of all walks of life, of all educational backgrounds and cultures,
because astrology interests EVERYBODY, whatever one may say.
Everyone on Earth has, at least once in his life, looked up into a starry summer night sky in search
of an answer to the question of existence. Since man is man, since he has been given the power
to think, he has acquired the desire to create. It is such a desire that has made his mind turn to
the mysteries of life and to God…
This is an incredibly old story. Astrology is not a science that was invented, discovered, or created
in one day. No one has come out of a laboratory screaming: ‘Eureka! I’ve got it all!’
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Truly we do not really know when it began, but we are sure that as far back as historical and
archaeological research goes, some trace of astrology can be found as well as the influence it
had on the course of history and the development of civilisations.
Numerous famous figures throughout the centuries of our present civilisation have taken part in
the study of cosmic influences. In Chaldea, in Egypt and later in Greece, every scientist was,
above all, an astrologer.
ARISTOTLE, for example, wrote this about astrology: ‘This world is linked in a vital
way to the movements of the world above. Any power in this world is governed by
such movements.’ Click on the image for more information.
‘The planets are the primary causes to your actions but you have been given a light
that enables you to distinguish between good and evil, and a free will that after battling
against the influence of the planets, will eventually triumph if it is well
directed.’ Click on the image for more information.
Closer to us, KEPLER the great mathematician, admitted that ‘twenty years of studies
had convinced his rebel mind that Astrology was real.’ Click on the image for more
The famous German author, GOETHE was not ignorant of this science either. In one
of his books, ‘Poetry and Truth’, he wrote: ‘I was born in Frankfort Am Main
(Germany) on the 28th of August 1749 at midday precisely. The constellations were
happy, the Sun was in Virgo, Jupiter, and Venus in good aspect with it; Mercury was
favourable, Saturn and Mars were neutral. Only the Moon, full on that day, exercised
its power of restriction on me, holding up my birth until its planetary time had passed.
The good aspects, highly appreciated by astrologers later on, are probably the
reason why I stayed alive, because the ignorance of the nurse made everyone believe I was born
dead and it is only after great effort that I finally saw the light.’ Click on the image for more
As for HONORÉ DE BALZAC famous French writer of the romantic 19th century, was
certain that ‘astrology is an immense science that has ruled the greatest minds of this
world.’ Click on the image for more information.
The eminent psychoanalyst, CARL JUNG, at first very sceptical, later wrote:
‘If poorly informed and educated people have been able until recently to laugh about
Astrology, considering it as a so-called science of the past, that same Astrology, rising
from the depth of people’s souls, is presenting itself again at the doors of our
universities that it had left for over three centuries.’ Click on the image for more information.
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‘I think Astrology was born out of an innate consciousness of cosmic powers that influence man
to have certain ideas and, as much as each Astrologer has brought his own personal and
particular contribution and could only trust this small fraction of the whole structure, the final
product got a natural and well-balanced shape and aspect.’ Click on the image for more
information about this book.
To end this short list of experts’ opinions, the SUNDAY SUN, in Brisbane (Australia) before it
closed down in 1992, published on the 19th of December 1982, an article titled:
‘One third of the western world believes in it already, but for the rest of us, sceptics, here
is momentous news… Astrology may not be nonsense after all. After centuries of being
dismissed as pie in the sky by serious scientists, the stargazing business has been
declared respectable by two eminent British Psychologists.’
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‘It all started in SUMER’ says French historian Jacques Sadoul. The
Sumerian civilisation developed between the TIGRE and the
EUPHRATES rivers running down from the CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS.
came the CHALDEANS
From its unfathomable origins until today, astrology has travelled its long journey through time,
receiving all sorts of intellectual, mystical, and religious influences. Sometimes brought to the first
rank of all sciences, sometimes refuted, it comes to us today, rich of its passed experiences to
serve Man at all levels and in all areas of life.
Astrology should not be reserved to a privileged few. You must not think that only the great and
famous can have access to it. Despite my name (Legrand), I am neither great nor famous…
However, without considering the help given to those who have trusted me when consulting me
for astrological analyses, I can confidently say that astrology is a fourth dimension, a new optic
of life and a definite power, giving access to the joys of living and to happiness.
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Professional or sentimental success is assured through the inner discovery of personal potential
and talents often buried under prejudice and wrong education. Sexual, emotional, artistic,
mystical, intellectual needs or any other needs can be understood, accepted, and blended
harmoniously within everyday life. It is the perfect reunion of body and soul.
You will observe people continuously, without even noticing it, but you
will notice more and more about them. And this will only be a start…
Astrology goes far beyond a simple knowledge about the twelve zodiac signs. To say that
someone was born under such or such sign does not allow for a proper analysis. This is vague.
One must also consider, besides the DATE OF BIRTH, the TIME and PLACE of that birth. Such
information enables the astrologer to draw what is commonly called a ‘BIRTH CHART’ or
The time has come to begin the first lesson of this astrology course.
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ABLAS Astrology Course by Roland Legrand
Lesson 1
- Next, you must write the GMT OF BIRTH (Greenwich Mean Time according to MERIDIAN
ZERO, starting point of all geographical and astrological calculations).
- You must also write the EXACT TIME OF BIRTH, which is the ‘SOLAR TIME’ of your birth,
often different from the ‘LOCAL TIME’.
- The next step is to write the EXACT SIDEREAL TIME (EST). We will come back to this important
point later…
The empty space below, reserved for ‘REMARKS’ will allow you to write any commentary you
may feel necessary to make during the process of drawing or analysing your BIRTH CHART.
Far down below, on the left side, write the chart’s drawing and analysis date. This will allow
chronological classification of your charts as well as the observation of your own progress in
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Date: _________________
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On the drawing of the BLANK CHART, the space outside the zodiac ring is used to place the
SYMBOLS OF THE PLANETS and the cusps of the HOUSES. See the drawing of your birth
chart sent to you with the course materials.
The CIRCULAR SECTION or RING is divided into 12 equal parts and is used to place the
The INNER CIRCULAR SECTION is used to trace the ‘ASPECT LINES’ (various angles
separating planets and other important elements around the chart). Aspects will be studied in
future lessons.
Firstly, you must learn to draw and quickly recognise the different symbols of the signs and of the planets.
Use the exercise page provided - EXERCISE # 1 - to practise. Draw one line of each symbol, not one
line of all symbols. You should be able to draw 12 to 15 times the same symbol on each line.
When you have done this, observe your OWN BIRTH CHART and try to recognise the SYMBOLS of the
NOW, draw these SYMBOLS on the BLANK CHART. Copy from your completed BIRTH CHART. Do
not forget the ‘stems’ leading from a planet to the inner edge of the zodiac ring. See the example
on the following page.
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ABLAS Astrology Course by Roland Legrand
It is simply because the Sun from our point of view on Earth was aligned with that sign when you
were born that we say that you belong to Aries, Taurus, Gemini, or any other sign.
Of course, everyone knows that the SUN IS FIXED, it is the Earth that turns around it in one year.
In the same manner as someone sitting in a moving train, for example, may get the impression
that what he sees through the window is moving away from him, from our point of view on Earth it
is the Sun that ‘seems’ to travel, from east to west, not us…
Have a look at the drawing of the zodiac below. Study it for a few minutes to understand what
happens on an astronomical point of view…
The zodiac is the celestial strip divided by the ecliptic and surrounding the Earth. Within its limits,
the Sun, the Moon, and the planets seem to travel around us. The width of the zodiac strip is 17°,
therefore 8° 30′ on either side of the ecliptic’s dividing line.
The ECLIPTIC is the apparent path of the Sun around the earth in one year.
The axis of the Earth is slightly tilted from the plan of the ecliptic. The meeting point between the
ecliptic and the equator line is called ‘Vernal point’ or ‘Gamma point’ or ‘Degree zero’. It is from
the vernal point that the zodiac runs, COUNTERCLOCKWISE (anticlockwise).
The zodiac is made up of twelve sections called ‘signs.’ Each sign corresponds to an area of 30°
around the circle of the zodiac and of the revolution of the Sun, therefore to approximately one
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month (because the Sun travels approximately one degree around the zodiac every day). Spring
in the northern hemisphere begins on the 21st of March. The first sign, Aries, begins on this day
and ends when the Sun has travelled the 30° allocated to this sign. Then the second sign begins,
on the 20th of April, almost one month later.
The crossing of this line with the EQUATORIAL LINE of the Earth is called VERNAL or GAMMA
POINT or DEGREE ZERO. It is the moment when spring starts on one side of the Earth and
autumn on the other side. Each SIGN represents the course of the Sun in approximately ONE
The ZODIAC is the celestial strip between the limits of which the planets move around the Sun.
(See the drawing titled: SIDE-VIEW OF THE ZODIAC).
The orbit of Mercury and of the other planets will never vary outside the limits of the ZODIAC
STRIP. Their path is linked to their speed of rotation, their distance from the Sun and its magnetic
It is that same orbit that has been divided into 12 sections that were named after the
corresponding constellations present in the heavens above.
These constellation names are: ARIES, TAURUS, GEMINI, CANCER, LEO, VIRGO, LIBRA,
Ancient Astronomers gave various names to the different stars and constellations.
When the Sun transited within one of these cosmic spaces, astrologers got to associate its name
to the moment of the year during which such transit occurred.
Once every 2600 years, approximately, the difference becomes one constellation, therefore one
zodiac sign.
Astrology detractors use this evidence to refute any scientific value to this science. They are
What we must consider is the presence of the Sun within the ‘CELESTIAL SPHERE’ at such or
such time of the year according to the Earth. Such a position corresponds to certain events that
tend to repeat themselves regularly (once a year) whatever name is given to the ‘cosmic space’
where the Sun seems to be transiting. The seasons are a good example of such phenomenon.
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The planets travel around the Sun at different speeds and distances, but always within the limits
of the zodiac, a 17° wide cosmic highway formed by the Sun’s magnetic field.
The names of the signs have been given according to the names of the constellations, but the
misalignment of signs and constellations does not change the moment of spring or any other
season’s arrival. The same principle applies to the symbolic meanings of the ZODIAC SIGNS.
The first section, from degree zero to degree thirty (0° - 30°) corresponds to the beginning of
spring in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth and to the beginning of autumn on the Southern
Hemisphere. The sign ‘ARIES’ belongs to this section. Two thousand six hundred years ago, the
constellation of ARIES gave it its name.
‘ARIES’ begins on the 21st of March (first day of spring in the north and first day of autumn in the
south). It ends on the 20th of April. Therefore, to say that someone was born under the sign of
ARIES means that the Sun was transiting in that ZODIAC section at the time.1
You will easily understand that the so-called astrological predictions appearing in various
magazines throughout the world every day, cannot be of any help to the student of astrology like
PLUTO also influence our biological structure through their radiation reaching the Earth. That is
without considering the ASCENDANT, the HOUSES, and the ASPECTS that are part of the present
Important note:
There are two more celestial bodies taken into consideration in the present course:
Vesta and Chiron.
You will learn all about them in the following lessons.
1 During leap years of 366 days, Aries begins one day earlier, on March 20th and the following signs too.
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The SUN SIGN is determined according to a time lapse of 365 days. The Earth turns around the
SUN as well as around itself on an invisible axis. One complete turn around the SUN in one year
and one complete turn on itself in one day.
That implies two different visions of the celestial vault: one according to a slow movement and
one according to a fast movement.
Imagine a fair’s carousel made up of long arms on the end of which are fast turning cabins where
passengers could seat to get their fun while the long arms supporting the cabins would turn slowly
around the carousel’s main axis.
Any person sitting in one of the cabins anywhere on the wide circle made by the long supporting
arm can also have a quick vision of the entire circle during the fast revolution of the cabin on itself.
These two aspects of the same vision explain the point of view of the SUN SIGN (slow motion)
and of the RISING SIGN or ASCENDANT (fast motion).
That second sign, the ASCENDANT, in partnership with the SUN SIGN, creates a character
duality that goes far beyond the simple study of the ZODIAC SIGNS.
Instead of the 12 zodiac-sign possibilities, we obtain 12 times more, therefore 144 different
associations of signs.
In LESSON N° 2 we will study the twelve ZODIAC SIGNS and their astrological and psychological
correspondence. You will also learn how to classify them into various groups and qualities.
Before you carry on to the next lesson, do the exercises requested with the present one. They are
listed on the following page.
When you have done this work and when you are sure that you have clearly understood the
content of this lesson, you may carry on to lesson number 2.
To access the assignment form, follow the instructions given on the following page.
Thank you for your attention and for your appreciation of my work.
(c) ABLAS 1983//2020
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Click on the link below to access the online assignment form. Answer only the questions
relating to lesson 1, then close it and get on with lesson 2.
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Practical training
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