Complete History of The Universe
Complete History of The Universe
Complete History of The Universe
W • Birth of a planet
• The Big Bang
in association with
Welcome to the
If you’ve ever wondered how we came to be or what lies
beyond our own Solar System, you’ll ind answers to those
questions here. This book spans the vast unknown beyond
our own home as well as delving into what we do know
about how our planet was created. We have spoken to some
of the most prominent experts in astronomy about the
phenomena that we still don’t quite understand, including
dark energy, wormholes and antimatter, and fuelled debates
about some of the most contentious subjects, including the
elusive edge of the universe and the shape of space. You’ll
also ind out about the most fascinating discoveries from the
irst 25 years of the Hubble telescope. Get ready for an epic
journey, from the moment it all began, to the edge of ininity.
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Complete History of the Universe Second Revised Edition © 2015 Imagine Publishing Ltd
ISBN 978-1785460654
Part of the
bookazine series
Contents In the beginning
10 Birth of the universe
The answers to how our universe began
30 Creating a galaxy
Find out what exactly makes up the galaxies
in which we live in
84 Hubble’s greatest
Learn about Hubble’s most amazing
discoveries from the last 25 years
Space science
98 What is dark energy?
A mission to ind out more about this
mysterious force that has boggled even the
greatest minds
In the
beginning How the universe and everything in it came to exist
10 Birth of the universe
The answers to how our universe began
30 Creating a galaxy
Find out what exactly makes up the galaxies in
which we live in
©NASA; Science Photo Library
The Big
“When two spiral galaxies
collide, it destroys their spiral
structures and they merge
into a giant elliptical”
Creating a
In the beginning
We speak to the scientists who explore the science and seek
the answers to how our universe began
Birth of the universe
Meet the
Name: Richard Davis
Role: Professor
Head of technology at
Jodrell Bank. Led his
institution’s involvement
in the Planck mission.
Name: David Evans
Role: Professor
Leads the University of
Birmingham team on
ALICE at CERN’s Large
Hadron Collider.
Name: Dan Coe
Role: Astronomer
Staff astronomer at the
STScI, studying galaxy
clusters, gravitational
lensing and dark matter.
“The evolution of
the world can be
compared to a display
of fireworks that has
just ended; a few red
whisps, ashes and
smoke” Georges Lemaître
In the beginning
Birth of the universe
the start Astrophysicist Richard
Davis explains how The now-defunct Planck
mission surpassed expectations
we measured the in its study of the CMB
Big Bang
And then there was light. That’s pretty much how
our universe sprang into existence; as a point that
contained everything and continued to expand
through to today, building the first stars and
galaxies and stretching light years of distance
between them. Despite its name, the Big Bang
wasn’t some kind of explosion that spat out matter,
energy, time and space. It is imagined almost like a
balloon that continues to stretch, originally holding
an incredibly hot and dense primordial soup that
cooled and thinned out over the space of millions to
billions of years.
As ever, such an event has opened up a whole
deluge of questions. And the only way to attempt to
look back in time is to lift missions off the ground to
seek answers; providing us with the holy grail that Planck’s image of
the famous CMB (cosmic
is the snapshot of our newborn universe. Several
microwave background)
missions have stepped up to the challenge, most
notably the recently retired Planck mission – which
communicated its final signal of what it knew “Planck surpassed its expectations and
about the ancient universe in October this year –
under the joint efforts of ESA and NASA. Planck in some cases even exceeded its goals,
built upon and improved observations returned
by its complementary mission, NASA’s Wilkinson so it has been stunning” Richard Davis
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which, after
a good nine years of service, rests in its heliocentric involvement in one of the instruments on board Indeed, a couple of the many achievements that
graveyard orbit. the craft. “It also had the lowest noise detectors the space mission has in its arsenal is an all-sky
Planck’s main aim was to measure the cosmic ever made and are lower than anything detected survey that has provided us with our best view of
microwave background (CMB) – the afterglow of before.” An important feature of the CMB is that it the oldest light in our universe to now as well as
the Big Bang, that’s encoded with how the universe is, by no means, smooth – it is a mess of different a better measurement of the age of the cosmos,
appeared some 400,000 years after the event. And temperatures and it was from soaking up this relic dated at 13.8 billion years old – 100 million years
to get the best measurements possible, the mission radiation from its orbit around the Sun that Planck more than previously thought. And even though
had to be kept to freezing temperatures. was able to pick out even the most subtle blips the mission has since been deactivated, Davis
“[Planck had] a passive cooling and three in temperature; something that Davis admits the assures us that Planck could still wield the key to
refrigerators taking it to -273.05 degrees Celsius mission did incredibly well. “The fluctuations go understanding more about our infant cosmos. “We
[-460 degrees Fahrenheit] which made it the down to as low as 2 micro Kelvin,” he says. “Planck will go on analysing the data for at least the next ten
coolest place in the universe,” says the University surpassed its expectations and in some cases even years so there is much to come,” he says. “We will
of Manchester’s Richard Davis, who led the UK’s exceeded its goals, so it has been stunning.” release the data in the next few years.”
In the beginning
away from us according to what became known as The CMB was emitted about 380,000 years after
Hubble’s Law. But if the galaxies are all moving apart, The cosmic relic the Big Bang, when temperatures in the universe fell
could they once upon a time have been much closer And the universe is certainly telling us things about to below approximately 3,000 degrees Celsius (5,400
together, coming out of a big bang? its past. The CMB was not the stealthiest of beasts degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature atomic nuclei
In 1931 Lemaître’s work was brought to people’s when it generated interference on the experiments were able to soak up all of the free electrons that
attention when Sir Arthur Eddington discovered it, of Bell Laboratory astronomers Arno Penzias and whizzed around the universe. With the electrons out
but by then Hubble had already made his discoveries. Robert Wilson in 1965. Their device was called of the way light and radiation were allowed to freely
At first Einstein did not believe it, but later changed the Holmdel Horn Antenna, a radio telescope that pass through space without bouncing off electrons,
his mind when he saw Hubble’s evidence. A more listened in on the universe. Everywhere they pointed and this is the light that we see now as the cosmic
vocal critic was astronomer Fred Hoyle at Cambridge it, they detected an unwanted hiss, kind of like the microwave background. So although it doesn’t quite
University, who came up with the name ‘Big Bang’ in low level of electrical noise that produces ‘snow’ on show us the moment of the Big Bang, the appearance
derision of the idea, and favoured his own Steady State a TV screen. Only after they had ruled out every of the CMB is heavily influenced by what happened
model describing an eternal universe. The Big Bang possible alternative did they finally accept that the in the Big Bang, such as a brief period of inflation
name stuck, though. unexplained signal could be coming from space. that moved parts of the universe apart faster than the
Today, the Big Bang is a widely accepted theory. What’s more, it was coming from all directions. They speed of light. The picture that the CMB provides is
However, we don’t have a photo album of how the realised it was the sought-after cosmic microwave one of the baby universe – it’s like we’re looking back
universe grew from an infant into the veteran of background radiation, that scientists suspected might to when time and space first shuddered into existence.
cosmic evolution that it is today. Astronomers realised exist. If our universe had a beginning then there was
that they had to be resourceful, grabbing hold of any likely to be some kind of residue left over, flavoured
evidence that our universe was willing to give up and in a static of microwave bands; a relic radiation, the Mapping the sky
combining it with mathematical models. Of course, cosmic microwave background. And at a temperature Penzias and Wilson were awarded the Nobel Prize for
these clues are communicated to us in the cosmos’s of 2.7 degrees above absolute zero (about -270 degrees their discovery, but there was still much to learn about
own way; ranging from the crackling of its background Celsius or -460 degrees Fahrenheit) it's quite cold, the microwave background – we wanted a map. The
noise – the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – to making today’s universe a chilly place to be as this first mission to attempt this was the NASA-owned
gravitational waves that ripple between its many radiation fills every corner of space. It was once quite Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) probe, which
various galaxies. hot, but has cooled as the universe has expanded. began snapping pictures of the CMB as soon as it was
Birth of the universe
In the beginning
the Big Bang David Evans, who is heavily involved
with the ALICE experiment at CERN,
examines the inside of its chamber
Professor of high and, for a brief instant, create a super hot and dense that the quark-gluon plasma seems to behave like
sub-atomic fireball.” the most perfect liquid ever produced. So it seems
energy physics David What these results show is that the tiny fireballs the universe was born of a perfect liquid.”
Evans is making – which are a lot smaller than a single atom – Another surprise was just how strong the forces
that Evans speaks of, reach temperatures of a are in this plasma where high-energy particles,
baby universes scorching six billion degrees Celsius (10.8 billion usually found to barge their way through metres of
Tucked away in the highly populated city of degrees Fahrenheit). That’s over 300,000 times thick detector material, find themselves absorbed in
Geneva in Switzerland, the particle-smashing Large the temperature of our Sun and, what’s more, the incredibly small distances not much bigger than the
Hadron Collider (LHC) – built by the European density that results is 50 times that of a neutron star. nucleus of an atom.
Organisation for Nuclear Research, which is more “Such extreme temperatures and densities would At the moment, the LHC has been shut down for
commonly known as CERN – has been hard at have last existed just about a millionth of a second several important upgrades but, when it’s up and
work accelerating particles to breakneck speeds after the Big Bang and, under these conditions, running again in early 2015, Evans and his team plan
close to the speed of light. The aim? To attempt protons and neutrons (which make up the nuclei of to put it to even more good use. “We will be able
to re-create what the early universe might have atoms) ‘melt‘ into a soup of fundamental particles to collide lead nuclei at double the energy, creating
been like just a few minutes after it was born. The called quarks and gluons,” adds Evans. “This even hotter and denser fireballs,” he explains.
particle accelerator, which houses two detectors primordial soup is called a quark-gluon plasma.” “We are really just at the beginning of an exciting
dedicated to pinpointing the moments during our Evans believes that the plasma they produce endeavour to discover the properties of the quark-
universe’s growth (LHCb and ALICE), works as a Big in ALICE is fairly representative of the early gloop gluon plasma, I am expecting to find many surprises
Bang-making machine. The differences are that this of the early universe. “However, the fireball we along the way.”
‘explosion’ is on a much smaller scale and scientists create is much smaller than the one in the early Meanwhile, the team behind the LHC experiment
have a bit more control over it. universe and, hence, will cool much quicker,” he will get back to trying to work out why there were
For ALICE, the aim of the game is to smash says, before adding that the results brought about unequal amounts of antimatter and matter. Of
particles of lead into each other to create a plasma by the detector are indicative of breakthroughs in course, the Large Hadron Collider has also done us
that existed some ten millionths of a second after our understanding of the early cosmos. “Although proud by unearthing the Higgs Boson – the particle
the Big Bang. “Lead atoms have all of their 82 it’s still early days,” Evans tells us, “our results show that is responsible for all of the mass in the universe.
electrons stripped off and the positively charged
nuclei are accelerated to over 99.9999 per cent the
speed of light in the LHC,” says the University of
“The quark-gluon plasma seems to
Birmingham’s David Evans, who leads the team behave like the most perfect liquid
working on the ALICE experiment. “The lead nuclei
then smash together inside the giant ALICE detector ever produced” David Evans
Birth of the universe
self. Shortly after its sudden appearance, there was
nothing except for a plasma soup. The universe was
incredibly hot with particles of both matter and
antimatter – the opposite of matter – rushing apart
in all kinds of directions. Then it began to cool,
the aftermath
producing equal amounts of matter and antimatter,
which swiftly annihilated each other. Lucky for us,
for some reason that nobody yet understands, there
was extra matter leftover and, as the universe began
to peter out, cooling further, particles – the building
blocks of matter – began to take shape. The first stars
formed around 400 million years after the Big Bang,
Astronomer Dan its journey to our telescopes to red or even
infrared wavelengths.”
followed by the first galaxies – the oldest galaxies we Coe is looking at The advent of a new infrared camera on board
have seen so far are a whopping 13.2 billion years old.
As much as we are sure the Big Bang happened,
the Big Bang’s deep Hubble saw astronomers take the opportunity to
look into the universe’s past and to reveal ever
the nature of the universe still raises a host of space consequences more distant galaxies with greater redshifts. “Even
existential questions. Where did the universe come Around 13.8 billion years later, here we are. As if our eyes were as large as Hubble’s, these galaxies
from? Why did it appear in the first place? Why the stars, galaxies, planetary systems and other would remain invisible to us,” says Coe. “We
was there more matter than antimatter in the early bodies are silently suspended in an endless void believe the most distant galaxy detected in the
universe? Why is dark energy causing the expansion of blackness, it is difficult to believe that there was Ultra Deep Field dates back to 500 million years
of the universe to accelerate? What we do know, a time in the universe’s life that conditions were after the Big Bang, over 13 billion years ago.”
however, is that the Big Bang was not an ‘explosion’ chaotic and ever-changing. But there is evidence But Coe and his colleagues are looking further
into anything, it happened everywhere, which is why everywhere and in all directions; the Hubble Deep still. “The Hubble Ultra Deep Field was about
everywhere is filled with the CMB. And we also know Field – snapped by the long-serving Hubble Space twice as big as the original,” he says. “We are now
that the ultimate destiny of the universe depends Telescope – made sure of that. embarking on a large new Hubble programme to
on what wins the great cosmic battle over the fate “The Hubble Deep Field revealed distant galaxies observe 12 more Ultra Deep Fields in different parts
of the cosmos: will gravity tug the universe back, or which appear very different from nearby galaxies,” of the sky.” The programme Coe is referring to is a
will dark energy keep it expanding forever? These explains Dan Coe, an astronomer at the Space new venture called Frontier Fields and will tell us
questions remain unanswered. Telescope Science Institute in Maryland, USA. how similar other patches of sky look to the Ultra
“They are generally smaller, more clumpy and less Deep Field; that way we can confirm whether the
orderly than nearby galaxies and yet to form spiral cosmos is expanding in all directions. “It will also
patterns or settle into elliptical balls.” use cosmic zoom lenses known as gravitational
Constructed from a series of observations over lenses to magnify the distant universe and observe
Missing pieces a period of ten days, this tiny snapshot – which
is equivalent in size to a 65-millimetre tennis
even more deeply.” The Spitzer and Chandra space
telescopes will also take images of the Frontier
It might be the king of theories when it comes to
ball held at a distance of around 100 metres Fields, in infrared and X-ray.
explaining the birth of the universe, but the Big
away – holds 3,000 objects, most of which are Coe reminds us that terrestrial telescopes
Bang theory still hits a few snags.
galaxies. Several of these structures are among that have surveyed wide areas of the night sky
1. Disappearing antimatter the youngest and most distant known – providing have found that the universe looks similar in all
In the beginning, there were equal amounts of a pathway that allows us to look back to when directions. “Over billions of years, gravity has
matter and antimatter – two materials that, when the universe was young. “Distant galaxies appear woven a ‘cosmic web’ of dark matter that funnels
they come together, annihilate each other. Why, redder,” says Coe. “This ‘redshift’ is due to the gas in to form stars and galaxies and draws
then, does our universe now contain mostly matter? expansion of the universe. As the universe galaxies together to form large clusters of galaxies,”
expanded over billions of years, it stretched light he explains. “The original Ultra Deep Field may
2. The horizon problem along with it into longer, redder wavelengths. have landed on a dense cosmic knot or a cosmic
Are the widely separated regions of the sky too far
Ultraviolet starlight emitted billions of years ago void. That’s why we need more Ultra Deep Fields,
apart to communicate with one another? If they’re
from distant galaxies has been stretched along to sample more of the distant cosmos.”
unable to communicate, scientists are unsure how
they know to have the same temperature.
In the beginning
The original BICEP the instrument could produce a false signal. We had
project team, plus many turns and zig-zags through this process, but
the telescope body every time we would come up with a mechanism,
generally we would find that after going through it,
we would learn a few things about the data and it
would get even more consistent. The data would still
be present – we were able to find an explanation for
the signal. The thing that pushed us over was that we
compared our data with BICEP1, which itself doesn’t
have the sensitivity to produce the signal, so we
could do a cross-comparison. That cross-comparison
was consistent with what we were getting.
data would get more consistent” that we look for this B-mode pattern as a signature of
inflationary gravitational waves.
Big Bang: not just a theory
In the beginning
How planets form
In the beginning
Origins of a
relatively thin rotating disc. In the
crowded disc, particles collide more
frequently, speeding up the growth of
larger and larger chunks.
At about the point a chunk of solid
solar system
matter grows to a kilometre across,
it graduates to a planetesimal. A
planetesimal is massive enough that
its gravitational pull attracts smaller
chunks of matter, accelerating the rate
of growth. The result is a relatively
small number of planetesimals steadily
capturing the smaller chunks and
particles in the disc.
When a terrestrial planetesimal
Gas giant, the accretion model
grows large enough, the energy of
many collisions along with radioactive
material it’s accreted heat everything
to melting point. As a melted mass, the
planetesimal’s structure can reform.
In a process called differentiation,
the force of gravity concentrates the
melted metals into an inner core,
surrounded by an outer crust of 1. Dirty snowballs 2. Capturing gas 3. Too big to fail
lighter rocky silicates. The result is Dust grains and bits of frozen Some planetesimals grow so big The gas giants grab a huge supply
a protoplanet, an asteroid-like mass hydrogen compounds condense and that their gravitational pull captures of the disc’s hydrogen and helium
then collide and stick together, forming hydrogen and helium gas in the gas. Their massive gravity pulls in or
with distinct layers. Over time, gravity
bigger and bigger icy planetesimals. protoplanetary disc. scatters remaining planetesimals.
evens out the protoplanet’s shape,
forming it into a sphere.
A terrestrial planet might form an
atmosphere layer through outgassing.
Essentially, heat from the planet’s
interior core unlocks gases trapped
in the planet’s solid and molten
interior. Planets might then add to this
atmosphere through encounters with
other solar system bodies.
As the diversity of our own Solar
System demonstrates, atmospheres
vary a great deal. Any particular
atmospheric recipe requires not only
the right mix of planetary matter, but
also a precise balance of planetary
size and proximity to the central star.
When a smaller planet orbits very
close to a star, like Mercury, the sun’s
heat blasts away any atmosphere,
leaving a barren rock. Meanwhile, a
planet like Mars is so far from the Sun
that all its water is locked up in ice.
But just a bit further in, you get Earth
– a planet that’s the right size and in
the right position to form a robust
atmosphere that could support life.
Gas giant, gas collapse model
While there is general agreement
among astronomers that terrestrial
planets formed along these lines, the
origins of Jovian gas giant planets, like
Jupiter and Saturn, are less certain.
One possibility is they start out the
same basic way as terrestrial planets,
steadily accreting solid matter to form
a massive protoplanet. If it grows large
1. Concentrations in the disc 2. ‘Instant’ planet 3. Glutton for gas
enough – about 15 times the size of In the disc of gas and dust that forms A clump of dense gas collapses under As the planet makes its way around
Earth – such a protoplanet exerts a around a protostar, the dynamics of its own gravity to form a gaseous the disc, its strong gravitational pull
strong enough gravitational pull to the rotation cause uneven distribution planet. The new planet picks up dust sweeps up more gas, making it bigger
capture hydrogen and helium gas in of hydrogen and helium gas. and ice, which collect into a solid core. and bigger.
How planets form
A star is born
Astronomers believe
a solar system begins
when part of a nebula
– a molecular cloud of
gas and dust – collapses
under its own gravity,
forming a dense, hot core
that becomes a star.
Terrestrial planets
Closer to the star, dust particles of
heavier metals and minerals like
iron and nickel clump together into
larger and larger chunks, slowly
forming rocky planets.
Gas giants
Further away, hydrogen
compounds form ice, providing
much more planet-forming
material. The gravitational pull of
much larger planets holds on to
hydrogen and helium gas, forming
a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn.
1. Let’s stick together 2. Running with the crowd 3. Forming a planetesimal 4. Graduating to a protoplanet
Mineral and metal dust particles As trillions of these particles rotate When a rocky chunk grows to about Intense heat melts the rocky material.
throughout the molecular cloud collide around the developing star, they’re 1km across, its gravitational pull is able During melting, elements like iron and
and clump together, forming larger constantly colliding, forming bigger to attract other pieces, speeding up nickel concentrate at the centre of the
rocky particles. asteroid-like pieces through accretion. the accretion process. planet, giving it distinct layers.
In the beginning
the proplyd. The gaseous mass then solids. They remain in gaseous form to the Sun, while the outer planets, reactions likely produced powerful
sweeps up more material, growing into and so do not accrete to developing Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, solar winds that would have cleared
a Jovian behemoth. planetesimals. But if you move far are much larger. out the remaining gas in the proplyd.
There is a relatively small supply of enough away from the hot protostar, The chief argument against the That’s a tight window for Jovian gas
heavy metals and silicate in a proplyd, past what’s called the frost line, the accretion model for Jovian planets is giants to form.
making it unlikely that a protoplanet temperature drops low enough that timing. In well-supported models of And neighbouring stars may
could accumulate enough metal hydrogen compounds can freeze. solar system evolution, there simply lead to the window shrinking even
and rocky material to reach the size With a much more abundant supply isn’t enough time to grow the massive further. Astronomers believe that
necessary to hold on to hydrogen and of solid material, large icy protoplanets icy cores before the developing solar stars generally form in clusters that
helium gas. Instead, this model says, can form and capture the swirling system loses the bulk of its hydrogen contain massive, hot stars. Calculations
the initial planetary core of a Jovian hydrogen and helium gas. and helium gas supply. While the say radiation from these stars would
planet forms out of frozen hydrogen The organisation of our Solar lighter gases are the dominant accelerate the evaporation of gaseous
compounds, such as methane, System supports this theory. The material during the proplyd’s early life, material in nearby proplyds, shrinking
ammonia and water. Near the centre inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth their days are numbered. In the case of the period of plentiful hydrogen and
of a proplyd, the developing protostar and Mars are all relatively small and our own Solar System, some 10 million helium to between 100,000 and 1
makes it too hot for hydrogen rocky, suggesting forming giant icy or years after the Sun first formed as a million years. That doesn’t appear to
compounds to condense into frozen gaseous planets wasn’t possible close protostar, the energy of nuclear fusion be enough time for a Jovian gas giant
Types of planets
Terrestrial Gas giant Dwarf planet
Terrestrial planets like At a further distance Smaller than a true planet,
Earth and Mars are rocky from their orbiting star, the difference between
planets with metal cores gas giants are able to an asteroid and a dwarf
and high densities. accrete more matter in planet comes down to
They are smaller than their formation, giving its shape. To be a dwarf
gas giants and have them a large size and planet, a body must
slower rotation periods. mass. For example, have sufficient mass
In addition, their smaller Jupiter is 11 times larger to achieve hydrostatic
size means they are less than Earth, and has a equilibrium, when it will
likely to have moons. volume 1,300 times greater. become spherical.
How planets form
in action
Our nearest star-forming region is
the Orion Nebula, a massive cloud of
132-1832 gas and dust around 1,500 light years
Developing far from away. The striking nebula is visible
Theta1 Orionis C, 132- to the naked eye – and positively
1832 is one of the darker
breathtaking as seen through the
proplyds in the nebula.
Hubble Space Telescope. Hubble’s
sharp images, like this one from 2009,
have revealed 42 protoplanetary discs
(proplyds) where planet formation is
now in progress. Theta1 Orionis C, the
206-446 nebula’s brightest star, heats nearby
Astronomers believe proplyds, giving them a bright glow.
this bright proplyd’s Proplyds forming further away are too
distinctive ponytail-style dim to see, but their dark dust blocks
plume is a jet of matter
out parts of the bright nebula in the
streaming out from the
disc’s centre. background, creating silhouettes
astronomers can study.
Proplyd 180-331,
another bright disc
near Theta1 Orionis C,
also sports a flowing
106-417 jet of matter, giving it a
Stellar wind from tadpole shape.
the massive Theta 1
Orionis C interacting
with gas has formed a
shockwave around this
ear-shaped proplyd.
But the best shockwave
sculpture has to be 181-
825’s distinctive galactic
jellyfish form.
In the beginning
to form through the accretion model,
yet observations of distant solar
systems show that these gas giants are
very common.
a protoplanet
An alternative theory, known as the
gas collapse model, presents a faster
formation scenario. According to this
model, gas giants form directly from
the swirling hydrogen and helium
in a developing proplyd. As the
material revolves around the protostar,
Dr Simon Casassus of the University of Chile talks
turbulence in the disc distributes it
unevenly. This unevenness forms
us through fascinating images of a protoplanetary
knots of dense gas. When enough disc in action more than 450 light years away
gas is concentrated tightly enough,
its dense mass causes it to collapse In January, the University of Chile is about one millimetre. The rest of such cavity-crossing flows. The other
in on itself, forming a giant gas ball. published images showing a the colours are gaseous. In green, we first is the (darker) blue, the diffused
To put it another way, the gas giant protoplanetary disc in action around see the Formyl ion molecule and in carbon monoxide, which is slightly
is like a failed star. It forms the same HD 142527, a young star over 450 blue we have carbon monoxide. In a less dense material, more rarified gas.
basic way as the protostar, but doesn’t light years away. Can you describe lighter blue, there are two filaments We think that (gas) giants have
have sufficient mass and energy for a the data shown in the image? crossing the cavity that converge on formed first through a rocky core…
nuclear fusion reaction. This is a protoplanetary system seen the centre where the star would be. a super-Earth exoplanet, something
The embryonic planet’s gravitational face-on. In red is the thermal emission Those filaments are faint compared like ten times the mass of the Earth,
pull takes over from there, sweeping from rocks or tiny pebbles or sand to the rest of the nebula, but they are which is massive enough to attract
up massive amounts of gas, as well grains. The size of these particles there. This is the first time we’ve seen and hold the gas in the disc, so it
as any solids in the vicinity, quickly
adding to its bulk. Collected ice and
metals condense at the planet’s centre,
forming a solid core after the gas
has accumulated, rather than before. Thermal emissions
The whole process might happen as Rocks, tiny pebbles or
quickly as a few hundred years. sand grains, anything in
Observations of Jovian exoplanets red is about 1 millimetre.
(planets located outside our Solar
System) have given some credence to
this model – or at least challenged the
Jovian accretion model. In the wave
of exoplanet discoveries over the past
25 years, one of the biggest surprises
has been the so-called ‘hot Jupiters’,
Jovian gas giants that orbit very close
to their suns. These planets would
seem to contradict the notion that
gas giants only form beyond the frost
line. However, they may have formed
further out, but then migrated towards
their suns.
A host of exoplanet discoveries have
given astronomers a better picture of
the range of possible planets, which
has yielded new clues about how
planets form. But examining the end
results can only tell them so much.
Fortunately, we’re likely entering a
new era of direct proplyd observation,
thanks to advances in telescopic
technology. The new Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array
(ALMA) radio telescope in Chile, which
should be fully operational in March,
has already yielded unprecedented
images of planet formation in progress.
As new discoveries follow, astronomers
expect to fill in more pieces of the Filaments
puzzle, taking us ever closer to The lighter shade of
understanding how our planet, and by blue are two filaments
extension all of us, came to be. crossing the cavity.
How planets form
Outer disc
This artist’s impression
shows the gas streams
flowing from the
outer disc.
Central star
Gas streams flow to the
star in the disc’s centre.
In the beginning
Creating a
The making of these billion-star structures
has been puzzling astronomers for
decades. We put together the pieces
for building a galaxy
Creating a galaxy
In the beginning
Creating a galaxy
Galactic evolution
How their different sizes can affect how galaxies form
Large galaxies
A team of gas clouds
Small clouds of gas
collapse early on to form
the galaxy’s very first stars.
Gaseous add-ons
There isn’t much spinning going
on during the making of a large
A party of stars galaxy. Instead, the merging
These gas clouds with of nearby gas clouds stop any
their newly formed stars chances of a disc-like structure
clump together to make a from forming.
larger cloud with a party
of stellar populations.
Creating a galaxy
Forming a disc
The matter spins quickly,
causing a flattened disc-like
structure. At the centre is a black dust. This dust is comprised of elements made
bulge, where the older first- inside the nuclear furnaces of stars, dating back to
generation stars can be found.
the first stars that existed about 13.5 billion years ago.
The rest of the disc is teeming
with younger stars. Today we find that the oldest parts of spiral
galaxies are their bulges. In these central regions
most of the gas has been used up and the stars
A galaxy with arms that exist there are crammed together and more
Internal processes make red than the combined light of the stars in the
the arms and bars found in spiral arms, which are dominated by hot, young
spiral galaxies. However, stars. The exception is in the few tens of light years
if conditions are more immediately around the supermassive black hole that
favourable, a lenticular
lies in the middle of every large galaxy, where the gas
galaxy – an intermediate
between an elliptical and a is dense enough to keep forming new star clusters
spiral – is made instead. made of massive stars.
The black holes in the centres of galaxies are
enormous. The black hole in the centre of the Milky
Way galaxy is four million-times more massive than
the Sun. In other galaxies, black holes can be tens or
even hundreds of millions of times more massive.
The biggest galaxies of all, the giant ellipticals found
in the centres of galaxy clusters, have central black
holes with masses up to a billion-times that of the
Sun, as is the case with the galaxy M87 in the heart
of the Virgo galaxy cluster.
Everyone knows that black holes like to consume
matter, that’s how they grow so big. But black holes
can’t eat everything that is served their way and
sometimes they spit out their food. What happens is
that as gas flows toward a black hole, it whirls around
into a disc of material spiralling into the it. However,
the gas brings magnetic fields with it that become
wrapped up around the black hole by the swirling
gas. Eventually the magnetic fields become so strong
that they can actually begin to funnel away charged
particles, atoms, protons, electrons and ions into jets
that are so energised they race away from the black
hole at almost the speed of light. We can even see
A gigantic galaxy one of the jets coming from the black hole in M87.
Since most of the gas needed The level of black hole activity can depend on
to make a new generation of many factors, such as the mass of the black hole
baby stars was mopped up, no
and the amount of gas falling into it. Our Milky
more can be made. What’s left
Way’s supermassive black hole, for instance, is very
is a gigantic elliptical galaxy
that’s dominated by old stars. quiet with hardly any gas falling into it. Other spiral
galaxies have more activity in their centres, with
some emitting strong radio waves. However, the most
active black holes are called quasars. The closest to us
is 2.4 billion light years away, but the majority existed
in the universe over 10 billion years ago.
Quasars are fed by gas in two different ways: one
is simply clouds of intergalactic gas falling onto a
black hole in the centre of a galaxy. These clouds
are clumps of gas and dark matter left over from the
process of building galaxies over 13 billion years ago.
The other way that quasars light up is more exciting,
when two galaxies come hurtling toward each other
and collide, it causes huge clouds of interstellar gas
and stars to fall into the black hole.
Sometimes the collision is a hit and run. The
gravitational forces of each galaxy tear stars and gas
out into long streamers that astronomers call tidal
streams. These streams can sometimes be many
hundreds of thousands of light years long.
When galaxies collide it changes the future of
the structures involved. Going back in time by 13
billion years, Hubble is able to see the first galaxies
growing by consuming smaller galaxies. This galactic
cannibalism continues even today, although at a
In the beginning
Heating up
A swirling disc of When the material falls
dust and gas into the black hole
An accretion disc made of and reaches the event
gas and dust circles the horizon – the point
black hole. If the black of no return – a lot
hole isn’t particularly of friction is created,
active, then the matter superheating atoms
won’t fall into it. and tearing them apart.
Galactic arithmetic
The basic space formula for creating galaxies
much slower rate. Even the Milky Way is eating
smaller galaxies at this very moment but they are
not going near our black hole, so the centre of our
galaxy is not active. For example, the Canis Major
Creating a galaxy
An active galaxy
Combine the intense magnetic
field of the supermassive black
hole with the ripping of atoms
and super high temperatures
and you get a extremely active
galaxy. Electrons torn from the
atoms find themselves gathered
by the magnetic field.
Galactic jets
The active black hole Funnels made by the black hole
When a black hole begins twisting the space-time fabric
spinning into motion, it drags suck up particles, which are
the fabric of space-time, or accelerated by electric currents,
the universe, with it. This before being blasted out into
sheet gets twisted up inside space as focused beams of
the black hole. charged particles and radiation.
to form unusual
where stars and gas are bunching up. This is a bit shapes just like Arp
like a traffic jam on a motorway and as soon as some 142, which looks
stars hit the brakes and slow down all the other stars like a penguin
and gas clouds bunch up behind them. guarding an egg
Although some of the pieces are missing, the
jigsaw of how galaxies are made, grow and evolve
is becoming clearer. We might not be able to see
everything, but we can see enough to understand
when and where galaxies came from.
Secrets of
the universe
Uncover the most intriguing aspects of our universe
40 100 wonders of space
Discover the best and unusual things in space
©Science Photo Library; NASA
100 wonders
of space
The most
25 years of
(0.62 miles) from top to bottom. They’re made up of
billions of particles of ice and rock, some as large as
mountains and others too small to be seen with the
naked eye. It’s not known for sure how old the
rings are, or exactly how they formed, but it
is thought possible that the fragments are
pieces of shattered moons, smashed to
bits by collisions in the not too
distant past.
of space
From giant craters to
supermassive black holes
and alien planets: explore
our favourite parts of
the cosmos
100 wonders of space
6 Life
As far as we know, Earth is the only
planet to harbour living organisms,
but chances are there are many
10 Giant
moon cliff
The tallest cliff in the Solar System
Sun is on Uranus’s moon, Miranda.
Verona Rupes is 20 kilometres (12
miles) deep, and it would take 12
minutes to fall from top to bottom.
First Quarter
11 Acid
Earth atmosphere
The atmosphere of Venus is 96
5 Sombrero per cent carbon dioxide, and the
pressure at the surface is 90 times
Galaxy that on Earth. It has little water,
and the clouds are made from
Named for its hat-like appearance, the Sombrero
corrosive sulphuric acid.
is a galaxy within a galaxy. The flat disc, viewed
almost side-on from the Earth is the most obvious
12 Accretion disc
Full Moon
13 Vesta's giant
Last Quarter
Secrets of the universe
Valles Marineris is Mars’s answer
to the Grand Canyon, but on a
grander scale. It extends for 3,000
kilometres (1,800 miles), and cuts an
eight-kilometre (five-mile) deep scar
into the planet’s surface. Measuring
600 kilometres (370 miles) across, this
canyon is thought to have formed 3.5 18
billion years ago.
Hellas Planitia is an ancient impact 16
crater measuring over 2,000
kilometres (1,200 miles) in diameter,
and extending down for four
kilometres (2.5 miles). This enormous
scar on the southern hemisphere is
the largest complete crater on the
surface of Mars, created by an asteroid
impact around 4 billion years ago.
This imposing mountain is the tallest
volcano in the Solar System; standing
at an incredible 25 kilometres (16
miles) tall. It easily eclipses the
tallest volcano on Earth, Mauna 14
Loa. On Mars, the surface is static,
so lava continues to erupt in one
position, generating a volcano of truly
gargantuan proportions.
Faces on
When Viking 1 made its mission to
Planitia 19
The crater of this Martian impact
basin contains landforms known
as ‘thermokarst’, with geometrically
shaped lines and depressions with
Mars is coated in a layer of fine
scalloped edges. When Viking 2 magnetic dust, and experiences some
arrived in 1979, it found a thin layer incredibly violent weather; warm
of ice on the surface, and the lines in air in the deep Hellas Basin can
the ground are thought to have been generate storms that engulf
formed by wedges of subsurface ice. the entire planet.
100 wonders of space
24 Dark nebulae
These clouds are so dense that
no light can pass through; it is
all absorbed, making it appear as
though there are gaps in space.
25 Shooting stars
These wonders of the night sky
20 Red Square Nebula 21 The diamond ring have long fascinated humanity.
They happen when chunks of
The unusual geometric shape of this nebula found in the At first glance, this photograph captured by the European dust and rock burn up as they
constellation of Serpens remains an astronomical mystery, Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope might look like pass through the atmosphere.
but the leading hypothesis is that we are looking at the side a single object in the form of a cosmic diamond ring, but in
of several cones of gas released by the star or stars sitting reality, it is the result of an interaction between two objects.
at the centre. The cones are at right angles to one another, The ring itself is formed by the blue bubble of a planetary 26 Stellar
producing the shape of a square, but if we looked from a nebula known as Abell 33, created when the atmosphere of a magnets
different angle we would be able to see directly into one of dying Sun-sized star ballooned into space, and the ‘diamond’
Magnetars are neutron stars with
the cones, and it would appear as a red ring. is a well-positioned bright foreground star.
extreme magnetic fields. They are
rare and unpredictable, suddenly
erupting with gamma-ray bursts
22 Callisto ice spires before going quiet.
28 Tea-
temperature star
The nearby brown dwarf star,
CFBDSIR 1458+10B, is part of a
binary system and has a surface
temperature comparable to a
freshly made cup of tea.
29 Hypervelocity
The surface of Callisto is coated in Some stars travel at speeds over
spiky mounds of ice, surrounded 3.2 million kilometres (2 million
by dark puddles of dust miles) per hour, fast enough to
escape the gravitational pull of
their parent galaxy.
Warm convecting ice Liquid ocean under ice
23 Subsurface oceans Europa has a magnetic field, Europa is still warm at its core,
Beneath the surface of seemingly
indicating that something is
conducting electricity below
so it is thought more likely
that the water inside is truly in
30 Himiko
frozen moons there are potentially Also known as the Lyman-alpha
its surface; one explanation is liquid form, making up a salty
vast quantities of liquid water. In blob, Himiko is an enormous
partially melted icy slush. subsurface ocean.
the far reaches of the Solar System ancient galaxy; it is so far away
the temperature plummets, but that we are looking 800 million
friction caused by the gravitational years into the past.
interactions between a moon and its
parent planet could melt subsurface 31 Hamburger
ice, resulting in hidden oceans. The
tidal motion of these oceans as the
moon orbits would help to keep Positioned edge-on to Earth, this
the water in liquid form. The best spiral galaxy appears to us like a
candidates for subsurface water in flat red-orange disc of stars and
the Solar System are Jupiter’s moons dark dust, reminiscent in shape of
Europa, Callisto and Ganymede, and a popular American food.
Saturn’s moons Mimas and Enceladus.
Molten iron core
Secrets of the universe Like Earth, the core of a diamond
planet is thought to be composed 33
of molten iron, or a combination of
iron and carbon (molten steel). Massive
Silicon-based materials
Around the core is a water
second molten layer
containing silicon- reservoir
The quasar APM 08279+5255 hides a black
based materials,
such as silicon hole 20 billion times the Sun's mass, and
carbide (SiC) contains an ancient water cloud. The
or enstatite gas surrounding the black hole
(MgSiO3). contains 140 trillion times
more water than Earth’s
34 Gamma-
ray bursts
Once a day, a random point in the sky
blazes with an intense pop of energy
Surface graphite
known as a gamma-ray burst. Each burst is
The lower pressures
at the surface would result thought to be the final firework display of
Diamond layer a massive star as it collapses down to form
in a layer of graphite, and If there is enough pressure
depending on the atmosphere a black hole.
beneath the surface, a
and temperature, there could rigid band of crystals could
also be hydrocarbon weather. form, creating a thick layer
of diamond.
32 Diamond planets
Our own Solar System is dominated by oxygen a diamond planet is a super-Earth known as 55
and the terrestrial planets inside it are made from Cancri E. It is 40,000 light years away, twice the
silicon-based rocks. But elsewhere in the universe size of Earth and almost eight times the mass, and
it is a different story; in carbon-dominated beneath a surface of graphite, planetary scientists
systems, some planets are thought to be made think it could contain a thick shell of precious
from diamond. One of the first candidates for stones and other crystal structures.
100 wonders of space
Black hole
The supermassive black
hole at the centre is the 41 Dark matter
powerhouse of the quasar, Between 24 and 27 per cent of
distorting space-time with
its enormous gravitational
37 Quasars the universe is thought to be
composed of dark matter, made up
pull and drawing in the Quasars, or ‘quasi-stellar radio of subatomic particles that interact
surrounding dust and gas. sources’, are some of the brightest only weakly with ‘ordinary’ matter.
and most energetic objects in the
universe; they can release thousands
of times as much energy as the Milky
Way. A quasar is a supermassive black
42 Rare types
hole engaged in a feeding frenzy. As of matter
the black hole at the centre of a large ‘Normal’ atomic matter, made up
galaxy draws in material, it swirls of protons and neutrons makes up
around in a vast disc and the particles just five per cent of the universe.
rub against one another, releasing The remainder is dark matter and
Jets huge amounts of energy as they are dark energy, neither of which have
The magnetic field that ever been directly detected.
torn apart. As they twist towards
surrounds the black hole
channels radiation away the event horizon, magnetic field
in two vast energetic jets, lines funnel enormous quantities of
visible as a quasar or a radiation outwards in two huge jets, 43 Red dwarfs
blazar depending on the creating a dramatic beacon visible These small, dim stars burn so
viewing angle. from the Earth. slowly that they are thought have
lifespans longer than the total age of
the universe, meaning that none are
Deep Field This cluster of five galaxies was discovered in the 19th century
44 Asteroid belt
One of the most astonishing things about space and demonstrates the effects gravity on a monumental scale.
is what appears when you point a telescope at Three of the galaxies are so close that immense gravitational Between Mars and Jupiter lies
nothing. Between 2003 and 2004, the Hubble Space tides have made visible changes to their structure, pulling a band of leftovers from the
Telescope was aimed at an empty portion of the on their spiral arms and distorting their shapes as they twist beginnings of the Solar System;
sky in the constellation of Fornax and in the eight towards an inevitable collision. The bluer galaxy at the bottom either the remnants of a planet
years that followed, it kept returning, creating an left of the image is an interloper, 240,000 light years away that failed to form, or the
even more detailed image of what appeared to be a from the others, it is not actually part of the group. fragments of a broken one.
blank patch of sky. The resulting images revealed a
sea of galaxies, stretching back in space and time 13.2
billion light years, almost to the birth of the universe. 45 Oort cloud
The Solar System is encased in a
sphere of icy objects, collectively
known as the Oort cloud. The
Sun’s gravity at that distance is
so weak that passing objects can
Old elliptical send comets hurtling inwards.
46 Backwards
spiral galaxy
The arms of spiral galaxies trail
backwards as they turn, but
Spiral NGC 4622 is turning in the same
galaxies direction that its arms point,
Distant new possibly as the result of a collision
galaxies that upset its spin.
Secrets of the universe
47 Pulsars
When pulsars were discovered
in 1967, Jocelyn Bell thought
she might have intercepted
communications from an alien
civilisation. While searching for
the high-energy twinkling of
48 Hoag’s
quasars, she noticed a patch of sky
emitting regular pulses of radio
This unusual object is a ring galaxy,
waves every 1.3 seconds. The signal
one of the rarest galaxy types in the
was actually generated by a neutron
universe. At the centre is a spherical
star. Neutron stars are created when a
bulge of old orange-red stars, and
star between eight and 25 times the
around the edges is a ring of bright
mass of the Sun runs out of fuel and
blue hot young stars. Other ring
collapses. As the neutron star spins
galaxies are thought to have formed
its radio jets spin too, sweeping across
following a collision, or due to a
the sky in regular pulses.
rapidly spinning central bar, but the
origin of Hoag’s Object is unknown. If
you look inside, another ring galaxy
is visible far in the distance.
49 Spirograph
The star at the centre of these
geometric swirls used to be like our
own Sun, but a few thousand years
52 Horsehead Nebula 100 wonders of space
This remarkable pillar of dense dust and gas is named after
the horse-like head and neck at its tip. It is part of a larger
optical nebula known as Barnard 33, and is visible in pink
silhouette thanks to an extremely bright five-star system,
Sigma Orionis – part of the constellation of Orion. The
Horsehead pokes out of a larger cloud system, and inside its
dark interior new low-mass stars are being born. 57 Supernovae
When massive stars die they go
out with a bang, releasing as much
energy as the Sun will during its
entire lifetime in just fractions of
a second.
53 Einstein Cross
One of Albert Einstein’s greatest ideas was that the 58 South Pole-
universe is made from a fabric called space-time,
and that mass causes this fabric to bend, like balls
Aitken Basin
The south pole of the Moon has
sitting on a trampoline. Incredibly, there is evidence
a spectacular impact crater,
of it happening right before our eyes. The Einstein
covering an area measuring
Cross is a single quasar, but it looks like four
around 2,600 kilometres (1,600
because a galaxy sitting in front of it bends space-
miles), and deeper than the height
time, curving the light as it passes, and acting like a
of Mount Everest.
lens to duplicate the image.
59 Chelyabinsk
54 Caloris Basin meteorite
This enormous impact basin measures 1,500 This 19-metre (62-foot) wide
kilometres (930 miles) in diameter, and is one of asteroid exploded in mid-air
the hottest places on Mercury. Its perimeter is over Russia in 2013; an event
studded by volcanic vents, visible here as bright that happens on this scale
orange hot spots, and its interior is pockmarked approximately once every 30 years.
by hundreds of more recent impacts.
60 Cataclysmic
55 variable stars
In some binary systems, a white
Mercury dwarf and a larger star, like a red
Secrets of the universe 62
Inner crust Neutrons are subatomic particles of
Outer crust The matter inside neutral charge, and in normal matter they
The outer layer of a neutron a neutron star has make up part of the atomic nucleus, sitting
star is rigid and incredibly degenerated, and exists alongside positively charged protons. Under
smooth; the tallest ‘mountain’ as neutron dense nuclei, the immense pressure inside a neutron star
on the surface measures just alongside free superfluid however, atoms degenerate and positively
fractions of a centimetre. neutrons and electrons.
charged protons and negatively charged
electrons are crammed together so tightly
that they too start to form neutrons,
making up the bulk of all the
matter contained inside.
64 Ant nebula
This object bears a striking resemblance to the head
and thorax of an ant, but look closely and a dying
star is visible at its core; between the two segments,
a star not unlike our Sun is in the midst of collapse.
The shape of its explosion has puzzled astronomers,
and rather than being uniform in all directions, the
gas is wound up into two symmetrical lobes. It is
thought that there may be another star, stirring the
gas with its gravitational pull, or that the spin of the
dying star could be creating these enormous swirls.
The astonishing colours of the Orion Nebula have as the Trapezium. The nebula is just 30,000
made it one of the most famous sights in the sky. years old, and is a place of intense star birth. The
Just 1,500 light years from the Earth, the glowing hot young Trapezium stars have blown a hollow
red cloud of ionised hydrogen is dominated by a in their dust shroud, and are illuminating the
group of three enormous stars collectively known surrounding cloud.
67 Crab Nebula
This five light year-wide nebula is the remnants of
a supernova explosion that lit up the southern sky
in 1054 CE. The gas cloud is expanding at a rate of
around 1,800 kilometres per second (1,100 miles per
second), and the gas creates a glowing rainbow. In
the interior, the blue and green filaments are oxygen
and sulphur, and towards the edges, the orange and
red are hydrogen and oxygen. At the very centre,
electrons glow blue as they circle the magnetic field
of a neutron star.
100 wonders of space
72 Globular
These dense symmetrical spheres
contain ancient red-orange stars,
and are the oldest subsystems
inside galaxies, thought to have
formed between 13 and 15 billion
years ago.
73 Reflection
These nebulae do not emit any
light of their own, but they reflect
light from nearby stars, revealing
their dusty outlines.
68 Whirlpool Galaxy
This near-perfect swirl is a classic example of a spiral galaxy. 74 Asteroid
Like our own galaxy, bright blue stars are formed within
the enormous arms, twisting around a central bulge of older moons
It is not just planets that have
orange-red stars in the last phases of their existence. The
satellites, around 16 per cent of
spirals are lined with dust lanes composed of dark silicon
large near-Earth asteroids have one,
and carbon, and clouds of hydrogen gas glow red as they are
or even two, moons of their own.
excited by the light from the young stars.
75 Cosmic voids
69 Space 70 Io The structure of the universe
looks something like a three-
volcanoes Jupiter’s third largest moon, Io, is
the most volcanically active place
dimensional web, with most of the
galaxies arranged into clumps and
The Solar System is full of volcanic activity. in the Solar System, capable of filaments. In between, there are
The largest volcano of all, Olympus Mons, jettisoning lava 300 kilometres (190 vast holes.
is located on Mars, and Venus boasts the miles) into the sky. Its atmosphere is
highest number of volcanoes of any planet, thin and sulphurous, and its surface
with over 1,600 major volcanic features, and is constantly being smoothed and
remodelled by lava flows. Incredibly,
76 Wolf-Rayet
tens of thousands of smaller volcanoes. Though
neither planet has seen recent volcanic activity, Io acts as a lightning rod, and as it stars
it is possible that some are still active. Volcanoes dips through Jupiter’s magnetic field These hot, massive stars are
are not just restricted to planets; Jupiter’s moon Io it generates currents of up to 3 million nearing the end of their lives,
is more volcanically active than Earth, and Neptune’s amperes, which zip down towards the and have started losing their
moon Triton and Saturn’s moon Enceladus both harbour surface of the gas giant below. atmosphere at an astonishing rate
cryovolcanoes, which spew not lava but water. The as solar winds blow their gases
gravitational pull of the parent planet of each moon warps out into space.
their shape, causing their internal structure to melt and flex,
and resulting in violent eruptions.
77 Ceres
Ceres is the largest object in
the asteroid belt; its growth was
stunted by the gravity of Jupiter,
and at only 950 kilometres (590
71 Light ‘echoes’ miles) across, it is known as an
embryonic planet.
In early 2002, the star unlike other ageing stars,
V838 Monocerotis suddenly it did not lose its outer
became incredibly bright, layers and instead they 78 Large
and then rapidly dimmed cooled until its surface
again in an unprecedented was almost cold enough quasar group
display that stumped to touch. The light emitted The largest structure in the
astronomers. During the was reflected by dust known universe is a cluster of
event, which is known as that the star had already quasars, the violent nuclei of early
a ‘light echo’, the star grew expelled, revealing layers of galaxies, stretching in a chain that
hugely in diameter, but previously invisible swirls. covers 4 billion light years.
Secrets of the universe 2006
1997 2005
The sudden release of magnetic
1998 energy from the Sun’s atmosphere 2004
sends out bursts of radiation,
releasing 10 million times more
energy than an erupting
1999 2003
2000 2002
1915 1985
81 Halley’s Comet s
It might only measure a few kilometres in diameter, but Halley’s Mar
Comet is the most famous object of its kind in the Solar System;
records of the chunk of ice date back to 240 BCE, and it was present 1986
during the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is in orbit around the Sun,
and returns to pass by Earth approximately every 79 years, making Earth
its most recent appearance in 1986 and is expected to return in 2061. Venus
100 wonders of space
82 Cigar 85 Micro
Galaxy black holes
This edge-on spiral is known
These hypothetical black holes are
as a starburst galaxy, and
thought to have formed early in the
is a hive of star formation
history of the universe, and contain
activity. The new stars are
the mass of a mountain crammed
fuelled by supernovae, and
into the volume of just one atom.
several have been observed
over the last few decades.
The most recent in the area 86 Neutrinos
occurred in 2014. These subatomic particles are made
in violent explosions, but with no
mass and no charge they can travel
83 Heart Nebula through objects, reaching Earth and
pointing us back to their source.
A favourite space object on Valentine’s
Day, IC 1805 bears more than a passing
resemblance to a heart. The clouds 87 Hot ice planets
of dust and gas have been The temperatures on the planet
shaped by a cluster of newly GJ 436b are well above the boiling
formed stars known as point of water, but the pressure
Melotte 15, only 1.5 is so high that it has turned to an
million years old. exotic form of ice.
88 Dune fields
Despite their differences, Earth,
Venus, Mars and Titan all share
a common feature; wind in the
atmosphere of each has swept the
surface dust into rippling dunes.
89 The hole in
We’re located inside a hole in the
interstellar medium known as the
Local Bubble, formed by a group of
exploding supernovae around 10
million years ago.
90 Pole stars
Polaris is the current North Star and
is almost lined up with magnetic
north, but the Earth’s axis spins in a
cone-shape every 26,000 years, so
this won’t always be the case.
91 Rum cloud
Sagittarius 2b, a cloud near the
centre of the Milky Way, has 10
billion, billion, billion litres of alcohol,
along with a molecule called ethyl
formate, which smells like rum.
92 Dinosaur
84 Colliding galaxies crater
Chicxulub is a 66-million-year-old
The Antennae Galaxies are in the midst of a violent merger.
The two galaxies are entwined involved a chaotic dance that impact crater in Yucatan, Mexico.
began a few hundred million years ago; their dim orange It is the site of the asteroid impact
cores are still visible and distinct, but their arms are wrapped that let to the mass extinction
together, and bright blue newly formed stars are bursting out event that killed the dinosaurs.
of the chaos, lighting up the hydrogen gas in pink.
Secrets of the universe
95 Painted
The surface of Saturn’s moon Iapetus is
half black and half white, earning it the
nickname ‘painted moon’. Its strange
colouration is thought to be down to
debris sprayed onto its face by other
moons. As the dark material is heated
by the Sun, any ice trapped with it turns
to vapour, leaving just the sooty debris
behind and preventing the ‘paint’ being
covered with bright ice.
100 wonders of space
98 Jewel box
© NASA; Adam Evans ; Tyrogthekreeper; ESA; ESO; Tobias Roetsch; Planck Collaboration; Ken Crawford; ESO/F. Courbin et al; Arizona
State University; JPL-Calltech; Peter Tuthill & James Lloyd; DLR (German Aerospace Centre); Steveroche; Cassini Imaging Team; SSI;
The NGC 3603 nebula is home to one of
the most massive clusters of young stars
in the Milky Way. Just 20,000 light years
from Earth, the open cluster is described
by NASA as a ‘stellar jewel box’, with three
truly massive Wolf-Rayet stars nestled at its
core. The hot young stars have blown away
their blanket of dust and are blasting the
surrounding hydrogen gas with ultraviolet
light, illuminating the clouds.
Long thought of as the ninth planet, Pluto was
demoted to ‘dwarf planet’ in 2006. However,
despite its diminutive size, Pluto is still a wonder
in its own right. The tiny ball of rock and
ice would fit inside the United States, but it
manages to hold on to five moons. The
biggest, Charon is almost half its size,
making it the largest moon relative
to its parent body in the
Solar System.
Secrets of the universe
Edge of the universe
Secrets of the universe
In December 1995 astronomers using the Hubble
Space Telescope began a remarkable experiment.
Turning the telescope’s powerful gaze on an
apparently empty patch of sky in the constellation
Ursa Major, they let its cameras soak up rare photons
of light for more than 100 hours. The resulting image
revealed countless galaxies disappearing into the
darkness – it would prove to be the first of several
the edge
Hubble Deep Field images. These awe-inspiring
pictures have revealed the remote universe in ever-
increasing detail.
From our location on Earth, the entire cosmos is an
enormous time machine – light might be the fastest
thing there is, but even its tremendous top speed
of 300,000 kilometres (186,400 miles) per second
As the microwave background’s
dwindles in comparison with the vast distances of name implies, the long journey across
remote stars and galaxies. Everywhere we look in expanding spacetime has stretched
distant space, we’re also looking back in time and the out the once-incandescent light into
more powerful our telescopes get, the further back the much-longer wavelengths of low-
we can see. energy microwaves.
With larger telescopes and ever-increasing
exposures, we might expect to go on seeing more
and more galaxies stretching on forever – but the
physics of the cosmos put a limit on our ambitions.
Overwhelming evidence suggests the universe was
born in the Big Bang some 13.8 billion years ago
and has been expanding ever since – no light could
have started its journey before that time. So, from
our point of view, Earth is at the centre of a bubble
of expanding space and time that stretches out in
every direction, to a boundary where light has only
just had time to reach us – the so-called observable
universe. Fortunately, most astronomers view the
cosmic time machine not as a barrier but as a hugely
informative tool, as Dr Daniel Mortlock of Imperial
College London explains. “The reason people put so
much effort into finding such distant objects isn’t
really because they’re far away. Rather, it’s because
we see them as they were so long ago. As far as we
can tell the universe is broadly the same wherever
we look, so what these observations really do is help
us understand how the universe was billions of years
ago. In some ways, this sort of astronomy is rather
like archaeology.”
Searching for such distant objects is a huge
challenge, as Professor Steve Finkelstein of the
University of Texas, Austin, knows well: “These
galaxies are incredibly distant, so no matter what
we do, its going to take a long time to observe them.
Even the brightest galaxies we can observe, less
than a billion years from the Big Bang, are very faint.
The faintest star your eye can see is an incredible
40 million times brighter than the brightest distant
galaxy. That’s why we need very large telescopes.”
Cosmic expansion has another important affect on
our view of distant objects – as space has stretched,
it has also stretched the wavelengths of light rays
travelling through it – the effect known as Doppler Observable universe
shift. “Due to the expanding universe, all of the Thanks to steady cosmic expansion,
ultraviolet and visible light from these galaxies are the edge of the observable universe is 13.8 billion years
Doppler-shifted into the infrared,” continues Professor rather a lot more than 13.8 billion light Present day
Finkelstein. “While we can observe some of these years away. Space has been stretching
apart ever since the most-distant light
wavelengths from the ground, the technology is in its
began its journey. Objects at the edge
infancy.” What’s more, Earth’s own atmosphere glows of the universe, whose light is reaching
at many infrared wavelengths, swamping out the us now, would actually be about 47
faint rays from distant objects and obscuring them billion light years away, if we had
from observation. another means of measuring them.
Edge of the universe
Big Bang
No escape
For around 400,000 years after the Big Bang, all
the matter in the universe was so tightly packed
that light could not escape and the entire cosmos
was an expanding ball of incandescent light.
Population III
Hypothetical early Population
III stars are still beyond the
limits of direct observation.
300,000 years
Dark Ages begin
Silver lining
After the era of the CMBR, the
universe plunged into a dark
age that lasted for several
300 million years hundred million years, in which
nothing, it seems, was capable of
Stars and nascent producing light. Huge clouds of
galaxies form gas and dust within the darkness,
however, began to coalesce to
form the first stars and galaxies.
Early galaxies
The most-distant galaxies so far
observed existed around 0.7
1 billion years billion years after the Big Bang.
s ev
Cosmic Microwave
When temperatures fell below
4.5 billion years about 3,000 degrees Celsius (5,432
Sun, Earth and Solar degrees Fahrenheit), the universe
System have formed suddenly cleared and radiation was
able to go racing away through
space. Today that radiation is
detected as a faint glow from all
over the sky – the Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation (CMBR).
Secrets of the universe
The famous
space telescope
is best known
Mesosphere for its Deep
Meteors burn up Field images.
The X-ray specialist can
pick out objects invisible to
telescopes on Earth.
Ozone layer at 20-30km
Jets fly at 10km (6mi)
Radio window
Edge of the universe
Secrets of the universe
Limit of the
Spacetime sheet observable universe
To better imagine it The most-distant objects
in a practical sense, that could be observed,
astronomers often but are beyond current
depict spacetime as technology, lie about 47
a 2D sheet featuring billion light years away in
ripples and dents today’s known universe.
caused by large
concentrations of mass.
“Thanks to an automated
alert system, Tanvir’s
team were able to start Observer
Because the edge of the observable
Edge of the universe
Long-exposure views of
deep space, like the Hubble
Deep Field, reveal countless
galaxies stretching away
towards the edge of space
Source of dark flow
The cause of dark flow could be anything
from a huge and dense super-supercluster
of galaxies beyond our observable
universe, to hypothetical warps in the
large-scale structure of spacetime.
Secrets of the universe
Another significant class of objects at the edge of Nial Tanvir of the University of Leicester explains world on a timescale of a few tens of seconds. From
the known cosmos is perhaps the most elusive of all – further: “It seems that when some stars (perhaps this point we have to decide quickly how interesting
the intense but short-lived bursts of short-wavelength those about 30 to 40 times the mass of the Sun) any given burst appears to be, and what telescopes
electromagnetic energy known as gamma-ray bursts run out of fuel and end their lives, they collapse might be able to make rapid observations,” explains
(GRBs). First discovered in the 1960s, they have been due to gravity. In the process of doing this they Professor Tanvir.
the subject of huge speculation amongst experts eject an extraordinarily powerful jet of plasma. It’s The most-distant confirmed burst is known
for several decades. “The luminous output is the thought this energy is ultimately converted into as GRB 090423 – a designation that indicates its
equivalent of capturing the Sun’s entire light output electromagnetic radiation, particularly energetic date of discovery on 23 April 2009. Thanks to an
for its 10-billion-year lifetime as an ordinary star, gamma rays, but also lower-energy light (X-rays, automated alert system, Tanvir’s team were able
saving it all up in a bottle, then releasing it in a single optical, infrared, radio). If the jet is pointing towards to start observing the burst within 25 minutes,
30-second blast of light,” explains Professor Derek us, this results in an extremely bright initial flash using the UKIRT. Fox’s team soon added their own
Fox of Penn State University. followed by a fading afterglow.” observations from the observatory’s bigger neighbour,
GRBs seem to fall into several distinct categories Professors Tanvir and Fox have identified some of the 8.2-metre (27-foot) Gemini North Telescope.
based on the strength and duration of their bursts. the most-distant GRBs so far detected, responding to “For the furthest gamma-ray bursts, one doesn’t get
One major group, the so-called long-duration GRBs rays initially detected by NASA’s Swift Gamma-Ray much clue about their distance from the gamma-
(for which the gamma-ray flash is longer than about Burst mission. “Satellites like Swift communicate new ray data, so it’s critical to make optical and infrared
two seconds) are thought to be produced during the discoveries automatically to the ground, where the observations of the afterglow as soon as possible,
deaths of massive stars. information is forwarded to observers around the preferably within an hour or so.”
Edge of the universe
© UKIRT/JAC; Hubble; Ian Moores; NASA ESA and M. Postman and D. Coe (Space Telescope Science Institute) and the CLASH team
but sadly we were never able to get its spectrum.”
As a result, estimates of GRB 090429B’s distance
remain frustratingly imprecise, but the best estimates
give it an even greater redshift value. This suggests
that it may have exploded around 100 million years
earlier than GRB 090423.
“Even limited information potentially has
important consequences. For instance, the fact
that none of the GRB host galaxies at [similar
redshift values] has been detected by Hubble so far,
suggesting that the large majority of this early star
formation is happening in galaxies that are too small
and faint for even Hubble to see.”
The next few years surely promise to be an
exciting time for researchers probing the edge of
the observable universe. At the moment, these
borderlands may resemble an old seafarer’s map,
filled with mysterious monsters we are only just
beginning to understand. But the launch of the JWST
will help bring the early galaxies and perhaps even
the very first Population III stars into focus, giving
us an unprecedented view both out into the depths
of space and an essential glimpse back to the very
beginnings of the cosmos.
Secrets of the universe
10 biggest things in space
Walk with us across The biggest thing in space that we're sure of is the
biggest thing we can see, which is the cosmic web
the universe at 93 billion light years. But the problem
is, because it has been expanding since the Big Bang
the staggering of the observable universe, the three-dimensional
scaffold of galactic structures that makes up what
and because of the finite speed of light, we cannot
see the light from objects beyond a certain point.
enormity of space our best instruments are able to observe. A more Some scientists put the size of the universe at an
and witness gigantic precise estimate of just how big this is was recently
returned by the ongoing Planck space mission,
astonishing 100,000 trillion times what we can see,
while others say the universe is actually smaller
asteroids through which aims to provide a complete map of the sky.
By mapping the cosmic microwave background, the
than the observable universe and the light from the
most distant galaxies has wrapped around to create
to mammoth stars, afterglow left over from the Big Bang, scientists have duplicates of nearer galaxies that appear far away.
determined that the furthest objects we can observe Within the known observable upper limit of our
sprawling galaxies and from Earth are around 13.8 billion light years away. celestial sphere though, there are many objects
the biggest thing in So how far beyond that does the universe extend?
The truth becomes muddied when you approach
whose size we can put a definite figure on, which
are still enormous enough to send the mind reeling
the cosmos… the boundary of what we can see and talk about
the size of the actual universe. General scientific
when juxtaposed with the planets, stars and even
galaxies we can more easily relate to. These are ten
consensus puts the distance between either end of of the biggest recorded things in space.
Secrets of the universe
Olympus Mons
Let’s start small – relatively – with the the Solar System, including Ascraeus
Aerial shot of Olympus
biggest volcano in the Solar System. Mons and Elysium Mons, which
Mons showing the
Olympus Mons can be found in the are 14.9 kilometres (9.3 miles) and gradient from high
Tharsis Montes region of Mars and 12.6 kilometres (7.8 miles) high (purple) to low (yellow)
rises to a peak of 25 kilometres (16 respectively. The reason why Mars is a
miles) high and 624 kilometres (374 great breeding ground for super-sized
miles) wide with an 80-kilometre (50- volcanoes is down to its geology and
mile) wide caldera. It towers over even its gravity. On Earth, the tectonic plates
the tallest mountains on Earth, Everest are continuously moving over and
at 8.8 kilometres (5.5 miles) and Mauna under each other on top of the mantle,
Kea (which is 10 kilometres/6.2 miles if so that the lava is distributed over a
measured from the ocean floor), while wide area between many volcanoes
dwarfing our biggest volcanoes with instead of just one. On Mars, the crust
around 100 times more volume than doesn’t move in the same way, so the
Hawaii’s Mauna Loa. lava just piles up in the same spot.
The volcanic Tharsis Montes Because of the lower Martian gravity
region of Mars is actually home to and higher rates of eruption, the lava
several of the biggest volcanoes in flows are much longer, too.
Regional topography
of Olympus Mons, shot
by the Mars Orbiter
Laser Altimeter
Olympus Mons
Mons is huge,
but has a very France
gradual ascent
10 biggest things in space
The Sun
WASP-17b is a huge planet, twice the
size of Jupiter that orbits a yellow-
main-sequence stars. This includes
OGLE-TR-122B, a tiny star with a mass
white dwarf star similar to the Sun, that borders on the lower limit for
around 1,000 light years from Earth. hydrogen fusion in stars. This star
It’s considered a ‘hot Jupiter’ due to is just over half the size of the giant
the extreme proximity of its orbit exoplanet, but 50 times denser.
with its parent star. It has a density WASP-17b was discovered in
around half that of Jupiter and has 2009 and though its size made it a
one of the lowest known densities compelling subject, its orbit was of
of all the planets. It’s a combination even more interest. Other objects in
of the baking heat it endures as well the same system were orbiting in the
as the tidal forces of its nearby host right direction but WASP-17b was
star’s gravity, which is suspected to travelling contrary to the spin
have caused WASP-17b to inflate to its of its host star. This retrograde
enormous size and low density. orbit may have been caused
WASP-17b has an estimated by a close encounter with
equatorial radius of just over 136,000 another object that caused
kilometres (84,500 miles), which the planet to slingshot in
makes it bigger than some small the opposite direction.
544km wide
Of course, like the biggest mountain, the
size of asteroids and the limitation of
An ultraviolet image of
Pallas taken by Hubble
they were once believed to be part of a
much larger ‘missing’ planet that was
Utopia Planitia (3,300km/2,100mi)
Mars’s blasted topography not only claims
the tallest peak, but the widest confirmed
impact crater in the Solar System.
Considering Mars’s proximity to the asteroid
belt, it’s not surprising this crater should be
current observational technology mean thought to orbit the space between Mars found here.
that the biggest asteroids we know of and Jupiter before being destroyed. That
are restricted to those in our own Solar theory has since been debunked and
System. There’s also a technicality in it’s now known that Ceres, Pallas and Hellas Planitia (2,300km/1,400mi)
their definition: with a diameter of 950 their companions, along with the rest Found in the southern hemisphere of Mars,
kilometres (590 miles) and containing of the asteroid belt are the vestiges of a this massive impact structure is the largest
around one third of the total mass of protoplanetary disc that was perturbed visible crater known in the Solar System. A
the asteroid belt, Ceres used to be the by the gravity of Jupiter and failed to detailed composite image of Hellas Panitia
biggest asteroid but was upgraded to accrete into a planet. was taken by the Viking orbiters during
‘dwarf planet’ in 2006, handing fellow Pallas would easily fill the Vredefort their missions in the mid-Seventies.
asteroid belt object Pallas the accolade crater in South Africa, the largest
of biggest known asteroid by default. impact crater on Earth (at around 300
However, with an average diameter kilometres/186 miles in diameter), and
Caloris Basin (1,550km/960mi)
The baking surface of Mercury plays host
of 544 kilometres (338 miles) it’s still a is more than 30 times bigger than the
to the third largest known impact crater
whopper. Its closest contender for the meteorite that created the Sudbury
in the Solar System. Caloris Basin is
top spot is Vesta, which has less volume Basin in Canada over 1.8 billion years
surrounded by a ring of mountains 2km
but greater mass than Pallas. Between ago. It’s 100 times bigger than asteroid
(1.2mi) tall and material ejected up to
them, they make up around 16 per cent 1998 QE2 that flew by Earth in March
1,000km (620mi) around it.
of the total mass of the asteroid belt and 2013, which could have caused wide
along with several other big asteroids, devastation if it had impacted.
Secrets of the universe
NML Cygni
objects. However, since 2009 an in a cluster of massive stars called
even bigger star has been discovered. R136, 165,000 light years away from
With a diameter of around 2.3 billion Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
kilometres (1.4 billion miles), 400 At a ‘mere’ 30 times the size of the
million kilometres (250 million Sun it’s no NML Cygni, but it has 265
We’re moving into the realms of the gravitational influence they have over miles) wider than VY Canis Majoris, solar masses and is a million times
true giants when we start to look their local environment. NML Cygni is a true intergalactic brighter than the Sun: if placed in the
at the biggest stars in the universe. There are an estimated 100 to 400 heavyweight. Placed at the centre of Solar System it would outshine the
Unlike planets, asteroids and other billion stars in the Milky Way alone our Solar System, this stellar giant Sun by as much as the Sun outshines
celestial objects that are too dark and and because many are fairly easy to would swallow up the entire inner the Moon. R136a1 is thought to have
too small to give away obvious clues spot, we’ve been able to observe some Solar System, including the asteroid been even more massive too, as
to their presence from afar, these serious contenders for the ‘biggest belt, Jupiter and over half the distance much as 320 solar masses but has
colossal balls of fusing hydrogen star’ accolade. VY Canis Majoris is between Jupiter and Saturn. You can lost a significant portion of this since
can bloom up to spheres so big that huge beyond belief: this monster of a fit a billion Earth-sized objects into its birth. But if we’re talking about
they’re difficult to comprehend, star is so big it would make our Sun NML Cygni and still have room left galactic-scale masses, it’s the objects
blazing multi-spectra radiation across seem like a pin-prick next to it. Found over. In terms of mass, too, it’s pretty that are sometimes left behind in the
interstellar space and making their 5,000 light years from Earth, it has a hefty, weighing in at 50 times that death throes of massive stars that
exact location known by the massive radius of 1,420 times that of the Sun of the Sun, more than enough to steal the show.
create a huge supernova at the end
“You can fit a billion Earth- of its life cycle. For the most massive
10 biggest things in space
NGC 1277
The biggest black hole whose mass has
so far been properly measured lies at
announced their discovery of
‘supergiant’ black holes in relatively
the heart of a galaxy called NGC 1277, small galaxies. NGC 1277 is the most
250 million light years from Earth in impressive of these: the galaxy itself
the constellation of Perseus – and it’s a contains a lot less material than our
real whopper. While our own galaxy’s Milky Way, with an overall mass of 120
central black hole has an estimated billion Suns, so its central black hole
mass of 4.1 million Suns, the black accounts for a staggering 14 per cent of
hole in NGC 1277 is around 17 billion all its mass. At this order of magnitude,
solar masses. it’s probably about four light days
Astronomers discover and assess across – roughly 11 times the diameter
black holes in distant galaxies by of Neptune’s orbit around the Sun.
measuring the orbits of the stars As yet, astronomers are still
that surround them. Many have now struggling to come up with a workable
been found, with masses equivalent theory to explain these supergiant
to millions or even billions of Suns, black holes. However, NGC 1277 may
but they usually follow a fairly strict not hold its record as the biggest black
relationship that limits the black hole hole of all for long. The much larger NGC 1277
to around 0.1 per cent of the host giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4889 4 light days wide
galaxy’s mass – the more massive contains a black hole with a mass of
the galaxy, the bigger the black hole. between 6 billion and 37 billion solar
In 2012, however, a team led by masses, and astronomers will probably
Remco van den Bosch of Germany’s find a way to lock down its mass with
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy more accuracy soon.
Secrets of the universe
Black hole
NGC 1277
4 light days wide
The largest known nebula in the
universe is many times larger than
Suns’ worth of star-forming material,
approximately 160,000 light years
the Oort cloud and far more massive, from Earth. It’s so brilliant that, if
with a star cluster at its core which placed in our own galaxy at the
is 450,000 solar masses alone. distance of the famous Orion Nebula, it
The Tarantula Nebula is right on would cover half the sky and be bright
our cosmic doorstep in the Large enough to cast shadows.
Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which is one The Tarantula Nebula gets its name
of several satellite galaxies orbiting from the spider-like shape formed by
around the Milky Way itself. With a its brightest regions, and was mistaken
diameter of roughly 1,000 light years, for a star by the first astronomers that
The Oort cloud the Tarantula Nebula (which also viewed it. It lies on the front edge
is found at the goes by the names 30 Doradus and of the irregularly shaped LMC, and
edge of the NGC 2070) is a seething cauldron owes its huge size to compression of
Solar System of starbirth containing millions of the galaxy’s gas and dust as it moves
10 biggest things in space
Tarantula Nebula
1,000 light years wide
A supernova
with an
older and
of many
young stars.
through the intergalactic medium light-absorbing dust is silhouetted to 2 million years old. It is dominated that astronomers expect it to break
surrounding our own galaxy. The against the brighter background. by rare blue-white stars of a type the normal rules of cluster evolution.
result is an enormous ‘starburst’ Most of the energy that illuminates that are so massive and short-lived Instead of drifting apart, its gravity
region in which star formation is the nebula comes from two major they normally destroy themselves will probably hold it together,
proceeding at a much faster rate than star clusters that lie close to its heart, as supernovas within a few million eventually producing a closely bound
it does in most galaxies. known as Hodge 301 and R136. Hodge years of formation. At the centre of ball dominated by thousands of
Like all star-forming nebulas, the 301 is the older of the pair, and has the cluster, these stars form a tight fainter, more long-lived stars, known
Tarantula Nebula owes its brilliance to drifted some 150 light years from the knot that was once thought to be a as a globular cluster.
fluorescence. High-energy ultraviolet centre in the 20 million years or so single enormous star. In the last few With so many massive stars, it’s
radiation from the hot young stars since it formed. It contains dozens of years astronomers have discovered little wonder that supernovas are
within it energise atoms of hydrogen massive stars whose hot, fast-moving that it is actually a tightly packed relatively common in the Tarantula.
and other gases, and they return to stellar winds are carving out a hollow cluster-in-a-cluster, but its brightest The last naked-eye supernova, seen in
their normal state by emitting visible as it moves through the surrounding single component is our favourite 1987, occurred on its outskirts, and its
light. Darker regions within the gas. R136, meanwhile, lies in the very massive Wolf-Rayet star, R136a1. In gas is sculpted by the still-expanding
Tarantula Nebula are created where densest starbirth region and is just 1 fact, R136 contains so much mass shockwaves from earlier explosions.
Secrets of the universe
IC 1101 is a giant
BIGGEST elliptical galaxy
50 times wider
GALAXY than our own
IC 1101
The largest galaxies in the universe
are giant ellipticals – huge clouds
containing trillions of stars whose
overlapping individual orbits create
an enormous, fuzzy-edged ball. These
monsters can grow to be ten times
the size of the Milky Way, but even
by these standards, IC 1101 stands out: The Milky Way
it has a diameter more than 50 times 100,000 light years wide
that of the Milky Way, and is roughly IC 1101
2,000 times heavier. 5 million light
IC 1101 lies at the heart of a galaxy years wide
cluster called Abell 2029, over a billion
light years from Earth. The cluster has
an overall mass of around 100 trillion
Suns, though most of this is invisible
‘dark matter’. Only the galaxy’s central
region is bright enough to be seen
in visible light (it was discovered in
1790 by William Herschel). Despite its
relative brightness and early discovery,
however, IC 1101’s true scale was only
realised in 1990 when astronomers
detected the faint stars orbiting in
its outskirts for the first time. More
recent images from the Hubble Space
Telescope have confirmed that it is
light years
roughly 5 million light years across,
while the Chandra X-ray Observatory
has revealed an extended halo of hot
gas spread across a similar region.
bound in the same way Earth and the universe because the size of
Giants such as IC 1101 are only
found at the centre of old, densely Peter the planets are bound to the Sun, these structures tell us what has
packed galaxy clusters, and
astronomers think they form from Eisenhardt except, there’s not really a central,
dominant equivalent of the Sun.
happened over the history of
the universe.
the collisions and mergers of smaller WISE project scientist
galaxies. Over time, these collisions Can superclusters get bigger Between the clusters are voids:
heat up the star-forming gas within than the LQG? are those truly empty?
the galaxies, giving it enough energy The distribution of galaxies is I would hesitate to say there’s
to escape their gravity. This robs not the same if you look along nothing in them. Voids are
giant ellipticals of the ability to form the distance between here and substantially under-dense.
new stars, so as their more massive, the Coma cluster – 300 million Every[where] in the universe today
shorter-lived stars age and die, they light years. The universe is lumpy there is ionised hydrogen – protons
end up containing only lower-mass, [unevenly distributed] on that and electrons. The density of that
sedate red and yellow stars. The orbits scale, but we know there’s not ionised hydrogen doesn’t vary
of individual stars also become more much lumpiness on a factor of tremendously, so in the voids,
chaotic until the kinds of structure ten larger than this scale, because it’s not vastly less dense than in
seen in spiral galaxies disappear and we’ve been able to probe out for the clusters.
only a ball of stars in overlapping much larger distances than 300
orbits remains. At the centre of the million light years. We can see that What’s ‘big’ for a cosmologist?
galaxy, a supermassive black hole on the scale of a billion light years, 300 million light years isn’t
provides a gravitational anchor around Do clusters and superclusters act the universe is pretty much the an instant, but it’s more or less
which each star orbits. Meanwhile, the as a single entity? same no matter where you look. contemporaneous. A billion light
overall mass of this giant star cloud Groups are gravitationally bound. An important point is that the years is starting to be interesting.
is still enough for its gravity to keep Then you have larger clusters larger structures have been at the The nearest star being four light
a loose hold on the surrounding hot a magnitude of ten bigger than centre of the realisation that most years away is still an awfully long
gas, creating a halo of X-ray-emitting groups, the largest gravitationally of the gravity is coming from dark way. It’s mind-boggling how much
material around the giant elliptical bound structures. When we say matter. And they’re important we know having not gone the
galaxy, at the centre of the cluster. gravitationally bound, I mean for understanding the history of tiniest fraction of that distance.
10 biggest things in space
Boötes void
One of the biggest things we Most of the time, there’s relatively metres with 67 zeros after
know of in the universe, weirdly, little distance between them: we’re it. Put another way, we’ve
is nothing. Between galaxies there talking hundreds of thousands of been observing other
is intergalactic space, filled with light years that, in the grand scale of galaxies for hundreds of
gas, dust and ionised particles. the cosmos isn’t so much to make years (even if we didn’t
a big deal of. But there are a few appreciate exactly what
big places in our universe that are they were at the time),
practically a vacuum, huge expanses but if the Milky Way had
of space with near to nothing in been in the centre of the
them. These are the supervoids and Boötes void, we wouldn’t
the biggest of them is the Boötes have even known about any
void, a spherical area in space 700 other galaxies until the Sixties. The LQG model: cach one of
these spheres represents a
million light years from Earth near It’s not completely empty though,
radiant quasar
the Boötes constellation. Its diameter 60 galaxies have been discovered
in the sky is 250 million light years in Boötes, but a space this large
and its volume is a staggering should contain an estimated 10,000
236,000 cubic megaparsecs. To galaxies. By comparison, our galactic
give you an idea of how much that neighbourhood has nearly half the
Scientists are studying this unfeasibly is, a single cubic megaparsec is the number of galaxies of Boötes in a
large, empty hole in space equivalent volume of three cubic tiny fraction of the same volume.
92 million
light years
Huge LQG
Boötes void 4 billion
250 million light years wide
light years wide
Huge LQG
Our final giant is one of many super- in the universe using data from the the scale and concept of the universe
So big, the
LQG defies
structures that make up the known, Sloan Digital Sky Survey. It stretches around us. To think that ancient theory
observable universe. These galactic 4 billion light years across space Greek philosopher Anaxagoras was
superclusters are made up of smaller and is so huge that it messes with once convicted of ‘impiety’ for saying
clusters and groups relatively near to conventional scientific theory on how that the Sun was a ‘mass of red-hot
each other that, gravitationally, move the universe has evolved. The Large metal larger than the Peloponnesus’
in harmony. Quasar Group (LQG) consists of 73 (a Greek peninsula of around 20,000
A single supercluster typically quasars, incredibly radiant cores that square kilometres/8,000 square
contains thousands of individual surround supermassive black holes at miles)! With the advancement of
galaxies: our own Milky Way galaxy, the centre of enormous galaxies. The observational technology and the
for example, is part of the Local Group LQG, as it’s known, is 9 billion light launch of new telescopes like the
of over 50 galaxies that is part of years away and is several times bigger James Webb Space Telescope, it’s only
the much larger Virgo Supercluster. than the previously understood upper a matter of time before another super-
This contains more than 100 galaxy limit for the largest cosmic structure sized record is smashed and we have
groups and clusters for a total number (1.2 billion light years). It’s thought to revise our understanding of this
of galaxies that number in the tens that these ancient objects might giant universe.
of thousands. The Virgo Supercluster represent an early stage of galactic
spans a respectable 100 million light evolution in the modern universe and
years in diameter and until recently, the LQG itself, a rudimentary part of
Secrets of the universe
UNIVERSERun for cover and shield your eyes!
We explore the objects in the cosmos
that pack the biggest punches of all
The universe is an incredibly violent place, populated by explosions and torrents
of radiation, pulled this way and that by powerful fundamental forces, and lit up
by active centres of galaxies and massive stars. All these forces are in interplay –
supernovas create black holes, while gravity battles dark energy to decide the fate
of the universe. Energies far greater than the Sun can produce in 10 billion years
are wielded in a matter of seconds, and our knowledge of physics is put to the test
by the most extreme and most powerful events in the universe.
Most powerful forces in the universe
the universe had begun to cool down. The lack of high temperatures
and intense radiation meant that atoms could form from
electrons and protons without being ripped apart and
the universe became transparent. Since light could travel
through space, we see it today as the CMB.
1. The Big Bang
Occurring approximately
13.77 billion years ago,
which is considered to be
the age of the universe,
the Big Bang is a widely
5. Our Solar System
9 billion years after the Big Bang, our Sun
accepted model for the
formed from a large cloud of gas and dust.
origin of everything.
Meanwhile, as the Sun was forming a disc of
leftover gas and dust was creating around
it. Over hundreds of millions of years, the
planets grew, forming the Solar System we
see around us today.
Secrets of the universe
Dark energy
dark energy increases.
2. Dark energy
starts to take over
Around 5 billion years ago,
the early universe was
We can’t see it, but we know it’s there. the universe. If dark energy was to dark matter dominated.
The mysterious dark energy, which become too powerful, it could tear the
accounts for roughly 70 per cent of the universe apart in a ‘big rip’, starting
1. Dark matter
universe, is the driving force behind with galaxy clusters, then galaxies
vs dark energy
why galaxies are moving away from us themselves, then stars, planets, us As the gravity of DARK
in an almost eternal expansion, which, and even our constituent atoms until dark matter tries ENERGY
according to experts, isn’t showing any the fabric of space and time itself is to pull the universe
signs of slowing down. destroyed completely. together, dark
Permeating through every corner At best dark energy will accelerate energy tries to
of space, scientists didn’t even realise the expansion of the universe so that push it apart.
it existed until 1997. Two groups of every other galaxy is moved so far
astronomers had been competing away from us that we will no longer ENERGY
against each other to measure the be able to see them, but astronomers
expansion rate of the universe by need not panic yet – this is not
using the light of supernovas. As the expected to happen for approximately
universe expands, the light is stretched another 2 trillion years.
and reddened. Because certain types
of supernovas – the explosions of
merging white dwarf stars – detonate
with practically identical energy and
luminosity, they believed it would be
possible to measure their ‘redshift’
and consequently the expansion of
the universe. They expected it to be
slowing down – instead it was found
that it was actually speeding up!
Nobody knows what dark energy
is or even precisely how strong it is. It
acts a bit like anti-gravity, pushing the
universe apart. On the biggest scales
it overcomes all of the other forces in
the universe, including gravity, and A ring of dark matter can be seen in this 9 billion yrs ago 5 billion yrs ago Present
that could prove to be bad news for image of galaxy cluster CI 0024+17
In Star Wars, there was The Force – the
keeps the planets orbiting the Sun? where massive objects like galaxy picking bits of metal up for fun. But
mystical field that binds together all Gravity. And so on. clusters are able to bend and magnify on much larger scales gravity does
life. In the universe, however, there So, gravity is a big deal. Newton’s the light of more distant objects. And dominate, holding entire galaxy
is another ‘force’ that binds together laws of motion and his law of when neutron stars merge, or black clusters together. It’s only when it
all matter, and that’s the somewhat universal gravitation describe how holes crash into each other, they comes face to face with the ever-
mysterious force of gravity. That gravity operates in everyday life. unleash a torrent of ‘gravitational growing force of dark energy that
famous (and probably false) story of an However, things can get a little strange waves’ that ripple through space-time. gravity starts to become unstuck.
apple falling on Isaac Newton’s head when we start to talk about really Nobody has ever detected a Ultimately, the fate of the universe
was only the beginning of gravity’s massive objects, or things that are gravitational wave, but scientists are will be decided by this ongoing battle
remarkable story. moving at close to the speed of light. always on the lookout and hope to between gravity and dark energy: will
What makes the planets round? This is where Einstein’s general theory meet with some success in this area in dark energy rip the cosmos apart, or
Gravity. What keeps us from of relativity comes in, describing such the coming years. will gravity be strong enough in the
floating away? Gravity. What causes concepts as gravitational time dilation, Oddly, for a force that is so long run to pull the universe back
temperatures and pressures to grow so black holes and neutron stars with important, gravity is relatively weak in a ‘big crunch’? Only time will tell,
high in the core of the Sun that it can immense gravity, gravity wells in on small scales. A bar magnet, for but the end of the universe may be
ignite nuclear fusion? Gravity. What space-time, and gravitational lenses example, can overpower gravity, decided by one of these theories.
Most powerful forces in the universe
Powerful radiation
SO BRIGHT THEY CAN The most luminous quasars radiate the equivalent of
BE SEEN FROM THE the output of around 2 trillion Suns. Radiation is emitted
in the X-rays to the far-infrared, along with a peak in
They might be distant, but packing
Distant but bright
Capable of emitting up
to a thousand times the
energy output of our
entire galaxy, quasars,
a punch of high energy and
indescribable luminosity are quasars while incredibly distant,
– objects believed to be glowing are the most luminous,
powerful and energetic
strongly since their creation in the
objects currently known.
universe’s early days.
Usually found in the very centres of
active galaxies, quasars are among the
most powerful objects in the universe;
with most throwing out a luminosity
equivalent to around 2 trillion Suns,
while others emit strongly as sources
of radio emission and gamma rays. So
what gives them so much power?
In the nuclei of the galaxies they
occupy, a supermassive black hole
munches on the material from the
disc of gas around it. This gas is then
fed into the centre of the galaxy with
the dazzling quasar light all coming
from this million-degree hot disc and
the jets of energy it unleashes. The
jets form because the disc is a tangle
of magnetic fields that become tightly
wound as the disc rotates, trapping
charged particles within them until
they’re fired out at almost the speed
Accretion disc power
Quasars are believed to be powered
of light. It’s only when we look almost by the accretion of material into
head-on at these jets that we see a centralised supermassive black
quasar. Indeed, they are so bright holes, some of these high-gravity An X-ray image of quasar 3C 273 and its
and powerful they can be seen right objects have masses of over 1 million jet. This quasar is the closest to Earth at a
across the known universe. solar masses. distance of almost 3 billion light years
The Sun Inner planet gravity Jupiter’s gravity well Outer planet gravity
Since our Sun is so Out of the terrestrial planets, Earth Because this gas giant is much more massive than each Out of Saturn, Uranus and
heavy, its gravity well has the deepest gravity well. The of the planets in our Solar System, it has the deepest Neptune the deepest gravity
is by far the deepest. deeper the well, the harder it is to gravitational well. In comparison, its moons have well is made by Saturn.
escape the gravity of the planet. shallower dips which are quite easy to escape.
Gravity wells
Secrets of the universe
black holes
The ultimate consequence of gravity around 4.3 million times the mass of wandering clouds of intergalactic gas.
This coloured image snapped by is a black hole. Imagine a region of our Sun, located deep in the middle of Yet as clouds fall on to galaxies, and as
the Chandra X-ray telescope shows space where gravity has caused a our galaxy amid myriad stars and vast the galaxies merge with other galaxies,
the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy star to collapse at the end of its life clouds of gas and dust. So powerful gas gets funnelled towards the black
to a point so small and dense that are these galaxies that they have the hole, ending up in a disc surrounding
its gravity is practically infinite and strength to switch star formation in a it, some of which is then beamed back
completely overwhelms everything galaxy on and off at will. out into the galaxy by jets, or ‘winds’,
else. It’s so strong that not even light Think back to quasars – these of stellar radiation.
can escape its grasp – the point of no are the most extreme form of These jets and radiation heat the
return is known as the event horizon active supermassive black hole. But gas that is creating stars, causing it
– explaining where the name black less energetic black holes can still to become too hot for star formation
hole came from. And black holes don’t produce lower power jets, yet even and sometimes even blowing right
come any more massive than a hefty though they’re lower power, they still out of the galaxy itself. This is called
supermassive black hole. With a mass dominate the galaxy that they are in. feedback, and when it happens it
ranging anywhere from hundreds Stars need gas to form, and the gas in brings star formation in a galaxy to a
of thousands to billions of times the galaxies often falls on to them from stuttering halt.
mass of the Sun, these exotic high-
gravity objects are, more often than “Sagittarius A* is a monster of
This distant galaxy houses a
quasar, a supermassive black hole
not, the centrepiece of the many
galaxies that litter our universe. Our around 4.3 million times the
encircled by a torus of gas and dust own Milky Way even has one, called
Sagittarius A*, which is a monster of mass of our Sun”
1. Star cluster 2. That sinking feeling 3. Accumulation
Supermassive One idea is that as massive stars in
a star cluster explode, they leave
These black holes then sink to the
core of the cluster, where they merge
Intermediate black holes then
grow further by attracting and
formation behind numerous smaller black holes
with masses similar to stars.
to become intermediate black holes. consuming surrounding gas.
Growing up 1. Disturbance
Supermassive black holes have masses millions or even The collapse may be triggered 2. Intermediate black hole
billions of times the mass of our Sun, and are formed by by the shock waves of a nearby The resulting medium-mass black hole then
the merger of smaller black holes and the consumption supernova or the passing by of begins to gobble up gas around it as it rapidly
of gas. But how were those smaller black holes formed? another gas cloud. grows into a supermassive black hole.
Most powerful forces in the universe
Milky Way
A large centre
This image accounts
for 250 light years of
the Milky Way’s galactic Sagittarius A*
Black hole or neutron star? centre, which is located The supermassive black hole that
This blue-coloured X-ray source 26,000 light years from rests at the centre of the galaxy
is currently thought to be either a Earth in the constellation weighs in at more than 4 million
neutron star or a black hole. of Sagittarius. times the mass of our Sun.
Secrets of the universe
Beautiful 1
Most powerful forces in the universe
As you might imagine, the supernovas However, not all hypernovas create
that create gamma-ray bursts are gamma-ray bursts. It seems the most
no ordinary type of exploding star; extreme examples are completely
instead we call them hypernovas, and annihilated without even leaving a
they make normal supernovas look black hole behind. These are known
like a mere pop in comparison. as ‘pair instability’ supernovas and
Hypernovas can be 20 times more happen when electrons and their anti- 5. Destruction
luminous and up to 50 times more particles – or positrons – are formed When matter and
energetic than a normal supernova. en masse by collisions between antimatter collide they
It’s not entirely clear why hypernovas energetic gamma rays and atoms create an explosion
are different to normal supernovas, inside the dying star. that can completely
but mass undoubtedly has something Not only does this lead to reduced destroy the star.
to do with it: some stars like Eta pressure inside the supermassive
Carinae have masses around 100 star, which then prevents the core
times that of our Sun, while other of the star from fully collapsing to
stars that explode as supernovas create a black hole, but when matter
may have only a dozen solar masses. and antimatter come into contact
In addition, massive stars that have with each other in this way they
been deprived of heavy elements – create what’s known as a runaway
elements heavier than hydrogen or thermonuclear explosion that utterly
helium – have a tendency to explode destroys the star, without leaving a
as hypernovas. black hole remnant behind.
1. A balancing act
Outward radiation
pressure balances the
inward gravitational force
and the massive star is
prevented from collapsing.
4. Sweating
under pressure
The collapse has
started and the
compressed core has
reached swelteringly
high temperatures.
A runaway reaction
ensues, creating
heavy metals such
as nickel and iron.
3. Gravity vs
© Science Photo Library; NASA; ESO
Secrets of the universe
DISCOVERIES Join us as we take a tour of our
favourite images by this iconic
space telescope
INTERVIEWBIO This year, the Hubble Space Telescope is celebrating its 25th space. A series of corrective mirrors were installed by intrepid
year in space. Over the past two and a half decades, it has made astronauts in a week-long mission in 1993, acting like a pair of
Dr Mario Livio more than a million observations, provided the data for over glasses and bringing the light into focus. Since the repair the
Senior astrophysicist
at the Hubble Space 10,000 scientific publications and it has given us a breathtaking telescope has been upgraded on a further four occasions and
Telescope Science window out into the far reaches of the universe from its position has gone on to capture thousands of stunning, high-resolution
Institute beyond the haze of our atmosphere. and iconic images.
Dr Mario Livio is an Hubble was the brainchild of American astrophysicist Lyman Hubble is responsible for some of the biggest scientific
astrophysicist specialising Spitzer Jr. and its construction took almost a decade, completed discoveries of the space age. It showed that dark energy
in exciting stuf like black in 1985. However, its journey into space was complicated. Its is accelerating the expansion of the universe and allowed
holes, neutron stars, white launch was delayed by the Challenger disaster in 1986, which scientists to pinpoint its age to between 13 and 14 billion years.
dwarfs and supernova claimed the lives of seven astronauts and by the time it finally And it has shown that there are supermassive black holes at the
explosions. He has worked
arrived in orbit in April 1990, its first images were blurry. To centres of almost all galaxies.
with Hubble at the
Space Telescope Science the dismay of the team, the carefully crafted 2.4-metre (94.5- In its 25 illustrious years in space, Hubble has taken some of
Institute since 1991 and inch) mirror had a spherical aberration, a microscopic fault that the most breathtaking images of the cosmos and in the process
has published over 400 prevented the light being properly focussed. this amazing feat of engineering has captured the hearts and
scientific papers and five Hubble was designed to be able to dock with the Space minds of the adoring public like no other space telescope has
popular science books. Shuttle, allowing repairs and upgrades to be performed in done before.
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Secrets of the universe
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Secrets of the universe
“These images in ultraviolet light
capture Saturn's auroras as they
change over a few days. Auroras
are the result of charged space
particles colliding with the planet's
magnetic field, leading to flashes
The auroras of Saturn produced by gas in its atmosphere.
In 2003, Hubble collaborated with the Cassini Saturn’s atmosphere. As the solar wind increases, The emission is in the form of
spacecraft to monitor the auroras in Saturn’s the auroras brighten and shrink in diameter.
atmosphere. Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Although the aurora seems to glow a
radio waves and ultraviolet light.
Surveys captured the visible light images of the bright, icy blue in this image, on the surface of An increase in the intensity of
outline of the planet and its Space Telescope Saturn the spectacle would appear to be quite
Imaging Spectrograph revealed the ultraviolet different. As the blue-ish ultraviolet light hits the
the emission is accompanied the
glow of the auroras as they moved through the atmosphere it excites hydrogen atoms making emission ring shrinking. This
atmosphere. What they saw was auroras that last them glow red. On Earth we see something particular behaviour is different
for days on end and glow bright throughout. similar, except that in our atmosphere of nitrogen
With Cassini’s help, we know that these and oxygen, the dominant colours would be from those observed in the auroras
auroras are created by pressure changes in green and blue. of both the Earth and Jupiter.”
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Comets, stars
and galaxies
The star of this image isn't actually a star, but
the streaking comet ISON, snapped by Hubble
as it made its final journey towards the Sun. As it
travelled inwards the temperature rose, leaving a
tail of evaporating material in its wake. ISON was
known as a sungrazing comet and in December
2013 it broke apart as it faced searing heat and
came within 1.9 million kilometres (1.2 million
miles of the surface of the Sun.
At first glance, the background appears to be
studded with stars, but a closer look reveals a sea
of galaxies. Captured by the Wide Field Camera 3,
this incredible image is a combination of separate
exposures and Hubble reveals an amazing
contrast of depth. The comet was just a few
hundred million miles from the Earth, the nearest
stars in the picture are 60,000-times more
distant and the closest galaxies are more than 30
billion-times farther away.
Secrets of the universe
A cosmic cave
This incredible nebulous cave has been carved out by some
of the most massive stars in the known universe and in this
image, stitched together from several separate pictures
captured by both the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 and
the Advanced Camera for Surveys, the architects of this grand
cosmic palace are revealed.
The bright stars at the top of this image are part of the
cluster known as Pismis 24 and are some of the brightest and
most massive stars in space. Their combined emissions have
sculpted enormous structures in the NGC 6357 nebula below,
with a combination of gravity, interstellar wind, radiation
pressure and magnetic fields coming together to shape vast
pillars into the gas cloud. At the bottom of the image, nestled
inside the nebula itself is another massive star, which is carving
out an enormous cavern in the glowing hydrogen gas.
The stars that have produced this incredible spectacle are
truly enormous, but Hubble has revealed new clues about
their structure. Once thought to be one of the most massive
stars in the known universe, it is now known that the largest
star in the cluster is a binary, containing two smaller stars.
“This image shows the nebula NGC 6357, being irradiated by the
massive stars in the cluster Pismis 24. The nebula is at a distance
of about 8,000 light-years from Earth. One of the bright stars in the
Pismis cluster was once thought to be more than 200-times the
size of the Sun. However, Hubble's sharp vision has shown that the
object is really composed of two stars, about 100 solar masses each.
The intense radiation from the star cluster is not only causing the
nebula to glow, but is also eroding the gas and dust, leaving only
the densest parts as pillars pointing towards the star cluster.”
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Secrets of the universe
“The galaxy M74 is at a distance of about 32 million light
years from Earth and contains about 100 billion stars. It is
a spiral galaxy, which means that its structure is that of a
pancake-like flat disc. We are viewing the galaxy face-on, so
that the spiral structure, which is a consequence of density
waves in the galactic disc, is beautifully visible. New stars
are being born in the spiral arms and they heat up the
gas and cause it to glow. Three exploding stars, known as
supernovae, have been detected in M74. One in 2002, one
in 2003 and one in 2013.”
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Secrets of the universe
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
A delicate spiral
This delicate spiral galaxy is just 46 million light years
away and was captured by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3
(WFC3) in 2010. Four different filters were used to reveal
its composition. At the centre is a yellow-white nucleus, lit
by the glow of middle-aged stars and surrounding them are
tight, delicate spirals composed of dark dust lanes studded
with younger blue star clusters.
NGC 2841 is a massive spiral galaxy and at 150,000
light years in diameter is larger than the Milky Way, but
star formation within the delicate spirals has slowed. The
energetic youngsters have blown most of the surrounding
gas away, halting new star birth in their immediate vicinity.
Pockets of pink star forming regions are still visible but
overall this delicate looking galaxy is relatively quiet
compared to other spirals like our own.
Secrets of the universe
“I am certainly proud to have been a part of
this fantastic scientific endeavour”
How did you get involved with Hubble? me that I must be crazy to come work with a flawed
Shortly after its launch in 1990, I was contacted by a telescope. There was indeed a serious risk, since at that
colleague that was already at the Space Telescope Science point we didn't know whether it could
Institute (the institute that conducts the scientific program be corrected.
of Hubble) and he asked me whether I would consider
coming to work at the Institute. I had visited it already At the time, did you anticipate that Hubble would
in 1986 and hence was somewhat familiar with the go on to be such a huge success?
organisation and I knew quite a few of the astronomers Absolutely not. At that time I feared that Hubble may be
there. So after a brief hesitation, I said I would definitely remembered as one of the biggest scientific failures. And
consider it. one that could potentially jeopardise the entire concept of
big, ambitious science. There was the danger that people
Hubble got off to a shaky start: what was the would use the Hubble example to argue that too complex
feeling at the Space Telescope Science Institute scientific missions are doomed to fail.
when the flaw was discovered?
I was not yet at the Institute when the spherical aberration How did the mood change after it was fixed?
of the mirror was discovered, but I was absolutely shocked One can hardly describe it. The feeling of elation was
to hear about it. When I eventually decided to come to similar perhaps to that felt after the birth of a new child.
the Institute in 1991, a few of my colleagues were telling The drama added, of course, to the iconic status of this
Hubble’s greatest discoveries
Pillars of
Found within the famous
Eagle Nebula, some
astronomers think this
cosmic cloud has already
been blown away by a
nearby supernova. But,
because of its distance
from Earth (7,000 light
years), we won't see this
for another 1,000 years.
telescope. This was an amazing demonstration of what By showing us thousands of galaxies in an area of the
can be achieved through the ingenuity of scientists and sky similar to that you would see through a drinking
engineers and the courage of astronauts. straw, the Deep Fields have visually demonstrated to
us the smallness of our physical existence, compared
What do you think is the most iconic image to the vastness of space. No one knew exactly what to
captured by Hubble and which one is your expect from the Deep Fields, but they turned out to be a
personal favourite? demonstration of cosmic archaeology at its best.
There is little doubt that the Eagle Nebula is Hubble's
most iconic image. We have re-observed that region this What is it about Hubble that has captured the
year in high definition as part of the 25th anniversary public imagination?
celebrations. The new image is breathtaking. I personally A few elements have combined to make Hubble almost
like very much the image we call 'Mystic Mountain', unique in the history of science. Hubble has brought the
which also shows pillars of gas and dust in which new excitement of discovery, which used to be the province What does the future look like for Hubble?
stars are being born. of only scientists, into the homes of people all across the We hope very much that Hubble will continue to operate
globe. The drama that was associated with the flaw in at least till 2020, which will allow it a few years of overlap
What were you hoping to see in the Hubble Deep the mirror and its spectacular repair has also added to with the James Webb Space Telescope. If the telescope
Field images? Hubble's popularity – this was the 'telescope that could'. will still be scientifically productive at 2020, I hope that
The various Hubble Deep Fields have not only shown The incredible servicing missions by shuttle astronauts it will be kept even beyond that. Eventually, a propulsion
us the universe at its infancy, when it was less that 500 also captured the imagination. Hubble's longevity, 25 module will be attached to the telescope, directing it into
million years old, while its current age is 13.8 billion years, years of outstanding scientific results and the the ocean. However, I am convinced that Hubble will
they have also given us the cosmic history. For instance, unbelievable images, some of which have been dubbed still make important discoveries in the coming years. I
we now know the rate at which the universe as a whole by an art writer as "the most remarkable works of art of am certainly proud to have been a part of this fantastic
has been forming new stars, throughout its entire history. our time. scientific endeavour.
Science of
the universe
The pieces that make up our universe
98 What is dark energy?
A mission to ind out more about this mysterious
force that has boggled even the greatest minds
© Alamy; DK Images; ESO
Space science
What is
Meet the experts that have
hatched the Dark Energy Survey:
a mission to find the force that
could change space forever
What is dark energy?
Space science
what we believe into disarray – we need to probe set allows it to partake in multiple areas – namely When the discovery of dark energy was
the universe that’s moving away from us in order to the supernovae, galaxies and cosmic background announced in the late-Nineties, it came as a shock
uncover dark energy’s true nature. And we need to radiation among which lurk clues to dark energy’s to scientists concerned with the expansion of the
use the objects in it to do it. nature. And to be successful in such a feat, the universe. Astronomers knew that the cosmos was
What astronomers are hoping will be their ace card scientists behind DECam have ensured that the expanding after the Big Bang, but they thought that
is sitting high up in the Chilean Andes and has been digital camera – which would dwarf your handheld at after nearly 14 billion years it would be slowing down.
affixed to the Blanco four-metre (13-foot) telescope home – hasn’t gone in unarmed. With 570 megapixels But they wanted to know the rate at which it was
at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory – the allowing it to peer great distances into space in a slowing down, as this could be crucial for the future
DECam, a highly sensitive dark energy camera that’s large swathe of the southern sky, DECam will try of the universe. So two teams of astronomers, one led
carrying out the Dark Energy Survey, or DES, for short. to uncover who will remain victorious in one of by Saul Perlmutter and the other by Brian Schmidt
As of September 2012, the Dark Energy Survey the biggest battles of the universe – its headlong and Adam Riess, set about trying to measure the
is the new kid on the block when it comes to expansion or the theory of general relativity – expansion rate using a particular type of supernova.
attempting to unravel dark energy – joining by snapping a map of its chosen area of sky in The class of supernova that they were interested
forces with Antarctica’s South Pole Telescope, unprecedented detail. in were those belonging to the Type Ia category;
the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at Apache And the world’s most powerful digital camera two stars that were previously in an eternal tango
Point Observatory in New Mexico and the Vista gets to work as soon as the Sun sinks below the where a dead star, dubbed a white dwarf, greedily
Hemisphere Survey of ESO’s Cerro Paranal horizon, with the intention of turning its gleaming grabs material from its larger, and more massive,
Observatory in Chile. And, with well over 100 eye skyward for hundreds of nights over the next companion. Over time, the stellar remnant bites off
cosmologists from 23 institutions from the likes of four to five years. more than it can chew, and it begins to sweat under
the United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil and the United “We’re looking at this big galaxy map of the the amount of material that it has pulled onto itself
States backing the survey, there can be no doubt that universe as a way of finding evidence for dark energy before hitting the limit that causes an almighty
it certainly means business. and characterising its nature with cosmic epoch,” explosion; the supernova that lights the way in
The DECam – the powerhouse behind the Dark says the head of the Dark Energy Survey Science finding more out about dark energy.
Energy Survey, is a master of all trades when it comes Committee, Ofer Lahav of University College London. What is special about these Type Ia supernovae is
to searching for its quarry. Ensuring that it doesn’t “An even more challenging goal for the Dark Energy that they always have the same natural brightness
miss a thing, its multi-talented pixels don’t just focus Survey is to tell if what causes the acceleration of the because the limit at which the white dwarf explodes
on one clue to dark energy’s existence, its skill- universe is indeed dark energy.” is always the same mass, 1.4 times the mass of our
Sun. This makes them ideal standard candles, which
are like constant, identical beacons that light the
“We’re looking at this big galaxy map way in the universe, like distance markers. If you
of the universe as a way of finding know how bright the supernovae naturally are, then
compare them to how bright or faint they appear to
evidence for dark energy” Ofer Lahav us on the sky, you can judge how far away they must
be relative to one another.
What is dark energy?
Working out
If an astronomer knows
the luminosity of a
supernova, then it follows
that they can work
out how far this great
Type Ia supernovae are used as explosion is from Earth.
candles – beacons of light that
serve as distance markers
Space science
The Sloan Digital
Sky Survey (SDSS) Multi-filter camera
employs a 2.5m In its scanning of just over 35% of
wide-angle optical the sky, the telescope’s camera is
telescope to carry out equipped with 30 CCD chips that total
the Baryon Oscillation 120 megapixels. Five filters – named u,
Spectroscopic Survey g, r, i and z – allow the camera to image
(BOSS) as part of the in a variety of wavelengths.
SDSS III project.
Drift scanning
The telescope might remain
locked into position, but that
does not mean that it’s not
capable of scanning the sky.
It makes use of the Earth’s
rotation to record small strips
of its chosen region of sky.
What is dark energy?
What the two teams of astronomers found was The cosmic microwave
background, as observed
astounding. They measured the redshifts of the
by the now defunct
supernovae, which told them how much their light Planck Spacecraft
had been stretched into redder wavelengths by back in 2013, is a
the expansion of the universe and found that the snapshot of the
supernovae were further away than they should have oldest light in
been if the expansion of the universe was indeed our universe,
slowing down. The results could only mean that the imprinted on
expansion of the universe was not coming to a halt, the sky when
but was instead speeding up. Nobody knew what the universe
was just 370,000
could be causing this expansion, so they described
years old
this mysterious force as dark energy. Even though
they didn’t know what this dark energy was, the two
competing teams who had raced to publish their
results first and beat the other jointly won the Nobel
Prize for their discovery. Today, supernovae are still
hugely important for the same reasons and are one of
the big aims of the DECam.
According to our current understanding, the
early universe was alive with the sound of cosmic
oscillations. One way the DECam will use to measure
dark energy links the very distant, ancient universe
with the cosmos that we can see around us today.
After the Big Bang the universe was a seething soup
of particles and things like galaxies and stars and
planets hadn’t formed yet. Huge pressure waves –
essentially sound waves sweeping through the fog of
matter in space – washed through this plasma soup,
and on the crests of these waves the plasma was
denser than in the troughs. As the universe cooled
while it expanded, these waves were frozen in place Collaborators of the Dark Energy Survey gather in front of Spanish DES scientists with the Blanco Telescope (left to
and astronomers have found them hidden in the DECam. Enrique Gaztañaga stands third from the right in right: Juan de Vicente, Laia Cardiel-Sas, Ramon Miquel, Juan
cosmic microwave background radiation emitted the lower line with his team García-Bellido, Enrique Gaztañaga and Francisco Castander)
Space science
370,000 years after the Big Bang. Between then and The idea is for DECam to survey galaxies at that has implications for the future because it would
now, the denser material in the crest of the waves different eras in the universe and see how big they mean that the strength of dark energy could change
gradually attracted more and more material, growing were and how fast they grew at different times. We again, affecting the evolution of the universe.
into galaxies, and clusters of galaxies and finally know dark energy is winning the battle now because But just how can scientists measure the mass
huge chains of galaxy clusters stretching hundreds the expansion of the universe is accelerating, but of galaxy clusters? With the help of advanced
of millions of light years in some cases. By doing in the past when the universe was smaller and technology, of course. Working on their computers
huge surveys of faint galaxies astronomers can piece everything was closer together, gravity had a much they have simulated what the masses of clusters
together maps of the universe that show where these greater influence and was able to override the effect should be based on what we know about the
huge chains that grew out of the waves are located. of dark energy. Plus astronomers would like to know universe and dark energy, but we do not know for
Astronomers have even run huge simulations on if the strength of dark energy has been constant over sure that they are those masses in reality. So what
supercomputers that have described the evolution history, or if it has changed. If its strength varies, then is DECam looking for? Their physical size is not
of the universe, showing the growth of these waves
with voids in between them. Because of how these
filaments look on the largest scale, scientists call it
the ‘cosmic web’.
So what is the connection? If the largest structures
in the universe grew from these waves, which
scientists technically call baryon acoustic oscillations,
or BAOs, then the rate at which the universe has
expanded will decide how large these structures have
grown. In a way, they are like big cosmic ‘rulers’ by
which to measure the universe, so astronomers called
them ‘standard rulers’. This is defined by the distance
the waves travelled before they froze in place, which
has been termed the ‘sound horizon’ and is the speed
of sound multiplied by 370,000 years, which was the
age of the universe when they froze. As the universe
has expanded, the waves have grown to be around
450 million light years. What DECam will do is study
chains of galaxy clusters that make up these waves
during different ages in the universe, which is made
possible because the further away you look in the
universe, the further back in time you are looking.
So DECam will be able to measure their growth at
different stages in the universe and see how strong
dark energy has been in the past compared to today.
Over at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico,
one of DECam’s partners in seeking out dark energy
– the Sloan Foundation 2.5-metre Telescope’s SDSS
III – has also been busy taking advantage of these
BAOs as part of its Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic
Survey (BOSS). Quite recently, the survey measured
the distances to galaxies more than 6 billion light
years away to an accuracy not ever achieved before,
placing new constraints on the mysterious dark
energy’s properties.
What they found appears consistent with a form
of dark energy that stays constant throughout the
history of the universe. “We don’t yet understand
what dark energy is,” explains astronomer Daniel
Eisenstein, the director of the SDSS, “but we can
measure its properties.” Everywhere you look in the
cosmos there are galaxies; those collections of stars
held together by gravity to form the most majestic
of structures. And gravity likes to bind them further,
into huge collections of dozens, hundreds or even
thousands of galaxies and we call these groups
‘galaxy clusters’.
DECam is going to be spending time counting
these clusters, going as far back as when the universe
was less than half of its current size. But how will
this help astronomers understand dark energy? Let’s
think about it: gravity is pulling galaxies together, but
dark energy is working in the opposite direction to
pull galaxies apart. So it is like a cosmic tug of war –
can gravity win over dark energy, or will dark energy The completed DECam, ready to observe 300 million
pull galaxies apart to limit how big clusters can grow? galaxies and discover thousands of bright supernovae
What is dark energy?
Space science
We speak to Dr Kathy Romer of the University of Sussex to
find out how she uses galaxies to probe dark energy
How important is the Dark Energy Survey to the galaxy, the older the light), so this experiment is energy model known as the ‘cosmological constant’
scientists’ efforts to understand dark energy? a lot like an archaeological dig – we cannot influence – this model was first proposed by Albert Einstein
The Dark Energy Survey will use the DECam what the galaxies do, but by examining them in about a hundred years ago (and made decades before
instrument to locate millions of galaxies across a detail, and in situ, we can learn a lot about the the accelerated expansion was detected).
large fraction of the southern sky. It will also locate universe at the time the light was emitted. In the cosmological constant model, the dark
thousands of exploding stars, known as supernovae. energy is uniform in both time and space. It is the
The galaxies and supernovae can be used as beacons Could dark energy have altered between the early simplest dark energy theory and also seems to be the
to trace the size, shape and history of the universe. universe and now? one most favoured by current observations.
These are all properties that are modified by dark In most models of dark energy, the dark energy
energy. Therefore, by comparing observations with changes its properties with time, although in only How does the South Pole Telescope team up with
theoretical predictions, we can get closer to knowing very few does it change its properties with location, DES in the study of clusters of galaxies?
which theory of dark energy is correct. ie you can think of dark energy as being uniform Clusters of galaxies are bright not only in the optical
The starlight from the galaxies we observe with in space, but not in time, in those models. However, part of the spectrum (where DECam is sensitive),
DECam is up to 10 billion years old (the further away there is one very important exception, the dark they can also be detected in the microwave part of
What is dark energy?
the spectrum (because they contain vast quantities What will happen if Einstein’s theory of general
of hot diffuse gas). Unlike almost everywhere else relativity is proved to be insufficient or too simple
on the Earth, microwaves from clusters of galaxies in explaining cosmic acceleration?
can get all the way to the ground at the South Pole, Einstein’s theory for gravity is appealing, and has
because it is the driest place on Earth. At almost been so popular for nearly a hundred years, because
every other terrestrial location, microwaves from of its conceptual (if not mathematical!) simplicity.
space are absorbed by water molecules in the It is possible that it might be too simple, and some
atmosphere (by the same physics mechanism that sophistication might need to be added based on
© Fermilab; NASA; David Kirkby; Peters & Zabransky; STFC; Reidar Hahn
50 amazing facts about black holes
black holes
started life
as stars
Stars spend their entire lifetimes outwards push, the balance is tipped
resisting gravitational collapse. Their in favour of gravity, and the star begins
enormous mass means that the gas is to collapse. For small stars, such as the
continually pulled towards the core, Sun, the collapse is incomplete, and
but instead of collapsing down, atoms repelling forces manage to hold the
collide and fuse, releasing explosive last glowing embers open as a white
atomic energy. Radiation pushes dwarf star. For a white dwarf star that
outwards against gravity, holding the is larger than 1.4 times the mass of
“As stars age, the star open as a glowing ball of gas.
As stars age, more and more of the
the Sun (known as the Chandrasekhar
limit), these forces are insufficient, and
fuel eventually atoms are fused, creating heavier and
heavier elements, and eventually the
the star continues to crunch inwards,
forming a dense neutron star, or a
starts to run out” fuel starts to run out. Without the black hole.
2 Supermassive
black holes do
not destroy
around them
Actively feeding supermassive black holes are some
of the most violent places in the universe, and
quasars devour the equivalent of tens to thousands
of Suns each year, but amazingly, the galaxies that
surround them do not disappear into the abyss.
Despite their frightening reputation, black holes
do not actually behave very differently to other
massive objects in the universe, unless you get too
close. Just as the Earth will not spontaneously crash
into the Sun, objects in stable orbits around black
holes are in no danger of being swallowed.
Space science
4 A black hole
their location
reveals no clues Black holes cannot be seen directly,
but the effect they have on their
The supergiant is part of a binary
system, and is locked in a fatal dance
about what it has surroundings often reveals their with a black hole, known as Cygnus
Magnetic field lines
swallowed presence. In the Cygnus constellation, X-1. As the black hole spins, space
As black holes spin, the
As matter enters a black hole it is a blue supergiant star is being pulled and time spiral up with it, and dust
magnetic fields within
stretched, pulled and eventually into a teardrop shape, causing its light and gas from the star accumulate in a their accretion discs will
shredded. Even if something to flicker as it spins. The star orbits vast swirling whirlpool known as the spiral up and
were to leak out, it would bear no once every 5.6 days, and as it turns, accretion disc. Particles spiral towards down, and creating a
resemblance to what went in. the outer layer of gas is stripped away the event horizon, like water circling doughnut-shaped field
from its surface at 1,500 kilometres a drain, and as they tumble inwards around the disc.
(932 miles) per second as it is the friction releases bright flashes and
5 They have no funnelled towards an invisible point. flares of X-ray light.
size limit
In theory, black holes continue
to grow in size indefinitely, but
Companion star
just how large they are able to get Some stellar black holes are part
depends on their local environment. of binary systems, and are closely
associated with another star.
6 Supermassive
black holes
are around the
same mass as the
Solar System
Supermassive black holes contain
the mass of at least 100,000 Suns
compressed into a space that is
around the size of our Solar System.
50 amazing facts about black holes
Accretion disc
Spinning black holes trap a wide,
rotating disc of matter, which
increases in velocity as it hurtles Singularity
towards the event horizon. The Shielded from view, at the very heart
trapped dust and gas particles rub of the black hole, matter is crushed to a
against each other, glowing with single point. Physics as we know it falls
energetic radiation. apart, and space and time cease to exist.
At the poles of a spinning 12 Some
black hole, the magnetic
field funnels material black holes
away from the immense
gravitational pull, shooting it
out into space in bright jets.
have jets
Some black holes spew impressive
amounts of energy from their poles,
marking their location like a beacon.
As dust and gas race towards the
event horizon of a spinning black hole,
magnetic field lines direct some of the
energy outwards, funnelling it into two
energetic jets, like a particle accelerator.
NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey
Explorer (WISE) has identified a pair
of black holes orbiting one another,
Event horizon which together create gravitational
The event horizon is
the point of no return, and magnetic disturbances so intense
where the velocity that their jets are being warped and
required to escape the twisted into ribbon-like spirals.
pull of the black hole
is greater than the
speed of light.
11 The centre of a
black hole could
contain a singularity
The event horizon of a black hole can
measure thousands of kilometres in
as a singularity. Every possible path
leads back to the centre, and matter 13 They
diameter, but once matter crosses
over the edge it does not stop
becomes so crushed, into such a tiny
space, that it is unrecognisable. The slowly leak
moving. Exactly what happens on
the inside is debated, but according
singularity is infinitely small, and
infinitely dense, creating an infinite radiation
to Einstein’s theory of general curvature in space-time. Within a Stephen Hawking showed that
relativity, the curvature of space-time region of space known as the event black holes could actually radiate
inside a black hole is extreme, and horizon, anything that crosses over energy, known as Hawking radiation,
everything is directed towards a is compelled towards the centre with releasing their scrambled contents
single point, known mathematically no hope of escape. back into the universe.
Space science Space-time
This two-dimensional representation
demonstrates how a black hole distorts
the fabric of space-time.
14 It takes
millions of years
to orbit our
black hole
Sagittarius A* lies around 26,000
light years from the Solar System,
and it takes 225 million years for us
to complete a single orbit around
the galactic centre.
15 They were
originally known
as dark stars
The idea of black holes has
been around much longer than
the science that predicts their
existence, but in the 18th Century
they were known as ‘dark stars’.
16 Cygnus X-1
was the first
black hole to be
Cygnus X-1 is one of the brightest
radio sources in the sky, and
is currently in the process of
devouring a blue supergiant.
17 Black holes
create waves
Albert Einstein predicted that as
massive objects, like black holes,
move through space, they create
gravitational waves that ripple
through space-time.
18 The universe
is shaped by
black holes
Supermassive black holes are found
at the heart of almost all large
galaxies, and act as the linchpins
of the universe, around which stars
and planets turn.
Black holes
19 Stellar black
holes contain
the mass of five
bend space-time
Albert Einstein showed that the The more mass that is collected in is trying to travel in a straight line,
or more Suns universe is made from a fabric, known one area, the more of an impression however, the curved floor forces them
Black holes formed during the death as space-time, and, just like a piece it makes in the fabric, and the more to move around in circles. If they pedal
of a star usually contain at least as of cloth, it can be bent, twisted and energy is required to escape its faster, they might be able to get up
much mass as five Sun-sized stars, stretched. Massive objects, including gravitational field. enough speed to climb out of the top
compressed into an area measuring planets and stars, make dips in the One object in orbit around another of the dome, and if they slow down,
just a few kilometres across. fabric of space-time, like bowling can be thought of as being similar to they will start to drift back in towards
balls sitting on top of a trampoline. a cyclist in a velodrome. The cyclist the centre.
50 amazing facts about black holes
We spoke
to head of
the Nuker
Team, Prof
Douglas Richstone,
about the origin of
black holes
22 Almost
Infinite curve good-sized
The singularity is infinitely dense,
and creates an infinite curve in
galaxy has a
the fabric of space-time. supermassive
black hole
For every galaxy that is
reasonably good sized and
regular (that is, a galaxy with a
disc and a bulge, and possibly
spiral arms, or a so-called
elliptical galaxy that looks round)
there is a black hole. Moreover,
the black hole’s mass tracks the
mass of the host galaxy (and
is about 1/1,000 of the galaxy’s
mass). These black holes range
from 1 million to nearly 10 billion
solar masses.
However, for galaxies that
are very small, or irregular, or
possibly only have a disc and
no round component (bulge),
the situation is much more
complicated. Some of these
galaxies appear to have black
holes and others don’t.
21 23 Quiet
Black holes supermassive
black holes used
are spherical to be quasars
Black holes are often depicted as being funnel-shaped,
We don’t know for certain how the
but these two-dimensional diagrams are simply used to
big black holes noted above form,
explain the idea that massive objects cause space-time to
but there is a clue. The amount of
bend. In reality, space has at least three dimensions, and the
mass in galaxies at present tied
Focal point impression that a black hole makes in space-time is much
up in black holes is almost exactly
Space and time more complicated. The black hole itself, like most massive
the amount of mass needed to
is concentrated objects, is actually spherical. Gravity acts equally in all
power quasars (very bright objects
on a single spot different directions around it, and the event horizon
thought to be black holes accreting
at the singularity. represents the point beyond which gravity becomes
matter) when the universe was
so intense that it is inescapable. It is the same
about a fifth of its present age. So it
distance from the centre of the black hole,
is reasonable to identify the black
no matter which direction you
holes in galaxies now as the relics
approach it from.
of quasars.
Space science
By looking at the pattern of X-rays
in the area surrounding a black
hole, the speed at which it is
spinning can be determined.
26 There are
two types of
Objects are
black hole stretched like
Schwarzschild black holes are
the simplest, and are made up of
spaghetti as
just an event horizon and a they approach
singularity. Kerr black holes rotate,
and have a third component a black hole
known as the ergosphere. As an object gets closer to a black quickly than the back, the elastic limit of the material
hole, the gravitational pull rises drawing it out into a long filament in it starts to break apart, continuing
27 Black holes sharply. The parts of the object a process known as spaghettification. to tear into smaller and smaller
that are closest to the black hole The tidal forces around a black pieces, each being stretched out like
are noisy experience stronger attraction than hole are strong enough that anything spaghetti, until all that is left are the
In 2003, NASA’s Chandra X-ray those farther away, causing them entering becomes stretched, from the elementary particles.
observatory revealed that a black to accelerate faster. This stretches largest stars, to the smallest atoms. Spaghettification takes place at
hole in the Perseus cluster makes the object as the front moves more When the stretching force exceeds different times depending on the
a sound in the pitch of B flat.
28 We’ll never
know what is 31 When two black holes
really inside a collide, they form one even
black hole
Light cannot escape across the
event horizon of a black hole,
more massive black hole
preventing us from seeing in; It is thought likely that the
there is no definitive answer supermassive black holes at the
about what really happens centres of galaxies began to form
inside a black hole. early in the evolution of the universe.
As matter condensed to form the
first galaxies, it would have been
29 One day, much closer together, and small black
black holes will holes would have been able to feast
on dust, and gas, becoming truly
dominate the massive in a very short space of time.
universe Several ‘intermediate black holes’
Black holes evaporate so slowly are thought to have formed within
that they will exist long after clusters of stars, before sinking
the last of the stars fade and die, towards the centres of galaxies
leading scientists to predict that under the influence of each other’s
one day they will be all that is left gravitational pull, collapsing in on
in the universe. one another to form the supermassive
giants that we see today.
50 amazing facts about black holes
6. Immense friction
The particles in the disc rub against one
another, releasing energy, and leaving
a blazing trail as the broken star circles
towards the event horizon.
7. X-ray emissions
In the minutes and hours following
the initial collision, the last remnants
of the swallowed star continue to
drop over the event horizon, releasing
spikes of X-ray emissions. 8. Gamma-ray burst
As the neutron star crashes
into the black hole, most of
9. Polar jets it is swallowed in an instant,
In a feeding frenzy, the black releasing a huge burst of
hole spits the excess back out energetic gamma rays.
into space, funnelling it away
from the poles in two bright jets.
it is recently discovered a
How did such a big black hole form
As if the mass inside a black supermassive black in such a small galaxy?
hole doubles, the volume of its
event horizon increases eight
hole at the centre of a M60-UCD1 got its name because it
is just 22,000 light years from the
times, making it more massive, dwarf galaxy giant elliptical galaxy M60 (this is
but less dense. What makes the supermassive black closer than we are to the centre of our
hole in the dwarf galaxy M60-UCD1 galaxy). We think that M60-UCD1 is
such an interesting find? in orbit around M60 and was once a
We think most big galaxies have much larger galaxy. When it passed
supermassive black holes, but M60- close to the centre of M60, this bigger
UCD1 is much smaller and less galaxy had its outer parts stripped
The sponge is bigger massive than any other galaxy with a away leaving just the dense core of
and more massive. but
supermassive black hole. Supermassive stars and the black hole behind.
less dense than
the marble
Space science
No singularity
According to Hawking’s theory, matter
is temporarily trapped inside the black
hole, condensed and unrecognisable, but
never quite crushed to a single physics-
defying point.
Hawking radiation
The strange physics around the
perimeter of a black hole mean that it is
theoretically possible for matter to travel
faster than the speed of light, escaping
the void as Hawking radiation.
Apparent horizon
Prof Stephen Hawking theorises
in the 18th
Black holes
Scientists John Michell and Pierre-
Simon LaPlace were the first to wonder
about the existence of black holes,
imagining that beyond a certain point,
the gravity of a massive object must
become so great that nothing can get
away. The trouble was, according to
Isaac Newton’s theory of gravitation,
In 2014, Stephen Hawking put
might not exist
forward a controversial theory about
black holes; that they do not exist at
According to Einstein, the point
at which matter crosses over into a
black hole and gets destroyed as it's
of quantum theory, but Hawking
proposes a new answer; that the event
horizon does not actually exist at all.
light wouldn’t be affected by gravity, all, at least not in the way we imagine spaghettified and pulled towards the He suggests that black holes are not
because it has no mass. So, no matter them. The science of black holes is singularity. However, according to bottomless pits from which nothing
how massive an object became, light based on Einstein’s theory of general quantum theory, the event horizon can return, and that instead, they
should be able to escape. It wasn’t until relativity, but there are grey areas that would actually be a 'firewall' of high- just temporarily hold and scramble
Einstein’s theory of general relativity don’t quite make sense. One of the energy particles. The physics behind matter, before releasing it back into
that the physics of black holes really major problems is the event horizon. Einstein's theory contradicts that the universe as radiation.
started to make sense.
36 Black
own size
Feeding generates intense radiation,
which pushes outwards, clearing an
enormous hole near the black hole,
and limiting its growth.
50 amazing facts about black holes
Escape Sun
velocity 618km/s
Event horizon
Greater than
(speed of light)
Space science
38 Some can be
very tiny
The smallest theoretical mass
for a black hole is around 22
micrograms, a value known as the
Planck mass.
39 The closest
black hole is There is a
6,070 light
years away
from Earth
The closest black hole to Earth is
Cygnus X-1, and is located on the
Orion Spur of the Milky Way and
has the mass of about 15 Suns.
black hole at
40 “Black holes
have no hair” the centre of
This famous statement made
by scientist John Wheeler
describes the simplicity of black
holes. Typically, they can be
described by just three quantities:
the Milky Way
At the centre of the Milky Way, the stars move in strange circles. They hurtle
their mass, angular momentum towards a bright radio source, turn in a tight hairpin, and then race away
and electric charge. again. Tracing the lines of their orbits reveals that they all overlap at a single
point, known as Sagittarius A*.
41 They halt The region is shrouded in a thick cloud of dust and gas, making it difficult
local star to see, but in order to account for these highly elliptical orbits, astronomers
have calculated that Sagittarius A* must contain around 4 million solar
formation masses, compressed into a volume with a radius of about 25 million
The largest and most active kilometres (15.5 million miles). In other words, it is a supermassive black hole.
supermassive black holes often
occur in the quietest galaxies.
The radiation released as they
feed stops the gas around them 45 Some
condensing to form stars.
black holes
42 The Sun power the
could never
become a brightest
black hole objects in
To become a black hole, a star
must be so massive that it
the universe
completely collapses under its In the Sixties, US astronomer Allan
own gravitational pull. The Sun Sandage noticed a very bright object
is much too small, and instead, it in the distant sky. From Earth, it
will end its life as a white dwarf. was as bright as a nearby star, but its
vast distance meant that it must be
emitting hundreds of times as much
43 Black energy as all of the stars in the Milky
holes come in Way combined. Dubbed quasars,
these objects are among the brightest
different sizes in the universe, and represent actively
Stellar-mass black holes can feeding supermassive black holes.
measure just a few kilometres in Thousands have been identified, and
diameter, whereas supermassive each blazes brightly as matter tumbles
black holes can be the size of our on to its accretion disc, spewing
Solar System. X-rays and visible light into space, and
producing energetic jets from its poles.
50 amazing facts about black holes
47 Space around
a spinning black
hole is warped
Spinning black holes distort space-
time, wrapping it into a swirl known
as the ergosphere. Within this area,
© NASA; ESO; Adrian Chestermann; Science Photo Library; ESA; JPL-Caltech; CXC; STScI; Alamy
space itself moves faster than the
speed of light.
48 W49B is the
youngest known
black hole in the
Milky Way
An asymmetrical supernova remnant
is all that remains of a star that
exploded just 1,000 years ago. There
Strange things happen
is no evidence of a neutron star at its
around supermassive black
hole Sagittarius A* core, leading astronomers to believe
that it harbours a young black hole.
49 Spinning
black holes have
a donut-shaped
46 Particle magnetic field
accelerators formation
could create As matter swirls around the accretion
disc of a black hole, the magnetic
Space science
Cosmic forces
Learn about the four forces that control our universe, from the
Cosmic forces
Strong interaction
The strong interaction
binds small particles
called quarks together
in twos and threes.
The triplets create the
protons and neutrons of
the atomic nucleus at the
core of every atom.
Radioactive decay
In order to remain stable
after a weak interaction,
a nucleus may release
excess particles and energy,
transmuting into the nucleus
of another element.
Weak interactions
Different types of weak-
force carrier triggers
the transformation of
susceptible particles
– typically changing a
Inner magnetism neutron into a proton.
Electromagnetism is the
dominant force holding
entire atoms together, the
positively charged protons
of the nucleus generate an
electromagnetic field that
© Sol90 Images; CERN
Space science
The power of antimatter
Is antimatter the key to understanding more about our
universe and propelling future spacecraft between the
stars? We investigate how close we are to finding out
more about this exotic and fascinating force
Space science
The power of antimatter
Signals detected
by the AMS’s many The Anti-
particle detectors Coincidence
are converted Counter (ACC)
into digital by the Spitting out a good eight
electronics which out of ten particles that
are analysed pass through it, the ACC,
by computers. in the vacuum case, only
holds on to particles
that it deems useful for
physics analysis.
Space science
1 To understand our existence
“The Big Bang should have
produced as much antimatter as
matter and then it should have Energy of 10,000 Suns
all mutually annihilated, leaving At around 10,000 light years across, the
nothing,” says Professor Joel Fajans. cloud generates energy equivalent to
“Yet we are here, and we’ve observed around 10,000 Suns, shining brightly in
almost no antimatter. It’s the gamma rays due to the annihilation of Signpost for
biggest outstanding problem in our
matter with antimatter. antimatter?
understanding of the early universe.”
A continuing mystery The cloud’s shape suggests
How can this amount of antimatter, a clue for the origin of
or positrons, be made by binary antimatter, matching the
2 It could be used as fuel
Spacecraft might one day
be powered by the annihilation
stars? Have the black holes somehow
launched particle jets? This mysterious
distribution of a population
of binary star systems which
discovered a lopsided cloud must be studied further if we are contains black holes or
of matter with antimatter. NASA cloud of antimatter at the to understand it. neutron stars. Could they be
believes that the amount of centre of the Milky Way churning out the antimatter?
antimatter required to supply power
for an engine for a one-year trip to
Mars could be a millionth of a gram,
providing huge thrust while being a
very efficient form of propulsion.
you would get back, so that’s a loser
– that’s not what you want from an “Understanding antimatter
energy source,” states Hangst. “If some
antimatter flew by and you could get is important to our very
3 For medical purposes
“Practical applications of
antimatter are mostly in Positron
a hold of it, that would be an energy
source, but as far as producing it on existence” Joel Fajans, University of California
Emission Tomography, which is Earth, that’s just not even close.”
Sadly, that means we may have the Florida Institute of Technology. So it seems we are really starting to
revolutionising many medical
to forget about antimatter-powered “These electrons make gamma rays, make headway in our quest to solve
fields,” says Fajans. With physicians
starships, for the moment at least. which then pair-produce electrons the mysteries of matter and antimatter
using beams of electrons, protons,
However, particle accelerators are not and positrons, which are the and ultimately the grand mystery of
neutrons or photons as well as
the only places where we can find antimatter version of the electron. why the matter-dominated universe as
chemotherapy, could a beam of
antimatter. In 2011, 160 nanograms of The positrons may play an important we know it exists at all.
antimatter eliminate cancer cells?
antiprotons were discovered trapped role in the electrical properties of “There’s lots going on,” says Hangst.
The power of antimatter
Magnetic nozzles
Interstellar Powerful magnetic fields
direct charged particles
antimatter produced in the annihilation
process out of the back
travel of the starship to produce
forward thrust.
Antimatter creation
Starship designs such as
Icarus Interstellar’s VARIES
(Vacuum to Antimatter-
Rocket Interstellar Explorer
System) proposes high-
powered lasers to stimulate
pair production of protons
and antiprotons.
Solar panels
Giant solar panels of 45
square km (17 square mi)
would gather enough
energy to power the lasers
to produce the antimatter.
Antimatter containment
Trapping the antiparticles,
possibly as clouds of gas using
electric and magnetic fields
prior to their annihilation with
matter to create energy, is Radiation shielding
essential for their further use One of the by-products
in a starship engine. of proton/antiproton
creation would be a neutral
particle called a pion, which
instantly decays into high Payload
energy (200 MeV) gamma Instruments and crew
rays that would need to be quarters should reside
shielded against. as far away from the
antimatter engine and
storage tanks as possible
to further reduce the
effects of radiation.
Space science
The power of antimatter
(CSIRO) / S-PASS, Axel Mellinger (Central Michigan University), Eli Bressert; Adrian Chesterman
© SPL; ESA; NASA; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; NASA/JSC; CERN; Ettore Carretti
The Van Allen belts, discovered in 1958, are two
large areas of radiation surrounding the Earth
Can we collect the antimatter? the Solar System. During the NIAC Why is antimatter only in very inefficient it is to create and store, it
The challenge has always been how study, we evaluated each of the short supply? becomes clear that it is impractical,
to collect enough antimatter and planets and found that Saturn was The unique properties of antimatter if not impossible, to collect large
then store it for use since it is spread the best place for antimatter to are what make it difficult to create quantities of antimatter.
so diffusely in space and it will collect. I originally assumed that the and store. It contains an incredible
annihilate when it comes into contact biggest planet, Jupiter, would have amount of energy, which also means Can studying antimatter help us
with ordinary matter. As part of my the most antimatter. However, that it takes an exorbitant amount to understand new things about
NASA Institute for Advance Concepts Jupiter’s magnetic field was too of energy to create. It would take the universe?
(NIAC) programme, we looked at strong and it reduced the flux years of electrical output from a large Research in this area is part of
how you could use large magnetic of cosmic rays from striking the nuclear plant to create the energy a broader framework that could
fields around spacecraft to funnel and atmosphere. The rings of Saturn, in a kilogram of antimatter. Once help fundamental science and our
collect the antimatter in space. The however, have just the right geometry you solve the production issue, you understanding of the universe.
magnetic field can then be used to and composition to create antiprotons, have the problem of how to store a Antimatter is central to some of the
store what is collected until it is ready and the magnetic field works to trap material that will annihilate when it Holy Grail problems of physics, such
for use. The spacecraft could basically it where it can then be theoretically comes into contact with the walls of as the nature of dark matter and why
mine the antimatter from space and collected for study. its container. When you calculate how matter dominates over antimatter.
then use it to propel itself.
Super galaxies
They’re the biggest galaxies in the universe – enormous
star clouds many times the size of the Milky Way. So
how do giant elliptical super galaxies form, and what
influence do they have on the universe around them?
Imagine a galaxy so large that, if it took the place of Giant ellipticals, sometimes nicknamed super
the Milky Way, it would not only engulf our galaxy’s galaxies, are the biggest and most massive galaxies
immediate satellites like the Magellanic Clouds, in the universe, as Ryan Hickox, assistant professor
but also swallow up the giant Andromeda spiral 2.5 in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at
million light years away. The idea of a monster on Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, explains:
this scale might seem outlandish, but in fact there’s “They tend to be found in the centres of large-scale
just such a giant 1 billion light years from Earth, in structures, either groups or clusters of galaxies, and
the constellation of Virgo. IC 1101 is the elliptical the largest ones have masses around a trillion times
super galaxy at the heart of the Abell 2029 galaxy the mass of the Sun, which is around ten times more
cluster – a huge ball of red and yellow stars with an than spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way.” Hickox
incredible six million-light year diameter. has dedicated much of his career to understanding
Space science
these giants – their properties, distribution and, above “One of the key properties of elliptical galaxies is times more massive, and yet have a star formation
all, the mysteries of their formation. that they have very old stars, most of which formed rate ten times slower. One of the major questions
As their name suggests, elliptical galaxies are probably only a few billion years after the Big Bang, about giant ellipticals is why they don’t have this gas.”
ball-shaped collections of stars. While most of the and right now they have very little cold, dense, star- As well as trillions of individual stars, super
stars in spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way orbit forming gas in them, so they have very little ongoing galaxies are often surrounded by large numbers of
around a flattened disc, the stars in ellipticals are star formation,” explains Hickox. It’s this lack of globular star clusters. These compact balls of up to
more randomly inclined. The result is a galaxy that star formation that leaves ellipticals dominated by a million stars look rather like miniature elliptical
appears to be more or less elongated or elliptical red and yellow stars – these sedate, low-mass stars galaxies in their own right, and are also dominated
along a particular axis. Small elliptical galaxies vary have lifetimes of many billions of years, while hotter by old red and yellow stars. Around 150 of these
in size from around 20 to 50,000 light years across, white and blue stars live and die on much shorter clusters orbit in and around our Milky Way galaxy,
but giant ellipticals can be several hundred thousand timescales, and so die out relatively rapidly if star but giant ellipticals such as Messier 87 (one of the
light years wide. Even bigger ‘cD’ galaxies have huge, formation stops. “In a galaxy like the Milky Way, you closest super galaxies to Earth, some 54 million light
diffuse outer layers that may be a million or more might have one Sun-like star being born every year,” years away at the heart of the Virgo Cluster) may be
light years across. Hickox continues, “but a giant elliptical could be ten accompanied by many thousands of globulars.
While smaller ellipticals are found throughout
“They have very old stars, the universe, the real monsters are only ever found
near the centre of large galaxy groups and clusters,
probably only a few billion X-ray observations show that they are surrounded
by vast clouds of gas, heated to many millions of
years after the Big Bang” degrees by tidal forces between the cluster galaxies.
“We think the reason why that gas is hot is
Ryan Hickox because it’s sitting in the gravitational well of the
Super galaxies
How big is a
super galaxy?
Super galaxy
With a diameter of roughly 6
million light years, the largest
known galaxy in the universe
– IC 1101 – is about 50 times
the diameter of the Milky Way.
Milky W
ger than
0 times
Milky Way
The scale of our spiral galaxy is
almost unimaginable – with a
diameter of roughly 120,000 light
years, it is a staggering 126 million
times the size of the Solar System.
on t
big ger
r Sys
Solar System
The Solar System out to the orbit
of the outermost major planet,
Neptune, is roughly 9 billion
kilometres (5.6 billion miles)
across – about 6,500 times the
diameter of the Sun at its equator. e Sun
er tha
Our home planet is 12,742 kilometres
across, while the average distance to
the Moon is 384,400 kilometres (30
Earth diameters). Sun
The visible surface or photosphere of
arth our local star is 1.39 million kilometres
hanE (865,000 miles) in diameter – 110
s bigge times the diameter of the Earth
e (12,740 kilometres/7,900 miles).
Space science
Elliptical structure
The galaxy’s structure
Anatomy of IC 1101 is formed by billions of
overlapping stars, each in
– the biggest galaxy their own elliptical orbit
around its inner core.
known to man
Hot gas
A huge halo of X-ray-emitting
gas surrounds the galaxy,
extending across the galaxy’s
halo into the surrounding
cluster. The gas is thought to
have been initially heated during
the galaxy mergers that formed
IC 1101, and probably remains
hot thanks to activity from its
supermassive black hole
Core region
The core region contains
most of the galaxy’s mass
and accounts for most of its
luminosity – some 2 trillion
times the luminosity of the Sun.
Central location
IC 1101 lies at the very centre
of the Abell 2029 cluster – cD
galaxies are thought to settle at
the centre of their clusters as
they are slowed down by the
gravitational pull from material
Supermassive black hole drawn into their wake.
A black hole with the mass of
many billions of Suns is thought
to dominate the galaxy’s core,
acting as its gravitational anchor
and spitting out jets that help
keep the surrounding gases hot
and subdue star formation.
Super galaxies
Formation of a
giant galaxy
According to the most successful theories, elliptical
super galaxies originate in the collision of two or
more gas-rich disc-shaped galaxies, followed by
further mergers throughout the galaxy’s history.
These simulations track the evolution of a super
galaxy over several billion years.
1. Gas-rich discs
The light from disc galaxies
is dominated by young,
bright and short-lived
stars that are continuously
created in disc regions
filled with star-forming
gas and dust, and older
red and yellow stars in a
comparatively gas-poor hub.
2. In collision
When galaxies collide,
direct hits between stars are
rare, but tidal forces disrupt
the spiral arms and cause
them to unwind. Clouds of
gas, however, undergo head-
on collisions that can heat
them up and drive gas out
into the galaxy’s halo.
3. Birth of an elliptical
Stripped of the cool gas
that can help to form
new stars, the galaxy
now consists of older,
XMM-Newton is the most sensitive X-ray telescope
long-lived stars that are
ever built and a reliable super galaxy observer
left in chaotic orbits
around the nucleus,
which contains a large
supermassive black hole.
“So in other words, we know what
4. Continued growth
galaxies those violent early galaxies
The newly formed giant’s
enormous gravity leads to
will turn into because we know how
more frequent collisions,
in which they may absorb
their dark matter halos will evolve”
further disc galaxies,
Ryan Hickox
cannibalise small irregular centre of a galaxy, and if we can trace the motion of bursts of star formation and other activity. This
galaxies, or undergo ‘dry’ the maser around the centre, that can give us another model explains many of the distinctive features of
mergers with other gas- handle on the mass of the central black hole.” super galaxies, ranging from their stellar populations
poor galaxies. Researchers have used a variety of more complex to their lack of gas and dust and location in the heart
methods and rules of thumb to measure the mass of dense galaxy clusters. It even offers an explanation
5. Central member of black holes in even more remote galaxies, and a for the hot gas clouds in the centre of clusters.
Today, super galaxies remarkable pattern seems to have emerged from The major problem for astronomers, however, is
are found at the centre their results. The size of the central black hole seems that it’s impossible to see this process in action on
of highly evolved, to increase in line with the mass of visible matter in a short timescale – the best we can hope for is to
dense galaxy clusters. the galaxy, estimated from the combined brightness see ‘snapshots’ of different stages in the process.
Depending on their extent of its stars. How can we be certain that distant interacting or
and density, they can be This evidence has given rise to the most popular active galaxies (existing in earlier, more turbulent
classed as either giant model for the formation of elliptical super galaxies stages of cosmic history and whose light may have
elliptical galaxies or cD – the idea that they formed from the collision of taken billions of years to reach Earth) are evolving
galaxies. smaller, gas-rich systems whose black holes combine to become present-day super galaxies? Recent
together at the same time, accompanied by intense studies by Hickox and his colleagues may provide
Super galaxies
© NASA; Sayo Studio; Alamy; CXC; J.Irwin; STScl; JPL Caltech; ESA; AURA; ESO; WFI; CfA; R.Kraft; MPIfR;
APEX; A.Weiss; L.Frattare; NRAO; WIkiSky; UA; The Hubble Heritage Team; Hubble Collaboration
Space science
The Virgo supercluster
One of the largest known structures in the universe, this
supercluster is home to our own galaxy – and thousands of others
Space science
While it can be difficult to visualise The VS is named after the Virgo closest rival is the Hydra-Centaurus of the VS at 400 kilometres (250
just how our planet fits in with the cluster located at its heart (located supercluster, at 100 million light years miles) per second, for instance. Two
rest of the universe, it may be helpful in the Virgo constellation) and has long. This is sometimes separated of the galaxies in the Local group,
to realise that it’s just one element in an estimated diameter of 110 million into two distinct superclusters and is the Milky Way and Andromeda, are
a much larger picture. Much like a set light years. Also known as the very similar to the VS in that it has spiral arm galaxies that are moving
of Russian matryoshka (nesting) dolls, Local supercluster (LS), it’s one of one rich galaxy cluster and likely has towards each other at a speed of 110
there are numerous layers. millions of other superclusters in the the same number of galaxies. The kilometres (68 miles) per second.
Our Milky Way – containing the known universe. Although these are next closest supercluster, Perseus– They are estimated to collide and
Solar System, along with billions massively large structures, research Pisces, is one of the largest known form one huge elliptical galaxy in
of other stars – is part of a group shows that the VS is small when superclusters in the universe. This is about four billion years.
of galaxies called the Local group, compared with other superclusters. a dense wall of galaxies that spans Then there’s the fact that the
located inside a larger group of galaxy The VS comprises of two main about 300 million light years and universe itself is expanding, so
groups and clusters called the Virgo structures: a disk and a spherical halo. borders the Taurus Void, a large gravitational attraction is pulling all
supercluster (VS). A supercluster The disk is a flattened ellipsoid, less circular empty space surrounded by of the galaxies, galaxy clusters and
is essentially a massive group of than one megaparsec (3,261,633 light walls of galaxies. By contrast, the superclusters towards one another.
galaxies, which in turn may be years) wide and containing nearly Pavo-Indus supercluster is considered The accepted model is that this is
classified into groups and clusters. 70 per cent of the galaxies, while the rather sparse and small, with no rich happening equally in all directions.
This means our own galaxy is just halo contains the rest. The galaxies galaxies at all. However, there’s another mysterious
one of thousands in the VS, which are grouped into substructures called The VS, like all galaxy clusters, force pulling on the VS (along with
has a volume 100 billion times that clouds. In the disk nearly all of the is bound together by gravitational other local superclusters), towards the
of the Milky Way. Superclusters don’t galaxies are in 11 main clouds, while attraction. There’s also a whole lot Norma cluster, moving at over 600
exist as entirely separate, uniform in the halo they’re concentrated in of movement going on – and much kilometres (373 miles) per hour.
structures in the universe, though; about seven clouds. The Virgo cluster of it isn’t that well understood. We The Norma cluster is about 220
instead they’re grouped in what is considered to be the richest galaxy do know that the entire VS rotates million light years away and is the
astronomers term walls, sheets and cluster within the VS and the Local around its centre of mass and it’s also centre of a gravitational anomaly
filaments. Between these there are group is located in a filament near the moving through space. The galaxies called the Great Attractor. One
wide expanses of mostly empty space. outer edge of the disk. rotate too, as well as interact with one suggestion is that there's something
All together, this structure is often So, how does the VS stack up another. The Local group is estimated beyond our observable universe doing
called the cosmic web. against other superclusters? Its to be rotating around the centre the pulling called the dark flow.
Earth size
The Earth has a diameter of
12,742 kilometres (7,918 miles)
and a mass of 5.97 × 1024
kilograms (1.32 × 1025 pounds).
Earth position
The Earth’s average distance
from the Sun is 150 million
kilometres (93 million miles) and
it’s the third of the inner planets.
The Virgo supercluster
Virgo supercluster
The VS is just one of
millions of other galaxy
superclusters. These can
form filaments, walls
and other structures.
A structure called the
Sloan Great Wall is a By the
billion light years from
Earth and is one of the
largest known structures
in the universe, at 1.4
billion light years long.
Local group
Virgo supercluster size
The Virgo supercluster has
The Local group is
one of more than 100
galaxy groups and
an estimated diameter of 110
million light years and a mass
about 1015 solar masses. Most
clusters in the Virgo
supercluster, also
known as the Local
of this is contained in the supercluster. It’s near
The distance spanned by the Virgo supercluster.
Local group. one edge of the VS.
near the gravitational – the thickness of
centre of a galaxy
group called the Local
the flattened disk in
group. This contains the VS that contains
more than 50 other most of its galaxies.
individual galaxies.
solar luminosity
The VS’s total optical luminosity as
compared to the Sun’s luminosity.
The mass of the Virgo supercluster is about a
quadrillion times that of the Sun’s mass.
Space science
The Virgo supercluster
Ursa Major cluster
0 M81 group The Ursa Major cluster is
This galaxy group full of spiral galaxies and
Dorado includes the extensively contains about five per cent
studied galaxies Messiers of the Virgo cluster’s mass,
81 and 82. M81 is but more than 30 per cent of
incredibly luminous and its luminosity.
Fornax cluster large, while M82 is five-
This cluster is the times more luminous
second-richest than the Milky Way.
Eridanus galaxy cluster
cluster behind the Virgo
cluster, with at least
50 galaxies. There is Andromeda galaxy
evidence of strong The Andromeda galaxy could
star formation here. contain as many as a trillion
stars and appears six-times
wider than the Moon in our
night sky.
Space science
Taken from Earth, this image shows the tiny gravitationally (right), have spent time studying the features of the
VS. But it’s impossible to discuss observations of
dwarf spheroidal galaxy Leo I as a faint patch
to the right of the bright star Regulus bound structure” this supercluster without mentioning the Hubble
Space Telescope (HST). Launched in 1990, the HST
has given us some of the most iconic images of
Captured by Swift, this image different galaxies in the VS. This includes the largest
of the Andromeda galaxy and most detailed HD portrait of a spiral galaxy – a
2.5 million light years away stunning image of the Pinwheel galaxy (M101). It has
is the highest-resolution also shown us new galaxies and determined their
view of a spiral galaxy ever
place in the supercluster. For example, studies of HST
attained in ultraviolet
observations have shown that the Large Magellanic
Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud, believed to be
orbiting the Milky Way, might be moving too fast to
be more than just passing through.
On land, the Keck Observatory's twin telescopes
are among the most powerful in the world. Among
its recent observations in the supercluster is both one
of the smallest and the most significant. In June 2013,
it revealed more information about one of the tiniest
galaxies – Segue 2 located in the Milky Way. With
just 1,000 stars and a small globule of dark matter,
this very faint galaxy may reveal more about how
galaxies form. This just goes to show that while the
Virgo supercluster may be just one out of millions, it’s
still revealing vast amounts of information about our
universe as a whole.
The Virgo supercluster
The LBT has two 8.4-
metre- (27.6-foot-)
wide mirrors that
are separated in the
centre by 14.4 metres
Prime focus camera (47.2 feet) and an
Looking at Messier 81 in the M81 Group adaptive mirror to
The LBT is a collaborative project between
using the UV-blue camera revealed the correct distortion.
institutions based in the USA, Italy and Germany
faint dwarf galaxy Holmberg IX. Installation
The LBT saw first light
with a single mirror
in October 2005 and
the second mirror was
installed in 2006.
The LBT is a joint project
of several universities
and scientific
organisations located in
the United States, Italy
and Germany.
© Getty Images; NASA; Sayo Studio; Adam Evans; Hewholooks; Andrew Z. Colvin; 2MASS; ESA; Swift Science Team; Stefan Immler;
JPL-Caltech;UCLA; Bill Schoening; Vanessa Harvey; REU program; NOAO; AURA; NSF; Hubble; Scott AnttilaAnttler
This telescope is
located at Mount
Graham International
Observatory, in the
Pinaleño Mountains of
Arizona, USA.
Space science
The search for wormholes
search for
We speak to the teams of scientists searching for wormholes in an
attempt to uncover the facts behind the science fiction
Wormholes are so-called gateways that provide a However, we still don't know for sure whether
shortcut through the fabric of space-time. They can traversable wormholes like the ones in Star Trek
be thought of as tunnels with ends capped by an really exist. Even finding the slightest hint of these
ever-hungry black and a white hole, the black hole’s natural portals almost seems like a pipe dream.
time-reversed cousin that prefers to spit things out if With this in mind, it would seem odd that massive
anything comes too close to its event horizon. organisations are still looking, such as Project
It’s true that a wormhole never looks out of place RadioAstron, the Soviet Union’s first radio astronomy
in science fiction, for example lurking in the universe research facility.
of Deep Space 9 and employed by captain Benjamin “The search for wormholes seems like a worthy
Sisko and his crew of the Defiant. They use the hole undertaking,” muses assistant professor of
to travel from the Alpha to the Gamma quadrant on astrophysics Robert Owen of Oberlin College. His
the other side of the galaxy at unprecedented speed – thoughts are echoed by Igor Novikov, a Russian
certainly a thrilling prospect. theoretical astrophysicist and cosmologist who made
Space science
Why are we
looking for
Professor Robert
Owen, of Oberlin
College, USA, tells
us why hunting
for wormholes is
so necessary
“I think it's extremely important that we continue
to search for and research the ideas behind
wormholes. There are all sorts of [avenues for]
research and we often find that some subjects are
more practical than others. Obviously wormhole
physics is not a very practical subject but
wormholes and other exotic phenomena, provide
a route to understanding some of the deepest
questions about the nature of our universe – the
arena of our very existence. For that reason alone,
this is an exciting endeavour and deserving of
support for its own sake.
"It’s also important to note subjects that might
seem highly impractical could eventually be
central to our daily lives. Electromagnetic theory an important contribution to the theory of time travel wouldn't merely mean searching for the wormholes
was at one time considered an impractical during the mid-1980s. The Novikov Self-consistency themselves, but the equally elusive white holes
subject and now it's fundamental to everyday Principle states that it’s impossible to make paradoxes that are supposedly tacked onto one end, making
life. Quantum theory has long been viewed as an of time. “There’s a hypothesis that primordial the task of locating them all the more difficult.
arcane body of research, but now it's essential for wormholes exist and can connect some regions However, despite this, Owen believes that despite
the inner workings of much modern technology. in our universe in the model of the multiverse,” the obvious difficulties, the hunt for wormholes
"Another important point is that all research is Novikov, who is based at the Russian Space Research must be supported. He studies the relativistic effects
fundamentally interconnected with insights made Institute in Moscow, explains. “In this case, the search of black holes and neutron stars colliding to make
in one field of study often transferred into others. for astrophysical wormholes is a unique possibility to gravitational waves – ripples in the curvature of
For example, there is a long-standing symbiosis study the other universes.” space-time – to find traces of the holes.
between research in particle physics and solid- These elusive tunnels through space wouldn’t just So, is finding a wormhole really that important at
state physics – the field that provides much of be a major discovery in and of themselves, but could all? We asked theoretical physicist Kristan Jensen at
our understanding of the properties of materials. even open up avenues to bigger things – possibly the University of Victoria. Alongside Andreas Karch, a
There is a constant conversation between these even answering some of the deepest questions about professor of physics at the University of Washington,
two fields of study and ideas are regularly shared the nature of our universe. Although we haven’t Jensen looks at wormholes purely from a theoretical
between them. In a broader sense, this occurs found them yet, the laws and complex equations perspective. “Honestly, no,” he initially answers. “I
throughout the sciences. So there's really no way that underpin Einstein’s theory of general relativity find it unlikely that there are wormholes [of notable
of knowing ahead of time what the eventual say that, technically, they should exist out there size] in our universe.” This is because he – as well
significance of any field of research might be. somewhere – maybe as microscopic structures the as quite a few in the scientific community – believe
"Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicts size of atoms, or giant but impassable wormholes that we might be hard-pressed to find these tunnels
quite clearly that if a wormhole existed, it would connecting the black holes in the centres of galaxies. through space. Paradoxically, it seems that the theory
be unstable and we wouldn’t be able to use it for However, should a stable wormhole be found, it suggesting that wormholes exist also makes an
practically travelling through time. However, with might be possible to travel down it and end up in equally strong case for how they could never be real.
all scientific questions, we can't be completely another place, and another time, in the universe. If you were to open up a wormhole, you might
certain that general relativity, in the form that Clearly the practicalities of finding a wormhole find it quickly begins to fall apart. Egyptologist and
we currently understand it, is the most accurate is a challenging subject entirely on its own and linguist Daniel Jackson, the protagonist in Stargate,
possible description of space-time in all situations. one that scientists like Owen relish. The search might have found himself cautiously stepping into a
It could be that in certain situations general
relativity becomes inaccurate, just as Newtonian
physics becomes inaccurate near a black hole, for “In general relativity, time travel is
example. This means I certainly wouldn't rule
out the idea absolutely, until we have some good actually one of the things that naturally
astronomical evidence.”
comes along with wormholes” Prof Robert Owen
The search for wormholes
Black hole
The making Everything – from matter to light – is
pulled into a high-gravity black hole.
2. A cosmic plug hole
Shrinking smaller and smaller, the core continues
to pale in significance compared with its former
of a wormhole Quite confusingly, this is the future
end of the wormhole.
stellar glory. While it has shrunk to a speck, all of
its mass is concentrated in a very small area. This
forms what is known as a singularity that might be
small, but is so heavy that it can bend space-time.
Gravity is the effect that a heavy object has
on the fabric of space-time found around it. If
you place a household object onto a bed sheet,
you’ll find that it makes a dent. Anything moving
towards the object in the dent will fall towards it,
which is how gravity affects the universe.
5. Exit
If you were to travel through a
wormhole, you would reach its
far side, which can be likened
to a black hole in reverse: the
Einstein-Rosen Bridge white hole. Matter pulled in by
the black hole will emerge from
or wormhole the singularity found at the
white hole’s centre and released.
White hole
Matter and light is thrown
out into the past. Very
much like a smaller
version of the Big Bang.
Space science
The telescope took its first readings on 27 September “Imagine that I had a wormhole with both throats [in
2011, capturing the ancient star Cassiopeia A other words, both openings to the wormhole], in my
office and I could step into one of them and emerge
from the other ten seconds earlier,” he describes.
“For those ten seconds there would actually be two
of me in the office. But what if I then chose to wait
those ten seconds and then step through [the black
hole again], simultaneously with my earlier self?” The
answer is that Owen and his past self would again
emerge from the white hole ten seconds earlier and
there would now be three of him in the office. “If I
did it again, there would be four of me, five, six and
so on," he continues. "This silly story illuminates the
way that a wormhole would naturally destroy itself.”
Owen is talking about feedback, just like the
feedback you might get on a microphone, because it's
not just people that could take a trip though these
Space radio telescope Spektr-R launched in 2011, is
time-tunnelling wormholes. Radiation, be it light or
part of Russian venture Project RadioAstron
heat, can also enter the wormhole and do exactly the
same thing as the multiple Robert Owens. So much
“All you need to enter a wormhole is a energy would end up in the loop that it would cause
the wormhole to collapse.
spacecraft. Just dive in and go” Dr. Eric Davis Another problem is that a wormhole would
be too small for a single person – let alone a
stable wormhole when he cracked the code behind one of the things that naturally comes along spaceship capable of interstellar travel – to be able to
the hieroglyphics that opened a pathway to another with wormholes,” he says. “However, the idea that comfortably fit through. To successfully pass through
galaxy. The reason that we might not be able to find wormholes could be used for travelling through time a hole, we would need to find some way of enlarging
a wormhole could simply be that in reality they're is usually taken as an indication that they probably one, something that seems unfeasible given that we
incredibly unstable entities. couldn’t exist.” Owen references several calculations don’t even yet have proof of its existence.
Owen suggests that you just need to think about that have been processed, showing that wormholes However, not everyone thinks that the journey
travelling through one to get a full picture of why naturally destroy themselves before they could even would be entirely impossible. One of the world’s
this is. “In general relativity, time travel is actually offer us the chance to be used to travel back in time. leading theoretical physicists, Kip Thorne, is professor
The search for wormholes
Scientists behind Project RadioAstron suspect a
wormhole is at the centre of quasar 3C273, due to its
increase in temperature and odd magnetic field
Are wormholes likely to exist?
Two experts give their opinions on whether or not we'll ever find
emeritus at the California Institute of Technology these tunnels piercing through space-time
(Caltech) and a long-time friend of both Stephen
Hawking and the late Carl Sagan. Thorne not only
thinks that these portals might exist somewhere out
Yes No
there, but that they could also be used as some kind Dr Eric Davis, Professor Andreas
of time machine, capable of getting us from one place senior research Karch, a professor
in the universe to another.
Another scientist who has confidence in the
physicist at the of physics at the
possibility of using wormholes for travel is Eric Institute for University of
Davis, a senior research physicist at the Institute for
Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas. “All you need to
Advanced Studies Washington
enter a wormhole is a spacecraft. Just dive in and go,” “Yes, wormholes should exist in nature, because “No, I would completely agree that most likely they
he says. “If the wormhole is too small for a spacecraft, they are predicted by Einstein’s theory of are just a theoretical construct. It's very unlikely
then it has been posited by Kip Thorne, the man who general relativity, which is the theory that also that we will ever see the more-standard kind
discovered suggestions of traversable wormholes predicted black holes, cosmology, neutron stars, of wormhole – the one that you could traverse
in Einstein’s theory of general relativity, that all one the gravitational lensing of galaxies, gravitational through, as seen in science-fiction movies.
may need to do is feed the wormhole more negative redshift and time dilation, the bending of light by “According to our understanding of physics,
energy density and/or more-negative pressure to stars (gravitational lensing) among other things. these traversable wormholes seem almost
inflate it up to a larger size.” “All of these astrophysical phenomena have been impossible and we certainly haven’t seen one. Even
So, what is negative energy? Dark energy, which repeatedly observed to high precision and so verify if they exist, I’m not sure how to hunt for them.
is causing the universe to expand, is an example the general relativity theory. There is no reason One couldn't measure the existence of a wormhole
of a negative energy pressure – something that is why wormholes shouldn't exist based on a very directly without sending in two observers into
opposing forces such as gravity. However, we don’t well-tested theory whose other predictions have the two connected black holes [which could also
even know what dark energy is, let alone any way to been verified as previously mentioned. Another form the basis of a wormhole]. If they meet in the
create true negative energy, suggesting that we won’t prediction of general relativity is the existence of middle, there’s a wormhole. If not, then there’s
be venturing down a wormhole any time soon. gravitational waves [which could form an indication no wormhole. In any event, the more-fortunate
Still, this isn't to say that nature hasn't found a of the existence of wormholes], and there has been external observers would never know the outcome
way to enlarge wormholes, which is exactly what a search for their existence going on for over 50 of the experiment.
Russian scientists working on Project RadioAstron years. This search is now ramping up with a major “Of course, that doesn’t mean that one should
are banking on. They are using the largest space British astronomy program dedicated entirely to stop looking – we should always look for what’s out
telescope ever launched – not Hubble or the Herschel detecting them.” there, however, I wouldn't hold my breath.”
Space Observatory, but Spektr-R, a radio telescope
Space science
The story of
the wormhole
Building bridges
In 1935 Albert Einstein and Nathan
Rosen were the first scientists
to come up with the idea of
wormholes. They described
how their theory presents a
description of space by means of
two sheet, while a spatially finite
bridge connects these sheets. Technically they are
known as Einstein-Rosen Bridges, but the American
physicist John Wheeler introduced the term
wormholes for them in 1957.
The search for wormholes
The present
Your starting point can be at any place
or any time where the wormhole mouth
is found. This can be formed by violent
events in the universe, such as colliding
gravitational waves produced by high-
velocity cosmic rays.
Space science
“There are many places that wormholes location might make it a little bit difficult for us to
reach them. Vladimir Folomeev of the Institute of
could be hiding, from inside black holes Physicotechnical Problems and Material Science in
the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) has suggested
and stars, to the subatomic world” that if exotic phantom matter exists – the same kind
of stuff as dark energy, which has negative energy
density – then it's possible it could exist within stars.
We might not have detected a wormhole for particles interact they can become entangled so that “The idea is very simple,” explains Folomeev. “If
sure, but it turns out RadioAstron might be on to their characteristics correlate. The famous Heisenberg dark energy amounts to about 70 per cent of the total
something. Turning its attention to the core of quasar Uncertainty Principle means that the quantum states, energy density of the universe, then it is natural to
3C273, in the constellation Virgo around 2.5 billion or properties of the particles such as their spin, assume that in some cases mixed objects consisting
light years away, it has found something unexpected. remain undefined until they're measured properly. of both ordinary matter and dark energy can exist.” A
Quasars are active galactic nuclei producing However, when the spin of one of the entangled mixed star would act oddly, affecting the star’s mass
enormous amounts of radiation from around their particles is measured, then the other particle and causing unusual oscillations as the negative
black holes. We know there’s a black hole in the heart instantly follows suit, even if each of them are on energy phantom matter moves around inside the star.
of 3C273, but RadioAstron’s observations show that it opposite sides of the universe at the time. There are many places that wormholes could
has increased in temperature. There's also the weird How they communicate across huge distances be hiding, from inside black holes and stars, to the
and wacky magnetic field that Novikov mentioned so quickly is not truly understood, but Karch and subatomic world, but the big question is, what would
earlier, so RadioAstron must keep looking to verify Jenson have proposed that tiny black holes that have it be like to travel down one? According to Davis,
the increasing suspicions of theoretical physicists. become entangled may have wormholes connecting the mouth would look like a sphere with a distorted
Meanwhile, instead of using telescopes to scan the them. Julian Sonner, of the Massachusetts Institute mirror image of the region of space on the other
skies for these elusive tunnels, other astrophysicists of Technology, has taken this idea a step further, side of the wormhole, as the negative energy density
have taken to imagining wormholes. For example, showing that wormholes could connect entangled deflects light passing through. When you pass
take the work of theoretical physicists Jensen and quarks, which are the fundamental particles that through, the journey would likely be instantaneous
Karch, who have suggested that the particles of make up protons and neutrons inside of atoms. and looking back you’d see another sphere reflecting
a quantum phenomena called entanglement are Another place where theorists are looking for where you came from. Across the universe in a single
connected by miniature wormholes. When two wormholes is inside stars themselves, although their step – wormholes would be a truly giant leap.
The search for wormholes
They’re the biggest stars in the universe – cosmic
monsters up to a million times brighter than the
Sun – so how do supergiant and hypergiant stars
push the limits of astrophysics?
Hypergiant stars
Space science
VV Cephei
Type: Red supergiant
Solar Radii: 1,050
Hypergiant stars
Space science
material can be seen surrounding Alnilam Betelgeuse
(on the horizontal axis) and
the central star. their luminosity (on the
vertical axis). When a large 2
number of randomly selected
Red giant,
stars are plotted, a pattern Sirius Arcturus
Blue giant,
soon emerges: most stars are Eta Aurigae
arranged along a diagonal Sun
ribbon known as the ‘main
Alpha Centauri B
sequence’, that runs between 1
1/10,000x 1/100x
Hypergiant stars
Structure of
a supergiant Monster star
The largest red supergiants can grow
Red supergiant to diameters larger than Jupiter’s
A red supergiant is a orbit around the Sun.
high-mass star that is
nearing the end of its
life and has long since Still burning Fusion shells
exhausted the supplies The star’s core keeps Meanwhile, nuclear fusion of
of hydrogen fuel for generating energy lighter elements spreads out
fusion in its core. by fusion of heavier in a series of shells around
elements, growing the core.
denser over time.
Outer envelope
The huge amounts of
energy coming from the
core and its surrounding
shells cause the star’s upper
layers to balloon in size.
Cool surface
The star’s enormous
size gives it a huge
surface area, so Convection cells
despite pumping out Huge currents within the
huge amounts of outer envelope create
energy, the surface rising and sinking masses
remains relatively cool of hot and cool gas, often
and appears red. giving the star’s surface a
blotchy appearance.
Iron core
Just before the star dies, a core of solid
iron begins to build up. Unlike the lighter
elements, iron fusion absorbs, rather
than releases energy, triggering the core’s
collapse and a supernova explosion.
Heavier shells
Closer to the core, heavy elements
continue to fuse into still heavier ones,
allowing the supergiant to keep shining.
Helium fusion
A second shell of helium fusion
follows the hydrogen shell out into
the star, creating heavy elements
such as carbon and oxygen.
Space science
stars to shine many thousands of
in our galaxy
times more brightly than their less
massive neighbours. But the price for
this brilliance is a drastically shortened
life span – even though their cores
contain much more nuclear fuel than
those of Sun-like stars, massive stars 3
exhaust themselves in just a few
million years and begin to swell into
supergiants or hypergiants.
This short life span means that
Eta Carinae
Constellation: Carina 1
supergiants are almost always found Distance from Earth:
at the heart of newborn star clusters 7,500-8,000 light years
– these clusters disintegrate over
millions of years, eventually scattering 1. Massive binary
The hypergiant Eta Carinae in the
their longer-lived stars over a broad
southern constellation of Carina is
region of space, but supergiants simply
a binary system in which one star
don’t live long enough to make it out has at least 120 times the mass
of their stellar nurseries. of the Sun, and is 5 million times
“These stars are incredibly rare – more luminous.
they only form in a few places and
2. Violent outbursts
have very short lifetimes, so even if Eta Carinae is prone to sudden
you find a star cluster that’s just 5 eruptions that cause it to brighten
million years old, its most massive unpredictably as it hurtles towards
stars will already have died,” says an eventual death as a supernova.
Crowther. “There’s only a handful of
3. Homunculus Nebula
really young, massive clusters close The star is still surrounded by
enough to Earth for us to look for this famous double-lobed nebula,
these guys and they’re losing mass at ejected during its last major
a terrific rate, so the mass we measure eruption around 1843.
depends on just how old the stars
happen to be. The places where you
usually find these really massive
clusters tend to have enhanced star
formation rates, usually due to galactic
collisions or interactions.”
So what do supergiants and
hypergiants look like? They’re
surprisingly varied – while the H-R
diagram might suggest that they’d
all have extremely hot surfaces and
appear blue in colour, in reality they 2
range across the spectrum of colours.
Supergiants show the most variety,
and it seems that their colours simply
reflect the precise balance between the
inward pull of gravity and the outward
Pistol Star
Constellation: Sagittarius
pressure generated by its radiation at
Distance from Earth:
a particular phase in their lives. This
25,000 light years
balancing act, known as ‘hydrostatic
equilibrium’ governs a star’s overall 1. Pistol Star
diameter and therefore its surface This blue hypergiant in the
Quintuplet Cluster close to the
area: even highly luminous stars can
centre of our galaxy has the mass
display Sun-like yellow, or even cooler
of around 100 Suns, and is 1.8
red surfaces if they are large enough million times more luminous.
for the heating effect of their escaping
radiation to be thinly spread. 2. Pistol Nebula
A nebula surrounding the Pistol
Most stars retain more or less the
Star contains roughly ten solar
same mass (and therefore gravity) masses of material, ejected 1
throughout their lives, so their in a violent eruption several
equilibrium is mostly affected by thousand years ago.
changes to their luminosity as the
3. Infrared view
nuclear reactions in their cores change
The Hubble Space Telescope
and evolve – from this, we can work used its infrared camera to pierce
out that blue supergiants are still the dust between Earth and the
close to the ‘main sequence’ of stellar galactic centre, revealing this
evolution, while yellow ones have unique view of the star.
Hypergiant stars
Thor’s Helmet Constellation: Canis Major Distance from Earth: 15,000 light years
Space science
Hypergiant stars
Space science
Giant space storms
Space science
As we fight against the high winds, lashing rain twin’ with good reason, the second world from the rover – ping back images showing stretches of barren
and deafening thunderstorms on our planet, it’s Sun is a toxic and barren wasteland. Thick, heavy landscape beneath a somewhat dull pink sky. The
quite easy to think that there’s nothing worse clouds laden with sulphuric acid hang in the hot, truth is, if you thought that we struggled to make
than the dreadful weather that can batter Earth’s pressurised Venusian sky, topping the odd active an accurate prediction of the weather here on Earth,
landscape. That is, until you leave the envelope of our volcano, which burp additional heat and toxicity. then we would be even more at a loss with the
atmosphere that serves as a gateway to space. Here, The scene is one of high pressures and poisonous, Martian weather system, leaving many weather
even a windproof umbrella and a faithful waterproof choking fumes, making us somewhat grateful for forecasters tearing their hair out.
windcheater jacket that served you so well on Earth Earth’s much more forgiving weather fronts. That’s because Mars’s weather is as unpredictable
won’t save you. That’s because the weather that In the opposite direction to Venus, things aren’t as it gets – and that’s quite surprising for a planet
can be found in space is monstrous, making our much better on Mars. It’s quite easy to think that with an atmosphere that’s only about one per cent as
planet’s occasional crashes of thunder sound like nothing much happens on the Red Planet, as its dense as Earth’s. Being so thin ensures that whoever
low grumbles and the great lashes of rain, capable of robotic inhabitants – including NASA’s Curiosity dares to walk its dusty surface is sure to receive
flooding the lowlands, appear as nothing more than
puddles made by light drizzle.
No more than an astronomical stone’s throw away
“A calm day can turn into one that’s
– at an average distance of 108 million kilometres (67 rife with dust devils and great haboobs
million miles) away – from our planet, things turn
quite nasty on planet Venus. Nicknamed ‘Earth’s evil capable of engulfing the entire globe”
Saturn’s southern hemisphere
plays host to unusually
shaped tempests known as
Dragon Storms, which flare up
An artist’s impression of a
Martian dust storm as seen
from the Viking lander
Giant space storms
Space science
Extremely hot, with angry A very cloudy start with Generally cold, dry and Very strong persistent
outbursts of coronal mass acid rain only affecting the clear all day. A change in winds of around 360
ejection – a massive burst planet’s highlands. There temperature could see dust kilometres (224 miles) per
of solar wind and magnetic are likely to be strong devils and dust storms hour in most places on
fields. High temperatures winds, hitting speeds up become prevalent in the the globe and especially
will persist for the to 360 kilometres (224 evening. Very cold during around the Great Red Spot
foreseeable future with the miles) per hour. High the night, with sub -60°C area. Likely to be very cold
possibility of solar flares. temperatures guaranteed. (-76°F) temperatures. all day.
Average temperature Average temperature Average temperature Average temperature
5,500°C (9,932°F) 462°C (864°F) -55°C (-67°F) -150°C (-238°F)
Giant space storms
Space science
Giant space storms
astronauts, short-circuit satellites and knock out black holes. Galaxies with active black holes
communications and power systems on the ground. that are hungrily consuming gas and producing
For these reasons the Sun’s weather is the most brilliant light are called quasars. In 2010, US
scrutinised outside Earth, with many Sun-watching astronomers announced the discovery of the oldest
space missions such as NASA’s STEREO and the and most massive cloud of water vapour ever seen
joint NASA-ESA mission SOHO, giving early warning in a quasar, 12 billion light years away, which existed
of any solar storms that may be heading our way to less than 2 billion years after the Big Bang. Far bigger
cause mischief. than any cloud on Earth, it contains 4,000 times
Our Sun is just one star, but what about a galaxy more water than the total found in our Milky Way
of hundreds of billions of stars? Their winds can galaxy. This will probably never make it into oceans the
combine into super winds that can blow all the gas or rivers, or fall as rain on a planet, but will most same
used for making stars out of a galaxy, dispersing it likely fall into the black hole instead. way the
many thousands of light years away. There are also There is more weather in our own galaxy besides Moon’s face is always the same as seen from Earth.
storms at the centres of galaxies with giant lightning the weather on the planets of our Solar System. The Because of this, the dayside of worlds like WASP-33b
bolts that even Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, stars in our galaxy have their own planets, including are always in their star’s light, causing huge storms to
would be impressed by. In the distant galaxy IC 310, a particular breed that like it especially hot. Take arise, bigger than anything in our Solar System. The
which is 260 million light years away, astronomers Jupiter with its Giant Red Spot, move it 770 million hot Jupiter exoplanet HD 189733b has a huge storm
have detected huge bursts of gamma-ray radiation kilometres (480 million miles) closer to the Sun on its dayside, practically the size of its sun-facing
coming from enormous flashes of lightning emitted and you get a ‘hot Jupiter’. Astronomers have found hemisphere, where temperatures directly underneath
by the hot gas encircling the forbidding black hole hundreds of these hot Jupiters around other stars – the sun reach as much as 1,500 degrees Celsius
at the centre of the galaxy. In this gas are powerful and they are scorching, with temperatures as great as (2,730 degrees Fahrenheit). This creates winds that
electric fields that can unleash electrical discharges 3,200 degrees Celsius (5,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in outpace anything in our Solar System at 9,700
every few minutes across an area of space the size of the case of the exoplanet WASP-33b, which is so close kilometres (6,000 miles) per hour, whipping around
our Solar System, dwarfing all the weather familiar to to its star that its year lasts just 29 hours. The close the dark side of the planet, which always faces away
us from our planetary neighbours. proximity to their parent star means that they’re into space and never sees the light of its star – a dark
On Earth, lightning is assisted by moisture in the ‘tidally locked’ by gravity, so that they rotate at the and windy place, but never cold.
atmosphere, and huge amounts of water have been same speed that they take to orbit their star. This We often view the weather as an inconvenience,
detected as vapour in the gas around supermassive means they always show the same face to their stars, soaking us with rain, blowing our hair around with
© DK Images; Alamy; NASA; JPL
lightning around a black hole” far worse, not just within the confines of our Solar
System but beyond it too.
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