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Cosmic Evolution

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The Evolution of the Universe

edited by
David L. Alles
Western Washington University
e-mail: alles@biol.wwu.edu

Last Updated 2013-7-14

Note: In PDF format most of the images in this web paper
can be enlarged for greater detail.


If being educated means having an informed sense of time
and place, then it is essential for a person to be familiar with the
scientific aspects of the universe and know something of its
origin and structure.

Project 2061, American Association for the Advancement of Science


"The effort to understand the universe is one of the very
few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce,
and gives it some of the grace of tragedy."Steven Weinberg

Steven Weinberg is winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979,
and author of the book "The First Three Minutes".


Science at the beginning of the twenty-first century can make some bold,
yet simple observations:
1) the universe has evolved;
2) we are a result of that evolution.
We are the first generation of human beings to glimpse the sweep of
cosmic history, from the universe's fiery origin in the Big Bang to the
silent, stately flight of galaxies through the intergalactic night. (National
Research Council)

Order in the Universe

Cosmology is the study of the evolution of the universe from its first moments to the
present. In cosmology the most fundamental question we can ask is: Does our universe have
intelligible regularities that we can understandis it ordered? This question lies at the heart of
the scientific revolution beginning in the sixteenth century. That revolution began with the
discoveries by Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton of order in our world. Today our scientific
understanding of natures order has reached a critical threshold. Only now can we begin to
piece together a coherent picture of the whole. Only now can we begin to see the deep order of
our universe.
The evolution of the world can be compared to a display of fireworks that has
just ended; some few red wisps, ashes and smoke. Standing on a cooled cinder, we
see the slow fading of the suns, and we try to recall the vanishing brilliance of the
origin of the worlds. Abb Georges Lematre

We now understand the order in our world by using the standard Hot Big Bang model of
the evolution of the universe. The four key observational successes of the model are:

The Expansion of the Universe
Nucleosynthesis of the light elements
Origin of the cosmic background radiation
Formation of galaxies and large-scale structure

The Big Bang model makes accurate and scientifically testable hypotheses in each of these
areas, and the remarkable agreement with the observational data gives us considerable
confidence in the model.

Lematre with Einstein

Abb Georges Edouard Lematre (1894 -1966) was a Belgian astrophysicist and Priest
who developed an evolving cosmological model which indicated that the universe had begun
in a "Big Bang."
Einstein's theory of general relativity, announced in 1916, had led to various
cosmological models, including Einstein's own model of a static universe. Lematre in 1927
(and, independently, Alexander Friedmann in 1922) discovered a family of solutions to
Einstein's field equations of relativity that described not a static but an expanding universe.
This idea of an expanding universe was demonstrated experimentally in 1929 by Edwin
Hubble who was unaware of the work of Lematre and Friedmann. Lematre's model of the
universe received little notice until Eddington arranged for it to be translated and reprinted in
1931. It was not only the idea of an expanding universe which was so important in Lematre's
work, on which others were soon working, but also his attempt to think of the cause and
beginning of the expansion.
If matter is everywhere receding, it would seem natural to suppose that in the distant
past it was closer together. If we go far enough back, argued Lematre, we reach the "primal
atom", a time at which the entire universe was in an extremely compact and compressed state.
He spoke of some instability being produced by radioactive decay of the primal atom that was
sufficient to cause an immense explosion that initiated the expansion.


George Gamow (1904-1968)

Lematre's Big-Bang model did not fit well with the available time scales of the 1930s.
Nor did he provide enough mathematical detail to attract serious cosmologists. Its importance
today is due more to the revival and revision it received at the hands of George Gamow and
Ralph Alpher in 1948.
Web Reference for George Gamow:

For an excellent history of the development of the Big Bang theory see:
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe by Simon Singh (2004).

The Expansion of the Universe (1993)

As bizarre as it may seem, space itself is expandingspecifically, the vast regions of
space between galaxies. According to Einstein, space is not simply emptiness; it's a real,
stretchable, flexible thing. The notion that space is expanding is a prediction of Einstein's
theory of gravity, which describes a simple but universal relationship between space, time, and

In the late 1920's, the astronomer Edwin Hubble first observed that distant galaxies are
moving away from us, just as would be expected if the space between galaxies were growing
in volume and just as predicted by Einstein's theory of gravity. Since then, astronomers have
measured this recession for millions of galaxies.


Galaxy NGC 3370, a spiral galaxy like our own Milky Way
The galaxies sit more or less passively in the space around them. As the space between
galaxies expands, it carries the galaxies further apartlike raisins in an expanding dough.
However, the universe is a chaotic place and the gravity from one galaxy, or from a group of
galaxies, may disturb the motion of its near neighbors, causing them to collide. But on average,
when you compare two large enough chunks of space, the galaxies in one are moving away
from the galaxies in the other. Amazingly, space is not actually expanding "into" anything. Put
another way, a given region of space doesn't actually "push" the rest of the universe out of the
way as it expands.
Web Reference
(The following essay is from the Universe Forum produced for NASA by the Harvard
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in 2004.)

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang is actually not a "theory" at all, but rather a scenario or model about the
early moments of our universe, for which the evidence is overwhelming.

It is a common misconception that the Big Bang was the origin of the universe. In
reality, the Big Bang scenario is completely silent about how the universe came into existence
in the first place. In fact, the closer we look to time "zero," the less certain we are about what
actually happened, because our current description of physical laws do not yet apply to such
extremes of nature. The Big Bang scenario simply assumes that space, time, and energy
already existed. But it tells us nothing about where they came from or why the universe was
born hot and dense to begin with.

But if space and everything with it is expanding now, then the universe must have been
much denser in the past. That is, all the matter and energy (such as light) that we observe in the
universe would have been compressed into a much smaller space in the past. Einstein's theory
of gravity enables us to run the "movie" of the universe backwardsi.e., to calculate the
density that the universe must have had in the past. The result: any chunk of the universe we
can observeno matter how largemust have expanded from an infinitesimally small volume
of space.

By determining how fast the universe is expanding now, and then "running the movie of
the universe" backwards in time, we can determine the age of the universe. The result is that
space started expanding 13.77 billion years ago. This number has now been experimentally
determined to within 1% accuracy.

It's a common misconception that the entire universe began from a point. If the whole
universe is infinitely large today (and we don't know yet), then it would have been infinitely
large in the past, including during the Big Bang. But any finite chunk of the universesuch as
the part of the universe we can observe todayis predicted to have started from an extremely
small volume.

Part of the confusion is that scientists sometimes use the term "universe" when they're
referring to just the part we can see "the observable universe". And sometimes they use the
term universe to refer to everything, including the part of the universe beyond what we can see.

It's also a common misconception that the Big Bang was an "explosion" that took place
somewhere in space. But the Big Bang was an expansion of space itself. Every part of space
participated in it. For example, the part of space occupied by the Earth, the Sun, and our Milky
Way galaxy was once, during the Big Bang, incredibly hot and dense.
The same holds true of every other part of the universe we can see. We observe that
galaxies are rushing apart in just the way predicted by the Big Bang model. But there are other
important observations that support the Big Bang.

Astronomers have detected, throughout the universe, two chemical elements that could
only have been created during the Big Bang: hydrogen and helium. Furthermore, these
elements are observed in just the proportions (roughly 75% hydrogen, 25% helium) predicted
to have been produced during the Big Bang. This is the nucleosynthesis of the light elements.
This prediction is based on our well-established understanding of nuclear reactions
independent of Einstein's theory of gravity.

Second, we can actually detect the light left over from the era of the Big Bang. This is
the origin of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The blinding light that was
present in our region of space has long since traveled off to the far reaches of the universe. But
light from distant parts of the universe is just now arriving here at Earth, billions of years after
the Big Bang. This light is observed to have all the characteristics expected from the Big Bang
scenario and from our understanding of heat and light.

The standard Hot Big Bang model also provides a framework in which to understand
the collapse of matter to form galaxies and other large-scale structures observed in the
Universe today. At about 10,000 years after the Big Bang, the temperature had fallen to such
an extent that the energy density of the Universe began to be dominated by massive particles,
rather than the light and other radiation which had predominated earlier. This change in the
form of matter density meant that the gravitational forces between the massive particles could
begin to take effect, so that any small perturbations in their density would grow. Thirteen point
eight billion years later we see the results of this collapse in the structure and distribution of the

Web Reference


The Observable Universe
The best estimate of the age of the universe as of 2013 is 13.798 0.037 billion years
but due to the expansion of space humans are observing objects that were originally much
closer but are now considerably farther away (as defined in terms of cosmological proper
distance, which is equal to the co-moving distance at the present time) than a static 13.8 billion
light-years distance. The diameter of the observable universe is estimated at about 93 billion
light-years (28 billion parsecs), putting the edge of the observable universe at about 4647
billion light-years away.
Web Reference

The observable universe is a spherical volume of space.

The co-moving distance from Earth to the edge of the "visible" universe (also called the
particle horizon) is about 46.5 billion light-years in any direction. This defines a lower limit on
the co-moving radius of the "observable" universe, although it is expected that the visible
universe is somewhat smaller than the observable universe since we see only light from the
cosmic microwave background radiation that was emitted after the time of recombination,
giving us the spherical surface of last scattering. The visible universe is thus a sphere with a
diameter of about 93 billion light-years.

The Hubble Space Telescope 1996
Web Reference

The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) 1996
Web References

Hubble Ultra Deep Field Diagram

The Hubble Deep Field visible-light (HDF), released in 1996, looked back to within 1.0
billion years after the Big Bang. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field visible-light (HUDF), released
March 2004, looks back even further to a time only 0.7 billion years after the Big Bang, close
to the period when the first galaxies formed.

HUDF Image Credits: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the HUDF Team

Web References for HUDF diagram


Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) 2004

This Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) view of nearly 10,000 galaxies was the deepest
visible-light image of the cosmos in 2004. This galaxy-studded view of the Hubble Ultra Deep
Field represents a "deep" core sample of the universe, cutting across billions of light-years.
HUDF is an image of a small region of space in the constellation Fornax, composited from
Hubble Space Telescope data accumulated over a period from September 3, 2003 through
January 16, 2004. The patch of sky in which the galaxies reside was chosen because it had a
low density of bright stars in the near-field.

In vibrant contrast to the rich harvest of classic spiral and elliptical galaxies, there is
also a zoo of oddball galaxies littering the field, as shown in this close-up view of the HUDF.
Some look like toothpicks; others like links on a bracelet. A few appear to be interacting.
These oddball galaxies chronicle a period when the universe was younger and more chaotic.
Order and structure were just beginning to emerge.

HUDF 2004 References:

Dawn of the Galaxies: HUDF Infrared 2009

When did galaxies form? To find out, the deepest near-infrared image of the sky ever,
has been taken of the same field as the optical-light Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) in 2004.
This image was taken the summer of 2009, by the newly installed Wide Field Camera 3 on
the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. Faint red smudges identified on this image likely
surpass redshift 8 in distance. These galaxies, therefore, likely existed when the universe was
only a few percent of its present age, and may well be members of the first class of galaxies.
This early class of low luminosity galaxies likely contained energetic stars emitting light that
transformed much of the remaining normal matter in the universe from a cold gas to a hot
ionized plasma. Some large modern galaxies make a colorful foreground to these distant
Web Reference: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap091209.html

The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field 2012

The Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) is an image of a small part of space in the
center of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field within the constellation Fornax, showing the deepest
optical view in space. Released on September 25, 2012, the XDF image compiled 10 years of
previous images and shows galaxies from 13.2 billion years ago. The exposure time was two
million seconds, or approximately 23 days. The faintest galaxies are one ten-billionth the
brightness of what the human eye can see. Many of the smaller galaxies are very young
galaxies that eventually became the major galaxies, like the Milky Way and other galaxies in
our galactic neighborhood.
Web Reference


This illustration separates the XDF into three planes showing foreground, background,
and very far background galaxies. These divisions reflect different epochs in the evolving
universe. Fully mature galaxies are in the foreground plane that shows galaxies as they looked
less than 5 billion years ago. The universe is rich in evolving, nearly mature galaxies from 5 to
9 billion years ago. Beyond 9 billion years the universe is awash in compact galaxies and
proto-galaxies, blazing with young stars.

Web Reference


From the Dark Age to Starbrust

Stellar 'Fireworks Finale' Came First in the Young Universesubsequent analysis
of Hubble Space Telescope deep sky images supported the theory that the first stars in the
universe appeared in an abrupt eruption of star formation, rather than at a gradual pace. The
universe could go on making stars for trillions of years to come, before all the hydrogen is used
up, or is too diffuse to coalesce. But the universe will never again resemble the star-studded
tapestry that brought light to the darkness.

Web Reference


The End of the Dark Age

This is an artist's impression of how the very early universe might have looked when it
went through a voracious onset of star formation, converting primordial hydrogen into myriad
stars at an unprecedented rate. Back then the sky would have looked markedly different from
the sea of quiescent galaxies around us today. This sky is ablaze with primeval starburst
galaxies; giant elliptical and spiral galaxies have yet to form. Within the starburst galaxies,
bright knots of hot blue stars come and go like bursting fireworks shells. The most massive
stars self-detonate as supernovas, which explode across the sky like a string of firecrackers.
The foreground starburst galaxies at the lower right are sculpted with hot bubbles from
supernova explosions and torrential stellar winds.

Web Reference
The Early Cosmos: Out of the Darkness

Although no stars and galaxies existed just after the Big Bang, the young cosmos was
anything but dull. It was humming with activity. In the beginning, physical conditions were so
extreme that matter as we know it today did not exist.

During the early part of its existence, after one times ten to the minus 12th of a second,
our universe was so small and dense that light and matter intertwined; space was hot, dark, and
ionizedfilled with a plasma of charged particles. By the time the universe was one second
old, the temperatures and densities had dropped enough for protons and neutrons to form from
quarks. Within the next few minutes, the nuclei of the light elements, hydrogen, helium, and
lithium, were created in a process called primal or Big Bang nucleosynthesis. The universe at
this point was cooling rapidly enough to shut off the process of nucleosynthesis before
elements heavier than boron could form.

About four hundred thousand years after the Big Bang the cosmos had grown large
enough for matter and energy to move through space without immediately collidingending
the plasma state of the early universe. The universe had cooled to about 3,000 degrees Celsius
(5,400 degrees Fahrenheit) allowing electrons, protons, and neutrons to come together to form
neutral atomsthe basic building blocks of all visible matter in the universe. This marked the
Decoupling of matter and energy that we detect today as the cosmic microwave
background radiation. This radiation has been stretched and cooled by the expansion of the
universe from three thousand degrees to minus 270.42 degrees Celsius, or just three degrees
above absolute zero.

At this point the universe was made up mostly of clouds of hydrogen and helium atoms.
As the universe expanded and cooled, some regions of space amassed slightly higher densities
of hydrogen. As millions of years passed, the slight differences grew large, as dense areas drew
in material because they had more gravity. Researchers have dubbed this period of coalescing
the "Dark Ages."

Web Reference


Penzias and Wilson at the Holmdel Horn Antenna, New Jersey in 1964

In 1964, while using the horn antenna, Penzias and Wilson stumbled on the microwave
background radiation that permeates the universe. Cosmologists quickly realized that Penzias
and Wilson had made the most important discovery in modern astronomy since Edwin Hubble
demonstrated in the 1920s that the universe was expanding. This discovery provided the
evidence that confirmed George Gamow's and Abbe Georges Lemaitre's "Big Bang" theory of
the creation of the universe and forever changed the science of cosmology from a field for
unlimited theoretical speculation into a subject disciplined by direct observation..

Web Reference

Dr. Robert Wilson (left) and Dr. Arno Penzias (right) 1975
in front of the Holmdel Horn Antenna, Crawford Hill, N.J. (Photo Credit: Bell Labs)

In 1978, Penzias and Wilson received the Nobel Prize for Physics for their momentous

Web Reference


An artist's concept of the COBE satellite in Earth orbit in 1989.

Web Reference


COBE All-Sky Map 1992

The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite was launched in 1989, twenty
five years after the discovery of the microwave background radiation in 1964. In 1992, the
COBE team announced that they had discovered ripples at the edge of the universe, that is,
the first sign of primordial fluctuations at 380,000 years after the Big Bang. These are the
imprint of the seeds of galaxy formation. These appear as temperature variations on the full sky
map that COBE obtained (shown above). Red areas represent areas with slightly higher
temperatures and blue areas a slightly lower temperature than the mean.

Web Reference

In 2006, two American astronomers, John C. Mather of the NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and George F. Smoot of the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, won the Nobel Prize in Physics for their
work on the COBE project.


Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Satellite

The WMAP mission was proposed to NASA in 1995 and launched in 2001.

Web Reference


WMAP Spacecraft with the Earth, Moon, and Sun in the background.

The final command to stop collecting data was transmitted to the WMAP satellite on
August 19th 2010.

WMAP All-Sky Map 2003

Analyses of a high-resolution map released in 2003, of microwave light emitted only
380,000 years after the Big Bang (pictured above) appear to define our universe more precisely
than ever before. The results from the orbiting Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
resolve several long-standing disagreements in cosmology rooted in less precise data.
Specifically, present analyses of the WMAP all-sky map indicate that the universe is 13.7
billion years old (accurate to 1 percent), composed of 74 percent "dark energy", 22 percent
cold "dark matter", and only 4 percent atoms, is currently expanding at the rate of 71
km/sec/Mpc (accurate to 5 percent), and underwent an episode of rapid expansion called

Web Reference


WMAP All-Sky Map 2012-9 year

The universe is 13.73 billion years old, give or take 120 million years, astronomers
announced in early March 2008. That age, based on precision measurements of the oldest light
in the universe, agrees with results announced in 2006. Two additional years of data from a
NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe have narrowed the uncertainty by tens of
millions of years (Chang, 2008).
About 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe cooled enough for protons and
electrons to combine into hydrogen atoms. That released a burst of light, which over the
billions of years since has cooled to a bath of microwaves pervading the cosmos. Yet there are
slight variations in the background, which the NASA satellite had been measuring since 2001.
Those variations have given evidence supporting an idea known as cosmic inflation, a rapid
expansion of the universe in the first trillionth of a trillionth of a second of its existence. The
new set of data was precise enough to differentiate between various proposed models of
inflation. Astronomers can also now see strong evidence for the universe being awash in
almost mass-less subatomic particles known as neutrinos. This sea of primordial neutrinos
created in the Big Bang was expected.
The new data also refined findings that the earliest stars switched on 400 million years
after the Big Bang. The starlight started breaking up interstellar hydrogen atoms back into
charged protons and electronscreating a fog that deflected the cosmic microwavesbut took
half a billion years to break apart all of the atoms.

Web Reference

38 Years of Studying the CMB

This image allows a comparison of the resolution of the Holmdel Horn Antenna in
1965, to COBE in 1992, to WMAP in 2003, a time span of 38 years. The vague light across the
horn antenna view of the CMB and the red streaks across COBE and WMAP are light from the
Milky Way.

Web Reference


WMAP 2012-9 year Time Line of the Universe

The expansion of the universe over most of its history has been relatively gradual. The
notion that a rapid period "inflation" preceded the Big Bang expansion was first put forth 25
years ago by Alan Guth. The new WMAP observations favor specific inflation scenarios over
other long held ideas.
Web Reference

For more on the development of "inflation" theory see:


WMAP data from 2008 revealed that the universe's contents include ~ 4.6% atoms, the
building blocks of stars and planets. Dark matter comprised ~ 23% of the universe. This
matter, different from atoms, does not emit or absorb light. It has only been detected indirectly
by its gravity. And that ~ 72% of the universe is composed of "dark energy" that acts as a
sort of anti-gravity. This energy, distinct from dark matter, is responsible for the present-day
acceleration of the universal expansion. WMAP data is accurate to two digits, so the total of
these numbers is not 100%. This reflects the limit of WMAP's ability to define Dark Matter
and Dark Energy.


Fritz Zwicky and Dark Matter

"Most of us think of the universe as all the matter there is, and by matter we mean the
stuff we can see from afar or could touch if it were up close. But the motion of the observable
objects in the universe, like stars and galaxies and clouds of gas, make no sense if the universe
contains only ordinary, perceptible matter. This became apparent in 1933, thanks to an
astronomer named Fritz Zwicky.
He discovered that parts of a distant cluster of galaxies were moving too fast to remain
within the cluster if it contained only ordinary matter. He concluded that "dark matter", a
phrase he coined, held the cluster together. But for 70-plus years since, no one had observed
dark matter. It would be like seeing gravity. That has now changed."


Dark Evidence:
A composite image depicting normal matter (pink) and gravity (blue) shows
dark matter's presence in the "bullet cluster" of galaxies (2006).

Astronomers using ground-based telescopes and satellite observatories have witnessed a
separation between visible matter and the dark matter that shapes its motions (see above). It
occurred 100 million years ago when two galaxy clusters three billion light-years away passed
through each other at about 10 million miles an hour.

Imagine two crowds of pedestrians on a collision course. Some people in both groups
no doubt dressed in blackbasically refuse to engage with anyone and just keep moving. But
the ordinary people want to stop and chat. As the two crowds merge and then head in opposite
directions, the people in black will have pushed ahead, separating themselves from the rest.
That, in a nutshell, is what the astronomers saw, minus the people, of course.

Observing what was predicted a lifetime ago is an extraordinary accomplishment. It
confirms that this part of our picture of the universe is essentially correct. But observing dark
matter and knowing what it is are very different, and we are nowhere near the latter.

The matter in galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56, known as the "bullet cluster", is shown in the
composite image on the previous page. The bullet cluster's individual galaxies are seen in the
optical image data, but their total mass adds up to far less than the mass of the cluster's two
clouds of hot x-ray emitting gas shown in red. Representing even more mass than the optical
galaxies and x-ray gas combined, the blue hues show the distribution of dark matter in the

Otherwise invisible to telescopic views, the dark matter was mapped by observations of
gravitational lensing of background galaxies. In a text book example of a shock front, the
bullet-shaped cloud of gas at the right was distorted during the titanic collision between two
galaxy clusters that created the larger bullet cluster itself. But the dark matter present has not
interacted with the cluster gas except by gravity. The clear separation of dark matter and gas
clouds is considered direct evidence that dark matter exists.

Web Reference

Seigried, Tom (2006). Satellite's X-ray Vision Clinches the Case for Dark Matter. Science,
313(Aug 25), 1033.

Composite Image Credits: X-ray: NASA/CXC/CfA/ M. Markevitch et al.
Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U. Arizona/ D. Clowe et al.
Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U. Arizona/D. Clowe et al.

The Fate of the Universe before Dark Energy

Dr. Allan Sandage, the Carnegie Observatories astronomer, once called cosmology "the
search for two numbers" The first number is the Hubble constant, which tells how fast the
universe is expanding. Together with the other number telling how fast the expansion is
slowing, they determine whether the universe will expand forever or not.
The second number, known as the deceleration parameter, indicates how much the
cosmos had been warped by the density of its contents. In a high-density universe, space would
be curved around on itself like a ball. Such a universe would eventually stop expanding and
fall back together in a big crunch that would extinguish space and time, as well as the galaxies
and stars that inhabit them. A low-density universe, on the other hand, would have an opposite
or "open" curvature like a saddle, harder to envision, and would expand forever.
In between with no overall warpage at all was a "Goldilocks" universe with just the
right density to expand forever but more and more slowly, so that after an infinite time it would
coast to a stop. This was a "flat" universe in the cosmological parlance, and to many theorists
the simplest and most mathematically beautiful solution of all.

Web Reference
(Excerpts from: A Cosmic Conundrum by Lawrence M. Krauss and Michael S. Turner.)

An Accelerating Universe

"Beginning in 1998, the cozy picture of a flat, ever expanding universe began to
unravel. In 1998, two research groups, working independently, one led by Saul Perimutter, the
other by Brian Schmidt, both made the same startling discovery. Over the past five billion
years the expansion of the universe has been speeding up, not slowing down as it would under
the influence of gravity alone. Since then the evidence for a cosmic speedup has gotten much
stronger and has revealed not only a current accelerating phase but an earlier epoch of
deceleration dominated by gravity. Added to the question of what is causing the acceleration, a
flat universe requires a critical energy density, but ordinary matter even combined with cold
dark matter together comprise only 26 present of the needed mass, leaving the balance of 74
percent to be in the form of a mysterious "dark energy".

Vacuum or Dark Energya new form of energy driving the cosmic expansion

"One proposal for what is driving the current accelerating phase of the universe is the
energy of space itself. In quantum mechanics even empty space has an energy density in the
form of virtual particles that appear and then disappear almost instantaneously. On the very
small scales where quantum effects become important, even empty space is not really empty.
Instead virtual particle-antiparticle pairs pop out of the vacuum travel for a short distance and
then disappear again on timescales so fleeting that one cannot observe them directly. Yet their
indirect effects are very important and can be measured. This vacuum energy is now thought of
as Einstein's cosmological term. This new concept of the cosmological term, however, is quite
different from the one Einstein introduced into his equations. The problem with this picture,
however, is that all calculations and estimates of the magnitude of the empty-space energy so
far, lead to absurdly large values.

It is also possible that the explanation of cosmic acceleration will have nothing to do
with resolving the mystery of why the cosmological term is so small or how Einstein's theory
can be extended to include quantum mechanics. General relativity stipulates that an object's
gravity is proportional to its energy density plus three times its internal pressure. Any energy
form with a large, negative pressurewhich pulls inward like a rubber sheet instead of
pushing outward like a ball of gaswill therefore have repulsive gravity. So cosmic
acceleration may simply have revealed the existence of an unusual energy form, dubbed "dark
energy", that is not predicted by either quantum mechanics or string theory."

(The following essay is from the Universe Forum produced for NASA by the
Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.)

Where did the universe come from?
The ultimate mystery is inspiring new ideas and new experiments.
"No one knows how the first space, time, and matter arose. And scientists are grappling
with even deeper questions. If there was nothing to begin with, then where did the laws of
nature come from? How did the universe "know" how to proceed? And why do the laws of
nature produce a universe that is so hospitable to life? As difficult as these questions are,
scientists are attempting to address them with bold new ideasand new experiments to test
those ideas.
Understanding how the universe began requires developing a better theory of how
space, time, and matter are related. In physics, a theory is not a guess or a hypothesis. It is a
mathematical model that lets us make predictions about how the world behaves. Einstein's
theory of gravity, for example, accurately describes how matter responds to gravity in the
large-scale world around us. And our best theory of the tiny sub-atomic realm, called quantum
theory, makes very accurate predictions about the behavior of matter at tiny scales of distance.
But these two theories are not complete and are not able to make accurate predictions about the
very earliest moments when the universe was both extremely dense and extremely small.
Some of the best minds in physics are working on a new theory of space, time, and
matter, called "string theory," that may help us better understand where the universe came
from. String theory is based on new ideas that have not yet been tested. The theory assumes,
for example, that the basic particles in nature are not point particles, but are shaped like strings.
And the theory requires, and predicts, that space has more than the three dimensions in which
we move. According to one version of the theory, the particles and forces that make up our
world are confined to three dimensions we seeexcept for gravity, which can "leak" out into
the extra dimensions.
String theory has led to some bizarre new scenarios for the origin of the universe. In one
scenario, the Big Bang could have been triggered when our own universe collided with a
"parallel universe" made of these extra dimensions. Scenarios like these are very speculative,
because the string theory is still in development and remains untested, but they stimulate
astronomers to look for new forms of evidence.

Is our universe unique?
" Perhaps the most unsettling and far-reaching prediction of string theory, and also of
the inflationary universe model, is that the universe we live in is probably not unique. The
inflationary model predicts that Big Bangs are continually taking place in other regions of
space, and string theory suggests that these other mini-verses may be so different from our own
that even the laws of nature and the number of dimensions of space may be different.

This notionthat the universe as a whole may not look like the part we live inmay
help explain a puzzling mystery about our own universe: Why are the constants and laws of
nature just so, and not different? For example, why is the speed of light not faster than it is?
Why are electrons so much lighter than the protons they orbit in atoms? What we do know is
that if these fundamental laws and constants were even slightly different from what is
observed, then life as we know it would not exist. (For example, atoms would be less stable, or
stars and planets would not form.) Traditionally, physicists have sought some logical
explanation for why the universe is as it is. But the likelihood of multiple universes raises the
possibility that nature is merely playing dice: some universes have the right conditions for life,
while othersthe vast majoritydo not.
Nature is full of surprises, and this dialogue with nature has far to go. With every
generation, the universe we observe seems to be getting larger and more mysterious. Just a few
hundred years ago, the stars we see in the night sky seemed to be the limits of our universe.
Then Galileo's telescope opened up the panorama of stars that make up our Milky Way galaxy
of stars. A mere century ago, humanity still had not discovered that there are billions of
galaxies far beyond our own. Today, we can see as far as nature currently allowsback to the
moment of the Big Bang itself. Our ideas and ingenuity are conjuring a universe even larger
and more varied than we had ever imagined."

Web Reference for Essay


The Fate of the Universe with Dark Energy
"The discovery of cosmic acceleration has forever altered our thinking about the future
of the universe. Einstein's cosmological model was a universe finite in space but infinite in
time, remaining the same fixed size for eternitya static universe. This universe has no spatial
boundaries; it curves back on itself like a sphere.
After the discovery of cosmic expansion by Edwin Hubble in 1929, cosmologists
constructed a model of an infinite universe in which the rate of expansion continuously slowed
because of gravity, possibly leading to collapse and another cycle of expansion. In the 1980s
theorists added an early phase of rapid growth called inflation.
In the past six years observations have shown that the cosmic expansion began to
accelerate about five billion years ago. The ultimate fate of the universecontinued expansion,
collapse or a hyper-speedup called the "Big Rip", or something elsedepends on the nature of
the mysterious dark energy driving the accelerated expansion. Given this, we won't be able to
predict what the fate of the universe will be until we understand the nature of "dark energy".


Enter Planck
Planck, shown above, is a space observatory satellite of the European Space Agency
(ESA) designed to observe the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) over
the entire sky, at microwave and infra-red frequencies with high sensitivity and small angular
resolution. The project is named in honor of the German physicist Max Planck (18581947),
who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.
Planck was launched in May 2009, reaching the Earth/Sun L
point in July, and by
February 2010 had successfully started a second all-sky survey. On 21 March 2013, the
mission's all-sky map of the cosmic microwave background was released.

For an essay on the Planck mission go to:

ESA's Planck Cruising to the L2 Point
Planck's mission complements and improves upon observations made by NASA's
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which has measured the anisotropies at
larger angular scales and lower sensitivity than Planck.

Planck represents an advance over WMAP in several respects:
It has higher resolution, allowing it to probe the power spectrum of the CMB to much smaller
scales (!3).
It has higher sensitivity (!10). It observes in 9 frequency bands rather than 5, with the goal of
improving the astrophysical foreground models.
On the following page are two images that compare Planck's first CMB image to the last
of WMAP's images of the CMB.
L2 Point

Planck CMB 2013-3-21

WMAP CMB 2012-9 yrs


This comparison shows the dramatic difference in resolution between
COBE and WMAP, and WMAP and Planck.


ESA full sky CMB comparison of WMAP's resolution to Planck's


Planck Enhanced Anomalies

Two CMB anomalous features hinted at by Plancks predecessor, NASAs WMAP, are
confirmed in the new high-precision data. One is an asymmetry in the average temperatures on
opposite hemispheres of the sky (indicated by the curved line), with slightly higher average
temperatures in the southern ecliptic hemisphere and slightly lower average temperatures in the
northern ecliptic hemisphere. This runs counter to the prediction made by the standard model
that the Universe should be broadly similar in any direction we look. There is also a cold spot
that extends over a patch of sky that is much larger than expected (circled). In this image the
anomalous regions have been enhanced with red and blue shading to make them more clearly

Web Reference

ESA's Planck Time Line of our universe


ESA's Planck Resolution of our universe

Planck Cosmic Pie Chart 2013-3-21

WMAP Cosmic Pie Chart 2012-9 yrs


ESA's Evolution of our universe
References for The Evolution of the Universe:

Chang, K. (2008, March 9). Gauging Age of Universe Becomes More Precise. The New York
Times, Science.

Editorial (2006, Aug 23). Seeing the Dark. The New York Times, Opinion.

Guth, A. H. (1997). The Inflationary Universe. Reading, MA: Perseus Books.

Krauss, L. M. & Turner, M. S. (2004). A Cosmic Conundrum. Scientific American, (Sept), 71-

Seigried, Tom (2006). Satellite's X-ray Vision Clincher the Case for Dark Matter. Science,
313(Aug 25), 1033.


On the State of Modern Cosmology

by David L. Alles, 2013-7-14

"The Catholic Church, which put Galileo under house arrest for daring to say that Earth
orbits the sun, isnt known for easily accepting new scientific ideas. So it came as a surprise
when Pope Pius XII declared his approval in 1951, of a brand new cosmological theorythe
Big Bang. What entranced the pope was the very thing that initially made scientists wary: The
theory says the universe had a beginning, and that both time and space leaped out of
nothingness. It seemed to confirm the first few sentences of Genesis."(3)

As to the Universe from a philosophical view, in this case philosophical naturalism (4),
there is only one tenable position. The Universe is eternal in time and infinite in space. There is
no "outside of" the Universe. There is also a central tenet in philosophical naturalism that must
be followed: We can not resort to "special creation"(5)ever. It follows, then, that, if there is
"something" now, rather than nothing, then there has always (in an absolute sense) been

In addition to the central tenet of naturalism is the definition of "Universe" itself. The
Universe is "all that exists"(6). This definition leaves no room for anything else. To view the
Universe as finite in time, one would have to conceive of a universal nothingness before the
existence of the Universe. Zero, zip, nadareality would not exist. A universal nothingness is
not the astrophysicists' concept of "space" where matter pops in and out of a quantum foam.
There would be no space or time. A universal nothingness would have no events to mark time,
no matter, no "dark matter", no "dark energy", nothingincluding "nothing". So you see to go
from a "universal nothingness" to a "universal somethingness" you would have to violate the
central tenet of naturalism. Science is restricted to the epistemological tenets of philosophical
naturalism, which are commonly referred to as "methodological naturalism"(4).

If, however, the theoretical concept of "Multiverse"(7) is correct, then our particular
"universe" is not "all there is." It is only one of possibly an infinite number of "universes"
throughout eternity, as in a cyclic Universe (8), or in infinite space, as in multiple universes
existing at the same time (9), or both (see Note 1). This implies that the fate of our particular
"universe" isn't very important in the grand scheme of things. The "Multiverse" may well be
unconcerned about the fate of our "universe".

There are two very important points to be made here:
Point 1) We are back to a very old position (10). Our "universe" because it has a linear
history, must cycle into and out of different phases. It's cyclical (8). You see it is, after all,
"turtles all the way down"(11) i.e. an infinite regression. But the Multiverse, itself, is infinite in
time and space. It had no beginning and will have no end (see Notes 2 and 3).
Point 2) Copernicus strikes again (12)it would be the greatest of hubris to think our
"universe" with, and because of, its linear history, is all there is. Our Earth is not at the center
of our "universe" and our "universe" probably isn't at the center of the Multiverse. After all,
besides having infinite knowledge, what would it take to prove that our "universe" is all that
there is? (see Note 4)

And finally, because of Gdel's Incompleteness Theorems (13) it may be fundamentally
impossible to prove that our "universe" is all that there is. We are inside of it, and may never
be able to see out.

At this point I will invoke "Ignorance" as a central epistemological principle. We simply
don't know the fundamental nature of the Universe, and we probably never will. And perhaps
we should learn to live with that. The problem is, of course, we don't know what we're capable
of knowing. In other wordswe don't know, what we can know. (see Note 5)



Note 1) Universe or Multiverse; universe or multiverse
At one point or another a consensus must be reached on these terms. Currently, different
authors apply different meanings to them as summarized below.

A. Universeall that there is. It had a beginning, but will have no end (14)

B. Universeall that there is, including possibly many smaller "baby universes"(9). These
baby universes can themselves give rise to other "baby universes". These "baby universes" can
also be referred to as "multiverses".

C. Multiverse a non-cyclic "all that there is", that gives rise to many smaller "baby
universes." These baby universes are also non-cyclic, but can give rise to other "baby
universes". Tegmark's Level III many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics (7)

D. Multiverse a cyclic M-theory "all that there is". This Multiverse cycles from one
"universe" to another throughout eternity (8).

The Steinhardt-Turok Cyclical Multiverse (8)

Note: that I've tried to use capital letters, as in "Universe" and "Multiverse" when these terms
are used to mean the entirety of existence "all that there is." Whereas, I've used the lower
case "universe" or "multiverse" to mean that these entities are a part of an all
encompassing "Universe" or "Multiverse".
Note 2) Jainism's beliefs about the Cosmos (10)

"Jainism has been a major cultural, philosophical, social and political force since the
dawn of civilization in Asia, and its ancient influence has been noted in other religions,
including Buddhism and Hinduism." "Jains hold that the Universe is eternal, without beginning
or end. However, the universe undergoes processes of cyclical change." "Jains do not believe
in an omnipotent supreme being, creator or manager, but rather in an eternal Universe
governed by natural laws."
Note 3) In trying to understand an infinite Universe, imagine instead a sphere where all of
reality exists, but only on its surface. Then imagine you are on the surface of the sphere at
some pointany point. Now you start walking, looking all the while for an edgethe end of
reality. Your journey will be eternal, just as a cyclical universe is eternal. This is not a
complicated idea. And, yet, as mortals our lives are linear with a beginning and an end. So we
expect all of reality to be the same, but it isn't. (By the way, the edge of a sphere is up, not
sideways. But in the case of the Universe there is no "up".)

Note 4) The history of Twentieth Century physics may be a history of the evils of hubris in
science. We collectively thought we had the fundamental answers to the nature of the universe,
but we didn't. "Lawrence Krauss, a cosmologist from Arizona State, said that most theories
were wrong. 'We get the notions they are right because we keep talking about them,' he said.
Not only are most theories wrong, he said, but most data are also wrongat firstsubject to
glaring uncertainties. The recent history of physics, he said, is full of promising discoveries
that disappeared because they could not be repeated."(2) Therefore, that ~68% of the universe
is now thought to be "dark energy" is dark indeed (15) (16).
Note 5) "Ignorance" as a philosophical principle is underrated. We desperately need to know
where our knowledge ends and our ignorance begins. Epistemology should be a fundamental
component of what every would-be scientist should study. After all, we must know where the
limits of our knowledge are in order to know where we should be working.
(1) Overbye, D. (2008, June 3). Dark, Perhaps Forever. The New York Times, Science.

(2) Overbye, D. (2010, Jan. 26). Physicists Dreams and Worries in Era of the Big Collider.
The New York Times, Science.

(3) Lemonick, M. D. (2004). Before the Big Bang. Discover magazine, February, 36-41.
http://discovermagazine.com/2004/feb/cover (see print version)

(4) Definition of Philosophical Naturalism and Methodological Naturalism
See also: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/barbara_forrest/naturalism.html

(5) Definition of "special creation": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_creation

(6) Definition of Universe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universe

(7) Definition of Multiverse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse

(8) Definition of Cyclic M-theory Universe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_model
See also Paul J. Steinhardt: http://www.physics.princeton.edu/~steinh/

(9) Carroll, Sean (2010). From Eternity to Here. New York: Dutton, page 355.
(10) Jainism Cosmology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism

(11) "turtles all the way down": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtles_all_the_way_down

(12) The Copernican Principle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copernican_principle

(13) Gdel's Incompleteness Theorems:

See also: Binder, P.-M. (2008). Philosophy of science: Theories of almost everything.
Nature 455(16 Oct), 884-885, News and Views | doi:10.1038/455884a

(14) Standard Cosmological Model: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_cosmology.

(15) Planck's 68.3% dark energy chart:

(16) Wikipedia's "Dark Energy" entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy

Suggested Books:

Paul J. Steinhardt & Neil Turok (2007). Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang. New York:

Carroll, Sean (2010). From Eternity to Here. New York: Dutton.

Krauss, Lawrence M. (2012). A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than
Nothing. New York: Free Press.

For further information on related topics go to:

Alles Lecture: Cosmological Evolution

Alles Biology Home Page

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