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Esoteric, Occult, Fraternity, Sorority, and Guild Compendium

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Esoteric, Occult, Fraternity, Sorority,

and Guild Compendium

Esoteric, Occult, Fraternity, Sorority, and Guild Compendium

Author: Frater Netzach

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including printing, photocopying,
uploading to the web, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
or used in another book, without specific written permission from the publisher,
except for short fully credited extracts or quotes for scholastic or review purposes.

Disclaimer: All images are from their respective sources. Credits and respect goes to
them. Images are carefully edited or selected with regards to the topic or subject for
the purpose of not giving the reader or audience the wrong impression or intention.
This compendium intentionally omitted some details for purpose of privacy. All
details or images are subject for change/editing or upgrade/improvisation depending
upon the necessity of individual/s or groups.

“Greetings to my fellow brothers and sisters in the Order of

Table of Contents

List of Fraternity and Sorority Mottos

List of Fraternal and Other Organization Logos

Fraternity and It’s Definition

Fraternal Uniforms and Outfits

Fraternal Jewelries, Adornments and Decorations

Fraternity Swords/Regalia
List of Fraternities and Sorority Mottos

North-American Interfraternity Conference and Fraternity Leadership Association

*Acacia : Ωφελουντες Ανθρωπους ["Human Service"]

*Alpha Chi Rho : ANΔPIZEΣΘE ["Be Men"]
*Alpha Delta Phi : Manus Multae Cor Unum (Many Hands One Heart)
*Alpha Epsilon Pi:"No one could tell me where my soul might be; I searched for God,
but He eluded me; I sought my brother out and found all three." Poet Howard Crosby
*Alpha Delta Gamma: Γνωοσθεντες εφ Φιλων : Known among Friends or Known by
Friends or A Man is Known by His Friends.
*Alpha Gamma Rho : Making Better Men
*Alpha Gamma Sigma : Where Quality Counts
*Alpha Kappa Lambda : Alethia Kai Logos ["The Truth and The Word"] :
Men of Character Committed to Making a Difference
*Alpha Kappa Gamma : To live a Gammakins, To Die a Gammakins
*Alpha Phi Alpha : First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All
*Alpha Phi Delta : Faciamus ["We Do."]
*Alpha Sigma Phi : Causa Latet Vis Est Notissima ["The Cause is Hidden,] to better
the man ΑΣΦ
*Alpha Tau Omega : πι εψιλον πι
*Beta Chi Theta : Above All Else, Brotherhood
*Beta Theta Pi : _______ καί _______
(Every chapter has a unique motto, with words that begin with the same letters as the
chapter's name.)
*Chi Phi : Truth, Honesty and Personal Integrity
*Chi Psi (No open motto)
*Delta Chi : Leges ["Law"]
*Delta Kappa Epsilon: Friends From The Heart Forever
*Delta Lambda Phi: Lambda Men Are Making Their Presence Known
*Delta Phi : Semper Ubique
*Delta Psi (No open motto)
*Delta Sigma Phi : Challenging Each Man To A Greater Good; Better Men, Better
*Delta Tau Delta: Committed to Lives Of Excellence
*Delta Upsilon : Δıκαıα Υποθηκη ["Justice, Our foundation"]
*FarmHouse : Builder Of Men
*Iota Nu Delta : Brotherhood Eternal
*Iota Phi Theta : Building a Tradition, Not Resting Upon One
*Kappa Alpha Order : Dieu Et Les Dames ["For God and the Ladies"]
*Kappa Alpha Psi : Achievement in every field of human endeavor
*Kappa Alpha Society (No open motto)
*Kappa Delta Phi (No open motto)
*Kappa Delta Rho : Honor Super Omnia ["Honor Above All Things"]
*Kappa Sigma (Formerly in IFC) : Bononia Docet. ["Bologna Teaches."]
*Lambda Chi Alpha : Per Cruscem Crescans ["Crescent in the Cross"] : Χαλεπα τα κ
αλα ["Naught without labor"]
(from Plato's "Cratylus".) : Vir Quisque Vir ["Every Man a Man"]
(from Theta Kappa Nu's Vir quisque vir est. ["Every man is a man."] )
*Lambda Phi Epsilon : To Be Leaders Among Men
*Lambda Sigma Upsilon : Latinos Siempre Unidos
*Lambda Theta Phi : Chivalry Above Self
*Phi Alpha Epsilon: Pro deo et patria, Better Living through Better understanding.
*Phi Beta Kappa: Philosophia biou kubernetes.
*Phi Delta Epsilon: Facta Non Verba; Deeds Not Words
*Phi Delta Theta: We enjoy life by the help and society of others; One man is no man.
*Phi Gamma Delta: Friendship, the sweetest influence
*Phi Iota Alpha: Semper Parati Semper Juncti ["Always Prepared, Always Together"]
*Phi Kappa Psi: The Great Joy of Serving Others
*Phi Kappa Sigma: Stellis Aequus Durando ["Equal to the stars in endurance"]
*Phi Kappa Tau: Where Character Counts; ΑΞΙΟΣ ΕΣΤΙ Η ΤΗΝ ΝΙΚΗΝ (official mo
tto - the meaning is kept secret)
*Phi Kappa Theta: Give, expecting nothing thereof.
(St. Thomas Aquinas, based on Luke 6:35): God and College (Out of use since the 19
70s. [http://www.phikaps.org/about/aboutphikap.html] )
*Phi Lambda Chi (No open motto)
*Phi Mu Delta (No open motto)
*Phi Sigma Alpha: Caballeros ante todo. : Omne Rarum Carum
*Phi Sigma Kappa: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
*Phi Sigma Phi Honor, Wisdom, Justice
*Pi Delta Psi: Excellence Through Brotherhood
*Pi Lambda Chi: Preserving Latina Culture
*Pi Kappa Alpha: Once a Pike, Always a Pike. :
*Pi Kappa Phi: Ουδεη διασπασει ημας ["Nothing Shall Ever Tear Us Asunder"]
*Pi Lambda Phi: Not four years, but a lifetime
*Psi Upsilon: Unto us has befallen a mighty friendship.
*Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Phi Alpha, True Gentleman
*Sigma Alpha Mu (No open motto)
*Sigma Chi: In Hoc Signo Vinces. ("In this sign you will conquer.")
*Sigma Lambda Beta: Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture
*Sigma Lambda Gamma: Culture is Pride, Pride is Success
*Sigma Nu: Love, Honor, Truth : Excelling with Honor
*Sigma Phi Delta: Pro Bono Professionis ["For the Good of the Profession"]
*Sigma Phi Epsilon: VDBL- Virtue, Diligence, Brotherly Love
*Sigma Phi Rho:"Strong Character and Good Moral Judgment are the Essence of
*Sigma Phi Society: (No open motto)
*Sigma Pi: Σεβаστη Πιστισ
*Sigma Tau Gamma: Men of Principle, Value, Learning, Leadership, Excellence,
Benefit, Integrity
*Tau Delta Phi (No open motto)
*Tau Epsilon Phi: Friendship, Chivalry, Service
*Tau Kappa Epsilon: Love Charity and Esteem; also, Not for wealth, rank or honor, b
ut for personal worth and character
*Theta Chi : Θηρόποσα Χείρ An Assisting Hand : Maxim: Alma Mater First and Thet
a Chi for Alma Mater
*Theta Delta Chi: Our Hearts Are United
*Theta Tau: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might Ecc 9 :10
*Theta Xi: "Juncti Juvant" - United they Serve
*Triangle: Veritas Omnia Vincit
*Zeta Psi: Tau Kappa Phi
National Panhellenic Conference

Alpha Chi Omega: Together let us seek the heights.

*Alpha Delta Pi: We Live For Each Other
*Alpha Epsilon Phi: Multa Corda, Una Causa ["Many Hearts, One Purpose"]
*Alpha Gamma Delta: No open motto, but "Inspire the Woman, Impact the World"
and "Surrounded by Sisterhood" are used.
*Alpha Omicron Pi: No open motto, but "One Motto, One Badge, One Bond, and
Singleness of Heart" is used.
*Alpha Phi: Union Hand In Hand
*Alpha Sigma Alpha: Aspire, Seek, Attain
*Alpha Sigma Tau:
*Alpha Xi Delta: The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword
*Chi Omega: Hellenic Culture and Christian Ideals
*Delta Delta Delta: Let Us Steadfastly Love One Another
*Delta Gamma: Do Good
*Delta Phi Epsilon: Esse Quam Videri ["To Be Rather Than To Seem To Be"] :
Dedication, Pride, Excellence
*Delta Zeta : No public motto
*Gamma Phi Beta : Founded Upon A Rock
*Kappa Alpha Theta : No official motto, but "Sisterhood, Unity, Support" is used.
*Kappa Delta : Ta Kala Diokomen ["Let us strive for that which is Honorable,
Beautiful, and Highest"]
*Kappa Kappa Gamma
*Phi Mu : Les Soeurs Fideles ["The Faithful Sisters"]
*Phi Sigma Sigma : Diokete Hupsala ["Aim High"]
*Pi Beta Phi : Cultivating Sincere Friendship
*Sigma Delta Tau : Patriae Multae Spes Una ["One Hope of Many People"]
*Sigma Kappa : One Heart, One Way
*Sigma Sigma Sigma : Faithful Unto Death :To Receive Much, You Must Give Much
*Theta Phi Alpha : Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring
*Zeta Tau Alpha : Seek The Noblest
National Pan-Hellenic Council

Alpha Kappa Alpha : By Culture and By Merit

*Alpha Phi Alpha : First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All
*Delta Sigma Theta : Intelligence is the Torch of Wisdom
*Iota Phi Theta : Building a Tradition, Not Resting Upon One
*Kappa Alpha Psi : Achievement in every field of human endeavor
*Omega Psi Phi : Friendship is Essential to the Soul
*Phi Beta Sigma : Culture for Service and Service for Humanity
*Sigma Gamma Rho : Greater Service, Greater Progress
*Zeta Phi Beta : A Community-Conscious, Action-Oriented Organization

National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations

Alpha Pi Sigma
*Chi Upsilon Sigma : Corazones Unidos Siempre ["Hearts United Always"] :
Wisdom Through Education
*Gamma Alpha Omega : Nos Una Crescemus ["United We Will Grow"]
*Gamma Zeta Alpha
*Kappa Delta Chi
*Lambda Alpha Upsilon : ¡Venceremos porque Nacimos para Triunfar!
["We will Overcome because we were Born to Triumph!"]
*Lambda Pi Chi : La Hermandad Nunca Termina ["Brotherhood never endeth"]
*Lambda Pi Upsilon : Con Amor, Dignidad Y Orgullo ["Always with Love, Dignity
& Pride!"]
*Lambda Sigma Upsilon : Latinos Siempre Unidos ["Latinos Always United"]
*Lambda Theta Alpha : Unity, Love, and Respect
*Lambda Theta Nu
*Lambda Theta Phi : Chivalry Above Self
*Lambda Upsilon Lambda : La Unidad Para Siempre ["Unity forever"]
*Nu Alpha Kappa : Men of Mind..Men of Culture..Men of Pride..
*Omega Delta Phi : Cresit Eundo ["It Grows as it Goes"] : One Culture, Any Race
*Omega Phi Beta : Sirviendo y Educando Atraves de Nuestra Diversidad ["Serving
and Educating Through Our Diversity"]
*Pi Lambda Chi : Preserving Latina Culture
*Phi Iota Alpha : Semper Parati Semper Juncti ["Always Prepared Always Together"]
*Sigma Iota Alpha : Semper Unum et Inseparabilis ["Always One and Inseparable"]
*Sigma Lambda Beta : Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture
*Sigma Lambda Gamma : Culture is Pride, Pride is Success
*Sigma Lambda Upsilon : Hasta La Muerte ["Until Death"]

National Multicultural Greek Council

Delta Phi Lambda : Let our Light Shine Forth

*Delta Sigma Chi : Per.
*Delta Xi Phi
*Gamma Omega Delta : Building our Future by Reclaiming our Past
*Iota Psi Phi
*Lambda Psi Delta : Sovereignty to the Community
*Lambda Tau Omega : Excellence Through Unity, Knowledge and Dedication
*Mu Sigma Upsilon : Mujeres Siempre Unidas ["Women Always United"]
*Omega Phi Chi
*Phi Alpha Epsilon Serving the Community for better living thru better understanding.
*Phi Sigma Chi : We are bound by nothing, for Phi is the limit
*Psi Sigma Phi : Multicultural by Birth, Not by Choice

National Multicultural Sororities

Delta Gamma Pi : In Diversity, There Is Beauty & Strength

*Theta Nu Xi : Sisters of Diversity, Together as ONE
*Zeta Sigma Chi : Keeping the Dream Alive

National Christian Sororities

Alpha Delta Chi: : As in a Mirror

*Delta Psi Epsilon : The Sorority that Puts God First
*Sigma Alpha Omega : One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood
*Sigma Phi Lambda : Sisterhood, Unity, Support
*Theta Alpha : As one, for One

Other Greek Letter Organizations

Alpha Chi Alpha : Fidelis et Suavis ["Faithful and Agreeable"]

*Alpha Delta Sigma : The brilliance of our sisterhood shall be a light for the world.
*Alpha Lambda Delta : Allélois Lampádia Diadósousin ["We shall pass our torches
on, one to another."]
*Alpha Mu Phi : In Unity We Stand
*Alpha Phi Epsilon : Thy Will to Serve!
*Alpha Kappa Delta Phi : Timeless Friendship through Sisterhood.
*Alpha Pi Omega : My sister as myself
*Alpha Phi Omega : Be a leader. Be a friend. Be of service.
*Alpha Psi Omega : Seek a Life Useful
*Alpha Rho Chi : Fidelitas, Amor et Artes ["Fidelity and Love of the Arts"]
*Alpha Sigma Kappa : Nothing is Impossible with Sigman's
*Alpha Sigma Rho : Strength in Unity
*Alpha Zeta Omega : Brotherly love, Peace and Friendship
*Beta Phi Pi : Striving For Success, Stressing Excellence
*Beta Phi Upsilon : Brotherhood, friendship, usefulness
*Beta Gamma Sigma : Bebaeos Gnosis Spoude ["Honor, Wisdom, Earnestness"]
*Beta Sigma Theta : Faith, Brotherhood, Scholarship
*Beta Upsilon Chi : Behold how good and how pleasing it is when brothers dwell
together in unity.
*Chi Rho Omicron : Mga Lalaking Kagalanggalangan.
["Respectful Young Gentlemen"]
*Delta Epsilon Psi : In our Brother lies our Strength
*Delta Phi Mu : La Esperanza del Futuro Esta en las Manos de la Mujer.
["The hope of the future is in the hands of the woman"]
*Delta Lambda Chi : Reach for the stars, but remain down to earth.
*Delta Gamma Sigma : Strength through Unity, Dependability and Pride.
*Delta Theta Tau : Sic itur ad astra! ["This is the way to the stars!"]
*Epsilon Sigma Alpha, International : Education, Service, Association
*Epsilon Sigma Phi : What we want most to be, we are.
*Gamma Alpha : Γνωθι την 'Αληθεια ["Know the Truth"]
*Gamma Beta Lambda : Always Vigilant
*Gamma Gamma Chi : Striving for the pleasure of Allah (SWT) through sisterhood,
scholarship, and leadership
*Gamma Lambda Omega : "Ready for all things,Therefore i exist"
*Gamma Phi Omicron : "Greatness and prosperity through oneness"
*Gamma Sigma Sigma : Unity In Service
*Iota Lambda Pi : One Heart, One Purpose
*Iota Phi Lambda :Upward and Onward in Efficient Service
*Kappa Beta Gamma : Character, Culture, Courage
*Kappa Delta Zeta : "Be the change you wish to see"
*Kappa Kappa Psi : Strive for the Highest!
*Kappa Omega Mu : Love, Peace, Prosperity
*Kappa Psi Epsilon : Reach for your dreams.
*Kappa Xi Kappa : Over and Above.
*Kappa Upsilon Chi : "As Iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another." -
Proverbs 27:17
*Lambda Phi Delta : Sisterhood, friendship, Loyalty.
*Lambda Theta Rho : Unity, Peace, Service.
*Nu Sigma Pi : United we are strong and Successful
*Omega Phi Alpha : Today's Friends, Tomorrow's Leaders, Forever in Service.
*Omega Phi Gamma : Bound by Honor, Rise above All.
*Omega Zeta Chi : Self, Sisterhood, Service.
*Omicron Delta Kappa : O Δαφνοκομοσ Κυκλοσ ["The Laurel Crowned Circle"]
*Phi Society : Thus Always to Tyrants and Loyalty Above All
*Phi Alpha Epsilon - Be a Leader, Be on service and Be a true PAE Educator.
*Phi Alpha Tau : Further the Communicative Arts
*Phi Delta Chi : Alterium Alterius Auxilio Eget ["Each needs the help of the other"]
*Phi Delta Zeta : Friendship, Honor, and Service
*Phi Delta Sigma : Honor, Virtue, Brotherhood
*Phi Eta Sigma : φρονις εστι δυναμις ["Knowledge is power."]
*Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia : Among Men, Harmony
*Phi Sigma Nu : Men of Valor, Men of Pride
*Phi Zeta Phi Foundation : Relax, You're Amongst Friends!"
*Gamma Phi : Cooperation Do or Die Well Stand United Forever.
*Phi Upsilon Kappa Upsilon : Offenders
*Sigma Alpha Iota : Vita brevis, ars longa. ["Life is short, but art is long."]
*Sigma Iota Omega : Anima in amicus una. [A single soul in friends.]
*Sigma Kappa Tau : Individually Unique, Together Complete
*Sigma Mu Delta : Prevailing Together
*Sigma Phi Chi : Love and Defense for Chiropactic.
*Tau Kappa Sigma : Love, Loyalty, and Sisterhood
*Tau Beta Sigma : For Greater Bands!
*Theta Alpha : As one, for ONE.
*Theta Chi Epsilon : Sisterhood Binds Through Life
*Upsilon Phi Upsilon: UNITED We Stand, DIVIDED We Fall and Through Friendshi
p we obtain UNITY in which we strive for EXCELLENCE.
*Zeta Upsilon : Friendship through the acceptance of individuality
*Psi Beta Gamma "The longest journey begins with a single step," and,
"It's the giving that makes us what we are."

Note: While the details and list has been provided, this doesn’t necessarily represent
all the existing fraternity or sorority groups that could be existing overall. Source:
List of Fraternal and Other Organization Logos

Disclaimer: All images are from respected sources. Credits and respect goes to them.
While details and information has been provided, this does not necessarily represent
the overall existing fraternal, sorority groups or organizations existing wholly in the
Fraternity and It’s Definition

A fraternity (from Latin frater: "brother"; whence, "brotherhood") or fraternal

organization is an organization, society, club or fraternal order traditionally
of men associated together for various religious or secular aims.
The only true distinction between a fraternity and any other form of social
organizations is the implication that the members are freely associated as equals for a
mutually beneficial purpose rather than because of a religious, governmental,
commercial, or familial bond – although there are fraternities dedicated to each of
these fields of association.

Disclaimer: Images of reading materials are provided only for educational purposes
with regards to the differences of the type of organizations wherein no intention of
malice or conflict should exist.
Fraternal Uniforms and Outfit

Knights of Columbus

Order of Demolay
Order of Meterions

Disclaimer: While the image used of the said RPG character resembles the image on
the upper left corner, said resemblance is highly based on coincidence. And the use of
the said image of the game character is only done for portrayal purposes with no
intention of harm or trickery.
Fraternal Jewelries, Adornments and Decorations

Lapel Pins

Fraternity Paddles

Disclaimer: Some of the images were intentionally cropped. But for fair use of image
and purposes of referring where the source of the image could be found, kindly visit
social media websites. Said images are presented only for educational purposes, with
no intention of harm or deceit.
Fraternity Swords/Regalia

Swords via their respective guilds; KoC and Demolay

Order of Meterion Ritual Regalia

Disclaimer: Said images are provided for visual and educational purposes only,
credits and respect goes to sources. For fair use of said image/s, kindly visit online
shops in which they can be searched using internet search engines.

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