Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Frictionless Braking System
Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Frictionless Braking System
Ijser: Design and Fabrication of Frictionless Braking System
Abstract: The idea of electromagnetic braking comes with the advantages and disadvantages of stresses in calipers and
dissipation of heat. The electromagnetic braking system entirely depends on magnetic power to move the parts of the braking
system. The system indulges the principle of if a magnetic field is induced in the rotating disc, then the other side produces the
eddy current of the movement or rotation of the disc brake. The major parts of an electromagnetic braking system are braking
discs, solenoid, circuit board, step-down transformer and battery power.
Electromagnetism: Electromagnetism is one of the four least environmental impact, automotive manufacturers are
fundamental interactions in nature. The other three are the investing in developing EMB (Electromechanical braking
strong interaction, the weak interaction and gravitation. systems). Electromagnetic brakes are simply an mechanical
Electromagnetism is the force that causes the interaction brakes which bring about retardation by applying
between electrically charged particles; the areas in which this electromagnetic induction in the disc brake in direction
happens are called electromagnetic fields. opposite to the rotation of the actual disc i.e. If vehicle is
moving forward then rotation of disc will be clockwise (Frame
Magnetic Effect of Current: The term "Magnetic effect of
of reference is from left hand side of vehicle) then the
current" means that "a current flowing in a wire produces a
magnetic field will be counter clockwise. By this way the
magnetic field around it". The magnetic effect of current was
motion of the brake is retarded by the brakes but there is no
discovered by Ousted in 1820. Ousted found that a wire
physical contact in any case.
carrying a current was able to deflect a magnetic needle.
This is a revolutionary concept. Hence electrical energy from
Electromagnet: An electric current can be used for making
the appropriate power source is used to the purpose. As any
temporary magnets known as electromagnets. An
type of brake, the heat energy is generated in the brakes which
electromagnet works on the Magnetic effect of current. It has
have to be exhausted into environment but wear and tear is
been found that if a soft iron rod called core is placed inside a
minimized. Brakes are imperative for any vehicle and a
solenoid, then the strength of the magnetic field becomes very
substantial vehicle by and large uses grating brakes alongside
large because the iron ore is magnetized by induction.
Electromagnetic brakes. This venture primarily concentrates
on building slowing mechanism, which can be material in bike
Eddy Currents: When the moving conductor is introduced in
at fast and low upkeep cost. This framework utilizes an
the magnetic field then current is generated in the conductor,
electromagnet connected directly to vehicle’s battery.
this phenomenon is called as the Eddy currents.
Electromagnetic brakes are likewise called electro-mechanical
brakes or EM brakes and moderate or stop movement utilizing
1.1 Background of the Project
electromagnetic constrain to apply mechanical resistance.
Automobile industry is a constantly changing industry with
the fast pace of technological developments and
1.2 Significance of the Project
implementations. With introduction of new and powerful
Electromagnetic brakes are a new revolutionary concept. It is
machine the need to stop these machines also arises.
found that electromagnetic brakes generate negative energy
which is twice as that of the Energy generated by engines, and
Not on stopping but increasing the efficiency to maximum in
three times more the exhaust system. Types of braking system
order to keep the energy losses to minimum. Generally,
is Exhaust braking system
friction braking or exhaust braking is used in the automobiles,
friction or exhaust braking system comprises of means to use
Drum Brakes: In drum brakes the motion is retarded by using
friction to convert Kinetic energy of body into Heat energy
a brake pad mounted inside the drum of the wheel. Which
causing the motion to retard.
brakes are applied then the pad lined with frictional material
rubs against the drum and retardation is observed.
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 356
minimum. Furthermore, the electromagnetic brakes prevent
Disc Brakes: Disc brakes are hydraulic type of braking the danger that can arise from the prolonged use of brake
system. In this braking system which brakes are applied fluid beyond their capability to dissipate heat.
from master cylinder is generates pressure and this pressure is Production costs, time required for product development, time
passed through fluid lines. This fluid applies pressure on slave required for process development are all significantly reduced
cylinders, causing them to rub against the disc. Heads of slave by the proper utilization of tools. Not only the above-
cylinders are also coated with frictional material to increase mentioned benefits but also the simulation techniques that are
the effectiveness. involved in braking systems give a boost to quality assurance
of the final part.
When braking action is brought by the use of electromagnetic
induction rotation Electromagnetic brakes brings about the Moreover, it becomes easier to make cost estimates for
same action as above stated brakes only with greater making business related quotations to customers, specifying
efficiency and effectiveness. In this report we observe the parameters as specifications for technical purposes as all these
studies done on the said topic and various developments the are required in the mechanisms prevalent in the business
field of braking and careful use of energy. world.
Electromagnetic braking systems are a process design activity 1. To assess the tools and techniques for designing,
which is of paramount importance. For this reason, implementing, and evaluating ubiquitous computing
computerized automation is essential to integrate braking Systems used by developers
systems. A literature review of the state-of-the-art trends and 2. To formulate practical solutions that addresses the
approaches for braking system is presented. Some functionality of these systems.
shortcomings of the current approaches are also discussed new 3. This review considers the various steps that are required
research focus areas are explored. A part that must be for the design. It also presents the various important
machined is held by an assembly or a component. This researches that have been conducted the world over, and
assembly or component is further defined. It must be designed describes the requirements for braking Systems that have
properly so that it would fit the shape of the part and also be developed over time.
compatible to the machining process. 4. Moreover, the paper also dwells on the most important
and related Research that has been carried out in the field
This review would discuss the basics and techniques etc. and which has utilized intelligent techniques and principles
would also dwell on planning, dedicated design, and that relate to this type of work. The review also presents
verification of design and of course how all these can be the CBR approach (case-based reasoning).
integrated with the main process. 5. It has been considered as the most successful he most
successful approach. The presentation of this approach
1.4 Scope of the Project uses information on various applications, the different
Electromagnetic braking system is found to be more reliable
stages of systems based on design. It also describes the
as compared to other braking systems. In oil braking system or
air braking system even a small leakage may lead to complete work principles as well as the relevant approaches that
failure of brakes. have been proposed.
armature because of the current flowing across the coil and fabrication of EMPB system. Mechanical device hand brake
causes armature to get attracted towards the coil. As a result it system conjointly remarked as brake by-wire, replace typical
develops a torque and eventually the vehicle comes to rest. In parking braking systems with a totally electrical part system.
this project the advantage of using the electromagnetic This happens by replacement typical linkages with electrical
braking system in automobile is studied. These brakes can be motor-driven units. The braking force is generated directly at
incorporated in heavy vehicles as an auxiliary brake. The every wheel by high performance electrical motors and
electromagnetic brakes can be used in commercial vehicles by automobile management, that area unit controlled by an ECU.
controlling the current supplied to produce the magnetic flux. The electronic hand brake replaces the traditional handbrake.
Making some improvements in the brakes it can be used in It's operated by a switch within the centre console. The
automobiles in future mechanical device hand brake provides the subsequent edges
over the traditional handbrake: easy use-the hand brake is
The electromagnetic diffusion and the electromechanical applied totally no matter the strength of the driving force.
phenomena arising in a solid cylinder rotating inside a Safety-the electrical hand brake applies mechanically once the
magnetic field are here analyzed. The study is developed key is off from the ignition.
through a time stepping Finite Element voltage-driven
formulation, employing the sliding mesh technique for 3 WORKING DESIGN
handling the cylinder motion. The influence on the dynamic 3.1 Block Diagram
behavior and energy dissipation of the material electric and
magnetic properties, the geometrical parameters and the
supply conditions is investigated considering a model
problem. 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 358
resistance to motion of the vehicle. This type of brake applied screw. At last the disc is fitted with the pulley by the use
pressure on two distinct objects to gradually slow the vehicle screws. Dimensions: - Ext. dia. - 97-98mm Thickness -
in a uniform manner. 5.6mm
3.2 Components 3.8 Electromagnet
The following are the components used in the work as
follows, DC Motor, Resistance type current regulator, V Belt
Wheel, Metal Disc, Electromagnet, Vertical holding column
Control Switch, Fasteners / Bearings etc..
3.3 DC Motor
The electric motor converts electric energy into mechanical
energy by electromagnetic induction. The motor been used Nos of magnet 2 Nos
here is the typical grinder motor of 12 volt, speed of 600 rpm
and Power of 30 watts 3.9 Switch and Wires
ON/OFF switch used to control the power supply to the
3.4 Regulator electromagnet. It is connected with the electromagnet. A
The regulator been used in order to control the speed of the typical common electric switch is used here. When the
electric motor. The speed is controlled by changing the rotation of the pulley is to be stop, the braking is applied by
current of the electric supply to the motor. The current can be turned the switch on. When the free rotation of the pulley is
adjusted to match the need of the process. The higher current required the switch is turned off. To provide the electric
of the output voltage is, the higher the speed of the motor, and supply to the motor and the electromagnet the electric wire is
thus, the output of the process. Here the capacity of the used here. The copper wire has been used here since it has the
regulator is 220V±10% in voltage, 50HZ in frequency and better electrical conductivity and wire is 7nos x 15 swg and 6
400watt is used. mtr.
3.6 Pulley
The pulley has been used to mound the metal disc along with
it. It provides the rotary motion from motor to the disc by the
use of V-belt. Here we used a typical pulley with six arms.
The material of the pulley is used as hardened plastic
applied on the electromagnet. A magnetic field is created by
an energizing coil by the application of voltage or current.
This coil develops magnetic lines of flux between the metal
discs thus attracting the armature to the face of the metal disc.
When the current or voltage is removed from the brake
(electromagnet) the metal disc is free to rotate. Here springs
are used as medium to hold the armature winding of the
electromagnet away from the disc. Rotating motion in wheels
is achieved by switching controls of the supply to the coil.
Slippage occurs only during deceleration only when the brake
is engaged; there should not be slippage once the brake comes
Fig 3.12 3D View of the Design to a full halt.
Microcontroller ATmega328P
Architecture AVR
Operating Voltage 5 Volts
Flash Memory 32 KB of which 2 KB used
by Boot loader
Clock speed 16 MHz
Analog I/O Pins 8
DC Current per I/O Pins 40 milliamps
Input Voltage (7-12) Volt
3.17 Why Arduino version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even
Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard
has been used in thousands of different projects and version of the module in order to understand how it works and
applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for save money.
beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on
Mac, Windows, and Linux.
P = 20 W N1= 800 R.P.M
5. The twisting moment (T’),
P∗60 N2=? D1= 75 mm
T’ =
= 1.90 N.m D2= 50 mm
Shafts Subjected to Twisting Moment
T τ N2 D1
= =
J r N1 D2
for round solid shaft, polar moment of inertia,
πd⁴ N2=640 R.P.M
J= ,
So above equation becomes, 4.4 Secondary Pulley Torque
T’ = ,
Power = 200 watts
d =3 mm.
Solid shaft of mild steel was used. Considering factor of 2∗π∗N1∗T1
safety, shaft of 7mm is used. P= =3.66*103 N-mm
60∗103 T1
6. Kinetic energy of vehicle during braking is given by, π
1 T1 = =0.044 N/mm2< fs (perm) = 34 N/mm2
KE= 16∗fs∗d1 3 Fs (Ind)
IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 362
4P And FOS is factor of safety = 2
Ft =
P = 704 KN So σall= = 105 MPa = 105 N/mm²
4.7 Belt calculation Comparing above we get, σb < σall i.e 45.22 < 105 N/mm²
C= 112.5
S=V= = 3.76 m/s We completed literature survey and fabrication work in
progress. With one major challenge to check the compatibility
1800 –(D1−D2)
Arc of contact (α) = = 1630 330 = 2.85 Radian of electromagnetic braking with Electronic brake distribution
C ∗ 600
EBD as per our design and calculation which in testing phase
2∗C+ π (D1+D2) of our project successfully gave proper brake force
L= 2+ (D1−D2)
distribution among two pair of Electromagnetic Brakes and
helps us to know about a new way to use EBD except with
L=422 mm ABS. By doing this project we now know that EBD can
successfully work with EM brakes. Electronic control unit
4.8 Design of Frame also helped EM brake to last longer by only providing
necessary amount of current required for safe braking which
Size of the Frame is 25*25*3 (b*d*t) square angle mild steel results in long lasting braking system.
channel In addition, it is found that electromagnetic brakes make up
approximately 80% of all of the power applied brake
Consider the maximum load on the frame to be 20 kg. applications. And by using EBD, surely this amount of
percentage will increase which led to more efficient braking
Max. Bending moment = force*perpendicular distance =
M = 78480 Nmm
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IJSER © 2020
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 6, June-2020
ISSN 2229-5518 363
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