Module 3
What we study
TDMA Control and coordination
Advantage and drawbacks of TDMA
Control and Coordination of Traffic
Both these functions are performed by the reference station by using the
1. reference burst through the transmit timing channel to control the burst position
it may be appropriate to transmit the messages in Position of superframe short burst in the superframe
the service channel of traffic bursts and demand structure
assignment messages in a separate superframe
short burst (SSB) at the superframe rate.
the carrier and clock recovery sequence, 352 the carrier and clock recovery sequence, 352
unique word, 48 unique word, 48
order wire channel, 510 order wire channel, 510
management channel 256 service channel 24
transmit timing channel 320 Therefore, the length of the traffic 934
Therefore, the length of the reference 1486 burst (bits)
burst (bits)
Since there is a total of 22 bursts per frame (2 reference bursts and 20 traffic bursts)
the total guard time per frame is given by 22 × 64 = 1408 bits.
the total number of overhead bits is 1486 × 2 + 934 × 20 + 1408 = 2972 + 18 680 + 1408 =23 060 bits.
The total number of bits in the frame = 90 × 106 x 20 x 10-3 = 1 800 000 bits.
Now, the total number of bits available in a frame for carrying traffic is given by
1 776 960
= = 1388 channels
PN sequence
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PN sequence
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PN sequence
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the entire bandwidth of the transponder is used
simultaneously by multiple Earth stations at all
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) The PN sequence bits are often referred to as ‘chips’ and
their transmission rate as the ‘chip rate’.
time time time
DS-CDMA uses an entire FH-CDMA uses a small part TH-CDMA uses the entire
bandwidth all the time of the bandwidth at a given bandwidth for short periods
time instant but the chosen of time
frequency slot varies with
time in order to cover the
entire bandwidth
which gives maximum chip rate = (1/56) Gbps = 1000/56 Mbps = 17.857 Mbps
Maximum allowable
timing error per = 0.2 × 40 ns = 8ns
satellite round trip
Maximum permissible
Doppler effect variation
Class 29
Module 3- Part 2
✓ Transmission Equation
✓ Transmission Equation
The power flux density (PRD in W/ m2) due to the radiated power
in the direction of the antenna bore sight at a distance d meters
is given by
GT = (4πAT / λ2)
GR = (4πAR / λ2)
d = 10 watts
Important parameters that influence the design of a satellite communication link include the
Class 30
Module 3 – Part 2
Class 31
Module 3 – Part 2
Class 32
Module 3 – Part 2
Class 24
Module 3
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Carrier frequencies for a C band transponder for both uplink and downlink channels
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Basic concept of FDMA
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Class 25
Module 3
In a preassigned FDMA In a demand assigned FDMA system, The random access method can be of
system, the frequency slots are the transponder frequency is two types namely
pre-assigned to the Earth subdivided into a number of channels
stations. centrally controlled random access
Earth station is assigned a channel method distributed control random
The slot allocations are pre- depending upon its request to the access method.
determined and do not control station.
offer flexibility. Demand assignment may be carried In the case of centrally controlled
out either by using the polling method random access, the Earth stations make
Hence, some slots may be or by using the random access method requests through the master Earth
facing the problem of station as the need arises.
over-traffic, while other slots In the polling method, the master
are sitting idle. Earth station continuously polls all In the case of distributed control random
of the Earth stations in sequence and access, the control is exercised at each
if the request is encountered, Earth station.
frequency slots are assigned to that
Earth station which had made the
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Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC) Systems
1. SCPC/FM/FDMA system
2. SCPC/PSK/FDMA system
This system employs PCM for base band signal encoding and QPSK as the carrier modulation technique.
With this, it is possible to accommodate a 64 kbps voice channel in a bandwidth of 38.4 kHz as compared to the
requirement of a full 45 kHz in the case of frequency modulation
in this type of multiple access arrangement, multiple signal channels are first grouped together to
form a single base band signal assembly
there are two common forms of MCPC systems in use. These are:
fd = RMS (root mean square) test tone deviation (in Hz)
fm = highest modulation frequency (in Hz)
B = bandwidth of the modulated signal (in Hz)
b = base band signal bandwidth (in Hz)
C = carrier power at the receiver input (in W)
Typical block diagram of the MCPC/FDM/FM/FDMA system N = noise power (= kTB) in bandwidth B (in W)
In this arrangement, multiple base band signals are first digitally encoded
using the PCM technique .
then grouped together to form a common base band assembly using time
division multiplexing.
The modulated signal is then transmitted to the satellite, which uses FDMA
to handle multiple carriers.
Over the length of a burst, each Earth station has the entire
transponder bandwidth at its disposal
disadvantages of TDMA
preassigned TDMA demand assigned TDMA limited preassigned TDMA satellite switched TDMA
systems systems systems
Guard time
Carrier and
Clock Recovery Unique Word
The reference burst does not carry any traffic information and
is used to provide timing references to various stations
accessing the TDMA transponder
The reference burst carries no traffic data and contains only the
Guard time This guard time should be long enough to allow for differences
in transmit timing inaccuracies and also for differences in range
rate variations of the satellite.
The timing reference for the location of the traffic burst is taken
from the time of occurrence of the primary reference burst.
Traffic Burst
With this reference, a station can locate and then extract the traffic
burst or portions of traffic bursts intended for it.
Guard time The traffic burst has two main parts, namely the
information carrying portion and another sequence of
bits preceding the information data, called preamble.
Preamble Information
The purpose of preamble sequence of bits is to
synchronize the burst and to carry management and
control information.
Guard time
The unique word bit sequence in the traffic burst
provides a timing reference on the occurrence of the
Preamble Information traffic burst and also provides a timing marker to
allow the Earth stations to extract their part of the
traffic burst.
Carrier and
Clock Recovery Unique Word
Preamble Information
Carrier and
Clock Recovery Unique Word