A Study On Ratio Analysis in Heritage: Vol 11, Issue 5, May/ 2020 ISSN NO: 0377-9254
A Study On Ratio Analysis in Heritage: Vol 11, Issue 5, May/ 2020 ISSN NO: 0377-9254
A Study On Ratio Analysis in Heritage: Vol 11, Issue 5, May/ 2020 ISSN NO: 0377-9254
The overall operating efficiency and of finance. The scope of the study is confined to the
performance of the firms. sources that Heritage Foods (India) Limited tapped
Analysis and interpretation of various over the years under study i.e. 2014-19.
accounting ratios gives a skilled and experienced Objectives of the study
analyst, a better understanding of financial To examine the financial performance of the
condition and performance of the firm. Heritage Foods (India) Limited for the
period of 2014 to 2019.
Ratio analysis is used to evaluate relationships among To analyses interpret and to suggest the
financial statement items. The ratios are used to operational efficiency of the Heritage Foods
identify trends over time for one company or to (India) Limited. By comparing the balance
compare two or more companies at one point in time. sheet & profit & loss A/c.
Financial statement ratio analysis focuses on three key To critically analyse the financial
aspects of a business: liquidity, profitability, and performance of the Heritage Foods (India)
solvency. Limited. With the help of ratios.
Need for the study To assess the working capital employed by
the Heritage Foods (India) Limited.
The problems, which are common to most of To examine feasibility of present system of
the public sectors under taking, are materials scarcity. managing working capital.
Capacity utilization and mainly working capital To understand how the company finances its
requirements and Heritage Foods (India) Limited. working capital
are no exception. Thus the importance of the study To analyze the financial performance of the
reveals as to how efficiently the working capital has company with reference to working capital.
been used so far in the organization. To give some suggestions to the
management based on the information
Ratio Analysis is one of the key areas of financial studied.
decision-making. It is significant because, the LIMITATIONS
management must see that an excessive investment in The study is based on only secondary data.
current assets should protect the company from the The period of study was 2014-19 financial
problems of stock-out. Current assets will also years only.
determine the liquidity position of the firm. Another limitation is that of standard ratio
with which the actual ratios may be compared
The goal of Ratio Analysis is to manage the firm generally there is no such ratio, which may be
current assets and current liabilities in such a way that treated as standard for the purpose of
a satisfactory level of working capital is maintained. comparison because conditions of one
If the firm cannot maintain a satisfactory level of concern differ significantly from those of
working capital, it is likely to become insolvent and another concern.
may be even forced into bankruptcy. The accuracy and correctness of ratios are
totally dependent upon the reliability of the
Scope of the study data contained in financial statements on the
basis of which ratios are calculated.
The scope of the study is limited to collecting
financial data published in the annual reports of the II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
company every year. The analysis is done to suggest
the possible solutions. The study is carried out for 5 Use and Significance of Ratio Analysis
years (2014-19).
The ratio is one of the most powerful tools of
A study of the Ratio Analysis involves an financial analysis. It is used as a device to analyze and
examination of long term as well as short term sources
that a company taps in order to meet its requirements
interpret the financial health of enterprise. Thus ratios quantitative relationship between two items variables.
have wide applications and are of immense use today. The relationship can be expressed as
Data sources Percentages
The study is based on secondary data. Fractions
However the primary data is also collected to fill the Proportion of numbers
gap in the information.
Primary data will be through regular These alternative methods of expressing
interaction with the officials of Heritage items, which are related to each other, are for purposes
Foods (India) Limited. of financial analysis refer to as Ratio analysis.
Secondary data collected from annual reports
and also existing manuals and like company RATIO ANALYSIS
records balance sheet and necessary records.
Alexander Wall is considered to be the
III. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS pioneer of ratio analysis. He presented after a serious
a detailed system of ratio analysis in 1990. He
A basic limitation of the traditional financial explained that the work of interpretation could be
statements comprising the balance sheet and the profit made easier by establishing quantitative relationships
and loss account is that they don’t give all information between the facts given in the financial statements.
related to the financial operations of the firm. The focus of financial analysis is on key
Nevertheless, they provide some extremely useful figures in the financial statements and significance
information to the extent that the balance sheet mirrors relationships that exist between there. This analysis
the financial position on a particular date in terms of relationship between component parts of financial
the structure of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity statements to obtain a better understanding of the
and so on, and the profit and loss account shows the firm’s position and performance.
results of operation during a certain period of times in
terms of the revenue obtained and the cost incurred
during the year. Thus the financial position and CLASSIFICATION OF RATIOS TYPES OF
operations statement provides a summarized a view of RATIOS
the financial position and operations of the firm. The
analysis of financial statement is thus an important aid The ratios can be classified into four types:
to financial analysis.
The first task of the financial analyst is to Liquidity ratios measure the firm’s ability to meet
select the information relevant to the decisions under current obligations.
consideration from the total information from the total I. Current Ratio
information contained in the financial statements. The II. Quick Ratio
second step is arranged the information in the way to III. Cash Ratio
highlight significant relationship. The final step is IV. Interval Ratio
interpretation and drawing of inferences and V. Net Working Capital Ratio
conclusions. In the brief financial analysis are the
processes of selection, relation and evaluation.
Leverage ratios show the proportions of debt and
equity in financing the firm’s assets.
Ratio analysis is a widely used tool of
I. Debt Equity Ratio
financial analysis. It is defined as the systematic use
II. Capital Equity Ratio
of ratio to interpret financial statements so that the
III. Proprietary Ratio
strength and weakness of a firm as well as its historical
performance and current financial conditions can be
determined. The term Ratio refers to the numerical or
Chart Title
Chart Title 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
-1000 Net Credit Sales Avg. Debt Ratio
Sales Networking Capital Ratio
Financial Management Written By M.Y. Khan & P.K.
Financial Management Written By Prasanna Chandra
Financial Management Written By I. M. Pandey
Financial Management Written By S. N. Maheswari