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PD 856

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Act of the
Group 7
 Angelo Del Rosario
 Benedict Sales
 Ferdinand Cudiamat
 Engel Jacinto
 Kyle Aquino
 Ryan Cerezo
December 23, 1975
 WHEREAS, because the public's health is so important, all public-
sector activities should be focused on protecting and promoting it;
 WHEREAS, with recent advancements in the field of sanitation, there
is a need to update and codify our disparate sanitary laws in order to
guarantee that they are up to date and provide a useful reference
and guide for their enforcement;
 THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines,
do hereby order and decree the following Code on Sanitation, in
accordance with the powers conferred on me by the Constitution:
Section 1. The title of this Code is "Code on Sanitation
of the Philippines".

Section 2. Definition of Terms. Whenever any of the

following words or terms is used herein or in any rule or
regulation issued under this Code, it shall have the
meaning given it in this section, as follows:
 (a) Code - Code on Sanitation of the Philippines.

 (b) Department The Department of Health.

 (c) Secretary The Secretary of Health.

 (d) Regional Director an official who heads a Regional Health Office.

 (e) Local Health Authority an official or employee responsible for the application of a
prescribed health measure in a local political subdivision.

 (f) Health Officer Provincial, City or Municipal Health Officer.

 (g) Engineer A Sanitary Engineer.

 (h) Section any section of this code unless the term refers to other statutes which are
specifically mentioned
Section 9. Prescribed Standards and procedures

 Standards for drinking water and their bacteriological and

chemical examinations, together with the evaluation of
results, shall conform to the criteria set by the National
Drinking Water Standards. The treatment of water to
render it safe for drinking, and the disinfection of
contaminated water sources together with their
distribution systems shall be in accordance with
procedures prescribed by the Department.
Section 11. Types of Water Examinations Required

 (a) Initial examination

 (b) Periodic examination

Section 13. Other Protective Measures

To protect drinking water from contamination, the following

measures shall be observed:
 (a) Washing clothes or bathing within a radius of 25 meters from
any well or other source of drinking water is prohibited.
 (b) No artesian, deep or shallow well shall be constructed
within 25 meters from any source of pollution.
 (c) No radioactive sources or materials shall be stored within a
radius of 25 meters from any well or source of drinking water
unless the radioactive source is adequately and safely enclosed
by proper shielding.
Section 38. General Requirements The construction and operation of a
public laundry shall be governed by the following requirements:
 (a) Structural Requirements
 1. The site should be distant from sources of nuisance.
 2. Only durable construction materials shall be used.
 3. Smooth and water-tight materials shall be used for flooring.
 4. All work rooms shall be properly ventilated and provided with 10 foot-candles
of lighting.
 5. Adequate drying facilities shall be provided and articles for drying protected
from sources of contamination.
 (b) Sanitary Requirements
 1. Laundry supplies in both liquid and solid state shall be properly stored,
prepared and handled. Containers of chemical shall be properly labeled.
 2. Employees shall be provided with potable drinking water, toilets, bathing and
washing facilities.
 3. Employees shall be provided with lockers for their working garments and street
 4. The plant and its premises and equipment shall be maintained clean and
sanitary at all times.
Section 39. Special Requirements The following
requirements shall be enforced:
 (a) All articles to be laundered coming from hospitals and infected sources shall be
treated by exposure to a sufficient quantity of hot water detergents or by other
effective means of disinfection.
 (b) All linen, bed clothes, pajamas, towels, bedsheets, pillow cases, etc. that have
come in contact with any form of radioactivity should be isolated in a certain area
and monitored by Radiation Safety personnel before sending these articles for
laundry. If any amount of radioactive contamination is found, the affected article
should be set aside and the radioactivity allowed to completely decay before said
article is sent for laundry.
 (c) All articles for delivery to the laundry shall be kept in containers which shall be
kept closed until the articles are removed at the laundry.
 (d) Laundry vehicles shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times.
 (e) A separate room shall be used solely for receiving, sorting, marking or handling
unwashed articles.
 (f) Diapers must be protected from pathogenic organisms and from chemical
substances which are irritating to the skin of the infant. Laundered diapers for
delivery shall be packed in sealed sanitary containers.
Section 52. Protection of Customers To protect the health
and safety of persons who use them, the Department shall
 1. Correct sanitary practices shall be observed by the customers.
 2. The personnel of the public pool should also practice proper sanitary
 3. There should be enough number of trained staffs/personnel and necessary
equipment needed for life saving and rescue work.
 4. Post conspicuous signs to warn the public of the presence of artificial or
natural hazards.
 5. Public swimming pools should have the following: such as toilets, shower
baths and dressing rooms
 6. Regardless of how frequently or what system use to add chlorine to the
water, the chlorine level should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million
(ppm) to maintain a healthy pool.
Section 56. General Provisions The following
provisions are applicable to dancing schools,
dance halls and night clubs:
 a. Only when a sanitary permit is given by the local
health authority can these facilities be opened to
the public.
 b. Cleanliness and hygienic conditions must be
maintained at all times in these facilities and their
 c. This Code requires that patrons be provided with
adequate drinking water and bathroom facilities.
 d. Except for restrooms, dressing rooms, bars, and
kitchens, there shall be no private rooms or
separate sections for public use.
Section 58. Definition of Terms As used in this
Chapter, the term "Tonsorial and Beauty
Establishments" include barber shops, beauty
parlors, hairdressing and manicuring establishments
and figure slandering salons.
(a) Requirements. These establishments are subject to the following requirements:
 1. A sanitary permit shall be procured from the local health authority before their
 2. They shall be maintained clean and sanitary at all times. 3. No person shall be
employed to service customers without a health certificate issued by the local
health authority.
(b) Correct Sanitary Practices. The following sanitary practices shall be observed.
 1. Working personnel shall wash their hands with soap and water before servicing
 2. They shall wear clean working garments.
 3. They shall not smoke nor eat while working.
 4. Implements of their trade shall be cleaned and disinfected
before and after their use.
 5. Customers shall be supplied with clean and fresh towels,
drapes and other linen necessary.
 6. Precautionary measures to prevent disease transmission
shall be observed when serving customers showing any form
of dermatoses.
Section 59. Definition of Terms As used in this
Chapter the following shall mean:
 (a) Massage. A method wherein the superficial soft parts of the body are rubbed or
stroked or kneaded for remedial or aesthetic or hygienic purposes.
 (b) Massage Clinic. An establishment where massage is administered to customers.
 (c) Masseur. A trained person duly licensed by the Secretary or his authorized
representative to perform massage and to supervise massage clinic attendants.
 (d) Massage Clinic Attendant. A trained person duly permitted by the Secretary or
his authorized representative to massage customers under the guidance and
supervision of a masseur.
 (e) Sauna Bath Establishment. An establishment where customers are exposed to
steam which is generated by sprinkling water on hot stones or by some other
 (f) Sauna Bath Attendant. A person who applies the proper technique of giving
steam bath to customers.
Section 60. Sanitary Permit No person or entity shall
operate a massage clinic and/or a sauna bath
establishment without first securing a sanitary permit
from the local health authority.
Section 61. Sanitary Requirements The following
requirements shall be enforced:

 (a) Massage Clinic

 1. The reception and office rooms shall be properly lighted and ventilated.
 2. Every massage room shall be adequately ventilated, provided with a sliding
curtain at the entrance and equipped with a suitable and clean massage table.
 3. Sanitary and adequate handwashing, bath and toilet facilities shall be available.
 4. Customers shall be provided with soap, clean towels, sanitized rubber or plastic
slippers. They shall be required to take a thorough bath before massage.
 5. Masseur and masseur attendant shall wash their hands with soap and water
before and after massaging a customer.
 6. The establishment and its premises shall be maintained clean and sanitary at all
 (b) Sauna Bath Establishment 1. The reception and office rooms shall
 be properly lighted and adequately ventilated. 2. The sauna bath room shall
 be properly lighted, provided with thermometers, and maintained clean and
sanitary at all times. 3. Sanitary and adequate handwashing, bath and toilet
facilities shall
 be available. 4. Customers shall
 be provided with soap, clean towels and sanitized rubber or plastic slippers.
Section 62. Personnel The following requirements shall
be enforced:
 (a) Masseur
 1. The person must have a certificate as a registered masseur, issued by the Committee on
Examiners for Masseur of the Department.
 2. He must possess an up-to-date health certificate issued by the local health authority.
 3. The person shall
 wear a clean working garment when attending to customers or when supervising massage
clinic attendants.
 (b) Massage Clinic Attendant
 1. The person shall
 be properly registered and authorized by the local health authority to work as massage
clinic attendant after compliance with the following requirements:
 a) The Satisfactory completion of a training course or study given by a government office,
school or hospital, which is duly authorized and recognized by the Department; and
 b) Up-to-date health certificate issued by the local health authority to include VD clearance
secured from any government clinic or hospital.
 1. The person shall be properly registered and authorized by the local health
authority to work as massage clinic attendant after compliance with the following
 a) The Satisfactory completion of a training course or study given by a government
office, school or hospital, which is duly authorized and recognized by the
Department; and
 b) Up-to-date health certificate issued by the local health authority to include VD
clearance secured from any government clinic or hospital.
 2. person must clean working garments when attending to customers.
 (c) Sauna Bath Attendant
 1. Attendant must possess an up-to-date health certificate issued by the local health
 2. The person must wear clean working garments when attending to customers.
Section 63. Definition of Terms As used in this
Chapter, the following terms shall mean:

 (a) Hotel. A building where transient guests are received and are
supplied with and charged for meals, lodging and other services.
 (b) Motel. A roadside hotel for motorists, usually consisting of private
 (c) Boarding House. A building where selected persons for fixed periods
of time are supplied with, and charged for sleeping accommodations
and meals.
 (d) Lodging House. A building where persons are supplied with and
charged for sleeping accommodations only.
 (e) Tenement House. A building or portion thereof which is leased or sold to
an occupied as residence by four or more families doing their cooking within
the premises but living independently of one another although having a
common right in the use of halls, stairways, terraces, verandas, toilets, and
 (f) Apartment House. A building containing a number of separate residential
 (g) Condominium. A building with one or more stories composed of multi-unit
residential suites under joint ownership of occupants, each unit provided with
complete sanitary facilities, utilities and other amenities.
 (h) Establishments. A collective term construed to include items (a) to (g).
Section 64. General Provisions The following are
required for the establishments defined in the
preceding Section:
 a) No establishment shall be operated and opened for public
patronage without a sanitary permit issued by the Secretary or
his duly authorized representative.
 (b) Any extension or additional construction in an establishment
shall require a sanitary permit before it could be operated.
 (c) All establishments shall provide their patrons with adequate
water supply, toilet and bath facilities in accordance with
standards prescribed in this Code.
 (d) Establishments and their premises shall be kept clean and
sanitary at all times.
 (e) Periodic insect and vermin control measures shall be undertaken to
eradicate vectors of diseases.
 (f) Animals, fowls and pets shall be housed in appropriate kennels or
cages separate from living quarters.
 (g) No person shall be employed in establishments without first
procuring a health certificate from the local health authority.
Section 65. Special Provisions The following
provisions are applicable.

(a) Hotels and Motels

1. The storage, preparation and serving of food to customers
shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed in
Chapter III of this Code.
2. Customers shall be provided with clean linen such as
bedsheets, pillow cases, towels and napkins.
3.When rooms or cabins are vacated, their toilets or baths
shall be sanitized and clean and fresh linen shall be provided
before the room or cabin is rented for occupancy.
 (b) Condominium The following conditions are applicable:
 1. The choice for sites should consider availability of bus and taxi
transportation services.
 2. Nearness to place of work, schools, police stations and clinics.
 3. Availability of low-cost goods.
 4. Parking facilities and playgrounds for children.
 5. Facilities for refuse disposal and cleanliness of buildings, and
 6. Efficiency of lifts.
Section 66. Port and Airport Sanitation In ports and
airports, the following sanitary requirements shall
be applied:
 (a) Every port and airport shall be provided with potable
drinking water and wholesome food supplied from sources
approved by the Secretary or his duly authorized
 (b) The drinking water and food shall be stored and
handled in a manner to ensure their protection against
contamination. The local health authority shall conduct
periodic inspections of equipment, installations and
premises, and collect regularly samples of water and food
for laboratory examination to determine if they are fit for
human consumption.
 (c) There shall be available to as many ports and airports as practicable organized
medical and health services with adequate staff, equipment and facilities for the
prompt isolation and care of infected persons, disinfection, disinserting, deratings,
laboratory examination, collection and examination of rodents for plague infection,
collection of water and food samples for examination.
 (d) The local health authority for each port and airport shall take all practicable
measures to keep port and airport installation free of rodents.
 (e) In ports and airports of entry, facilities shall be provided for immunizations
required in international travel.
 (f) Every port of entry and the area within the perimeter of an airport of entry shall
be kept free from mosquito vectors of yellow fever, malaria and other diseases of
epidemiological significance.
Section 67. Vessel Sanitation For the purpose of this
Section, the provisions of Art. II of the Quarantine
Regulations promulgated under Section 5 of Republic
Act No. 123 shall
be applied and enforced.
Section 68. Aircraft Sanitation For the purpose of this
Section, the requirements in the Guide to Hygiene and
Sanitation in Aviation of the World Health Organization
are adopted as part of this Code.
Section 70. General Requirements

 (a) A vermin abatement program shall be maintained in places

by their owners, operators or administrators. If they fail,
neglect or refuse to maintain a vermin abatement program, the
local health agency will undertake the work at their expense.
 (b) Vermin control in public places shall be the responsibility of
the provincial, city or municipal governments which have
jurisdiction over them.
 (c) The procedure and frequency of vermin abatement program
shall be determined and approved by the local health authority.
Approved excreta disposal facilities:

 1. Flush toilets properly connected to a community sewer;

 2. Flush toilets connected to a septic tank constructed in
accordance with this Chapter;
 3. Any approved type pit privy built in accordance with
this Chapter; and
 4. Any disposal device approved by the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative.
Community Sewer/ City Septic Tank

Pit Privy
Requirements of septic tanks:
(a) It shall be generally rectangular in shape. When a
number of compartments are used, the first
compartment shall have the capacity from one-half to
two-thirds of the total volume of the tank.

(b) It shall be built of concrete, whether pre-cast or

poured in place. Brick, concrete blocks or adobe may
be used.

(c) It shall not be constructed under any building and

within 25 meters from any source of water supply.
Special Precaution for Radioactive Excreta and
Urine of Hospitalized Patient.
 (a) Patients given high doses of radioactive isotope for
therapy should be given toilet facilities separate from
those used by "non-radioactive" patients.
 (b) Radioactive patients should be instructed to use the
same toilet bowl at all times and to flush it at least 3
times after its use.
Section 88. Authority of the Secretary. The
Secretary is authorized to promulgate rules and
regulations for the control and prevention of the
following types of pollution:
 (a) Pollution of pesticides and heavy metals;
 (b) Pollution of food caused by chemicals, biological agents, radioactive materials,
and excessive or improper use of food additives;
 (c) Non-ionizing radiation caused by electronic products such as laser beams or
 (d) Noise pollution caused by industry, land and air transport and building
 (e) Biological pollutants including the causative agents of intestinal infections;
 (f) Pollution of agricultural products through the use of chemical fertilizers and plant
pesticides containing toxic chemical substances and unsanitary agricultural practices;
 (g) Any other type of pollution which is not covered by the provisions of Republic Act
3931, the Rules and Regulations of the National Water and Air Pollution Control
Commission, the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 480 and the rules and
regulations of the Radiation Health Office of the Department of Health which is likely
to affect community Health adversely.
Section 90. Burial Grounds Requirements. The
following requirements shall be applied and enforced:

 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to bury

remains in places other than those legally authorized
in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter.
 (b) A burial ground shall at least be 25 meters distant
from any dwelling house and no house shall be
constructed within the same distance from any
burial ground.
 (c) No burial ground shall be located within 50
meters from either side of a river or within 50
meters from any source of water supply.
Section 91. Burial Requirements. The burial
remains is subject to the following
 (a) No remains shall be buried without a dead certificate. This certificate shall
be issued by the attending physician. If there has been no physician in
attendance, it shall be issued by the mayor, the secretary of the municipal
board, or a councilor of the municipality where the death occurred. The death
certificate shall be forwarded to the local civil register within 48 hours after
 (b) Shipment of remains abroad shall be governed by the rules and regulations
of the Bureau of Quarantine.
 (c) Graves where remains are buried shall be at least one and one-half meters
deep and filled well and firmly.
 (e) The burial of remains in city or municipal burial grounds shall not be
prohibited on account of race, nationality, religion or political persuasion.
(f) If the person who issues a death certificate has reasons to believe or
suspect that the cause of death was due to violence or crime, he shall notify
immediately the local authorities concerned. In this case the deceased shall
not be buried until a permission is obtained from the provincial or city fiscal.
(g) Except when required by legal investigation or when permitted by the
local health authority, no unembalmed remains shall remain unburied longer
than 48 hours after death.
(h) When the cause of death is a dangerous communicable disease, the
remains shall be buried within 12 hours after death. They shall not be taken
to any place of public assembly. Only the adult members of the family of the
deceased may be permitted to attend the funeral.
Section 92. Disinterment Requirements.
Disinterment of remains is subject to the
following requirements:
 (a) Permission to disinter remains of persons who died of
non-dangerous communicable diseases may be granted after
a burial period of three years.
 (b) Permission to disinter remains of person who died of
dangerous communicable diseases may be granted after a
burial period of five years.
 (d) In all cases of disinterment, the remains shall be
disinfected and places in a durable and sealed container
prior to their final disposal.
 For embalming and dressing rooms
 1. They should be constructed of concrete or semi-concrete materials
with sufficient space to accommodate five bodies at one time.
 2. The floors and walls shall be made of concrete or other durable
impervious materials.
 3. Ventilation and lighting should be adequately provided.
 4. Embalming shall be performed on a table made of a single marble
slab or other equally impervious materials. It shall be so constructed
that all washings and body fluids shall flow to a drain connected to the
waste piping system of the building.
 5. Embalming and assistants shall use rubber gloves when working.
 6. Washing facilities with soaps, detergents and germicidal solutions
shall be provided for use of the following personnel.
Section 98. Special Precautions for Safe Handling
of Cadavers Containing Radioactive Isotopes

 (a) Cadavers containing only traces (very small dose) of

radioactive isotope do not require any special handling
 (b) Cadavers containing large amounts of radioactive isotopes
should be labelled properly identifying the type and amount or
radioactive isotopes present and the date of its administration.
 (c) Before autopsy is performed, the Radiation Health Officer or
his duly authorized representative should be notified for proper
advice. The pathologist and/or embalmer should be warned
accordingly of the radioactivity of the cadaver so that radiation
precautions can be properly enforced.
 (d) Normal burial procedures, rules and regulations may be carried out
on the above-mentioned cadavers provided that their amount of
radioactivity has decayed to a safe level which will be determined by
the Radiation Health Officer or his authorized representative.
 (e) Cremation If cremation is performed without autopsy, there is no
handling problem; otherwise, autopsy precautions should be strictly
enforced. Precautions should be taken to prevent any possible
concentration of radioactivity at the base of the stack of the
Section 101. Responsibility of Local Government
Local governments shall:
 (a) Reserve appropriate tracts of land under their jurisdiction, for
cemeteries subject to approval of Regional Directors concerned;
 (b) Utilize judiciously grants, gifts, bequests of property or financial
donations for the establishment or improvement of cemeteries; and
 (c) Close cemeteries under their jurisdiction subject to approval of the
Regional Director.
Thank You For Listening!
 https://tribune.net.ph/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/house-plenary-for-bayanihan-2-fr-hor.jpg
 https://biomedicalodyssey.blogs.hopkinsmedicine.org/files/2019/11/cadaver-dissection2.jpg
 https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/qctimes.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/b7/4b7bd972-5468-11de-ae40-
 https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pathology-department-in-a-hospital-royalty-free-image-
 https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/07/24/us/00VIRUS-FUNERALHOMES-tafollabefore/00VIRUS-FUNERALHOMES-tafollabefore-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg
 https://images.theconversation.com/files/132804/original/image-20160802-9761-n30hxr.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=926&fit=clip
 https://www.theneweconomy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/A091-funerals-death-care-sustainability-scaled.jpg
 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3pxzV-Sqey8yJdmf3k_ipwQpb4gKFLU8wEgfExxJJzM0QIlR2_ey7yMOZLbrtt5_TM20&usqp=CAU
 https://0901.static.prezi.com/preview/v2/zvhp7zfmz5t2w2drgpfqstxx376jc3sachvcdoaizecfr3dnitcq_1_0.png
 https://0901.static.prezi.com/preview/v2/zvhp7zfmz5t2w2drgpfqstxx376jc3sachvcdoaizecfr3dnitcq_1_0.png
 https://media.springernature.com/lw685/springer-static/image/art%3A10.1007%2Fs11270-020-04728-
 https://www.everythingconnects.org/uploads/7/0/3/5/7035190/header_images/1400176493.jpg
 https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/pest-control-harmful-insects-rodents-set-icons-vector-illustration-75493592.jpg

 https://steemit.com/life/@jbones/behind-closed-doors
 https://lawphil.net/statutes/presdecs/pd1975/pd_856_1975.html

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