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Eee207 Term

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-L-2/T -2/EEE Date: 05/03/2018

L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronic Circuits II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
The symbols have their usual meanings.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Draw the circuit diagram whose output voltage is directly proportional to the

logarithm of its input voltage. Also derive the expression of its output voltage. (8)
(b) Calculate Va, 10 and IL for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 1(b). (12)

\0 U./l..


F\'~~' ~. 1. (10) -~

(c) Calculate the value of output voltage Va for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. I(c). (15)

'+,?>V V
\u./l.. + .'1>
-+4V .-~----. -~v-".."R:;:---
_"'"'-s_v __._. _
\ u..tL
\" 1.(..It.



2. (a) Design a circuit using ideal Op-Amps so that the output voltage is (10)

where, VI, V2 and V3 are input voltages.

Contd P/2
EEE 207
eouid ... Q. NO.2

(b) For the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b), Vio = 3 mY, Ip - = 0.4 ~A and Ip+ = 0.1

~A. (15)


._--_. i,

---_._-,----~--_ ... '

'::'5. ~ 6!.. 2(b)

(i) What is the best value ofR if the source internal resistance is 10 Q?
(ii) Calculate the individual error in Vo due to Vio,18+, 18- and los.
(iii) What is the actual value of Vo when both input offset voltage and currents
are present along with Vs?
(c) The slew rate of a 741 Op-Amp. is 0.5 V/~s. For an inverting amplifier with a gain
of 10, find the maximum peak to peak input signal that can be applied without

distorting the output at a frequency of 40 kHz. (10)

3. (a) Explain the different types of filters. Mention the advantages of active filters over

passive filters. (7)

(b) Show the design procedure of a -60 dB/decade low pass Butterworth filter and

derive the expression of its cut off frequency with necessary diagram. (18)
(c) A bandpass filter has a resonant frequency of 950 Hz and a bandwidth of 2700 Hz.
Find its lower and upper cut off frequencies. Also, calculate the quality factor of the

filter and comment on whether the filter is narrowband or wide band. (10)

4. (a) Write down the Barkhausen criteria for sinusoidal oscillation. (5)
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wien Bridge Oscillator and derive the expression of

oscillating frequency. (18)

(c) Design a phase shift oscillator having an output frequency of 1 kHz. Assume

R = R) = 5.6 KQ and R2 = R3. Also draw the designed circuit. (12)

Contd P/3


There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) With necessary diagrams, derive the expressions of input resistance (Rif) and output

resistance (Ref and R~f ) of a current shunt feedback amplifier. (18

(b) Identify the topology of feedback amplifier given in Fig. for Q. 5(b)(i). Using the

small signal ac model of the Op-amp given in Fig. for Q. 5(b)(ii), ealculate- (17)
(i) the voltage gain, Avf
(ii) input resistance, Rif

(iii) Output resistance, Ref and R~f .

Given that J.! = 104, Rid = 100 kQ, ra = 1 kQ, RL = 2 kQ, R1 = 1 kQ, R2 = 1 MQ and

Rs= 10kQ.

___ i__

B ...
_____ f(~-,.-~~<1~~ )---------9-\d~_lrra~~\!i )_0"' )-J

6. (a) A particular amplifier has a voltage transfer function, (20)

Sketch Bode plot for both the magnitude and phase.

From the plot estimate the magnitude and phase at ~ = 1,100 and 106 rad/sec (use
graph papers).
(b) Derive the approximate equation for the upper 3 dB frequency WH of an amplifier if
a dominant pole does not exist. Also show that the equation is valid even if the

dominant pole exists. (10)

(c) What is cross-over distortion in power amplifier? How can it be overcome? (5)

Contd P/4


7. (a) With proper connection diagram, briefly describe the operation of non-sinusoidal

oscillation circuit using 555 Timer. (17)

Also derive the expression of frequency of oscillation.
(b) Derive the expressions of high frequency amplifier gain AH(s) and upper 3-dB

frequency, WHfor the amplifier shown in Fig. for Q. 7(b). (12)

~~ .. ~~.

..__ .
. ._-' '. :Yb-' ~-' .,.~ .....

..-_. C>O -----.
.4;....- _

_ ._* -:L ...

~~ .• ~ &.1fJ.) :
- -i
.-tf~) ----' _I

(c) The low frequency response of an amplifier is characterized by the transfer

function, (6) -l

F (s)- s(s+15)(s+200)
. f t,

L - (s + 100) (s + 500) (s + 2000)

Determine the lower 3-dB frequency approximately. Also, check whether the dominant
pole approximation is valid or not. If valid, determine the lower 3-dB frequency using
the dominant pole formulae too.

8. (a) Design a transformer-coupled class-A amplifier to drive an 8-0 load if Vee = 20 V,

VSE = 0.7 V, 13 = 100, Rin = 2 kQ, and the transformer has a turns ratio of 10:1.
Determine the current gain Ai, voltage gain, Av, power output and maximum

undistorted voltage output swing. (Take necessary assumptions) (15)

(b) Derive the expression of minimum power rating of each transistor for a class-B

push-pull power amplifier. (8)

(c) Showing Q-point on load line, classify BJT power amplifiers. (4+8)
With necessary diagram, prove that the maximum
inductively coupled class-A amplifier is 50%.
converSIOn efficiency of an
L-2/T -2/EEE Date: 30/01/2017
L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) With necessary diagrams, derive the expressions of input resistance (Rid and output

resistance (Rof) of a voltage shunt feedback amplifier. (18)

(b) Calculate the voltage gain, Ayf, input resistance Rif and output resistance (including
load) R'of for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. l(b). Given that hfe = 150, hie = 1 kn,

while hre and hoeare negligible. (17)

.... .\/c:~.
........- ~L..Li-k~ .
.' _ - "- .. - tlii _. .. __ .
..... .. _._ - ._..~.$.::.\kJL.._._ - i-V '" . . . _ _..~ .
.. _.''''~-1j ' - _-- - -
' :.' ' : __ _ --..

2. (a) Design a diode-compensated class-B power amplifier with low frequency cut-off at
60 Hz, output power of 1.0 Wand load resistance of 8.0 n. Given that, the supply

voltage is 12 V, transistors have P = 60, and the diode forward resistance is 8.0 n.

Also calculate the input resistance and current gain. (18)

(Use necessary diagram with proper derivations) ',.
(b) Showing Q-point on load line, classify BJT power amplifier. Also mentio'h how

long the collector current remains non-zero for each class. (8)
(c) Using schematic diagram of a single loop negative feedback amplifier, show that

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

Contd P/2

EEE 207

3. (a) Derive the approximate equation for the lower 3 dB frequency of an amplifier (4+6+2=12)
(i) if a dominant pole exists.
(ii) if a dominant pole does not exist.
(iii) Also, show that the second equation is also valid when a dominant pole
(b) Derive the expression of upper 3 dB frequency if the poles and zeroes of the

amplifier transfer function cannot be determined easily. (8)

(c) Sketch Bode plot for the magnitude of the following transfer function. (15)

From the plot, estimate the approximate magnitude at 0) = 106 rad/s. What is the exact

magnitude at 0) = 106 rad/s?

(Use graph paper if necessary).

4. (a) For class-A operation of an amplifier, show that, (10)

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

(b) Briefly explain Miller's theorem. (7)

(c) Find the expression of low frequency amplifier gain AL(s) for the amplifier given in

Fig. for Q. 4(c). Also mention the poles and zeros for this derived transfer function. (18)

!- ---.:.....--..---.--- ..----- ---.-- ---- .. -V,j)tr~.~--

..--:-.__ -..- ------- ..- - ' ''',,' .

.•~Vi -.._ ~-~-~~=-=-=

__-~~~~~~~ i
....--.".----.. -..-...-~,-.-~-.fUi~
--- _---_..- _.__.._._----_._----. --_.- - [--_ _--._--_.__ _._----_ _--_ __ .._q-_ _._ _ __ _ _;
~~------~---------~.- ~__ .__ ~_~'__~
__~~ ~_.~-----.~-...J

Contd P 13

EEE 207

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Symbols have their usual meanings. Make necessary assumptions.

5. (a) For the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 5(a) find Vo. Assume that the MOSFET is in

saturation and k~~ = 1 mAN2• (8)


(b) Calculate I for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 5(b). (8)
__ __ ~ __ ~ . ~--'-- __ .. _f

--~--' 5~ \

",.v--- 2-KS2- .... -n- •• -.--.--.-..:!:.I-~.~-.:t.,~. n •

_ ••• n ••• '. __ •• , __ • • •••••••••••• --- •••••••••••••••••••••• - +..-..----- '.

_.~y-_ ~1(S2; -~I«t..- -..,-f~~.-.--_. .~.~.
' FI~;-+,.~. ;-5{b).
------~---_.- .... --.

(c) Design a Schmitt Trigger circuit using Op-Amp that has the transfer characteristics
shown in Fig. for Q. 5(c). Indicate reference voltage, biasing voltage and all the

resistors used in your design. (13)

~ ." ~- ..

Contd P/4

EEE 207
Contd ... Q. NO.5

(d) Design a circuit using Op-Amp that has the transfer characteristics shown in Fig.

for Q. Sed). (6)

.._----,...._..--Vovt(v)" c•• - •... , . --.- •.•

- _ --T3<r ._~, - ---..------.- -.-- -- - -._ - ..

. ...• --' .•.... ~
.._.~.'" ..•- ..~" ... ,"- .. '.--"
.~," ' ~""(

--,~-~--~ ... --'------ ._--- -_.- -- -" --~- ".--.-

6. (a) For the oscillator circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 6(a) find oscillation frequency in Hz. (10)

(b) Design a circuit using Op-Amps that takes a sinusoidal signal as input and gives a
sinusoidal output which has frequency twice as input frequency. Note that, if
~n = A sin(8) then Vout = B sin(28). You do not need to take care of the amplitude of
the signals that means you do not need to indicate the values of resistors, capacitors
and other circuit components used. (15)
(c) For the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 6(c) assuming the Op-Amp used is non-ideal,.
find Vo. Suggest a value of R to get the minimum error. Given input bias current
components Ii = FB = O.l11A . (10)

'Contd PIS
EEE 207

7. (a) For the oscillator circuit shown in Fig. for Q 7(a) find oscillation frequency (ro), p-
network gain (P), and Amplifier gain (A). Also design this oscillator for an oscillation

frequency of 1 kHz. (18)

. ..~_:~.~~~.~
~_ ~~~L~._~~~~~~:~~~.--~_-~I~~~:.%\
. .

, .."~ '.'~"
~o-="'"",.=,-.-:_-~..- ..-;_-.---.--.- .. ----Bto':..~.-.~:=_1Ig:~--.-:.:-~~:~- ..:.:.-.:=:::i
..:.. :::~:

Note that, each stage is separated by a source follower circuit. Hence each stage will

give a phase shift of 600 and 3 stages will give in total 1800 phase shift. Here, p= i. 1

(b) Design a colpitts oscillator to produce a 100 kHz output frequency. (12)
(c) The slew rate for a 741 Op-Amp is 0.5 V//Ils. For an inverting amplifier with a gain

of -1, find maximum peak of un distorted sine wave output at a frequency of 50 kHz. (5)

8. (a) While tuning an electric guitar in the 4th octave between C4 (262 Hz) and Cs (524
Hz), suppose you want to hear E4 note only. Design the filter required with a quality
factor 20. Given the 4th octave sequence C4, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, Cs.

where frequency of each note can be found out by the relation, f = 2n/12 x f(C4). For

example, for note~, n = 9. (10)

(b) Determine the type of filter that is shown in the circuit in Fig. for Q. 8(b)

implement. For that purpose you need to calculate transfer function, r(s) = VVo ~s~ '
In S

where s = jro . Find poles and zeros of r(s). (15)

.~. - ~~,,- ~~-",----, ~-----~--- ~ -'-- ~--'---'~~_--.~---------.
.. - ~-~ _._"-----

_ -_ ..•.... .. -~-----~
Contd P/6

EEE 207
Contd ... Q. No.8

(c) Determine which of the following signal(s) will pass through the filter shown in

Fig. forQ. 8(c). (10)

(i) 10 sin (160001tt) (ii) 10 sin (240001tt) (iii) 10 sin (1 00001tt)

Give your reason.


L-2/T-2/EEE Date: 26/07/2016

L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics II)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Make necessary assumptions.

1. (a) Detennine the expressions of output voltages for a non-inverting amplifier and a
logarithmic amplifier. (12)
(b) Design a three-stage cascade amplifier with gains +10, -18 and -27. Use a 270 kD.
feedback resistor for all stages and 741 op-amps. What output voltage will result for an
input of 150 ~V? (12)
(c) Determine the value ofVofor the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. l(c) . (11)

. 300 KSL

o i

: ;'.\
1. .~ .
I ....

I '
, k
; '.\
J -0'
I .-

2. (a) Briefly explain common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and slew-rate (SR) in
connection with op-amp. For the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 2(a), determine whether the
output voltage will be distorted or not. Given that the slew-rate of op-amp is 0.5 V/~S. (15)

. V.> = 30~V

__ ~~.__ __: ...~....._~ __ ,_~_.~_#(_t70

_ __?f__8 ~ _

Contd P/2
EEE 207
Contd ... Q. No.2

(b) Determine the wave-shape ofVo for the circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b). Assume that
V s is a 10 V (peak-to-peak) bipolar triangular wave. (8)

(c) Write down the characteristics of an op-amp those add error components to the DC
output voltage. Explain the method of bias current compensation in non-inverting and
inverting amplifiers. (12)

3. (a) Draw the ideal and practical frequency response curves for active filters indicating
cut-off frequency, pass-band and stop-band. (7)
(b) Derive the expression of cut-off frequency for a --40 dB/decade low-pass Butterworth
filter. (18)
(c) Design a --40 dB/decade low-pass Butterworth filter for a cut-off frequency
10 Krad/sec. Assume C] = 0.02 /-IF. Also, draw the frequency response curve (including

Bode plot) of the designed filter. (10)

4. (a) Establish and state the Barkhausen criteria for sinusoidal oscillators. (8)
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of a colpitts oscillator and explain how Barkhausen criteria
are satisfied in this circuit. Also, derive the expression of oscillation frequency for this
oscillator. (17)
(c) Design the Wein bridge oscillator to produce a 100 KHz output frequency with an
amplitude of:t 9 V. Design the amplifier to have a closed-loop gain of3. (10)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Calculate the voltage gain, Avf, input resistance Rjf and output resistance, R'of for the
circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 5(a). Given that hie = 1 kD., hfe = 1.00, while hre and hoe are
negligible. (17)
Contd P/3

EEE 207
Contd ... Q. No. 5(a)
.-. ~---------_ _---

(b) With necessary diagrams, derive the expressions of input resistance (Rif) and output
resistance (Rof) of a voltage series feedback amplifier. (18)

6. (a) For a complementary-symmetry class-B power amplifier determine the expressions of

(i) conversion efficiency and (ii) minimum power rating of each transistor. (15)
(b) Design a transformer-coupled class-A power amplifier to drive a load resistance of
8 n if supply voltage, Vee = 12 V, transistor P = 100, current gain Ai = 80 and the
transformer has a turns ratio of 8 : 1. Assume V BE = 0.7 V. (20)
Also calculate input resistance Rin, power supplied to the load and the power required
from the supply (consider maximum undistorted voltage output swing).

7. (a) Using schematic diagram of a single loop feedback amplifier, show that the transfer
gain of the amplifier with feedback can be given as, (10)
A _ A
f -1 + pA

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

(b) Assume that the low frequency response of an amplifier is given by, (10)
F (s) _ (s + roz1 )(s + roz2 ) (s + roznL )
L - (s + roP\)(s + roP2 ) (s + roPnL)
where, symbols have their usual meaning. Derive the approximate equation for the lower
cut-off frequency, roL.
Also, show that this equation is valid even if the 'dominant pole' exists.
(c) Sketch Bode plot for the magnitude of the following transfer function, (15)
. 100 s l + t X 4) .
T(s) = (1 + Xo)(1 + X03)-~ + Xos)
From the plot, estimate the approximate magnitude at ro = 106 rad/s. What is the exact
magnitude at ro = 106 rad/s?
(Use graph paper if necessary)
Contd P/4

EEE 207

8. (a) Find the values for the coupling capacitors 'CCI I and 'CC2' and the bypass capacitor

'cs' for the amplifier given in Fig. for Q. 8(a), so that the low frequency response will be

dominated by a pole at 100 Hz. Consider the nearest pole or zero will be at least two

octave away. (18)

Given that Voo = 20 V, R = 100 kO, RGI = 1.4 MO, RG2 = 0.6 MO, Rs = 3.5 kO,

Ro = 5 kO, ro = 2 MO, RL = 10 kO and gm = 4 mAN .

..:t \i-

(b) Briefly explain Miller's theorem. (7)

(c) Showing Q-point on load line, classify BJT power amplifier. Also mention how long

the collector current remains nonzero for each class. (10)

L-2/T-2/EEE Date: 08/07/2015
L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2013-2014

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics II)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What are the characteristics of an ideal op-amp? (6)

(b) Draw the circuit diagram of a differential amplifier using op-amp and show that the

output voltage is directly proportional to the difference of its input voltages. (12)
(c) Draw the wave shapes ofVoJ, Vo2 and Vo3 for the following circuit (Fig. for Q. l(c))
for a time period of 15 sec (t = 0 to t = ISs). Consider that the switch is initially closed. It
will be opened at t = 5 sec and remains open till t = 10 sec (i.e., the switch will be closed

again at t = 10 sec). Assume ideal case. (17)

)OKn. ................:tJ~ .._ ;
~Ok.5L .
.f .s=.V ,. _.......
"'0'_' •.•••••••••••••••...••••••••••••••••••• ..::::.1\7............ ....
C .•.•.•.••••.••• 1

~._ _ ~ "-F\~~: ¥ @: :!- (G) ~.... -

2. (a) Design a 3rd order bandpass filter with resonant frequency of 950 Hz and bandwidth
of 2700 Hz. Also, calculate the quality factor of the filter and comment on whether the

filter is narrow band or wide band. (15)

(b) Derive the expression of cut-off frequency for a +40dB/decade Butterworth filter. (15)
(c) The slew rate for a 741 op-amp is 0.5 V/l-ts. You can get an undistorted sine wave
output voltages 10 sin2n:£naJ at maximum frequency, f = Imax. Determine the value of
maximum frequency. (5)

3. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wein-Bridge Oscillator Using op-amp and other
necessary components and derive the expression of oscillation frequency. Also develop

the condition for the sustained sinusoidal oscillation. (16)

Contd P/2
EEE 207
Contd ... Q. NO.3
(b) Design a Hartley oscillator to produce a 5 kHz output frequency. Use 0 .lllf capacitor

and an op-amp with :t1 OV s-ppply. Make necessary assumptions and consider that tJ19

coils are wound on separate core. (12)

(c) Derive the expression of 'Output voltage for the following circuit (Fig. for Q. 3(0).

Consider ideal op-amp. (7)

'\h~ +.'V6--'-"'~'w""-,,-,,,,-,
.. I

'~'"' ' ' '_' ' ' ' o ••••••..••••••••••..••••• _ •.. _ ••• __ .__ ••••• ,.~y. .._..,_.., ,.._ ".." : _ '.."-'"''..:
......._..,... , ,.....__...~ .....__...._...-...-._-..~- ...--- --ELtv-J:PT~-..-t!:!_ ..3..CC:.).. ,,;1

4. (a) Draw the equivalent circ\lit diagram and derive the expression of the equivalont
reactance of a crystal used in crystal oscillator. Also draw the reactance versus fr~quency

curve of the crystal. (10)

(b) (i) Drive the expression o~ output voltage for the following circuit (Fig. for Q, 4(b)
considering non-ideal effects of input bias currents for the op-amp (i.e. consider th~ effect
of both IB+ and IB- simultaneou~ly).
(ii) What is the best value of RN if the source resistance is Ion 1 to compensate the .

non-ideal effect of op-amp. R[ = 1M n, RM = 10k nand Rj = 1 k n.

(iii) If input offset voltage, Vio = 2 mV at 25°C calculate the error in the output

voltage due to Vio only at 2$OC.

Find the maximum error in output voltage due to drift in Vio as temperature changes from
I "

25°C to 75°C. For offset volta~e, drift in specified as 20 IlV/oC. (25)

Contd P/3

EEE 207
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Identify the feedback topology in the Fig. for Q. 5(a) and derive expressions for input
resistance, output resistance, overall transconductance and overall voltage gain with feed
back. \fe~ (18)
.., _ :i~~r ..
~" .
... ~_ ;.......... --Re..- .
___ 0
" v. .
_ _ _..~..~/a::fi~.::~:Pi)~~.
'7<E .

(b) The circuit of Fig. for Q. 5(a) has an overall transconductance of -lmA/V~ a voltage

gain of -4 and a desensitivity of 50. If Rs = 1 k n, hfi~= 150 n, Find (i) R~ (ii) R(_ (iii) Rif

(iv) Rof, (v) Rof, where symbols have their usual meaning. (17)

6. (a) Draw the block diagrams of different feedback topologies. For voltag{';-series

feedback show that, Rif> Rj and RQf< Ro. where symbols have their usual meaning. (17)

(b) Draw the small signal equivalent circuits of current and trasnconductance amplifiers. (8)
(c) What are the advantages of - ve feed back in an amplifier? Briefly discuss. (10)

7. (a) For an inductivity coupled c1ass-A amplifier draw the load lines and show that

maximum power conversion efficiency is 50%. (10)

(b) For the Diode compensated c1ass-B Push-Pull amplifier shown in the Fig. for Q. 7(b)
. . f h .. Vee
prove that maXImum power ratmg 0 eac transIstor IS, Pmax = 2 (10)
. 4~ RL

(c) Design the amplifier in Fig. for Q 7(b) to drive a 4 n load to ::!:4Vfor a low-frequency

3-dB point of 50 Hz. Given, @ = 100, IVSEI= 0.7 V, R = f 10 n, Vee = 15 V. Calculate- (15)

(i) Rz and C1 (ii) Rio (iii) Ai (iv) Power delivered from the supply (v) Power delivered

to the load (vi) Power rating of each transistor. All symbols have their usual meaning.

....,el ~
i Contd P/4
EEE 207
Contd ... Q. No. 7(c)
[Hint: Draw the mid-frequency and input equivalent circuit and use,

Vee /2 -vBE -vLp

R2 == . . . ]
. lbp

8. (a) The low frequency response of an amplifier is given by the function- (10)
F (s)- (s+wztXs+wz2)
L - (s+wptXs+wp2J

Assuming, dominant pole does not exist show that cutoff frequency,

WL = \j'wp2I + wp22 - 2w; - 2w;

I 2

(b) Consider a specific low frequency response function, (25)

(i) Sketch the Bode plot for both magnitude and phase on a graph paper.
(ii) Does dominant pole condition exist?
(iii) What are the valves of approximate and exact cut off frequencies?
(iv) At approximate cut off frequency calculate the approximate and exact magnitude
of the low frequency response function.
i '

L-2ff -2/EEE Date: 15/12/2014

" ,
L-2/T-2 B.Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics - II) /I.

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.
Symbols have their usual meanings.
1. (a) Write down the characteristics of an ideal op-Amp. Briefly explain the "virtual

ground" concept ofOP-AMP. (8)

(b) Determine the expression of closed-loop voltage gain under the ideal OP-AMP

assumption for the amplifier of Fig. for Q. 1(b). (15)

(L/=FJ~4.- f.~) ~
(c) Define G)rate in connection with OP-AMP. For the amplifier circuit ~hown in Fig.
for Q. l(c), determine whether the output voltage will be distorted or not. Given that the

slow rate of OP-AMP is 0.4 VIllS. (12)

2. (a) Sketch the output voltage of the ideal OP-AMP circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 2(a) to

scale against time. (15)


J 2..,

(b) Explain the operation of a smoke detector with neat sketches. (10)
Contd P/2

EEE 207
Contd •.• Q. No.2
(c) Write down the characteristics of an OP-AMP those add error components to the DC
output voltage. Refer to Fig. for Q. 2(c), Vio = 2 mY, IB- = 0.3 j.lA, and IB+ =0.1 j.lA
(i) What is the best value of R if the source resistance is 10 O? Calculate the individual
error in the output voltage due to (ii) Vio only; (iii) los only. (iv) What is the actual value

of output voltage when both input offset voltage and current are present along with Vs? (10)

~.+o {i-.
!'JD. 2.(0 Vs=--O.10 .

.! \1:0


3. (a) Establish the Barkhausen criteria for sinusoidal oscillators. Briefly explain why it is
necessary to maintain the magnitude of loop gain that is I~AI >1.0 for the design of
sinusoidal oscillators. (10)
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of a C - R phase-shift oscillator ~d explain how

Barkhausen criteria are satisfied in this circuit. (10)

(c) Design the Colpits Oscillator to produce a 40 kHz output frequency with an amplitude
of:t9 V. Use a 100 mH inducts and make necessary assumptions. (15)

4. (a) Derive the expression of equivalent reactance of a crystal used in crystal oscillators.
Also draw the reactance versus frequency curve of the crystal. (10)
(b) Derive the expression of cut-off frequency for a +40 dB/decade high-pass Butter
worth filter. (15)
(c) Design a +40 dB/decade high pass Butterworth filter for a cutoff frequency of
5 k rad/sec. Assume Cl = C2 = 0.02 j.lF. Also, draw the frequency response curve
(including Bode plot) of the designed filter. (10)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Prove quantitatively that negative feedback in which the feedback signal is returned to
the input in shunt with the applied signal, regardless of whether the feedback is obtained
by s~pling the output current or voltage, decreases the input resistance. (Show proofs
for voltage-shunt and current-shunt feedback, separately.) (18)
Contd P/3

EEE 207
CODtd ••• Q. No. 5 , '~~ .

(b) The circuit ofFi . for Q. 5(b) has the following parameters:,R.c = 4 k, R' = 40 k, J3,s-:;:-- ,

\ II

Find (i) Avf, (ii) Rif, and (iii) R~f' (17)

6. (a) Classify amplifiers into four broad categories. For each of them prove, separately, that
the output signal is directly proportional to the input signal and the proportionality

constant does not depend on source or load resistance. (16)

(b) Using schematic representation of a single loop feedback amplifier, show that the

transfer gain of the amplifier with feedback can be given as, (8)

A _ A
f -1+PA

where, symbols have their usual meaning ..

(c) Briefly explain that the non-linear distortion in an amplifier output is greatly reduced

when negative feedback is employed. (11)

7, (a) Sketch Bod~ plot ,for the magnitude of the following transfer function, .

From your sketch, determine approximate value of magnitude at Ol = 106 rad/s. (Use

graph paper if necessary.) (10+2+3+1)

What is the exact value of magnitude at Ol = 106 rad/s? Calculate percentage error in the

where, symbols have their usual meaning. Then derive the approximate equation for the

upper cut-off frequency OlH. Also, show that this equation is valid even if the 'dominant

pole situation' exists. (10)

(c) Show that the upper 3-dB frequency of an amplifier, whose poles and zeros connot be

easily determined, can be approximately given as, (9)

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

Contd P/4


EEE 207

. 1 "d 1.
8. ()a Showmg oa me an
d Q' • b . fl dj1~b J- 0I~.,.dd . . f
pomt; ne y escn e,t Ie1 operatIOn,ments an ements 0
a class-B power amplifier.
(b) For class-A operation of an amplifier prove that, G (10)

I CQ -- Vee
, Rde + Rae
where, symbols have their usual meaning.
(c) With necessary diagram prove that the maximum .conversion efficiency of a

transformer coupled class-A amplifier is 50%. (8)

(d) Derive the equation for power rating of each transistor used in a class-B push-pull

amplifier. (9)



R'if R'of
Fig. for Q. 5(b) .
L-2/T -2/EEE
L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012

Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics - II)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours


The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Derive the expression for the output voltage interms of the resistances and input

voltages for the differential amplifier shown in Fig. for Q. 1(a). (08)


(b) Define slew-rate of an op-Amp. For the circuit of Fig. for Q. 1(b), determine
whether the output voltage will be distorted or not. Given that the op-Amp slew-rate is
0.4 V/Jls.

(c) Explain the operation of a smoke detector with neat sketches.

Contd P/2

•••. ,u



2. (a) Consider the circuit and input voltage waveform shown in Fig. for Q. 2(a). (11)
(i) If R = 10 KG, C = 0.1 JlF, and the op-Amp is ideal, sketch the output voltage
waveform to scale.
(ii) If R = 10 KG, what value of C is required for the peak-to-peak output
amplitude to be 2 V?
~SV - - '-

1 ...
3 5

-$V -- ,.----

(b) Consider the non inverting amplifier shown in Fig. for Q. 2(b). (12)

(i) Derive an expression for the voltage gain VO/Vin' Does the gain depend on the
value of R? Explain.
(ii) Derive an expression for R interms of the resistor values so that the output
voltage due to the bias currents is zero.
(c) Refer to Fig. for Q. 2(c), Vio = 3 mY, Is- = 0.4 JlA, and Is+ = 0.1 JlA. (12)

Ft'u: fr- c9. 2(0

- ..•.

Contd P/3

,,~ ...



Corttd... Q. No. 2(c)

(i) What is the best value of R if the source resistance is 10 Q?

(ii) What is the actual value of output voltage when both input offset voltage and

current are present along with V s?

3. (a) Establish and explain the Barkhausen criteria for sinusoid~l oscillators. (08)
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of the Colpitts oscillator and explain how Barkhausen
criteria for satisfied in this circuit. Also, derive the expression for oscillating frequency
and the conditions for sustainable oscillation.
(c) Design the Colpitts oscillator to produce a 50 kHz outputrfrequen<;;y. Use a 100 mH

inductor and an op-Amp with 110 V supply. Make necessary assumptions.


4. (a) Describe the operating principle for a crystal oscillator. Draw the equivalent circuit
diagram and derive the expression for crystal reactance interms of series and parallel
resonant frequencies.
(b) Derive the expression of cut-off frequency for a. -40 dB/decade low-pass

Butterworth filter. (15)

(c) A bandpass filter has a resonant frequency of 950 Hz and a bandwidth of 2700 Hz.
Find its lower and upper. cut-off frequencies. Also, calculate the quality factor of the

filter and comment on whether the filter is narrowband or wideband. (10)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Use diagrams if necessary.

5. (a) Classify amplifiers into four broad categories. For each of them prove, separately,
that the output signal is directly proportional to the input signal and the proportionality

constant does not depend on source or load resistance. (16)

(b) Using schematic representation of a single loop feedback amplifier, show that the

transfer gain ofthe amplifier with feedback can be given by, (8)

A =_A_
f l+j1A

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

(c) Briefly explain that the non-linear distortion in an amplifier output is greatly reduced

when negative feedback is employed. (11)

Contd P/4
: .....•

EEE 207

6. (a) Define the term "Desensitivity" of transfer gain of a feedback amplifier and show

that it can be expressed as, (9)


(b) Identify the topology of feedback in the circuit given in Fig. for Q. 6(b). Then

determine (i) Avf, (ii) Rif, (iii) R>r and (iv) R'of. (16)
(c) Prove that for a class-A amplifier the Q-point can be specified by, (10)

Rae + Rde
where, symbols have their usual meaning.

7. (a) Prove that the maximum conversion efficiency of a transformer-eoupled class-A

amplifier is 50%. (8)

(b) For class-B push-pull amplifier derive the ~xpression for the power rating of each

transistor. (15)
(c) Design a transformer-coupled amplifier (see Fig. for Q. 7(c)) for a current gain

Ai = 80. Find the power supplied to the load and the power required from the supply. (12)

8. (a) Derive the approximate equation for the upper-3 dB frequency of an amplifier- (i) if
a dominant pole exists, and (ii) if a dominant pole does not exist Also, show that the

second equation is also valid when a dominant pole exists. (4+6+2=12)

(b) The high frequency response of an amplifier is characterized by the function, (3)

F = I+IO-5s'
. H (1 + 0.25 x 10-4 s )(1 + 4 x 10-6 S )

Determine the upper 3-dB frequency using approximate formulae.

(c) Show that if the poles and zeros of the amplifier transfer function cannot be

determined easily, the lower 3-dB frequency of the amplifier can be given as, (8)

where, symbols have their usual meaning.

(d) A particular amplifier has a voltage transfer function, (2+8+2=12)

T(s) = IOOs '
(1 + O.Is) (1 + 0.0 Is) (1 + 10-6 S)

Find the poles and zeros of the function. Sketch Bode plot for the magnitude. Estimate
the gain at 1, 1000, 105 and 107 rad/s.

Co~~ "- - - p/fi

II" ~, .
- 01-



Rof R'af

(a) Feedback amplifier

J.l = 10
Rid = 100 kQ
fa= 1ill
Rl = 1 kQ
R2= 1 MQ
Rs= lOkQ

Fig. forQ. 6(b)

(b) AC equivalent model ofOP-AMP
I --_.---------------~-----~--------------------- ~ ~ _


Vee = 12 V
I 0---1
I 80

8: 1

Fig. for Q. 7(c)

---------------------------------------~-------------------_ ..

L-2/T-2/EEE Date :20/11/2012
L-2/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2010-2011
Sub: EEE 207 (Electronics II)
Full Marks: 210 Time.: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What are the characteristics of an ideal OP - AMP?
(b) Draw the circuit diagram whose output voltage. is directly proportional to the
.logaritlun of its. input voltage. Also G@riy@ the e~{preSSi8ft ef its iRf>\l~ V'.;)ltage. Also derive

the expression of its output voltage.


(c) Determine the value of'R' for the maximum compensation of the input offset current

effect on output voltage for the circuit given in Fig. for Q. 1(c). (6)

10 k.f\..

(d) Using ideal Op-Amps, design a circuit that will take VI, V2 and V3 as inputs and will

produce the following output. (13)

2. (a) Discuss the effects of positive and negative input bias currents on output voltage of an

Op-Amp. (12)

(b) The Slew rate for allA741 Op-Amp is 0.5 V/lls. At what maximum frequency can

one get an undlstorted sine wave output voltage of 10 V peak? (5)

I 1. .
(c) How doe~ a Sclunitt-trigger circuit reduce the effect of noise? -explain with

appropriate sketch. (11)

(d) Calculate the load current (IL) in the circuit given in Fig. for Q. 2(d). (7)

Contd P/2
_,~,, ,, ,,'~ , .-..~ •.. __ .:........:. ." •.__ .-,;-"",,,---,- . __ .,._--'-- .•• ", .. -----.-- ... ---, •. - .. ,- .•. - .. ~ .. ,. ..,_ •.•. __ .,._~., ..__ •._.N • ~ •• ~ __ ~ -.- •.. -----.- ..



Contd .•. Q.No. 2(d)

-..-'-- lO-~ _.~--_

.._..__..-..\~r5V--' - .. -_ _ _ -

" -'.----.- .LtoK.A--- ..- -..-..---~~~ "-_.,,------
.. " --".---
....• _--_.~...-_ ..

~ ..--~--i_ -.-_._._~..,_ --'----~-,. ..~.,-_-.- w" ••••• ~.- ••••_-~-~

3. (a) A particular amplifier has a voltage transfer function, (15)

Sketch a Bode plot (on graph paper) for the magnitude response. From the plot,
determine the approximate value of voltage gain in dB at ro ==10 and lOS rad/sec.
What is the exact value of voltage gain at ro ==10 rad/sec?
(b) Select appropriate values for the coupling .capacitors 'Cel; and 'Ce2' and the bypass
capacitor 'C ' of the amplifier given in Fig. for Q. 3(b). So that the low frequency

respon~ will be dominated by a pole at 100 Hz. (20)

Given that VDD = 20 V, R ==100 kG, RGI ==1.4 MO, Ro2 = 0.6 MO, Rs = 3.5 kO,

RD ==5 kQ, ro ==oc, RL ==10 ill, and gm==4mAN.


-"=--=~-=-~ --=~~"~=------"---"-
~ _.- __"..._------.------.-,,-
..,,"----"'.-.--_.-._ ..-- . ..•~ .0...

---' -~"-:- __ _.__ .. .. __ ._--- ~_._ .

..~- ..~-.---~Lk),,-
4. (a) With necessary diagram, derive the expressions of input resistance, (Rif) and output .
resistance (Rur) of a voltage shunt feedback amplifier.
(b) Calculate the voltage gain Avf, input resistance Rif and output resistance)Rur for the
circuit given in Fig. for Q. 4(b). Given that, hie== 1k, hfe ==100, while hre and hoe are
\/c.e- (18)


Contd P/2
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wein-Bridge oscillator and derive the expression for

oscillating frequency. Make appropriate assumption if necessary. (12)

(b) Design a transformer coupled EF amplifier to drive an 8 Q load if Vee = 20 V,

VSE = 0.7 V, ~ = 100, Rin = 2 k Q and the transformer has a turns ratio of 10 : 1.
Determine the current gain, output power and maximum undistorted output voltage
(c) A bandpass filter has a resonant frequency of 950 Hz and a bandwidth of 2700 Hz.
Findits lower and upper cut off frequencies. Also, calculate the quality factor of the filter

and comment on whether the filter is narrowband or wideband.


6. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of the Hartley oscillator. Derive the expreSSIOn for

oscillating frequency and the condition for sustainable oscillation.


(b) Design a complementary-symmetry push pull diode-compensated class-B amplifier to

derive a 4Q load to :l: 3 V. Assume transistor ~ = 100 and V BE = :l: 0.7 V. The diodes have
forward resistance of 10 Q. Determine all quiescent voltages and currents for Vee = 16 V.
Calculate th~ maximum power delivered by the power supply, the power delivered to the

load and the power ratings of the transistors to be used.


(c) Octave equalizers have resonant frequencies at approximately 32, 64, 128, 250, 500,.
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16000 Hz. Q of each filter is chosen to have a value of 2.0.

With a neat diagram, design an unity-gain filter to select the sixth octave. (10)

7. (a) For a transistor phase shift oscillator, derive the expression for oscillating frequency

and condition for sustainable oscillation.

(b) With necessary neat diagrams, derive the expression for the maximum power
conversion efficiency of a transformer coupled class-A power amplifier.
(c) Draw the generalized circuit diagram of a - 60 dB/decade 10wpass filter. Prove that

where, symbols bear their usual meanings.

8. (a) Describe the operating principle for crystal oscillator. Draw the equivalent circuit
diagram and derive the expression for crystal impedance in terms of series and parallel
(11) .
resonant frequencies.

Coutd P/3
- 'V'~
- ,0,-
EEE 207.

Contd .•. Q. No.8

(b) With necessary neat. diagram(s), derive the expressions for input resistance and.
current gain for a diode-compensated complementary.,symmetry class-B power amplifier.

(c) Draw the generalized circuit diagram of a - 40 dB/decade lowpass

. filter and prove .

. 1
- .fiCtJcC1

where. the symbols bear their usual meanings. (11)



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