Implementation of The Public Schools Dis
Implementation of The Public Schools Dis
Implementation of The Public Schools Dis
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Abstract: This study assessed the status of implementation of the public schools’ disaster risk reduction management (DRRM)
program as to the four (4) DRRM thematic areas and the level of capability of the respondents to respond during hazards to prevent
disaster in all public schools of Bayawan City Division, Negros Oriental for S.Y. 2018-2019. A total of ninety-six (96) public elementary
and secondary school heads were selected as research respondents representing the different 10 districts of Bayawan City Division. The
study used the adopted survey questionnaires from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (NDRRM) Plan and the
Hyogo Framework of Action. It utilized descriptive-quantitative method and weighted mean and spearman rank correlation coefficient
were used as statistical tools. The results of the study revealed that the disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) program in public
schools of Bayawan City Division is well implemented. Public schools are also very capable to respond to hazards in the occurrence of
disasters. It concluded that there is a significant relationship between the status of DRRM implementation and the level of capabilities
among the public school administrators.
2) What is the level of the capabilities of the Public Gubalane (2015) stated that contingency planning is actually
Schools of Bayawan City Division in the a fundamental tool, but good plan cannot stand alone
implementation of the disaster risk reduction without having an empowered citizenry, infrastructures,
management program with regards to: emergency response mechanisms, rehabilitation, and other
2.1 Human resources, important logistics. The bottom line of the aforementioned
2.2 Material facilities, would questions about the financial capabilities of the
2.3 Knowledge, innovation and education, government or the local government units (to be specific),
2.4 Policies, plans and procedures, schools or universities and/or organizations.
2.5 Capacities and mechanisms?
Moreover, United States Federal Emergency Management
3) Is there a significant relationship in the status of Agency (FEMA, 2013), states that schools may be seen as
implementation of DRRM and the level of the ideal setting for the dissemination of risk-based
capabilities among the public school administrators? educational programs. By giving the proper preparedness
skills, students can develop those skills and carry them into
2.2 Hypothesis their adulthood. There is a need to assess whether learners
and educators are aware of the safety plans and are well
The hypothesis of the study was tested at 0.05 level of prepared for any outbreak of disasters (Mamogale, 2011).
Grant (2012) stressed that the disaster awareness in schools,
Ho: There is no significant relationship in the status of can be incorporated in institution through strategically
implementation of DRRMand the level of capabilities posting safety rules, installing firefighting equipment,
among the public school administrators. evacuation exits, maintain buildings, organizing seminars on
disaster awareness and involving peer education, electronic
2.3 Definition of Terms and print media, action learning and using science education
as a means to introduce studies of disaster risk.
Disaster Risk Management. This refers to the
systematic process of using administrative directives, 4. Research Methodology
organizations, and operational skills and capacities to
implement strategies, policies and improved coping This study used the descriptive-qualitative method. The
capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of locale of the study covers the Public Schools of Bayawan
hazards and the possibility of disaster. City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
Disaster Risk Reduction. This refers to the concept and The respondents of the study were the school heads who are
practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic part of the DRRM Core Group. The study utilized the
efforts to analyze and reduce the causal factors of adopted survey questionnaires from the National Disaster
disasters. Risk Reduction Management (NDRRM) Manual to
Implementation. This refers to how the provision is determine the status of the implementation of Public
evidently observed in schools, with strict compliance in Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program
the disaster risk reduction and management thematic based on the NDRRM policies, plans, and procedures and
areas. the level of capabilities of the respondents to respond to
Public Schools. This refers to registered educational hazards in times of the disaster anchored on the Hyogo
institution that nurtures learners for their elementary and Framework of Action. The researcher sought approval from
secondary education. the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent to
Response. This refers to the reaction to do something in administer the survey instruments. Upon the approval,
times of disasters and natural calamities. copies of the research instruments were given to the
different school administrators representing the SDRRM
3. Review of Related Literature core group and team itself.
According to UNESCO (2010), preparedness plans are 5. Presentation. Analysis, and Interpretation of
dynamic ventures which need to be reviewed, modified, the Data
updated and tested on a regular basis. Active disaster
preparedness includes developing comprehensive response This chapter presents the data analysis, and interpretation of
plans, monitoring hazards threats, training emergency the findings of the study.
personnel, and training members of the communities at risk
“to ensure the timely appropriate and effective delivery of
relief”. Preparing for disasters can reduce potential damage
and save lives, which can assist in the speed and efficiency
of recovery efforts (King & Tarrant, 2013). Planning and
preparing for disasters is an ongoing process. Although
planning ahead is not an easy task, it is necessary to achieve
In support, Dominguez (2014) indicated that the Moreover, concept of disaster preparedness is consist of
implementation rate of disaster rehabilitation and recovery measures that enable different units such as people,
only proves that DRRM team coordinates for livelihood, household, communities, organizations, groups and
living conditions and organizational capacities to be restored institutions to efficiently respond and quickly recover when
and improved after a disaster. Also, Tuladhar et al. (2015) disaster strike. Development of the planning process to
shared the findings that public schools, through its school ensure readiness, disaster plan formulation, storage of the
managers and DRRM team members, report to proper resources needed for the effective response, skills and
authorities the victims of calamities for assistance on their competencies development to ensure effective response,
needs. The item which obtained the lowest weighted mean is skills and competencies development to ensure effective
“Disaster and climate change resilient infrastructure performance of disaster-related tasks are among the
constructed/reconstructed”. This implied that public schools commonly consolidated activities and programs with
took a long term recovery to ensure that the rehabilitation or disaster preparedness. In addition to this, risk can be
combated by disaster preparedness which is defined by the
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 755
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA as “a focused on bouncing back and returning to a pre-disaster sense
continuous cycle of planning, organizing, training, of normal (Cutter, 2013).
equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective
action in an effort to ensure effective coordination during In response to this dilemma, many researchers are pushing a
incident response” (DHS, 2015). new sense of thinking as to where the communities will look
at future resiliency, and are working toward “bouncing
In affirmation, disaster preparedness has been considered the forward not bouncing back” in order to create a new sense of
most effective among the four thematic areas or indicators of normal (O’Brien et al., 2009; Manyena et al., 2011).
the disaster risk reduction management program
implementation as the responsibility for disaster Table 6: Level of Capabilities of the Respondents
preparedness belongs to everyone and not just the wx̄ Verbal
government. According to UNESCO (2007), there is a Description
positive correlation between a community’s knowledge and Capabilities in the Implementation of DRRMP
preparedness and their resiliency in the face of disasters Human Resources 3.96 High
Material Facilities 3.80 High
(Rambau et al., 2012). Getting involved and taking
Knowledge, Innovation and Education 3.90 High
ownership of one’s part in their own, as well as their
Policies, Plans and Procedures 3.85 High
family’s preparedness is important (Brooks, 2012). The
importance of responsibility does not stop there: to improve
Knowledge, innovation, and education garnered the next
disaster preparedness and resiliency, all levels of
highest weighted mean among the indicators on the level of
government, individuals, families, the private sector, and
capabilities of the respondents. Hence, better understanding
communities must all play a role (Cutter, 2013).
and education can assist people in finding ways to minimize
the potential risks of a disaster. One way to minimize risk is
The next thematic area which garnered the highest weighted
planning. It is in educational planning where disaster
mean of 3.91 denoting a “very effective” program
awareness borrows the concept of starting with a vision that
implementation is disaster prevention and mitigation. In
will bring change or benefit. The educational planner
support, communities, states, and countries are trying to
therefore develops a road map that will help bring the
thwart the effects of a natural hazard from becoming a
desired change.
disaster by mitigating, preventing, and preparing for an
event through the development and application of policies,
Similarly disaster awareness involves identifying activities
strategies, and practices known as disaster risk reduction
to be undertaken within the topic of disaster risk
(DRR) (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
management. Schools with proper disaster awareness
(UNISDR, 2010). According to the UNISDR, DRR is
manage the disaster risks very well. It is incumbent to have
defined as “the concept and practice of reducing disaster
the entire school community being directly engaged in
risks through systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the
learning about disaster preparedness and identifying
causal factors of disasters” (UNISDR). The DRR approach
solutions to protect the schools (Kay, 2013). Moreover,
identifies hazards and assesses risks; develops and applies
according to Grant (2012), disaster awareness in schools can
practices that prevent, mitigate, prepare for, or recover from
be incorporated in institution through strategically posting
disasters; and evaluates the effectiveness of the current
safety rules, installing firefighting equipment, evacuation
programs and strategies (Cutter, 2013). Accomplishing the
exits, maintain buildings, conducting seminars on disaster
DRR approach involves focusing on a community’s
awareness and entailing child-to-child peer education, the
vulnerabilities. Once the disaster risk has been identified
use of songs, electronic and print media, action learning and
and assessed, the DRR approach is followed through by
using science education as means to introduce studies of
actions taken to minimize or reduce that disaster risk
disaster risk.
through mitigation or preventative measures (Tuladhar et al.,
Policies, plans and procedures which then obtained the
weighted mean of3.85 got the third highest rank as to the
However, disaster response with a weighted mean of 3.74
respondents’ level of capabilities to respond to disasters and
has been the least implemented thematic area or indicator in
prevent further risks. In line with this, there is a great need to
the DRRM program as viewed by the school administrators.
assess whether learners and educators are aware of the safety
This can be attributed to how the communities’ efforts to
plans and are well prepared for any outbreak of disasters
further develop themselves are thwarted when they are
(Mamogale, 2011). According to UNESCO (2010),
tasked with spending money on response and recovery from
preparedness plans are dynamic ventures which need to be
a disaster. These funds are used to rebuild, often only to the
reviewed, modified, updated and tested on a regular basis.
level of the pre-existing condition that was already
Active disaster preparedness includes developing
vulnerable; hence, these communities are frequently stalled
comprehensive response plans, monitoring hazards threats,
in their efforts to improve and attempt to escape poverty.
training emergency personnel, and training members of the
communities at risk “to ensure the timely appropriate and
In the end, livelihoods are destroyed, community assets and
services are destroyed and in need of rebuilding, poverty has
effective delivery of relief” .Lastly, the area on material
increased, and repopulation continues in pre-existing high-risk facilities being the lowest in rank seems to be the most
areas with no funds or plans to rebuild themselves into a more crucial because it needs financial allocation to provide the
efficient or resilient community. Many communities are needed equipment in the school contexts (Ardalan, 2015;
Merchant, 2015). Public schools will eventually find
difficulty in this area considering there is no enough fund to
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 756
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
be allocated in DRRM program especially in the provision (disaster preparedness); direction, regulation, and activation
of needed DRRM facilities, equipment and materials as of response mechanism by the DRRM team, rescuers and
compared to other programs, activities, projects of the volunteers (disaster response); and conduct of trainings in
Department of Education (DepEd) as to access, quality and line with the development programs for recovery among
relevance, and governance (Sala, 2019). others.
Table 7: Test of Significance Correlation Based on the findings of this study, for human resources,
Area r-value
Inter- p- alpha
significant relationship with disaster prevention and
pretation value value mitigation shows the rs value of 0.720, disaster preparedness
Status of shows the rs value of 0.638, disaster response shows the rs
Implemen- value of 0.786, and disaster recovery and rehabilitation
tation of shows the rs value of 0.798 which all implied that the
and the
hypothesis is rejected. This means that public schools’ level
Level of (Merge)
Reject of capabilities in terms of human resources’ preparedness,
High 0.000 .05 Signi-ficant responsiveness, and involvement affect the status of
Capabilitie 0.814 Ho
Correlation implementation of DRRM.
s among
the Public
School Catanus (2018) and Mamhot (2019) further supported this
Adminis- finding by saying that the respondents’ assessments on the
trators mentioned areas are more or less the same since the
Tabular r = 0.201; df = 94; level of significance = 0.05 Philippine government at present focuses on disaster risk
reduction (DRR). This move puts on more emphasis on the
Table 7 presents the data in identifying the significant level of capabilities of the human resources in the
relationship between the status of implementation of DRRM implementation of DRRMP through strengthening people's
and the level of capabilities among the public school capacity to take in stress, maintain core functions during a
administrators. As shown, the r-value of .814 shows a high catastrophe, and recover from disasters. Thus, the DRRM
correlation between the status of implementation and the core team such as school heads, LGU responders, and
level of capabilities among the public school administrators. coordinators shared the same commendable practices on the
Further, it showed significant correlation in which p value of status of disaster prevention and preparedness as well as
0.000 is less than the alpha which is .05. It implied that the response and recovery with the establishment of such as
hypothesis is rejected and a significant relationship is schools and public offices (DepEd, 2008).
established. This means that the status of implementation of Hence, the implementation of DRRM plans and activities is
disaster risk reduction and management is affected by the encouraged at all levels. Both public and private sectors
level of capabilities among the public school administrators. should be made aware of their roles and responsibilities in
times of disasters. As Espinas (2013) and Bueza (2014) put
Further, the data indicate that all the computed rs values are emphasis, organized DRRM team should support the
greater than the tabular value (0.201) at 5% level of implementation of all thematic areas of disaster risk
significance and 94 degrees of freedom. This finding is reduction and management.
enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. This means
that the higher the capabilities in the implementation of the It also proves that there is a significant relationship between
DRRMP of the respondents considering the 5 areas (human the level of capabilities of public schools as to material
resources; material facilities; knowledge, innovation and facilities and all thematic areas of disaster risk reduction and
education; policies, plans and procedures; and capacities and management, wherein disaster prevention and mitigation
mechanisms), the higher also is the status of implementation shows the rs value of 0.680, disaster preparedness shows the
in terms of the following areas: disaster prevention and rs value of 0.616, disaster response shows the rs value of
mitigation; disaster preparedness; disaster response; and 0.739, and disaster recovery and rehabilitation shows the rs
disaster recovery. In addition, the degree of relationship of value of 0.782 which all implied that the hypothesis is
all the variables being paired is classified as strong. rejected. This is agreed by Lobaton (2018) who revealed that
on the assessment of the different stakeholders as to their
The study finds out that the higher the capabilities of the status of implementation of the DRRM Program and their
public schools in the disaster risk reduction and management level of capabilities in terms of material facilities, a
program implementation in terms of human resources significant relationship is established. As stated in the
through its DRRM Core Group lead by the school DRRM Manual, DepEd as the agency responsible for
administrators, the higher also is the status of schools acknowledges that aside from providing primary
implementation in the areas of disaster prevention and education, the department is also responsible for providing
mitigation; disaster preparedness; disaster response; and safe teaching-learning facilities. It is also in charge in
disaster recovery. This is supported by Mamhot (2019) who making a hazard-free environment to the school children
affirmed this statement through sharing the findings that (DepEd, 2008; DepEd nos. 87, and 120, 2015; DepEd
human resources in DepEd Siquijor Province have high level nos.50, 2011).
of involvement in DRRMP through the establishment of the
school disaster management committee in the grassroots Merchant (2015) also stressed that disaster awareness in
level (disaster prevention and mitigation); organization of an schools, can be incorporated in institution through
assessment team to check all facilities for safety and security strategically posting safety rules, installing firefighting
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 757
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
equipment, having evacuation exits, and maintaining when motivating someone to follow through with the
buildings among others. Moreover, Catanus (2018) and process of preparing.
Mamhot (2019) put emphasis on the importance of fire
extinguishers, supplies in place, and necessary learning/ In line with the conduct of relevant training activities,
teacher/ school kits. Alexander (2010) noted that LGU DRRM responders are
motivated to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently
It also exhibits that there is significant relationship between because of the national and local government provided them
the level of capabilities of public schools as to the area of enough trainings and simulations on how to rehabilitate
knowledge, innovation and education and all thematic areas communities which experienced calamities. Moreover,
of DRRM program implementation, wherein disaster Kenny (2012) disclosed that LGU DRRM responders highly
prevention and mitigation shows the rs value of 0.736, initiate trainings for recovery programs like counseling,
disaster preparedness shows the rs value of 0.680, disaster relief operations, and post disaster reports.
response shows the rs value of 0.714, and disaster recovery
and rehabilitation shows the rs value of 0.706 which all This study also shared the findings that there is significant
implied that the hypothesis is rejected.It could be inferred relationship between the level of capabilities of public
that aside from the conduct of trainings and simulation schools as to the area of policies, plans and procedures and
exercises and customized and specialized DRRM capability all thematic areas of DRRM program implementation,
building activities for specific groups like decision makers, wherein disaster prevention and mitigation shows the r s
responders, children, public sectors employees among value of 0.717, disaster preparedness shows the rs value of
others, there is also the development of DRRM information, 0.635, disaster response shows the rs value of 0.633, and
education, and communication to increase communities’ disaster recovery and rehabilitation shows the rs value of
level of awareness and enhance capacity at all administrative 0.674 which all implied that the hypothesis is rejected.It
levels. could then be inferred that there is an awareness building on
DRRM and disaster preparedness for school communities
This finding denotes that school administrators with more through stakeholders’ involvement in evacuation plans and
trainings implement the program better than those with less drills, training in risk reduction for school officials and
number of trainings affecting their accumulated knowledge school community leaders, and having a so-called family
and created innovations. Lobaton (2018) supports the preparedness plan completed at home by the learners and
significant result of this study which explains that relevant their childcare providers. In line with this, as contextualized
trainings attended impact the extent of implementation of the in the school level, Catanus (2018) reveals the strong efforts
program. What matter most is their acquired knowledge and given by public schools through having effectively
skills during basic training coupled with their commitment. communicated the DepEd Order No. 43 to all stakeholders at
The more trainings, the better implementation of the DRRM all levels.
program is.
This further implied that public schools in Bayawan City,
This further implies that courses, education, or trainings in Negros Oriental include DRRM Programs in their School
disaster risk reduction has been part of the curriculum Improvement Plan as well as develop contingency plans,
planning and implementation. In support, there is an outline plans, communication plans, and school evacuation
integration of the DRRM in school curricula, textbooks, plans. In support, the findings of Catanus (2018) and
manuals as well as training modules and as Brook (2012) Mamhot (2019) that public schools in Negros Oriental and
disclosed, to get more people involved, they should be Siquijor Island have documented and tested preparedness for
provided with preparedness education. effective and efficient implementation and evaluation of
DRRM programs.
Also, King and Tarrant (2013) stressed that important
aspects of children’s disaster education revolved on knowing In affirmation, Seneviratne et al. (2010) supports the
the correct ways to prepare effective safety procedures. In significant result which explains that the extent to which
addition, Tuladhar et al. (2015) disclosed that integrating SRDDMC coordinators and responders are prepared to
disaster preparedness and disaster education into the respond to such circumstances is an immediate challenge
curricula at school will reach its greatest concentration when and presents opportunities to coordinate an effort to plan for
its status allows the opportunity for information. In view better rehabilitation proceedings. Being well prepared and
thereof, Kay (2013) noted that it is incumbent to have the actively ready to respond to a disaster will raise the level of
entire school community being directly engaged in learning public confidence in the ability of the SDRRMC to manage
about disaster preparedness and identifying solutions to such development effectively.Although planning ahead is
protect schools. Moreover, United States Federal Emergency not an easy task, it is necessary to achieve positive results,
Management Agency (FEMA, 2013), states that schools and it is becoming more morally and economically essential
may be seen as the ideal setting for the dissemination of after every event (Cutter, 2013). Preparing for disasters can
risk-based educational programs. By giving the proper reduce potential damage and save lives, which can assist in
preparedness skills, learners can develop those skills and the speed and efficiency of recovery efforts (King & Tarrant,
carry them into their adulthood. Hence, as Mamogale (2011) 2013). Moreover, planning and preparing for disasters is an
and Shaw et al. (2013) noted, there is a need to assess ongoing process. An official plan should be written and be a
whether learners and educators are aware of the safety plans living document (Brooks, 2012).
and are well-prepared for any outbreak of disasters for
having a realistic awareness of potential events is crucial
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 758
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Therefore, planning and preparedness is a shared especially prevention and mitigation, and disaster
responsibility, and working together toward a common goal preparedness to achieve the goals and objectives of RA
can assist in identifying needs and gaps in disaster education 10121.
and preparedness. Efforts should be complimentary and
should not work against each other (Cutter, 2013). 7. Conclusion
Communication and collaboration among all parties helps to
avoid the duplication of services, eliminates misinformation, Below are the conclusions which have been based on the
and strengthens and expands the community’s network in all findings of the study:
phases of disaster management. 1) As assessed by the school administrators, the Disaster
Risk Reduction Management Program in the public
Finally, this study reveals a significant relationship between schools of Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City,
the level of capabilities of public schools as to the area Negros Oriental, Philippines as to the four (4) DRRM
capacities and mechanisms and all thematic areas of DRRM Aspects: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster
program implementation, wherein disaster prevention and Preparedness, Disaster Response, and Disaster
mitigation shows the rs value of 0.762, disaster preparedness Recovery and Rehabilitation is well-implemented.
shows the rs value of 0.649, disaster response shows the rs 2) As assessed by the school administrators, Public
value of 0.699, and disaster recovery and rehabilitation Schools of Bayawan City Division are very capable in
shows the rs value of 0.731 which all implied that the the implementation of the disaster risk reduction
hypothesis is rejected. It implied that the higher the public management program as to human resources, material
schools’ level of capabilities in terms of capacities and facilities, knowledge, innovation and education,
mechanism, the higher also is its status of implementation of policies, plans and procedures, and capacities and
disaster risk reduction and management practices. It could mechanisms.
be further inferred that plans were prepared and training 3) Based on the above findings, there is a significant
drills and rehearsals were done as part of disaster response relationship or a high correlation between the status of
programs stressing out the importance of strengthening the implementation of disaster risk reduction management
capacity bottom-up as a new paradigm. This finding is then program in public schools and the level of capabilities
supported by Yamada and Gala (2015) stating that helping among the public school administrators.
people in a disaster situation is important but preventing
disasters from happening is better. And although doing it 8. Recommendations
takes time and work, its success will help communities
withstand hazards, overcome vulnerability, and provide a Based on the results and in the light of the findings and
sense of ownership both in the short and long run (Idawati et conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are
al., 2016). proposed.
In the long run, strengthening capacity is about 1. It would be better for school heads, DRRM coordinators,
strengthening the possibility people have in influencing their and team members as part of the core group to conduct
own lives (Idawati et al., 2016). Although doing it takes time regular meetings and monitoring for disaster mitigation
and work, its success will help communities withstand measures. Also, for community to have access on effective
hazards, overcome vulnerability, and provide a sense of and applicable disaster risk management, there is a great
ownership both in the short and long run (Idawati et al., need to conduct research, develop new modalities and
2016). schemes leading to the mitigation and prevention of
disasters, especially at the community level. Through this,
6. Summary of Findings their vulnerabilities are lessened through the options
available for them.
The study determined the status of implementation of public
schools’ disaster risk reduction management program based 2. To equip communities with the necessary skills and
on the four thematic areas as well as the level of capabilities capability to cope with the impact of disaster, there should
among the public school administrators to respond in times be disaster preparedness activities not only to establish
of disasters and hazards in the public elementary and arrangements to enable timely, effective, and appropriate
secondary schools of Bayawan City Division, Bayawan responses to such events but also to identify and plan DRR
City, Negros Oriental, Philippines for S.Y. 2018-2019. strategies to address to imminent threat to lives and
properties. Production and distribution of disaster-related
Moreover, the status of implementation of public schools’ paraphernalia (posters, pamphlets, leaflets, signages) printed
disaster risk reduction management programs to the four in a local dialect as part of advocacy campaigns of public
thematic areas were taken based on the adopted schools through its DRRM core group is encouraged for
questionnaires from the National Risk Reduction and effective information dissemination to the school
Management Plan. Each area has long term goals and practitioners, community members and other stakeholders.
activities which will lead to the attainment of overall vision This would in turn motivate people to contribute on what
in DRRM. Also, the level of capabilities of the respondents they can do to prevent the adverse effects of certain disaster.
was anchored on the Hyogo Framework of Action. In line
with this, the SDRRM will be most effective if they are 3. To address the psychological needs of the affected
performing their functions and mandates. And as prescribed population, DRRM core groups should support the moral of
by the law, they should give priorities to all thematic areas, the affected learners and community members through
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 759
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
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Appendix A
Research Questions
Implementation of the Public Schools’ Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program and Level of Capabilities to
Instructions: Please check the number that indicates the status of the implementation of the Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Program of the Public Schools in Bayawan City Division, Bayawan City, Negros Oriental, Philippines as to the
four (4) DRRM Aspects: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, and Disaster
Recovery and Rehabilitation.
Refer to the guide below in choosing your option. It is important that you honestly answer each item. Please do not leave any
item unchecked. Rest assured that your individual information will be treated with strict confidentiality.
Code Interpretation
5 Very Well Implemented (VWI)
4 Well Implemented (WI)
3 Implemented (I)
2 Less Implemented (LI)
1 Not Implemented (NI)
A. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the status of implementation of the following DRRM Programs in your school?
1) DRRM and CCA mainstreamed and integrated in national, sectoral, regional and local development policies, plans
and budget
2) DRRM and CCA-sensitive environmental management
3) Increased disaster resiliency of infrastructure systems
4) Community based and scientific DRR-CCA assessment, mapping, analysis and monitoring
5) Communities have access to effective and applicable disaster risk financing and insurance
6) End-to-End monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems are established and/or improved
B. Disaster Preparedness
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
What is the status of implementation of the following DRRM Programs in your school?
1) Increased level of awareness and enhanced capacity of the community to the threats and impacts of all hazards
2) Communities are equipped with the necessary skills and capability to cope with the impact of disasters
3) Increased disaster resiliency of infrastructure systems
4) Developed and implemented comprehensive national and local preparedness policies, plans and systems
5) Strengthened partnership and coordination among all key players and stakeholders
C. Disaster Response
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Well-established disaster response and relief operations
2) Adequate and prompt assessment of needs and damages
3) Integrated and coordinated Search, Rescue and Retrieval (SRR) capacity
4) Evacuated safely and on time affected communities
Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20404215026 DOI: 10.21275/SR20404215026 761
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
5) Temporary shelter and/or structural needs are adequately addressed
6) Basic social services provided to affected population (whether inside or outside ECs)
7) Psychosocial needs of affected population addressed
8) Coordinated and integrated system for early recovery
D. Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1) Damages, Losses and Needs Assessed
2) Economic activities restored and if possible, strengthened or expanded
3) DRRM and CCA elements are mainstreamed in human settlement
4) Disaster and climate change resilient infrastructure constructed/reconstructed
5) An psychologically sound, safe and secured citizenry that is protected from the effects of disasters are able to
restore to normal functioning after each disaster
Instructions: Please check the number that indicates the level of the capabilities of the Public Schools of Bayawan City
Division in the implementation of the disaster risk reduction management program as to: Human Resources, Material
Facilities, Knowledge, Innovation and Education, Policies, Plans and Procedures, and Capacities and Mechanisms.
Code Interpretation
5 Very Much Capable (VMC)
4 Very Capable (VC)
3 Capable (C)
2 Less Capable
1 Not Capable (NI)
I. Human Resources
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what level is the capability of your school in the implementation of the following DRRM Programs?
1) National policy and legal framework for DRR exists with decentralized responsibilities and capacities
at all levels
2) Dedicated and adequate resources are available to implement DRR plans and activities at all
administrative levels
3) Community participation and decentralization is assured through the delegation of authority and
resources to local levels
4) A platform for DRR is functioning
II. Material Facilities
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what level is the capability of your school in the implementation of the following DRRM Programs?
1) National and local risk assessments based on hazard data and vulnerability information are available
and include risk assessments for key sectors
2) Systems are in place to monitor, archive and disseminate data on key hazards and vulnerabilities
3) Early warning systems are in place for all major hazards with outreach to communities
4) National and local risk assessments take account of regional/trans boundary risks, with a view to
regional cooperation and risk reduction
III. Knowledge, Innovation and Education
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what level is the capability of your school in the implementation of the following DRRM Programs?
1) Relevant information on disasters is available and accessible at all levels, to all stakeholders
2) School curricula, education material and relevant trainings include DRR and recovery concept and
3) Research methods and tools for multi-risk assessments and cost benefit analysis are developed and
4) Countrywide public awareness strategy exists to stimulate a culture of disaster resilience, with
outreach to urban and rural communities
IV. Policies, Plans and Procedures
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
To what level is the capability of your school in the implementation of the following DRRM Programs?
1) DRR is an integral objective of environment related policies and plans, including for land use, natural
resource management and adaptation to climate change
2) Social development policies and plans are being implemented to reduce the vulnerability of
populations at risk
3) Economic and productive sectoral policies and plans have been implemented to reuse the vulnerability
of economic activities
4) Planning and management of human settlements incorporate DRR elements, including enforcement of
building codes
5) DRR measures are incorporated into post disaster recovery and rehabilitation processes
6) Procedures are in place to assess disaster risks of major development projects, especially infrastructure
Author Profiles
Dr. Sheena Mae T. Comighud –
sheenamae.comighud She is a Doctor
of Education Graduate of Foundation University,
Dumaguete City, Philippines. She is presently
connected with the Schools Division of Bayawan City and Negros
Oriental State University as a faculty of the Department of
Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education
(CHED). She is also a Teacher-Researcher of DepEd Region VII’s
Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) Facility for 2019 and
2020. She attended multitudes of International Research
Conferences and Presentations including Conferences held at
Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, Philippine
Normal University, and the University of the Philippines, Diliman,
Quezon City as well as the Asian Conference for Action and
Institutional Researches (ACIAR) which were graced by diverse
nationalities of different countries. She is recently proclaimed as
the Best Oral Presenter in the 2019 Conference of Basic Education
Researchers (CBER) of DepEd-Philippines held at the Philippine
International Convention Center and the winner of the prestigious
Outstanding Trained Graduate Teacher Award by the International
Education Summit and Awards (IESA) 2020 held at Bangkok,
Thailand on February of 2020.