Ad Hoc Questions
Ad Hoc Questions
Ad Hoc Questions
Prepared by
Q.No. Questions Domain
19. Analyze the factor by which AODV performs well compared to BTL 4 Analyzing
DSDV routing protocol
20. When does RouteError message initiated in AODV routing Understanding
(i) Differentiate between cellular Network and Ad Hoc (8)
1. BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Examine the major advantages of ad hoc wireless (5)
2. Describe the issues and challenges in Ad hoc wireless (6) BTL 1 Remembering
(i) Assess the importance of multicasting in an ad hoc (7)
wireless network applications. Evaluating
3. BTL 5
(ii) Summarize the security threats in an adhoc wireless (6)
Draw the schematic diagram of an ad hoc wireless Internet (13)
4. and discuss the issues to be considered for the successful BTL 1 Remembering
ad hoc wireless Internet.
(i) Demonstrate the benefits of the commercial ad hoc (7)
wireless networks.
5. BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Why is power management important for ad hoc (6)
wireless networks?
(i) Interpret the concept of Self Organizing in an ad hoc (7)
wireless networks.
6. (ii) What role does the routing protocol play in the (6) BTL 2 Understanding
provisioning of QoS guarantees for ad hoc wireless
(i) Outline the major challenges that a routing protocol (8)
designed for ad hoc wireless networks faces.
7. (ii) Write about the types of ad hoc network routing (5) BTL 1 Remembering
protocols based on routing information update
8. How is the loop free property ensured in an on demand (13) Understanding
routing protocol and in table driven routing protocol.
Explore the issues related to routing protocol for ad hoc (13)
9. BTL 3 Applying
wireless networks.
6. Interpret the term energy scavenging in Wireless Sensor Network. BTL 2 Understanding
13. Exhibit the performance metrics of wireless sensor network. BTL 3 Applying
15. Formulate the types of mobility of a sensor node in a network. BTL 6 Creating
1. What are the performance requirements for a MAC protocol? BTL 1 Remembering
2. Discuss the concept of wake up radio. BTL 2 Understanding
3. List the factors that are essential for PHY design in WSNs. BTL 1 Remembering
Illustrate the difference between contention based protocols and
4. schedule based protocols. BTL 2 Understanding
(i) Explain any three schedule based MAC protocols of (10)
1. BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Illustrate the duty cycle and demonstrate how it is (3)
calculated in WSN.
(i) Analyze the energy efficient routing protocol. (8)
2. (ii) Exhibit the features of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC (5) BTL 4 Analyzing
Depict the importance of the Mediation device protocols (13)
3. BTL 6 Creating
with relevant diagrams in wireless sensor networks.
Determine the impact of S-MAC protocol in a network with (13)
4. BTL 4 Analyzing
suitable diagrams.
(i) Describe the low duty cycle protocols and explain any (8)
two protocols.
5. BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) How address and name management takes place in (5)
Write about SMAC and mediation device protocol in a (13)
6. BTL 1 Remembering
network with a neat sketch.
(i) Assess the working principle of CSMA protocol used in
802.15.4 for medium access in WSN with the help of
7. State diagram. BTL 5 Evaluating
(ii) Summarize the requirements and design consideratio ns
for a MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks.
Explain the LEACH routing with the help of neat diagram. (13)
8. BTL 1 Remembering
Give its advantages and disadvantages.
Demonstrate the SPIN and PEGASIS routing with the help (13)
9. BTL 3 Applying
of neat diagram. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
Express how the scheduled based MAC protocol differs (13)
10. BTL 2 Understanding
from the contention based MAC protocol.
(i) List the difference between proactive and reactive (7)
11. BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Which routing is more suitable for WSN? Explain the (6)
12. Interpret a suitable routing technique more suitable for (13) Understanding
WSN. Narrate the reasons for it.
Explore the functional diagram which depicts the issues in (13)
13. BTL 3 Applying
addressing and naming of WSN.
Inspect the distributed assignment of network wide unique (13)
14. BTL 4 Analyzing
MAC address for WSN
1. Analyze the different security attacks with suitable (13)
BTL 4 Analyzing
2. (i) Explain how the security can be improved by minimizing (8)
the attacks in sensor networks. BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Discuss the challenges in security provisioning. (5)
3. Describe in various types of attacks and explain its (13)
BTL 1 Remembering
4. Compile the various issues in security provisioning in WSN (13)
BTL 6 Creating
and also write about the solutions to avoid it.
5. Identify the layer wise attacks in wireless Sensor networks (13)
BTL 3 Applying
and explain its impact on networks.
6. Explain about Jamming and write the possible solutions for (13)
BTL 1 Remembering
jamming in WSN.
7. Examine how the security attacks affect the performance of (13)
BTL 4 Analyzing
the Wireless sensor networks.
8. List the possible solutions to mitigate the denial-of-ser vice (13)
attacks in sensor networks and explain how it improves the BTL 1 Remembering
performance of the system.
9. Summarize about the impacts of physical- layer jamming (13)
attacks on radio communication. How it distorts the signals in BTL 2 Understanding
the sensor network’s frequency band.
10. Define Tampering attack. Describe how it recovers (13)
cryptographic keys used for ciphering in sensor networks. BTL 1 Remembering
Q.No Questions Bloom’s Competence
1. List the challenges of sensor network programming. BTL 1 Remembering
2. Write the three categories of sensor node hardware. BTL 1 Remembering
3. What are the characteristics of Berkeley mote family? BTL 1 Remembering
4 Point out the two-CPU design of MICA motes. BTL 1 Remembering
5. Outline the transmission characteristics of MICA motes. BTL 2 Understanding
6. Name the features of Node-Level Software Platforms BTL 1 Remembering
7. Create the two representative examples of node-level programming BTL 6 Creating
8. How does TinyOS support Berkeley mote? BTL 3 Applying
9. Develop the application example of TinyOS. BTL 6 Creating
10. Expressthe need for nesC.language for sensor network programming BTL 2 Understanding