The Gold Model of A Pulsar
The Gold Model of A Pulsar
The Gold Model of A Pulsar
Let us now return to the finding of Antony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell. They
had found rapid pulsation and the question was, what type of object could be
small enough to serve as its source. In 1968, theoreticians had two possible
candidates, the white dwarf and the neutron star, and a number of different
theories sprang up to explain the nature of pulsars. In the early days after the
discovery of CP 1919, a few more pulsars were found, thus providing further
checks and constraints on the theories; a number of these fell by the wayside
in the usual scientific competition for the survival of the fittest. In particular,
it became clear that the white dwarf could be ruled out and the neutron star,
of. much smaller size, was the more likely source. Likewise, the cause of the
pulses was found to be not the oscillations of the star but its fast spin.
A model proposed by the Cornell astrophysicist Tommy Gold in 1968
ultimately emerged as the best buy from among these theories. And although
today we still do not have a very detailed model of pulsars, the Gold model
serves as a good starting point for any more elaborate exercise to understand
them. What may be going on in and around a neutron star can be understood
according to Gold's scenario in the following way.
A neutron star has two polar axes: a rotational axis and a magnetic axis.
The Earth also has two sets of poles, one from its rotation axis and the other
from the magnetic axis. But unlike the case of the Earth, where the two axes
are nearly aligned, in a typical neutron star the two axes may be pointing in
very different directions.
The rotating star has a swarm of electrically charged particles (the
electrons) in its atmosphere. As the star rotates so does the atmosphere,
carried along by the star's strong gravitational pull. Just as the outer parts of
a merry-go-round move much faster than its inner parts, the charged
particles in the outer parts of the atmosphere move very fast, and may
approach the speed of light. For a pulsar spinning once per second, this limit
may be reached at a distance of around 50000 km from the axis of spin.
Such fast particles are known to radiate electromagnetic waves in the
presence of magnetic fields. The radiation is highly beamed like the beam of
a rotating searchlight.
So if we happen to be located in the sweep-through area of the pulsar
beam we will get pulses of radiation each time the beam sweeps past us. The
pulse period is therefore just the period of rotation of the neutron star about
its axis.
If we follow the Gold model further, we may ask the question: what
happens to the spinning neutron star as it keeps on radiating for a long time?
Obviously, the process cannot go on forever. Indeed, as time goes on, the
spinning pulsar slows down and its pulse period increases. Thus we can
imagine that the pulsar starts off spinning very fast and, as it ages, it slows
down. A pulsar which has a pulse period of one second today may slow
down to a two-second period after, say, a million years.
Looking at pulsars of different periods, therefore, the astronomer can tell
broadly which pulsar is old and which one has just been started off. The
magnetic field also decreases as the pulsar ages and this is a factor in the
change in the intensity and spectrum of its radiation.
However, although this picture seemed to rest on reasonably secure
dations, there were further surprises in store for pulsar observers.
Superfluid rotation
The explanation of glitches has involved some remarkable physics. The slow
rotation rate show that at least 2% of the moment of inertia is attributable,
separate component of the neutron star; the long time constant of the
exponential recoveries shows that this component is a superfluid. The two
superfluid regions which might be involved are located in the core and in the
crust. Both IT involved, but in any case there must be an explanation of the
variable Coupling between the angular momentum of the fluid and that of
the crust. The rotation of a superfluid is abnormal; it is expressed as vortices,
each of which co a quantum of angular momentum. As the rotation slows,
the area density of the vortices must reduce by an outward movement. There
is, however, an interaction between the vortices and. the lattice nuclei, so
that the outward flow is impeded by the pinning of vortices to the crystal
lattice. A glitch indicates a sudden release of vortices, transferring angular
momentum to the crust. Vortices which remain pinned to the crust take no
part in the slowdown; this effectively removes part of the rotational moment
of inertia and allows the pulsar to slow down faster.
This pinning and unpinning process accounts for the steps in rotation rate
which, on average, reverse 2% of the slowdown in rotation for the bulk of
the pulsars. But, as we have seen, the glitches in the Crab pulsar are
primarily steps in slowdown rate that are not recovered between glitches.
These steps must be due to changes in magnetic dipole moment M (or in
moment of inertia I, which seems less likely). This appears to be related to
the departure of the observed values of braking index from the theoretical
value n = 3, as observed in the youngest pulsars; as noted earlier in this
section, this also can be explained by a change in M, which must be
increasing at a rate comparable with the characteristic slowdown lifetime.
The magnetic field within the neutron fluid core of the star is also quantized;
it forms flux tubes which can interact with the rotational vortices.
An interaction between the dipolar magnetic field and the rotational vortices
can lead to an accumulation of stress which is released at a glitch, leaving a
changed magnetic field configuration.
The expansion of the rotational vortex network can carry the magnetic flux
from the core into the crust, and increase the dipole moment. It may also
stress the surface of the crust, so that the glitch may involve crust cracking
and a readjustment of the surface distribution of the magnetic field.
In the closed equatorial region the high conductivity allows the induced
electric field to be cancelled by a static field, so that
£ + c ^-l (w x r) x B = 0.This corresponds to a charge density in the plasma,
where the difference in numbers of positive and negative charges. is
n- - n+ = w . B(2 pi ec)^-1. The beams of radio, optical, X-ray and gamma
ray emission which provide our only observations of the pulsars originate in
the open field line region; the surface areas where these open lines originate
are known as the polar caps. At the boundary between the closed and open
regions there may be a vacuum gap in which there is a large electric field.
This region appears to have a special significance for the high-energy
radiation, which originates in electrons and positrons streaming out through
the vacuum gap. The radio emission originates closer to the surface; its
source is distributed over the polar cap.
The strong linear polarization of both the radio and the optical emission
provides valuable clues to the geometry of the emitting regions. In a typical
radio pulse the plane of polarization swings monotonically through an S-
shape; this is interpreted as the successive observation of narrowly beamed
radiation from sources along a cut across the polar cap. The plane of
polarization is determined by the alignment of the magnetic field at the point
of origin, so that the sweep of polarization can be related to the angle
between the magnetic and rotation axes and their relation to the observer.
Lyne and Manchester showed in this way that the angles between the axes
are widely distributed; there is no evidence, however, that the inclination
angle changes during the lifetime of an individual pulsar. For those pulsars
where the axes are nearly perpendicular a pulse may be observed from both
magnetic poles, while for those in which the rotation and magnetic axes are
nearly aligned the observer must be located close to the rotation axis; in this
case the radio pulse may extend over more than half of the pulse period.
The radio pulses vary erratically in shape and amplitude from pulse to pulse;
however, the integrated profile obtained by adding some hundreds of pulses
is reproducible and characteristic of an individual pulsar. Generally, these
integrated profiles contain several distinct components, known as subpulses;
these appear to be associated with different regions of the polar cap, each of
which excites radio emission in one narrowly defined direction. If the
excitation of each region varies randomly and independently of the others,
the sum will vary from pulse to pulse, but adding many pulses will produce
an integrated pulse profile which depends only on the average emission from
each region.
Since the radius of the velocity of light cylinder is determined by the angular
velocity, the scale of the magnetosphere must range over a ratio of 5000 to
1. Nevertheless the width of the integrated profiles, and the radio spectra
vary remarkably little over this range. The millisecond pulsars have broader
profiles, especially at lower radio frequencies; at high frequencies the only
difference between the radio characteristics of the two classes is in
luminosity, which is lower by a factor of ten in the millisecond pulsars. At
the other end of the scale, the 8.5 s pulsar has an exceptionally narrow
beamwidth of only 1 °: there is no explanation for this, and if it is common it
suggests that there may be a substantial population of very slow pulsars most
of which cannot be detected at all because of their narrow beams.
The intensity of the radio emission shows at once that it must be coherent
and not thermal in any sense; the brightness temperature in some cases
exceeds 10^30 K. The optical and other high-energy radiation from the Crab
and Vela pulsars, in contrast, can be accounted for. As incoherent curvature
or synchrotron radiation from individual high-energy particles. streaming out
along field lines at the edge of the polar cap. Furthermore, the radio pulses
show a very high degree of polarization, which on occasion may approach
100%; this cannot be explained in terms of synchrotron or curvature
radiation. The radio emission is therefore coherent, and the association of a
particular frequency with a definite radial distance shows that this distance is
determined by a resonance in the plasma of the magnetosphere.
Melrose argues that a two-stage process is involved, in which the coherence
derives from bunching in an unstable stream of particles, and the radiation is
a resonant coupling at a critical density to a propagating mode directed along
a field line. The linear polarization of the radiation is then similar to that of
curvature radiation. The original acceleration of the particles takes place
near the surface of the polar cap, in a cascade process. In this cascade, as
suggested by Sturrock, electrons or positrons are accelerated to a high
energy and radiate gamma rays via curvature radiation; these gamma rays
then create electron and positron pairs as they encounter the strong magnetic
field, and the new particles are accelerated to continue the cascade.
Pulsars are most often and most easily observed at radio frequencies in the
range 0.4 GHz to 2 GHz. Their radio emission has a steep spectrum, with
spectral index a "'-' -2:1: 1, but for most pulsars observations at lower
frequencies are less informative because of the distortions due to
propagation effects. Some spectra have been measured over a wide range,
from 40 MHz to 80 GHz. There is often a turnover at frequencies below
about 100 MHz, but these spectral characteristics cannot be directly related
to the energy spectrum of the emitting particles, as can be done incoherent
sources of synchrotron radiations.
The parallax (giving distance) and the proper motion of nearby pulsars can
be measured. by interferometer. The most accurate measurements are made
by comparing the positions of the pulsar and an adjacent quasar, when only
differential measurements need be made. Assuming that the position of the
quasar is related to a fundamental frame, the pulsar's position may be found
in this way to submilliarcsecond accuracy. Continued observations over a
year or more provide measurements of distances through parallax, while
proper motion is also measurable for many pulsars. Geometrically
determined distances, and proper motions, may also be available from
accurate timing observations continued over a year or more.
Distances are obviously available for those pulsars which have optical
identifications, such as those in supernova remnants. Some distance
information is available for pulsars close to the Galactic plane which are
observed through neutral hydrogen clouds. These H I clouds absorb at
wavelengths near 21 cm; the actual absorption wavelength depends on their
location, giving an indication of the distance of an individual pulsar.
These distances are useful as calibrators of the distances provided by the
dispersion measure (DM). Given a model of the distribution of electron
density in the interstellar medium, the DM gives the distance. For nearby
pulsars an average electron density ne = 0.025 cm-3 pc may be used, with an
accuracy of around 20%; for example the Crab pulsar with DM = 57 is
known to be at a distance of about 2 kpc. At distances greater than 1 kpc it is
however necessary to take account of the structure of the Galaxy; a model
distribution by Taylor and Cordes is generally used for such distance
X-ray pulsars
The explanation of the new class of binary and millisecond pulsars, and their
linkage to the main population came from X-ray astronomy. The strongest
X-ray sources are binary systems in which a neutron star is accreting matter
from a companion star; in the process the neutron star is spun up and can
eventually become a millisecond pulsar. These are thermal sources of X-
rays; the accreting gas is concentrated by the magnetic field, forming hot
spots above the magnetic poles. The X-ray flux then varies as the star
rotates, bringing the hot spots in and out of view. (A different class of X-ray
pulsars, such as the Crab pulsar, is radio pulsars whose spectrum of pulsed
radiation extends continuously from radio up to optical, X-ray, and even
gamma-ray energies.)
The identification of an X-ray source with a condensed star was first demon-
strated by the discovery of pulsations at intervals of 4.8 s from the source
Cen X-3; furthermore, a periodic Doppler shift in the pulse interval showed
that the source was in a binary system. More than 100 such X-ray sources
are now known, distributed throughout the Galaxy. All are neutron stars in
binary systems; their companions have masses between 1 and 20 MG. Most
of the companions are young stars with masses between 5 and 20 MG,
which are evolving through the red giant phase towards a supernova
collapse, and whose remnant core would probably become another neutron
star. Others, the low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), have companions with
masses about 1 MG, which are evolving towards a collapse to a white dwarf.
Twelve of the 50 LMXBs are located in globular clusters, indicating a link
with the binary and millisecond pulsars.
The binary radio pulsars are similarly revealed by the periodic Doppler shift
of their pulse periods. 12.17 shows this for two examples with orbits of
small and high eccentricity. All of those with small eccentricities have a
low-mass white dwarf companion; these binaries are the likely outcome of
evolution from LMXBs. Those with high eccentricity usually have a neutron
star companion; these appear to have evolved from the higher-mass systems,
the HMXBs. Solitary millisecond pulsars may have evolved from either
class; in the case of the HMXBs the binary may have disrupted at the time of
the supernova explosion, while for the LMXBs the white dwarf may have
been evaporated by intense radiation from the pulsar itself. The latter
scenario is supported by observations of several pulsars with very-low-mass
companions, in which an occultation occurs over a large part of the binary
orbit; this is attributed to a cloud of ionized gas streaming away from the
white dwarf.
We have already remarked on the fact that the time period of the first pulsar,
CP 1919, could be quoted to ten decimal places. The unusually steady
periods of pulsars, especially the millisecond pulsars which were discovered
in the 1980s, opened up the possibility that pulsars could serve as the basic
time keepers for natural phenomena.
The present definition of Universal Time (UT) is in terms of the idealized
caesium clock. This clock depends on the oscillations of the caesium atom.
In practice the second is defined as the duration of 9192631770 periods of
the radiation corresponding to the transition between two specified states of
the caesium atom. The characteristic time intervals associated with each
such atomic transition are, however, not strictly the same. But, by averaging
over several such clocks, one can arrive at a steady time period. Pulsars,
however, seem to do better in terms of providing us with a steady time
standard, as can be seen below.
The quantitative estimate of the steadiness of a clock is provided by the
so-called Allan variance of its errors. To obtain this variance, one measures
the fluctuations in time period as a fraction of the latter and averages the
squares of such fluctuations. This variance decreases if we can measure it
over a longer interval of time, provided we are confident that the basic time
period remains stable over the interval of measurement. Thus the longer this
time interval, the less is the Allan variance and the male accurate is the
For a caesium clock the interval is of the order of a month. In 4.16 we see
how the variance falls over a period of a million seconds or so and then
begins to rise. By contrast, the same shows that for the pulsar PSR 1937+21
the time interval of steady period runs into years! That is, over short time
scales of a month or so the pulsar may not do as well as the atomic clock.
But for longer durations its stability tends to overtake the latter, making it
accurate to thirteen decimal places.
For example, take the test provided by the motion of the planet Mercury
around the Sun. shows that according to Newtonian gravitation Mercury
should move in an elliptical orbit with the Sun as a focus of the ellipse.
How tiny was the anomaly could be seen as follows shows the type of
protractor used in a school mathematics kit. It measures angles in tiny
divisions marked on its circular boundary. Each division is a degree. Divide
the degree into 60 equal parts to get an even tinier measure of angle called a
minute of arc. Next make 60 divisions of a minute of arc to get a second of
arc (an arcsecond). The anomalous shift of Mercury's perihelion as viewed
from the Sun was at the rate of 43 seconds of arc in 100 years.
Tiny though this discrepancy looks, it was sufficient to worry the theorists,
who up till then had found Newton's law of gravitation in complete
conformity with observation. And it was here that general relativity stepped
in with the right answer. It introduced a small modification in the way a
planet moves round the Sun and showed that it exactly accounted for the
anomalous 43 seconds of arc per century.
Apparently, disgressed from pulsars to planets, to show how tiny, yet
significant, was the difference between two gravitational theories, one of
Newton, the other of Einstein. It is against this backdrop that we have to
view the enormous improvement in time measurement provided by binary
The two stars in PSR 1913+I6 move in a binary system, each following an
elliptical orbit. The line joining them, however passes through a fixed point
in space called the centre of mass of the pair.7'Of course, while the centre of
mass stays constant, the distance between them varies. Like the perihelion in
the case of the Sun, we may talk of a periastron for binary stars when the
distance between them is least.
Time delay
Another effect peculiar to general relativity (and not found in Newtonian
gravitation) is to do with the time delay in a light signal passing close to a
massive body. We will see in the next chapter how general relativity requires
space-time measurements to be modified in the neighbourhood of such a
body, because of its gravitational influence. Thus the to-and-fro passage of a
radar signal would have a longer duration if such modifications were
In the solar system this effect was observed by the Mariner spacecraft in
bouncing radio signals off the surface of Mars, when these signals grazed the
Sun. Compared to the situation when the Sun was nowhere near such
signals, the delay was about 250 microseconds.
In the case of the binary pulsar PSR 1913+I6, the pulsar signal will take
about 50 microseconds longer to reach us when it grazes. the pulsar's
companion. The effect, though small, can be accurately measured, thanks to
the precise time keeping of the pulsar. And the measurements have
confirmed the above prediction of general relativity.
Normally, therefore, one expects to find planets around stars like the Sun,
which have been steadily producing energy through the fusion of hydrogen
to helium. Indeed a few cases of such stars with planets are now known.
In 1991, however, there was a claim that a planet had been found around a
pulsar! Keeping in view the somewhat traumatic origin of a pulsar, how can
it manage to acquire a planet? Surely, any planets that a star may have had
before it became a supernova would have been blown away or destroyed by
the explosion. Therefore, when, in 1991, a group of radio astronomers from
Jodrell Bank announced that a particular pulsar did seem to have a planet
around it, the news came as a complete surprise.
How did the astronomers make this discovery? The pulsar signals seemed
to show a small wobble that could only be explained if the pulsar had a
planet around it, gravitationally disturbing it. The situation is somewhat
similar to that for binary stars, where each star affects the motion of its
companion; but, in this case, the planet being far less massive than the star
manages to produce only a barely perceptible effect. Thus the star will
wobble slightly as the planet orbits it. The extent and period of the wobble,
if measurable, can tell us something about how massive the planet might be
and how long it takes to orbit the star. (Remember, the planet itself, being
non-luminous, is not visible.) Thus the Jodrell Bank group was relying on
this indirect evidence for making their claim.
The announcement of the discovery was, of course, an immediate sensation.
As is not uncommon when such unexpected findings are announced, a
special conference was later arranged to discuss the detail and implications
of this discovery. But the discovery itself turned out to be a false alarm!
Suspicion as to its validity in fact arose when it was discovered that the
predicted planet seemed to have a period of six months or a year, exactly
matching the Earth's period! Ultimately it turned out that because we are
observing the pulsar from the moving Earth, our motion also affects the data
and produces the periodic pattern. So, this was no real effect: it was simply
the result of observing a pulsar from a moving platform. Ironically, at the
conference at which this discovery was retracted by Andrew Lyne from
Jodrell Bank, Aleksander Wolszczan, an astronomer working at the radio
telescope at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, reported that he had found a pulsar
with two planets. The pulsar had the catalogue number PSR 1257+12.
Now, if you have had. A false alarm once you are less inclined to believe a
similar case. You will obviously ask for a check and double-check of the
records. But W olszczan had already taken sufficient care to see that the
effect of the Earth's motion was accounted for and that any other spurious
effect was removed. Thus he was confident of the reality of the effect, which
was also double-checked by others.
Thus, at least two planets are known to move around this particular pulsar;
one has a mass of 2.8 times the mass of the Earth and the other a mass of 3.4
times the mass of the Earth. Their respective periods around the pulsar are
66.6 days and 98.2 days. So they are moving relatively fast, like Venus or
Mercury. Their respective distances from their parent star are 70 million
kilometers and 54 million kilometers. That is, they are relatively close by.
(Just for comparison the Earth is orbiting the Sun at a distance of ISO
million kilometers.) Now observers have claimed that there is a third planet
also in that system. But we still do not know how those planets got there.
This is a problem for the theoreticians to worry about!