The Gold Model of A Pulsar
The Gold Model of A Pulsar
The Gold Model of A Pulsar
Anthony Hewish and Jocelyn Bell had found rapid pulsation and the
question was what type of object could be small enough to serve as its
source. In 1968, theoreticians had two possible candidates, the white dwarf
and the neutron star, and a number of different theories sprang up to explain
the nature of pulsars. In the early days after the discovery of CP 1919, a few
more pulsars were found, thus providing further checks and constraints on
the theories; a number of these fell by the wayside in the usual scientific
competition for the survival of the fittest. In particular, it became clear that
the white dwarf could be ruled out and the neutron star, of much smaller
size, was the more likely source. Likewise, the cause of the pulses was found
to be not the oscillations of the star but its fast spin.
A neutron star has two polar axes: a rotational axis and a magnetic
axis. The Earth also has two sets of poles, one from its rotation axis and the
other from the magnetic axis. But unlike the case of the Earth, where the two
axes are nearly aligned, in a typical neutron star the two axes may be
pointing in very different directions.
If we follow the Gold model further, we may ask the question: what
happens to the spinning neutron star as it keeps on radiating for a long time?
Obviously, the process cannot go on forever. Indeed, as time goes on, the
spinning pulsar slows down and its pulse period increases. Thus we can
imagine that the pulsar starts off spinning very fast and, as it ages, it slows
down. A pulsar which has a pulse period of one second today may slow
down to a two-second period after, say, a million years.
This pinning and unpinning process accounts for the steps in rotation
rate which, on average, reverse 2% of the slowdown in rotation for the bulk
of the pulsars. But the glitches in the Crab pulsar are primarily steps in
slowdown rate that are not recovered between glitches. These steps must be
due to changes in magnetic dipole moment M (or in moment of inertia I,
which seems less likely). This appears to be related to the departure of the
observed values of braking index from the theoretical value n = 3, as
observed in the youngest pulsars. This also can be explained by a change in
M, which must be increasing at a rate comparable with the characteristic
slowdown lifetime. The magnetic field within the neutron fluid core of the
star is also quantized; it forms flux tubes which can interact with the
rotational vortices.
The expansion of the rotational vortex network can carry the magnetic
flux from the core into the crust, and increase the dipole moment. It may
also stress the surface of the crust, so that the glitch may involve crust
cracking and a readjustment of the surface distribution of the magnetic field.
The strong linear polarization of both the radio and the optical
emission provides valuable clues to the geometry of the emitting regions. In
a typical radio pulse the plane of polarization swings monotonically through
an S-shape; this is interpreted as the successive observation of narrowly
beamed radiation from sources along a cut across the polar cap. The plane of
polarization is determined by the alignment of the magnetic field at the point
of origin, so that the sweep of polarization can be related to the angle
between the magnetic and rotation axes and their relation to the observer.
Lyne and Manchester showed in this way that the angles between the axes
are widely distributed; there is no evidence, however, that the inclination
angle changes during the lifetime of an individual pulsar. For those pulsars
where the axes are nearly perpendicular a pulse may be observed from both
magnetic poles, while for those in which the rotation and magnetic axes are
nearly aligned the observer must be located close to the rotation axis; in this
case the radio pulse may extend over more than half of the pulse period.
The radio pulses vary erratically in shape and amplitude from pulse to
pulse; however, the integrated profile obtained by adding some hundreds of
pulses is reproducible and characteristic of an individual pulsar. Generally,
these integrated profiles contain several distinct components, known as sub
pulses; these appear to be associated with different regions of the polar cap,
each of which excites radio emission in one narrowly defined direction. If
the excitation of each region varies randomly and independently of the
others, the sum will vary from pulse to pulse, but adding many pulses will
produce an integrated pulse profile which depends only on the average
emission from each region.