Quality Management in The Automotive Industry: Process Audit
Quality Management in The Automotive Industry: Process Audit
Quality Management in The Automotive Industry: Process Audit
Verband der
Quality Management
in the Automotive Industry
Process Audit Part 3
Copyright 2016 by
Overall production:
Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH
60528 Frankfurt am Main, Schwanheimer Straße 110
Exclusion of Liability
VDA volumes are recommendations available for general use. Anyone
applying them is responsible for ensuring that they are used correctly in each
This VDA volume takes into account state of the art technology, current at the
time of issue. Implementation of VDA recommendations relieves no one of
responsibility for their own actions. In this respect everyone acts at their own
risk. The VDA and those involved in VDA recommendations shall bear no
If during the use of VDA recommendations, errors or the possibility of mis-
interpretation are found, it is requested that the VDA be notified immediately
so that any possible errors can be corrected.
This publication including all its parts is protected by copyright. Any use
outside the strict limits of copyright law, is not permissible without the consent
of VDA-QMC and is liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to copying,
translation, microfilming and the storing or processing in electronic systems.
This publication will also be issued in other languages. The current status
must be requested from VDA QMC.
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VDA 6 VDA 6 QM-System Audit VDA 6 QM-System Audit VDA 6 QM-System Audit
Part 1 Serial Production Part 2 Services Part 4 Production
Certification Equipment
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Our thanks go also to all who have given us suggestions in the preparation
and improvement of this publication.
Berlin, 2016
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Preface 5
1 Introduction 11
4 Audit process 23
4.1 Audit programme 23
4.2 Audit request 26
4.3 Audit preparation 29
4.4 Conducting the audit 35
4.5 Evaluation 39
4.6 Presentation of results 42
4.7 Follow up and closure 46
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7 Questionnaire 65
7.1 Overview questionnaire 65
7.2 Project management (P2) 71
7.3 Planning the product and process development (P3) 75
7.4 Implementation of the product and process development (P4) 80
7.5 Supplier management (P5) 86
7.6 Process analysis production (P6) 92
7.7 Customer care, customer satisfaction, service (P7) 115
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11 Glossary 185
11.1 Terms and definiton 185
11.2 List of abbreviations 194
12 Downloads 197
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The well established Audit Standard VDA 6.3 from 2010 has been completely
revised. With the 2016 edition our collective experience has been utilised to
update and optimise the volume.
The interaction of the process audit standard VDA 6.3 with other VDA publi-
cations, especially „Maturity Level Assurance for New Parts (MLA)“ und „Ro-
bust Production Processes (RPP)“, has been strengthened. In this volume the
requirements are given for process specific content. Thus the distinction be-
tween process and system audits is made clearer.
Furthermore the questionnaire has been revised both in content and struc-
ture. The interface between hardware and software in products with embed-
ded software has been included. However, for a detailed evaluation of soft-
ware development other methods are to be used (Automotive SPICE, CMMI).
The content of the process audit for services has also been revised.
The calculation of results has been adjusted. All questions are now weighed
equally. The generic approach has been deleted. The classification system
using A, B and C and the reliable downgrading rules have been retained.
Due to the revision, the current edition does not allow audit results from the
previous VDA 6.3 from 2010 to be directly transferred into calculations from
the edition presented here.
Within this volume, the requirements for the qualification of process auditors
are given in more detail. Different requirements for internal and external pro-
cess auditors are given. The qualification of auditors regarding this audit
standard is set out. Focus is also given to the actual implementation of the
Assessment questions in the areas of sustainable development, compliance
with social standards, environmental protection and conservation of re-
sources are not contained in the questionnaire. For these areas there are
special monitoring methods as well as legal and normative directives. How-
ever, if the auditor observes obvious points that are contrary to the require-
ments of this process audit standard or have a negative impact on the prod-
uct characteristics, these should be documented and included in the evalua-
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Definition of Customer
of Suppliers; Product / Process Serial
Product & Service
Potential Development Production
Process (After Sales)
Offer Preselection
Product/ Product-/ Customer
Processing of Suppliers; Serial
Process Process- Service
(Contract Potential Production
Definition Development (After Sales)
Review) Analysis
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Product/ Customer
of Supplier Product / Process Serial
Process Service
Potential Development Production
Definition (After Sales)
Order Preselection
Product/ Product/ Customer
Processing of Supplier Serial
Process Process Service
(Contract Potential Production
Definition Development (After Sales)
Review) Analysis
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Interface Interface
I . PS1 O I - Input O - Output I . PS3 O
step 2
e.g. work sequence, methods, techniques, instructions,… e.g. effectiveness, efficiency, waste,…
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Specialised knowledge
Professional experience
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Specialised knowledge
Professional experience
Specialised knowledge
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Professional experience
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Audit programme
Audit programme
Audits are planned in accordance with their priority and the organisations internal require-
ments. Qualified auditors are used to achieve the objective.
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The person responsible for the audit programme draws up an audit schedule
for a defined period.
The need for audits is determined and prioritised by the person responsible for the audit
programme. From this, this person works with the audit customer (and, where appropri-
ate, the organisation to be audited) to set out the following details regarding the audit:
Main focus of the audit
When the audit is to be scheduled (calendar week, month, quarter)
Audit scope
Details of the auditors, in particular the technical experts
In addition to technical qualifications and the necessary neutrality, the choice of auditors
should also take language skills and and inter-cultural aspects into account.
A technical expert could be needed to assess process-specific questions beyond the com-
petence of the process auditor. This technical expert need not necessarily be a VDA pro-
cess auditor. In conclusion, the audit programme is approved by the respective manage-
Audit programme
As a result of continuous adjustment the audit programme is kept current (e.g. addition of
event-driven audits).
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The person responsible for the audit programme continually adjusts the audit schedule
and plans resources accordingly.
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Audit programme
The requirements of the audit customer are set out in a precisely detailed audit request.
Examples of requirements:
Determine/assess/approve the current status
Analyse/estimate risks
Check the effectiveness of actions from a previous audit
The audit request is coordinated between all parties involved in the audit.
Person responsible for the audit programme with the support of the customer.
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Draw up an audit request with all the information required for a structured implementation
of the audit
The audit customer, with support from the person responsible for the audit programme
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The following factors are for example to be taken into account in an audit request:
Reason for the audit e.g. new supplier, complaints, evaluation of status
Audit objective Assessment; process release; status check; etc.
Audit type Internal/external audit, potential analysis, special audit
Audit location internal, external
Audit team (provisional) Auditor, technical experts
Audit scope Processes, products, manufacturing locations, inter-
faces, outsourced processes
Customer Person responsible for the audit programme,
management, person responsible for the product
Audit date Desired date, audit period, shifts
Date of the contract
Comments Background information
Essential documents Test specifications, contracts, important agreements,
cost stipulations etc.
History Complaints, rejects, delivery performance,
project status
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The lead auditor specifies the final audit team and organises the audit with the team.
The audit team is appointed on the basis of the audit request, any other relevant infor-
mation and by the schedule in the audit programme.
In addition to the personal suitability of the auditors and any technical experts (see section
3.2: "Code of conduct for auditors") the qualifications for the auditor must be taken into
account, especially technical knowledge. A technical expert should be provided to assess
process-specific questions beyond the competence of the process auditor. This technical
expert need not necessarily be a VDA process auditor.
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The audit team obtains all the information required to limit the scope and plan the audit.
Audit team with the support of the customer and the organisation to be audited
The information collected for the audit must be able to describe the process as well as
the interplay and interfaces between processes. The following documents can be taken
into account:
Organisational charts, process flow chart, control plans (internal audit), FMEAs (internal
audit), standards, specifications, customer specific requirements, target requirements (e.g.
PPM), process descriptions, quality control charts, audit results, action plan from last audit,
results of supplier quality assessments (quality performance), complaints, layouts, project
plans etc.
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The process is limited and broken down into process steps which can be audited. The fo-
cus points for the audit are determined.
Audit team
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The first stage in narrowing down the process is to identify the starting and finishing
points of process. The second step is to break down the process into separate
operations in such a way that they can be assessed as separate entities. It is essential to
specify the responsibilities involved to ensure that the findings at each process/process
step are properly addressed.
The breakdown of the process can be based on existing documentation (e.g., process
flow chart) or it must be carried out by the audit team.
The process risk estimation for the isolated process must be based on the information
which is gathered.
The auditor sets main focus points for the audit in the areas where he/she expects the
greatest potential risk for product and process. One method of detecting potential risks is
the "turtle" model (see figure 2.3).
The following investigations can be carried out, depending on the audit request and the
potential risks which have been identified:
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I . P O I . P O I . P O I . P O
Before the audit (and particularly in the case of external audits) it is essen-
tial that the auditors have access to all relevant information. The participa-
tion of other personnel must be agreed upon. Any restrictions should be
clarified in advance.
The specific checklists are set based on the coordinated audit request.
Audit team
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From the information obtained and the organisation’s own knowledge database (see
section 10.2), the audit team extends and completes the minimum requirements
covering assessments set out in the VDA 6.3 audit questionnaire.
If any item cannot logically be assigned to an existing question, further questions can be
added. However, this means that the results will no longer necessarily be comparable. In
such cases the assessment matrix will need to be adapted.
In agreement with the audited organisation, the audit team sets out the audit plan, which
will contain the following as a minimum:
Names of the auditors
Audited organisation/functional unit
Duration of the audit the time required for documenting each audit step must be
taken into account (for example, 10 minutes for documentation for every hour of the
Audit locations
Process steps/product groups
Breaks in production (lunch-breaks, etc.) must be taken into account when drawing up
the audit plan, as well as the use of foreign languages, inter-cultural aspects, changes in
shifts and transfer times. In agreement with the auditor and the audited organisation on
site changes are possible.
The planning of the audit duration and capacity depends on the process element to be au-
dited, the structure of the organisation, the location, the complexity of the products and
process, the risk and the process chain with the associated process step.
A partial audit with limited scope may be considered. In this case, it can be used to distin-
guish the identification of the audit results (as described in the example in section 6.3).
A special audit may be used in particular for weak point analysis, complaints, project flow
problems, repeated defects etc.
The use of this flexible and efficient method ensures the results reflect the assessed pro-
cess elements.
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Initiate immediate
Opening discussion to Carry out audit
action if the audit
communicate the audit according to audit
detects crucial
objectives and schedule plan, using checklists
Important points of the audit process are set in the opening discussion.
Lead auditor
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The opening discussion takes place with the management of the organisation to be
audited. The objectives of the audit are presented, together with the extent of the audit
and the audit criteria. The audit plan is confirmed and the audit leader explains briefly the
planned audit activities.
The time schedule is checked, any necessary corrections are made and the time for the
closing discussion is determined.
The units/processes to be audited can be presented by those responsible. The auditors
introduce themselves and explain their roles in the audit. The contact personnel between
the audit team and the organisation to be audited are specified.
The process of reporting and the assessment procedure is presented. Reference is
made to the confidentiality of the information and results obtained. The organisation to
be audited confirms the availability of the necessary facilities (rooms, printer, etc.) for the
audit team. In the event that personal protective equipment is necessary, this is clarified
in advance.
The quality standard is documented and verified taking account of the audit plan and the
situation on site
Audit team
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The auditor analyses whether the audited division implements the general specifications of
the organisation, the requirements of standards, the customer requirements and legal and
regulatory obligations. The analysis is carried out by asking questions and making spot
checks based on the chronological sequence of activities within the process, using the ques-
tionnaire and any checklists which have been specifically drawn up. The auditor is required
to ask open questions (see "Audit pyramid" in section 6.5).
Based on concrete cases and evidence the auditor must investigate the suitability and
effectiveness of the processes. Technical facilities (equipment, tools, test equipment,
parts storage etc.) are checked through direct inspection and evaluated if they are
suitable and in good condition. As a general rule, the discussion moves from general
questions to concrete, detailed questioning.
The auditor carries out spot checks on the implementation of instructions and
requirements relating to the products and processes, by examining appropriate
documents and records. Findings relevant for the results are noted.
Employees on-site must be brought into the audit by questioning and their responses
verified by inspection of the QM documentation.
Any audit deviations must be communicated directly on the spot with the relevant
The audit team should meet periodically, exchange information, assess the progress of
the audit and (if necessary) reallocate the distribution of tasks within the team.
Information regarding the progress and status of the audit can be given periodically to
the audited organisation or those responsible.
The audit plan must be verified regularly by the audit team regarding the time schedule
and modified if necessary in agreement with the audited organisation.
Audit termination
An audit can be terminated at the discretion of the audit team, for example on the
following grounds:
Refusal to provide necessary information during the audit
Clear infringements of the law
Active hinderance to the auditor
Refusal to allow access to areas relevant to the audit, despite previous agreement
Deficient preparations for the audit by the organisation
Presentation of obviously false information
The termination of an audit must be justified by stating the reasons. Audit findings up to
the point when the audit is broken off must be documented.
The audited organisation decides about the implementation of a new audit.
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To prevent the further spread of serious failures (customer complaints, vehicle break-
downs, loss of function, safety-critical components, critical characteristics, etc.).
The lead auditor is responsible for demanding immediate measures in the occurrence of
serious failures.
Facts which identify a serious risk must be pointed out to the organisation without delay,
so that appropriate, immediate action can be taken.
If serious failures occur that pose a risk for the product and process quality, the audited
organisation must define immediate actions to be used as a safeguard.
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Audit programme
Evaluation in
Decision about
accordance with the
follow up audit
evaluation scheme
Findings Findings
Audit evidence Evaluation in Quantitative assess-
Evaluation scheme accordance with the ment
evaluation scheme
Individual questions
from the checklists
The quantitative assessment reflects the quality capability status of the process under
consideration. The comparability of the audit results is ensured and changes in regard to
previous audits are noted in the sense of a continuous improvement process.
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Based on the findings of the audit the audit team evaluates the individual questions as
described in the assessment procedure in section 6.1. The basis for the evaluation is
whether or not the relevant requirements are achieved and the risks involved.
If a question is not answered (n. a.) a reason for this must be stated.
The assessments of the individual questions lead to the overall audit assessment. To
distinguish the scope of the audit the identification given in section 6.3 can be utilised.
This allows the audit results to be compared.
Evaluation - section 6
The decision about a follow up audit is taken on the basis of the findings.
Lead auditor
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Under what circumstances a repeat audit is necessary must be specified. Rules for a
repeat audit can be:
Not reaching a defined level of compliance
Risks associated with a critical process
Not achieving required results (zero points) for one or more questions marked (*)
Red traffic light at potential analysis
This repeat audit must be carried out within a specified timeframe. Within this timeframe
the audited organisation must introduce actions to eliminate the deviations effectively.
In the case of a repeat audit, this must be carried out to the same extent as the previous
audit. A reduction of the audit scope to just a review of the effectiveness of introduced
measures is not allowed.
Audit report
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Audit programme
The audit report is an accurate, concise and clear record of the audit.
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The audit report is drawn up jointly within the auditor team. It consists of:
Cover sheet
Audit findings with regard to the documents which have been inspected
Explanations regarding the assessment scheme
Process descriptions, if appropriate
The cover sheet contains the following information:
Audit procedure
Fundamental internal and external requirements
Details of the organisation and processes which have been audited, including
products and customer requirements which have been evaluated
Audit result
Summary of the findings
Must be included: main deviation areas and need for action
Can be included: positive findings and potential for improvement
Time schedule for the action plan
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In the final discussion the audited organisation and its representatives are presented with
a report. This report focuses on:
Notification of the audit results and the audit findings, when necessary with explana-
Specifying the next steps, such as dates for defining the corrective actions (action
plan), or arranging a repeat audit if necessary.
The audit report must not contain other findings to what were given at the final discussion.
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By signing the audit report by the lead auditor and the responsible persons of the audited
organization, the audit report is recognized, approved and confirmed.
Lead auditor
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Audit programme
To a reasonable degree, causes, actions, responsibilities and completion dates are allo-
cated to the findings.
The action plan must be drawn up within a time frame coordinated with the audit team. It
contains all the activities involved, stating responsibilities and completion dates and is
designed to permanently eliminate the deficiencies in the process.
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Audit team
The audit team checks the action plan for plausibility and decides if the actions are
appropriate for eliminating the deficiencies (a check on documents). Here the focus
should be on the permanence of the actions taken, so that repeat failures are prevented.
Even when the action plan is considered plausible by the auditor, the audited
organisation remains responsible for the efficiency of the actions taken.
If there is any lack of clarity or disagreement, the auditor will call for improvements to the
plan. If no response is received the auditor can launch an appropriate escalation
In particular in the case of supplier audits the usual escalation procedures should be ap-
plied if action plans are not provided, or are withheld or are not plausible. However,
these escalation procedures should have been agreed upon with the supplier as part of
the contract before the audit takes place.
Action plan
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Closure of the control loop covering the implementation of actions with an effectiveness
The audited organisation is responsible for implementing the corrective actions and the
person responsible for the process must monitor the implementation. Checking the
effectiveness of the actions agreed upon is carried out primarily by the person
responsible for the process.
Confirmation of the effectiveness of the actions which have been taken is documented in
a dated note in the action plan by the person responsible for the process.
This person also informs the auditor, and when necessary, the monitoring organisation
of the effectiveness of the corrective action.
Possible follow on actions if the effectiveness of the actions is not confirmed are:
Escalation procedure
Definition of further actions
Problem analysis
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5.2 Requirements
Because no contractual relationship exists between the customer and the ap-
plicant (possible supplier) during the enquiry and quotation stages, there
should be an agreement made regarding confidentiality and access permission.
5.3 Preparation
Obtaining information in preparation for the potential analysis is of particular
importance. In addition to the customer’s own research, one valuable means
of obtaining information is to ask the prospective supplier to provide a self-
assessment (see section 10.1).
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Clarify the
Request Clarify
initial Compile
supplier self Specify the Risk ressources
situation and questionnaire On site visit
evaluation audit team evaluation needed for
limit the module
and rate this qualification
Unknown Feedback to Create questions The audit team Process evaluation Prognosis Clarify the provision of
supplier supplier (request using the should be made based on a similar internal resources
any necessary knowledge data- up of experts in process or product (customer)
Unknown base (for product the following (another customer) Veto
facility e.g. taking part in a
information) and process areas:
Report supplier development
Unknown requirements) or • quality programme
technology for development Presentation of
• development
of requirement results
• procurement Clarify the provision of
external resources
• logistics
If necessary addition of
necessary resources in the
nomination documents
(e.g. construction of
necessary infrastructure)
End of auditor
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If a question is marked "red" or "yellow" the reasons and the relevant evi-
dences must be documented.
The overall assessment of the potential analysis is calculated from the num-
ber of questions rated red/yellow/green:
Interpretation of results
The supplier has the potential to meet the customer's requirements to the
extent required and may be considered for awarding a contract.
A contract award (nomination) for the project, component or product group by
the customer is possible without restriction.
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Only a conditional approval for a contract award can be given. In some cases
the supplier needs support from the customer to implement the requirements
of the project. Under certain conditions a limited approval for a contract may
be given (quantity reduction, smaller series, …)
An award (nomination) is possible, but is linked to defined conditions:
The conditions to minimize the risk may be:
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The results of the potential analysis are used as input when planning the se-
lection of methods or method applications (e.g. process audit for release of
location, VDA-MLA).
A validation of the quality capacity in terms of a release for serial production
can only be given though a PPA-process which corresponds to the analysed
customer scope. To achieve this, a process audit can be held at the same
time as a process release.
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Evaluation of the process elements and the sub-elements from P6 and the
individual process steps.
Process element
The compliance EPn of a process element (P2, P3, …, P7) is calculated as:
Total points awarded for the relevant questions
EPn [%] =
Total possible points for the relevant questions
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Sub-elements of P6
In the process element P6 the following sub-elements are evaluated:
EU1 Process input
EU2 Process management
EU3 Personnel resources
EU4 Material resources
EU5 Efficiency
EU6 Process output
EU7 Transport, handling of parts
The calculation of the sub-elements is carried out in the same manner as the
process elements using the exception: more than one result is given for a
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EG [%] =
Total of all possible points from these questions
For the process elements P3 and P4 separate evaluations for product devel-
opment (EP3 Product) or for process development (EP3 Process) can be made.
For the calculation of the overall result of all process elements (e.g. P2 to P7)
the mean values of the respective questions in section P3 and/or P4 are used.
The downgrading rules are applied to the entire process element P3 and/or
P4 (joint assessment of product and process development).
If during the audit individual process elements from the questionnaire are
used, the result is calculated based only on the evaluated process elements.
Which process elements have been used in the evaluation must be made
clear in the audit report.
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EG(P5P6P7) [%] =
Total possible points from these questions
Example P4
If only process element P4 is evaluated (e.g. audit at the time of handing over
the project to serial production) then the result is calculated as follows:
Total points awarded for all evaluated questions from P4 (EP4)
EG(P4) [%] =
Total possible points from these questions
The designation EG(P5P6P7) and EG(P4) are used to easily identify the process ele-
ments evaluated.
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is EG or EG(Pn) ≥ 80%
At least one process element (P2 to P7) or process step (E1 bis En) is R
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Note: To evaluate process steps, additional process requirements are generated from
the organisation internal knowledge database (see section 10.2).
In the evaluation matrix (see section 9.1: Assessment forms: Process audit
for material products) the relevant process steps are allocated to the product
group being evaluated.
The overall level of compliance for each product group EG(PGn) is calculated as R
Explanations of "points obtained" and "possible points" see section 6.2: Exception.
When evaluating product groups, the downgrading rules are applied specifi-
cally to the product group concerned.
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The questionnaire is one of the main tools for the auditor. Depending on the
phase of the product life-cycle (see section 2.1) the auditor selects the rele-
vant process elements for the audit. Additional specific requirements can be
added to the questions depending on the product/process risks identified.
The questions can be used for processes, both for material products and for
consumable materials.
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Open question 4
Open question 3
Open question 1
Open question 2
Audit questions
On site
Open questions
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Potential Transport
Analysis** Handling
of Parts
P2 Project management
2.3 Is there a project plan and has this been agreed with
the customer?
3.3 Are the activities for the product and process develop-
ment planned in detail?
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4.1* Are the actions from the product and process develop-
ment plans implemented?
4.4* Are the required approvals and releases for the product
and process development available?
P5 Supplier management
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P6 Process analysis/production
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6.4.4 Are the work and inspection stations appropriate for the
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The project organisation meets the customer re- Composition of the project
quirements. team
P2.2 Are all resources required for the project implementation planned and
available and are changes shown?
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P2.3 Is there a project plan and has this been agreed with the customer?
The project plan meets the specific customer re- Project plan with milestones
Specific customer require-
All internal and customer defined milestones are fully ments regarding technologies
incorporated in the project plan. and/or product groups
A review is carried out at the milestones defined in Customer's project plan
the project plan to check that all planned activities
Customer's deadlines
are carried out and that the level of maturity required
is achieved. Customer's milestones
If a statutory authorisation procedure for a product is Customer's targets (meas-
specifically required, the duration of this procedure is urements within the individual
included in the project planning. milestones)
In-house communication is ensured when changes Milestone assessments (re-
are made to the project plan. Changes made to the views)
project plan which affect the customer are coordinat-
Quality Plan (e.g. from VDA
ed with the customer.
The critical path is generated from the project plan
Country specific certification
and takes account of critical delivery items.
requirements (ECE, SAE,
Detailed quality-related project activities must be part DOT, CCC, …)
of the project plan. This may be in a separate docu-
ment (QM-Plan) that is referred to from the project Legal and regulatory approv-
plan. The plans must take prototypes and pre-launch als process of critical systems
parts into account. (electroplating, paint, ...)
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P2.5* Are the procurement activities of the project implemented and monitored
for compliance?
The activities have to ensure that only approved and Make or buy decisions
quality-capable suppliers are used in production.
Supplier selection criteria
The level of activity depends on the risk classification
Supplier development plan
of procured scope of supplies.
List of suppliers for the pro-
These include the supplier selection and award crite-
ria, award amount and delivery target date.
The transfer of customer requirements in the supply List of approved suppliers
chain is ensured. Risk appraisal of each sup-
The activities also include customer required suppli- plier
ers (directed suppliers) as stated within the agree- Quality agreement for di-
ment. rected suppliers
The suppliers for facilities, machinery, tools, test and Component classification
measurement systems as well as services are inte-
Suppliers for services such
as development, laboratories
The appointment of suppliers must be traceable and maintenance etc.
through appropriate documentation.
Dates for the assignment, supplier milestones and
release have been laid down in the plan and coordi-
nated with the overall schedule and the progress is
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The escalation process in the project meets the spe- Time periods for escalation
cific customer requirements. depending on the risk have
An escalation model (risk management) must be been agreed upon
available for deviations in the project affecting the Contact personnel/decision
overall schedule. Project risks are identified, as- makers in the escalation pro-
sessed and reduced through appropriate measures. cess are defined
The criteria for escalation are defined, responsibilities Escalation criteria and paths
and authorities are regulated and measures derived of communication are defined
when deviations occur.
Protocols of milestone reviews
If risks have been identified in technologies, suppliers including measures
or supplied countries, these risks have to be consid-
ered within the escalation management.
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The organisation must take into account and use re- QM specific requirements
quirements on the product and the process known Quality agreements
from previous experience.
Requirements for documenta-
Special characteristics must be identified on the ba- tion
sis of their own requirements, customer require-
ments, legal requirements, manufacturing technology Logistics requirements (JIT,
and characteristics that arise from the purpose/use of JIS, on consignment)
the product. Schedules, technical delivery
The quality requirements from the customer for the conditions
product and the process must be available. Access to portals/information
Inquiry and contract documents are checked for platform in the internet
completeness. Definition of responsibilities
If customer requirements cannot be fulfilled the cus- for suppliers (e.g. qualifica-
tomer must be notified or deviations “allowed”/ap- tion, sample submissions,
proved by the customer (if the contract has been approval, testing…).
awarded). Test regulations
Customer requirements regarding the selection of
Catalogue of characteris-
suppliers or purchased materials must be document-
tics/boundary samples for
decorative surfaces
Quality agreements with directed suppliers are avail-
Experience with previous pro-
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Product/process characteris-
Order documents with item
lists and schedules
Environmental aspects, recy-
cling requirements
Proof of capability
Product development
Specifications, technical
drawings, special characteris-
Process development
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P3.3 Are the activities for the product and process development planned in
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When introducing new technologies and products, Concept for the supply of
employee training and the creation of the necessary spare parts
infrastructure are provided also in customer service. Contingency plans
P3.5 Have the necessary resources been taken into account for the product
and process development?
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P4.1* Are the actions from the product and process development plans
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P4.3 Are the material resources available and suitable to ensure the start of
serial production?
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P4.4* Are the required approvals and releases for the product and process
development available?
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Capacity studies
Tool approvals
P4.5 Are the manufacturing and inspection specifications derived from the
product and process development and are they implemented?
P4.6 Is a performance test carried out under series conditions for the series
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Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
A process exists for transferring work results from the Product/process development
project to the production.
Customer requirements
For products with embedded software, the results of
Handover protocols/
the development (including the intermediate results
checklists with handover cri-
and their documentation) are documented.
Prerequisite for project delivery is a successful inter-
Acceptance reports
nal PPA process. Prerequisite for a series delivery
release is the successful customer approval. Result- Control plan
ing actions from internal and external releases are
Inspection instructions
implemented on time.
Part history
Proof of capability can be shown for all special char-
acteristics. A method has been deter-
mined to carry out failure
The personnel resources are available in accordance
analysis and to introduce cor-
with the planning and are qualified.
rective actions
The material resources include buildings, test facili-
Production metrics such as
ties, laboratory facilities, equipment, facilities, etc.
OEE, rejects,…
These are available and have been released.
Experience from the ongoing
Releases for procurement volumes are available. project
Measures to secure the start-up of production are Measurement capability
specified and introduced when necessary.
Capability of Measurement
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In serial production it must be ensured that only ap- Defined and documented cri-
proved suppliers are used. An evaluation of suppliers teria are used for supplier se-
using defined criteria for the qualification capability lection
must be available.
Evidence of a qualification
An analysis of the quality performance of existing programme for suppliers who
suppliers has to be considered. did not meet the selection cri-
Risks in the supply chain have been identified, eval- teria
uated and reduced using suitable measures (contin- Evaluation of the quality ca-
gency strategy). pability (QM-System, Pro-
cess) for example self-
assessment, audit results,
supplier certificates
Results of the potential anal-
Can also be used for:
Research and development
suppliers/prototype suppliers
Suppliers of intangible prod-
ucts such as software
Suppliers of equipment, ma-
chinery, tools
Service providers (e.g. sort-
ing companies)
External test labs
Suppliers in outsourced pro-
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P5.3 Have target agreements for supplier performance been agreed upon and
Target agreements have been made with all suppli- Measurable targets for quali-
ers throughout the supply chain for products and ty, delivery quantity (batch-
processes. These agreements have been agreed es), punctuality, for example
upon and implemented. to: reduce the ppm rates with-
Supplier output must be checked and evaluated with- in the 0-failure strategy
in defined periods. QM agreements including es-
If deviations occur actions must be agreed upon and calation mechanisms
their implementation including deadlines is to be Avoidance of extra tours
Reduction of rejects
Reduction of the work in pro-
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P6.1.1 Has the project been transferred from development to serial production and
is a reliable start guaranteed?
The project transfer to serial production has been Project status reports
carried out. If necessary, unresolved issues are fol-
Transfer reports
lowed up on and implemented on schedule. The re-
sponsibilities for the entire handover process are Milestone reports
regulated and acknowledged. Defined actions with imple-
A complete production process and product release mentation schedule
(PPA) including the documentation required must
Process FMEA and actions
take place before the first production shipment.
Product FMEA and actions
Measures are taken to secure the launch of produc-
tion. Production release report
The updating and further development of the risk Machine and process capa-
analysis (e.g. process FMEA/product FMEA) is en- bility examination
sured. Measurement capability
Tools, test and measuring equipment are available in
Capability of measurement
the necessary quantities.
Production test/performance
test and evidence
Transport planning process
PPA documents including
customer release and refer-
ence sample
Non-conformity permission
when necessary
Released software standard
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The correct product (incoming material, part, compo- Sufficient and appropriate
nent etc.) must be provided to the agreed quality, in transport facilities
the correct quantity and the correct packing, with the
Defined storage points
correct documentation, at the agreed time and at the
agreed place. Parts/components must be available at KANBAN
defined storage areas/work-stations. Just in time/just in sequence
At the workplace, parts and materials are provided as
Inventory control
needed, taking into account the order quantity/lot
size (for example, KANBAN, Just in time, FIFO). Up- Change status
stream processes are taken into account. Exchange of information to
After order completion, the return of unneeded parts the return of unnecessary
(surplus) including their quantity is regulated. components/surplus
Production levels tailored to
the customer’s requirements
Special requirements for
components and containers
(ESD-protection for electronic
components, residue etc.)
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Change management, meaning from the change re- Trigger matrix in accordance
quest to the implementation, must be clearly docu- with VDA Volume 2
mented. Responsibilities must be regulated. Change release by the organ-
According to customer requirements changes to the isation and the customer
product and process are to be agreed upon, ap- (feasibility, interface to com-
proved and released by the customer (including ponents, effect on costs and
software changes). If necessary a new PPA must be schedules etc.)
carried out. Documentation of change status must be
Information about changes is
fully traceable.
passed onto process devel-
It must be ensured that, at all times, the correct de- opment, production areas,
sign level of the incoming materials or software is stores or to sub-suppliers
used and the correct design level of the finished
The level of implementation
product is manufactured and shipped to the custom-
of the change is tracked
(overview with status)
Documented change record
(part life history)
Update of documentation in-
volved (technical drawings,
Updates of the FMEA (Prod-
uct and Process)
Verification and validation of
changes including documen-
Controlled introduction of
changes and modified prod-
Layout production before ma-
jor changes or relocations
which require a production
stop. Lead times from changes
(customer requirements etc.)
Change levels of
test/inspection equipment,
gauges, tools and technical
Parameter changes
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P6.2.1 Are the requirements of the control plan complete and have they been
effectively implemented?
The production and test documents are complete Evidence of machine and
and available and based on the control plan. Inspec- process capability
tion characteristics, facilities, methods, test frequen-
Process parameters and tol-
cies, test cycles and layout inspections must be de-
erances (pressure, tempera-
tures, times, speeds ect.)
Access to these documents must be available at all
Inspection specifications
(special characteristics, at-
Process parameters influencing product characteris- tributive characteristics,
tics/quality must be fully stated. Tolerances must be measurement equipment,
given for process parameters and inspection charac- methods, test frequency)
Data regarding ma-
The control limits in process control charts are de- chines/tools/auxiliary aids
fined, identifiable and plausible. (identification numbers)
Deviations and actions taken regarding process re- Guidelines regarding meas-
quirements and inspection characteristics are to be urement fixtures/reference
documented. points
Required measures (response plan) for process dis- Work instructions including
turbances are known and initiated and documented reworking
by the responsible employees.
Inspection instructions
For products with specific requirements on the manu-
facturing process the appropriate data about ma- Specific requirements on the
chinery/tools/resources must be noted in the control manufacturing technology,
plan and/or the manufacturing and inspection docu- e.g. sampling relevant as-
ments. signment of machines and
Conditions governing rework are specified and se-
cured within the process (parts identification; re-
checking/inspection etc.).
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Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Non-approved parts and/or parts with defective char- Labelling of scrap, rework,
acteristics (scrap and rework parts) must be separat- reference and setting parts
ed and recorded or when necessary safely removed
Labelling of containers for
from the production process.
scrap, rework and setting
These parts are to be either directly marked or parts
marked on their container.
Defined scrap/rework-
Reworking criteria including testing are defined, stations in production
known and implemented.
Storage areas for blocked
Storage areas for blocked stock and restricted areas stock and restricted areas
must be clearly labelled. Accidental use of restricted
parts must be excluded. Records of rework and scrap
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
A mix of materials or the use of wrong materials, Material and parts flow
software or components must be ruled out.
Product/process FMEA
Appropriate measures and checks must be taken to
Poka Yoke actions
ensure the early detection and ejection of incorrectly
installed items. Associated topics and actions must Checks and tests in produc-
be included and examined in the risk analysis (pro- tion facilities
cess FMEA and, if appropriate, in the product
Parts identification
Identification of work, inspec-
The process and/or inspection status of parts must
tion and usage status
be clearly visible.
Batch identification, traceabil-
The reuse of residual quantities, separated parts,
ity of the installation of batch-
reworked parts, reusable parts from product audits,
es or the production of batch-
inspected items etc. must be clearly defined (includ-
ing regulations for traceability).
Removal of invalid labelling
Regulations for reintroducing parts of outsourced
processes (e.g. sorting service) must be available. Working papers with master
data for parts/production
Design status
Material flow analysis
Value stream
Regulations for reworking
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P6.4.1* Can the product-specific requirements from the customer be met with the
manufacturing equipment?
Evidence must be shown that the processes are im- Evidence of machine/process
plemented in accordance with the customer re- capability for special charac-
quirements using the existing production facilities teristics or process-
and that the resulting products meet the customer determining parameters (e.g.
specifications. pressure, time, temperature)
The production facilities, machinery and equipment Output/production capacities
must be able to comply with the specified tolerances
Warning at deviations from
for the respective product and process characteris-
limit specifica-
tions/parameters (e.g. an
Process capability must be determined for selected alarm, lamp, automatic shut-
product and process characteristics and their per- down, unloading)
formance verified.
Feed and removal systems
The process capability must meet the customer re-
quirements. For long term process capability the Capability of replacement
minimum requirement of C pk ≥ 1,33 must be met. In
the case of significant characteristics where no ca- Reproducibility of gauges, fix-
pability level can be proven, 100% inspection is re- tures etc.
Cleanliness requirements
Layout and condition of the equipment, tools, fixtures
and handling facilities meet the requirements under
real production conditions.
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P6.4.4 Are the work and inspection stations appropriate for the needs?
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The audit programmes for process and product au- Product and process audit
Labelling, packaging
Capacity of the test equip-
Software version
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P6.6.1 Do the quantities/production batch sizes match needs and are they
systematically directed to the next process step?
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The customer specific requirements of the final prod- Quality agreements with the
uct (delivery reliability, quality goals, quality perfor- customer
mance etc.) are known and monitored.
Customer specific require-
If deviations occur, corrective actions are defined and ments
Customer requirements for
Final products are shipped in accordance with the the identification of special
customer requirements. characteristics
The handling of supplied products is regulated and Shipping audit
Storage/recall pro-
Customers should be informed of delivery stops cessing/parts supply/shipping
which affect them and further procedure should be
coordinated with them. Target agreements
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
P7.1 Are all requirements related to QM System, product and process fulfilled?
The internal and customer specific requirements on Quality agreements with the
the quality management system are fulfilled. customer
Layout inspection and a functional verification Layout inspection concept
checks are carried out according to the customer e.g. carried out product au-
requirements. dits, function tests, endurance
The customer requirements for the supply of spare tests
parts during and after the production phase must be Inclusion of suppliers for the
implemented. supply of spare parts
Customer requirements for the return of parts and Supply guarantee after serial
their recycling must be implemented. production
Certification of the QM sys-
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Contingency concepts and concepts to ensure sup- Contingency plans (e.g. for
plies are available and up to date. Not only internal alternative production, sup-
processes but also the processes of suppliers are to pliers, transport)
be considered.
Capacity and reaction time
Procedures must be in place which guarantees that for sorting actions
the organisation informs the customer immediately
Use of external capacity
when supply shortages are detected. The information
must include the expected duration and extent of the Communication regarding
shortages, the reason and the actions which have supply shortages
been taken.
Regulations covering authori-
ty to make deci-
sions/escalation paths when
introducing special actions
Blocking of parts
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A complaint process that meets the customer re- Process for processing com-
quirements (e.g. 8D) is used for 0-km and field com- plaints
8D process
Procedures for failure analysis are defined. The nec-
Internal/external analysis fa-
essary personnel and material resources are availa-
cilities (laboratories, test and
ble to ensure punctual processing. The customer has
inspection facilities, person-
to be informed when deviations to the agreed upon
time limits occur.
Use of problem solving meth-
In the case of field complaints a failure analysis is to
be carried out according to customer requirements
(e.g. VDA Volume Field Failure Analysis). Performance tests
Flow of information to the
customer in the case of devi-
Knowledge store, lessons
Quality control loop
Access to the necessary re-
lease documents (PPA etc.)
Test concept for defective
parts in the field (standard
test/stress test/NTF test)
NTF guidelines
Performance indicators for
processing of complaints
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D2 Project management
2.2 Are all resources required to carry out the project planned and available and are
changes reported?
2.3 Is there a project plan and has this been coordinated with the customer?
2.4 Are all relevant advanced quality planning activities of the project implemented
and monitored regularly for compliance?
2.5* Are the procurement activities of the project implemented and monitored regular-
ly for compliance?
2.6* Is change management within the project ensured by the project organisation?
3.1 Are the requirements for the development of the service available?
3.3 Are the activities for the development of the service/service process planned in
detail and coordinated with the customer?
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4.1* Are the actions which were defined in the development plan for the service im-
4.2* Are personnel resources available and qualified to ensure customer require-
4.3 Are material resources available and suitable to ensure customer requirements?
4.4* Are the required approvals and releases for the service/service development
4.5 Are the service specifications derived from the product and process development
and are they implemented?
4.6 Is a performance test for the developed service defined and performed to ensure
the service will perform under the required conditions?
4.7* Is there a controlled method for the project handover from development to provi-
sion of service?
D5 Procurement management
5.1* Are only approved and quality-capable suppliers/external service provider used?
5.2 Are customer requirements taken into account in the supply/service chain?
5.3* Are supplier target agreements/external service provider target agreements im-
plemented with regard to the scope of supply/services?
5.5* Is the agreed upon quality of purchased products and services ensured?
5.6 Are personnel qualified for their respective tasks and are responsibilities de-
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6.1.1* Has the project been transferred from development to the provision of service
and is a reliable start of service provision guaranteed?
6.1.2* Are the necessary materials for providing the service available at the agreed up-
on time, in the right quantity and at the right location?
6.1.3* Are incoming materials necessary to provide the service stored appropriately and
are the means of transport/packing facilities suitable for the special properties of
the incoming materials?
6.1.4 Are changes to the service made during the provision of the service tracked and
6.2.1* Are the specifications of the service control plan complete and has it been effec-
tively implemented?
6.2.2 Are specific requirements (special characteristics) controlled during the provision
of service?
6.2.3* Are non-conforming services identified and are appropriate measures taken
(immediate measures and corrective actions)?
6.3.1* Are the employees able to fulfil their given tasks to provide the service?
6.3.2 Do the employees know their responsibilities and authority in carrying out and
monitoring of the service quality?
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6.4.1* Can the specific requirements from the customer for the provision of the service
be met with the equipment used?
6.4.3* Can the quality requirements of the service be effectively monitored with the
measurement and test facilities in use?
6.4.4* Are the work-stations for the provision of the service appropriate for the needs?
6.5 How effective is the process for the provision of the service being
carried out?
Effectiveness, efficiency, waste avoidance
6.5.2 Is quality and process data about the service collected in a way that allows analy-
6.5.3* In the case of deviations from the service requirements and provision of the ser-
vice, are the causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effective-
6.5.4 Are service requirements and provision of the service audited regularly?
6.6.1* Are the necessary records concerning the service provided retained?
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7.1 Are all requirements related to QM-System, service and service process fulfilled?
7.4* If there are deviations/complaints, are failure analyses carried out and corrective
actions implemented effectively?
7.5 Are personnel qualified for the various tasks and are responsibilities defined?
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The project organisation meets the customer re- Composition of the project
quirements. team
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Document provided by the
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The project plan meets the specific customer re- Project plan with milestones
Specific customer require-
All internal and customer defined milestones are fully ments regarding provision of
incorporated in the project plan and are monitored services
and updated as necessary.
Customer's project plan
In-house communication is ensured when changes
Customer's deadlines
are made to the project plan. Changes made to the
project plan which affect the customer are coordinat- Customer's milestones
ed with the customer.
Customer's targets (meas-
The critical path is generated from the project plan urements within the individual
and takes account of required procurement items. milestones)
The project plan must include detailed activities to QM Plan
ensure the quality of the service provided. Detailed
plans may be in a separate document (QM-Plan) re-
ferred to in the project plan.
The project plan must include the detailed activities
concerning procurement. Detailed plans may be in a
separate document referred to in the project plan.
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Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The activities have to ensure that only approved and Make or buy decisions
quality-capable suppliers/external service provider
External service provider se-
are used in the serial production phase.
lection criteria
The level of activity depends on the risk classification
External service provider de-
of procured supplies.
velopment plan
These include the supplier/external service provider
List of external service pro-
selection and award scope, award amount and target
vider for the project
date for the award.
The transfer of customer requirements in the supply List of approved external ser-
chain/service chain is ensured. vice provider
The activities also include customer directed suppli- Risk classification of each ex-
ers/external service providers as stated within the ternal service provider
The suppliers for facilities, machinery, tools, test and
measurement systems and services are integrated.
The appointment of suppliers/external service pro-
viders must be appropriately documented and trace-
Dates for the assignment, milestones (supplier and
external service provider) and release have been laid
down in the plan and coordinated with the overall
The progress of the activities is monitored.
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The escalation process in the project meets the spe- Time periods for escalation
cific customer requirements. depending on the risk have
An escalation model (risk management) must be been agreed upon
available for deviations in the project affecting the Contact personnel/decision
overall schedule. makers in the escalation pro-
The criteria for escalation are defined, responsibilities cess are defined
and authorities are regulated and measures are tak- Escalation criteria and paths
en when deviations occur. of communication are defined
If specific risks have been identified in technologies, Protocols of milestone re-
suppliers/external service provider and supplied views including measures
countries, these risks should be considered within
the escalation management.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D3.1 Are the requirements for the development of the service available?
A process for identifying all requirements for the pro- Inquiry documents
vision of service including responsibilities is regulat-
Contract documents
Requirement specifications
All customer requirements, statutory and regulatory
requirements and other requirements of interested Service level agreement
parties have been identified and documented.
Customer requirements
The organisation must use previous experience and
Legal and regulatory re-
take into account known requirements for the provi-
sion of service.
Purchasing conditions
Special characteristics are identified and taken into
account. QM specific requirements
There is an agreement with the customer regarding Quality agreements
the approval procedure for the approval of the devel-
Requirements for documenta-
oped service.
If customer requirements cannot be fulfilled coordina-
Logistics requirements (JIT,
tion takes place with the customer. The results de-
JIS, on consignment)
termined are documented.
Schedules, technical delivery
The conditions needed to fulfil the customer require-
ments have been determined and allowed for.
Access to portals (custom-
Identified needs are clear, understandable and verifi-
er/supplier) information plat-
form in the internet
The effect that changes in the requirements have on
Definition of responsibilities
the service provided is checked (risk management).
for supplier/external service
The procedure for dealing with non-conforming ser- provider together with the
vices is coordinated with the customer. customer (e.g. qualification,
approval, testing…) as part of
the quality agreement
Experience from previous
Environmental aspects, recy-
cling requirements
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D3.3 Are the activities for the development of the service/service process
planned in detail and coordinated with the customer?
All activities from the contract award to the provision Overall schedule and process
of service are planned, documented (project plan, development plan
milestone plan) and agreed upon with the customer.
Customer requirements
The progress of the activities is monitored regularly.
Customer schedule
Action is taken when necessary.
Lead times
The identified requirements are checked regularly for
completion/feasibility. Regular status checks on the
The development of the service process includes a progress of the development
risk analysis and the resulting measures. (reviews)
The steps necessary for release meet the customer Project plans for investment
requirements or internal specifications. Deadlines items (facilities and equip-
have been set for all release criteria. The results of ment)
the respective release are documented.
Services provided from external service providers are
part of the project planning.
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Document provided by the
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D4.1* Are the actions which were defined in the development plan for the service
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Service processes that have been outsourced have Appropriate behaviour for the
also been considered. quality of service
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D4.5 Are the service specifications derived from the product and process
development and are they implemented?
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The personnel resources required to provide the ser- A method has been deter-
vice are available in accordance with the planning mined to carry out failure
and are qualified. analysis and to introduce cor-
rective actions
The material resources include buildings, test facili-
ties, laboratory facilities, equipment, facilities, etc. Metrics such as OEE, re-
These are available and have been released. jects,…
Measures to safeguard the initial provision of service Experience from the ongoing
are specified and introduced when necessary. project
Measurement capability
Proof of capability for special
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
It must be ensured that only approved suppli- Defined and documented cri-
ers/external service providers are used. teria are used for selection of
An evaluation of the qualification capability of the suppliers/external service
supplier/external service provider using specified cri- providers.
teria must be available. Evidence of a qualification
An analysis of the quality performance of existing programme for suppli-
suppliers/external service providers has to be con- ers/external service providers
sidered. who did not meet the selec-
tion criteria
Risks in the supply chain/service chain have been
identified and assessed and appropriate measures Evaluation of the quality ca-
for their reduction have been implemented (e.g. con- pability (QM-System, Pro-
tingency strategy). cess) for example self-
assessment, audit results,
supplier/external service pro-
vider certificates
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Target agreements have been made with all suppli- Measurable targets for quality,
ers/external service providers throughout the supply delivery quantity, punctuality
chain/service chain for products and processes.
QM agreements including es-
These agreements have been verified and imple-
calation mechanisms
Service level agreement
Supplier/external service provider performance must
be checked and evaluated within a defined period.
If deviations occur actions must be agreed upon and
their implementation including deadlines is to be
To ensure meeting their target agreements, suppli-
ers/external service providers must consider events
such as a disruption in the supply of energy, labour
shortages etc. within their risk analysis and develop
contingency plans to cover these theoretical events.
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D5.5* Is the agreed upon quality of purchased products and services ensured?
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D6.1.1* Has the project been transferred from development to the provision of
service and is a reliable start of service provision guaranteed?
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The correct material must be provided to the agreed Sufficient and appropriate
quality, in the correct quantity and with the correct storage facilities
documentation, at the agreed time and at the agreed
Defined storage points
location where the service will be provided.
The stock inventory in the system is the same as the
actual stock level. Just in time
Defined storage areas for materials necessary for the Inventory control
provision of service must be provided and infor-
Change status
mation regarding the release status of these materi-
als is available. Exchange of information re-
garding the return of unnec-
At the location where the service is provided, parts
essary components/surplus
and materials are provided as needed, taking into
account the order quantity/lot size (for example, Inventory
KANBAN, Just in time, FIFO). Upstream processes Production levels tailored to
in the provision of the service are taken into account. the customer’s requirements
After the provision of service, the return of unneeded
Special requirements for con-
materials including their quantity is regulated.
Statutory and regulatory requirements are taken into
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Change management from the change request to Change release by the ser-
implementation must be clearly documented and re- vice provider and the cus-
sponsibilities must be regulated. tomer (feasibility, interfaces,
Changes that impact on customer requirements and effect on costs and schedules
expectations must be coordinated, approved and etc.)
approved by the customer. If necessary a new ser- Information about changes is
vice agreement must be made. This includes both passed onto service devel-
the actual service as well as the process for the pro- opment, the location where
vision of service. the service is carried out and
Documentation of change status must be fully trace- all sub-suppliers involved with
able. providing the service
The level of implementation
of the change is tracked
(overview with status)
Documented change record
including updated service
Updates of the FMEA (Ser-
vice and process for provision
of service)
Verification and validation of
changes including documen-
Controlled introduction of
changes or changes to ser-
Change history
Lead times for service
changes (customer specifica-
tions etc.)
Change status of test equip-
ment, tools and materials that
are needed to provide the
Changes to software
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D6.2.1* Are the specifications of the service control plan complete and has it been
effectively implemented?
The documentation for the provision of the service is Parameters, indicators and if
complete and available and is based on the service necessary tolerances
control plan.
Special characteristics of the
Access to the documents must be possible at all service
Data regarding ma-
Characteristics of the service, materials and methods chines/tools/materials neces-
used to provide the service must be defined. sary to provide the service
Compliance with the internal/external requirements Instructions on providing the
must be ensured. service
The service/service product must be clearly identifia- Parameters for measuring the
ble or marked. quality of the service
Any mixing or confusion of information/data, soft- Specific requirements regard-
ware, materials and components must be excluded. ing the behaviour of service
Indicators or parameters that influence the quality of providers
the service must be fully documented. Work instructions
When possible, tolerances in relation to indicators or
Process descriptions
parameters for controlling the provision of services
are specified.
Deviations to the service control plan and corrective
actions taken must be documented.
Required measures (action plan) for disturbances in
the provision of service are specified.
Services with specific requirements (special charac-
teristics) for the performance of the service provider
must be taken into account in the service control
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D6.2.3* Are non-conforming services identified and are appropriate measures tak-
en (immediate measures and corrective actions)?
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D6.3.1* Are the employees able to fulfil their given tasks to provide the service?
The requirements also apply to external temporary Training about the service be-
employees. ing provided
Employee behaviour training
for the provision of a service
Knowledge of the employee
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The requirements also apply to internal and external Repair and maintenance is
temporary employees. carried out/arranged for if
Provision and adjustment of
test/measuring equipment is
carried out/arranged for if
Training about the service
Service quality information
(target/actual values)
Trainings relevant for appli-
cable legal require-
ments/regulatory require-
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D6.4.1* Can the specific requirements from the customer for the provision of the
service be met with the equipment used?
It must be shown that the service processes are im- Proof of machine/process ca-
plemented in accordance with the customer require- pability for special require-
ments using the existing production facilities. Further ments
it must be shown that the resulting services meet the
Cleanliness requirements
customer specifications.
The infrastructure/equipment (and when applicable
measuring equipment, facilities etc.) must be able to
comply with the specified requirements for the specif-
ic features of the service.
Design and condition of the equipment/devices (e.g.
tools, fixtures and handling facilities) meet the specif-
ic requirements under real conditions for the provi-
sion of the service.
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Test and measuring equipment used are suitable for Service level agreement
the planned purpose and handling of service provi-
Accuracy of inspection
sion. They are included in the service level agree-
equipment/capability of test
Capability studies confirm the suitability of the test
Proof of the capability of in-
and measuring equipment employed.
spection processes
There is an identification system for the periodic con-
Data collection and its inter-
trol of measuring and test equipment. Administration
of this equipment is based on the identification.
A process for the periodic monitoring of test and Evidence of the calibration of
measuring equipment is installed and implemented inspection equipment
(responsibility for collection and return is defined). Comparison of test equip-
This process also takes into account the calibration ment/measurement process-
of process-integrated measurement technology with es with the customer (e.g. in-
an influence on the product characteristics. ter-laboratory comparisons)
Auxiliary equipment for measuring and test equip- Inspection plate
ment that have an influence the measurement result
Test procedures for behav-
are monitored in the same way.
iour-based services (sales
Testing of behaviour related requirements for ser- test, service test)
vices is carried out using appropriate testing methods
(e.g. sales test, service test etc.).
D6.4.4* Are workplaces for the provision of the service appropriate for the needs?
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Tools, equipment, test equipment (including gauges) Storage free from damage
must be stored and managed properly. This also ap-
Cleanliness and tidiness
plies for tools, equipment and test equipment not in
use or not yet released. Defined storage location
All tools, equipment and test equipment are identified Environmental influences
with their current status and all changes are docu-
Status identification
mented (change history).
Identification showing cus-
Storage is provided where the equipment is protected
tomer's property, prod-
against damage and environmental effects. Cleanli-
ucts/tools/devices provided
ness and tidiness are ensured.
on loan
The issue and use of this equipment is controlled and
Defined release status and
change level
Storage and retrieval ma-
chines/equipment for
transport and storage etc.
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D6.5 How effective is the process for the provision of the service being
carried out?
Effectiveness, efficiency, waste avoidance
Process-specific targets are defined for the provision Availability of facilities and
of the service. The targets are defined, monitored equipment
and results are communicated.
Process indicators
Target requirements are coordinated and achievable;
○ Services provided
they are guaranteed to be up to date.
○ Services per unit of time
Customer requirements are taken into account when
setting targets. ○ Quality of service
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Audit programmes for service processes and service Service and service process
audits are available and implemented. Customer re- audit U
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D6.6.1* Are the necessary records concerning the service provided retained?
The scope of the records that are used to document Customer specifications
the provision of service are specified.
Special characteristics
Traceability (agreed with the customer) must be en-
Specifications for archiv-
ing/customer requirements
The acceptance of the service by the customer or for archiving (e.g. EDP, pa-
subsequent services must be determined. per, fire protection, legibility)
If the terms of the service level agreement cannot be Parts history
fully met the required reduction of services must be
coordinated with the customer. Documentation in the case of
reduced services
Appropriate documented information has to be avail-
able. The documentation includes the relevant time Compliance
period and/or the number of affected services.
For archiving requirements and duration, regulatory,
internal and customer requirements are taken into
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The customer specific requirements in relation to the Service level agreement with
service provided are known and monitored. If devia- the customer
tions occur, corrective actions are defined and im-
Customer specific require-
Services are delivered according to customer re-
Customer requirements for
quirements to the customer (service to the customer
special characteristics of the
If services are stopped the customer must be in-
Delivery reliability
formed immediately and further procedure is to be
coordinated. Quality targets of the service
Quality of the provision of
Planning of the shipping audit
Storage/recall pro-
cessing/parts supply/shipping
Target agreements
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
D7.1 Are all requirements related to QM-System, service and service process
The internal and customer specific requirements on Quality agreements with the
the quality system are fulfilled. customer
The customer requirements must be implemented in Inclusion of supplier/external
the service development phase and during the provi- service providers
sion of service.
Certification of the QM sys-
Customer satisfaction is determined by regular anal- tem
ysis, measures are derived and implemented.
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Concepts including securing service are available Contingency plans (e.g., for
and up to date. These concepts also cover emergen- alternative services, external
cy situations. service providers, packaging,
Not only internal processes but also processes of transport)
suppliers/external service providers must be consid- Use of external capacity
Communication regarding
Procedures must be in place which guarantees that supply shortages
the organisation informs the customer immediately
Regulations covering authori-
when shortages in the provision of services are de-
ty to make deci-
sions/escalation paths when
The information must include the expected duration introducing special actions
and extent of the shortages in the provision of ser-
vices, the reasons and the actions which have been
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
An analytic process for defective services must be Process for processing com-
defined. plaints
The necessary personnel and material resources are 8D process
available to ensure punctual processing.
Internal/external analysis fa-
The time limits agreed with the customer must be cilities (laboratories, compre-
adhered to, deviations must be communicated. hensive test facilities, per-
Focus points are drawn from customer problems and sonnel)
improvement programs are derived and implement- Use of problem solving meth-
ed. ods
Effectiveness tests
Flow of information to the
customer in the case of devi-
Knowledge store, lessons
Quality control loop
Access to the necessary re-
lease documents (PPA etc.)
Performance indicators for
processing of complaints
Take-back agreements
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Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
6 The process does not The service is faulty or Requirements are par-
always meet the defined disturbs the customer tially met; significant de-
requirements. This has processes. This can be viations
an impact on the cus- corrected with additional
tomer or following pro- work
cess steps
4 The process does not The service is not con- Requirements insuffi-
meet the defined re- form or disturbs the cus- ciently met: major devia-
quirements and has a tomer processes. This tions
significant impact on the cannot be completely
customer or following corrected with additional
process steps work/expense
0 The process is not ca- Full failure of the service Requirements are not
pable of ensuring com- provider. The require- fulfilled
pliance with the defined ments of the service are
requirements not met
If there are several findings for the assessment of a single question, the indi-
vidual assessment which is the greatest risk is decisive for the assessment of
the respective question.
The auditor may require immediate actions depending on the risk of the find-
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Process element
The level of compliance EDn of a process element (D2, D3, …, D7) is calcu-
lated as:
Total points awarded for the relevant questions
EDn [%] =
Total possible points for the relevant questions
In process element D6 several process steps for each question may produce
multiple results. In this case the arithmetic mean of all results for the question
must be calculated. In calculations following this step, the average is rounded
to two decimal places.
These averages are used in place of “total points” when calculating the level
of compliance of a process element.
For each question only 10 points may be awarded for the total possible
points – regardless of the number of results per question.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The questions from D6 are used for the evaluation of the individual process
steps. All questions from D6 can be answered in each process step. The per-
formance level En of each process step can be calculated as follows:
Total points awarded for the D6 questions for this process step
En [%] =
Total possible points for the D6 questions for this process step
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
If during the audit individual process elements from the questionnaire are
used, the result is calculated based only on the evaluated process elements.
Which process elements have been used in the evaluation must be made
clear in the audit report.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
The following rules for downgrading are to be used and documented in the
audit report:
At least one process element (D2 to D7) or process step (E1 to En) is
evaluated with a level of compliance EG or EG(Dn) or En from < 80%.
A level of compliance in one of the sub-elements of D6 is < 80%.
At least one *-Question is rated with 4 points.
At least one question from the Process audit is rated with 0 points.
is E G or EG(Dn) ≥ 80%
At least one process element (D2 to D7) or process step (E1 bis En) is R
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Audit Reason:
-- EPN -- -- During the audit the following significant findings were identified:
Classification scale: A = 90 - 100% quality capable; B>=80 - <90% conditionally quality capable; C = 0 -
< 80% not quality capable
Certificate / Audit No: Issue Date Conducted by Result / Certificate No. Conclusion
Order No.:
VDA Process Audit VDA 6.3 evaluation matrix including total score for product groups
A Development
P2 Project management Level of compliance [%]
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5* 2.6* 2.7 n.a.Current Target
level Maximum
level Current
level level
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 7 0 5 -- -- EP2 n.a.
B Series production
6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5* 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3* 6.2.4* 6.2.5 6.3.1* 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4.1* 6.4.2 6.4.3* 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3* 6.5.4 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4* 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 2: two E2
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 3: three E3
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 4: four E4
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 5: five E5
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 6: six E6
X -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 26 0 17 -- -- n.a. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Prozessschritt 7: seven E7
Results of the sub elements for process analysis (Average Levels 1 - n)
6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5* 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3* 6.2.4* 6.2.5 6.3.1* 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.4.1* 6.4.2 6.4.3* 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3* 6.5.4 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4* n.a.Current Target
level Maximum
level Current
level level 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3
Responsible for downgrading Overall compliance E G (PGN) [% ] for each product group Overall compliance E G:
n.a. Asterisk questions for EG, minimum 1 question with 4 ratings = "B", minimum 1 question with 0 = "C" Process Step
Product Group(s): EG(PGN)[%] Rating
n.a. No question rated 0, otherwise "B" No.: EG [%] Rating
Total points awarded for the relevant questions 0
n.a. Eu1…Eu7, <80% rated "B" 0 0 n.a. n.a.
n.a. E1…E10, <80% rated "B", <70% rated "C" 0 0 n.a. n.a. EG [% ] n.a. n.a.
n.a. Sub ratings Ep2, Ep3, Ep4, Ep5, Ep6, Ep7 <80% rate "B", <70% rate "C" 0 0 n.a. n.a.
Total possible number of points for the relevant questions 0
n.a. Overall compliance EG: 0 0 n.a. n.a.
At least 2/3 of questions must be answered for each evaluated process element and sub element Down grading rules must be applied to the classification results (A, B. C). This must be checked by the auditor!
Action plan with defined immediate action
Supplier: Order No.:
Location: Copy sheet to new file (only Date: 28.11.16
Show all rows
for suppliers)
P2 Project management
P3 Planning the product and process development
Audit Report VDA 6.3 Potential Analysis 9.2
Audit Reason:
Projekt Z 0 0 0 36
Remarks Risk assessment
RED Barred supplier: Nomination is not possible:
The findings (conform, nonconform) identified in this report are to be used at own responsibility with cause analysis,
action definition, action implementation and evaluation of effectiveness. This report will be used as the basis for
further/future analysis.
Overview ratings
Overall rating ALL
Yellow questions Red questions "GREEN" 0 0 0
Barred supplier
more than 14 from 0 0
Controlled supplier
max. 14 none ALL "n.a." 36 36 36
Approved supplier
max. 7 none >> n.a. rated >> n.a. rated >> n.a. rated
P2 Project Management
P2.1 Is a project management established with a project organisation? n.a. n.a. n.a.
Are all resources required for the project implementation planned and
P2.2 n.a. n.a. n.a.
available and are changes reported?
P2.3 Is there a project plan and has this been agreed with the customer? n.a. n.a. n.a.
Is the advanced product quality planning implemented within the project
P2.4 n.a. n.a. n.a.
and monitored for compliance?
Are the procurement activities of the project implemented and monitored
P2.5 n.a. n.a. n.a.
for compliance?
Is change management within the project ensured by the project
P2.6 n.a. n.a. n.a.
Is there an escalation process established and is this effectively
P2.7 n.a. n.a. n.a.
P3 Planning the product and process development
P3.1 Are the specific product and process requirements available? n.a. n.a. n.a.
Is the feasibility comprehensively evaluated according to the product and
P3.2 n.a. n.a. n.a.
process requirements?
P4 Implementation of the product and process development
Are the actions which were defined in the product and process
P4.1 n.a. n.a. n.a.
development phases implemented?
Are the material resources available and suitable to ensure the start of
P4.3 n.a. n.a. n.a.
serial production?
Are the required approvals and releases for the product and process
P4.4 n.a. n.a. n.a.
development available?*
P5 Supplier Management
P5.1 Are only approved/released and quality capable suppliers used? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P5.2 Are the customer's requirements taken into account in the supply chain? n.a. n.a. n.a.
Are the necessary releases available for purchased products and
P5.4 n.a. n.a. n.a.
P5.5 Is the agreed upon quality of purchased products and services ensured? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P5.6 Are incoming goods delivered and stored appropriately ? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P6 Process analysis/production
P6.2.3 Are special characteristics managed in the production? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P6.2.4 Are non-released and/or defective parts managed? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P6.3.1 Are the employees able to fulfil their given tasks? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P6.3.3 Are the necessary personnel resources available? n.a. n.a. n.a.
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P6.5 How effective is the process being carried out? Effectiveness, efficiency, waste avoidance
In the case of deviations from product and process requirements, are the
P6.5.3 n.a. n.a. n.a.
causes analysed and the corrective actions checked for effectiveness?
P6.5.4 Are processes and products audited regularly? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P6.6.4 Are customer requirements met at the delivery of the final product? n.a. n.a. n.a.
P7.1 Are all requirements related to QM-System, product and process fulfilled? n.a. n.a. n.a.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
10 Best practice/lesson learned
The return of the supplier self assessment is an obligation (and where appropriate with attachments). The details are exclusively
related to the actual manufacturing site! Please return the completed form immediately! - please insert additional lines if
Tel. No.:
Mobile Phone:
If relevant please provide former name of Email:
the company:
Languages: German German German
English English English
Spanish Spanish Spanish
French French French
Address of Manufacturing site: Address of Development Centre:
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
2. Development
2.1 Joint Venture Partner / Know-how cooperation
Company/Contact: JV-Share (in %) Cooperation Partners Financial Contribution of Partners
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Which endurance test rigs are maintained at the site? available at site?
Which measurement and analysis equipment does the supplier maintain? available at site?
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
3. Other Information
3.1 Export
Which components are exported and for which customers? How much is the share for the net value of such products?
Components: Customers: Product Net Value:
3.2 Comments/Attachments
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Audit results are greatly influenced by the knowledge of the auditor regarding
the product and process being evaluated. Asking relevant questions and
evaluating the answers depends on this knowledge. There are different ways
to build up this knowledge and use it in an audit. This is done for example by:
The inclusion of product and technical experts in the audit team
Preparation by the auditor including literature research, online forums
and industry standards
Discussion with internal experts
It is recommended to systematically record, develop and store this “expert”
information in the knowledge database and make this available for auditors.
Sources of this knowledge are, for example, typical errors and lessons
learned. The confidentiality of this information (from customers, suppliers or
in-house) must be ensured.
It should be noted that questions resulting from this database must not pre-
sent additional requirements that go beyond the requirements agreed upon in
the contract.
This knowledge database can be made available e.g. in the form of wikis or
process-related lists.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Surface quality
If visual tests are being carried out rate the workplace (light-
ing etc.).
Evaluate the reference samples (approval status, storage
Dimensional accuracy
Evaluate gauges or when appropriate fixture from measure-
ment machines (position point, voltage-free etc.).
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Material certificate
Evaluate material batches and material certificates.
Tool design
Hardened surfaces
Dimensional accuracy
Evaluate measuring equipment for series inspections at the
workplace and in the measurement laboratory
Check data collection and analysis (cp, cpk levels)
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
CAM CAM refers to the IT support for control and Committee for Efficient
Computer aided manufacturing monitoring of production equipment and Production (AWF)
CAQ CAQ System is the generic term for IT sys- VDA Volume “Standardized
Computer aided Quality Assur- tems that are specifically developed to sup- Process for Handling Cus-
ance port quality management processes. tomers´ Complaints”
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Change Management Change management describes the func- VDA ECM (Engineering
tions and processes that are established in Change Management), ISO
an organisation to ensure changes to a 9001 e.g. chapters 8.3.6,
product are controlled and documented. 8.5.6
Control Chart With the help of control charts the perfor- DIN ISO 10004
mance of processes is monitored and sta-
tistically significant non-random deviations
can be detected. Control charts help to
focus on the stability of a process (see con-
trol cycle).
Control Cycle System which continuously compares its VDA Volume “Robust Pro-
actual value with the desired value and can duction Process”
react to implement corrective changes.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Deviation/Deviation approval Risk assessment of parts that do not meet VDA Volume 2
the specification. It is assessed whether the
parts can still be used.
The deviation approval/authorisation allows
the use of components that do not reach all
the prescribed release steps and release
The deviation approval/authorisation must
include the customer and can only be
granted by authorised person. The devia-
tion approval must be attached together
with the action plan for shortcomings with
the PPF documentation. See also: PPA,
deviation permit/authorisation.
Deviation Permit Risk assessment of parts that do not meet VDA Volume 2
the specifications. It is assessed whether
the parts can still be used. The permit al-
lows the use of components that do not
meet all the required steps and release
A deviation permit/authorization can be
granted only by authorized personnel and
only in coordination with the customer. The
deviation permit must be attached together
with the action plan for the execution of the
shortcomings of the PPA documentation.
See PPA and deviation permit/ authorisa-
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
First Pass Yield Percentage of results that are correct in the VDA Volume “Robust Pro-
first process run and do not require rework- duction Process”
ing (corresponds to first-time-through quali-
ty, straight running).
First time through quality Percentage of results that are correct in the VDA Volume “Robust Pro-
first process run and do not require rework- duction Process”
ing (corresponds to first pass yield, straight
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
FTA The fault tree analysis is a method for risk VDA Volume 4
Fault Tree Analysis analysis for equipment and systems.
IMDS The IMDS is the material data system of IMDS International Material
International Material Data Sys- the automotive industry. All materials used Data System
tem in the manufacturing of vehicles are col-
lected, maintained, analysed and archived
within the IMDS. Through the use of the
IMDS it is possible to fulfil the requirements
of national and international standards,
legislation and regulations that are required
by automotive manufactures and their sup-
Layout Inspection and Func- A layout inspection and a functional verifi- ISO TS 16949 or IATF
tional Inspection cation to applicable customer engineering 16949
material and performance standards shall
be performed for each product as specified
in the control plans, taking into account the
applicable customer requirements for mate-
rial, function and frequency. Results shall
be available for customer review.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
MSA Evaluates the test process suitability (ca- AIAG; VDA Volume 5
Measurement System pability of measuring instruments and
Analysis measuring systems) based on the product
specifications. MSA is described in a publi-
cation published by the AIAG, in addition
there are organisation specific require-
ments for measurement system analysis.
NTF NTF refers to the fact that a rejected part is VDA Volume “Field Failure
No trouble found analysed (standard test and load test) and Analysis”
no deviations from the specifications are
found. The part is considered OK according
to the findings and the complaint could not
be validated. The cause of the error could
not be identified.
Pareto Analysis Using the Pareto analysis priorities can be VDA Volume 4
identified and visualised. In a Pareto analy-
sis the characteristics (e.g. error, defective
components, etc.) are sorted by frequency
or importance.
Parts History All changes that have been made to a VDA Volume 2
numbered part and the associated manu-
facturing process are documented in the
part history.
Poka-Yoke principle System method for preventing mistakes. VDA Volume “Robust Pro-
duction Process”
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Document provided by the
VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
Start of Production The primary goal of the start of production Milling (2008).
phase is to convert a new product from the Start of Production in the
laboratory like conditions to a stable prod- Automotive Industry: Tech-
uct series. This phase begins as soon as nical changes as a cause
the integration of all product components in or symptom of initial diffi-
prototype is successful and ends with the culties?
ability to produce the desired quality and
quantity (see also SOP).
Straight run Percentage of results that are correct in the VDA Volume “Robust Pro-
first process run and do not require rework- duction Process”
ing (corresponds to first pass yield, first
time through quality).
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
VDA Maturity Level Assur- Continuous tracking of the maturity level of VDA Volume “Maturity
ance for New Parts new parts in conjunction with an objective Level Assurance for New
assessment of the product and production Parts”
process maturity at agreed times during the
product implementation process.
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
CAx Computer-aided x
D2 Project Management
D5 Supplier Management
DIN German Institute for Standardisation (Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.)
EDn Compliance level of the service process element (D2, D3, …, D7)
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13
IT Information Technology
n. a. Not applicable
P1 Potential Analysis
P2 Project Management
P5 Supplier Management
P6 Process analysis/Production
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EDn Compliance level (E) of the service (D) process element (n)
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Login information:
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AIAG APQP x x x x x x x
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AIAG APQP x x x x x
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Available from:
Internet: www.vda-qmc.de
13T 13T
Internet: www.henrich.de
13T 13T
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VDA-QMC membership service, 02/01/2017 at 16:13