Chakra Energy Healing
Chakra Energy Healing
Chakra Energy Healing
First there was one -- the Source of All -- The Creator Seed.
In stillness it rested. Then there was two. From the two the
many formed.
techniques that deal with the subject, and they often make the
mistake to attempt to memorize, conform to, and parrot them. But
my warning is that healing lies in the opposite direction, i.e.,
connecting up with one's own intelligent energy body. I hope the
following will give some encouragement to this "exploration of
the "real thing".
The mind and body are always moving inside and this movement
forms the basis of the future state of health or disease. What we
think and feel influences this energy and the body just as much as
what we do to our body systems influences the nervous system
and mind. As we become more aware of this dynamic energetic
relationship, the better we will be able to deepen our ability to
positively influence it and direct its development. The problem
has been that most of us have not been trained to look within -- to
be sensitive to how we feel and to what we can access inside, but
rather our training has been to ignore (as in in ignorance) the
reality inside (intuition, instinct, inner wisdom, psychology, and
feelings), while overly giving credence external gross and lower
vibrating forms of "matter" as being the only thing that is real
That is the mistake core belief of gross materialism -- and thus the
modern age has to overcome the many negative influences and
habits built up around that false assumption, bias, and prejudice. 3/39
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First there was the One -- The Source Seed. Then there was
Two -- then the many in diverse song and dancing ways
became. 4/39
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So the first rule is to drop in to the body (the house of living spirit
and the energy body) -- to make contact by staying grounded --
bringing spirit in. It is to establish this natural flow between
crown and root -- spirit and nature and let that awesome
evolutionary energy of creator/creation animate and instruct us.
The flow is up from the earth to the sky and down from the sky to
the earth through the living channel/embodiment first drawing a
locus of connection between the earth chakra at the perineum or
feet with the crown chakra and then moving into it as a felt line of
energy. In other words we first have to work on ourselves and
maintain this connection in order to work effectively. Some
schools call this phase "grounding" or being grounded. You can
call it finding your center, core energy, being centered, or
activating and abiding in "flow". 8/39
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The many possible situations will speak to us very clearly and our
own activated energy body will go directly to the balanced
(correct) mode of intervention. In other situations the causal
obstruction may mirror a similar obstruction that is imbedded or 9/39
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2) It helps to ask for help from some "outside" force that you have
a balancing affinity with such as a specific helper from the angel,
deva, plant or animal spirit world, archetypal world of gods and
goddesses, the universe (such as the sun or stars,
nature/creation/creator in general, or at the very least your highest
self). Be sure to thank these helpers (usually silently) at the end
and ascribe any "miracles" to them (rather than the lower self or 11/39
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ego). This will save us trouble falling back into duality and
increase our abilities to align with infinite power and wisdom in
the long run. We are all in this together even though our present
culture or peers will not acknowledge that "fact".
4) Scan the person's aura asking questions with your hand not
mouth) such as is this hot or cold, thick or thin, red or blue,
clockwise or counterclockwise, congested and full versus
depleted and desirous of energy, and so forth maintaining an inner
dialogue of asking questions and allowing for answers. One
method is to use the finger tips of one hand to receive prana and
the center of the opposite palm to send it, but both can be used.
The fingers can also be allowed to perform delicate actions and in
Huna each finger is assigned a corresponding element quality.
The hand can also sense vortexes and synchronize and re-tune the
existing vortexes. Approach these subtle possibilities with loving
attention and let the intelligence of the client guide you. As
mentioned cleansing alone is often sufficient to allow for healing
to occur because it opens flow from congested areas so that it can
energize depleted areas and reestablish balance, but if you are
good at concentration, very specific operations may be attempted
with the finger tips as long as you have a good diagnosis and a
clear idea of what you are doing. For many this diagnosis stage
can seem like an artificial imposition, an unnecessary limitation,
get in the way, or slow things down so that they combine this step
(four) with step five (below) as one process/movement. 12/39
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5) After the energy diagnosis we can purify and open the systems
that felt clogged and obstructed, energize the areas from the
source of prana (use the sun if need be), and soothe, calm, and
sweep out and clear any areas that still feel congested. Perform
any specific operations or visualizations that you desire after
entering more deeply. There exist an unlimited amount of
possibilities here. For instance in some systems the hands are
placed on two chakras of choice simultaneously. For example one
hand may be placed over or on the sacrum (at the muladhara
chakra) and the other hand over or on the back of the occiput (talu
chakra) as in craniosacral and polarity therapy). In a similar
approach the hands are placed over a chosen center/chakra (one
hand in front of that center and the other hand in the back of the
same center) simultaneously. For example in many Reiki moves
and craniosacral therapies. In some forms of Jin Shin Do, fingers
touch two or more acupuncture points simultaneously
transferring, balancing, and harmonizing psychic energy flows. In
another system the hands never really touch the physical body,
etc. The point here is that after the awareness of the energy
vibrations and pulses are attuned to through opening the nadis
(energy channels/pathways) within ourselves then we are able to
consciously direct the energy through intention. Cit means
conscious awareness and prana means energy. Here we work with
the cit-prana by becoming aware of the connection within of the
energy as well as the energy of consciousness itself. Even without
knowing the exact pathways consciously, just the subtle
awareness and the intention are sufficient to allow the energy to
move because the prana as the life force has an innate
intelligence. After awhile we can apply the cit-prana at will,
focusing on any area, both in ourselves and others. As our own
eyes open, we open to the possibilities in the world and in others.
6) Ending the session, make sure you exit slowly and intend that
all things be placed where they belong. End up with stabilizing
and grounding techniques while compacting the client's energy
body (containing their energy within an aura of love and healing)
while slowly withdrawing your "touch" and energy with a healing
prayer for the benefit off all beings. Here we can seal the energy
body, but always with the clear conscious intent to allow the
good, healing, natural, and loving energies to be able to enter and
the noxious elements to leave (being recycled back by mother
nature). For example carbon dioxide, human waste, pus, etc are
food for the plants, bacteria, worms, etc. In turn animal and plant
"waste" provide the basis for human food, energy,and air.
awareness (at the third eye) and joining that awareness to their
heart or energy center (at the navel or heart) with a full body
smile. Words are not always helpful or necessary. Check to
ground yourself with mother earth and connect with father sky
and again intend that this evolutionary and creative intelligent
transpersonal loving energy that has created all of us become
active and dominant in providing direction in our lives. Place
confidence in this eternal omnipresent love, affirm, and surrender
into it with infinite humility, gratitude, and joy in completion.
Personal Experience
Thirty five years ago I began a conscious study of herbs, diet, and
energy healing with yoga, polarity therapy and acupuncture. Later
studies in shamanism, Huna, Reiki, craniosacral, holographic
healing, pranic healing, Jin shin do, and related energy work were
added thanks to many teachers, mainly Dr. Mishra (Sri
Brahmananda) and Nicki Scully as inspirations. What I learned is
that the intent was all important, that I needed to act not from the
head, but rather much more deeply -- from the energy body -- the 16/39
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One way to view the hyman chakra system is from the ultimate
point of view (the crown center or sahasrara chakra). An infant
has the fontanels (brahmarandhra) wide open at the crown (at the
lambda and bregma points) crown points, but he/she has no
ability to walk, to sense the earth, or to know embodied existence
yet. Despite their DNA and inherent operating system they are
brand new to manifest creation and must get to know the earth
body )the muladhara chakra). Life then becomes a process of
learning the connections between infinite and absolute unborn
spirit and the force of creative evolution a sit manifests in the
universe of form and content. If this holy quest is kept intact
throughout life, then the budding infant recognizing the creative 17/39
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The two polar forces and chakras, become the unity of the
three (the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva and hence the
three granthis of yoga were delineated (see below) as portals
into all dimensions of being. Further evolution provided
further delineation and articulations and elaborations, but
beyond all elaborations always is -- is the "is-ness". Then the
five, the seven the nine and the twelve, and the infinite
became intertwined. As such those who have returned to pure
subtle awareness even beyond the most subtle have taught
methods for fragmented people to become whole again and
The common modern man has become lost in his artifacts -- his
contrived and artificial symbolic illusions/delusions brought
about by limited conceptual belief systems and habituated and
institutionalized false identifications. Another problem was that
man tried to reestablish his lost center through doctrine which
also became a left brain dominant limitation and bondage and
through his attempt to conquer fear through dominance over 20/39
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balancing the crown and the root chakra (and all in-between)
work can be undertaken simultaneously. In other words all the
work can be accomplished between these two poles while and the
flow between them is not to be taken lightly but rather attended
to. 22/39
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cause. The problem is not the earth or nature, but rather our own
cognitive confusion and arrogant belief systems (ego). The body
is not the ego, it is god's creation --- it is a sacred portal for those
who engage upon the sacred science.
One can go and praise the earth chakra without end (it is needed
because it so maligned) but knowledge about it is one thing, but
direct experience of it's activation tells all. All that is necessary
here is for us to embrace life and run our energy consciously
through this chakra connecting up with the great courage, the
great confidence, the great stabilization, healing sense of security,
and timeless connection with all life and creation that an open
earth chakra provides.
All the lower three chakras are maligned in a society which is fear
ridden, over objectified, estranged from nature and the natural,
estranged from our somatic feelings and experience, and our
hence cognitive based. All of the lower three chakras have a
specific energetic that require attention, recognition,
acknowledgement, and respect if we wish to reclaim our lives and
health. It requires openness and flow for us to be balanced and
healthy. These three more strongly correspond with the physical
body than the upper three (the heart being at the feeling center at
the center point). On a physical level the earth chakra provides
knowledge of nature, healing, herbs, nature, instinct, smell, etc.
The characteristics of the healthy and open earth chakra can thus
be read as fulfillment, richness, and abundance when energy is
flowing between it -- the earth below, and the crown above. When
the energy is blocked or deficient most likely we can investigate
the possibilities of abundance problems (scarcity consciousness),
insecurity problems, self doubt, issues of lack of self acceptance,
safety issues, fear of death, fear of living (which includes fear of
death), protection issues, lack of trust, feelings of alienation,
cynicism, despair, nihilism, and in severe cases paranoia and
excessive tamas. The way we walk and move the tailbone and
sacrum (or its lack) is related to the earth chakra. Excessive
stimulation of the earth chakra (rare) without an outlet (having a
blockage) to the second, third, and fourth chakras can manifest in
over hyperactivity at any of the chakras. 26/39
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cauldron, distill the elixir, and/or bubble over into the air (heart)
chakra (called the anahata chakra in Sanskrit).
The first three chakras concern the physical body the most and
their interaction is closely related in many psychophysical
processes. Likewise the interaction of the manipura (fire chakra)
with the anahata (air chakra) is also closely related as more air
increases the fire and heat on one hand (as in various pranayamas
such as ujjayi or bhastrika breathing; while on the other hand
more fire allows the steam to rise and fill the heart chakra.
Here adhis are considered causal and primary which in turn cause
physical ailments (vyadhi). Thus when the adhis are destroyed the
vyadhis are no longer generated or manifest. In addition there
exist two kinds of adhis. One is ordinary or samaya (caused by
the mind or emotions) and the other one is called, sara, which is
intrinsic to a more causal spiritual malaise that can be
successfully treated only through processes that affect the life
style, belief system, self identification process, or in general our
energetic relationship that we cling to as "s(S)elf" in relationship
to "r(R)reality" i.e., through modalities which reach into the
vijnanamaya and anandamaya koshas. In either case, physical
disease is caused by disturbances/corruption and/or obstruction of
the nadis (psychic nerves) and energy patterns which have
become disrupted, distorted, and patterned into corruptive
patterns causing degeneration, dissipation, dis-ease, pain, 28/39
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Our task also is to help the energy to move, to remove the energy
dams, the stasis and stagnation, to irrigate the inner rivers and
channels, to melt down the hard contractedness, to open up
clogged areas and pathways, to remove irritation and overwhelm,
and to allow the energy to flow. This way we purify, activate,
connect, and integrate establishing synchronistic harmony
between heaven and earth, spirit and nature, mind and body, left
and right, front and back, above and below, and so forth. 29/39
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There are many ways of moving the energy. In chakra work for
instance we can work above and below a hard, tight, obstructed,
dammed up, cold, or hot spot/area to move the energy through --
placing hands above or below, to the left and right, in front and in
back, and in the fourth dimension/all directions bringing in
energy from the Source to soften, relax, energize, open up,
stimulate or cool, gold or blue, etc.
In Reiki all the major and minor chakras and organs (most of the
body) are covered sequentially (usually from the head down)
simply by placing our hands on the client and going to Infinite
Source for intervention. Here "more complex" is not necessarily
better . However with polarity, craniosacral, visceral
manipulation, pranic healing, Jin Shin Do, and Huna we often
work more with specific intention and intervention techniques
often moved to simultaneously work on two chakras at once to
effect balance and flow. Human touch itself (between two people)
can have beneficial results in and by itself and there exist much
scientific validation to confirm that. Similarly some groups work
more effectively as a team of two or more people on one client at
a time. Similarly this work can also be done on oneself as well as
from the dream body or from a distance. 30/39
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Some yogis take it to mean keeping the inside of the body clean
(annamaya kosha) and healthy, the nadis open (pranamaya kosha)
and energy unobstructed, while the body is affected by being less
burdened, open, and light. Another inner application of saucha is
keeping the mental thoughts (manomaya kosha) free from
kleshas, samskaras, and vrttis. Yet another application of saucha
may be applied to our belief systems whether or not they may be
tainted, and thus be a source of taint, impurity, and affliction to
our consciousness (until purified). In this sense transformation
and rebirth is an action of purification. 32/39
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3) The lower tan tien (Chinese name) located between the two
anterior superior iliac spines (below the navel and above the
pubis. This governs the generational/procreative/co-creational
functions either projecting them outward and downward through
the lower two chakras or providing for the generation and self
empowerment of the sacred fetus. This involves the
When activated and integrated with the lower tan tien this chakra
creates the necessary heat, energy, and power to fire necessary
body/mind activities, thus it is the energy generator of the
organism. It can be visualized as a city filled with shining jewels
(manipura) such as the most radiant, pure, and perfect rubies,
emeralds, and diamonds. 34/39
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One may say then that the vital intelligent brain of this chakra is
dependent upon the harmonization of the muladhara, swadhistana,
and manipura in the lower tan tien.
Blockages here can adversely effect the heart and lungs (our
circulatory system). In this culture, it is the separation of our
awareness (ignorance) from our feelings which is rampid
producing most diseases of dissociation. When the heart feelings
are denied or ignored, then disturbances of the heart or blocked
energy there cause problems with the physical lungs or heart.
7) The thymus center located above the heart chakra and below
the vishudda (throat chakra). This is our natural self regulating
protective system which in modern times can be very strained or
even overwhelmed. When unhealthy this represents the taking in
of too many manmade pollutants as well as the presence of fear
and toxic thought. 35/39
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9) The back brain center at the upper part of the neck and throat
including the jaw region, the occiput, atlas/atlas, back brain, brain
stem (medulla oblongata), and the like. This is the top connection
point between the autonomic and central nervous system that
is involved with self regulation, balance, and harmony. It is a
key point in craniosacral therapy. One might say that its "center"
is behind the occipital condyles. it is the deep brain center
associated with the cerebellum and primitive brain. Any illness
can arise when this area is not irrigated with prana or there exists
dissociation from the cognitive functions of the frontal lobes and
the more vital centers of the back brain.
10) The Talu chakra behind the third eye governing the midbrain,
basal ganglion, hypo-thalamus, and amygdala. It is home to our
emotional circuitry which governs wellness.
When activated one is is self realized (delusion has fallen) but the
connection to divine intelligence may or may not be won yet
(depending on the connection being open or not at the sahasrara) 36/39
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Similarly the "S" shaped seven cervical vertebrae can also be seen
as an analogue of the spine while each vertebra space is given a
corresponding sound and and element. As such each cervical
vertebra it can be related to the seven chakra system. See this
discussion at the Chakra Purification Meditation at Rainbowbody 37/39
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For more about healing through physical purification of the body see:
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras; Pada III (Vibhuti Pada), Sutras III.41-46. Also see
III.31 commentary on the Kurma Nadi
"Nature's Finer Forces and the Science of Breath (Pranayama Yoga)" was
originally published in Sanskrit as "Science of the Breath and the
Philosophy of the Tatwas"), by Rama Prasad, is available here in PDF
Swara Yoga (according to the Bihar School of Yoga). Much excellent data
about Swara Yoga at
The Stages of Life: Birth, Youth, Old Age, Sickness and Death
Neurobiology and Yoga: From the gods of the Amygdala to the God
of the Heart by Antonio T. de Nicolas
Tree Legends Myths, the central Column, Chakras, and Wisdom Tails 38/39
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