Design of An Adaptive Predictive Controller For A Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Design of An Adaptive Predictive Controller For A Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Design of An Adaptive Predictive Controller For A Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Abstract: -An adaptive predictive controller has been designed in this paper. The model
predictive controller design is based on the linear model and by employing adaptation
mechanism; it can be applied to the nonlinear systems. Identification of the linear model
parameters in each sample time from a recursive least square method is the suggested
technique for adaptation. This method is applied to a CSTR1 as a nonlinear MIMO system with
considering measurable disturbances. Simulations are performed for normal operating
condition and a case in which system is caused with disturbance.
= [u (t ) u (t + 1) u (t + N − 1) ]
parameters. T T T T
U Nu
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(2). Which is given in this equation y,u,w,ξ WN12 = [w(t + N ) w(t + N + 1) w(t + N ) ]
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