Aspen Adsim
Aspen Adsim
Aspen Adsim
Software for the design, simulation, optimization and analysis of industrial gas and
liquid adsorption processes.
Aspen Adsim is a comprehensive
flowsheet simulator developed for the
optimal design, simulation, optimization
and analysis of adsorption processes.
The application addresses the need of
engineers and end users to simulate a
wide and varied range of industrial gas
adsorption processes with additional
support for liquid adsorption processes.
It can be used to develop and identify
optimal adsorbents, design better
adsorption cycles, and improve general
plant operations.
Process Applications
• Aspen Adsim supports both laboratory/pilot plant and industrial applications. Processes include Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA),
Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA), Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) and other variants
• Aspen Adsim can model a wide variety of adsorbents, including activated carbon, zeolites, alumina, silica and molecular sieve
• Aspen Adsim supports a variety of separation strategies, including single and multi-adsorbent layers, equilibrium and rate-based
mass transfer and cyclic operation
Technical Summary
• Rigorous Adsorbent Bed Model
– Different geometries including axial column, horizontal bed and radial
– Options to include axial dispersion and form in the material balance
– Wide range of kinetic models including lumped resistance, micro/macro-pore and general rate model. Other options allow
the user to define how mass transfer/film coefficients are defined
– Wide range of standard equilibrium/isotherm models that allow for either pure component or multi-component/competitive
behavior. Isotherms include Langmuir, Freunlich, B.E.T. and Dubinin variants in addition to the Ideal Adsorbed Solution
(IAS) theory
– Highly configurable energy balance to allow non-isothermal behavior, conduction, non-adiabatic operation and additional
wall effects
• Cyclic Steady-State Modeling Paradigm
– Full space and time discretisation of adsorption cycle to allow the user to determine the periodic steady-state condition
– Allows use of steady-state estimation and optimization techniques to aid in the rapid design and optimization of cycles
• Cycle Management
– User can define any number of independently operated cycles, each containing any number of process steps (for example,
production, purge, equalization, and repressurization)
– Process steps can be controlled by timer or by monitored event
– Step or ramped changes can be imposed on manipulated variables
• Parameter Regression Capability
– Fit model against experimental or process data
– Regress against either steady-state or dynamic experimental data
– Access to all model constants (dispersion, kinetic, equilibrium and thermal)
• Program Integration
– Aspen Properties™ – For rigorous and consistent physical property data
– Extend Aspen Adsim flowsheets by importing Aspen Dynamic® flowsheets to allow, for example, the simulation of upstream
reactors or for connecting a pre-purification unit to a downstream distillation train
• Cost reduction – An Aspen Adsim model can aid
in the reduction of time and costs of laboratory
and pilot plant trials
• Improved process understanding – Using a validated
Aspen Adsim model the engineer is able to explore
the operating envelope of the process in less time,
danger and inconvenience to the real process
• Improved process design – Aspen Adsim allows
engineers to test alternatives before committing to
a fixed design.
• Improved plant operations – Engineers can use
Aspen Adsim to find new operating conditions to
respond to changes in product purity demands,
capacity loads and feed compositions
Customer Quotes
“SunKyong has applied ADSIM to a number of PSA processes, including hydrogen production. We validated ADSIM with actual
process data. Using ADSIM, we have been able to rapidly examine numerous process alternatives. The result is significant
improvements in the process design.”
Dr. Jay-Woo Chang, Manager, R&D Technology Center, SunKyong Engineering and Construction Ltd.
“ADSIM has helped us identify the best strategies for improving our processes. ADSIM has enabled us to reduce the amount of
effort we usually need for laboratory and pilot plant runs.”
– Mr. Osamu Wakamura, Senior Manager, Nippon Steel Corporation
worldwide headquarters
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