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Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs and Interests

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FS01 Field Study 1

Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

RANA, Ronilo Jr. C. FS01
BSEd – English IVA Prof. Grace D. Permalino


Learning Episode 2
Learner Diversity: Developmental Characteristics,
Needs and Interests
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• Describe the characteristics, needs and interests of learners from developmental levels.

Learning Essentials
Here are major principles of development relevant to this episode:
1. Development is relatively orderly. Development follows directional pattern such as, from the
head to toe (cephalocaudal), and from the center of the body then outwards (proximodistal).
2. Development takes gradually.
3. All domains of development and learning – physical, social, emotional, and cognitive are
important, and they are closely interrelated.
4. Development proceeds toward gender complexity, self-regulation, symbolic or
representational capabilities

Observe, Analyze, Reflect

Activity 2.1 I Observing Learner Characteristics at Different Stages
Resource Teacher: Mr. Jonald P. Seño School: PSLIS
Grade Level: 8 Subject: English Date: September 25, 2021
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these steps:
Step 1. Interview and observe 3 kinds of learners from different levels (preschool, elem., and
high school).
Step 2. Describe and validate each of the learners based on interview and observations.
Step 3. Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.

FS01 Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your
observations and interview.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read and follow the following statements carefully. Then write your interview and
observation report on the space provided.
1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk,
run, go up the stairs, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What are they used to talk about? What are
their concerns?
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners (happy, sad,
easily cries, mood shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-
1. Describe their ability to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe they showed problem
solving abilities.

Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this matrix.
This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The
items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just indicators. You may add
other aspects with you have observed.

Learners’ Development Matrix

Preschooler Elementary High School
Development Indicate the age of the Indicate the age of the Indicate the age of the
learner: 5 learner: 11 learner: 14
She is participative in She has artistic skills to She can manage to
exercise activities where draw, paint and make set-up her needs to
she stands, moves her simple write-ups like a attend online classes
Physical hands and such, but with sweet letter to her mother. independently having
Gross-motor demonstration from her She can do some tasks on skills in different digital
skills teacher. She always nods her own without tools such as laptop
Fine-motor when responding to her supervision. Being always and smartphone (typing
skills teacher. She needs active in some playful etc.). Have manage to
Self-help skills assistance whenever they activities like running with do school and home
Others have writing and color her friends leads to tasks simultaneously.
activity, picking the pages development of her speed Responsible for laundry
of the book, etc. and agility. She can do of her clothes and is
She is independent self-task alone. She also learning how to cook.

FS01 Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

enough to eat, dress, act likes to dance her favorite Looking like a lady now,
proper hygiene activities songs. firms when in a
(taking bath, brushing standing position.
teeth, etc.)
She can respond to She loves to create Likes to be with her
some questions of her bond with her family and friends rather than
teacher. However, she friends. She never having quality time with
Social wants to be always with separates with her siblings family. There is a quite
Interaction with people closest to her like even they are with friend interaction with the
teacher her sister or mother. and trying to get along with teacher, not answering
Interaction with There is no interaction them. In studies, it is and skipping the
classmates/frie with her classmates observed that she has questions asked by her
nds recorded. Also, tends to active participation during teacher. Joined in
Others play with other kids going recitations. It is evidently different squad goals
in their home. shown when her teacher that the same interest
always said “Very Good” to with her.
The learner’s attitude Classified as not-easy- The attitude
depends on the situation. go-lucky as she was eager possessed transitioning
She is happy when doing to get what she wants. into adolescences are
things that interests her. Characterized to being being shy and having
Somehow easily bored in spoiled that brought intrapersonal
Emotional terms of going online attitudes of being arrogant. personality. As the
Moods and classes since playing is Possess qualities which is family observed her,
temperament, being prioritized. easily be stressed, they feel that they tend
expression of Perseveres when being especially when there are to be secretive of what
feelings bullied or given task by problems. Being observed they feel. Kindly not
independence her mother. Being sad to be egocentric, seeking developing confidence
Others when defeated leads to attention of other people. in her younger years
crying, complaints with Likes to show what’s really that results to be afraid
her mother. Attention- on her mind when angry. of doing things
seeker. Being mum when Happy when receiving especially those are not
questioned on things she rewards. familiar with her.
is guilty of.
Learns language skills The learner said that Tend to lose focus,
from cartoons watch, she is the topnotch of the however, manage to
adapt in real-life. Has a class as she always listens have leadership skills in
response when being ask to what her teacher is assisting her siblings.
Cognitive questions, however, saying. Having bubbly Also, know how to
Communication always ask questions attitudes makes her speak in basic English
skills when she didn’t know standout which enables with fluency and likes to
Thinking skills something. Always asking her to be liked by so many try new things. Being
Problem- for instructions, people. She asks for scold sometimes by her
solving sometimes being people around her parents, she will do
Others repeated. Imitates what whenever there are other options (plan a-
her mother and older problems, she cannot plan b) to reconcile with
sister is doing. Tends to resolve by herself. her parents. Has
accuse other people when difficulty in Math but is
there is a problem. linguistically okay.

Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed and
interviewed. Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

FS01 Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-

Observed Learning Process
Preschool • They like to move around a lot • Therefore, the teacher should
remember to use music and
movement activities not just in PE
but in all subject areas.
• Therefore, teachers should not
expect them to stay seated for a
long period of time.

Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-Learning

Observed Process
Preschool • They ignite their artistic skills • Therefore, teacher should provide
mostly through drawing and learners art activities that will also
coloring. encourage free expression.
• At this age, they like to watch • Therefore, teacher can merge animated
cartoons and/or animated videos for activities that will attract the
series. attention of the learners.
• They tend to come along with • Therefore, as teachers, we should be
their trusted people like their aware of this development by the learner
parents and siblings. and work with parents on how they will
build a sense of trust for meeting new
people such as their teacher.
Elementary • They like to play a lot with • Therefore, the teacher should give
their friends. worthwhile activities that promotes
teamwork where students can engage
with other learners.
• Therefore, they should encourage
working together and get along.
• They act based on how they • Therefore, teachers should know what
perceive other people’s learning style they will implement in the
attitude and actions. class (authoritative, permissive, etc.)
• Therefore, teacher must establish a
• They always like to have their good set of rules that will be easily
questions being answered. comprehend by the students.
• Therefore, the teachers should be
attentive to all the queries of their
students as we are responsible to cater
all their needs.
High • Maturation is developed • Therefore, teacher should deal and
School among high school students. adapt with these changes occur among
their students. Help them in times they
need assistance (counseling, etc.)
• Therefore, teachers are responsible deal
• They like to be with their with the diverse needs of the students in
peers or people with the terms of the methodologies and
same interest. strategies used.
• Therefore, teacher should maximize the
• With these, they pursue student’s talent, motivate it and utilized
passion on their talents where does their students excel. Make in
having specialized skills. involve in the learning process of the

FS01 Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

1. While you were observing and interviewing the learners, did you recall your own experiences
when you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners?
Yes, it feels like a throwback for me based from what they told in the interview. A lot of
my childhood memories came to mind that time and I was confused weather I did something like
that before. But back then until now, my parents are strict with the house rules and lectures they
said to us. I am a studious person especially when dealing with my academics that limits myself
to be socialize with people in my age before. I lacked of experiences of the students I interviewed
which I envy, but thankfully, I get to experience them now in college. Of course, some similarities
that I observed are given especially on how to deal with my problems before. I remembered an
instance before that I kept being secretive when I did something that will make them angry. Just
like them, I want to avoid punishment. On the other hand, in my younger years, I want someone
that my parents can be proud of so I’m giving my effort and time to excel in my studies. Making
them happy is what my reward for myself.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did he/she help or
not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and cognitive)? How did it affect you?
Mrs. Siguienda M. Cortez - In my memory, I will not forget my teacher when I was still a
Grade 3 student in Elementary. I believe that she contributed a lot to who I am right now. She
influenced me to become the better version of myself since she knew before that I have my
potentials in myself where before, I am still lacking of my confidence, because of some bullying
I experienced that time. She encouraged, supported, and trained me to join my first quiz bee
back then always keeping to my mind that it should not only knowledge but having trust on
myself. Although I did not get the first place, I know that she is happy and make her proud with
how she showed attitude. In that time, I also attended my first recognition ceremony where I
made my parents so proud of me. My mother even went to our school just to check if the news
was right and my teacher did confirm it. At that time, all I have in my mind is to continue what
I’m doing strive for things I am afraid before. I am not now afraid to engage in different
organizations I joined and meet other people is not a problem for me now. Mrs. Cortez created
a big impact on changing my perspectives in life.


Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip
some readings about this theory and paste them here.

FS01 Field Study 1
Observations of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

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