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Biology 30: Chapter 19 & 20 - Popula On Gene Cs

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Biology 30

Chapter 19 & 20 – Popula on Gene cs

Check this Box Outcome
I can describe what is meant by “gene pool”
I can list 5 condi ons that are required for a Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and can explain
how the gene pool changes if each condi on is not met
I understand the meaning of, and can describe factors that cause the gene pool to change:
• Natural selec on
• Gene c Dri
• Gene flow
• Non-random ma ng
• Bo leneck effect
• Founder effect
• Migra on
• Muta on
I can use the Hardy-Weinberg equa on to determine allele and genotype frequencies using
p + q = 1 and p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
I can describe how interac ons between predators and prey and between producers and
consumers can alter popula ons
I can describe commensalisms, mutualism, and parasi sm
I understand the difference between interspecific and intraspecific compe on and can
predict how both will affect popula ons
I can explain how organisms defend themselves from compe on using mimicry, protec ve
colora on, toxins, and modified behaviours
I can explain how/why mixtures of popula ons may change over me from a climax
community through different stages of succession
I know what the terms mortality, natality, immigra on, and emigra on means in terms of
popula on size/growth
I can describe a popula on’s size & growth using the following terms: carrying capacity,
bio c poten al, environmental resistance
I can calculate a popula on’s growth rate (gr), per capita growth rate (cgr) and popula on
density (dp)
I can explain the differences between a logis c growth pa ern (S curve) and an exponen al
growth pa ern (J curve)
I can explain the difference between an open and closed popula on
I can list some of the major difference between r-selected and k-selected organisms

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Under specific condi ons, a er one genera on of random ma ng, gene and allele frequencies
(gene pool) will be stable from genera on to genera on

Condi ons necessary for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium:

1. large popula ons
2. Random ma ng

3. No migra on (no immigra on or emigra on)
4. No gene c dri
5. No selec ve advantage of any genotype

Let p = frequency of a dominant allele in a popula on (A)

Let q =frequency of a recessive allele in a popula on (a)

Let p2 = Frequency of homozygous dominant genotype (AA)

Let 2pq = Frequency of heterozygous genotype (Aa)
Let q2 = Frequency of homozygous recessive genotype (aa)

If there is no change in allele frequency over me, then the popula on is said to be at gene c
equilibrium. A popula on in this state is not changing or evolving. If there is change in alleles
frequencies over me, then one of the condi ons has not been met and the popula on is
evolving. Gradual changes in allele frequencies in a popula on are called microevolu ons.
Prac ce Problems
1. In mice, black is dominant to white. In a popula on of 400 mice, 36 are white. Calculate
the allele frequency and genotype frequency.

2. The allele for widow’s peak is dominant over the allele for no widows peak. In a
popula on of 1100 individuals, 650 show the dominant phenotype. Calculate the
genotype frequencies.

3. The allele for the ability to roll one’s tongue is dominant over the allele for non-rolling. In
a popula on of 500 individuals, 25% show the recessive phenotype. What is the
frequency of the heterozygous genotype? How many individuals in the popula on would
be homozygous dominant?

4. Within a popula on of zebras, 111 out of 403 exhibit a recessive hoof trait. In the next
genera on 192 out of 598 zebras exhibit the same trait. Is microevolu on occurring?

5. Suppose that in a fruit fly popula on the frequency of the recessive allele that codes for
short wings (l) is 0.30. What would be the expected genotype frequencies in the next
genera on?

6. In a pea plant popula on, the dominant allele for tallness (T) has a frequency of 0.64.
What percent of the popula on would be expected to be heterozygous (Tt) for the
height alleles?

7. In a randomly ma ng popula on of mice, 25.0 out of every 100.0 mice born have white
fur, a recessive trait.
a. Calculate the frequency of each allele in the popula on.

b. Calculate the genotype frequencies for the popula on.

8. A dominant allele, T, codes for the ability to taste the compound phenylthiocarbamide
(PTC). People who are homozygous for the recessive allele, t, are unable to taste PTC. In
a gene cs class of 125 students, 88 students can taste PTC and 37 cannot.

a. Calculate the expected frequencies of the T and t alleles in the students
popula on.

b. How many students would you expect to be heterozygous for the tas ng gene?

c. How many students would you expect to be homozygous dominant for the
tas ng gene?

d. How could you check your answers for parts b and c?

9. In the Caucasian popula on of North America, one out of every 10 000 babies is born
with a recessive condi on known as phenylketonuria (PKU). This condi on is controlled
by a single pair of alleles. People who are homozygous recessive for the PKU gene
completely lack the enzyme that is necessary to metabolize the amino acid
phenylalanine into harmless by-products. The presence of this amino acid in a baby’s
diet can slow the development of the baby’s brain. What percentage of the Caucasian
popula on of North America would you expect to be heterozygous for the PKU allele?

1) Popula on Density
● Describes number of organisms in a defined area (example: Number of penguins per
square kilometre)
● Density (D) calculated by dividing the total number (N) by amount of area (A) or
volume (V) occupied by the popula on
Popula on Density FORMULA: D p = NA
Density Examples:
1. There are 80 000 snow geese in a 50 hectare area in 1995. What is the
popula on density?

2. If 200 Lemmings are living in a 25 hectare (ha) area of tundra, what is the
popula on density of this area?

3. Calculate the popula on density of shrews per m2, if an average of 7.8 shrews is
found in an area 14m by 20m.

2) Popula on Growth Rate and Pa erns

● A er finding the popula on density, we can find the rate of change (Growth Rate,
gr) over me
● Tells use whether or not popula on density increased or decreased
gr = ΔT

Growth Rate Examples:

1. In 1993, the mouse popula on in my backyard was 50 mice/acre. A er three
years, various control measures had been in place, and the popula on dropped
to 10 mice/acre. Calculate the rate of density change.

2. When arriving at their summer cabin, the smiths discovered 10,000 cockroaches
roaming throughout their 1000 m2 cabin. A er 1 week, the exterminators were
able to control the situa on and reduced the cockroach popula on to 10 per
1000 m2. Calculate the rate of density change.
Popula on growth is determined by what four factors?
1. Natality (birth)
2. Mortality (death)
3. Immigra on (incoming animals)
4. Emigra on (leaving animals)
Formula for Per Capita Growth Rate (cgr) (Use to find the percent change in a
popula on):

ΔN (B+I)−(D+E)
cgr = N cgr = N

Per Capita Growth Rate Examples:

1. Using this table, calculate cgr for Sandhill cranes:
Original popula on = 200
Births = 40 Immigra on = 0
Deaths = 55 Emigra on = 0

2. Puffins are small marine birds found off the coast of Atlan c Canada. Calculate
the popula on growth rate of a puffin colony based on the following popula on
in 1999.

Original popula on = 200 000

Natality = 15 000
Mortality = 10 000
Immigra on = 175 000
Emigra on = 160 000

3. Calculate the per capita growth rate of a mouse popula on if the original
popula on size is 34 and over a period of a week, 5 die, 8 are born, 12 immigrate
into and 7 emigrate out of the area.

Popula ons Ecology Prac ce
Use the following informa on to answer ques ons 1 to 3
Giraffes, the tallest living terrestrial animal, live in the African savanna. In a 143 km
wide by 84.5 km long area of the savanna, a popula on of giraffes were observes
from 2013 to 2018. In the 2013 popula on there were 43 giraffes and in 2018 the
popula on had grown to 78 animals.

1. Calculate the popula on density in 2013. Record your answer to two decimals in

2. Calculate the per capita growth rate (cgr) of the giraffe popula on. Record your
answer rounded to two decimals.

3. Calculate the growth rate (gr) of the popula on between 2013 to 2018. Record your
answer rounded to one decimal in giraffes/year.

4. Calculate the popula on density of cats if 24 cats occupy an area of 5 blocks. Recall:
the density of a popula on is the number in the popula on divided by the space
occupied by the popula on.

5. 68 paramecia are found in an area measuring 2 cm x 3 cm. Calculate the popula on
density in cm2.

Use the following informa on to answer ques ons 6 to 8.

Three-Toed Sloths
A group of biologists in Costa Rica were studying three-toed sloths in a na onal park for
12 years. The ini al popula on of sloths was 17. The group of biologists determined that
the natality averaged 12 sloths per year, the mortality averaged 8 sloths per year, while
immigra on was 3 sloths per year, and emigra on was 5 sloths per year.

6. Calculate the growth rate (gr) of the popula on in the first year of the study. Record
your answer rounded to one decimal in sloths per year.

7. Based on the informa on above, what would be the popula on of three-toed sloths
in this na onal part at the end of the 12 year study period? Record you answer
rounded to the nearest whole number.

8. Calculate the per capita growth rate for this popula on of sloths during the en re
study period. Record your answer rounded to one decimal.

9. 435 mice are found in an area measuring 120 m2. Calculate the popula on in m2.

10. Calculate the rate of change of a human popula on that is 160 000 people per 150
km2 in 1993 and jumps to 240 000 people per 150 km2 in 1998. Recall: rate of change
= change in density divided by the change in me.

11. Calculate the rate of change in a bacterial popula on that starts out with 5 cells per
3.5 L and grows to 56000 cells per 3.5 L in 8.5 hours. Express your answer per

12. A team of biologists tracking popula on changes in the wolf popula on of the
Canadian Rockies counted 56 wolves in 10 km2 area in 1985 and 78 wolves in a 15.5
km2 area in 1996. Calculate the rate of change in the popula on of wolves per km2.

13. If there were 250 white tailed deer in Elk Island Na onal Park, with 25 born in one
year and 13 dying, while one small group of 6 moves into the park and 3 bucks leave
the park area. Calculate percent change in the popula on. Use the formula for cgr.

14. Calculate the percent change in the popula on of an island that starts out with 250
000 individuals per km2 in 1965, has 25 000 immigrants 65 000 births, 48 000 deaths
and 10 000 emigrants in 1998.

15. If a certain popula on of bacteria grow at a rate of 6.8% per hour with an ini al
popula on of 250, calculate the expected change in popula on size at the end of
one hour. (HINT: change in popula on size = growth rate x current popula on

16. Change the popula on of fruit flies at the end of 4 days if the popula on starts out
at 24 flies per room and grows at a rate of 6.9% per day.


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