Burmester and Allievi: A Theory and Its Application For Mechanism Design at The End of 19th Century
Burmester and Allievi: A Theory and Its Application For Mechanism Design at The End of 19th Century
Burmester and Allievi: A Theory and Its Application For Mechanism Design at The End of 19th Century
Marco Ceccarelli
and Its Application for
University of Cassino,
Via Di Biasio 43,
Mechanism Design at the End of
03043 Cassino, Italy
e-mail: ceccarelli@unicas.it 19th Century
Teun Koetsier The second half of 19th century can be considered as the Golden Age of TMM for the
Department of Mathematics,
achieved theoretical and practical results that led to enhancements of machinery during
Vrije Universiteit,
the second Industrial Revolution. Burmester and Allievi can be considered as significant
De Boelelaan 1081,
examples of that time for their personalities and careers as well as for their work on
NL-1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
kinematics of mechanisms. In this paper, a survey is presented on their curricula and
e-mail: t.koetsier@few.vu.nl
main scientific works on mechanism design with the aim also to stress similarities and
differences in the life of kinematicians and in developments in mechanism design at the
end of 19th century. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2918911兴
Journal of Mechanical Design Copyright © 2008 by ASME JULY 2008, Vol. 130 / 072301-1
Fig. 2 Figures from Burmester’s book †25‡: „a… lines of equal light intensity on surfaces; „b… a shadow representation
共Richtpaarung兲. 共N. B. In space, there is one other example of a 共Dreirichtmechanismus兲 with three prismatic closures. Burmester
lower closure: screw closure兲. Other closures are higher closures. then turns to simple mechanism consisting of three links in com-
The sixth chapter is very long, 122 pages. It deals with the bination with two lower closures 共revolute or prismatic兲 and one
simple planar mechanisms. When the links 共or elements including higher closure: cam mechanisms 共Mechanismen mit Kurven-
the one that is fixed, the frame兲 of a mechanism form a closed führung兲. Burmester has in this chapter a section on noncircular
sequence and all elements execute a one degree of freedom con- gears. There is a section on simple mechanisms with belt trans-
strained motion with respect to each other, the mechanism is by mission and a section on locking and switching devices as well.
definition simple mechanism. By the way, Burmester distin- Burmester then proceeds in the seventh very long chapter of
guishes elementary 共elementar兲 mechanisms consisting of one pair 143 pages to compound planar mechanisms. In such mechanisms,
of elements from simple 共einfach兲 mechanisms. The main simple there will be at least one element that is connected through closure
planar mechanisms are the ones with four revolute pairs 共or hinges to more than two others. At the beginning of the chapter, Burm-
that allow only rotary motion between the links兲. Such mecha- ester discussed Grübler’s results concerning constraints and re-
nisms consist at most of four hinges. The four-bar mechanism sults concerning the configuration of poles at a particular instant
with only revolute closure occurs in three topology, namely, the in the case of several coinciding moving planes. Then he turned to
crank rocker, the double crank, and the double rocker, as they the discussion of all compound mechanisms that he was familiar
were used to classify four-bar linkages at that time. with. Wherever possible Burmester applied the pertinent theoret-
Today, four-bar linkages are classified as non-Grashof or ical results to the many special mechanisms that he discusses:
Grashof mechanisms depending on whether they fulfill or not a Watt’s mechanism, Stephenson’s mechanism, and many others.
two-circuit coupler path condition. Grashof mechanisms can then Figure 8 shows an example of the variety of mechanisms that
be subcategorized as crank rockers, double cranks, rocker cranks, Burmester attacked for kinematic analysis and synthesis.
or double rockers, as indicated in any modern textbook, for ex- In the eighth chapter, Burmester deals with what he calls
ample, Ref. 关52兴. “guided mechanisms,” such as the pantograph. A one degree of
When we replace in the four-bar mechanism revolute closure by freedom kinematic chain is attached to the fixed plane by means
prismatic closure, we get four special elementary mechanisms: the of only one hinge. If we guide a point of one of the other links
slider-crank mechanism 共Schubkurbelmechanismus兲, the Scotch- along a curve, then we have a guided mechanism. In the same
Yoke mechanism 共Kreuzkurbelmechanismus兲, which is a four-bar chapter, he discussed overconstrained mechanisms.
mechanism in which two adjacent revolute pairs have been re- In the ninth chapter, he dealt with straight-line mechanisms.
placed by prismatic pairs, the mechanism 共Schleifschiebermecha- Also, here he developed a very general theory, before it is applied.
nismus兲 which is a four bar mechanism in which two opposite This time it is quite new: it is the theory nowadays called Burm-
pairs have been replaced by prismatic pairs, and the mechanism ester theory. Burmester’s “Lehrbuch der Kinematik” is the culmi-
design applications for a rational classification of mechanisms for cuspidates 共cuspidazioni in Italian, which are arcs due to p-order
planar motion and particularly for approximate straight-line and cusps with infinite curvature or very short cusps兲, undulations
circular guides. 共ondulazioni in Italian, which are due to q-degree inflections with
In the Introduction, a survey is presented on the correlation long inflected trajectory or with zero curvature兲, falcates 共falcate
between points and lines as generators of geometric loci in planar
in Italian for the sickle shape, which are due to p = q as cusps with
motion. Characteristics of coupler curves are analyzed in terms of
singularities through a mathematical characterization from differ- finite curvature and concavity of trajectory branches that are ori-
ential geometry and a graphical characterization from descriptive ented in same direction兲. Their hypershapes are a function of the
geometry. This systematic analysis gives a complete classification order p of cusp and degree q of inflection as well as a function of
of stationary singularities in coupler point trajectory that are their generation and shape. The symbol p refers to the cusp order
named as cusps 共cuspidi in Italian兲, inflections 共flessi in Italian兲, that indicates the number of cusps that are infinitesimally near at
the point and the symbol q refers to the inflection degree that This classification is clearly summarized in the table that is
indicates the number of inflections that are infinitesimally near at reported in Fig. 11. This classification is still a novel way to clas-
the point, as introduced by Allievi at the beginning on p. 4 关3兴. sify all planar mechanisms in a very elegant and general way.
共x2 + y 2兲 冉 1
Ry Sx
共x*2 + y *2兲 冉 1
Ry *
冊=1 共1兲
types. At p. 85, Allievi defines paracyclic motions as those mo- ized as having pseudocuspidates and pseudoundulations in the
tions that are characterized by stationary singularities of third coupler curves. Those mechanisms are illustrated with their typi-
degree/order. All the mechanisms can show several types of sta- cal structures in Figs. 46–49 of the treatise.
tionary singularities that are discussed with mathematical and In the fifth chapter, a fourth class of mechanisms is introduced
graphical characterizations by using algebraic manipulations of as deduced from degeneracy of the cubics that is due to the loca-
Eq. 共20兲 and illustrations from Figs. 34–45, and then they are tion of the instantaneous center of rotation at infinity. Therefore,
summarized in a synoptic view from p. 92 to p. 98 of the treatise. possible mechanisms, such as four-bar linkages and slider-crank
A third class is identified by the condition 1 / R = 0 or 1 / R* = 0, mechanisms are configured with parallel cranks, as shown in Figs.
which corresponds to the case in which one of the loci does not 52–54 in the treatise. The corresponding coupler curves are char-
degenerate and the corresponding mechanism types are character- acterized by having hyperfalcates and hyperundulations.
In the last two chapters, detailed analyses are reported for classes and series. Design practical solutions with very detailed
mechanisms with coupler curves for approximate circular and graphical representations are reported in Figs. 56–107, which is
straight-line guides, respectively. The discussion is also focused the last one of the treatise.
on practical design constraints using the proposed classification in An example of the rich graphical details is reported in Fig. 15
reproducing Fig. 89 of the treatise for a case of straight-line guide structure of synthesis problems is formulated and discussed in
mechanism in the second class as an example in which the coupler terms of available equations and conditions in order to have the
curve of point ⍀ shows a falcate. possibility to determine the eight design parameters that corre-
In particular, at the beginning of Chap. 6, the mathematical spond to the coordinates of the four joints of a mechanism for
kinematics. Moreover, in instantaneous kinematics, the analytical In Fig. 17, which is Fig. 647 of his book 关2兴, Burmester con-
methods of the differential calculus can be applied. This naturally siders a moving plane of which the Point F moves on a circle with
led to the assumption that the higher order properties of the cur- center ⌽ and four homologous positions, D1, D2, D3, and D4 of a
vature of the four-bar coupler curve ought to be accessible to an Point D are on a straight line ␦. F1D1 and F4D4 are parallel and so
analytical investigation. By starting with the Euler–Savary equa- are F2D2 and F3D3. Moreover, these four line segments cut the
tion followed by repeated differentiation, Allievi made life easy:
straight line ␦ under equal angles. The symmetry of the situation
He started at the second order level and by differentiating he could
easily get higher order results. This reconstruction of the train of is such that any point L on the extension of FD is in the four
thoughts that led Allievi to his results is based on hindsight. At positions on a circle, so any such Point L could be used to guide
that time, it was not at all obvious. The results, however, were FD through the four positions. In order to gain more insight in the
quite spectacular. Half a century later Richard de Jonge rightly situation, Burmester applied the Burmester theory. The center
characterized Allievi’s book as “a very original and masterly trea- point curve turns out to be a hyperbola plus the line at infinity.
tise” 关4兴. The circle point curve consists of two perpendicular straight