Vibrational Spectroscopy: Ahmet Altun, Serkan Dursun, Naz M. Aghatabay
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Ahmet Altun, Serkan Dursun, Naz M. Aghatabay
Vibrational Spectroscopy: Ahmet Altun, Serkan Dursun, Naz M. Aghatabay
Vibrational Spectroscopy
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Article history: The solid-state X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, and FT-Raman measurements have been performed on bis
Received 18 January 2015 (benzoxazole-2-ylthio)methane. Molecular structures and normal vibrations of bis(benzoxazole-2-
Received in revised form 4 September 2015 ylthio)methane have been compared with those of its fragments in thiolic (2-mercaptobenzoxazole and
Accepted 5 September 2015
2-methylthiobenzoxazole) and thionic (benzoxazoline-2-thione and 3-methyl-benzoxazoline-2-thione)
Available online 8 September 2015
forms to elucidate substitutional effects. The observed IR and Raman bands of these molecules have been
assigned in the frameworks of calculated mode frequencies as well as the calculated IR and Raman
intensities at the B3LYP/6-311++G** level in gas phase. The assignments of all fundamental bands have
been expressed in terms of internal coordinates and their percent potential energy distributions. The
Benzoxazoline thionic tautomers are significantly more stable than the thiolic tautomers (by more than 5 kcal/mol) with
X-ray structure a keto-enol transition state that lies more than 40 kcal/mol above the most stable thionic tautomers.
Infrared and Raman spectra Therefore, the thionic tautomers are the main species at room temperature. Despite the huge transition
Density functional theory (DFT) barrier, the thiolic tautomers can also exist according to the detailed vibrational spectral analyses.
Potential energy surface scans find that the thiolic tautomers have two stable conformations due to the
orientation of their SH and SCH3 moieties.
ã 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0924-2031/ ã 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12
2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis
Table 1
Crystal data and structure refinement of bis(BO-NS)Me located on a C2 axis with estimated standard deviations shown in parentheses for the last one
or two digits.
3. Computational details
Fig. 2. Relaxed PES scans connecting (a) Rot1 and Rot2 conformers of BO-NSH (b)
Rot1 of BO-NSH with BO-NHS.
2.2. Instrumentation
Table 2
Geometry parameters of the compounds in view.
Bond angle ( )
C7–S–H (C8) 93.0 94.5 98.9 101.3 98.1 98.3
C7–N–H (C8) 121.4 125.0
C2–O–C7 103.6 103.5 108.7 103.7 103.6 108.6 103.7 103.1
C1–N–C7 103.9 104.1 110.9 104.0 104.2 109.7 104.1 103.6
N–C1–C2 108.8 108.8 104.8 108.8 108.8 105.7 108.7 108.7
N–C1–C6 131.4 131.4 134.1 131.4 131.5 133.3 131.5 131.1
C2–C1–C6 119.8 119.8 121.1 119.8 119.7 121.1 119.9 120.2
O–C2–C1 107.4 107.4 109.1 107.4 107.4 108.8 107.4 107.9
O–C2–C3 128.5 128.5 128.0 128.5 128.5 128.2 128.5 127.9
C1–C2–C3 124.1 124.1 122.9 124.1 124.1 123.0 124.1 124.3
C2–C3–C4 115.6 115.6 116.3 115.6 115.6 116.3 115.6 115.0
C3–C4–C5 121.5 121.5 121.3 121.5 121.5 121.3 121.5 121.9
C4–C5–C6 121.7 121.7 121.6 121.7 121.7 121.6 121.7 122.1
C1–C6–C5 117.3 117.3 116.8 117.3 117.3 116.8 117.3 116.6
S–C7–O 114.5 117.8 124.5 114.7 118.7 123.1 114.7 114.3
S–C7–N 129.1 125.9 129.0 129.2 125.3 129.7 129.1 128.9
O–C7–N 116.4 116.3 106.5 116.1 116.0 107.2 116.2 116.8
S–C8–Hb 108.7 109.0 107.3 107.1
H–C8–Hb 110.2 109.9 111.2 111.8
Torsional angle ( )
C1–N–C7–S 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 179.8 179.1
C8 (H)–N–C7–S 0.0 0.0
C2–O–C7–S 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 180.0 -179.7 179.4
N–C7–S–H (C8) 0.0 180.0 0.0 180.0 3.3 2.2
O–C7–S–H (C8) 180.0 0.0 180.0 0.0 -176.8 179.0
C7–S–C8–S 80.6 75.6
Due to symmetry, the parameters of one of the benzoxazole moieties are written.
Averaged values that belong to the same type of internal coordinates.
scaled for ease in relating the theoretical and experimental on BO-NHS as 0.955 for the frequencies above 2500 cm1, which
frequencies [43,44]. In this study, the scaling factors were derived correspond to XH stretchings (X = C, N, or S), and as 0.988 for the
remaining of the spectra. The standard deviation S and the mean
absolute deviation MAD of the computational estimates with these
two scaling factors (R2 = 0.999) from the experimental vibrational
frequencies of BO-NHS are only 12.4 and 8.4 cm1, respectively. The
smallness of these deviations and closeness of R2 to unity indicate
high correlation between the experimental and calculated
frequencies. The presently derived two scaling factors are already
very similar to the previously obtained factors at the same
computational level [26–29]. Therefore, we applied them to the
computed vibrational frequencies of all compounds considered in
this study. The scaled computational frequencies have then S and
MAD of 14.8 and 10.8 cm1 from the corresponding experimental
frequencies (R2 = 0.999), respectively. This ensures that the present
scaling factors are transferable to the computed vibrational
frequencies of related compounds.
IR and Raman spectra were simulated using the scaled
computational frequency (ni), computed IR intensity (IIR,i), and
Fig. 4. A view of the crystal packing of bis(BO-NS)Me.
A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12 5
Fig. 5. The experimental and simulated room temperature IR spectra of BO-NSH and BO-NHS.
relative Raman intensity (IRa,i) obtained from the computed Raman 4. Results and discussion
scattering activity (SRa,i) of each mode i by using the following
formula of the scattering theory [45–50]: 4.1. Structure determination
IRa;i ¼ f ðn0 ni Þ4 SRa;i BO-NSH and BO-NSMe both have two stable conformers
h i
ni 1 expðhckTni Þ (Rot1 and Rot2; Fig. 1) at room temperature arising from the
position of thiolic hydrogen and methyl group, respectively. The
where n0 is the excitation line of the laser used in Raman thiolic hydrogen or the methyl group is closer to the ring nitrogen
measurements in cm1 (1064 nm = 9398.5 cm1); h,c, and k are in Rot1 and to the ring oxygen in Rot2 of these molecules with Cs
Planck’s constant, speed of light, and Boltzmann’s constant; f is a symmetry (Fig. 1). The Rot1 conformers of BO-NSH and BO-NSMe
factor that is common for all peak intensities. In the following, we are 0.65 and 1.82 kcal/mol more stable than their Rot2 conformers
tabulate SRa,i rather than IRa,i to allow easy calculation of IRa,i for a with small rotational barriers, which are 3.64 and 4.61 kcal/mol
different laser, which can be used in future vibrational studies of with respect to Rot1, respectively (Figs. 2 and 3a). Zero-point
the present molecules. IR and Raman spectra were simulated by energies calculated using the scaled vibrational frequencies
using pure Lorentzian band shapes taking the full widths at the decrease the already small Rot1-Rot2 energy separation of BO-
half-height as 10 cm1. NSH and BO-NSMe by only 0.15 and 0.10 kcal/mol, respectively.
Therefore, if BO-NSH and BO-NSMe exist at room temperature,
they will be found as mixtures of their Rot1 and Rot2 conformers.
Fig. 6. The experimental and simulated room temperature Raman spectra of BO-NSH and BO-NHS.
6 A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12
Fig. 7. The experimental and simulated room temperature IR spectra of BO-NSMe and BO-NMeS.
Fig. 8. The experimental and simulated room temperature Raman spectra of BO-NSMe and BO-NMeS.
To obtain energetic preference between thiolic and thionic analyses). NMR measurements recorded varying the temperature
forms of the molecules, the thiolic hydrogen and methyl group of from –90 C to +90 C suggest the presence of only thionic forms in
the Rot1 conformers were moved to the ring nitrogen progressively DMSO-d6 [23].
by an increment of 0.2 Å (Figs. 2 and 3b). Fixing only the N–H or N– The present computational energetic data about the conforma-
C8 distance, all other coordinates were optimized. These relaxed tional stabilities and keto-enol transition states of the benzoxazole
potential energy scans find that thionic forms are 8.33 and and benzoxazoline derivatives are quite similar to those obtained
5.51 kcal/mol more stable than the thiolic forms when the on the benzothiazole and benzothiazoline derivatives [51].
migrating atom/group is a hydrogen and methyl group, respec- Therefore, the relative energies are not much affected by the
tively. The corresponding keto-enol transition state lies more than presence of sulfur or oxygen in the ring system of the analogous
40 kcal/mol above the thionic forms, which is too huge for compounds.
accessing thiolic forms at room temperature. Therefore, according The key computational geometry parameters of the compounds
to the present calculations, the BO-NHS and BO-NMeS molecules together with the present X-ray data for bis(BO-NS)Me are listed in
with Cs symmetry are the main species at room temperature. BO- Table 2 by using the atom numbering scheme given on Rot1 of BO-
NSH and BO-NSMe are too minor if they exist (see vibrational NSMe in Fig. 1. As stated above, BO-NSH, BO-NHS, BO-NSMe, and
A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12 7
BO-NMeS have Cs symmetry while both calculations and X-ray data mode that includes vibrational frequency/intensity, symmetry
find C2 symmetry for bis(BO-NS)Me. As apparent from the view of species, and percent PED of each internal coordinate is as given in
crystal packing of bis(BO-NS)Me given in Fig. 4, bis(BO-NS)Me Tables 3–5. The normal modes of BO-NSH labeled with the
molecules interact to each other weakly in the solid state (see numbers 1–39 (Table 3) were correlated with the modes of BO-
Supporting Data for the detailed crystallographic data and the NHS (Table 3), BO-NSMe/BO-NMeS (Table 4), and bis(BO-NS)Me
factor group analysis described below in Section 4.2). Therefore, (Table 5) for ease in comparing the normal modes.
the solid-state and gas-phase structures of bis(BO-NS)Me must be The A0 and A00 symmetry types of the modes in the molecules
analogous. Consistently, MAD between the calculated and X-ray with Cs symmetry (i.e., BO-NSH, BO-NHS, BO-NSMe, and BO-
data for the bond lengths (excluding C H bonds, see below) and NMeS) refer to the in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations, respec-
bond angles is only 0.008 Å and 0.4 , respectively. tively. The A and B symmetry types of the vibrational modes for bis
Since the hydrogen atom has very small scattering for X-rays, (BO-NS)Me with C2 symmetry correspond to symmetric and
the C H bond lengths are generally obtained too short in X-ray antisymmetric (asym) modes, respectively. Both BO-NS moieties of
measurements (around 0.98 Å [52] as obtained in this X-ray study), bis(BO-NS)Me contribute to the normal modes either vibrating in-
which can be partially recovered by deuterium replacement. phase (symmetric, 44 A) or out-of-phase (asym, 43 B) with respect
However, neutron diffraction measurements find generally more to each other. The A and B types of the bis(BO-NS)Me normal
accurate C H bond lengths that are around 1.09 Å [52], similar to modes that are both IR and Raman active and involve with the
present computational results that vary between 1.08 and 1.09 Å. same BO-NS vibrations have almost the same frequencies, and are
The bond lengths obtained in the previous X-ray measurement given at the same row of Table 5.
for BO-NHS with bound bis(diiodine) [53] have a MAD of 0.04 Å The monoclinic phase of bis(BO-NS)Me crystallizes in the C2/c
from those in the computational structure of bare BO-NHS. This (C2h6) space group having primitive Bravais cell of 2/m (C2h) point
large difference in the bond lengths can be attributed to the group that include two symmetrically equivalent molecules
significant charge redistribution in BO-NHS upon bis(diiodine) (ZB = 2) connected by a center of symmetry (Table 1). This results
binding. in 23N = 186 normal modes. According to factor group analysis
When the substituent of the S atom (H or CH3) is transferred to [54,55] on the crystal data, the bis(BO-NS)Me crystal has three
the ring N, only the geometry parameters involving N C7 S acoustic modes (Au + 2Bu) and 183 optical modes that span 45Au
moiety of the present molecules change significantly: N C7 bond and 44Bu as IR-only active modes, and 46Ag and 46Bg as Raman-
C7 bond is shortened by 0.1 Å. Bond
is elongated by 0.1 Å while S only active modes. Therefore, the IR and Raman spectra of the bis
angles involving this moiety vary also by around 5 (Table 2). (BO-NS)Me crystal have not any common band. However, the
experimental IR and Raman bands of bis(BO-NS)Me have almost
4.2. Vibrational spectra the same frequencies (Table 5). This indicates that interactions
between bis(BO-NS)Me molecules are rather weak, which is
The experimental and simulated vibrational spectra (both IR already apparent from Table S5.
and Raman) of BO-NSH, BO-NHS, BO-NSMe, BO-NMeS, and bis(BO- Vibrational spectra of BO-NSH and BO-NHS were already
NS)Me are given in Figs. 5–9. The detailed analysis of each normal analyzed with DFT but with small basis sets [23,24], or with mode
Fig. 9. The experimental and simulated room temperature IR and Raman spectra of bis(BO-NS)Me.
8 A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12
Table 3
Experimental and computed B3LYP/6-311++G** vibrational frequencies (in cm1) and normal mode descriptions of BO-NSH and BO-NHS.
IR Raman Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa
Table 4
Experimental and computed B3LYP/6-311++G** vibrational frequencies (in cm1), IR intensities, Raman scattering activities, and normal mode descriptions of BO-NSMe and
IR Raman Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa
1 3076 w 3077 m 3204 3060 4.81 248.01 3204 3060 4.81 273.10 3210 3066 1.83 205.29 A0 100 nCH
2 3059 m, 3199 3055 8.65 81.11 3200 3056 7.97 48.34 3201 3057 5.64 116.10 A0 100 nCH
3 3029 w 3186 3043 9.32 147.49 3186 3043 9.61 149.62 3191 3047 8.33 144.15 A0 100 nCH
4 3009 w, 3012 w 3172 3029 2.59 60.92 3172 3029 3.00 64.28 3178 3035 1.45 54.31 A0 100 nCH
3152 3010 2.82 88.68 3147 3005 3.03 90.62 3146 3004 0.43 22.31 A0 100 nCH3 (asym.)
3158 3016 2.25 45.96 3155 3013 3.40 47.39 3096 2957 16.21 80.13 A00 100 nCH3 (asym.)
2937 w 2934 s 3061 2923 15.87 188.50 3059 2921 15.18 186.39 3035 2898 36.81 163.11 A0 100 nCH3 (sym.)
6 1616 s 1652 1632 1.44 77.94 1651 1631 1.13 83.38 1664 1644 0.96 39.65 A0 53/53/54 nCC, 38/38/36 bCH
7 1600 w 1639 1619 6.21 11.25 1637 1617 8.45 10.07 1642 1622 17.37 47.68 A0 50/52/57 nCC, 38/40/31 bCH, 6/
6/- nCN, h8 bCH3i
8 1538 vw 1538 1520 227.71 288.54 1542 1523 283.27 290.71 A0 36/44 nCN, 26/9 bCH3, 24/
30 bCCC, 12/14 bCH
1496 vs 1503 vs 1508 1490 101.07 54.76 A0 47 bCCC, 27 bCH, 21 bCH3
9 1503 1485 3.12 6.80 1503 1485 4.01 7.19 1520 1502 22.92 4.89 A0 53/54/24 bCH, 39/39/19 bCCC,
h50 bCH3i
10 1449 vs 1455 s 1479 1461 81.25 31.45 1481 1463 7.68 4.31 1495 1477 45.90 23.19 A0 39/54/28 bCH, 39/15/56 bCH3, 19/
27/15 bCCC
1431 vw 1475 1457 8.60 17.74 1477 1459 103.23 43.02 1460 1442 62.71 2.56 A0 59/83/63 bCH3, 25/10/21 bCH,
13/-/9 bCCC
1457 1440 10.44 12.65 1462 1444 10.05 14.02 1495 1477 8.64 11.60 A00 100 gCH3
1325 m 1321 w 1364 1348 8.07 13.66 1368 1352 1.58 0.42 A0 93/80 bCH3, [10 bCCC, 7 bCH]
1402 1385 71.85 78.88 A0 31 bCH3, 29bCH, 24 bCCC, 16 nCN
11 1340 m 1377 1360 4.52 23.15 1378 1361 7.19 25.94 1364 1348 210.94 28.39 A0 51/36/29 bCCC, 37/27/30 bCH,
-/30/16 bCH3, 8/-/24 bCN
12 1283 w 1283 w 1307 1291 3.21 14.21 1308 1292 4.90 21.33 1306 1290 96.52 2.26 A0 75/75/68 bCH, 19/19/17 bCCC,
h9 bCH3i
13 1235 s 1239 vs 1257 1242 102.22 191.32 1259 1244 92.96 188.82 1252 1237 18.56 136.02 A0 51/51/39 bCH, 37/37/28 bCCC, 11/
10/23 nCO
14 1215 s 1219 m 1232 1217 37.53 9.85 1229 1214 14.51 12.38 A0 39/37 bCCC, 39/35 bCOC, 15/
14 bCH, [13 bCH3]
714 m 731 722 7.19 14.42 A0 43 bCCC, 34 nNCH3, 13 bNCO,
9 bCH
15 1147 w 1171 1157 1.17 14.55 1171 1157 0.98 11.98 1179 1165 2.65 7.23 A0 92/91/84 bCH, h10 bCCCi
16 1130 vs 1134 w 1149 1135 136.02 20.52 1146 1132 88.64 33.95 1137 1123 55.03 2.69 A0 64/64/53 bCH, 19/14/- bNCO,13/
12/12 bCCC, -/9/31 bCH3
17 1094 vs 1099 vw 1113 1100 53.26 1.02 1112 1099 50.96 0.78 1108 1095 38.05 9.88 A0 61/56/33 bCH, 23/22/28 bCCC, 13/
13/8 b NCO, -/8/26 bCH3
18 1004 vs 1024 1012 11.16 31.46 1024 1012 10.21 31.60 1028 1016 10.42 32.83 A0 45/48/45 bCH, 43/46/44 bCCC,
8/-/10 bCH3
1038 vs 1007 995 4.26 4.05 999 987 19.34 5.23 1063 1050 91.98 6.10 A0 79/89/40 bCH3 (rock), 8/-/
23 bCCC, 6/-/10 bCH, -/5/23 nCO
985 973 3.53 2.19 979 967 2.90 2.90 1152 1138 0.32 0.98 A00 97/90/96 gCH3
19 977 w 978 vw 976 964 0.00 0.20 977 965 0.42 0.09 974 962 0.01 0.05 A00 98/92/86 gCH, h14 bCCCi
20 922 m 925 w 943 932 10.77 6.50 941 930 2.93 0.02 A0 46/64 bNCO, 34/9 bCH3, 18/
26 bCCC
1181 w 1178 vw 1194 1180 160.63 5.15 A0 41 bCH3, 29 bCH, 14 bCNC,
12 bCCC
21 941 930 2.90 0.02 935 924 14.73 12.02 931 920 2.90 0.06 A00 82/81/82 gCH, 17 gCCC
23 884 vw 886 vw 899 888 2.82 4.71 900 889 2.48 5.07 893 882 5.37 4.15 A0 67/70/52 bCCC, 22/23/16 bNCO
(rock.), 10/7/31 bCH3
24 840 vw, 857 vw, 858 848 0.14 0.10 857 847 0.15 0.11 851 841 0.02 0.10 A00 80/81/77 gCH, 18 gCCC
br br
25 803 m 808 vs 824 814 14.55 27.60 822 812 15.58 26.75 851 841 11.32 9.11 A0 76/77/60 bCCC, 20/17 nCS. h23
26 739 vs 743 vw 757 748 81.62 0.65 757 748 83.06 0.62 751 742 85.83 0.64 A00 79/79/82 gCH, 16 gCCC
27 743 734 4.80 0.10 738 729 3.37 0.09 734 725 0.09 0.17 A00 59/62/54 gCCC, 33/30/36 gCH
693 w 702 694 3.32 10.40 699 691 1.30 10.81 A0 82/83 bSCH3, 16/15 bCCC
1357 vw 1391 1374 392.63 7.55 A0 46 nNCH3; 36 bCH; 16 nCN
28 654 w 684 676 0.05 0.32 682 674 0.02 0.03 653 645 0.39 1.85 A00 43/42/50 gNCO, 41/41/27 gCH,
13 gCCC
29 621 w 625 m 635 627 0.70 7.86 634 626 0.92 8.57 636 628 12.23 7.43 A0 94/97/77 bCCC; h15 bCH3, 7 nCSi
30 596 w 604 597 1.39 2.54 602 595 1.21 2.42 587 580 12.22 6.22 A0 69/70/65 bCCC, 20/20/- nSC, 10/
10/- bCH3, h33 bNCH3 i
31 577 w 582 575 0.05 0.16 582 575 0.02 0.11 576 569 0.03 0.07 A00 90/91/87 gCCC, 8 gNCO
32 493 vw 502 vw 510 504 0.46 1.65 504 498 0.44 1.51 A0 54/56 bCCC, 45/44 bCSCH3
557 w, 550 vw 541 535 4.45 1.91 A0 56 bCCC, 36 bCNCH3
33 423 w 434 429 4.95 0.07 433 428 4.98 0.05 430 425 3.64 0.30 A00 93/94/92 gCCC; 94 gCCC
34 405 400 4.65 3.08 403 398 4.21 3.79 433 428 7.40 25.72 A0 100 breath.
35 312 308 0.10 1.31 310 306 0.16 1.28 310 306 0.26 2.21 A00 91/90/87 t(ring)
38 280 277 4.11 5.81 286 283 4.31 3.38 A0 52/54 b ring, 47/46 bSCH3
10 A. Altun et al. / Vibrational Spectroscopy 81 (2015) 1–12
Table 4 (Continued)
No Experimental BO-NSMe (Rot1) BO-NSMe (Rot2) BO-NMeS PED (%)a
IR Raman Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa Calc. Scaled IIR SRa
Table 5
Experimental and computed B3LYP/6-311++G** vibrational frequencies (in cm1) and normal mode descriptions of bis(BO-NS)Me.
No Exp. Calculated Scaled IIR SRa Calculated Scaled IIR SRa PED (%)a
IR Raman
1 3094 vw 3079 m 3206 3062 1.73 372.94 A 3206 3062 8.19 129.42 B 100 nCH
2 3055 m 3201 3057 1.50 163.55 A 3201 3057 13.29 15.86 B 100 nCH
3 3029 w 3188 3045 2.25 304.87 A 3188 3045 17.22 60.13 B 100 nCH
3179 3036 9.72 30.22 B 100 nCH2 (asym.)
4 3004 w 3005 w 3173 3030 0.47 104.59 A 3173 3030 4.71 24.09 B 100 nCH
2946 m 3106 2966 0.18 114.48 A 100 nCH2 (sym.)
6 1618 s 1653 1633 0.17 189.04 A 1653 1633 1.71 47.26 B 55 nCC, 38/39 bCH
7 1595 m 1638 1618 0.45 24.52 A 1638 1618 7.59 4.19 B 51 nCC, 39 bCH
8 1503 vs 1509 vs 1538 1520 0.24 873.23 A 1536 1518 407.83 81.20 B 42/43 nCN, 28/30 bCCC, 14/15 bCH, 13/10 bCH2
9 1504 1486 1.90 14.17 A 1504 1486 5.04 2.15 B 55/56 bCH, 40/41 bCCC
10 1451 vs 1458 w 1477 1459 4.38 130.60 A 1477 1459 167.38 19.97 B 62 bCH, 31 bCCC
1397 1380 16.56 119.77 A 92 bCH2 (sciss.)
11 1362 vw 1376 1359 0.51 42.22 A 1376 1359 8.30 13.96 B 52/51 bCCC, 38 bCH, 9/8 bNCO
12 1285 vw 1294 w 1308 1292 0.00 41.94 A 1308 1292 9.66 1.80 B 75 bCH, 20 bCCC
1272 1257 36.28 1.11 B 77 bCH2, 17 bCCC
13 1236 m 1236 s 1258 1243 16.28 527.16 A 1256 1241 251.72 48.41 B 51/46 bCH, 37/34 bCCC, 11/9 bNCO; [10 bCH2]
14 1224 w 1236 1221 12.07 15.87 A 33 bCCC, 25 bCH2, 24 bCOC, 13 bCH
14 1217 m 1232 1217 103.80 8.42 B 45 bCCC, 29 bCOC, 16 bCH
1205 s 1217 1202 2.65 8.37 A 63 bCH2, 28 bCCC
15 1181 w 1183 vw 1171 1157 0.07 36.15 A 1171 1157 1.69 5.61 B 92 bCH
16 1135 vs 1142 w 1153 1139 51.66 68.57 A 1149 1135 304.49 4.52 B 66/67 bCH, 18/16 bCOC, 12/10 bCCC
17 1094 vs 1103 vw 1115 1102 7.79 2.54 A 1113 1100 143.79 1.72 B 63/61 bCH, 23 bCCC, 12/13 bNCO
18 1004 w 1013 m 1024 1012 2.22 67.07 A 1024 1012 20.75 3.62 B 49/50 bCH, 43/48 bCCC
19 974 vw 976 964 0.01 0.11 A 976 964 0.00 0.19 B 99 gCH
20 932 s 933 w 950 939 4.37 14.36 A 952 941 7.69 0.60 B 51/55 bNCO, 36/37 bCCC, [10 bCH2 (rock.)]
21 942 931 3.56 0.08 A 942 931 2.01 0.08 B 82 gCH, 17 gCCC
23 889 m 889 vw 901 890 1.00 7.85 A 902 891 1.97 0.75 B 67/73 bCCC, 22/24 bNCO (rock.), [10 bCH2 (rock.)]
24 860 vw 862 vw 858 848 0.15 0.06 A 858 848 0.07 0.12 B 80 gCH, 18 gCCC
852 vw 835 825 38.97 5.37 B 61 bCH2 (rock.), 27 bCCC, 7 bNCO
25 815 m 823 813 2.14 61.26 A 821 811 16.02 4.47 B 78/66 bCCC, 20/16 nCS, [18 bCH2 (rock.)]
26 737 vs 737 vw 757 748 101.41 0.60 A 757 748 52.47 0.70 B 80 gCH, 15 gCCC
27 754 m 755 vw 744 735 8.90 0.16 A 745 736 6.63 0.05 B 59 gCCC, 34 gCH
732 vs, 702 694 105.49 2.50 B 73 gCSC, 20 gCCC
28 675 vw 677 vw, 683 675 0.22 0.51 A 683 675 1.83 0.09 B 43/40 gNCO, 40/39 gCH, 13 gCCC
661 w 661 w 653 645 2.54 11.73 A 57 bCSC, 36 bCCC
29 623 w 634 626 0.00 14.11 A 635 627 1.97 2.90 B 94/90 bCCC
30 594 w 605 598 0.14 6.24 A 601 594 2.59 1.04 B 72/71 bCCC, 21/20 nCS
31 570 vw 582 575 0.09 0.31 A 582 575 0.11 0.10 B 91 gCCC, 9/8 gNCO
32 511 vw 516 510 0.42 1.79 A 506 500 1.91 0.55 B 62/57 bCCC, 29/43 bCSC
33 433 428 6.49 0.14 A 433 428 2.88 0.02 B 95 gCCC
34 409 w 405 400 0.68 3.71 A 398 393 8.82 0.18 B 76/74 breath., 24/26 nSC
344 w 340 336 1.77 3.43 56 bSCS (sciss.), 44 bCCC
323 w 316 312 11.13 0.92 B 57 bSCS, 43 bCCC
35 314 sh 307 303 0.06 0.81 A 308 304 0.30 0.80 B 92/91 t(ring)
36 258 w 256 253 0.43 0.91 A 255 252 0.17 0.44 B 76/75 gCCC, 23 gNCO (twist.)
38 194 w 190 188 0.64 2.19 A 187 185 5.09 0.08 B 88/64 b ring, {12 bSCS (sciss.)}, [33 bCH2 (rock.)]
39 126 m 119 118 0.93 1.04 B 85 t(ring), 15 gSCS
39 101 s 106 105 1.60 2.18 A 88 t(ring), 12 gCS
84 s 72 71 0.11 0.88 A 100 gSCS
60 w 37 37 0.33 8.05 A 50 49 0.61 0.95 B 100 t(NCSC)
4 m 16 16 0.09 5.39 A 19 19 0.09 3.77 B 100 t(SCSC)
The first and second entries separated by “/” belong to the modes with the symmetry species of A and B, respectively.
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