The True Path To Lichdom
The True Path To Lichdom
The True Path To Lichdom
he fact that you have found this scroll means Mummy Lord Heart (+4 Charisma)
that you are a seeker of knowledge. You have Dracolich Heart (+5 Charisma)
an innate curiosity about the nature of life,
how it comes into being, the journey it takes, Blood of a magical creature at peace
and its final destination. Making a corpse with its environment (to ease the soul's
dance about is something even a basic transition)
Necromancer can do. However, extending life Unicorn blood (+1 Charisma)
beyond the boundaries of time is a venerable test of patience, Giant blood (+2 Charisma)
tireless work and peerless skill, reserved for the exclusive Dragon blood (+3 Charisma)
echelons of necromantic spellcasters.
Thus begins the arduous but exciting path to lichdom! Profane Ritual of Lichdom
Preparations to make a Prepare the birthing vessel with salt water, the portion of
lich’s phylactery your flesh and the diamond.
Spellcasting Components Cast the spell: Clone
Place the rare magic item, the silver cage and a mortal
A birthing vessel worth 2000gp with a sealable lid, to sacrifice on a sacrificial pedestal
facilitate the healthy growth of a new body (urn, coffin, Cast the spell: Soulcage
crystal container filled with salt water etc.) Affix the newly empowered rare magic item to the birthing
A rare magic item worth 2000gp (to serve as the vessel
phylactery that could grow the body even in the absence of
a birthing vessel Adding the Catalysts (only one
1 cubic inch of flesh of the body you are trying to grow component per category)
1 Diamond worth 1000gp Sanctify the birthing vessel with the purifying agent
A Tiny Silver Cage (DC10 Wisdom Check)
A Willing Soul (preferrably your own) Sprinkle the ashes of a fire being on the phylactery (DC10
Mandatory Spells to be cast Intelligence Check)
Place the heart of the undead creature upon the
Clone (unless you find an artifact that already has this phylactery and pour the blood of the magical creature at
spell cast upon it) peace with its environment on it (DC10 Charisma Check)
Soulcage (to feed 10 souls to the phylactery at point of
creation and 1 soul per month) The Final Step into the Beyond
Optional Spells to be cast The final ritual has a base DC of 10. Each successful
catalyst check lowers the DC by 1. Each failure increases
Sequester (to hide the object from scrying) the DC by 3.
Nystuls Magic Aura (to make it look like an ordinary At the end, the DM makes one final roll, aiming to roll
object to detect magic spells) above the ceremony DC (as calculated by the success or
Demiplane (to hide the phylactery there) failure of the individual preparation steps above
Drawmij’s Instant Summon (to have the phylactery appear A success indicates that the Lich's Phylactery has been
in your hand at a moments notice) successfully created.
Catalytic Components Congratulations!
Purifying Agent (to cleanse the If your ritual was successful, you are now part of an exclusive
spellcasting components) circle of arcane spellcasters. Welcome to Lichdom! You are
Water from temple of Tyr (+1 Wisdom) no longer bound by the laws of time and decay, and are free to
Dragon bones (remove curse on a cursed magical object) pursue all of your passions! Now all you need to do is to die.
(+3 Wisdom)
Part of a being of fire (to trigger the Credit
regeneration process) Written by @artofkarthik (twitter)
Efreeti’s Ash (+3 Intelligence) Document designed with
Phoenix feather (+5 Intelligence)
Heart of an Undead Creature (to capture
the spark of life beyond death)
Wight's Heart (+1 Charisma)
Vampire Spawn Heart (+2 Charisma)
Vampire Lord Heart (+3 Charisma)