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Path of The Possessed

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Path of the Possessed

Not every demon that manages to possess a mortal is without

restraint. Occasionally, a demon will find its new host to be
exceptionally useful, offering it unholy strength in exchange
for harboring the evil spirit. From this union, barbarians of
the Path of the Possessed are made, cursed warriors whose
bodies and minds are transformed for battle.
Such a barbarian is free to revel in their new power, but as
always there is a cost. A demonic spirit may desire to further
its goals through the use of its new flesh carriage, or simply
seek the acquisition of another corrupted soul to fight on the
side of the Abyss in the Blood War. You can choose the aim of
your possessing spirit or determine it by rolling on the
Demonic Drive table.
Demonic Drive
    d4     Drive
The spirit inside you aims to take over a

humanoid kingdom. In your dreams, it nudges you

towards actions that will lead to destabilization.
Your soul will inevitably be forfeit to the armies of

the Abyss. Your demon pressures you to commit

deplorable acts in order to intensify your evil. Damning Protection
6th-level Path of the Possessed feature
Your possessing spirit is curious about mortal life,

demanding strange behavior for their amusement. Spells wash over you like blood over the bed of the river Styx.
When you make a saving throw against a spell or magical
You and the demon share a common enemy, effect, you can choose to expend one Hit Die, roll it, and add

whose destruction would be mutually beneficial. that number to the total. You can do so after seeing the initial
roll but before any of the roll's effects occur.
Perilous Blessing
3rd-level Path of the Possessed feature Fiendish Awareness
As payment for harboring a being of evil incarnate, you are 10th-level Path of the Possessed feature
rewarded with pieces of the demon's power, blessings to The spirit that shares your body teaches you to peel away the
empower you in battle. If a blessing requires a saving throw, veneer of the material world. You can cast the detect evil and
the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution good, detect magic, and detect thoughts spells without using
modifier. When you enter your rage, you gain a number of the a spell slot or components. Constitution is your spellcasting
following blessings of your choice equal to your rage damage ability for these spells.
Once you cast any of these spells in
bonus, which last until the end of your rage. You choose this way, you can’t cast that spell in this way again until you
which blessings to adopt each time you rage: finish a short or long rest.
Abyssal Hunger. You feast on the strength of your foes.
Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack, the Embodiment of Sin
creature takes an extra 1d4 necrotic damage. You regain a 14th-level Path of the Possessed feature
number of hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt, A perfect union of mortal and demon, you rip and tear
provided you have less than half your hit points when you hit. through the battlefield. The following blessings are added to
Dark Affinity. You grow comfortable in the most the list of options you can choose from for Perilous Blessing:
inhospitable conditions. You gain resistance to cold, fire, and Bloodwings. Great demonic wings sprout from your back.
lightning damage. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Dread Warrior. You erode the willpower of any in your Cursed Betrayal. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit
path. Once during each of your turns when you hit a creature points, you can force it to make a melee attack against
with an attack roll, the target must make a Wisdom saving another creature of your choice before it falls.
throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Pain Spreader. When you take damage, you can use your
Evil's Reach. Your arms become violent, thrashing reaction to force each creature of your choice that you can
appendages. The reach of your melee attacks increases by 5 see within 10 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw or
feet. take 2d6 damage. You choose whether this blessing deals
Horrid Protrusions. Writhing black tentacles emerge from cold, fire, or lightning damage each time you use it.
your flesh. Once per turn when you are damaged by a
creature within 5 feet of you, you can force them succeed on
a Dexterity saving throw or become grappled by you. Path of the Possessed v 1.1 for D&D 5e
Profane Carapace. Plates of chitinous armor form over Created by: u/NotTheDreadPirate

your skin. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are not Art Credit: Grzegorz Rutkowski - Demon Berserker Token

wearing armor.

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