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Subclass - Ghostblade - GM Binder

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The Ethereal Plane is a spectral realms that exists in-between
other planes, filling in the void with ghastly translucence.
Ghostblades are fighters who managed to contact to and
conjure a bond with the Ethereal Plane, channeling the
magical property of the transitional plane, and utilizing it for
their martial advantages. One distinctive feat available with
this bond is conjuring an entire arsenal out of ectoplasm
tapped from the Ethereal Plane, which is both corporeal
enough for actual physical wounds and ethereal enough for
supernatural properties, all at the same time.
In general, Ghostblades are not welcome in most
communities. Their connection and control over the Ethereal
Plane, however limited, is often perceived as ominous and
creepy, and it does not help that one of the most (in)famous
factions of Ghostblades is the dreaded ghost pirates, sailing
through the ethereal cyclone across the multiverse, plundering
and ransacking unfortunate interdimensional passengers.
Starting at 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you can
conjure weapons from ectoplasm channeled from the Ethereal
Spectral Weapon. As a bonus action, you can conjure a
spectral weapon in your empty hand, which is a melee weapon
of your choice. You are proficient with it while you wield it,
and it counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Your spectral weapon disappears if is more than 5 feet away
from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you
dismiss the weapon (no action required) or if you die.
You can have up to two spectral weapons at a time. When
you conjure a new spectral weapon after the second, the oldest
weapon dissipates into thin air.
Spectral Bond. You can perform a special 1-hour ritual to
bond a magic weapon to yourself, transforming into a spectral
weapon. The ritual can be done during a short rest or long
rest. You cannot bond an artifact or a sentient weapon this
way. At the end of the ritual, the weapon is dismissed into a
pocket dimension. You can summon a bonded weapon from
your pocket dimension in your empty hand as a bonus action,
or dismiss the bonded weapon into the pocket dimension
without using an action.
The weapon's bond is broken when you die or when you
perform a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon
appears at your feet if it is in the pocket dimension when the
bond breaks.
You can have up to two bonded weapons, but can summon
only one at a time with a bonus action. If you attempt to bond
with a third weapon, you must break the bond with one of the
other two.
Also starting at 3rd level, you can make your spectral weapon
briefly dissipate into ethereal form, then rematerialize it into
corporeal form, bypassing the target's defense.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
When you make an attack with a spectral weapon, you can 
treat the target's Armor Class as 10, regardless of the target's By 18th level, you have full control over your spectral
actual Armor Class. weapons. Choose one of the following options:
You can use this feature twice before a short rest or long Haunting Weapon. Whenever you hit a creature with a
rest. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short rest spectral weapon, the target takes an extra necrotic damage
or long rest. equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
 Penetrating Weapon. Once on each of your turn when you
At 7th level, your connection to the transitional planes make an attack with a spectral weapon, you can increase the
strengthens and stimulates your senses. You can see into the weapon's reach by 10 feet, or by 20 feet if it has the reach
Ethereal Plane out to 10 feet of you. Ethereal creatures and property.
objects appear ghostly and translucent. Vanishing Weapon. You can use your Dissipating Weapon
As a bonus action, you can heighten your special senses out feature four times between rests. When you hit a creature
to 60 feet of you for 1 minute or until your concentration is with a spectral weapon with your Dissipating Weapon feature
broken (as if concentrating on a spell). Once you use this applied, the weapon deals force damage instead of its normal
feature, you must finish a short rest or long rest before you damage type.
can do so again.
When you reach 10th level, you can fully utilize your bond to All contents are created by Weirdo Whoever unless noted
the Ethereal Plane for your combat advantages. Choose one of otherwise. Special thanks to D&D Wiki, NaturalCrit
the following options: Homebrewery tool, and GM Binder for providing the
Ethereal Jaunt. When you are targeted by an attack or a templates for my imaginations.
spell, you can expend one use of your Dissipating Weapon as a The subclass is inspired by "Class Idea: The Astral Knight"
reaction to vanish from your current plane of existence and by u/Glorian_Strifle.
appear in the Ethereal Plane. At the start of your next turn, Artwork. Credit for the awesome art goes to "Ghost King"
you return to the nearest unoccupied space from the space by conorburkeart.
you vanished from. While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see Watercolor. Credit for the clever watercolor goes to Full
and hear the plane you originated from (which is cast in Page Watercolor Stains by fellow GM Binder users.
shades of gray), you cannot see anything there beyond the
radius of your Spectral Senses, andn you can only affect and
be affected by other creatures or objects on the Ethereal
Incorporeal Steps. When you take the Dash action on your
turn, you can move through other creatures and objects as if
they were difficult terrain until the end of the turn. You cannot
end your turn inside a space already occupied by another
creature or object.
Intangible Defense. When you are subjected to an effect
that allows you to make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage
on a successful save.
At 15th level, you can use a bonus action to conjure a spectral
weapon that stays afloat in an unoccupied space you can see
within 5 feet of you. The weapon stays afloat for 1 minute or
until your concentration is broken (as if concentrating on a
spell). After the duration, the weapon dissipates into thin air,
or is dismissed into a pocket dimension if it is a magic weapon
bonded to you.
As a bonus action, you can move the floating spectral
weapon up to 10 feet, but no more than 30 feet away from you.
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use one
of the attack to make a weapon attack with the floating
weapon against a creature you can see within the weapon's
The floating spectral weapon counts as a Small object. Its
hit points equal your Constitution modifier plus your fighter
level, and its Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier
+ your Charisma modifier. When the spectral weapon drops to
0 hit points, it dissipates into thin air, or is dismissed into a
pocket dimension if it is a magic weapon bonded to you.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
  This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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