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Lesson : Tupi software

1. What is Tupi?
Tupi is opensource and free 2D animation software, which is used for
creating animations,custom (your own drawings).

2. What is open source?

The software code is freely avaiable
Modifiable according our own software
the software code is editable

3. What is free software?

The licence of the software is free for using laptop or system.

4.What are Advantage of Tupi?

The image scaled to any size,the quality of the images can not be changed.
We can import the pictures(gif,svg) into tupi
We can create story boards using tupi.

5. How to download and where to download the software?


6. How to install tupi software?

Double click on downloaded file
allow the application to install --->yes
Next-->Next -->Next-->finish

7.Menus in Tupi.


8.What are File menu opeations?

(a) create a new project

(b) open project
(c) open example
(d) save the project
(e) save project as
(f) close
(g) Exit
(h) Export project

9. What kind of tools are there in toolbox?

(a) Pencil
(b) Ink
(c) Poly line
(d) Brushes : Rectangle, elipse, line
(e) Object selection : object rotation
(f) Node selection
(g) camera --- story boards, export frame as image
(h) MISC tools
(i) Fill-- contour, fill
10. Components of tupi softwares.

(a) Title bar: it will display the project name or application name as title
it consists minimize,maximise or restore and close button.
(b) Menu bar: it is below the title bar and consists different menus like
file,Edit,import,module and help.
Each menu consists commands or controls to perform common functions.
(c) Project file management panel: it consists buttons used for
(a) create a new project
(b) open existing project
(c) save the project
(d) save project as newname
(e) close project
(f) Tupi tube in network
(d) Workspace : this is the main area, where we design, create and modify the
in this area we are visualising the created animations
It is the large white area present at the center of the tupi
(e) color pallete: This is the panel where you choose the color for the object.
in color pallete , we can apply colors to the object in two

(i) contour : it is used for applying color to the object for outer side layer
(ii) Fill : it is used for applying color to the object in side of the shape
(iii) brush properties: this panel allows you to modify the characteristics of
the brush
such as thickness of the brush, type of edges(patterns)
(iv) Library : it is used for importing the pictures or vector graphics or small
from computer system to tupi software.
(f) Tool box: It is located below the animation module
it consists different tools used for drawing the pictures and
creating animations.
Each tool may consists sub tools.
(g) Primary editing functions panel: this panel consists primary editing buttons
such as
mode settings, undo, Redo, copy,paste, Delet.
(h) Exposure sheet: it is a transparent sheet it consists different option for
managing layers and frames.
options: insert new layer,remove new layer,insert new scene,delete scene
insert frame, delete frame, movinf frame backward ,moving frame
forward,paste frames

How to draw the objects:

(a) we can use pencil and ink tool for drawing our own pictures
(b) Brush tool having Rectangle, elipse,line for drawing rectangles,elipse,and
(c) fill tool : used for applying color inside the object
(d) Object selection : used for selecting an object
and it is used for moving the object from one location to another location in
the work area
when you want to copy the object, first we need to select the object

Animation tweens:
(a) Positional tween animation
(1) using elipse brush, draw elipse in work area
(2) Apply fill color to the object
(3) click on tweening tool, under this tool , click on position tween
(4) give the name for the animation --->click on + symbol
(5) select the object
(6) click on select properties
(7) now click on out side of the drawing area, to form the path of the animation
(8) click on save tween icon
(9) in order to run the animation, click on player module and click on play button.

(b) Rotational tween animation

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