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Axial and Pressure Thrust Stiffness of Metal Bellows For Vibration Isolators

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MATEC Web of Conferences 153, 06001 (2018)

ICMME 2017

Axial and Pressure Thrust Stiffness of Metal Bellows for Vibration


Macháček Ondřej, Kubík Michal, Strecker Zbyněk, Roupec Jakub, Novák Petr and Mazůrek Ivan
Brno University of Technology, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, Technická 2896/2 Brno, Czech Republic

Abstract. Metal bellows are used as a spring element and simultaneously as a container (shell) for a damping
medium in vibration isolators, especially in applications where any leakage is inadmissible. Dynamic behaviour of
these isolators is affected by axial stiffness of bellows and by a resistance against axial deformation of bellows filled
with fluid, which is in this article called pressure thrust stiffness. A method of the pressure thrust stiffness
determination is discussed in this study. The method uses FEM model, which has been verified by stiffness
measurement of a chosen bellows. Consequently, the sensitivity analysis of bellows dimensions to axial and pressure
thrust stiffness was performed to find a dimension parameter of bellows which allows to adjust the ratio between axial
and pressure thrust stiffness. Sensitivity analysis shows that the stiffness ratio of metal bellows can be adjusted by
two dimensional parameters - mean diameter of bellows and corrugation width.

1 Introduction isolation ability at high frequencies is much better than

the isolators with piston [3].
Bellows is a flexible shell component which is usually Sum of axial stiffness of both bellows result in
made of stainless steel by welding or forming. Shape, primary stiffness of the isolator k. The bellows are filled
dimensions and number of corrugations (waves) affect with a damping medium (fluid), see Fig. 1 (b). Flow of
mechanical properties of the bellows [1]. Except well the fluid through the orifice causes a damping c. The load
know applications such as pipeline systems, flexible force F increases the pressure of fluid in upper bellows.
couplings etc. [2], the metal bellows have been used in The pressure increase causes the fluid flow and a pressure
vibration isolators, especially for space applications [3, 4]. thrust (force in axial direction due to pressure), which
forces the bellows to extend. Ratio between damping
force caused by flow and spring force caused by pressure
thrust depends on deformation and velocity of the isolator.
Considering that both bellows are connected rigidly due
to the red part, the bellows can extend or shorten only
because of change their internal volume. Resistance of
bellows filled with fluid against compression or tension is
in this study called a pressure thrust stiffness, see Fig. 1
The damper c is elastically connected. The secondary
stiffness k1 of the isolator involves the compressibility of
the fluid and the pressure thrust stiffness of both bellows.
In case of oil as damping medium the compressibility of
oil is much higher than the pressure thrust stiffness of
metal bellows. Therefore, the bellows pressure thrust
stiffness is almost equal to secondary stiffness of the
Figure 1. Scheme of vibration isolator with bellows. isolator k1.
Ratio between the secondary and the primary stiffness
The isolators with bellows, see Fig. 1 (a), have several (1) specifies dynamic behaviour of the isolator [7].
benefits compared to conventional vibration isolators 𝑘𝑘 ͳ
with a piston and a piston rod which must be sealed by 𝑁𝑁 ൌ (1)
sliding seals. The isolators with bellows are sealed by
static seals, thus they are frictionless [5]. Therefore, the This study was created during a design of vibration
risk of leakage is minimal. Last but not least, their isolator for space application. Bellows proved to be the

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
MATEC Web of Conferences 153, 06001 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815306001
MATEC Web of Conferences
ICMME 2017

advantageous solution for securing desired stiffness and Shock absorber oil Paramo TL 15
damping in the vibration isolation system. However, Volume modulus of Elasticity K = 2 200 MPa
pressure thrust stiffness has not been declared by the Density ρ = 885 kg/m3
bellows manufacturers. Therefore, it was necessary to
create FEM model of bellows which allows to determine Result of axial stiffness simulation was compared
the pressure thrust stiffness from the bellows dimensions, with the experiment, calculation provided by
verify the model by measurement and perform a manufacturer and also with the product list. The pressure
sensitivity analysis to find dimension parameters which thrust stiffness can be compared only with the
allow to adjust the stiffness ratio. After these steps, it is measurement.
possible to find the most suitable bellows for the
proposed vibration isolator.
2.1 FEM Model
The model consists of two parts: wall (steel) and the fluid
2 Methods
inside (oil). During determination of axial stiffness the
The FEM model was compared with stiffness fluid mesh is not considered in the model. The model has
measurement of two bellows with serial number 324125 following parameters:
by Wizenmann Company. Dimensions of both bellows
were measured almost identical, but it was slightly Dimensional: 2D
different than the values listed in the product list [8]. Symmetry: Axisymmetric (y)
Measured values of the bellows parameters are Element type: SOLID 182 (wall)
summarized in Table 1 and shown in Figure 2. The HSFLD 241 (fluid)
bellows was made by forming, therefore the wall Solution: Non linear
thickness is lower than the initial thickness of the sheet
blank [9]. The value t in Table 1 represents average value
of the thickness along the bellows corrugation, which is
experimentally determined by the manufacturer.
Table 1. Measured parameter of the bellows.
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Outer diameter D 36.5 [mm]
Inner diameter D 23.6 [mm]
Mean diameter Dm=(d+D)/2 30.05 [mm]
Corrugation width w=(D-d)/2 6.45 [mm]
Corrugation length L 3.2 [mm]
Wall thickness T 0.22 [mm]
Number of
I 13 [-]

Figure 3. FEM model of metal bellows.

Load force is applied by the pressure on the top line,

which corresponds to the force Fb. The displacement of
the top line yb is used for the stiffness calculation. The
bottom line cannot move in vertical direction Y. Nodes
located on Y axis cannot move in the horizontal direction
X. There are several points (depends on number of
corrugations) with the same pressure in mesh of fluid. It
ensures identical pressure in the fluid, as shown in Figure
Both stiffnesses are obtained by interpolation of
several points calculated as ratio of Load force Fb and
displacement of top line yb. The dependence of load force
and displacement of top line is assumed to be linear.
Figure 2. Metal bellows no. 324125 and its dimensions. The difference between pressure thrust and axial stiffness
is that the first one is evaluated when the fluid elements
Material of bellows is Stainless steel: are activated. On the other hand, axial stiffness is
Stainless steel 1.4571 evaluated when the fluid is not active.
Modulus of Elasticity E = 200 000 MPa
Poisson ratio μ = 0.28 2.2 Measurement
Yield stress after forming Re = 500 MPa
Measurement as well as the simulation was conducted in
Bellows was filled by shock absorber oil: two configurations. The difference between them was

MATEC Web of Conferences 153, 06001 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815306001
ICMME 2017
ICMME 2017

filling and sealing of the bellows. In the case of axial 3 Results and discussion
stiffness measurement, the bellows was empty and the
sealing was not used. But, when the pressure thrust Result of axial and pressure thrust stiffness was
stiffness was measured, the bellows was sealed and filled determined from measured or simulated data by linear
by the oil. approximation. Values of deformation higher than zero
corresponds to the compressing of the bellows,
deformations lower than zero means tension of bellows.
2.2.1 Axial stiffness
Two bellows with dimensions corresponding to Table 1 3.1 Measurement
were consecutively compressed by hydraulic workshop
press. The force acting on the bellows front surface was Force-deformation dependency was measured for two
measured by the strain gauge load cell HBM - BMT similar bellows and the measured data was linearly
mounted between the press and the front surface of approximated by line. The slope of line represents axial
bellows. Linear position transducer Penny & Gilles or pressure thrust stiffness respectively. Force-
SLS150 was placed between the force sensor and press deformation dependency of empty bellows, shown in
table as shown Figure 4. Both sensors were connected to Figure 5, was almost linear in whole range of
the data acquisition analyzer Dewetron DEWE-800. Each measurement.
measurement took 30 seconds. During this period, several
strokes of hydraulic press were carried out for higher
statistical significance. Bellows was slowly pressed in the
range from 0 to 10 millimetres with corresponding force
0-230 Newton.

2.2.2 Pressure thrust stiffness

Pressure thrust stiffness measurement was conducted
with similar methodology which was used for the axial
stiffness, see Figure 4. Steel bellows were pressed in the
range from 0 to 1 mm which corresponds to 0 and 560 N

Figure 5. Measured force-deformation dependency for empty

bellows (axial stiffness).

Force-deformation dependency of bellows filled by oil is

nonlinear at the beginning of bellows compression. This
behaviour was probably caused by non-parallel faces of
flanges, which are screwed to the bellows. Therefore, the
force grew gradually, until the moment when the flanges
become parallel to each other. Therefore, the less
saturated points in Figure 6 are not included for the

Figure 4. Pressure thrust stiffness measurement.

The measured force is caused by the sum of pressure

thrust stiffness and the axial stiffness. Therefore, the
pressure thrust stiffness was calculated as a subtraction of
measured force and force caused by axial stiffness.
The value of pressure thrust stiffness was similarly to
axial stiffness determined as the average of
measurements of two bellows.The pressure of the oil
inside the bellows was measured by pressure sensor HBM Figure 6. Measured force-deformation dependency for the
154210274 to check that the pressure inside the bellows bellows filled by the oil (pressure thrust stiffness).
did not exceed the allowed value.

MATEC Web of Conferences 153, 06001 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815306001
MATEC Web of Conferences
ICMME 2017

3.2 Simulations
Besides the compression of bellows, the tensile load
was simulated too. The results of force-deformation
The same load force Fb=300 N was applied to compare
dependency of bellows load by compression and tension
bellows behaviour with or without the filling. Membrane
differs minimally. However, to achieve the same
stress in bellows wall is shown in Figure 7. The filling of
conditions of simulation and measurement, only the
bellow affects the stiffness, but also the shape of
values of force and deformation which are higher than
corrugation deformation.
zero (compression of bellows) were compared.

3.3 Results comparison

The results obtained by simulations or measurement were
compared. The comparison of axial stiffness was
complemented by values from the product list or
manufacturer calculations, listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Axial stiffness of bellows.
Axial Value Deviation
stiffness [N/mm] [%]
Product list [8] kL 22.3 12.6
Manufacturer calc. kC 29.5 15.6
FEM model kF 25.52 ref. value
Measurement kM 22.7 11

Axial stiffness determined by FEM model differs

from all other methods less than 30 %, which is allowed
tolerance of axial stiffness, which is guaranteed by
As already mentioned, the pressure thrust stiffness is
not declared. Therefore, the pressure thrust stiffness of
bellows determined by FEM model k1F was compared
Figure 7. Simulated force-deformation dependency for empty only with the measurement k1M, see Table 3.
bellows (axial stiffness).
Table 3. Pressure thrust stiffness of bellows
Axial Value Deviation
stiffness [N/mm] [%]
FEM model k1F 1531.6 ref. value
Measurement k1M 1444.5 5.7

3.4 Sensitivity analysis

Figure 8. Simulated force-deformation dependency for empty

bellows (axial stiffness).

Figure 10. Sensitivity analysis of chosen parameters of bellows

to axial stiffness.

The FEM model mentioned above was created for

selecting suitable bellows which is going to use in
vibration isolator. Therefore, the stiffness ratio N is one
Figure 9. Simulated force-deformation dependency for the
of important parameter. However, to adjust the stiffness
bellows filled by the oil (pressure thrust stiffness). ratio of isolator in Figure 1, it is necessary to find a

MATEC Web of Conferences 153, 06001 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815306001
ICMME 2017
ICMME 2017

dimension parameter of bellows which has a different stiffness (resistance against compression of bellows filled
influence on axial and pressure thrust stiffness of the with fluid) is not commonly referenced value. Therefore,
bellows. Therefore, sensitivity analysis of bellows the FEM model was created to determine this variable
dimension parameters was performed separately for axial from the bellows dimensions. The model was verified by
and pressure thrust stiffness. Examined parameters are comparison of axial stiffness obtained by the FEM model,
listed in Table 1. Their values were chosen as 90, 95, 105 product list, measurement and calculation provided by the
and 110% of initial value. The stiffness change is also bellows manufacturer. The results of axial stiffness
plotted in percent of initial value (100% of each obtained by FEM model was 11% higher than the
parameter) in Figure 10 - 12. measured value. Simulated pressure thrust stiffness was
approximately 5 % higher than value obtained by
measurement. This deviation is presumably caused by the
imperfect determination of average wall thickness.
Moreover, the real thickness of bellows wall is not
constant along corrugation.
Sensitivity analysis revealed that the parameters: wall
thickness, number of corrugations and its length affect
the axial and pressure thrust stiffness almost identically.
On the other hand, mean diameter of bellows and
corrugations width affect the pressure thrust stiffness
more than axial stiffness. Therefore, the last two
parameters can be used for adjustment of the ratio
between axial and pressure thrust stiffness, which is
important for some application of bellows, for example in
vibration isolators, which uses the metal bellows as a
shell for damping medium. The method mentioned in this
Figure 11. Sensitivity analysis of chosen parameters of bellows
to pressure thrust stiffness. study helps to design the most suitable dimensions of the
bellows for a specific application.
The analysis confirms that the wall thickness t has
significant influence on the stiffness of bellows. However, Acknowledgement
the influence is almost the same for axial and pressure
thrust stiffness. Similar match was observed for two other This work could be provided thanks to the kind
parameters: number of corrugation i or its length L. On sponsorship of various grants and numerous agencies. We
the contrary, the analysis revealed that change of the would like to thank explicitly to the GAČR 17-10660J,
bellows mean diameter Dm or corrugation width w has GAČR 17-26162S, FCH/FSI-J-17-4534 and FSI-S-17-
higher influence on the pressure thrust stiffness than on 4428.
the axial one.
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