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Directorate of Distance Education Swami Vivekanand

Subharti University Meerut

Submitted for partial fulfillment for award of the degree in

Master in Business Administration

Enrollment No. C1720999631530
ROLL NO. : B17645926
Batch- 2017-2018




This is to Certify that DEEPATI RATHEE has carried out the

Project work presented in this entitled “A STUDY ON

NEW DELHI” under my supervision and merits the award
of Master in Business Administration from Swami
Vivekanand Subharti University. The Project embodies
result of original work and studies carried out by Student
himself/herself and the contents of the Project do not form the
basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to
anyone else.

Signature of the Student Signature of the Guide

Name of the Student- DEEPATI RATHEE Name of the guide

Enrollment no.- C1720999631530


I DEEPATI RATHEE student of Master of Business Management,

Directorate of Distance Education Swami Vivekanand Subharti

University, here by that the project report entitled “A STUDY



NEW DELHI” has been carried out at HR and Marketing

Management. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the “Master’s

Degree in Business Administration” in the result of my own work

and is original.

I have not submitted this project to any other university or

college for the award of any other Degree or Diploma.



I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who

have directly or indirectly contributed towards the completion of this

dissertation and without their help this in the present form would have not

been possible. It has provided me a platform to nurture all the skills and

techniques required for doing this project. For any endeavor to be

undertaken for efforts of many are required and this effort would not have

been completed without them.

I feel great pleasure in expressing my gratitude to my Guide And also

convey my thanks to our faculty members for their support.

I am sincerely thankful to the above people who were very kind and co-

operative with us whenever we needed them.

Lastly, I am indebted to the friends and will wishers who have extended

their support to me during the project.



S. No Topic

1 Certificate (s)

2 Acknowledgements

3 List of Tables

4 List of Figures

5 List of Abbreviations

6 Executive Summary

7 Chapter-1: Profile of the Firm/Company

8 Chapter-2: SWOT Analysis of the Company

9 Chapter-3: Data Collection & Presentation

10 Chapter-4: Functional Analysis of the Company

11 Chapter-5: Summary & Conclusions

12 References

13 Appendices


Table Title

1.1 Contacted Employees
2.1 Swot Analysis Of Sgrh
3.1 Gender Wise Distribution Of The Respondents
3.2 Age Wise Distribution Of The Respondents
3.3 Whether Respondent Has Worked In Any Other

Organisation Before Joining SGRH

3.4 Whether Respondents Had Induction Training

Mechanism In Their Previous Company

3.5 Technique Most Suitable For Induction Training

According To Respondent
3.6 Necessity Of Induction Training For Developing Skills

According To Respondents
3.7 Respondents Liked To Attend Training Program
3.8 Shows Induction Training Improve Performance
3.9 Satisfaction From Induction Training Procedure
3.10 Topics To Be Eliminated As Per Respondents View
3.11 Duration Of Training
3.12 Training For Newcomers To Learn About The

3.13 Quality Of Training
3.14 Level Of Difficulty Of Training
3.15 Training Session Was Not Interesting
3.16 Reading Materials While Training
3.17 Training Helps In Building Confidence
3.18 Training Was Well-Planned
3.19 Theoretical And Practical Knowledge In Training


Figure Title

1.1 Organizational Structure Of SGRH
2.1 Porter’s Five Forces Model For SGRH
3.1 Flow Chart Of Recruitment And Selection
3.2 Flow Chart Of Training And Development

3.3 Flow Chart Of Performance Appraisal

3.4 Designation Wise Distribution Of The Respondents
3.5 Gender Wise Distribution Of The Respondents
3.6 Age Wise Distribution Of The Respondents
3.7 Whether Respondent Has Worked In Any Other

Organisation Before Joining SGRH

3.8 Whether Respondents Had Induction Training

Mechanism In Their Previous Company

3.9 Technique Most Suitable For Induction Training

According To Respondent
3.10 Necessity Of Induction Training For Developing

Skills According To Respondents
3.11 Respondents Liked To Attend Training Program
3.12 Shows Induction Training Improve Performance
3.13 Satisfaction From Induction Training Procedure
3.14 Topics Helpful In Induction Training
3.15 Topics To Be Eliminated As Per Respondents View
3.16 Duration Of Training
3.17 Training For Newcomers To Learn About The

3.18 Quality Of Training
3.19 Level Of Difficulty Of Training
3.20 Training Session Was Not Interesting
3.21 Reading Materials While Training
3.22 Training Helps In Building Confidence
3.23 Training Was Well-Planned
3.24 Theoretical And Practical Knowledge In Training


S No. Abbreviated Full Form

1 SGRH Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
2 NABL National Accreditation Board For Testing And

Calibration Laboratories
3 NABH National Accreditation Board for Hospitals &

Healthcare Providers
4 Udc Upper Division Clerk
5 Ldc Lower Division Clerk
6 Swot Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
7 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
8 HIS Hospital Information System
9 HRIS Human Resource Information System

10 PET-SCAN Positron emission tomography-SCAN

11 GRIPMER Sir Ganga Ram Institute of Postgraduate Medical

Education and Research

12 Deptt Department
13 HOD Head of Department
14 EMS & OHSAS Emergency Medical Services & Occupational

Health and Safety Advisory Service



EMPLOYEES OF SGRH”. As we know workforce is one the important element of an

organisation. Each and every organisation wants to have a competitive, dynamic and

participative workforce in their organisation. As human resource department is one

the major department in an organisation. This department is engaged in making plans

to access the need for the workforce and further hiring, recruiting and selecting the

most suitable candidate among a large pool of talent.

The main objectives of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of training

program given at Sir Ganga Ram hospital, to study the training methods used by them

and to suggest some measures for improving the effectiveness of the training.

The scope of this study was limited with finding the effectiveness of training provided

by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital to the employees. The functional area used here was

Human Resource Department and the study was carried out for 47 days.

Questionnaire method was used for data collection and a copy of the questionnaire is

attached as annexure in appendices.

Some of the limitation that the researcher found out was the communication problem

faced by the workers and class IV employees and lack of interest shown by employees

towards attending training session. Lack of time and motivation factors was also a

limiting factor that affected training sessions.

Chapter-1 This chapter includes the overall profile of the Company. It states the

visions mission, nature of operations, market share of the Company, organisational

structure, size of the Company, product range.

Chapter-2 This chapter highlights the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats to

the Company with the help of Porter’s Five Force Model. It also highlights the best

practices adopted by the company in various functional areas.

Chapter-3This project provides an insight into the data collected by the researcher

during the internship period regarding the various functional areas of the

organisation and further the presentation of the data in the form of pie-charts and bar-

graphs along with the interpretation.

Chapter-4 This chapter includes the inferences drawn from the data presented in the

earlier chapter. It also includes the presentation of the data of various functional


Chapter-5 This is the last chapter of the project report and it is based on the summary

and conclusion of the whole project. It covers the findings, lessons learnt during the

internship and suggestions given by the researcher.

The reason for this was found out to be the dissatisfaction of employees due to

various reasons. They need to be motivated with non monetary rewards like extra

leaves, quarterly celebrations and other such benefits and should also focus on

improving efficiency and save time and for better coordination among hospital staff.


1.1 COMPANY NAME : Sir Ganga Ram Hospital


Rajinder Nagar

New Delhi 110060, INDIA

Tel: +9111-25750000


Fax: +9111-25861002

Website: www.sgrh.com

Email : gangaram@sgrh.com


BUSINESS CATEGORY : Hospital and Clinic


Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH) is one of the leading community hospitals serving

as a tertiary care referral centre with no financial assistance provided by the

government or other external agencies, yet providing free comprehensive health care

to the poor and needy patients from internal resources.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is a 675-bed multi-speciality state-of-the-art Hospital in

India. . Close to 200 beds are available at the associate hospitals, City Hospital on

Pusa Road and Jeewan Mala Hospital on New Rohtak Road, closely located to Sir

Ganga Ram Hospital. It is the only hospital in the private sector that has maintained

nearly 100% bed occupancy due to its reputation of providing the highest level of

medical services.

The hospital, started as a small 100 bed establishment after the partition has grown

over the years to its present size and eminence, covering most of the specialties in

medical and surgical care. Voted as one of the topmost hospitals in the country, Sir

Ganga Ram Hospital has over 50 years of experience in providing expert super

specialty healthcare service delivery to the population of Delhi and other states, and

also to those coming from the neighbouring countries.


“Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is committed to provide world class healthcare, teaching,

training and research by a team of highly qualified doctors, dedicated nurses, Para-

medical and non-medical staff with the help of state-of-the-art diagnostic, therapeutic

services in a comfortable, caring and safe environment at an affordable cost to all

sections of society including free treatment to the economically weaker section as per

vision of the founder.”


“To be leaders in healthcare delivery, medical education, training and research and

to meet the changing expectations of the community.”


Some of the areas of excellence are:

a) Organ Transplantation (Liver & Kidney)

b) Minimal Access & Bariatric Surgery

c) Gastroenterology

d) Surgical Gastroenterology

e) Joint Replacement & Reconstruction

f) Cardiology

g) Cardio Thoracic Surgery

h) Critical Care & Emergency Medicine

i) Minimal Access Surgery

j) Spinal Disorders & Surgery

k) Neurology, Neurosurgery & Neuro-endovascular Therapy

l) Vascular & Peripheral Vascular Surgery

m) Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

n) Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine

o) Infertility, IVF & Reproductive Medicine

p) Ophthalmology

q) Clinical Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplantation

r) Child Health & Neonatology

s) Holistic Medicine

t) NABL accredited laboratories, PET scan, 3T MRI Scan.

In addition to being an outstanding heath service facility of the country, the hospital is

a pioneering institution in the private sector in the field of medical education, training

and research.

Other then these services which comes under the head of medical department, SGRH

has administrative department which has following divisions-

a) Human Resource.

b) Marketing.

c) Information Technology.

d) Billing.

e) Receiving.

f) Purchase.


Total number of Employees : 3990 employees

Number of Administrative Department Employees : 560 employees

Number of Medical Department Employees (Including doctors) : 3430 employees

Number of Doctors : 403 employees

Other than the permanent employees it has about 500 trainees, consultants and doctors

doing their fellowship and Observer ship.


Though being a private organisation, it has always worked for the betterment society

that’s what has led SGRH to earn a legal status for being private but not working for


Because of this reason SGRH doesn’t hold concrete market share in medical care. All

the money comes from respected board of trustees and donors, and to carry out their

operations smoothly they maintain an annual budget of 80 to 90 crore.



Board of Management
· Director GRIPMER

· Medical Consultants

Director Administration
Addl. Director Medical (DA)
- Maintenance of OT - All Equipment Purchase
(Physical infrastructure (Medical &
& non-expendable Medical Superintendent
equipments) Non Medical)
- OPDs (Free & Paid), Casualty
- All SOPs related to OT - Pharmacy, Medical &
- Front Desk, Admission &
Surgical Disposables
- OT Nurses & Discharge
Technicians - Receiving Station
- Gas Manifold, CSSD & - All Stores including
-CIC, Laboratories & all
expendable items in OT
diagnostic services
- Kitchen
DMS (Quality)
- AMCs & Dept. of
-Indoor patients on the floors
Biomedical Engineering
& all Intensive care areas
- HR, Security, Parking,
- Residents & Nursing Staff
Telecom & Staff Clinic
Director Finance - Housekeeping & Linen
- Sanitation, Horticulture &
- To formulate policies & advice (Service part) Food Outlets
the Chairman in financial - Maintenance of building &
matters budget

- Accounts, Billing & Cash Chief Nursing Officer and Addl. DA/ Dy. DA/ Asst.DA/
- Maintenance of Portfolios Nursing Deptt./ Medical GM(Stores)/Jt.MS(Pharmacy)

Figure 1.1: Organizational Structure of SGRH

In SGRH’s organisation structure chairman along with board of management looks
after every case related to management or policy that are equally supported by
competent director administrator, addl. Director medical, director finance and Medical

Following are the people from various departments with whom the researcher
interacted during my six weeks training at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital:


HR Department

Mr. Siddharth Vaidya Dy. Manager HR

Ms. Ekta Anand Sr. Executive HR

Mr. Sanjay Taneja HR Assistant

Ms. Madhu Bhalla Sr. Secretary

Ms. Neeta Wadhwa UDC

Ms Ruchika Makhija LDC

Ms Taruna Sukhija LDC

Ms. Meenu Sharma Executive admin support

Ms Preetika kaur Executive admin Support

Billing Department

Mr. John Mathew Sr. Accounts Officer

Marketing Department

Mr. Deepak Golani Sr. Marketing Manager

Table 1.1: Contacted Employees

Currently Mr.Siddharth Vaidya is managing the HR department as a responsible

Dy. Manager of HR, in the absence of Sr. HR Manager, assisted by Ms. Ekta

Anand and Mr. Sanjay Taneja as Sr. Executive HR and HR assistant respectively.

Down the line HR deptt has talented pool of dedicated employees who supported

the researcher during his training period.


i) Employees: Middle level Managers and supervisors for the information

regarding the organizational hierarchy, reporting structure, Company norms

and for all work related activities and queries.

ii) Supervisors: Assistance in task performed, the methods, Procedures of the

recruitment and selection Procedures

iii) Colleagues: For filling of questionnaires, source of the internal strengths,

weakness, threats and fallouts in the management

iv) Employee Handbook: All HR Policies, Philosophies, values , norms , every

Information related to the employee(new Joinees) future references

v) SGRH Website: Sources to detailed information of the product Range, Vision,

Mission, objective, business prospects etc.

vi) Internet : E- newspapers, E- Magazines, books, Wikipedia, etc.

2.1 SWOT

A SWOT analysis is a strategic evaluation framework used to look at a company.

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The first step of a

SWOT analysis is to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the company. Once

the strengths and weaknesses have been determined, the company can look beyond its

own organization to evaluate opportunities and threats from the market or

competitors. The preceding pages will explain the strategic evaluation, which SGRM

is following and trying to establish a new horizon in the field of health care by

overcoming their weakness and threats.

To understand better the following model has been used to study the the competitive

strategies of SGRH.


Competition depends on the competitive strategy of any industry. To create a

profitable competitive strategy, a firm must examine the basic competitive structure of

its industry because the potential profitability of a firm is heavily influenced by the

profitability of its industry. After determining the competitive structure one has to

examine the factors that determine the relative competitive position of a firm within

its industry. These factors can be described by the Porter’s five forces model. Porter

suggests that five competitive forces determine the intensity of competition and that

the relative effect of each of these five factors can vary dramatically among

industry. Porter’s famous Five Forces of Competitive Position model provides a

simple perspective for assessing and analysing the competitive strength and position

of a corporation or business organization.


New Market Entrants, Eg:

 Barriers geographical factors

 Incumbents resistance
 New entrant strategy

Suppliers Power, Eg: Competitive Rivalry, Eg: Buyer Power, Eg:

 Brand Reputation  Number and size of firms  Buyers choice

 Geographical Cover  Industry size and trends  Buyers size and
 Product/ Service level  Product/service range Number
quality  Differentiation, strategy  Change
 Product/ Service
Product and Technology Development, Eg:

 Alternatives price/quality
 Market distribution changes
 New Trends

Figure 2.1: Porter’s Five Forces Model for SGRH

a) New Market Entrants

On analysing Porter's five force model for SGRH, it is found that the threat of new

entry is quite high in this field. If new players feel that the existing players are making

sustained profit, new competitors may enter this industry and thereby reduce profits of

existing players. Some of the best example is that of B.L. Kapur Hospital, Max, and

Apollo. All these hospitals came into picture when they felt that SGRH was making

sustained profit in this field. And this somehow affected the profit generation and

position of SGRH.

b) Buyer's Power

It is found that the competition is high in this field, and hence the buyers have wide

range of options. They may quickly switch from one hospital to other depending on

their need and convenience. If they are getting same treatment from another hospital at

less expense, then they will readily switch to it. Hence we can say that buyer's power is

strong, again implying strong downward pressure on prices.

c) Product and Technology development

Analysis showed that there exist some threats of substitution due to technological

developments. People have realised the effectiveness of natural care products. Best

example can be of Telemedicine shifting to ayurvedic medicines or natural care. As

buyers are now aware of the side effects of tablets and medicines, more and more are

preferring ayurvedic treatments.

d) Suppliers Power

Here the suppliers are the manufacturers or companies who provide sophisticated

medical equipments for the hospital. They have a very good bargaining power

because of the prevailing competitive environment. Suppliers provide high quality

equipments to that hospital that maintains a good relation and also pays them well. At

times this may result in great loss for organization.

e) Competitive Rivalry

On analysing, it is found that competitive rivalry is extremely high. If any player

raises prices, they will quickly be undercut because the competition is very high.

Intense competition puts strong downward pressure on prices. Every organization

should be aware of the strategy followed by its competitors so that they can also

survive in this competitive market. For Eg. B.L. Kapur Hospital is situated near to

SGRH, and hence the facilities available at both these hospitals are almost similar.

2.22 Analysis

Porter's Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for

profitability in an industry. With a little adaptation, it is also useful as a way of

assessing the balance of power in more general situations. It works by looking at the

strength of five important forces that affect competition. By thinking through how

each force affect us, and by identifying the strength and direction of each force, we

can quickly assess the strength of the position and your ability to make a sustained

profit in the industry.


Helpful to achieve the objectives Harmful to achieve the objectives

Strength Weakness
  Aged employees
Internal Origin

Loyal Employees
 Modern Facilities  Tenure nature of job
 Free Medical Facilities For  High Training Cost Due
Self and Family To Attrition Rate

Opportunities Threats
 International Growth  Competitors
External Origin  National Growth  Increase in cost of Medical
 Decrease in medical

Table 2.1: SWOT Analysis of SGRH

a) Strengths

Voted as one of the topmost hospitals in the country, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has

over 50 years of experience in providing expert super speciality healthcare service

delivery to the population of Delhi and other states, and also to those coming from the

neighbouring countries.

Some of the strengths are as discussed below:

a) Loyal Employees

i) SGRH maintain strong, enduring relationships with doctors and medical

professionals. This has attracted medical professionals returning from

abroad to work with them.

ii) Many employees of SGRH are working there for more than 30 years.

They stick to the organization and hence are the goodwill ambassadors for

the organization.

b) Modern Facilities

i) High-quality medical facilities and services are offered at cost competitive

rates when compared to the Western and European regions making India

the preferred choice for medical travel. SGRH have consistently invested

in medical technology and equipment so as to offer the highest quality

healthcare services to their patients.

ii) The availability of sophisticated medical equipment, such as the PET-CT

scan, 320 Slice CT Scanner, Cyber knife ensures that SGRH are among the

few healthcare providers in India capable of offering advanced healthcare

procedures such as stereo tactic radio surgery.

c) Free Medical Facilities For Self and Family

i) SGRH provide free medical facilities for self and family to all the

employees who are part of SGRH for more than 2 years. This in turn

supports the employees and hence they are happy in serving the


b) Weakness

Some of the weaknesses that SGRH faces are as follows:

i) Due to infrastructural limitations and increasing patient flow, providing beds

to all those who need is a challenge. So for this the Hospital is joining hands

with existing nearby hospitals.

ii) As this is an old organization and their staff is quite old too, 25-30 per cent of

total are almost 20-25 years old employees. With the advent of technology and

IT it’s a challenge for management to make their staff techno savvy so that

they can be more beneficial to the organization.

iii) Due to tenure nature of job, employees at the hospital feel little dissatisfied

and look for new job opportunity and this cause’s high attrition rate.

c) Opportunity

SGRH looks to be a leader in quality healthcare delivery, medical education, training

and research and to meet the changing expectations of the community. Some of the

opportunities SGRH is exploring as follows:

a. International Growth

Many foreign students are doing their internship from SGRH which helps in

spreading the name of SGRH across the world. SGRH is not promoting any

advertisement but still the number of foreigners coming for treatment and internship is

increasing each year, which clearly depicts the goodwill of the hospital. This will help

in growing internationally.

b. National growth

With global revenues of approximately US$ 2.8 trillion, the healthcare industry is the

world's largest industry and India is emerging as a major player in this industry,

because of its high population. As per the Insurance Regulatory and Development

Authority, the Indian healthcare industry has the potential to show the same

exponential growth that the software and pharmaceutical industries have shown in the

past decade.

c. SGRH is not promoting any advertisement but still the number of foreigners

coming for treatment and internship is increasing each year which clearly depicts

the goodwill of the hospital. This will help in growing internationally.

All this is been done to enhance their services and become a leading hospital of


d) Threats

i) With more competitors coming up in the healthcare industry, quality at an

affordable price is always a challenge. To deal with it, they have opened a

quality cell which works for continuous quality assurance at an affordable


ii) Due to infrastructural limitations and increasing patient flow, providing beds

to all those who need is always a challenge. So for this the Hospital is joining

hands with existing nearby hospitals.


2.31 Team Spirit: The foremost reason for its success is the hospital faculty, which is

constituted of some of the most competent, leading and globally recognised

consultants. Most of the consultants are decorated and facilitated with prestigious

civilian and numerous national and international awards. The board of management

with a strong team of over twenty five senior consultants headed by Chairman Dr BK

Rao, Padma Bhushan Awardee, incorporates a unique model of management forms

the core strength of the hospital.

2.32 Partners in Progress: SGRH is probably the only hospital in the private sector,

where the consultants plough back a substantial share of their earnings into the

hospital to contribute extensively towards the development of the hospital.

2.33 Social Responsibility: Following the ideology of the founder, Sir Ganga Ram,

the hospital spends extensively on its charitable healthcare delivery programme. Over

2.5 lakh out- patients are examined in the general OPDs annually, while there are over

100 dedicated free beds for economically weaker section of the society. A strong

community outreach programme is in place for conducting regular free health check

up camps in and around Delhi where free consultation and medicines are dispensed.

The Ladies Welfare Society, an integral part of the programme, is dedicated to

provide social assistance by establishing and running vocational centres in

resettlement colonies and to motivate deserving students by generating and providing

appropriate assistance. As a part of its rural initiatives, hospital has set up medical

kiosks in remote villages in Haryana, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh and

established tele links so as to provide healthcare facilities at cheapest and fastest way

to the rural sector.

2.34 Quality Healthcare: Synonymous with patient care par excellence, Sir Ganga

Ram Hospital is perhaps the only hospital in India which has accreditations /

certification for five prestigious standards, viz. ISO 9001:2000, ISO:14001:2004,

OHSAS:18001:1999, ISO:15189:2007: NABL and NABH. The hospital firmly

believes that quality is most important and accreditations are evidences that quality

mechanisms are in place in the hospital and that the hospital meets the requirements

of the respective standards.

2.35 Infrastructure: The Operation theatres and Intensive Care Units of the hospital

is well equipped with best and the latest machines and equipment to give full tertiary
care support to all patients. The hospital offers ultra tech diagnostic facilities on PET

scan, 3T MRI and Digital X ray Units.

2.36 Ideal Location: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is located in the heart of the capital

approachable from railway, metro stations and airport. Thus, its central location

makes it easily accessible to its customers. The hospital has also been able to attract a

large number of patients from the northern part of the country as well.


As such there was not much variation from the theoretical concepts. They have tried

to maintain the standard of the day to day activities by strictly following the set

procedures and policies. Every department has maintained a proper file which

explains the activities of that department. So anyone joining the organization can go

through it to get a clear picture. But we know that 100% similarity cannot be found

between theory and practical scenario. There are few minor variations but it does not

affect the working of the organization as such.




Sir Ganga Ram Hospital provides comprehensive Healthcare services, and has

acquired the status of a premier medical institution. It includes various functional

areas. The main topic of training is “EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING ON THE

EMPLOYEES OF SGRH”. Theoretical Concepts were collected from Employee

handbook, colleagues and hospital website.


The objectives of this project are:

a) To study the training methods used at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

b) To study the effectiveness of training on the employees of SGRH.

c) To suggest some measures for improving the effectiveness of training at Sir

Ganga Ram Hospital.


This study is concerned with finding the effectiveness of training provided by the

hospital for the employees of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar except

Resident Doctors & Consultants. The functional area which was used here was

Human Resource (HR). The study was carried out for 45 days i.e. from 19 th June 2013

to 03rd August 2013 and questionnaire was used as a data source collection medium, a

copy of which is attached as annexure.


3.41 Primary data:

a) Questionnaires

b) Discussion with employees

3.42 Secondary data:

a) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital extranet

b) Informal interviews

c) Internet

d) Website

3.43 Sample size

a) Data Collection for assessing the effectiveness of training mechanism has been

done through primary data collection technique. It is done by using a questionnaire

and observation and the sample population size has been taken as 60. Survey was

conducted in the form of questionnaire. Likert scale was used in preparing the

questions. The questionnaire is attached in the annexure.

b) The researcher has collected data from three main departments which are as


a) Human Resource Department

b) Billing Department

c) Marketing Department


HRD at SGRH has been created to bring focus to the whole area of optimizing human

potential in the organization. The vision of HR department is to play a vital role in

achieving organizational goals by human best HR practices and building up human

capital relation. The fundamental role of HR is to coordinate Recruitment and

Selection, Performance Management (including performance appraisal and

assessment), collate employee training data, induction training and deputation of

employees for external training and undertake all matters of personal administration

such as attendance, leave, loans and advances etc.

The role of HR will be to consolidate this effort and give it a strategic thrust. As the

organization adopts a more IT based platform to conduct its operations, HR will be re-

looking at the processes needed to support this cultural change and what needs to be

done to align the organization to this. SGRH strives to be the best employer by having

the best of HR practices in place to attract and retain quality manpower. HR at SGRH

believes in a transparent coordinated approach which leads to employee confidence.

They believe that only a satisfied employee will create satisfaction in their patient


3.51 Objectives of HR Department

a) Reviewing organizational structures, manpower resources and costs of non

clinical areas.

b) Source, retain and reward talented people.

c) Educate employees about the organization.

d) Ensure a quality work environment.

e) Build employee capabilities relation.

f) Rationalize power consumption in the department.

g) Rationalize the use of stationary.

h) Spreading awareness on use and disposal of hazardous material through

training sessions.

3.52 Recruitment and Selection

a) Purpose

To recruit, select and place suitable people in various department and categories.

b) Scope

All department and categories except consultants in clinical areas

c) Responsibility

Sr. Manager HR & concerned HOD

d) Forms used

i) Personal information form

ii) Medical insurance form

iii) Nomination form

iv) Medical photo ID card

e) Records maintained

i) Ad-hoc appointment

A) Resume with HOD’S recommendation

B) Medical fitness

C) Letter of appointment

D) Joining report

ii) Other

A) Resume

B) Selection sheet

C) Medical fitness

D) Testimonials

E) Joining report

f) Procedure

i) Vacancy exists

A) Newly created post

B) Existing post vacant by outgoing employees due to resignation, death


ii) Vacancy is filled up

A) Ad-hoc only resident Doctor appointed in this category

1) By the recommended candidates from HOD’s on ad-hoc based

pending interview.

2) By advertising the post on newspaper and hospital websites

B) Other than resident Doctor

1) To receive application from suitable potential candidate

through anyone or combination of

a) Advertisement in newspaper

b) SGRH website

c) Application box kept in the HR department

d) Unsolicited applications received in HR department by

hand, courier, post e-mail etc.

2) Applications received are scrutinized by the HR department on

the minimum eligibility criteria or/& forwarded to respective

department for scrutiny & short listing the candidates.

3) Short listed candidates are called for personal interview.

Concerned selection committee is notified of the date and

venue of interview.

4) Interviews are conducted and the selected list of candidates is

approved by the selection committee.

5) An offer of appointment is made to the selected candidates

whereby they are advised to undergo medical examination.

6) Candidates who confirm their willingness to join undergo

medical examination prior to joining the duty.

7) On joining, the recruits are made to complete the induction

formalities. This include the following:

a) Personal Information form

b) Medical Insurance form

c) Nomination form

d) Medical photo identity card

e) Submission of passport size photos and the joining

report through respective HOD

8) In the personal Information form, the recruits give reference

and also submit an undertaking that she/he does not have any

criminal/negligence background.

9) The verification of previous employment of new Joinees is

done with their previous employers by sending them letters for

the same. It is not done for resident Doctors. A copy of this

verification letter is kept in their personal files and the response

received, if any from the previous employer is also put in their

personal files.

10) The appointment letter is issued on completion of joining


11) New recruits are placed in pre decided department where the

vacancy exists.

12) Thereafter the induction is carried out by HR department.

3.53 Flow Chart

Vacancy arising due to New

vacancy approved by Chairman
Resignation / Termination Vacancy

Press Advertisement Databank/Dropped in References Staff

Application from HOD

Generation of application

Scrutiny to shortlist applications by respective HOD

Interview by respective interview committee


Offer of appointment

Unfit Pre-employment medical Fit


Reject Reporting, appointment

and placement in
respective department

Figure 3.1: Flow Chart of Recruitment and Selection

This flow chart shows the recruitment and selection process, which gets start when

there is a vacant seat in the organisation, after that organisation carries out process for

appointing or rejecting a candidate.

3.54Training and Development

a) Purpose

To identify training needs of employees and provide training so as to meet

organizational objectives

b) Scope

All employees of the hospital except resident doctors and consultants are included.

The resident doctors are provided only induction training.

c) Responsibility

Sr. Manager HR, departmental heads

d) Forms Used

i) Employee training card

ii) Training record form

iii) Training feedback form

iv) Personal information form (for trainees)

v) Induction content acknowledgement

vi) Hr induction content acknowledgement (PF)

vii) Quarterly training calendar

viii)Training evaluation quiz form

e). Records Maintained

i) Record of in house training conducted by HR

ii) Record of external training attended

iii) Record of training need raised with respect to EMS & OHSAS

3.55 Flow Chart of Training and Development

Employees join and attend induction training

Quarterly training calendar is sent by HRD

Nomination received

Conduct of training

Training attendance record

Pre/Post training evaluation

Training attendance record in template

Figure 3.2: Flow chart of Training and Development

a) Procedure

i) Following type of training is conducted

a) Induction Training

b) On the Job Skill and Behavioural Training

c) External Workshops/Conferences

ii) HR department conducts the “induction” twice a month consisting of

introduction to the hospital’s background, facilities, vision and mission

statement, quality policy and objectives, employment terms and condition, fire

safety. A receiving is taken from the trainee of having being explained all

hospital wide policies and procedures in a broad sense. An acknowledgement

to this effect is also recorded in personal files of the employees.

iii) Employee training at SGRH is a decentralized function. Department conduct

their own, on the job skill and behavioural training periodically, taking into

account the customer complaints, safety/quality parameters and work

demands, with or without the assistance of HR.

iv) A quarterly training calendar enlisting the refresher training program is

prepared in the HR department and circulated to various department for


v) Training need identification for the purpose of conducting training is done as

per the following procedure:

a) The HR department to provide annually a list of employees to HOD’s

b) The immediate supervisor will rate each employee on a 5 point scale

for both technical and behavioural skills.

c) Employees rated as average, satisfactory and poor to be grouped

together across department for behavioural and technical training.

d) Employees rated as excellent and very good will not need any training.

e) With the above assessment, the assessment of training given in annual

performance appraisal shall not be taken into account.

b) Process of Organizing Training

i) Each department sends the assessment sheet in November each year and is

requested for a reply by December 31st of the year. For the year ending on 31st

December 2013, the assessment sheets were sent during April and May 2013.
ii) The reply received is tabulated in computer by January 31 st of the following

year. For the year 2013, tabulation was completed by 15th July 2013.

iii) Based on the tabulation, homogeneous groups of trainees for behavioural and

technical trainings are made.

iv) The required number of training from May to February are organised


v) The training effectiveness is assessed by administering a pre and post training


vi) Training methods are then revised to retain the employees as the case may be,

based on the feedback.

a) An “employee training card template” has been prepared wherein

employees training records are maintained and updated on “LAN”

facilitating view by concerned department. The process is as under:

1) Template prepared by IT department

2) Training entries done by HR and other department

3) Departments have been enabled to view their respective records

and take printouts if required.

4) Departments are sent circulars to send their monthly training

records which are fed by the HR department in the template.

vi) Based on the proposals received from the HOD, employees are deputed for

external professional/developmental workshop/conferences. A record of the

same is maintained in their respective electronic template.

vii) With respect to clause 4.4.2 of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007,

training aspects are identified and training sessions are conducted/ coordinated

by the respective department. Training needs identification with respect to

EMS and OHSAS is done on the basis of:

a) NC raised during any quality audit and for need felt and rose by a


viii) The HR department coordinates to provide training for the external interns, in

plant trainees and professional observers in different medical/ Para-medical and

non medical fields with the purpose towards its social responsibility to spread

health care expertise and knowledge.

3.56 Performance Appraisal

i) Purpose

Performance appraisal is undertaken for helping employees to strengthen their strong

performing areas and improve the weak areas, to develop them to take higher

responsibility and for succession planning.

ii). Scope

All employees of the hospital except consultants in clinical areas are included. There

exist 3 categories of employees:

a) Regular Employees

Appointed and retained till they attain the age of 60 years

a. Tenured Employees

Appointed on renewable short term tenure

a) Resident Doctor

For assisting specialists and on the job professional training

iii) Records used

a) Record of assessing performance appraisal

b) Record of assessing performance under probation period

iv) Forms used

a) Annual performance appraisal forms (category wise)

b) Performance assessment form ( probation)

c) Performance appraisal form (for tenured employees drawing gross

emoluments up to rs25000 pm)

d) Performance appraisal form (for tenured employees drawing gross

emoluments abovers25000 pm)

3.57 Flow chart

Initiation of appraisal/Review by HR

Appraisal by DH

Appraisal by RO/FH

Forwarded to HR


Communication to individual for improvement Confirmation of probation period

Extension of probation period Filed in CR record

Analysis for using as a tool for further development

Figure 3.3: Flow chart of Performance Appraisal

a) Procedure

1. For regular employees

a. Annual performance appraisal is undertaken for all employees


b. Appraisal forms are forwarded to all department by HR

c. Departmental head fills in the appraisal with due care and diligence

and forwarded the same to the reviewing officer.

d. Reviewing officer fills in his assessment and returns to the

departmental head.

e. Departmental head forwards the duly filled in appraisal of all

employees to HR department.

f. HR department scrutinizes the appraisal and communicates the adverse

remarks to the concerned employee via a formal letter marked

“confidential” for improvement.

2. For tenured employees

a. Two formats are used depending on the level for providing feedback to

the employee on their performance; for renewal of their work contract

and for annual raise.

3. For resident doctor

a. No structured appraisal system is needed as they are on professional on

the job training to become specialist in their respective areas.


3.61 Effectiveness of Training

Training and development refers to the practice of providing training, workshops,

coaching, mentoring, or other learning opportunities to employees to inspire,

challenge, and motivate them to perform the functions of their position to the best of

their ability and within standards set by concerned organization

Any training programme in order to be effective must have some precise goals and


a) To enlighten the partakers more about their organization, its aspirations,

challenges and the business background in which it operates.

b) To make the human resources cognizant of the functions of different sections.

c) To train them to be aware of the significance of communication and

enthusiasm in their day to day work as a tool for better organizational climate

and morale.

d) To see that once they go back after attending training, they feel that they

belong to the organization.

e) To ensure that the participants would share their information gained from

training with their co-workers.

f)   To develop friendship, fellowship, support and trusteeship among trainees.

g) To ensure that technical, managerial, supervisory and human competencies are

built up in the employees on a continuous basis to enable them to perform

their current assignments effectively and also to set up them to execute their

future tasks.

h) To put forward the attitude based training to ensure that a value based and self

sustained culture is built in the organization.

i) To offer the required training inputs to all employees in a need based,

organized and lucrative manner.

 3.62 Benefits of Training

Despite the initial monetary costs, staff training pays back your investment. Here are

just some of the reasons to take on development initiatives:

i) Training helps your business run better. Trained employees will be better

equipped to handle customer inquiries, make a sale or use computer systems.

ii) Training is a recruiting tool. Today's young workers want more than a

paycheque. They are geared toward seeking employment that allows them to

learn new skills. You are more likely to attract and keep good employees if

you can offer development opportunities.  

iii) Training promotes job satisfaction. Nurturing employees to develop more

rounded skill sets will help them contribute to the company. The more

engaged and involved they are in working for your success, the better your


iv) Training is a retention tool, instilling loyalty and commitment from good

workers. Staff looking for the next challenge will be more likely to stay if you

offer ways for them to learn and grow while at your company. Don't give them

a reason to move on by letting them stagnate once they've mastered initial


v) Training adds flexibility and efficiency. You can cross-train employees to be

capable in more than one aspect of the business. Teach them to be competent

in sales, customer service, administration and operations. This will help keep

them interested and will be enormously helpful to you when setting schedules

or filling in for absences. Cross-training also fosters team spirit, as employees

appreciate the challenges faced by co-workers.

vi) Training is essential for knowledge transfer. It's very important to share

knowledge among your staff. If only one person has special skills, you'll have

a tough time recouping their knowledge if they suddenly leave the company.

Spread knowledge around — it's like diversifying your investments.

vii) Training gives seasonal workers a reason to return. Let seasonal employees

know there are more ways than one to contribute. Instead of hiring someone

new, offer them a chance to learn new skills and benefit from their


Learning and upgrading employee skills makes business sense. It starts from day one,

and becomes successive as your employees grow. Granted, it may take some time to

see a return on your investment, but the long-term gains associated with employee

training make a difference. The short-term expense of a training program ensures you

keep qualified and productive workers who will help your company succeed. That’s

an investment you can take to the bank.

3.7 Billing Department

SGRH is spending almost Rs.18 to 20 crores every year for charitable work, have

20% beds totally free of charges and in addition provides free medicines, food and

investigations. 47% beds which are semi-paying category and the hospital is

subsidized the treatment of the patients in this category. It is only 33% of the beds

which are covered by full charges. Further the consultants of the hospital give some

shares of their professional fee to cater to the needs of treatment to the free as well as

subsidized category of patients and for further development.


a) Timely, effective and courteous service to all patients.

b) Provide information about bill status.

c) Keeping a meticulous record of the patient particular.

d) To counsel about the approx financial expenses.

e) To ensure smooth billing process.

f) To establish, document, implement, maintain and continuously improve an

employee management system in accordance with the requirements of

International Standards.

g) To establish, document, implement, maintain and continuously improve an

OH&S management system in accordance with the requirements of OHSAS


h) Highly skilled professionals to be posted at the counters.

i) To measure that the work is done correctly.

j) By comparing all the process with the Standard Operating Procedure.

3.72 Records/Register maintained

Following are the records maintained in billing department for various purposes:

i) File receiving register

ii) Final discharge register

iii) Payment receiving report

iv) Payment raising report

v) Payment outstanding report

vi) Bill dispatch letter

vii) Correspondence files for TPAs/corporate

3.73 Reports generated by the department

Following are the reports generated by billing department for various purposes:

a) Bill print out

b) Bill details

c) Refund vouchers

d) Bank receipts

e) Payment raising reports

f) Payment receiving reports

g) Payment outstanding report

h) SBI patients report

i) Hospital employees report

j) General ward patients report

k) Investigations reports for various labs

l) Advance statement

m) corporate and TPA wise daily income report

n) agreement files for TPAs/corporate

3.74 Procedure

i) Patient file received from the ward along with the discharge summary of

the patient is noted in the register with date and time.

ii) The file is sent to the billing staff for preparation of final bill.

iii) After the bill is prepared it is sent to Jr. Account Officer for checking the


iv) After checking, the files are sent to billing enquiry counters, TPA counters

or corporate counters for final settlement.

v) In case of cash payment, patient’s attendant is called from respective


vi) All billing details are provided to the attendant and if there is any query by

the attendant it is cleared and the file is sent to cash department with the

request to the attendant to make the payment.

vii) In case the bill is for TPAs/corporate patient’s attendant is called and is

explained regarding the bill and their signature is taken on the final bill as

per requirement.

viii) The bill of TPAs/corporate are sent to respective TPAs/corporate for


ix) Raising, receiving and outstanding reports are generated on monthly basis.

x) Outstanding payments are settled after receiving the payments from the

respective department.


Being a trustee hospital SGRH was not much involved in marketing. But as the

competition increased and many nearby hospitals started growing and invest highly in

marketing, SGRH realized the need of marketing section. Marketing department was

introduced in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the year 2004. The main motive was to

retain the old customers and also to gain new customers. Some of the main functions

of marketing department at SGRH include the following:

3.81 Customer Retention and maintaining customer relation

i) It is really important to retain the customers as they will add to the goodwill of

the organization. Marketing people takes care of every simple aspect. From

the time the patient enters the hospital till they are discharged, they have the

complete detail of the patient. At any time if the patient faces a problem

regarding space or services, they may contact any one from marketing

department and their problem will be solved as soon as possible. This will

encourage the patients to visit again in case of any problem and also refer the

hospital to other people.

3.82 Increase Customers of Upper Class

i) SGRH is a trustee run hospital. 20% of the beds are for people below poverty

line, but 33% of beds are mainly focusing for high class people and foreigners

which is a source of income.

3.83 Increasing the number of corporate tie ups

i). Marketing people make sure that they have maximum number of corporate

tie up’s with leading industries. In order to attain that, they personally visit

such companies and explain the procedure and policies. Currently SGRH have

tie up’s with more than 150 companies.

3.84 Event Management

i) Whenever a camp or event is conducted by SGRM, marketing department takes

the responsibility of conducting it.

3.85 Medical Tourism

i). Medical tourism means getting a chance to visit a place along with getting

medical treatment from that place. Marketing department tries to make tie up’s

with foreign country hospitals so as to increase the number of foreign patients

visiting the hospital.

3.86 Advertisement

i). SGRH does not believe in immense advertisements but they do put up their ads

in doctor’s magazine which is published by Delhi Medical Association. Since

only doctors are reading it, strict medical terms are used. Central page of the

booklet is fixed for SGRH, wherein every week different departments and their

specialization is advertised.

3.87 Conducting Press Meet

i). If the hospital have successfully completed any noteworthy special surgery,

media officer who is a part of marketing department make sure that a press

meet is held wherein all the health reporters of leading newspapers are invited

for a meeting. In that the doctors who participated in the surgery explains the

risk and noteworthy achievements with the help of slideshows and presentation.

This indeed will improve the position of hospital.

3.89 Alumni

i). SGRH has its own nursing school, so marketing department has taken the

responsibility for conducting the alumni for them along with the nursing school


3.90 Brochures and Journals

i). Large number of journals and a hospital brochure is kept at each section of the

hospital, so that the people may get it without any difficulty. Since it is kept at

the reach of common people, it is necessary to maintain the up to date

information in those reading materials. This is taken care by marketing

department. They review the material every week and make sure that the

contents are accurate and up-to-date.



The objectives for this project are:

1. To study the training methods used at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

2. To study the effectiveness of training on the employees of SGRH.

3. To suggest some measures for improving the effectiveness of training at Sir

Ganga Ram Hospital.


This study is concerned with finding the effectiveness of training provided by the

hospital for the employees of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Rajinder Nagar except

Resident Doctors & Consultants. The functional area which was used here was

Human Resource (HR). The study was carried out for 45 days i.e. from 19 th June 2013

to 03rd August 2013 and questionnaire was used as a data source collection medium, a

copy of which is attached as annexure.

3.93 Data Sources

1) Primary data:

a). Questionnaires

b) Discussion with employees

2) Secondary data:

a) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital extranet

b) Informal interviews

c) Internet

D) Sample size

a) Data Collection for assessing the effectiveness of training mechanism has been

done through primary data collection technique. It is done by using a questionnaire

and observation and the sample population size has been taken as 60. Survey was

conducted in the form of questionnaire. Likert scale was used in preparing the

questions. The questionnaire is attached in the annexure.

Statement 1: Designation of Respondents.

No. of employees
No. of employees


4 3 3 2 2
2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 3.4: Designation Wise Distribution of the Respondents

From above table, it is clear that maximum number of respondents are staff nurse i.e.

17 and next maximum respondents are UDC i.e. 6, followed by lab Technician i.e. 4

then Jr. executives and front office executives i.e. 3 each and so on.

Statement 2: Gender of Respondents.

Gender Number

Male 28

Female 37

Table No.3.1: Survey


43% Male


Figure 3.5 : Pie Chart Representing Gender of the Respondent

From the above figure and table it can be interpreted that 43% of respondents were

male and 57% were female respondents.

Statement 3: Age-wise distribution of Respondents.

Age Group Number

18-21 5
22-25 13
26-30 16
31-35 9
36-40 8
41-46 6
47 & Above 3

Table No.3.2: Survey Result

Age Group
5% 8%
22% 26-30
13% 31-35
47 & Above



From above figure and table it can be interpreted that, maximum number of

respondents were in the age group of 26-30 i.e. 27%, then 22% in 22-25 and the least

number of respondents were from 18-21age group.

Statement 4: Have Respondents Worked in Any other Organisation Before Joining


Yes 48%

No 52%

Can’t say -

Respondent worked in any other organisation

48% can't say

Table No.3.3: Survey Result


From the above diagram and table it can be interpreted that 48% of the respondents

have already worked prior to joining this organisation and 52% do not hold any


Figure 3.7: Doughnut Representing Whether Respondent has Worked in any Other
Organisation before Joining SGRH.

Percentage analysis shows that maximum employees who attended training

program have not worked in any organisation before joining SGRH. This means

present induction training program will familiarise them with present organisation

and will boost their motivation to work efficiently.

Statement 5: Induction training mechanism functional in respondents’ previous

Yes 31.67%

No 50%

Can’t say 18.33%

Table No.3.4: Survey Result

Training Mechanism in Respondent's Previous Organisation

Training Mechanism in Respondent's Previous Organisation

50% 19
40% 11
can't say

Figure 3.8: Whether Respondents had Induction Training Mechanism in their Previous


Looking at the above figure it can be interpreted that according to 50% people there

was no training mechanism in their previous organisation while 31% says they had

and 18% had no idea regarding it.


Percentage analysis shows that some of the employees who have worked in some

organisation before joining SGRH shared that there was no training mechanism in

their previous organisation but in few organisation there was a training mechanism.

Respondents who have not worked in any organisation before had no opinion.

Statement 6: Type of Induction technique most suitable for Training as per


On the job 90%

Off the job 6.6%

Others 3.3%

Type Of Induction Training Technique Preferred by


On the job
Off the job


Table No.3.5: Survey Result


Almost 90% of the respondents felt that on the job technique is the most suitable for

training, approximately 6.67% felt off the job is suitable and 3.33% answered other

techniques must be used depending on the need.


Almost all the

Figure 3.9:respondents
Technique felt
on the job
for technique
Induction isTraining
the most suitable to
According for
training because almost half of them lacked in experience as it was clear from the

above 2 statement, and approximately very few felt off the job is suitable and some

answered other techniques must be used depending on the need.

Statement 7: The Employees Are Helped To Develop Skills Through Training.

Yes 100%

No 0%

Can’t say 0%

Table No.3.6: Survey Result

Necessity Of Induction Training For Developing Skills


60 1


40 Necessity Of Training For

Developing Skills




0 1 1
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 3.10: Necessity of Induction Training for Developing Skills According to


Looking at the above figure it can be 100%
interpreted that according to all the respondents

i.e. 100%, induction training was a necessity. 0%

Can’t say 0%

Percentage analysis shows that according to the responses all the employees believed

that training is necessary for developing their skills.

Statement 8: Does Respondent Like Attending Induction Training Programmes?

Yes 95%

No 3%

Can’t say 2%

Table No.3.7: Survey Result

Likability of Induction Training Program

Yes No Can't say



Figure 3.11: Respondents Liked to Attend Training Program


Looking at the above figure it can be interpreted that according to 95% they liked

attending training program, 3% did not and rest 2% didn’t form any opinion.


Percentage analysis shows that maximum number of employees liked attending

training programmes with few exceptions as most of them did not have training

mechanism in their previous orgainisation. Employees who disagreed stated that

attending continuous training programmes was boring, but if provided in definite

time period they won’t be having any problem.

Statement 9: Does Training Improve Performance?

Yes 95%

No 0%

Can’t say 5%

Induction Training Improves Performance



Induction Training Improve



0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Table No.3.8: Survey Result


From the above figure and it can be interpreted that 95% think that training helps in

improving performance while 5% thinks it did not help at all.


All most of the employees believed that training improves performance and 5% of the

employees had no opinion

Figure 3.12:for the same
Shows and the
Induction reasonImprove
Training that theyPerformance
quoted was that, they

were not able to implement fully what they had learned during training sessions. HR

department should consider this seriously because if the employees can’t implement

what they learned during training then it will be a waste.

Statement 10: Are Respondents Satisfied With The Training Procedure?

Yes 100%

No 0%

Can’t say 0%

Table No.3.9: Survey Result

Satisfaction level Through Induction Training



40 Training Procedure Satisfied




0 0
Yes No Can't say

Figure 3.13: Shows Satisfaction Through Induction Training

Figure 3.13: Satisfaction from Induction Training Procedure
From the above figure and table it can be interpreted that all the respondents

i.e. 100% were satisfy with the training procedure.


According to the responses there was no empoyee who was not satisfied with

the training.Each and every person was satisfied with the training procedure.

Statement 11: Which Topics Did You Find Helpful?

12 11
8 7
4 4 4
4 3
2 2 2
2 1 1 1 1 1

No. of Helpful Topics

Figure 3.14: Topics Helpful in Induction Training

The topics covered in induction training were as follows:

i) Vision and mission statement of the hospital

ii) Hospital background

iii) Hospital facilities

iv) Quality policy including the objective

v) Quality Certification/accreditations achieved by the hospital

vi) Performance appraisal procedure

vii) Service standards of the hospital

viii) Grievance procedure

ix) Disciplinary action procedure

x) Leave rules

xi) Non-fire safety awareness

xii) Sentinel/adverse drug event

xiii) Vulnerable patients

xiv) Important telephone numbers

xv) Hospital codes

xvi) Employees’ rights and responsibilities

xvii) Patients rights and responsibilities

xviii) Bio –medical waste management in the hospital

xix) Employees role in fire safety

From the above figure it can be interpreted that 11 respondents thought all the topics

in training well helpful, next followed by employees’ role in safety by 10 respondents

and so on.


Large number of respondents found all the topics covered in the induction training
helpful while they also found employees’ role in fire safety and bio-medical waste
management very interesting.

Statement 12: Which Topics Should Be Eliminated?

No elimination 85%

Quality certification 13.3%

Bio-medical waste management 1.6%

Table No.3.10: Survey Result






10 8

Quality Certification No elimination Bio medical waste management

Figure 3.15: Topics To Be Eliminated As Per Respondents View


From the above figure and table it can be interpreted that 85% were in the favour of

not eliminating any topic and 13% said Quality certification was not important and

1.6% did not form any opinion.


Most of the employees didn’t want to eliminate any topic as they found all the topics

helpful. But for few employees belonging to the category of aaya, ward boy and few

others felt the need of eliminating the quality certification/accreditations achieved by

the hospital and people in direct public dealing like FOE and others felt bio- medical

waste management is not useful as they are not in direct medical care of the patients.

Statement 13: Training Was Of Sufficient Duration.

Strongly Agree 27%

Agree 63%
Neutral 5%
Disagree 5%
Strongly Disagree 0%

Table No.3.11: Survey Result

Duration of Training

N o . o f r e sp o n d e n t s






Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.16: Duration of Training


Most of the respondents agree that training duration was optimum. 27% strongly

agreed with the statement. But some disagreed with this fact. 5% neither agreed nor

disagreed with the statement. The above result concludes that training duration was



Most of the respondents agreed that training duration was optimum.27% strongly

agreed with the statement. But some disagreed with this fact.5% neither agreed nor

disagreed with the statement. The above result concludes that training duration was


Statement 14: Training Provides An Excellent Opportunity For Newcomers To Learn

Comprehensively About The Organisation.

Strongly Agree 53%

Agree 47%
Neutral 0%
Disagree 0
Strongly Disagree 0
Table No.3.12: Survey Result

Training for newcomers to learn about the organisation


30 32





0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.17: Training for Newcomers to Learn about the Organization.


According to the responses most of the respondents i.e. 47% agreed that training

provided excellent training opportunity for new comers to learn about the

organization and no one said anything wrong about it.


Percentage analysis shows that almost all of the employees agreed to the given

statement. They accept the fact that training provides an excellent opportunity for

newcomers to learn comprehensively about the organisation. No one is there with a

negative reaction to this statement. This shows that HR department really do explain

all necessary things to new employees during induction training

Statement 15: Quality Of Training Is Excellent.

Strongly Agree 28%

Agree 56%
Neutral 8%
Disagree 6%
Strongly Disagree 2%

Table No.3.13: Survey Result

Quality of Training





0 0
0 1
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.18: Quality of Training


From the responses it is clear that most of the employees felt the quality of training

was excellent, supported by 28% and 56% respondents and 8% did not had any clue

while 2% felt it was not good at all.


Percentage analysis shows that most of the employees agreed that the induction

training quality was good. Some of the employees who disagreed commented that

they were not able to grasp the training objective itself.

Statement 16: Training Was Easy To Understand.

Strongly Agree 40%

Agree 52%
Neutral 2%
Disagree 5%
Strongly Disagree 2%

Table No.3.14: Survey Result

Level of Difficulty of Training



1 1

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree


Figure 3.19: Level of Difficulty of Training


From the above diagram and table it is evident that most of the employees easily

understood the training session. 40% strongly agree and rest that is 5% and 2% felt

they did not understand it.


Percentage analysis shows that maximum number of employees agreed with the

statement. But some employees found difficulty in the language used such as the

bearers and the other difficulty was the use of technical terms as few of them were

new to this kind of industry.

Statement 17: Training Session Was Not Interesting.

Strongly Agree 2%
Agree 7%
Neutral 13%
Disagree 65%
Strongly Disagree 13%

Table No.3.15: Survey Result

Training Session Was Not Interesting

5 8 8
0 1 Agree
Strongly Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.20: Training Session Was Not Interesting


65% of respondents felt that the training session was interesting and 13% were

strongly in favour of saying that it was not at all boring, while 13% could not make up

their mind whether it was interesting or not. And 2% of them felt that training session

was not interesting.


Percentage analysis shows that maximum numbers of employees liked and were

interested in attending training programmes. As most of the respondents disagreed

that training was not interesting as there was very little refreshment available and few

said that training module did not have the audio-video clips to make training more


Statement 18: Reading Materials Provided While Training Was Helpful.

Strongly Agree 38%

Agree 50%
Neutral 10%
Disagree 2%
Strongly Disagree 0%

Table No.3.16: Survey Result

Reading Materials Provided While Training Was Helpful





5 6
0 1
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.21: Reading Materials While Training


Looking at the above table and figure it can be interpreted that 38% were strongly in

favour of getting the reading materials and supported by good 50% of respondents

that the reading materials were good while 2% felt that it was of no use.


Percentage analysis shows that majority of employees agreed to the statement. They

said that the slide shows and the handouts were an additional help in understanding

the induction training in a better way. At the same time there were some employees

who said that the trainer was good enough so they didn’t feel any need of handouts.

Statement 19: Training Helps In Building Confidence.

Strongly Agree 50%

Agree 48%
Neutral 2%
Disagree 0%
Strongly Disagree 0%

Table No.3.17: Survey Result

Training Helps In Building Confidence






0 0
0 1
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.22: Training Helps In Building Confidence


Most of the respondents felt that training helps in building confidence where every

response was in favor of the statement. Half of the respondents strongly agree and

48% felt it helped them in boosting their confidence while 2% could not form any



Percentage analysis shows that most of the employees agreed that training helped in

building confidence, while very few respondents made the opinion that confidence

comes only through practice and training has nothing to do with it.

Statement 20: Training Was Well Planned.

Agree 45%

Agree 45%

Neither Agree nor Disagree 2%

Disagree .4%

Strongly Disagree 0

Table No.3.18: Survey Result

Training was well-planned


25 27 27


Series 1


0 1
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
nor Disagree

Figure 3.23: Training Was Well-Planned


According to most of the responses it is evident that training was well-planned

supported by 45% who were strongly in favor followed by 45 who were in favor and

only 2 % appears to have said that it was not well planned.


Percentage analysis shows according to most of the responses it is evident that

training was well-planned. This is evident from the procedure that HR department

follows for training sessions.

Statement 21: Training had a sufficient amount of both theoretical and practical


Strongly Agree 33%

Agree 60%
Neutral 5%
Disagree 2%
Strongly Disagree 0%

Table No.3.19: Survey Result

Training Had A Sufficient Amount Of Both Theoretical

And Practical Knowledge


1 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 3.24: Theoretical and Practical Knowledge in Training


Training provided to respondents had sufficient amount of both theoretical and

practical knowledge which is evident by looking at the figures where 33% and 60%

were strongly agreeing and agreeing respectively.


Percentage analysis shows that maximum number of employees agreed that training

had sufficient amount of theoretical and practical knowledge. But there were

employees who are neutral, who didn’t find this induction training good and disagreed

to the statement, so HR department should consider reviewing the content of the


4.1 Functional Analysis

It is an approach to conduct an internal company analysis or a "strategic" business

analysis. It means to examine the characteristics of the functional units of the business

like marketing, human resource, billing or IT department. This focused analysis

identifies positive, neutral and negative characteristic of each functional unit. The

positive characteristics may be strengths of the business. A functional analysis is also

an analysis of business activity to establish a hierarchy of business functions,

activities and transactions.

4.2 Introduction

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is a 675-bed multi-speciality state-of-the-art Hospital in

India. It provides comprehensive Healthcare India services, and has acquired the

status of a premier medical institution. It is the only hospital in the private sector that

has maintained nearly 100% bed occupancy due to its reputation of providing the

highest level of medical services to patients from Delhi and neighbouring states. Sir

Ganga Ram Hospital in India continues to maintain its charitable character in

accordance with to the wishes of its founder. Funds generated from the hospital

services are partially utilised for providing free health care to the poor and needy

patients. All development activities of the hospital are financed from internal

resources. The hospital is governed by a Board of Management comprising medical

consultants of eminence, some with an international standing. The three functional

areas named human resource management, marketing management, billing

department is further analysed.

4.3 Marketing Management

Being a trustee hospital SGRH was not much involved in marketing. But as the

competition increased and many nearby hospitals started growing and invest highly in

marketing, SGRH realized the need of marketing section. Marketing department was

introduced in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in the year 2004.

On analysing this department, it was found that the main motive was to retain the old

customers and also to gain new customers. It is really important to retain the

customers as they will add to the goodwill of the organization. Marketing people takes

care of every simple aspect Apart from this it also includes functions like Increasing

Customers of Upper Class, Increasing the number of corporate tie ups, Event

Management, Medical Tourism, Advertisement, Conducting Press Meet etc.

4.4 Human Resource Department

HRD at SGRH has been created to bring focus to the whole area of optimizing human

potential in the organization. The vision of HR department is to play a vital role in

achieving organizational goals by human best HR practices and building up human

capital relation. The fundamental role of HR is to coordinate Recruitment and

Selection, Performance Management (including performance appraisal and

assessment), collate employee training data, induction training and deputation of

employees for external training and undertake all matters of personal administration

such as attendance, leave, loans and advances etc.

SGRH strives to be the best employer by having the best of HR practices in place to

attract and retain quality manpower. HR at SGRH believes in a transparent

coordinated approach which leads to employee confidence. They believe that only a

satisfied employee will create satisfaction in their patient community.

4.5 Billing Department

SGRH is spending almost Rs.18 to 20 crores every year for charitable work, have

20% beds totally free of charges and in addition provides free medicines, food and

investigations. 47% beds which are semi-paying category and the hospital is

subsidized the treatment of the patients in this category. It is only 33% of the beds

which are covered by full charges. Further the consultants of the hospital give some

shares of their professional fee to cater to the needs of treatment to the free as well as

subsidized category of patients and for further development.

Billing department takes care of all the bill payment or related issues. On analysing

this department we can see that they provide timely, effective and courteous service to

all patients. They provide information about bill status and keep a meticulous record

of the patient particular, so that they can counsel about the approx financial expenses

and thus ensuring smooth billing process.


This chapter includes three sections. First section talks about the findings based on

functional analysis and findings based on questionnaires. Second section explains the

lessons learnt by the researcher during the training session. Finally the last section

summarizes the entire project report.

5.11 Findings Based On Functional Analysis

a. Marketing Department

Being a trustee hospital SGRH was not much involved in marketing initially. Since

the market competition is rising, SGRH is now going for promotional activities, but

that too only in a limited way. The findings from the analysis of marketing

department is that SGRH does not indulge in extensive promotional or marketing

activities, but in order to retain its customers, and retain the market, they are going for

small scale advertisement and promotional strategies.

b. Human Resource Department

The HR Department is an essential part and activity for every organization. The HR

department of SGRH also plays a vital role in the smooth running of the organization.

All activities such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training and

development are carried off by the department. After analysing the HR department,

the researcher concluded that, the HR policies and philosophies of SGRH have always

acted as a ladder and a milestone in the on-going and continuous growth of its

employees. This has indirectly led to the progress of the organization. The norms,

activities and the organisational structure of HR department, has helped in assessing

and supervising the work of every employee with proper appraisal and


c. Billing Department

Billing department takes care of all the bill payment and other related issues. The

conclusion or findings that can be drawn on analysing this department is that, the

billing department provides timely, effective and courteous service to all patients.

They provide information about bill status, and keep a meticulous record of the

patient particular. This helps them to explain in detail about the approximate financial

expenses to be borne by the patients, and thus ensuring smooth billing process.

5.12 Findings Based On Questionnaire

Following are the outcomes that the researcher observed after analysing the


i. Positives

Some of the positive points on which maximum number of employees agreed are as


a) Training had a sufficient amount of both theoretical and practical knowledge.

b) Training was well planned as most of the respondents showed positive


c) Training was of sufficient duration.

d) Training increases performance as this was evident from the responses of the


e) Training provides an excellent opportunity for newcomers to learn

comprehensively about the organisation.

f) The norms and values of the company are clearly explained to the new

employees during.

g) Most of the respondents felt that training helps in building confidence.

h) Most of them like attending training session.

i) The training session was useful as respondents were able to see what

organisation wants from them in terms of efficiency and attitude towards


j). Training was easy to understand.

k) There is a well-designed and widely shared training policy in the company.

l) There was minimum difficulty during the training session.

m) All training objective are met during the training sessions.

ii. Negatives

Some of the negative points that the employees of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital felt are as


a) Some respondents were unable to understand the questions due to language


b) . Some employees returning from training felt that they were not given

adequate free time to reflect and plan.

c) Some respondents were not willing to fill the questionnaires.

d) Some respondents wanted to keep the questionnaires with them and return


e) Sometimes the respondents were reluctant to fill the questionnaires, due to

fatigue or due to the deficiency of time.

f) Some respondents did not want to change or were not interested in training

sessions so they attended the session just for the sake of it and were not able to

give valuable inputs.

g) Reading materials provided while training were not enough as few

respondents wanted audio-video clips too.

5.2Lessons Learnt

a) The objective of the project was to assess effectiveness of training on the

employees of SGRH. For this descriptive research method was used, methods

used for data collection was questionnaire and observation method. The

researcher had a very nice experience during his 6 weeks training at Sir Ganga

Ram Hospital. The researcher was entitled as a trainee in HR department but

apart from the HR department the researcher was allowed to visit and work in

marketing and billing department. A senior employee from each department

was assigned as the mentor for particular department who explained the entire

procedure happening in their respective departments.

b) This training helped the researcher to gain a practical exposure of all the

activities in HR department such as Recruitment and Selection, Training and

Development, Performance Appraisal and Grievance Handling. The researcher

himself was a part of various training sessions and selection procedures held at

the hospital. From the billing department researcher got the idea about how

exactly the billing mechanisms happen at SGRH. The researcher was given a

chance to sit with the employees at the counters and also with junior account

officer to carefully learn the practical things. Even though SGRH has not got a

well established marketing department, the researcher got a chance to learn

about hospital marketing in a nutshell. The researcher worked with marketing

department for a week and was a part of many activities conducted by

marketing department.

c) In short it can be concluded that the researcher had a very nice time at the

hospital and the 6 weeks that he spent there were fruitful.

d) The unique feature that the researcher observed was each and every

department maintained a well described procedure manual. Each and every

procedure was maintained in written and kept with head of the departments.

This was really helpful for new employees who joined. Each department tried

their maximum to stick with the prescribed format and procedure which

helped them to produce 100% output. Any changes in the procedure if needed

are noted and the procedure manual is updated with the same.

5.3 Suggestions

a) A map of the hospital must be given to the patients along with the

information brochure with the details regarding which department and

ward are in which building. As SGRH is divided into four buildings. This

can reduce confusion among the patients.

b) Recommendation basis of recruitment can also be used. In this, the staff

nurses can recommend their friends. If selected, that employee wins a

special award.

c) SGRH may start “Suggestion Award Scheme” which can encourage

employees to come up with new innovative ideas.

d) It can introduce “Team Bonuses”. It will increase cohesiveness among the

employees rather than increasing conflicts among them because of the

individual bonuses. As employees sometimes feel that each one of them

performs same work but only few are praised.

e) At the time of training language used must be adjusted according to the

category of employees attending the training program. Sometimes few

topics are not understood well by some employees.

f) Just like the “Fire Safety Drill” which is conducted once in a month, the

hospital may also start “Mass-Casualty Incident Training” to train the

employees for future emergencies.

According to the researcher more students should be sent to this hospital for

internship. This will enable them to gain a very good practical exposure in the field of

HR, Finance and Marketing. The employees were really helpful and cooperative. The

only difficulty that the researcher faced was that of space. As the construction work

was going on, space was really an issue but once the construction work gets

completed it won’t be an issue.


i) Chawla Deepak and Sondhi Neena “Research Methodology concepts and
cases” – 2nd edition.
ii) P. Nick Blanchard, James W. Thacker, V. Anand Ram, "Effective Training",
4th edition, pearson publication.
iii) Rao VSP, "Human Resource Management text and cases" 3rd Edition
iv) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital employee handbook, June 2013.
v) Standard Operating Procedure file of SGRH.


i) http://www.sgrh.com/, browsed on 14-06-2013.

ii) https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#my-drive downloaded on



fromPage=online&aid=8231244downloaded on 09.07.2013

iv) http://www.vikalpa.com/pdf/articles/1999/1999_oct_dec_079_076.pdf

downloaded on 20.07.2013

v) http://health.usnews.com/health-news/best-


satisfaction-surveys downloaded on 25.07.2013

vi) http://www.akspublication.com/paper03_jul-dec2007.htm downloaded on


vii) http://ajhp.org/content/54/23/2721.abstract downloaded on 13.08.2013



Assessing Training Effectiveness

Q1. What is your designation?


Q2. You belong to which age group? (In years)

o 18-21 22-25 26-30 31-40

o 36-40 41-46 47 & above

Q3. What is your gender?

Male Female

Q4.Have you worked in any other organisation before joining SGRH?

Yes No can’t say

Q5. Was there a training mechanism in your previous organisation?

Yes No can’t say

Q6. Do you like to attend training program?

Yes No can’t say

Q7. Do you feel training is necessary for an employee for developing his/her skills?

Yes No can’t say

Q8. Which technique is most suitable for training according to you?

On the job off the job others

Q9. Does training improve performance?

Yes No can’t say

Q10. Are you satisfied with the training procedure?

Yes No can’t say

Q11. Which topics did you find helpful?


Q12. Which topics would you recommend eliminating?


Q13. Please mark any one of the following that represents how you feel about the

Agree Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly

Nor disagree Disagree

 Training is of sufficient duration

 Training provides an excellent opportunity for newcomers to learn about the organisation

 Quality of training is excellent

 Training was easy to understand

 Training session was not interesting

 Reading materials provided while training were helpful

 Training helps in building confidence

 Training was well-planned

 Training had a sufficient amount of both theoretical and practical knowledge


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