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Mr. Hassan Alam: Heat Recovery Boiler of SNPC Power Plant

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Report on

Heat Recovery Boiler of SNPC Power Plant

Submitted to

Mr. Hassan Alam



Syed Yashal Ahmed (ME-19187)

Omar Hameed (ME-19193)
Nasr Haider Qari (ME-19184)
Muhammad Hassan Nafees (ME-19218)

DATE: 27 December 2021

 About the company
 Power Plant
 Engines
 Steam Turbines
 Heat recovery boiler at SNPC
 Why water tube boiler are chosen over fire tube boiler
 Components of water tube boiler
 Main stages of water tube boiler
1) Economiser
2) Evaporator
3) Superheater
 Safety Feature
 Benefits of using waste heat recovery boilers
Sindh- Nooriabad Power Company

About the Company

SNPCL, or Sindh Nooriabad Power Company is a two phase, 50MW
Independent Power Plant(IPP) situated in Nooriabad- the outskirts of Karachi. It
is a Specific Purpose Vehicle(SPV) which is set up under the Public Private
Partnership mode with the Government of Sindh partnering with a private,
multinational company called Wartsila.

Wartsila is a company from Finland which initially started with producing marine
parts and machinery but later on also entered the Energy or Power Generation
Industry. At SNPCL, all the machinery and parts are manufactured by Wartsila,
the plant was commissioned by it and the plant is also overseen by Wartsila.
Power Plant:
The plan runs on a Combined Cycle with engines powered by Gas which is
supplied by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited(SNGPL). It consists of two
identical phases, with five gas-powered Internal Combustion Engines, one Heat
Recovery Boiler, one steam turbine, a condenser and a pump. These two phases
collectively produce a Power Output of 100 MW at an efficiency of 43-44%. The
water for the Heat Recovery Boilers is sourced from Keenjhar Lake and
processed further on the plant.

Many power plants running on the combined cycle use gas turbines but here,
gas-powered Internal Combustion engines are used. Within the two phases in
the powerplant, each phase contains five Internal Combustion Engines. These
engines are powered by natural gas being supplied at a pressure of 4.74 bar.
They consist of 20 cylinders in a V configuration and are spark ignition engines.
They have a load of 9719 kW and produce 9.7 MW each and directly power
generators providing electricity to the grid.
Steam Turbines:
Steam turbine is the component of a Rankine cycle that converts the pressure of
steam into work, leading to the generation of electricity. At this powerplant, each
phase has only one steam turbine producing 1.8 MW. The steam flow rate going
through it is 21 tons/hr, and it runs at 7700 rpm. The shaft coming from the
generator is connected to a reduction gearbox with a gear ratio of 5:1 which
leads to another shaft running the generator, therefore leading to the grid.
Heat Recovery Boiler
A Heat Recovery Boiler is the subtype that uses wasted heat in the form of
exhaust gases from gas turbines or internal combustion engines to convert water
to steam in order to power steam turbines and resultingly produced power.

Heat Recovery Boilers at SNPCL:

There are a total of two Heat-waste Recovery Boilers at this plant; one for each
phase. They are 3.9 ton, water tube boilers with natural circulation and three
stages: Economiser, Evaporator and Superheater. These boilers use the exhaust
gases from the gas engines to heat up the water flowing through the tubes and
henceforth, produce steam. These boilers operate at an internal pressure of the
steam drum situated on top of the boiler of 14 bar and have a capacity of 17 bar.
There are T-type valves used for venting the steam drum in case the pressure
starts to increase further than 14 bar. The steam produced from this boiler
reaches the steam turbine at a temperature of 350°C.
Why Water Tube Boilers Are Chosen Over Fire Tube Boilers
Water tube boilers are chosen instead of Fire Tube Boilers due to many reasons.
Firstly, the amount of waste heat available is not significant enough to operate a
fire tube boiler, as it requires more heat in order to convert water to steam.
Secondly, it is due to a few advantages that water tube boilers have over fire
tube boilers; water tube boilers can produce higher temperature steam, they can
operate on higher pressures, they are safer and more reliable, they can generate
superheated steam, and have faster heat recovery.

Components of the Water Tube Boiler:

i. Boiler Shell: This shell is the external, cylindrical part of the boiler.
ii. Mud drum: This is a cylindrical shaped space at the base of the water
space. Its purpose is to gather impurities like sediments, mud, silica etc.
iii. Strainer: This part is used to filter out solid particles
iv. Sight glass: A glass tube is utilized on steam type boilers for giving
observable signs of the water level in boilers.
v. Steam stop valve: It controls the steam flow supply outside.
vi. Feed check valve: The high-force water flows via this valve, which
releases to the boiler simply and supplies the water to the water type
vii. Economizer: Accessory used to recover the heat of flue gas that leaving
the boiler by heating feed water.
viii. Evaporator: Here the phase change occurs by absorbing the latent heat of
vaporization pressure.
ix. Superheater: It finds use to increase the temperature of the steam
x. Steam drum: It is a collection vessel for steam and water.
xi. Safety valve: It finds a use for stopping the unnecessary force from the
construction of a boiler.

Three Main Stages of the Boiler

These water tube boilers consist of three stages- economiser, evaporator and
superheater. In the economiser, the water is heated up after which it is boiled
and converted to steam, leading itself to the superheater, where steam is
superheated to high temperatures and led into the steam drum.
1.) Economiser:
The steam flow from a heat recovery boiler can be increased by the
addition of an economiser which plays the role of preheating the feedwater
before it enters the evaporator. Economizers are designed to recover heat
which would otherwise be wasted.

2.) Evaporator:
This part of the powerplant works on the phenomenon of evaporation.
Here, the water is converted to steam. It is able to change completely or
part of a solvent from a solution in the form of liquid to steam. Which
results in a denser or thick solution. In the industrial sector, the benefits of
the evaporator are usually for the initial thickening of the liquid before
further processing, reduction of fluid volume and to reduce water activity.

3.) Superheater:
In Waste-heat Recovery Boilers, the superheater re-heats the steam
generated by the boiler, increasing its thermal energy and decreasing the
likelihood that it will condense inside the engine. This increases the
thermal efficiency of the cycle and prevents the steam from condensing
during the process. It also contributes to the additional increase of
pressure and temperature. This in turn increases the amount of work done
by the turbine and increases overall efficiency of the cycle. The steam is
then stored in the steam drum situated above the boiler.
Safety Features
The safety features for the boiler are the blow-off valves attached to the steam
drum used for venting off steam if pressure exceeds the normal operating
capacity. There are three most commonly used safety or pressure relief valves
which include Spring-loaded, Pilot Operated and Deadweight valves. The valves
used at the plant are Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valves. The pressure is
supplied from the upstream side (the system being protected) to the dome often
by a small pilot tube. The downstream side is the pipe or open air where the
PORV directs its exhaust. The outlet pipe is typically larger than the inlet. The
upstream pressure tries to push the piston open but it is opposed by that same
pressure because the pressure is routed around to the dome above the piston.
The area of the piston on which fluid force is acting is larger in the dome than it is
on the upstream side; the result is a larger force on the dome side than the
upstream side. This produces a net sealing force. The pressure from the pilot
tube to the dome is routed through the actual control pilot valve. There are many
designs but the control pilot is essentially a conventional PRV with the special job
of controlling pressure to the main valve dome. The pressure at which the control
pilot relieves at is the functional set pressure of the PORV. When the pilot valve
reaches set pressure it opens and releases the pressure from the dome. The
piston is then free to open and the main valve exhausts the system fluid. The
control pilot opens either to the main valve exhaust pipe or to atmosphere.
Benefits of using Waste Heat Recovery Boilers
There are quite a lot of benefits due to which Heat-Waste Recovery Boiler is

 First and foremost, it increases overall efficiency of the plant because it

utilises the wasted thermal energy from the engines.
 In the case of SNPCL, it increases the total power output of both phases
by around 3.6%.
 Other than increased efficiency, the costs for fuel decrease which in turn
increases the total profit over time, it saves resources and cuts costs on
other operations relating to the supply of more fuel.
 It has a good return on investment and most importantly, it also contributes
to reducing the negative environmental impact and carbon footprint by
reducing the temperature of exhaust gases.

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