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Book Report On Re-Reading The Bible With New Eyes.: Biblical Hermeneutics: Methods and Perspectives

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Biblical Hermeneutics: Methods and Perspectives

Book Report on Re-reading the Bible with

new eyes.

Submitted to : Rev. V.John Pradeep Kumar

Submitted by : Nimshi

Submitted on : 28 December 2021

Class : I BD

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Carr, Dhyanchand. Re-reading the Bible with new eyes. Bangalore:
Department of Biblical Studies, UTC, 2008.


The short book ‘Re-reading the Bible with new eyes’ is about some questions and
doubts that arise when we read the Bible. All of us would have thought, questioned and
struggled for answers of these questions at times. The book is well arranged with eight
chapters and also has illustrations and examples that are well known and grabs our attention.
This book is mainly for theological students, Pastors and also for lay people. This is a simple,
interesting book and is easy to understand. It stands as a guide for the ministry by giving
insights to think and to rethink. The main aim of this book is to provide a good understanding
on reading the Bible.


The first chapter stands as a general introduction of the book. It tells how we use
and misuse the Bible. The bible is abused with certain superstitious beliefs, wrong
interpretations and is often used blindly. There are also omission and negligence towards
Jews and women in certain verses. Hence, we have to understand the proper uses and wrong
uses of the Bible. We need to be clear of how God speaks through the Bible through the
words of human who have shortcomings.

The Bible is the word of God that has risen from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The original time, author, context and readers are varied to the present context. So, is this
difference leading to the misuse of the Bible or else which leads to the misuse of the Bible?
Should be thought and clarified. When using the verses for the present situation we are often
carried out by selfish interest and personal motives leading to the misuse. This is addressed
here with good examples. The Bible is for our progress and spiritual benefit. So, can the
Bible be used blindly? This stands as the basic question behind this book.

The second chapter answers the question is Bible the word of God. The Holy
Spirit is the author of the Bible. Hence, the Bible is the word of God in human words with all
human limitations. The Bible has been written in human languages with each author’s style
over many years. But, the Zionistic perspective, God’s inspiration in the text cannot be
ignored. The context and background of the text provides better and deeper understanding of
the text. There are passages which can be taken word for word as God’s word but some are
to be completely rejected as they are totally incompatible with the God of love and justice. In
between these are many parts of the Bible which are the transcending word of God amidst the
human weakness.

If the questions can the Bible be fully word for word accepted as divine truth? be
raised the answer would turn no as explained in this second chapter. Is the Bible a historical
book? May be another question that would arise when we think that the Bible has human
limitations. But, the Bible is more than a historical book and is the scripture that has the
transcending word of God. We accept and believe the Bible as the word of God and Holy
Spirit as the author of the Bible. At the same time we should also accept the human
limitations that are embedded in the Bible. The author explains this by pointing out the
differences in narration between Chronicles and Kings, between the gospels etc. The wrong
interpretations of taking the Bible word for word have resulted in various problems. Hence,
critical awareness, understanding the context and culture in which it was said or written
becomes necessary to understand the text.

The third chapter analyses on how the Bible has come into our hands. The books
of the Bible were written by many people who belonged to various cultures and had varied
literary styles. God did not over ride the author’s weakness. These authors would not have
thought that their writings would become part of the Bible. The fragmented texts were
collected and edited. So, there are texts written by different authors or at different culture and
historical setting found in the same chapter or at the same book. Then the scripture underwent
the process of canonization. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek but today
we have many versions and translations of the Bible. The protestant movement has brought
the Bible into the hands of the laity. The different approaches and interpretations of the Bible
have led to numerous denominations and sects. It is always important to understand what the
text actually meant when it was written and its relevance in the present.

The third chapter is very much connected with the previous chapter. The Bible is
understood as having the transcended word of God in the midst of human limitations. The
sixty six books of the Bible were not raised all of a sudden. This chapter looks into the stages
of the development that has brought the Bible. The canonization process and the Bible today
in our hands were not a simple task. Hence, it’s always necessary to value the Bible. As there
are many translation or versions of the Bible can we whole heartedly accept and rely them?
Bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. Reading the text in original language and
understanding the original context is good to be freed from errors and problems. But, sticking
only to that and not interpreting to the present situations will not be fruitful.

The chapter four explains the four ways in which Jesus approached the scripture.

• Rejection- Jesus rejected the verses for selfish motive. This is seen during his
temptation in the wilderness.
• Revision- He did not come to abolish laws but to fulfill the law. He said that through
‘it was said but I say to you’ which is found in the gospel according to Matthew.
• Selection- Jesus did not quote stories of terror. Rather he used progressive stories. He
used the creation story that emphasized the equality of men and women.
• Reflection- Death and resurrection of Jesus is the central axis of God dealing with
humanity. It gives hope and light.

This chapter also speaks about the risks prevalent in the fundamentalism. Hence, we
have to avoid fundamentalism which refuses to open up and should also avoid scientific
analysis without reflection and guidance for today’s life.
This chapter stands as a continuity of the previous chapter by addressing the need to
interpret the text to the present based on how Jesus interpreted. We may not be aware of exact
meaning of text in some cases. Hence, the role of interpretation of the text to the present
context becomes very important. Fundamentalism is another major problem that arises from
the failure to look at today’s relevance and sticking into the exact bible words. We should use
these four characteristics rejection, revision, selection and reflection only through the
guidance of Holy Spirit. If it’s done with selfish interest it leads to problems and becomes

The chapter five deals with interpreting the Bible. God is the source of good and
evil. Neglecting the history and context of biblical text is always dangerous. Sometimes what
we believe may not come true. This does not make God's word ineffective. It shows that the
transcendent word of God should not be equated exactly with verse taken randomly. We have
to accept the reality of sad and disappointment as from god's hand as Job said rather than
feeling worried. God is also worried on death that happens due to accidents and they are not
God's will but by human errors. We should reject the idea of Karma and predestination in the
name of God’s will. God is always with the people who suffer and this is the essence in the
meaning of cross. God is with all who work to establish peace and justice in the society.

Interpreting the bible requires utmost care and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our God
is the God of love. God never rejects anyone and cares for all the people of the earth. God
wants the world to enjoy happiness and peace amidst the conflicts. This should be the key
idea of our preaching. Taking the exact text or developing ideas that seems pleasant must be
avoided. The rejection of the differently able as sinners must be avoided. This is well said
here through the example of Moses. They must be given hope to live and to face difficulties.
Accepting them in our community and encouraging them would really make them happy and
would help them overcome their fears and defects. Could we really make a move forward to
establish a peaceful environment and in accepting the marginalized and differently able?

The chapter six answers the question how God speaks through the conflicting
stories. God is not confined to one place. God of all could be worshipped everywhere as God
is present everywhere. But, today taking the Solomon’s temple as an inspiration huge and big
cathedral are built spending enormous money. These churches have no concern on poor and
marginalized and have also prevented humanitarian acts of healing. The temple had become a
place of exclusion of people and hindrance rather than helping to bear witness to God, Christ
and Gospel.

This chapter questions the practicality and our social responsibility. Having
beautiful big church buildings but rejecting the community is meaningless for Christian life
and humanity. Religion is a part of community. The spiritual life and community life are very
much inter-connected with each other. Without our society we cannot exist. We must always
remember that we live in a pluralistic society. Hence we must support each other and learn to
be co-operative with others. There must be neither exclusion nor rejection of anyone in

The chapter seven tells about the miracle stories in the New Testament. Miracles
saved the people and were considered as signs. It happened incidentally or to people who
came on their own. Jesus appreciated their faith and rarely took the credit. They are acts of
power, gifts of spirit and not some super human powers. Jesus gave deliverance to the people
from unjust and corrupt ways but today there is compromise with these things. God is not
worried about the ritual purity or the circumcision rights but is concerned on inward purity
and good intentions. Jesus is greater than Moses and David. He remarked that the temple is
the prayer house for all.

God knows our need better than ourselves. Miracles are the acts of power. All of us
expect miracles to happen in our life. When looking at the role of miracles in Jesus ministry,
it is always astonishing. Miracles were not always the key point in the ministry of Jesus. He
never advertised nor focused only on this. They happened only at special situations
appreciating the people’s faith. We the followers of Christ have to think whether we do and
follow the same acts of Christ? There is a huge difference and changes that has taken place in
today’s ministry. God accepted and invited all in the temple and while doing miracles. Do we
accept all in our Christian community or join hands to welcome the corrupt and biased
situations in our church? must be thought.

The chapter eight answers the question of what is the shape of Christian hope.
Globalization and liberalization has led to the increase in the gap between rich and poor.
Being baptized Christians alone will not take us into heaven. Jesus cared for women and
marginalized. Humankind is to be redeemed from selfishness and self centeredness. God’s
plan is to create a new humanity which reflects God’s own nature of self giving love and
includes all. The new humanity will become a reality only through our co-operation with
God. We should have concern over others rather than being concerned more about our own
self and church. But, today the reality is opposite to the Bible.

The Bible though has human errors stands as giving hope in our life. The Bible
accepts all and has the gospel for everyone. The care and concern of Jesus towards women
and marginalized are well explained through examples. But, today is this the reality is the
question put forth before us. There are many who are suppressed in our country. There are
Dalit, Migrants, Tribal, Differently able, Women, Transgender who struggle every day for
their livelihood. Our concern and thought should be to reflect how God would reflect in these
situations. We should live as an inclusion community accepting all. This chapter makes it
very clear that only when we accept all and bring hope to all a new humanity will be formed.
Hence, we should have a good working system and thought to bring this new humanity.


A proper approach of the Bible is fundamental for our life. Bible is the God's word
but God depends on human process to communicate with us. God did not override the human
limitations. We should live as open books and should be honest of our weakness. We have
the freedom to interpret the Bible. It should be done as led by the Holy Spirit and not for our
own selfish interest. We must be concerned with the present relevance of the text. On the
conflicting stories we must use the historical consequence to judge which of the two sides
will be the true testimony of God. Accepting all, loving all as Jesus did will bring a new
humanity and would help us enjoy peace and happiness in the earth. The aim of the book to
provide a basic understanding in reading the Bible is well achieved. The continuity of the
chapters and the answers for the questions are to the point with good illustrations and
examples. The book is very well recommended for theological students and preachers.

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